HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-07, Page 71 " Why I Recommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." The Particulars of a Remarkable Cure Told by a Presbyterian Clergyman ---The Sufferer Brought Backfrom Death's boor. St. Andrews Manse. Cardigan, 1'.1:.1., Jan. 1908. Though 1 have never been slat my• p 1J, ::r•I 1:.:..• tee had occa'ien to use 111 ! ,en 1',31s. 1 thought you �h+� '•' • 1 the reline kable euro the) ,,Ohl in Mr. Olding•s ,hit, le my home 111 etcri- `i 1,, -': N. S., Rton.e years ago, I was g1,c:,•e1 k, reel our next door neighbor aril friend, Michael Oelillg, very low. "lie is enol expected to live," my mother tnfr:rmed one. "And you must go over end see hitt as he is liable to pass away at ony moment." "Not expected to live," that was the opinion not only of the dootor who attended hint, but of hle wife and family as well. Upon vbt.iting hien myself I found abundant evidence to confirm their opinion. Mr. f)iding had for years been afflict- ed web asthma and bronchitis, but now a complication r,f diseases was ravish - Ing his system. Ile had been confined te his bed for months and was reduced la, u bdcoleton. Though evidently glad to see me, tie conversed with the great- '. I difflcully. and Permed to realize That 4t was the leginning of the end. Ile was daily growing weaker; his feet were swollen 10 twice (heir natural size, and ttk• cold hand of death was upon his %brow. "It's no use,' he said feebly, "the doctors medicine 1s not helpingnle arid 1 urn going down rapidly? !prayed with him as for a man soon to pass in- to eternity. and when I took his hand In pnrting it was the last time 1 expect- ed to see him in the flesh. Three years later whi'e on another 'visit to my metht'r's Michael Olding was seemingly in better health than I had ever seen him, for, as 1 said, he had alums been ailing. In sheer des. ['crone!' he had asked his wife to get hire Dr. Williams' !'ink :'ills. 'l'hry s.'un began to help him. His apt:etlia and strength began to improve, and to the astonishment of the fancily and friends he rapidly regnin4.1 his health. Ne -w, hough the burden (.f well nigh four score years is upon lent, he is able t , do a fair day's work. and is in the enjoyment of good health. even the as- thma has ceased to trouble huu as in former years. \Ir. Olding himself, as well as his neighbors and the writer of this !(Iter, confidently believe that his r' coo from the very jaws of death ---seemingly .so miry"ulous-is due under the bies,ing of (.:(rd to the timely and continuous use of Dr. Williams Pink fills. ' REV. EDWIN S\11.1.11, M.A. Mr. Olding himself writes:- "I am glad Rev. \ir. Smith has written you about my wonderful cur, for I confi- dently I..•:ove that if it had not been fc.r Dr. Williams' 1'ulk flits I would Hate been dead long ago. It would be irnpossible to exaggerate the desperate c'•ndituln I was in when l began to use the Pills. No one thought 1 could get better. 1 scarcely dared hope myself that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills would bring me through. but they did and I t.ave ever since enjoyed good health. Though 1 am seventy-nine years old people are always remarking on how young 1 look -and 1 feel young. i can dr a fair day's work, and 1 am better in every way than 1 had been for years. I connot say too much in .praise of Dr. Williams' Pink !'ills and 1 take every opportunity I can to recommend them to friends %veto are ailing.' TiHE TILtIN Dl: LUXE OF CANADA. The "International Limited,' the pre- mier train of Canada, is indorsed by everybody who has ever had the experi- core of riding on it. 1l leaves \lontrcal at 9.00 a.m. everyday In the year. ar- riving at Toronto al 4.30 p.m... Hnrn- llton 5.30 p.m., London 7.48 p.rn., De- troit 10.00 p.m., and Chicago 7.42 a.m., fell •wllg morning. It is a solid vesti- t•ulo train -modern equipment through- out - with Puihnan sleeping cars through to Chicago, else Cafe Parlor and letrary car service. Have the ex- eerienoe en your nett trip west. JUST A WORD. Tito condor, it is said, can fast 40 days. The Dutch are the greatest of all ccffee- • driikcr•r. A little w* is put into certain forms of puff paste. Philadelphia has the longest streets of any city in the world. in Morocco the law obliges you to ilp the policemnn who arrests you. When crews wheel and chimer in great groups. it is a sure sign of n storm. Man's temperat.re is 98.0 degrees; a snout's Ls 7C degrcets, a chi• ken's 111., Lady Duff Cordon used to have for a est a pale green snake. The Tartars have the strongest, the fbinese the weakest voices, of all na- Rens, t r 1 Little flclglum has 1.360 miles of well. Tnnnnged cantle and w1itersays. Nearly e11 arc owned by the State. QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE IL Gives Perfect Light. 1' FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE. WANTED 1. roar fr•',n earner haring A GOOD FARM for rale Net parIlen v %tient 1. ration Th•%s• pre. and 4•. ,Irtt •a. ant rsa• sen for e•,:sig Stotts .les p.' iron ran he had Niit.1e,1 with owner co!7 1_ I) ;t, Dlr• 11..1 Asa. Rcct:est•r. "1 T. a NJbt E NO. 1a --N. Whenever Ramsay:s Paints areapplied to any house in town, that house im- mediately conies into prominence for style and beauty. These paints are sokI ' y your dealer, and his price is just right for good honest paint,. Ask to pec Color Card, \\'rite A. Itansnv k .Son Co., Montreal for pack of Sou- venir Picture Post Cards of Hones. The new Imperial Gazette of iiken has the following Interesting item of natural history: 'Tho buftn'n differs Thorn tate cow in giving a milk whet Is rieher ip butler fat, in voice and in having no hump.' • BII.SON'S REVENGE.. Batson, who is a vct-y stout than, was yenning to catch a (ruin the other day %hen his friend Jones called out:- "Ileltoa, b.!son! In a hurry? Going tc,Inct\ herr'?" Needing his breath for other purpoees WHEN Ittnl:t itl_' CHANCE CAME. I Ile Itrlurn• d I 't r I:,• n e Party, Bringing 11,, ..I";r► r, \\.Ili 11.111. : ! e I1• i Eked 4, pr... r.t''d hs lt:• .. tt • .. .. ..:: ge :.t. cl stet: li the Ili:eon made no roily, but lie determined 1;. the 1,1, ur.d' 1'4:4' ng atl!a il to take u terrible revenge. About one , o'clock next wonting he called Junes up b, 1: t _, \1:,, lt.'s first and has al - 0e the tcl(1)11one. Atter a deal of ring- .•t . had a large fr, tit areal in her til- ing a sleepy voice al the other cud of the fe' t o.e Ia , v..:. •, \Ir.,. R. tak•iuied wire lel() him Jones w1L5 there. Porte ;.,I It, let 1. and "That you, June?" queried ltilson, , 1e; 1 , ! ., .,., : ..i o to !, A. ;. f : 1 •, 1., 1:.,• !. h 1,:. N. ' '!i . I; , ! ! ...: . : ti . .' • and 1 .t . ;: an am rd ! \ 1:1 : ! I. 111u pipet), "What do you want, said Jones• "Eve been in ted these two bouts!' "1'1) Itifxen," went on 1110 011ier. "Re- member seeing me running this morning, ch? Yes? Well, 1 was g''iug soinewhere, and I was in a hurry! Geed night!" Then Itilson hung up the receiver, and got buck into bed a happy iron. When all other corn .pInpt lotions fail. tr•y Holloway (porn Cure. No pain whatever, and no lncenvenicnce in us- ing it. SLN'I EN(:E SERMONS. Character is never put on; it grows Orit. Spirituality Is a poor rcf,rge from morality. No man ever served lite who was afraid to die. Love always wins, because it is not afraid to lose. The divine law is but the language of divine love. All gnin and no pain e•ould make life a sad affair. The only people who count are those who can be counted on. Too many find their consciences in the conventions of others. The door of truth cannot be operwel u it11 the key of prejudice. Where the wage determines the work, the work is never worth it. The piety you put on before the mir- ror will not slake you a mirror of piety. Men will be honest with one another when they are honest with themselves. Failure is due not so !nue!' to mis- sing opportunities us to failure to make them. There is snmelh1ng wrong in a man when his religion is the poorest thing about him. Your mes:ago will go just as deep into the hearts of men as it has noels •n your own. Lots of people lose all hope of so• c:ely but for (heir periods of self-ap• predation. Wo ate alt apt to substitute candor with the (nulls of others for honesty with our own. The road through a difficulty may Le rougher, but it is always safer than the read sround it. When the church grafts on this wort 1 it is not strange it ceases to bear the hulls of another world. If the church had given as much at- te=ntion to her Lractfon power as the has In her track she would have brought many more passengers to the terminal. bcme�. .. ...r.. :, .. .. eipat oe. t_ Ir. a 12. r2' .y A ...sue. bre: 1:!.' 1: In 1i I1: r•::,i • 1. .. h r g.-lh r t.ith 11 large 1 ,!,.- 121ti. 11 !Lt• e:-ge r anise el Iris V.. e ,; IIg tech. r. The first ruptur.' i.f .1,- rptie.n hoed educe ly 1emn when NV,. 11. ic:ame' con.':4'uus 11 the 1; 1'. \\ try', 11' t•.•rl, w r,at s 1;:..^' "II :s for you. 1 t)tcuglrl 1t to you from the tat lye' \\Illi .ohne misgiving Mrs. 13. opened the bag. It contained a lurge orange, nuts, candy, grapes, cakes --in fact, a very rospec•tabio assortment of refresh- ments suited to the juvenile taste. Robert had supposed it was quite the usual thing to take little consoling :nems to the uninyitAd members of one'., 11.11:- ilt• and he had taken a generc•as de - !'ght in securing a truly noble colic.- lion for his mother. That lady faced the de able problem �. r.f explaining the situation to Roberts It sless and of presenting to Robert a c•rar reason why what was sauce for the goose. so to speak. was totally dif- f4 tent thing, for the gander. The ex- planation, which simmered down. of course, to a question of size or quan- tify. was far from being clear to Reb- er 1. who is kw in his mind and thinks he doesn't care for society after all. - e• MOTHERS FEEL SAFE WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS \tnth(r� 4, hr, hove a<(.! Rahy's Ow n Tablets say that they feel safe when they have this medicine in the house, as they are a never -failing cure for the IIki ef tabyhocxf and childhood. And the another hes the guarantee of a gov- er►unent analyst that this medicine con- luins no poisonous opiate. 1t is always safe. Good for the new born babe or well grown child. Mrs. Alfred Sud- den!, 1laldimand, Ont.. says: --"1 have used Baby's Own 'Tablets for constipn- ticn, vomiting and resI1eeeness, and have found them a splendid medicine. In my experience no other medicine can equal the 'tablets for little ones" Sold t•y medicine dealers er by mail at 25 cants a box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ZAM-BUK SAVED THIS MAN'S FINGER! Mr. William C. Edwards. Peter Street, Toronto (late steward Elks' Club), sustained a severe cut on the middle fi•)ger of the left hand. Blood poisoning ensued and the finger caused him excrutiating agony. He s ys: 'My hand was so swollen and painful that I had to carry it to a sling for some months 1 was under 11.t rare ,if a unit known doctor in Torino 1 r sutra' weeks. Tie wound got no boner, and one day lir said my filler 44 ,1d have to be taken oft. The p.un from the wound was terrible and was extending right up the urn.. 1 c,.nsuited another n,edie.l man and was treated by him for some weeks longer. ile then suggested that the finger be opened and the bone scraped. At this stage a friend a l%i,ed me to try some 7.am-fhuk which i did. 1 bathed the wound and applied iara•!)uk as directed. Neat morn rig the wound began to bleed. It was a healthy sign so i continued with the treatment, and in a weeks - time 1 was able to discard the bandage. A little more ACI pe•rserererce and lam lynk cured the 1uund completely." r� Zseat•N•k (Tares 4011, !•urn., cbatn',ee, i1.h ac -mess, ruani•g sores, rinse.. se. piles, bad legs, pe'r i.onsd^uwtsar.d aliakindiseases All .truerists and stores, Sur., or postpaid rustZa,n-Huh Cr., Tor IP ra 110 BO k- w •Ismizczazzaz !LUT THIS 01/1 and .un,l 4, the /am link ('n., 10,011,4 •ith rc sta.npsnd reeeire a sample ItES. Lo■ Many a man slaps his friends en the street to tell them how busy he is. 11'VAT ('11'SI:G III:1D,1CiIr. Trnm n• t•.her t • Mar eol41 are the to st ors• ,sing rants of livedt-he. LAXAi1V1: non MO Q't'I\ISK removes canna. R. W.(rurs on Due sae --- THAT OLD 'f111 1) FE! ' in this new time of the year, ill a-Lustle; I . ii..• • r. if you are wise, tee. , •,l and hustle. I I• r 1 ,, • • •• f• r every chance Is It. ,'1 dame peeling: e. 11 dun t find her lounging round With that old "tired feeling." A Japnncse Ls liable to military st r - vice at the age cf 17; but he Is not en- tered until he is 20, except in time of war. A fair excl./Inge is betkr than two of the tVier kind. 11 is an Officer of the Law of Health. SS hen called In to attend a disturbance t searrhes out the hiding-ploee of pain, int Tike a guardian ef lite peace. Lays n.lc open it and sny-c "1 arrest you.'' ! s.stan .o ;.s u.sck:w, as the law of r• .;th imposes a sentence of perpetual eritcluncnt on pain, and D:'. Themes' Er'.eclric 0.1 era eriginatcd to enfcree that r ntence, "1 suppose old C hr:nnn has more ',. or, '►inn he knew•s w hat to do with''' '1 • .. t .' his wife and daughters are - . -t 'y the needed information." • Ft'RROViM•' 11 A (:r'VTi.r7 STItt1L LAN r to lee •te „ar.), Itere•hy a..leng; digr.ti•n As a ton • for patients re,°string /torn fevers and all disras•a lowering the .,tatty ,t le Without a t a • al At 111 drug 11,41 gen- eral Stores fh.cks frequently carry their young. The duck pia; es her little one on her wend feel. end presses It against her t•reoet. Snipe, too, have been seen to cnrry their young. 1)0 Nol leley.-\\'hen, through debit:• lilted digestive organs, poison firoke its Any Into the bloat, the prime cons dere- lion is to get the poison cut as rapidly and era thoroughiy as possible. Delay may reran diaster. Parme!ec's \'ege,. table I':'ts %.11 be found a n-,e'1E vete title and effective medicine to assail the hike; ler with. They never 'a11. They e. at once le the see cf the trouble end work a permanent cure. Thee Iwo dose able qualilleatons, pleat -ant to the taste arid a4 the Fame time effectual. are to be found in Mo- ther Graves' Werra Eatenii nak r. (aul- dren like it. TO CURE 4. COLD IN ONE. D �V T iks LAX ICI 1%11 Hnn\tn gnloin• Tahiti!, 1)-nt ists rsfun 1 money if it fails to car• 11. .1 ()UVC}. 1 stgu.tlurs le on each Los. 15c. A itnya' Standard inenri.res 3G hy 21 feet, and if made of silk co -?s Prevent Disorder, --:\t the fleet eynrp- tr ahs ef Internal disorder, Parrnelees \ egelable fills should bo resorted to lnune Batty, Two or Three of these salutary pellets, taken before geeing to !ed. followed by doses of ono or Iwo pills for two or rime nights In slicer,;• Finn, will serve as a preventive of at• tack, of dyspepsia and all the diseom- forli which follow in the drain of that 1411 disorder. The rnoons are simple when the way Lc known, Rloemfonlein, the capital of tn. ()range River Cpleny, has now a ts:p,elals•n of about 34,(100. SI MNG SIe('NI\E \FE01.Ca. for alp Disk es - f machines at p,•• Certs psi park - age. and •'.r thing s1s. pertaining to r(w:ng f•seh'res at greatly rode.rld prices Look 1 r the Reid Anp lad Ant imp weed any nnire ef sewing methene or ' ware re more trate Stnptr Stu -leg ethane i'o, .11nnn(np (hart.Dtr•. Toreae,. rr,- beettayrwa set of ten seetentr situ1 o/ Ontario. F, et for sating. IT WA, 11 eo1'. Little Johnnie -"\I. '1. r, tell me hew papa got to know Me,lher "One day 1 fell into the water rind he jumped in and fetched are out." 1•rtlie J-hnnie --" it nu- that's funny; he won't let the learn to s.. :ul," rs Black Walch Midas Tobacco A new sensation. A real pleasure. The big black plug. SERIOUS CA4lr Neil - 1 never saw n g:ri with so many freckles, that's why she uses powder Belle Powder? 1 3hnukt think ehe would have to use de ualnik'. "Perfectly 7'rustswihy" is rho ehar- acler of (tickle's Anti -Consulted yr Syrup. It can be u -ed with the utmost c-)nfitlenre that it will do w hat ie claim- ed fur it. It is sur in its effects. as the use of it will clearly demonstrate and can be relied upon to di-h'e a cold out of t' a c' tem n r re effeeli•ely than any tie . , : • 1. ! l r w it and te con- sinced that .t to \vital it is claimed le be. The people of Great Britain re(e!ve 6l nee • es yearly in Interest on tete mcnr') ', Ph they 1'sv'e situ -tern at'cart. rt1.0 , (•rll:n IN S TO 11041-5e , 'AZO II' (VENT( i' g ilrant•el 1, • 1(1 .any ease of iteh'ne. 6.in1 C;.Aing or Prot ling T11.s log 1, 111 daps ..r m seer rNuadsd. b'• While the birth -rete in England and Sce-tland is falling. in Ireland the birth- rate is sightly increasing. Pi.l'AAP, AFAR iN Mi`rn that whet 1s called a .kin 41,ease may he but et •smptom of bar' blood in that ea•e. Weaver's ('crate, externally ap;.hird. should hr sup ,lemented With Tlaavec'a dyrup, taken daily. The tem. ( t lattror are le:nese! .n G,'r- tenny, next in France. next in the Unit- . '. States, and shortest in Great Britain. fTCt!1. Menge Prairie S'ratchea and every term of contagious Itch on human r animals cured !n 30 minutes by \\'cI. ford's Sanitary lotion. 1t newer fails. :cold by all druggists. Med(: CI itl; FOR 11\LD\I:Ky. 1\ h) Not? Inst Ihnok at tiro 1 i(rlinisls and Pianists 11 illi shaggy Slants. The newc.t •Meme kr mnking !:. grow on takl !,cads es !realm( nt 1 y mlu.c. So far as any definite eels:hh-lens bare teen reached it appears that string musk, !tic:uee.ng the piano, :s fav(.rable to tt:e grovel) of the hair, elide wind fnstrumerit . eecpecislly the wet d wend. arc dean, too to it. i.nok at Paile'rew.k . Rn:a the tdvo este of the reeee'ty. Hasn't he some hatr? And what rtttout Isaye and K'0 • i,k? Con Leek to Paganint and ilii1 n• 111110 and Liszt. Did you ewer are a TORONTO, CAN• ,lir../, /-. Parson, 215.51 ('lareas Alk.. Toronto,, ('nna(1(1, Inspector dao( Li/' 1ltauranee Co., London, Canada, writes "1 bare used the popular remedy known as 1'e-1.11 nes, and 1 can testily (0 its merits, 1 regard i1 as ow of 11,4 bel tonics 1,0,c• u,, t/tc market." Lon - 4S TUROYTO Is one et the most teal,Lfut cites in the world. It is a city of heroes and churches. a city c f ,ntelitgence and good govern- ment, a city of healthful vii mute and beautiful scenery. Among the teeny ixautitul home, which nuke up the city of Toronto, is the home of J. E. Carson, 218 SI. Clarens Ave. in this borne Peruna :e revered as a family nxdcine. Peruna can boast of being a flxtirie to over a million such helve homes on this continent, where 1l :s used for the petty ailments that .,f• flirt the family. Coughs and colds. catarrh of the head and throat, sore throat in enri- eeus fonts, disturbances of digestion, catarrh of the stomach. and other iulernal organs. These aihnents, betty in themselves. are ellen the be- ginning o-ginning of very serious diseascri. A dose or Iwo of Penne token in the beginning nwy quickly avert trdicus of not fatal illnesses, Ilead Stopped 1'p. Mr. G. W. Marlin. Walked, Ontario, choir leader at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, writes: "i have been troubled with catarrh for a great many years, and always trying something for it, Lut was able only to eccure temporary relief until I need Pe- rcna. Only five bottles rid my system o't all trans of catarrh. and I have not noticed the slightest treul'le kr several inotiths. \fy head was stopped up, my b'eath offensive. and it is a relief to be able to breathe freely once mote." Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. Mr. J. C. Ili rvus Pelletier, dept. de 1 Agriculture, Ottawa, Ont., motes: "The Peruna is particularly eflico seas .n the cure of catarrhal affections of the lungs and tremens! tubes. "Six iottles cured the Ibis winter of ronchLts. i am completely restored aid 1 cove thanks to the Peruna. "I have recommended th's remedy to a large number of my friends afflicted with the same trouble, and they have .verified my good opinion of lhts 'a:u- elle remedy.` Manufactured by Peruna Drug Manufacturing Company, Columbus, Chic, U. 8. A. ASK YOUR DRUGOI5r FOR P A N GO INSTANT err-I::P 70 7110SU ri:Rist! terve HEADACHE, NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM ss AND go CENTS. 111' r1AIL. THE PANG() CO., - TORONTO' W 1101CSAL0 LVIIAN ono.. a CO.. 1.10. l.lMAN. k8'0\ & OL.AIik'ON Toronto and %lontrkal Tomtito and tlon.resl A. J. PATTISON & COMPANY Bankers and Brokers 33 SCOTT STREET, TORONTO Transact a general financial bus!• nc.c, Sto• ks tcught and sold tc t casts or marten on ail exchanger. Orders for l'(,hall rtn'Ls execut- ed lye cash. Gr rr",p" 1'. rk pee. ton. I L .• .; L lt. \I• ntrt•a1 CORRESPONDENCE IN'ITt� vicl:n st nr a piano virtt(cso who hadn't hair enough to Shock a v.- grnnker? On the other band, lo'k over any or- ehe:'t•a r,r bon'' tend if you can catch it eel!' tui teats ( ff. tri 1 ane ever ere n flute player er n eorne•tist or a Ir('m- t•.ne nperntar who wasn't either bald Uf geting Isere? An attempt to explain the n1'eged 4,1- femur :1•feroa is made by a«nrn,ng !hat the !'ow('rfui vibrations of the wind metre:- re...se drive the blood out of the scalp. el, 0 the stingy% awaken n cy-nlpalhete q,. • r in the skin and ha -r whish has an r'feet like vibratory ninseng.1. Some e 1 '' tarter% in London. i'atis and P.* • n are talking of adding vir.iin ere- ' - or (urn string gear?, le Ir, their If !o pl•,v, for eeneeleration• over hr heads of their patients. TITF PETERBOROUGH CANOE CO. Ltd., I u yau want w• 11111.1 them f We have 1 can sap • plyall. snarl Launch• ! the complete or hall largest onto, and 7 (1 i I Bari instal lour canoe own motor. end Skirl When lou buy a i B ummer { 1..:141% tlktrt nr Factory Ii rre that i i write us. tt bare its In Canada. stan;p - f i Skiff**. Launah for the The Peterborough Cano3 Co'y. Mcd,e•ne Mei, -"Whet esr with your Mnjeery?" cr. Oh. 1 ve an aw fu! in(lige- I r ,t 'MVP }4'11 Leen (s,l•ng ' "1'e -1 1• 1-ts'i of1 en Anierrcan tri:,,ora.:•e1- "(a•0(1 Leavers! No wr•rtder .o t lit.' .11. 1 ve load fou repeatedly to keel* of anything k,o rich." 1'Aytng tntereet en Rritatn'c National Debt cents very nearly $t50.000,000 a year• Shiloh's Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY L'se Shiloh'. Cure for the worst ((dd, the slut rpest cough -try it on a guar- antee of your money back af 11 d.rm't actually CL'kE c u!(ker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take. -nothing in it to hurt even a leeSy. 34 years '.f niece14 con:rnci•d F.1,11u1:'s Cure --- 26c., 60e., SI ar1 There /a Only One "irBronmo Qulnlnc" That la Laxative Bronco Qulnin0 MED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A OOLD /M ORE OAT. Always remember the full name. for tura 'Ignatius on every boa. Look e• 150.