HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-07, Page 4YOUR
LOOK Better
h' I T Butter
FEEL Better
WEAR Better
It you get it at J. H. Holtz,utnn's.
We are very busy with Slating orders,
of course, but not too busy to show
you our swell suiting+ sues nvercoat-
ings and take your order for a Spring
If you can come here to -morrow, do
so, and make a selection early. It you
cannot coule to-uaorrow come as suoe
as you can, and we will do our Lest to
get your suit or coat ready for the
sunny Spring days.
u. He Holtzmann
exetex gib torate,
Sanders ex Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, May 7, 1908
' Hon. Mr. Lemieux, post master gen-
eral. intends introducing a hill provid-
ing for a one -cent drop letter rate in
Sir Frederick Borden has announced
in committee of the House that the
future policy of the department was
to erect small armories all over the
country for the use of rural battalions.
Thus, in the village where one com-
pany is eentred, a building costing
$2,500 will he erected, where two com-
panies are centred, a building costing
about $1,000. These will he provided
in order of merit for different batta-
lions throughout the country.
of 20 Years Ago.
Exeter. May 3rd, 1839.
Mrs. Adam Sax died at Port Huron
ou her tvay home from Dakota. She
was hnried in Goshen Line cemetery.
A pioneer of Hay township, S. Hen-
drick died last week. The ten,ains
were buried in the Evangelical ceme-
tery, Zurich.
()olivine Christie. aged :r fears,
died iu Hay on the 29th, ult.
Samuel Edgar, infant son of Samuel
Hicks, 1'shurne, died on the 201h.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Hodgson, Ushorne, on the
nth. village that day.
T. L�tr iport sold his 25 acre atm Lla. 11Ro1:EN-\\'fide visiting her
south of the village for $2800. d tughtl'r in Hnssa ld le, Mrs. And -
Wm, Sonthcott has commencer) ex-
cavating for his new brick store.
The baseball club was organized
.Monday night- with T. B. Carding
Peed.; A. J. Snell N' act. .E. 1,. 13tlbngs, on the stable drive -way, when the
large barn door struck her and threw
her off the embankment. She is rest.
ing as easily as can he expected, and
she will be brought here as soon as
possible. We sympathize with 31t•.
Andrews and family for this misfor-
tune and trust Mts.:lndrewswill soon
BOWLING. -A Bowling Club has
been organized in town, with It mem-
bers to start n ith. The following
nflicers halve been appointed: Ilon.
Pres., Henry Eilher, .1l.1'.1'.; Pres.,
Sam Brown; Vice -Pres., Chas. Z•vick-
er•; Secy-Treas.,' Claude Bluett. The
Alb has secured ground+ at the hack
of T,evethick's shop and will have the
green- in shape in sellout time. Judg-
ing fame all the sports, which are be-
ing int, ()duce(' in our burg, we are
going to he vet y ,nu :h alive doling
e 'ming mounter.
(:1•tttlituu I)a sI1 wood
FOItSALB. -The undersigned isoffel. GOOD DtVELL1Nti }lut-sE Fua SALM.
ingtol•salethc ft;ttol• house feud twutots -A good bric4, dwelling houseful sale.
situate east of the Methodist par soilage, � Apply to E. 31. 13Ro1;►:N.nntt:, Heal
in Vreditou. The house is two storey, Estate Agent, Dashwood.
hes seven living teems, in good repair. flItui 's. --Mr. McLennan of
Good well of water. Good cistern and Goele•ri.•31 spent 1► few days in town
wood -shed. Apply to dutiug the week with his old flute
11 ns. 15. bleb! l'1i1tAY. Creditwn' friends. lie at one time was PtiuLip al
Last Friday out• school celebrated of the School here and tinting his terve
Arbor Day end the teachers had the made many warm friends, tt ho were
pupils give the grounds a thorough glad to greet him again. --Mi. \\ 11115111
cleaning. Eve! ything looks spick land C,allfa.s and family spent Sunday last
span and as 8001) us the trees are plant- with friends in town, -Mr. Mark Bro-
ed and the lawn gran: up, the grounds ken,,hil r has been 011 the sick list sev-
witl have a nice ippeau•aice,-Mrs, eral days during the week. \\'e hope
,Mark Sheard'iwn of Mitchell is visit- soon to know et los complete recovery.
ing her brother Joseph Edwards.- -The milliners of this place have been
Rev. C. S. Fink twiner, a Crediton boy, so rushed with outlets that they have
who has been drafted by the Canada been compelled to work overtime.
Conference to preach in 1)idsbury' PromOther sources.
Alta., will preach in the Evangelical
church next Mundy. -Miss Davidson L1T'_I)•: If:u'PRNINOS. - Mt. H. T.
spent last Sunday in Dashwood, the Dunlop visited friends in Ilensell on
guest of the Misses Finkbeiner. -A Sunday. -Fred Gnssnl:tn of port Her -
petition has been circulated among on is spending a few dltys with his
the ratepayers, vast of the flax -trill, Parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Gossman.--
asking our Town F'atbers to construct Alf. Zimmer has returned from Stria -
cement walks. it hts now been decid- ford, having recently completed a bus-
ed to construct walks to the river, so 111088 course at the Central Business
that all the walks required in the til• College, --Mr, and sirs. Siebert spent
lige will be constructed during the Sunday in Crediton, the guests of Mr.
sumuler.-Claude Bluett, the principal and Mrs, S, Brown. -Mr. J. K. Goetz
of our school, has been successful in shipped two carloads of lumber to
passing his 3rd year exams., in Queens' Toronto this week. -A number from
University. Kingston. We extend our here attended the Conservative Con
congratulations to Mr. Bluett.-Daniel vention in Hensall on the 5th inst.
Oostreicher has been on the sick list F:IDT—MOTTER.-A quiet, but fash-
the past week. We are pleased to ionable, wedding took place in Hick -
state that he is now recovering. -Wm. son, April 29tb, at six o'clock, at the
Anderson, ,vho has been in St. Jos- home of the bride, when Miss Almina
eph's Hospital, London, since last Jan- Hotter, formerly of Dashwood, was
nary, on account of a broken leg, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles A.
brought home last Friday. Bill is do- Eidt. also of Dashwood, the cere-
ing nicely and manages to get around mony being performed by Rev. Ru -
with a crutch. His many friends hope dolph A. Eifert, pastor of the Luth-
eran Church, Tavistock. To the strains
can walk without aid. --The Tennis of the Lohergrin wedding march play -
Court has been pot in excellent shape ed by Miss E. Eidt, sister of the groom,
and our boys are hard at work practic- the bridal party took their place under
ing.-Our boys have been out fishing the arch erected in the hay window of
for suckers the past week. The mai- the parlor, it being decorated with
rarity of them were successful in bring- white ribbon, entwined with evergreen
ing home a nice lot. -Quite a number and banked with ferns and palms.
of our citizens were in Hensall on 'rhe bride was beautifully gowned in
Tuesday. attending the Conservative an Oriental lace robe mounted over
Convention. Henry Either was re- white taffeta, wearing a net veil caught
nominated to contest the riding dur- up with white lilacs, and carrying a
ing the corning contest. He has been boyuet of white carnations and ferns,
our representative since 1898 and dur- tied with satin streamers. The only
ing that time has sbewn himself to be attendant was the bride's sister, Miss
an able representative of the constitu- Laura Hotter, who acted as maid of
tencv. His many friends here feel honor, was dressed in white organdie
satisfied be will be returned with a with pink sash, and carried a boquet
substantial elajority.-Mr. and Mrs. of pink carnations and ferns. tied with
Preeter of Zurich and Mr. and Mrs. sain streamers. After congratula-
Sieber•t of Dashwood visited Mr. and tions the bridal party partook of a
Mrs. Samuel Brown last Sunday. -Dan sumptuous wedding dinner, which was
Mclsaac and bride have moved into awaiting them in the dining -room,
the dwelling formerly occupied by decorated with pink and white carrot -
Rev. Staebler. We welcome them in- tines. The presents received were
to our midst, --Mr. and Mrs. Harry heti' numerous and costly,a token to
Parsons and Miss Ella Heywood of the affection entertained for the young
Exeter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. couple. Mr. and Mrs. Eidt left the
Eli Lawson over Sunday. following morning for their home in
13Ast:-n.tt.t.--The base ball boys or- Linwood, where Mr. Eidt bas a posi-
g tnized last Wednesday with the fol- tion as bead miller in his father's mill,
lowing ()films: Capt., Dr, Mr•('ue; recently purchased in that place. The
Manager, ('laude Mutat; Treas.. Aug- bride's travelling suit was a military
ust Kuhn. They intend getting new blue chiffon broad -cloth, with ern -
suits for the season. The boy's are hroidered mulle waist, and white Point
getting in shape for Victoria Day and d' Esprit hat, trimmed with white
arrangements are being made with an plumes and pink rosea. We all join in
outside team to give two games in the wishing the young couple a sappy life
and every success which God may
yew's, wife of the Methodist ,Minister
in this village, had the misfortune to
have her lee. broken. She hail just re-
• turned from town and was standing
Sec Treas.; and a couaautttt•c of 1).
Tait, Cleo. E tercet, Geo. Anderson, .1.
J. %Jell and 11. L. Billings.
Exeter pave a majority of 39 to re-
peal the Scott Act. Usborne 9 to re-
peal, and Stephen 292 to repeal, Tuck•
ersrultb 58 to repeal, Clinton 1)1 to re-
peal. Seaforth 5:3 to repeal, Stanley 57
not to repeal, Hay 1:39 to repeal.
Vide Trusi
If you are suffering from
impure blood, thin blood, de-
bility, nervousness, exhaus-
tion, you should begin at once
v% WI Ayer's S.rsaparilla, the
Sarsaparilla you have Eno n
all your Iifc. Your doctor
knows it, too. Ask hien about it.
t'nleaa ttere is lot's action of the hones,
r•olsonous pr.duets ars absorbed. causing head
ache, bllluusnea., pauses drapepsta, and thus
pteventtng the Sarsaparilla from doing 1)s best
work. Ayar's Pals art liver pills. Act gsnti7.
111 vegetable.
letale ai J• O. Ayer Co., Low.1I. Maas.
e eJ tan!a':lasers of
I1 fife/ (, AarE CURL
rya Lave r•, secreta 1 We r.ubllsh
1:i. f.. r. as of CCI our medic:nes.
Shoe Polish
A wise dealer will always
show his honest desire to
serve you by giving what
you ask for.
itlack aa•1,1 r.L!)
11 all sass,..
IOc 10.3 I5c
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupil: of the Crediton
1'. `. for April, based on a test exaanti•
nation. Names of those who obtained
over 510 per cent. of the total, with per
Division 111. --Sr. IV.- -I, Geiser 03,
P Treitz i 0, A Finkheitaer lit, E Fah -
me' en. A b1'uerth 73, K Andrews 71,
E Appleton 68, 11 Matignus00. Jr', 1V
Q Hodgins 63, M Wenzel 0,5, I5 Hcd•
den 63, N Ilill 00. Sr. 111.-L Oestre-
icher 78, V Holt/mien 73. F Hill 73, II
Holtzman 75, L !Brown 68, E Bluett 06,
E 3Iaist (11, \I Brown (1U. E Fattener (i0.
Miss Davidson, Teacher'.
Division i1. --Jr. 111.-C Hill 1i3, F
4 Bill 9_'. (1 Gibson so, 5 %Vein 8l.', Ie Bea -
ver 7:3, M Clark 711, E Kienzle 00. (1
Benedict 113, 0 Motz (13. V Motz 02, F
King 61, I1 Brown t30. Sr. 1I-ETr•eitz
83. G Guenther 77. 1, Weiner 75. 11
I:nglish 71, 11 Shenk 01, A'leaden P,1,
-1 Sau11brouk el. Sr. l't. l I N Sam-
brook 71, L Guenther 73. 1. \IcMurraty
To, It Wolfe (17, V Eine r 62.
,bliss Gil vin. teacher.
Division i. -Jr. 11-C Oeetreicher 71,
15 King firs Jr. 1't. 11.-0 Lampert 80.
K Sweitzer 76. i, Bean 73. 1. heist 71.
E Hadden 01, 8 Lawson 0'r.
Miss Kienzle, teacher.
11.1iii Ion
Wm. Motley visited with friends at
Wesley, in I.ondon'fp., on Snnday.-
E I. Williamson visited friends in
Whalen on Sunday. -Newton \lills0n
left \Vednesday to take his new situs.
t •n) in tit. Marys. -31r. ami Mrs. Put-
: •••k Mitchell are visiting with friends
Ir. 1) •trait and other places. --Quite a
n ina••er mound hire attended church
a' Nondham on Sunday evening. -
Mr. and Me s. 0. Milken were guests
the tenth, Sunday evening. -The
I . •t quarterly sacrament will be ad-
tn•oisteretl on Sunday, when Rev.
F,ttr of Elimville will preach in the
new church. - A meeting of the entire
o .,tt(, eg al iotl 14 galla d for Friday even-
, .1 to nr•g unite an Epworth Le ague.-
Tnorn is MIpeenan, who tees partliz•'d
• t .1 eek at 3hehome of Martin Rean,
eel tenanted to the London 11os-
One of the ht i- igh� spots in exist -
stew is spot ca •b,
have in sore for them, y
BASF:u.lt.L CLt tl HE:Ouu.tNlzFu.-
Friday evening a vt•, v enthusiastic
meeting of the baseball sports of this
town was held in the Commercial Ho-
tel parlors. and as a result the club
was re -organised for the ensuing year,
The officers elected are as follows :
Hon. President, 0. Kellerman; Presi-
dent, 1•:. Siebert, \'ice.I'resident. E.
N,mliger: Secrete' y'•Tt ••aoit t•r, \\', C.
3111141: \litnit rr, S. Adams. The man-
ager of the club informs your (sates-
ppondent that titers is splendid in ttet -
ial this season to choose from, and a
strong teem w ill again be placed in
the field.
I, t WN TENNIS AND BowLtxt: 01.1*1.-
A meeting of the Lawn Tennis and
Bowling ('lob will be held in the course
of ,t few days. The lawns are now in
gond shape, and our local players are
getting anxious to be on the green
Tui: FLA x ;Mmes. -Mr. W. J. Turn-
bull, President of the Canadian Flax
Pilate Company, of Montreal, is here
for a few flays lurking after the inter-
ests of the Company in Dashwood.
Dr. Du Vernet .Tack, also a member of
the Company, has charge of their
rnills here, and will live in town dur-
ing the greeter part of the summer.
A number of fit leers have finished
seeding Around here and are preparing
land for roots. -Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
Brooks spent Sunday- at 1Vnodhaun
with the former's father, who is quite
ill. --Mr. and Mrs. Ftank Coates visit-
ed at \1r. T. Dickens,' i3iddelph, 00
Sunday last. -Miss 'tette Esse, y. who
has been sick for the past week, is inn•
proving. - Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood
Hunter spent Smoky with friends
near lateen.-- Mrs. Geo. Rooke anal son
Frank spent Sunday with their Eden
friends.-Jonh Essery attended the
Fite Insurance .'fleeting at Ftttquhsr• on
Montlay.-Phin. Heltltet wag a Judge
at the Horse Show at Ilidgetown Inst
For Stock Iinproveinent
Al BION E11. le170, is a pure bred
imported shire stallion and is a beano.
fel hey of excellent style and pedigree.
lie will stand for a limited number of
mares at D.tahwood.
Willis and Guenther, Proprietors,
C. Guenther, Manager.
CI, 1N 3Ltr'GHEOOit (3,36(3)(10,e 3)
a pure Is ••d. imported Clydesdale, of
excellent breeding and splendid shape.
Owned by James Handford & A. and
W. Me\Villinms.
\3.,tel ay, leaves stable at Cl andel) )ye
to \I (•o•ninghanis, 'I,0illivr•ay, to
W. H. 'rhnmpao,•s, Lemke Tp.
Tuesday. to J. Morgan's, to 0. Ash.
wort h's.
Wednesday, to T. Mnrkitt's, then to
Thor -day, to Sid. Hudgins,' to Q,. in-
tim Bros.'
Ftiday. to Sam. flicks,' to James
Hand ford'e.
Sat tri ay, to John SinIpsnn's, then
to horse.
b1'. 't William.. Manager.
A Prized Cough Cure
"I have not been without a bottle of
Ooltafoote Expectorant in the house for
over nine years. At that time I procur-
ed it for a bad cold 1 had. It worked
such wonders then that it has been a
household remedy ever since, and we
will have no other for coughs and colds
it is so pleasant to take, and all of
my children look for it as soon as they
get a cold at all. Nearly all of them
have been subject to croup, and that '8
when T find Coltsfoote Expectorant use.
ful. Von are welcome to use this testi•
menial as you wish."
Free Sample of Coltsfoote Expectorant
will be sent to any person sending their
name gust address and naming this
paper. It has established a wonderful
record as a successful cure for coughs,
colds, sore throat , croup, whooping
cough, bronehitis and all irritated con-
ditions of the throat and chest. It is
the prescription of a great specialist is
medicine. At all good druggists, 25c.
I)r. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
Bend for Free Sample To -day.
COLLEGE CHUM, 15553, is an inn•
ported pure bred stallion, brown in
color, with a breeding in which noth-
ing is to he desired.
Tuesday afternoon will leave his own
stable, Dashwood, to Hill's Hotel,
Wednesday to Mt. Carmel for night.
Thursday to Arthur Mollard's, to
Friday to J. Hickey's, to Brennel's
Hotel, Shipka,
Saturday to Cunningham's Hotel,
Khiva, thence home.
Owned by Willis & Guenther.
%V. Willis, Manager.
NON PAROLE, 341317, the standard
bred trotting stallion, bay in color,
with one of the finest pedigrees in the
country and a sure foal getter. The
property of Willis A Guenther. Dash-
Monday to Hill's Hotel, Crediton, to
Commercial House, Exeter.
Tuesday to Geo. Moir's, l sborne, to
Norman Jarrott's, London Rd.
Wednesday to Dominion House,
Zurich, to his own stable.
Thursday to holt. Campbell's to
Fritz's Hotel, Grand Bend.
Friday to John Eagleson's, to Cor-
Saturday to Khiva Hotel, to his own
Frank Case, Manager.
LORi) HOWATSON, 11,4(x1 is a bay
imported clydesdale, foaled 1899, 10
hands high. 11300 lbs, Has fine pedi-
gree, :Old is a sure foal getter.
Monday afternoon leaves his own
stable, Maguire, to Pat Boyle's. Adair.
Tuesday to Hugh Carroll's,Biddulph,
to Jonathan Cooper's, Ushorne.
Wednesday to John Perkins', to
John Kerslake's.
Thursday to Wilson Anderson's,
Stephen, to Wm. Finkbeiner's,
Friday to Kbiva, to Joseph Guain-
an's, Stephen. to Mount Carmel, to
Wm. Washnidge's, McGillivray.
Saturday to his own stable, Maguire.
T. W. Hodgson, Prop.
NATEBY PRINCE, 20,751, Is a dark
bay, It; hands, 11Nr) pounds; a splendid
::hire stallion with a fide pedigree.
Monday leaves stable at Creditor], to
R. Cunnitighana's Hotel, Ii hive, to
Tuesday to Humphrey \Webb's, to
(stand Bend.
Wednesday to Robt. Stone's, to ('or -
bet t.
'Thursday to Mount Carmel, to own
Friday to John Rollins to Centralia.
Saturday to Devon, to Thos. Welsh's,
to his own stable.
5. G. Irunpurt & V. \V. Baxter, Prop,
J.‘15111 N1 ER. (17.511., the celebrated
imported i'etcheton, beautiful black,
17 bands high, 1,s:,', pounds, well pro•
n,Vt.ioned, and good pedigree, tile pro -
pet t c of '•'The 'Zurich Syndicate."
314)NI)tY, leaves home, Ilashtvood,
to Meno Bechlor's, to Zurich.
TUESDAY. to Harry Hayter s, to
1)+vid 1►etver's.
XVEDSESI)A V, to Chas. L•tpott
to Ben Nile's.
'['HI'HStA\-, to John Baker's, tel
(3rand Bend.
FRIDAY, to Shipk,i, to Crediton,
Hul's Mintel.
SATURDAY, to Kbiva, to Dash.
wood until following Monday.
('has. Steinhagen, Manager.
901"133P33151', 317, the celebrated
imported shire stallion, brown, well
HOU lbs.. a prize winner, and of
excellent pedigree.
;Monday leaves own stable, Lot 5,
Con. 11, McGillivray, to ,311. Cannel,
to Corbett,
Tuesday to Wm. Brawn's, to Shipka.
Wednesday to T. Jlawhinney's, to
Thursday to Crediton, Hill's ilotel.
to hone,.
Friday noon to ('entralia.
Matto day to Wm. Mcrall's, ilid-
dulph. thence home.
Jatnes Cock will. Prop: ietor.
i'1'A15L GIFT, 13013, is n beautiful
i a i I mported (.'Iydawdale of excellent
pedigree, and stands 10 hands high.
33onday leaves his own stable, Lot
11, (' ,n, 7, Stt•phee. to Wrn. Hudgins',
MrOiltivrey, to West M,•(;Illivray,
Tuesday to Herman Young's, Me -
(inheres', to Corbett.
%Vealnesdey to Mt. Carmel and home.
Thiel -.dilly
1'r i.1.v to 9. Jury's for night.
Saturday hnrne. until Monday mutn-
Eli ging. Proprietor.
JIiLO 111. 19810, is a pure bred im-
pacted Shite stallion, of first-class pea•
igI•ee aru3 • t. 1 Noll r proportions.
3iottday l•• is h•1lne, 1,44 A• (`nn. 7.
Stephen. • 1 G Pickering',, McGill.
wefts, to \Vest \I.-(i•ilivray.
Tnesdsv to lyes. Steep's, McGilli-
rtav, to Corbett.
1Wednesdsy to Shlpke, to J. H.
Stephen's, Stephen.
Thursday to itich:u-d Glenville's, an 1
Prissy to J1rne11 Foul's, 10 Piaui
('fates', Ushorne.
SetUr•day to his own 5353)30,
El Bing, Pt o, x'0101. •
The spare moment r: at•e being put to
good use in the gardens these days.
Clubbing Rates
We can equal any club-
bing rate offered Call
and see
Wood's Phosphod .iae,
7'h• (J... r i'.,,111c Remedy.
To; es ,,3“1.. .t ate./ thew tole
;nett..0 •1 atakea new
Blood int , .: . Curls /Very -
Debit : ite, .31e111,111)t 1111,1 En, It Worry. Des -
A nes/, t•ru,al it eakly'se Emissions, Spe•r-
!,,rrh,ra, endE';rects of Abuse or EXCes:us,
e it per box, six for as One will please, six
,. 11 curt. Sold by all (1rntluiste or 111 :hIn
in I•kl!. On reet-1prt of 10 i. ••. 1' ,c 71• J,hlcl
rn,rile•t ,re . The Wood Medicine Co.
(jor,,krl y 11'iu.l or► Toronto, Ont.
is the leading business traininz s-31,4:1 in We.t. r.
Ontario. We gine a thorough, pre, ti .al training on
Commercial Subjects,
Isaac Pitman's Shorthand.
Touch Typewriting, and in
Commercial and Railroad (Iver ti:,,.
Each department is in the hands of e'pericneed
instructors. We assist students to positions. Our
graduates always auceetd, for our courses are the
best. Oet our free catalogue and learn more about
us. You may enter now.
Ale and Porter
Only medal for Ate in Canada.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1555)
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE: HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
SATURDAYS, to a. m. to 1 p. no,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department
Until further notice interest on Sat ings a.. omits will be
credited quarterly Instead of half yearly as formerly.
• Deposits of $1 and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DicKsos & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
MEN. you become disheartened
when you feel the sympt• ens of
Nervous Debility and decline stealing
upon you. You haven't the nerve or
ambition you used to have. You
feel you are not the man you ought
to be. You feel like giving up in
despair. You get nervous and weak,
have little ambition, pain In the
back over kidneys, drains at night,
hollow ey, s, tired mornings, prefer
to be alone, distrustful, variable
appetite, looseness of hair, poor etr-
culati• a -yeti save N
Debility. Our New Method
Treatment Is your refuge. it
via strengthen all weak organs,
vitallee the nervous system, purify
the blood and restore you to a man.
1)' condition.
Pay When Cured:
READER .\re• ) •, a a victim! Bate you last hope? Aro you intending to
mare) t Ifas your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness?
Our New Method Treatment will cure y.,0. 'Chat it has dos for hundreds of
others, 1t will do for you. CoNSULTATIuN FitEr. r.) matter who has treated
you. write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Charges real.- na' e. BOOKS
l 1(EE-'•The Golden Monitor" (illustralee.l), on Diseases of 3fen.
C. O. D. No names on bores or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question
list and cost of Home Treatment FREE.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
as 11 Evei' Occurred to Yoii
r11 I; NI:\\' s'IO('K OF
Watches, Jew-el1crN, Silverware, Toile,
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
\.Ve have undoubtedly the finest liras of
goods that have ever been shown in this
district. We can suit you in quality and
price every time.
Wedding Presents
Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big
season is now approaching. We are ready
for it with the finest rings & best presents.
Call and Examine Enr1N
Exoler, Ont.