HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-07, Page 5txeter Abuotatel EXETER — — ONT.tRIO SI 00 it paid in ah►n,e, S1 SO a year if not so paid. To United States Subacriheesft SO s Year Strhtly is Advance SANDERS & CREECH, publishers. UY ONE OF OUR Baby Carriages or Go -Carts 1, and let the Baby grow. t4 Large and Beautiful. The price is not large and the terms are easy. - +•.n.. 2 6 octave Organs cheap. 2 Pianos, slightly used, at a Great Reduction. MM+— - Sewing Machines, Bicycles, Children's Wagons, at prices that will make you smile. Fine Stationery. S. MARTIN & SON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Tho great Uterine Tonic, and only sato etrectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Boldin three degree. of strength—No. 1, 1 ; o. . 10 degrees stronger; No. 3. for special eases. per box. prepaidn Bold by all or sent on pt of price. pampphlet. Address : T [MmOtNstiO..TToiCNTaOur. VorwerrlyWindsor G/ NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY TpC BCI( T61BpbOg6 COIflpanij Of Oauaila is about to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Di- rectory for the District of Wes- tern Ontario, including the Town of Exeter. Changes of firm names, changes of street taddresses, or orders for dupli- cate entries should be banded in at once to ` A. MARCHAND, LO('AL MANAGER HOMESEEKERS' 2ND CLASS Round -Trip Excursions TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATE'S April 14, 28 Juno It, 23 Aug 4, 0 Nan 12, 28 July 1, 21 Sept. 1, 18, /9 Ttc`sta good to return within GO days VERY LOW RATES fr me ail points in Ontario. Itana.ng tt'innipea and return $32.00 between Comonton and return 542.50 1'eke•s 1.•ue•1 t • ail North-West points. TOt'R1ST SLEEPERS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Cars w.;1 be run on each e xcursion. fully e. uippe.l with bedding. etc. (teeth. should be secured and paid fur through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves Rate* and full information Contains 1 in free Ilnme.eekers' .ainphlet. Ask near ad C. P. agent for a ropy. or write to C. D. /OSi111, District pass. Qt., C.RO., Torsed SURGICAL OERATION If there is any one thing that a woman dreads more than another it is a surgical operation. We can state without fear of a contradiction that there aro hun- dreds, yes, thousands, of operations performed upon women in our hos- pitals which are entirely unneces- sary and ria ny have been avoided b LYDIA EII PINKHAIYI' VEGETABLE COMPOUND For proof of this statement read the following letter. Mrs. Letitia Blair, Cannifton, Ont., writes to 31rs. Pinkham : "I was sick fur five years. One doc- tor told me it was ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear- ing down pains were terrible. "I wrote to my sister about it, and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham'a vegetable Compound. "It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to pass safely through Change of Life." FACTS FOR.SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia R. Pink- hatn':i Vegetable Compound, made f rein roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has posit ively cured thousands of woolen who have been troubled with displacements, inflam mation, ulcera - t ion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains and backache. Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Stephen The following are the results of pro• motion examinations for S. S. No 10. Stephen. Jr. iV. to Sr. IV. —Total 735, to pass 307.—Alice Turner 4ti;3. John Cronyn 458, Harvey (iiunble 419. Will Hicks 409, Alice Merlin 4053, Ger- tie McLinchey arils. Sr. Ii to Jr. ii1. -- Total 525, pass 2112.—Melissa Bullock 375, Willie Love 358, Eileen Cronyn :308, Wilfrid McGregor . V. 31. Hodgins, Teacher. Canadian Hair Restorer Before 'tom S. f t e r 41-111* W111 restore gray hair to Its natural color. Stop.; falling hair, can -c+ to grow on bald heads. Cures dandruff. Itching. scalp diseases. Ily Its vee thin hair grog.; luxuriantly. Contains no oily or greasy ingredients. Is entirely unlike any ott.er hair prepara- tion ever offered for sale. A good, reliable Canadian preparation. Imollrlted Testimonials. nuts A. Iturkc, Mi..conary 11. M. ('hutch Akhlmim. Egypt, and friends, greatly pleased with results after two years using. i.. A. dotes, Wiener. Montana. My toile and whiskerw restored to natural color, nark brown, by using Canadian !Hair Restorer. M. (►rum, iturge.st•ille. (hit. Canadian Bair Realorcr 1, the test 1 have ever used. John (d. Ttall. New Aberdeen, rapt Breton. Canadian !lair Restorer has worked wonders. My head I+ nearly all covered with thick growth black hair, original color. Maiby Mailed to anany addrr.,ln the civilizedt wholes:ale and retail world on receipt of price..".04.1. Manufactured by THE SIIEBflI l CO., Windsor, Oat, Canada. Clinton: The wife of ('has. ileligal., Sohl in Exeter by .1. W. Browning, a Intal blacksmith, died Unite nnex• W.S. Ilowey and %V. S. Cole, Drug- pecte•dly on Saturday. gists. BU Y FURNITURE IN LONDON Your fare paid Wh1 I: ,i% t. r•.i 1. 1•I'RNITI RE to sc%mil I•EOPI.E in your town. To Judge from what • i . ,1d us they w ere astoni.he,t at • n.mensity of OC( ate k tl.T far the t, most up to date in Western OnTftw , and the inane.. r.l our price. (we can easily save you 25 per cent) on all ordersof $1.'. Co and oyer we will r,f .n.1 railroad fare. And we pay lh. fre,dht. r'. , ,$13.00 - RE \I M\nriti\\\IiREM' I R Iron BedR1Y11P,D D TRII $7• 50 r Th • .tyle H marked at the peke of It will certainly pay you and pay you handsomely. to select sour furniture at our store. IM you think we would spend nor money ad.rrtising in this paper it ws were not at,. eolutely certain that wee-uld show yon the hest styles, largest stock and towc.t prices In western Ontario. We also I';trry ;t complete stock Linolcums and f 11l't:tllP4. THE ONTARIO FURNITURE CO., hestcrn lh:tarr•,'• 1 arir.•t 1 ureilnrc 228-230 Dundas St., LONDON. - ONTARIO Stephen Council The Council of the Township of Stephen convened itt the Town Ball. Crediton, ,i1undity, May 1th at 111 a.10. All members were present, The Min- uted of previous tneetiug were read )Yearley—Flanders—that nd adc ted. a the Assessment Roll, as filed with the Clerk for the year 100.s, he accepfed; and that the Assessor be paid $S0 fob his services. — Carried. W uer'th — Yearley—that the Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of 1008, be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday, May 26th, 1908, at 10. a. tn.— Carried. Kellertuanu—Sanders—that I3y-Law No. 0 of 1908, to appoint the pathueaeters, pound-keepera and fence - viewers, having been read the third time, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporation attached thereto.—Car- tied. The following orders were paid: C. W. Christie, elm plank $20.63; 0.'1'. Railway, freight $3.78; Jos. Guinan, Assessor's salary $S0; Frank Taylor, drawing brick -bats, C. Rd., $12,25; Climax Road Machine Co., part pay- ment of moulds $00; Philip Baker, rep. culvert and plank, N.B. $3; Cl. Kienzle and others, grading $84.75; William Walker, lumber $14.2.5; C. Beaver, bal. of Exp. re•Indian's burial $5; A. Hodgins Co. Ltd., meter and gas $12.20; M. Finkbeiner, lumber $15,35; William White, shovelling snow, 1st S. R. & 401, $10; F. McKeev- er, putting in concrete culvert $8; Jno. Gower, ditch on Crediton Road $9; John Barry, rey. culvert $2; Chester Prouty, Gratuity $25. Council ad- Tourned to meet in the Town Hall, on uesday, May 20, at 10 a.m. H. Eilber, Clerk, Usborne The following is the report of 8. S. No. 5, Usborne, for April. Sr, IV.— Mary Kydd, Myrtle Moodie, Zoe Sill- ery, (honors); Bezel Bissett. Jr.IV.— Elva Ford, Vera Moodie. Sr. 111.— Rufus Kestle. Sr. Pt. 11.—Garnet McFalls, Maggie Moodie, Clarence Johns. Miss Robinson, teacher. Bltipka Mrs. J. Hannan has been on the sick list.—Miss Sarah McCormick of Lon- don is visiting her parents for a few weeks.—B. McKenna and fancily mov- ed to Parkhill recently, where they in- tend to reside.—Mrs. Mcisaac, Sr.. was taken suddenly ill on Sunday, but she is again better. --Geo. Sutton has purchased the stock and business of John B. Martin of Ripley, which be takes possession of shortly. Grand Bend Mrs. Canning, who has been visiting at Mrs. Fritz's, left for her home in Clandeboye Saturday.—Mrs. McLin- chey of Stanley visited at Mr. Zapfe's Sunday.—Messrs. Lawson and Somer- ville of London were here planting trees at Maple Grove last week.—Mr. and Mrs. Fritz were in Parkhill on business Thursday. — Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy of Sarnia visited Mr. and Mrs. Zapfe. DEATH—Mr. Statten received the sad news of the death of his son, Sam- uel, in London last Friday. He was in his 3501 year, and bad been living in London for the past six years. The remain, were brought here on Satur- day and were laid to rest Sunday rn Grand Bend cemetery. The funeral was largely attended, and the family have the sympathy of the community. Clandeboye, Dr, W. A. Jones has gone to Battle- ford.—Miss Jennie Cunningham has returned from a visit in Exeter. --Mr. ('ase of !Jensal) is visiting his brother here. — Mrs. J. W. Kennedy has re- turned to her home in (leorgetown.-- Mr. and Mrs. Canning of Grand Bend spent Sunday here. --The many friends of Rev. Simpson sympathize with hits in the loss of Isis wife.- We are sorry to hear 11r. Moses Hodgins is under the doctor's care.—Louie Downing, M. D., was here Monday. s%e congratn- late him on his success in graduating at the medical school.—The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was held in the Methodist church Sunday.- Mrs. Her- bert bas gone to Kinloss to spend a time with her sister.—Burly Ilodgins has accepted n position with Russell Iledden of Crediton. -Mrs. Samuel L'►nipoit and Miss Lou Hennessey spent a couple of days in Exeter lust week. 114'1181111 Miss Margaret Ilohkirk has return- ed to business college in Toronto. --- Miss Janet Snaith returned to her grandfather's home nt Lucan. niter it visit with her parents here.—T. 1Velsh Bats disposed of the new residence on King st. in which R. Arnold resides, to Mr. Sterling of Bayfield for a neat flgure.—David Wren, B.A., i3.D.. is expected home this week. Ile will be ordained at the conference which meets at Exeter and appointed to a circuit.—Mrs. Jletets u►nd daughter Ethel, left last week fur Milestone, Sask., where they intend to remain.— Ali. Johnston, wife and children arriv- ed from Mogi), 111tn., on Friday, Ab. has sold his 1)0510058 out there.—Miss Madeline Mc.lorran, who has been visiting with Mrs. R. Honthr'on, has returned to her home in Lucknow.- While Capt. Ferguson of Hayfield wns proving into the residence known as the Bat HS house, his horse ran away. The driver, If. Darrow, sustained a broken leg. — Frank Blatchford is borne from Dental ('"liege at Toronto. . —We were all pleased to see John I Jackson in town after n three month's sojourn in the house with ihenmatian. —The lbnwlers organized for the sea• son with the following oflleets: Hon. !'res.. (leo. McEwen: fres., Dr. Sellers: Vice -Pres., D. A. Cantelon; Sec., A. W. E. Hemphill; Treas., J. Steacy: Board of Management, C. A. McDon- ell, II. J. Billings, N. Cook, F. Sntell- aeombe and A. N. King; Auditors. A. Brandt and D. Cantelon. Together with a large nutuber of visitors from Exeter and Seatorth. on Snndty afternoon the members crf the ocal lodge of I. O. O. F. attended Di- vine :Service and heard an excellent address by Rev. McI. Smith. invitations have been issued by the .unry Council to attend a banquet in loderieb on Thursday evening, .tune Ilia A number receiving invitations here have signified their intention of Hing in attendance. An excellent ime is promired. Didn't Agree with Me Mr. .'.rthur Tennison, s Street, Toronto, writes cutiru., .• A.ly of the merits of Psychine i,.r all stomach t acb teemb1' e,s. "For seven years I have had indiges- tion and dyspepsia. I tried scores of remedies. My room resembled a drug store with nostrums which I had bought. Eventually I used Psychine, and every dose brought permanent relief," All throat, lung and stomach troubles quickly cured by Psychlne. It is the prescription of a great specialist. At all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Zurich The Jubilee silver band, has been engaged fur the Crediton Victoria Day celebration.—Louis Jeffrey has purchased another lot from Samuel Rannie.—The prospects for a bowling club for the Village are good. Nearly twenty so far have signified their in- tention of joining.—The road -grader was started with W. O'Brien at the helm. Mr. Callfas is furnishing the motive power, with his big traction engine.—J. J. Merner is busily engag- ed excavating for the addition to his store.—Mise Lizzie Rennie. is taking a four months' course at the London Conservatory of music. She will re- turn to town in June.—The funeral of the late Charles Troyer at Hillsgreen, was the largest ever seen in that sec- tion. The deceased was a general fav- orite and known by everyone in the Township of Hay, haying been tax collector of this municipality for quite a number of years. Mrs. John Hamacher, whose death took place at Osborne, Kansas, recent- ly, will be remembered by the older residents of this section. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Roeder. She was horn in Germany, and came to this country in 1865. She was married in 1807 and soon after Mr. and Mrs. Ham- acher left for the United States. Ten children were born to them, eight of whom are living, all being residents of Kansas. riurnprv."19"11"WrigrliFirVry r AROUND ABOUT U3 ifikalikancias. yava.iiaailkaaflt Seaforth: The death occurred last week of A. E. VanEgmond, Jr. He bad been ill of turnor on the brain since the New Year. St. Marys: A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday morning, in Knox church, when Rev. J. M. Austin of Berton, Man., was united in holy mat- rimony to Miss C. Wright, of Hanley, formerly of St. Marys. Bayfield: On the evening of Friday, April 21th, Wm, Ferguson of Bayfield, and Miss Leonora, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Govenlock of Mc- Killop, were quietly married at the Seaforth Presbyterian masse, by Rev. F. II. Lankin. Ha}': John Mosseati of this towd- ship, has a Leicester ewe, which meas- ured 18 inches around the virtb, was 17,i inches high and weighed 13 lbs. As the average Iamb weighs about 5 pounds, this was a monster. It is thriving immensely. Mitchell: Mitchell lost a good citi- zen recently, when death carried away Mrs. Earnest Ronnenberg, at the age of 00 years. A grown tip family of five sons and two daughters survive her. Her husband predeceased her by seventeen years. Clinton: T. Cottle has completed his toll and places the total assessment of the town tit. 87117,157, divided as fol- lows: St. Andrew's ward $202,665 , St. James $2lEl,3iti, St. John's $1111,;010, St. George's $166,869. There was an in - et ease in population during the year. Kippen: Many in this community will regret to learn of the death of Mrs. E. Grant, who for many years has made her home in tie west. 1)e - ceased was mother of Miss Beatrice Grant, who was it resident of our vil. Inge for some time, and to whom will be extended the sincerest sympathy of all. Woodburn A veru pretty wedding took place last Wednesday at the home of Jas. Swallow, it being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Mise Edith, to Wesley Shier. The cere- mony wits performed by Rev. Bartlett in the presence of the immediate friends of both parties. The music was furnished by the serenade chili in the evening. Stafht: The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dugald MacMillan, of Van. couver, 13. C., will regret to (earn of the death of their youngest daughter. Elisabeth, which sad event occurred on Saturday evening, April 11th. She had been sick for several months and her death was not unexpected. The deceased was a bright clever girl and will be greatly missed, not only in the home, but among her many Wendt'. Fullerton: Another of the old set. tiers passed away to her t "ward Sur. day night, aged 70 years, in the person of alts. Fawcett, relict of the Late Jno. Fawcett. filer death took place at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Wni, [bit - son in lfibbett, and the direct cause of her death was due to paralysis. She is survived by two sister's and one brother, James imine, Mrs. i). Camp- bell and Mrs. Nicholls. all of Fnlltr- ton: also a grown up family. Goderich Tp.: On April 25th the death occurred of Charlotte Carter, wife of Win. Cole, of the 9th con. She leaves a husband and four grown tip Bons. congregational (.'lin on: A large Clinton: meeting was held in Union Presbyter- ian chinch here on Monday afternoon when it was decided tit build a new church by the unanimous vote of the congregation. Clinton: Dan Munroe has purchas- ed and pulled down the old building occupied for so many years by Wm. Scott as it general store. Mr. Munroe intends building an up-to-date butcher shop on the old place. lura or Onto, Carr is Tot.srs ,( /.teas CutSIT Frank J. Cheney make, oath that he is scni. r partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney R Co., doing bus, wo State tor• neat in the City of Toledo, , Couuty and tat • r said, and that sail firnc will ply the sum of ONE lbtJ DRED DOLLAKS for each and ever caof Catarrh that cuucot to curc,t by the use o,e f Italia Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CIIENEY Sworn to before me and gut scrilyd in my press ence, this Oth day of December, A.D. ISs8. (Scat.) A. W.GLEASON, NOT ear PUBLIA: !!all's Catarrh Curets taken internally, and acid directly on the blood and mucous siurlaces of tht system, Send for testimonials tree. F. J. CIIENEY & CO.. Toledo,•e. Sold by all Druggists. 75c. Take Valli fancily Pills for eonstipption. Take Care of the Dollars And Me Pennies wilt take care of themselves. It's all very well to save the pennies, but get into the way of saving the dollars. They' count up faster. Consistent saving will place you beyond the grasp of need. DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS HERE. Interest is paid quarterly upon deposits, and Huron ilk Debentures earn 4 per cent. per annum. AN INDICATION OF STRENGTH. Cash Value of Mortgages 310,060,973 25 To al Assets 11,103,214 92 Paid-up Capital... 1,900,000 00 Reserve Fund 1,600,000 00 Thera is no stronger Company with which to do business in Canada. Correspondence gladly entered into. Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont. The Farmers Bank of Canada Incorporated by Special Act of Parliament. Member of the TORONTO BANKERS' ASSOCIATION and the TORONTO CLEARING HOUSE. HEAD OFFICE - - - TORONTO. W. R. TRAVERS, General Manager. DASHWOOD BRANCH. A branch of this Bask has been opened in Dashwood and a general banking business will he transacted at this branch. Interest allowed in the Savings Bank on ONE DOLLA1{ and upwards at the highest current rates and paid 4 timesa year. Special privileges extended to accounts of Townships, Fann- ers and others. Farmers' Sale Notes discounted, Do your banking business at home and keep your account In the Farmers Bank of Canada. R. T. DUNLOP, Manager, Dashwood, Ont er Headingoff a .1. .r..t. tftat>te rs.zvs--,- tra Gas is liable to pt.9 • of the front door furnace unprovid;:.1 for gas escape. "Sun.hine" Furri•t. a has Automatic Gas 1)amper directly connected with smoke -pipe. Gas pre.wre sways damper sufficiently for it to escape up chimney (see illustration), but heat doesn't escape. What does "Sunshine' Gas Damper mean to "Sunshine" Furnace? Means protection to the furnace parts against evil effects of gas. What does "Sunshine" Gas Damper mean to "Sunshine" householder? Means furnace can be operated without fear as to "puffing" gar ; furnace can be left without doubt as to whereabouts of gas. ,r What does "Sunshine" Gas Damper mean to "Sen,i,ine" c. -al a.. .u_r ? it means, instead of own.'r tcith "ordinary fnrnare'f.•,tr having_..., check -draft indefinitely closed W "let o -11 -1 -gas -when there's tw.•-thi.ds parts of Beat -energy to on.' part of gas passing up chimney-- draft can with all safety be opened, and co.tl saved for another day's duty. Lonlon Tor,nto Montreal Winnipeg McClary's Vanco•r: c r St. John,N.B. 1{ami:ton Calgary T. HAWKINS & SON, Local Agent. 4 Perrin's 31scuitSi Your dealer will supply you. If not, write direct to 4. D 5 Pcrr.n t' Co , Ltd London. Canada Leap Year Leap Year Biscuit. A , unique line. Made l` only b y ourselves. 64 to the Ib. • �R 1 N:3 - 'cRP Y'r: -