HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-14, Page 3TO PREVENT A NERVOUS 13REAKD0W Take Dr. Williaru°' Pink Pills When the First Symptoms are Noticed Incl Save i ourself Much Suffering Are you trent :.,d with pallor, kss of spirits, WIV(- t; heal phssingover the Lolly, shortness of breath after slight exertion, a I,c•.ulier skipping of the heart beat, poor digestion, cold hands er feet. or it feeling of weight and tut- ne>,,e.' lee not make the rmstat:e of thinning that (hese ure diseases in lhcrneetvea and Lc outlet -led with relief Ser the time being. This is the way that the nerves give warning that they are breaking down. 11 miens that the blood has townie Impure and thin and cannot carry enough nouriehment le the nerves to keep there healthy and able to do their work. There is only one way to prevent the final breakdown of the neves and the more serious diseases which follow. The blood mint be made rich, rets and Imre, and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this promptly and etfe.Iively. Every dose c1 this medicine helps make new blood and strengthens the weak cf worn-out nerves. Mrs. David J. Tapley, Frrdericten. N II., was cured by Dr. \Villiains' Pink Pills after suffering from nervous breakdown, which resulted in partial paralysis of the face. She says: "The trouble came on quite gradually, and el the outset 1 did not pay much at- tention to it. Then it grew more seri- ous. and there was a general break - dc•% -n of the nerves, which was follow - cd by partial paralysis of the face, one side being completely drawn out of fthnpe. 1 was under a doctor's care for a couple of months. and one treat - inert after another was Tried without benefit. By this time 1 was confined to my room. and the doctor told ale he could not cure me. Almost in despair 1 was persuaded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Piles. Tho improvement was Blow, but the building up of a run down nervous system naturally Ls slow. Skin -1y hit surely this medicine di r its work, and after a time i was able to again come down stairs. From that on the Improvement was much more rapid and now i am ne well as ever I was in my life. My friends look upon niy cure as almost miraculous. Dr Williams' Pink Piils did for me what the Lest medical treatment failed to do—they brought me back good health." It is the blood building. nerve restor- ing power in Dr. \Villinms Pink Pills that enable them to curd such troubles ns anaemia, rheumatism, the after et feces of in grippe, indigestion, neural - pia. St. Vitus entice. partial paralysis and the secret ailments of girlhood and womanhood. Sold by all medicine deal- ers or by mail nt 50e. a box or six Loxes for e'.50 from The Dr. Williams' Atelicine (4. Broc•I:v:11e, Ont. 11O\\' KINK-KIi.LERS ARE KILLED. LOST FOR IHAIF CENTURY /'he Dreadful Fare IVItich Some of Them Underpin These amongst the assassins of the late King of i'vrtugnl and his son who fell victims to the sabres and bullets of thp so!d:ery and ponce were lucky. For even ul lheee hurnmanitar[an days the let of the regicides, when caught, is not usually a very enviable one. To 1..e hanged is the bast he can expect. I'crpetuai so:itary uupraonment is a far mon: dreadful fate. It drove Bresci, the an.nssin o f King Humbert of Italy, to suelite; iitd it has transformed Luc - ch ni, who nlurdlered the Empress of Arbtru►, into a hopcle s Imbecile. Amd.ngsl the pietkrs impLcalef In the murder of the kale Shah of Perste, ow was tortured to death in prison. elide another was incased in vel plas- ti eel-pnris, which, on selling, slowiy (reseed the life oil of him. Three of the ilssueins of u previous Sttah were tleried neve fn huge copper cauldrons. So late as the year 1831, the twc Atnvr.,m chaelis, who slew Count Cape d been, the first pre>b'vlt of Greece, were immured with close brick waits, l t round thein up to their chins. o'..i •upptic.l with sailed f•1od (but no 411.n .) int l they diet. Demean who attempted the life of H ng Louis XV.. was first barbarously to•rjIured. and then torn to pk-d'ees ln• ' T'l hnr>es. 'um awful punLshnienl - ptrl'licly carried out In ale of the pr.Il ipal squares cf Paris no longer ago than \larch 28th, 17:,7. Itavailac, vdho a-..asseinfe•l Henry IV. of France, sufiere 1 a simile' fate. The murder ofSeim' 111. of Turkey Wna publicly intpatcvl. lingering five and a halt daye in dreadful torment. These who del to death his irnnlettinte si►e- ecestor, Muaaphn 1\'.. were torture,t ene starve) on alternate days, and de - 1 • .• 1 of skrp by night, man death ( oao to their ceche(. table i n '.•.w doesn't make a sum- mer. 'Ttirits what the weather man is for. o ou would sin up a man correctly to what he says abut his neigh t1.--!.1. sI NI IN s:1: I0II FOR SIR lulIN IIt•NKLIN. elraiete Story' of the Invesligatur -- she Ilas Been Fi)uud and is Seaworthy. A story of tho greatest interest, is toki by The 1.on(kett Daily 'I'ek•grauh concerning the reappearance of the long -lost 11. M. S. Investigator. "In the aultunn of 1851 her Maje.ty's slip In- vestigator was frozen in the Ice in 'The Pay of Gods, Mercy,' in 1110 far north, white endeavoring to tied traces of Sir John Franklin and his courageous com- panions," says The Telegraph. "Now all the memories of those anxious, he- rcic tines have Leen onco more revived to the report that whalers have found tic abandoned :ship, and hope it !toy be gossiblo 10 free iter trema the ice - grip after the lapse of fifty-six years. Our New York correspondent Bas sug- gested that the old inanot-war may even be sufficiently sound to be navigate el across the Atlantic to her pfd home country. PACKED IN THE FROZEN NORTH. "Packed away In the frozen north, she has been practically in a refriger- ator, maintaining her youth and the stout heart of iter venerable tituters, while in less frigid zones the world has been getting older and older: snits have been superseded by steam; wood has been replaced by steel; the old salt of Captain Marrynfs novels has had to make way for the modern sailor -me- chanic. In the lore of the sea every- thing has changed since her Majesty's ship Investigator began her long rest in the ice. If sho is really renscued she will be the Rip an ;ill necdkle of bo the world's fleets. fitted, of course, at sorno Canadian or other British pert on the other side •:f the Atlantic. end then, under anal, with the White Ensign end the Union Jack battling with the breeze, she should make her furrow onco more across the water to her long -lost home. "Practically all who sailed in her have gone, though Admiral Sir \'esey Hamilton, who was the mate of the companion ship Assistance, is still alive to tell the story of the struggle with ler• elements over fifty years ago. The Investigator was coin handed by one of the heroes of Arctic exploration — the tette Vice -Admiral Sir iiobert John Le L\fesurier McClure, who was born at Wexford fifteen months after the bat- t:e of Trafalgar. IN SEARCH OF FRANKLIN. "in 1848 he was offered and accept- ed on appointment as first lieutenant in her Majesty's ship Investigator — the Dip Van Winkle of the British fleet. She had been purchased from the merchant service, and was about te leave England to make the first of many efforts to pierce the veil which hid from Ova world's view all traces of Sir John Franklin and his conlpan- tens. England at the moment was in a fever of nervous excitement; all eyes were on the pathetic but courageous figure of Lady Franklin, heping against heel° and prepared to risk her all on the faint chance of rescuing her hus- band and his daring party from death, ar at least finding some traces of thein. Sir James Clark Ross was the captain of her .\lujestyi, ship investigator. Th;s Meer, his first ieutenant and Admiral Si- Leopold McClintock. one of his most daring assistants, have all passed away. The investigator, in company with tho Enterprise, went out Uy way et Lancaster Sound. and wintered al Leopold Islond, iear the northenst peint of North Devon. The two ships mode a fruitless search. and in the fol- lowing year came ba^.k. t.AST VOYAGE TO THE soirfni. en ttte scene by chance. Ile had come tierces from the Resolute, which by this time lead got into Melville Soulttt. M. Cture found all his doubts come to Lte once mote. [lis holes were cen- tred on wailing to save the Investiga- tor, and be thought of getting stores keen time Resolute, and seeing tl:e in- cident out to a IinLsh. Before coming to a final decision, he went across to the Institute, where he conferred with Captain Kellett. By this time the ill- ness among his men had increased, and he had no alternative but to leave tie Investigator 10 her tate, and eon- vey its men across the ice to the Ite- s.,lule. "Etrus it came about that the Invest'. gator wns left in the ice pack, while her captain and crew took passage in the. Resolute. They were afterwards transferred to the North Star, and reached England on September 28, 1851, after an obscure of four years and tight months. It was an eventful voy- age, and now the home -coating of the Investigator, after half a century, will prove an appropriate sequel to the dis- covery of the Northwest Passage." t• CHILD'S SEVERE BURNS. "By this time the Government and the whole nation were in a condition of reckless deterniination to solve the mystery; it had to be solved. flans ro.• a renewed effort were immediately nettled. ('oplatn Collinson was given the commatul, with the Enterprise as the senior oMcer's Ship, and McClure. who had shown himself well fitted for the go -t by his resourcefulness and en- ergy, wns given the command of the eurnpanlon vessel, the old Investigator. The expcdltirm also included tite As- si'tance, in which Admiral Hnntilton served, and the Itesululc; but the lat- ter• ships hail a more or less indepen- dent comnlissktn, under Captain Aus- tin; they were to search the Barrow Strait. Our concern is with McClure, and the Invest graler and Enterprise. The vessels sailed from Plymouth on January 20. 1850. and since that event- ful day no one in England has cast eyes on the former little man-of-war— she Is only of 500 or G00 tons displace- ment. Ilealed by Zain-Ituk. The little girl of Mrs. Lewis Best of Carlisle P. O., recently fell against the stove and burned her forehead very badly. Mrs. Best says:— "'1'1►e burn was about the size of a fifty cent piece and was near the bone. It made my little girl's eye swell till it almost shut, and then she get coke in it. It began to run matter very badly, and 1 could not stop it, although I bathed it good every night and morning. At last 1 sent for some Zam-Buk which soon stopped the malteration and very quick- ly healed the wound. I have never seen a burn heal so quickly, and I am sure 'Lam-Fluk has 110 equal for curing cuLs, cr burns.' Every home needs Zam-Birk! All dis- eases of the skin quickly yields to it. All druggists and stores 50 cents a box. ------o'- CURE OF TUBERCULOSIS. LOSIS. Experiments Demonstrate the Value of !Mercury. That mercury can be %teed us an ef- fective weapon against the ravages of tuberculosis is asserted by Naval Sur- geon Barton Lisle Wright in the last issue of the United States Naval Bul- kin. Administened by deep muscular injec- tions, njecttions, the mercurial treatment under- taken by Dr. Wright has thus far been SJ succe sful that general attention has Leen directed to the results, and Medical inspector C. T. 11:1.1crt, with other authorities, is convinced that scenn^e should look more deeply into the value of mercury as a specific for tate dreaded disease. Dr. Wright first observed the effects el mercury on tubercular patients in the spring of 1905. during the latter part of his tour of duty at the United State's Naval Hospital, Pensacola, Fla., where the Bureau of Medicine and Sur- gery had established a temporary camp fo • the treatment of fubercnksic. Ile hnd under his care pat a nl.s infected with tiro disease and found that the putmonary lesions of these patients im- proved rnpilly under the influence of mercury. He wes at the same time administering other remedies, but It be- came evident to him that the mercury was the agent most effective in oom- l:ating tlto disease. Last September, Dr. Wright had an opportunity to again pracLso the treat- ment in California. The first results there were not satisfactory. but when the quantities of mercury injected were Increased immediate and decided im- provement look place. Several practically hopeless cases have been given the treatment, and is is asserted. steady linprovement. with kinin of strength and %eight, ha sre- sultel. RAY OF GOD'S MERCY. "Ultimately the Invrst'gator was fore- eA into what proved 10 be haH a cen- tu:rye's banishment in an inlet on the northern shore of Banks' Land. Mc- Clure had been so buffeted clout that he accepted Ws fate with some amount f sn1i-{action. became his let migt t have been worsen. in the feeling of re- lief be named the inlet 'the Bay of Gods Mercy.' and there the Investigator has la:n. abeolut•'ly fr,zen up, undergoing a proves of refrigerateet for upwards of half a century. "Frun Septernner. 18'.1. until the fol• keying stnnmcr the frezen-up ship was McClure's headquarters. At last the equation began to assuin' a grave af- pect. Food was running short. and the crew were suffering in m illness. • q 'Here was no prospect of rekef. Me- nevi ofortvh:,g.`Itt1II1( eedlne`i t% carndl e soy 1 lure at length decidert that he hod Bile. Ia s t.: ;/ ::►y, er men. relundeet tine. leg ne ceurao but to abandon the little BABY'S TEETHING TIME ISA TWOUS TIME \Vhen lel y Le tcrt!,ing the whole tsusehold is upset. The tender IItt'' gunge aro Inflamed and swollen, the 14 -or little chikl surfers and often cries day rind night, wearing the mother out tend keeping the rest of the foinily on edge. 111 the ix>mes where nail's Own 'l'alileis are 1114v1 there is no such wor- ry The Tablets allay the inflamma- tion. sloth the irritation and bring the teeth Through painlessly. elks. S. Wil - holes, sI. Jrseeh, Ont., says: "My first baby suffered terribly when cutting her teeth and the doctor could do nothing fo her. I got a enx of Baby's Own Triblets and they did iter so much g .s. 1 that 1 ('annul say enough in thea favor. You umly 10 sure That 1 always keep 11tc .cat is'ls in the hens: now." Sold b•• rill nledt:gine dealers or' by mall at 2Se. ie.- 1. x from The Or. William.,-. Mid . ,are e .. Brockville, Ont. AN 11Ei111.00M. Father "New, wlull dad the leachc-r say when you showed hien the trans- lation I te- l.tl you well Last night?' Son—"Ife nd.d that 1 was getting more and mvre stupid cee: y day.' WANTED Our readers te note that tlt9 celebrated French remedy, PANGO, which has been and is sold under a guarantor --that In cases where the outward apptieribon, as directed, fails to relieve pain, moneys paid will be refunded—still stands. In no case, not- with•tandting the large ane increasing sale, lies a refund been aekcd for. Recommended for neuralg:a, headache, rh('urnulstn, gout, catarrhal colds, stiff joints, etc. Ask your druggist for a sample and do not accept a substitute. You will bo pleased with it. Price 25 rn l 50 cents. The Panao Company, Toronto or wholesale Lyman. Knox & Clarkson, Limited, Totontee Lyman Bros. & Co., ltlu<ttreal4 Toronto. T() CURE A CO1.D iN ONE DAY Take LAXkilt' it RIO MO quinine Tablet,. THE Qui BEC TERCENTENARY z'xH1 Druggists refund monoy If it fails to cure. IC W. signature s o : c oz. ORO KSi nee bb s� PETERBOROUGH • UN%'An:). `he young po •pie's pryer of Canada, fasued a apodal goalies number o1 b Quarto pages s - f D1NISII GIRL (.OT CARDS. Australian School Girls All Claimed 'title of Cleverest. A Danish girl, liv.ng in her• fathers horse in Denmark, having probably h'i'd something about Sydney, 'u- slralia, and anxious km add to her eel- '.rt'on of postcard views from Atlstrae tet upon a plan, the secceee or which will probably astnni.h her. Hav- ing selected a card with a very pretty rural sine of the home in which she Iited, the little mniden addressed the caret in English. ' To the cleverest girl Ir the biggest school in Sydney, and would she please send a cent in re- turn?'' 'fho card was delivered by the postman b, the; girls' high schx1 'n Elizabeth street. The pupils. numbering vane 5ern, are going to forward each n. Pard to their unknown Danish Irieni. She will, therefore, receive 500 poet - cants. Constable— "Dont cry, little boy; III farticle%oathe founding, 6 legos a ud cangnee lake you home?' Little Very—"I'hank1, r'i Quebe, s4 entravings. •t.o0 per hundred; I •1 9'' mail ... . aid ,end for sample. Mr. Policemen. And would you mind w1 pultin' handcuffs on me so's peopl'll think lin really arrested " iT(:J1, Mange, Praline Scratches end every form of contagious itch in ht.man or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol• (era's Sanilary Lotion. 11 never fails. Sold by all druggists. Signal% of Danger.--Ilavo you lest your appetite? have you a coated kelpie? Have )c.lI an tmpkosant taste it the mouth? Don's your head ache and have you dizziness? 1f so. your stomach is out of order and you need nxs•ticine. But you do not like medi- cine. Ile that prefers sickness to me- dicine tams? suffer. but under the cir- cumstances the wino man would pro- cure a lox of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills and speedily get himself in health. and strive to keep so. SAME TI(ING. "%Allem did you say she was going to marry?' "A Hungarian count." "Oh. 1 thought you sai,1 hungry' pn.Ps rI'nE,D IN 6 TO i1 DAYI. vessel to her fate, and seek safety for h'rnself and be comeaflcns, it such were to be found anywhere in these si- lent wilds. THE CREW RESCUED. "Ile had come to this eletertr tnatk ft The one thing that Is never loo big fear '1 man to carry is his good opinion (,( himself. The friends that wealth makes are as the quicksands, but the friends of pover- ty are like the fixed slats 111 heaven. There is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator for de- stroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. "Bligg'ns Is always telFng something smart that his baby said." "Yes." an- swered the crusty bachelor; "if that baby knew hots its father is ncting it would be sorry it ever learned to talk.' Hc► --"Gus', aur marringe isn't a me -nese?" She—"\Vell, we can divide the presents." The real w•erk of life. !anent as we wtl!. cemplatn as we may. mullet be dine nct upon the mountains, but in %ben Lieutenant Deslkrd Pan appeared the valkya. I.LIAr1 BRIOOS, Publisher, - Toronto. WANTED"4 W hear from owner having A GOOD FARM fur sale. Not particular about Ir.ration- Please rive price and description, and rea- son fir sailing. ',tyle when pes,ession can he had. %VIII deal with owners only. 1 Darbysbtre, Boz 111, Roche+ter, V. Y. FINANCIAL DEPRESSION. Sam—"What am dal deep depression in yo head. Pete?" Pete ---"Dat am wheh Lucy hit me a .1 de rolling pin when Ah asked fob 50 cents ob her wash money." Slim—"Iluh! One ob dew heap lin uncial depressions, eh?' • The Most Popular Pill.—Tate pill i' the most popular of all forms of medi- cine, and of trills the most popular are eParrelce's \'ej e'abte ('ills, Lecause they do what it Ls asserted they can do, DO NOT ALLOW yourself to become alarmed end are not put forward on any Heti- because you have b..tt your appetite and aro 1..,inryi 110117 Claims to excellence. They aro seen but cnrumonce inking l ..rr..riut " the bexf compact and portable, they are easily' tepee. It win build you up quickly taken, they do not nauseate nor gripe, and they give relief in the most stub- born cine. "nut, why do you call your horse Nails?' asked \bias Rosebud. "Because no woman can drive him,' said the Betel whip, proudly. --- Holloway's Corn Cure is the medicine lc remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the smell bon o[ lwenty- live cents. 11 a man hasn t any enemies it's his own fault. a seldom dresses woman . setom 1 secs to sort her husband unless she pays the bit's. SEWING MACHINE BtttGtI\S. teal ones at Hinder stores. tiny here and deal with the manufacturers. The .Inger Company b permtnent and resp,mible; its representalire% are always at band to care for Sln:er, aril Wheeler & Wilson machines. Look for the Re.! 1t. Any lady hating used any Bike of searing mere/tine for 6 years or more write Ringer Sewing Machine Co., [fanning Chambers. Toronto, for beautiful art of fen sourenfr rieu-s of Ontario. Free for asking. S,rne women have such good memor- ies they can recall the names of all the hued girts they ever had. The rending of blue -books Is one of the few diversbins which conscientious members of Parliament perlI1 1 them- tselves. It Lays n Stilling, Hand on Pain. - 1'.r pains in the joints rind limbs and ter rheumatic pains, neurnlgia and lumbago. Dr. Thomas' Ecleclric Oil is without n peer. Well rubbed in, the skin alsorler it end it quickly and per- manently relieves the affected part. lis value hes in its magic property of -.- moving pain Irnm the body, and for that good quality it is prized. Some men get stage freight In their knees every time they see a polf•_enlan. A w(,man long as she Ing. caret net who listens so is permitted to do the talk - The little "yelktw bird" of \eereh Arnett - America In the Arctic regions, a distance of 3,800 miles. It is necessary to piece some men le'hind the bars in nrder to induce them to live the simple life. 1t takes a clever photegrnpher to produce a speaking likeness of a dumb person. Allhough she may not get much cre- dit, the wonlnn behind the broom rais- es a lot cf .ist. D O DD D'S r I' . K DN EY %'• �O-PILI.5�-SSS KIDNEYS e': y�414 GN4 MJ!Is�/'C(t 046 4'11 A rs E T s �ri {yes t , o('f11 ns(.Lsld M TNU i,SL,S NO. i11—I8. ' A YOUNG DIPLOMAT. "Your mother tells Inc you've been naughty again today. When 1 wan a toy 1 was whipped bared every time 1 was bad." "But you father as 1 have." hadn't as good or wise a WHAT CAUSES MADAME. I'yom n, t •t .r to May. ('olds are the mad fre- quent r,n:• of Iles.fachs. TAXA 11VI, Itlt IbfO QUININK remotesC.lu,e. K. W.Arove on bo: Ybe CANOE CO. Ltd.., 1f you want We l inti thorn all and can sup- e 1 ply • i.atina, Canoe, � complete orttoll Skiff Or only, and you can Instal your launch for the Summer write us. own motor. When you buy a Can BIOS or LaunLaunchsee that It bears the stamp of Ms have the largest Banos and skit Factory In Canada. The Peterborough Canon Co'ye A. J. PATT i SON & COMPANY BANKERS AND FINANCIAL AGENTS 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO 11 NONE M 1311 Stocks bought and sold on New York, Boston, Montreal and Toronto Stock Exchanges 'or cash or margin. Orders for Cobalt Stocks execut- ed .01) '1'cg•on10 Alijhinp Ex- change or .Btr.,ton and New York curb for card,. PIti\'ATE 1\ IR S. Correspondents --Chas. Head & Co., members of the New York and llostd.ti 5'o_k Exchange. Acquaintance—"You say you have FREE Bo0K four boys and have named them all , \\ i:lie. Why was that?' Father—"Becneee vv he n we call 'ee Ire at least one of them slows up." SAFE \II•::1s1 lel:. 11 Ls astonishing to find how far icor gallons ret Itnfnsny's Paints `;'. el fe make a house look fresh and Kverylody should see tho fine cLi.:• ci.rits with suggestions for painting an.; lite stock carried by your dealer. Write A. Ramsay & Son Co., Montrcnl. for pock of Souvenir Picture Post Curds of Homes. • TO BE EXPECTED. Smell Elmer wits deeply interested In an illustrated book of nnatcamy. "Mamma," he sn;d, feinting to one of the colored plates. "this :hews where u ntnns liver is; but where's Ills ha- oo n A SKIN THAT nrrlNS with eeseme and 14 0.10101 with eruptions that discharge a thin tinid, may be nude smooth and sightly with Wea,er's ('orate. Kut this external remedy should lie used in conjunction with Wearers Syrup. FEARFUL. "Is your w'fe superstit.ous?" "I think so. There Incrthirteen hut - Ifni off my cletiles, and i can't bel her to sew them one' ‘'cry many persons die annually from cholera and kindred slimmer com- plaints. who rnlght have been saved if proer remedies had teen used. If tin tricked do not delay In getting a bottle of Dr. J. I). Kelloggs Dysentery cor- dtnh the medseine that never fails to effect it cure. Those who have used it say it nets pr tnptly, and thoroughly Subdues the lain and dserve. t SLICING CP MONS? I it 1►I t V(t\D'. Famous Gems line Brent f:ir;irly Be. 'lured In Site. It is In be tiered that in the case , f the glcal Cell,nan diamemd, new td cut for tt,e King nt Amstertlam, U. •' mny Le No repetition of the blunde: which has o actimts''y r(•tu'nt t::, vaine of that otlr-r British Royal gem. the w•orld•fanneus Koh -!•rte- or, This latter, which %•a.% or:g:rn known es the Great \lege. %eigtn.d is its rough elate ne -r:y 800 carats. HOW THE BANK WAS SAVED" Tell, hew at .r.g r ..:n saved the Lank by a wise liivcstment. Every stock buyer and inve=tor should mad this book. Not tele sale. Sent free on request. Your name on a postal will bring Wile to-dav n W CAMAY 371 Railway Exchange bidg , acnve►, 0010. FREE Fred u. Tout name on, an,tiyq (r.r 12 l la -r c1 Jewelry to sell et I Oc.ots ea. 1 when cold r.n 1 ur the A1.p0 and tte wilt .end 7 •1 thew. Two) 8.,1.1P (0111 id WIIrurt700w..t,the teweirrandwl:len! 11 s11 Batted paid. Fend tit tour tains and 'Waren/120W. STAR Mr'O. CO , •� "') It.,TYC71CLUUCt Y.1.,1:1 B.L, The diamond was again cut, by order of Queen nectorin, in 1852. en operation evh:ch resulted in Its weight Long still bather reduced, the Lite to 102% car- at-. In other wonls, nearly .even' e:girths of the a retinal stone has been ground and biked away. In order to odd to the symmetry and appearunco of the remaining one e.ghth. Nor is the K„h-i-neor the only fem- 0115 gem to have teen thus nutte:ti't. Jrndeert, there recurs to be a peculiar fatality nttnch.ng to Bre cutting and p olish:fig of big drnrnonds. Thum, the magn 11 ent Star of the &.uth. a pure white Br„zJian seine of the fleet water. disoewered in 1855, w(•'ghed orig Baily 255 carats. exactly Lai of which was 1 ,t through clumsy cutting. The beautiful Rnj:th of Malian diamond was reduced fro:n 787 carats In 367, the flit or Itegent dillnld net from .Inn to 136, and the Tavernier from 243 68. (laving regard to these Rgures, it would scene as if eIICCesSive kings of (1'(•rtupol have been well advised in rr- It:sing to have cut their huge Rrnganza diamond, 'high we:gh> 1.6si) carats ant: has teen Valu d ut S:".K),000,600. Shiloh Cure enh('n, howe'ver. it came. Into the ries- Cures �CS31„n G Shit uta. �. by that nionarch to err. Ilortensio Bor-1 Coughs ghees', a \'cnedlan lapidary. to be cut. , ':rt-skiNnliy wns the operation per-) : that the huge diamond was re• . ...i to a mere fragment, weighing; and • • len carats. Jehnn was so enraged 11,at Lo not only refu of kt pay the to ()Lich 1 Y Iry u so 1 l� A Of Sh h Jet t 't as entrusted Use Shihh's Curt S!or the worst cold, the sharpest cough —try It on aguar- antee of your mciley back if it doesn't actually CURE qutekcr than anything you ever tried. Sale to take.—nothing is it to hurt even a baby. 31 years of success commend Shiloh's Cur•--- g6c., 60c.. til . iU Colds !Mary, , b t heal fined him onethou wed ruptoa.