HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-07, Page 3A HIBED SAN'S REVENGE Burned Farm House With a Woman and --(. Three Children. A despatch from Laporte. IuJiau 1. say,: The retinal of four cttarr'J 'Ltxlits, the Lleekencd forms of three Children 1luddt 41 allele th it 41f ITn: nso• titer, as if for ,,! a • ..r:: " o arrest .e1 (taye 1.antplwr. bet ie• :• . t:.ploye.A by Mr:;,. It••1!e Gurnee, It: • 4 ore, and the a:tlepsis of Lamplior 1,. tee jail on '1'ileerlay niton, Lave r 1 eel excitement of Laporte that may :1t :rely moment beset forth into be'e'n e. \Irl. (:ur:t.e•.s lived nt her f:u'nl near 1• r•• with her three cliedran. \t three : i.', • :, ft:e.,Jay morn a:: J.r, •I•t: jf•I I';..••1' an employe. us) the ;tele!, -1.'. 'keue4l i y ,1[1•eee. ll.• Blade ♦tor, •:fl rt to re3.:1;r 1110 f:1::,;'y, to:t fee sl. 1110 1n the Afternoon the bn.lies ( alio. t,unr:._s and her three Children, \lyrtle, :I4.sl 11; Lowy, opal 9, and ('hrlltp, aie'l :,. were removed front the aneerldering ruins. There was a events'. that Ilue !tune bad been fined Ixcuu.o of malice, and as the day advanced low police took up the story mat Irgan an inte,tlga- 1 en. which resulted in ilia arrant .f Camphor on Tuesday evening. Laulpller had been employed on the Cunnes farm and was infatuated with airs. Gumu.'s, •.4I1.) was n beautiful woman. She de - eared that the man annoyed her, and riled proceedings t., have him declar- ed iesaile, but a jery found hint sane. 1'11.1. TWO T111114A\II FEI1. An .terunaul', Delp• Clinaina to Di,- abled Pariu-hulr. despal('li hunt Fort Worth. Texas. tit -s: )'fungi eg from a height of 2.000 1 -•t, clinging to a disabled parachute lvhieh a hipped hint a'lr)ut in the air like u tele, S. A. \IcConnick, 1111 aeronaut of Omaha', was dashed tJ the earth here •cn n Wednesday. miraculously tta- hilt 1 ra capes (!cath. Ile wan I,icic d up uivent- revets Diet tt1t. .cr:un.l) iujurttl., but tt.11 re••en• •r. aIcCurii' k had made an e1..e•u, 'et l•.•1'r.' a cr.wd ;It \\'Itite lily. and a., he Lilt tense from his balloon a 1 •u!, rip was made in the parachute. I1• • •tree (1 ton almost as foil. u' 11 he is id no parachtee, which nt times jerked tem c:ear over the mat ring and ropes. (:u e hit turned n cnnlplet.' revolution, reel the .,peetater.'. exp seed every s)1 e. vele. to see hint wrenolieal from his o. but he hung on. I\( 1)1: hl)1 k11(NtOIIS kEI'T IN CARS. lorktest t.hlasl at trrital of Ilse Vag - stud Pil1Jrltns. A •I• ,t atilt from• Yorkton, Sask., -••tenly-one Doukt:ob'lls arrived l.erc !,. ,1 eclat traht n \\'eJue.-dale. )\ t: '• n •.f tlel'uh were! letoenll)• teleas..t William jail, and %vera ship. pet 1.•r.• by Iles Ontario Government in rim •r:,' of an official of that Govern- n:•nt. l here peopi' are all destitute Alter hit''•• no homes lo go to and a num- ber of them are perfectly nude. The'-ro tine a few Doukhobor:3 in this vicinity, hut they will have nothing to do with Ute vagrants. The Town (mntcit and hoard of 'Trade have taken the matter 111, w.111 the luvernment ottic:ass at Be- gina. and the Iklukhnh0rs arc tieing li;tpl to the coaches pending instructions dl'enei theta. The Mounted Police aro g's):trthng the coaches. TIiE: Tll)F: OF E Ili;11 \7'111\. Lftoti N he %lade to Tont It to .tu- %tlZ)th% and Other CoI' i s. • dttilmteh from 1•001100 says: '1'h.• 1'11l4•rwell Distre..i ('onlmittee has nela+'1 the (Antral Unemployed Body wh.+tl:•'r, in view of the serious 01►- elsolies plac; J in ties way of emigration ihy the Canadian Governtn(ent, suitable teen and their fnni•Eas could not be sent t%• Australia and Iho ether colonies. (lx• Glasgow (omutat.-e Ions decided in •d.s •entinue emigration in c .tis. g11eneo of the 1olief that white the lyre of men .required by Canada would be beneficial in the D'IIII:1L4111, it would be a disad- vantage to Glasgow to lose them. 1 tl ET WALL TUNNELED. g'fFgorrr.,s(ul Attempt la Itch (tank of Commerce in Winnipeg snip ell Suburb. A de -lett It f11.111 \finn•p.'it dartnq 1111' un,1ct4•„fml attempt tti.i rng41 last Smutty night lo rob the ('m- kot n ( '1nn Rnn • o � Canadian Iran• f 1 i 1 1 1ne•i•re at \lest)n, a suburb of Winni- peg. 1'1e fact ektetthe•I oft Wednes- day, a•h•'n n hal.• six inches .:quare was tom, •' .1 through the oiler wall of the so'i:'. het the burglars did nut suc.•et'd f,) t,, ••t1'rince or gelling awns 10'41 IRIAi. 1III'\ 1111\ is \A%'I. 41.arJ' \nn,h^r ••( Itallle.hip, to be Ihii, Ii 1 •d. ,' ..;141 'h from t,Ighei v•1) It', 1..i Na ar Inas tounial n v e• ; greatly ,lrenglhen 4 1 e It i n,;.'.• i Ire formation ••f t :s •• :'••.v aquiJituni. each M consist .,l •• i,lttiesltip. leo Inst -clans, foto 1, . -.e eula let and tiro or .:Ix It :•• 1,s ei tL'eI', aeveral gunlna!". • . belied.) [oats, one or Awe; s nee. and t,aneporl'e. It is in- t.•' 1 s1 ' 1.111141 and maintain lite navy t4 . front me (os:'t provint'e^.. CAPTURED AT I:MEIt50\. .tntled Alen Suspected of Being Bandits. \ J.spakh from Emerson, Mani- c ,1•..t.says: 1:h:et of Po1i;e Joseph Wil - .,•,11 and a number of Citizens at lawn Ott l hursday captured three armee nen. believed to be part of the bandit gang which 10lftd 1110 blink at St. Ste- phen, 41., very ,•• Dakota. arta w Lt.ml ! , 1 '1'1:11 Ik st eetacular, as the Chief and Women, with drawn revel•e►•s, tomcat the su- spe rte to throw up their hands. The Chief wile assisted by Will Kelly, Merl Kelly and Dutid \\'right. '1'\ve of the robbers entered the house of \Vet. Robertson, fanner, on the edge of the town. at 11 o'clock, and asked for feed. They carried a pump gun loaded wife bu.•kehoI. They t11r.•.t 14) their hands when ordero.t by the 1.hiof, and showed r I disposition to light. They gave their names as Joseph `tagger and Homer Euler, but ny tt:..eat to talk. They had $s4) in II ' I' c:s)1 gold, a quantity of ie) namite aiid many shells. The third u.an was raptured in the railway yards. They say they aro heel -seekers, hitt the story i3 nut I10liev.'41, Its they were fetlleived to the border by the United «calls• auth_,rrtires. G. T. P \(:11'11: i1I1LDING. N innipI'll 10 the Rockies \I'.tt Fall. :\ (i mp:deli (rem 011ae a say.;: Mr. Col1nlgtt.a d Schreiber. (overttrrtent rorsulling engineer for the National Transcontinental Itai;way, slated 011 Thursday that the Cretin Trunk Pace fie from Winnipeg to i'rince Rupert was now all under contract. with the .' 'eption of about 500 miles on Ilse \luuflntn section. The whole prairie suetion from Winnipeg to the Rockies, ineh:Jing about 1t11 mllei west of E•1- nonbrn, te•onttl 1.' 144.11 for bus:fle s text re:. Ifni:; are new odd from 0.11111 :a) r:ac, .f Winnipeg to ilattle Meer. and from Rattle Inter weet to Edmonton much of th• grading is now 41. fit'. The delay until f nil in opening tee through line from Edmonton to \ftnnip'g Li due. says Mr. 5chretbcr. W the eelnstructinn fit the immense bridge over the Ilatil, River. The bridge is over one nti'e ting and 180 feet high. No dijfculty is being ex., perieneel by Ilia contract er' in genie} labor this )ear. ane th^ t ole( situn- L:4,n. so far as the rnntrt(ct.rs are con- e,•rnc.l. 11:4, i)nsitt'rably in.pruved since l.i,l )car. to be Opened CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 11.11 PENINGS I -110U ALL 01.-.t T1I$ GLOBE. Telegraph drlrts From Our Own Other Countries of Rectal Extols. ('.\N \11.\. The '!'orun:•I 1:ouuc,l struck the rale it taxation at 1') ; mill,. (;uelonn retut11., at 'I'.r•,nt) for April show a decrease of $167,4X10. Four hotel 1i ..uses were cut off by the Boatel of License (w,uln►i'4sioncrs. '11:o Scott al was .,sustained at Frz:- ertclou, N. IL., after a 1141'.1-'stIght con- test. alart n Pi ice was sentenced at l;ur'J tt le fifteen year.; i11 pturelltialy for burl• lacy. Americans are making heavy purc'•as- c., of pulpwood along the line (1 the '14. utiskruning Itullttay. I.ulldolt \\'ut••r Commissioners (14.)' 10t e a scheme to extend the waterworks, at a cost of $:40.(100. William healon, who is already serv- ing a term at Ki.b,t,u for forgery, was st'ntenccd at (iuh ell,to un addle t.oulal twelve years. .1 lady's handbag uta., found al 't railway station at 11100re:11 with $22-.- (110 worth 41f j• welter). in it. Tho ow1e- er turned up also. 11.1x3 Farrell wars fined fifty dollars at Brantford for iwintitig a revolter at a union moulder during a rue' at the lJt.ck stove works. Mike Avonte, a Russian, being re- fused adhii ssion to a street ear at Ham- ilton because he was drunk, drew u revolver and tired al the conductor, Lul missed him. and AII\I: iiXP1.0I'Ii' 11\ 11 tltSIIIP. -- Two sailors M a German Ve,el Ii,IIr I. six Injured. .t de'pate•t4 from 1: r .a.. 'Two sere men Ill ih•e Germ 1)) b It11e,h1I/ Ali,tee were 1:11:.d it'd ,.. • 111.1'9 flete wound - tit ' result �. .• t u of 1hn (U un \ .•xple.Con of a min,. .\ launch Ind Iron rout leen tie 1•ett'e,tep to experiment to lee bless t:►; -•.1• if • leerutli•ene in the t. tl.er. Dl;r:r.,. '!..• •1,.111.0•11411'S one of IIe lrruri 011 10,In1 4•\ 111.41e41 pre'lua. ter••'y , w th 111r ah ,.. Nee+elle 11111 51111(11: 1.11'1'1.F: ~14.1131. Wire l'%n' ni$ Nish (;un 11 1.4.1% 1ltapon 11a, I►i.rh:trip'd. \ •!0,..,.•1',.••11 from s i' '.t :•,c. N. 11., t \ - has 4.61)1)' t •• •• • ! .t tragedy 1 , It•4.'kport o!t \\ein.•-elay til- .. wb•r.'bv 11:e lln.'i'-year..;d II:11:40l10r of \Ir. an 1 \Ir.;. Frank Tim Fr ivl•1 111! to:, .f 1:••t' !'.'ad 1'!•.wn off through tee dt.charee of a Ken in Ih'' II 1 tl ft GREAT' Blti'T.\I\. Sir Antony P. \lacdonnell, Under Sec- retary for Ireland, has resigned. Fivo men were injured in an explo- sion 4,0i the British battleship Britan- nia. The British Irirpedo•boat destroyer Gala seas cut in ttto and sunk by the scout Attentive during manoeuvres In (1t! North Sea. \ir. A'quittis pla'f•.r41t, as laid down by himself 4 11 Thursday. embraces flee trade. home rude, old -ego pensions and the educut:on and licensing bills. Illi WORLD'S MARNETSTT�E CHILD WAS SACRIFICED REPOiTS F'I%O11 THE LEADING TRADE CENTRES. Prices of Cattle. Crain. t..eeat and Otter Dairy Produce at Roma and Abroad. 11111:.\11.-I L:FFS. Toronto, clay 5. -Manitoba \\'11ea1- For the opening. No. I northers), $1.- 17%; No. 2, 1.Ia41, Nu. 3, $1.081%; ked wheat, Gt;.;e; No. 2 feed, 59e; Georgian Bay ports. Ontario \\'lteetl -\o. 2 white, 92C at i.,itt of sliipment; No. 2 red, 913,0 at point of shipment; No. mixed, 9k; goose, 89e t' Llut•. Corn -No. 2, 114111 coffering; worth about 7to to anise; No. 3 yellow, 72e k. 73e, Toronto freight; Nu. 3 Mixed, lc less. 1']our--\lauit0ba patents, special brands, $6 to $6.10; sccuu(i:, $5.40 to $5.G0; strong bakers', $5.:10; winter wheal patents, $3.t0. Barley -No. 2,52c to 530. Poas-No. 2, 90c, ouls'(M. Bye -Strong; No. 2, 87e ti 830 out- side. Bnektthnat-\0. 2, 613,c to 65e. hate -No. 2 white. 46%c outside; Pic eon track 'foi••ut10: No. 2 mixed, 44e. Bran -$25 on track Toronto. shorts, --Scarce, $2•i f.o.b. mitis. UNITED til'.11TS. `ix 11111 ails stern asphyxiated in a Nee' Yar•k lodging IND :se. • 1;lxlolplh al. 1lunte►•, an American scientist, claim.; to mote discovered a way of transmitting the baser metals illt, gold. Two Yale student; have been suspend- ed for shooting needles Into a Notice which was being driven past their' IM larding !eerie. A New York State school teacher has Leen awarded $32,500 daniages for 111e loss of a leg in a wreck on the New York Central. President Roosevelt's programme for tl:e construction of four new battleships was voted down in the Senate at Wesel- inglotl. Gut-ernor J.•11nsm of Minnesota urged Detroit w•hol:olio men to work to ob- literate t1'o boundary between Canada and All.. United Slater. GEN1:11.\1.. Two hundred persons were killed by a hurricane at 1Innkew, China. Persia is organizing a force of len Ih•wsun4 troops to punish the Kurds in Armenia. it is reporltd in Teheran that the Kurdi have massacred two thousand Dennis to Persian Armenia. The Mayor of Fort de France, Mar- tiuulue. was killed in the Town Ilall dlritlg e'eelion Nola. The Mahmoud tribe in northern In- dia have sent a delegali n to the. Bra- id' to negotiate terms of peace. 1'1:1'11'1ON SEVEN ARLES LONG. COUNTRY PRODUCE. \Vlx)lesale quotations nee: Eggs -New -laid lGc to 17c. Ilfr e 1 weak- er tends , t Butler -The ntnrh.l en o he on larger offerings. Creamery. prints .... Pik! to 31c do surds . • • • .... 21 a to 29c Dairy prints .... .... Pik to 26C do large rolls .... .... :k to25c 111) solidi 23c to Sic inferior ... 20c to 21e 1'ulati i-Onlnri.,, tt3• to 90c; Ucln- warie, 95c to 81, tit cur luta on truck here. - Iteans--$1.710• to $1.75 for grimes and 51.:11 k, $1.83 for hand-picked. Honey -Strained steady at Ile to 12c a litne more plentiful, and are alightly per point for 60-poturd pails and l.'e easier. to 13c for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Combs The I:og market is steady, but rattier at $1.55 to $2.50 per dozen. weak, es Otero was a large tun of h`rgs. Chose -11•: for large and 11;;0 'or The average price for selects was $G.4i), twins, in job tile lore; new -stake, 13c fell and 'watered, 'Toronto, and $6.15 fur for large and 1.15,'.: for twins. 1►eutl(a. Maple' Syrup-- $l to $1.10 per gallon. Baled Straw -$8 111 $!► per ton. Baled Ilay-Timothy Ls quoted at $13 te, $13.50 in car lots on tracks here. G30,MO 1bfulhtem on Protest against I.Iressing Hill. v e1 says.. r flew I 1. 1 rJon a , Al 1 t 1 ll ) . 1 a � 1 mnninto.1 1 I 11ne11 1) petition agah).,1 tho Licensing 11111, seven utiles long and !twee -quarters of a Ion in weight, with (�A.A00 siknatinl's, wall bo pree:ented on Monday to Ilse (louse Of Culutnons. The aeeetle)nn t'Itq)erance petition, with !4:44,000 signatures. wilt 1)01 ru Deli the !fume before the aec'nd rending orf the I.ill. The Prose-Iant .\Mance fx til'on. %edit 7i11).010 taignntlll'es, asking for a 1'.,Ir•luiseiun 4,1 Enquiry int-) the Gmdi• loon of c',nv.'ntllnl and monastic illslt• !teens, eat bo Pres •111.41 next week. C. N. R. MEN %CCITT. Itedurii4ht of 11'atpts 171 Mechanical De - purl moth. \ d.-'nitch from \\,nnipeg say.: The i_• • Int 1.•Ittt ii 11)•• C. N. It. and hands III t or ate -year -eel M) e.`1', •'. .1,11 •'n stns 111r•II itgned u a re - it Ili :11 111 111•' ;11,' '' t the rnnferenc'a tleMoen Alk' of- t,1t 1st; the (11,4 ilea 11'•• t^:rt "' I+ ),• :.i .,1:.1 1t.' he`ll. 'll:' IIIINIft4 1+1)11 1.11;•' 911.1 4.. • t4.,. •1.. ir..s1 t, 1 e 1 11,1 ren.sonab'e 41044 of the El€PLOSION ON A CRUIS Two Hundred and Forty Killed on Japanese Warship. A despltch frren T•' , sa)'i: .V.1.01 Iwo hundred aid furl)- amen and olh o's init the r level on Thursday morning o 4 tut(+ result of an 050)3 on in the O'.w'n a.ign4'r'e 4.f the ti'ain.nq erl:t•4'r Mnl.4wh ins. '11,4• cxploi' in 1 ok p'n 4' 1 hit the , rnIscr nag au 'boring at \In- kinl(n harbor en the l'etsen,k re4 1•- lar•b. fu•meliately alter tho rspl•., t'rt 1110 5e,M. sate. 71)111 .nly 1e'r t.ltl_:• was 4 aib'e. Ther.' w 'rt' Al 0 .' • Sod fifty c.i.1e'3 and of11c• rs '1i a:1 a I, .1 in t i, w of the c'►mpnny s 11 • ,re Maxine.: agreed 10 nrcept n ' •n • in wage. averaging about'•t • fit, per hour. Sento c!nse'w of ..or or.' 11411 afMcte,1 at. 011 by the re - ;••.•1 on, nod 111•• a:ltu. •.f the imams .' 1 not las Interfered with. Otfirtala .r•• teeat1y p'rl.'01thItVspirit showu t 11'•• 1.••'1' :uric 11 1, 111'lietel the re. .I::' : h •'.: n 01• nrtanl t,cxlring on •• 1 1'. r. t+• ..• tet n+. NII.11 1)11'K MING 01. X441(11.14. Uncle Killed Her Because He Had a Com- mand From Heaven to Do Sa A dcspat:I) front Easton, Penn., says A coroner's jury at Nazareth, near Isere, late 011 \\'erlitesda)' returned a verdict charging Robert Bachman with 111' rau•der of Irene May Smith, hie .•e\ eu-'earold niece, who, it is alleged' 4411, .(b'l'ed its u sacrillco by her par - setts and uncle, members of a fated:- cie religious sect. 'l'lte neither, elm Lae] been arrested in cenneetiun with the child's death, was reh'ased [rums) cuslo(Iv. 'flit' father remains in jail. Bachman iisis•ts that the child tvae possessed of Ilse deevil end that tie killed her by outnnit►nd hem heaven. 11e1 maintains that he diel no wrong and that God will protect him. Ile cries out 'front Itis cell that he Ls to be cruci- fied, and Wilda with tho jailer to hurry the exccutlon that he may appear be - fere the throne of God, Who sent hum to earth to perform a great miss on for Inc saltation of mankind. Smith is to a pitiable condition both mentally and l:hysically. On Wednesday ho w:>.; nein, J well several fits and rolled from hes cot 1•) the floor, where he tos;tvl H1 )ul, shouting and praying. 11e ap- I•ears to know little or nlolhuig of 1ha i;illing of his daughter, and ttheu the eubject is broached too 141111 he inSIAIN that melting wrong has !towelled pand that h , bru'lr•r'in-last' was directed le the holy s1'iIIt. airs. Smith, on the other hand, Is rational end realizai the artful gravity eet the situation. She is heart -broken 111111 wails piteously over the tran.e fait .•1 Inv chill. she declares the religion eh.) and her hu••baud adopto.l is a myth, and t1:•tt they we're tut acting by dire:tion of 1„)11. She never had ntuet faint in the teachings of the sect, but gentled tI).'!lm ire order to keep peaCO in 1)10 family. He►r htfsband, ,h' &flys, \cos good and kuol to her, but when she objeet'J to the Dery religion 110 Mould become furious. \\ 11,tn 5110 went tee Nazareth last Saturday to attend il:e meeting that ended 111 the murder i.' her daughter she says she had eta idea of the intentions of tho plug he 4:ill her chid. priors Ihan were paid for exporter:. from t r 1 unchanged t 'rt •., a hulls were 1, 4 and l last week, Cows ranging from 8250 t:) $4.60; unit bulls from $3 to S4.0.I. A number of stockeis and leodtrs which were bound for the east stoplxd elf hero, but were not for sake. The few loads that were offered sold at $3 to 1;1.50. Consignments of calves were reduc- e•a and price; were a 11111.: firmer. The' ollcrings of :atop and lambs eero also comparatively light, which kept pries steady. Spr;11g lambs are becoming small l i,4'rt Eimi)41 lei Read I'ettlhers of thr Dead ItR'1.. , ( 4 1 T.1\ ,: A,,••t i1. ,• f r •• ••1nl et'u:AM' 11 Ili • 1 •7 •1 • ) • .tent, (,f 1.:l.! w '1 .1•.• • u•• ,1.,11„ h. (Iles*! 3)141111 17:1 tt• r•• '•1 i;v he'. .1'.•1. e • is h • i, .1 .h•. 1. _e n- tee, 1,1 1-1:, ,..tIO4 K \IAltNF:T. Dom Ili, cruisers 1t 1,', 1,1, :Ind 11, • ,i.•r 1!, I I., 1 1. 1141,,.0 1s,'hit111, The map :''t.. e . ' r 1 . 1.• . . . •' I.' •t l• . • 1 . and the Toror i . \Il, 1.. 0 1111'' t• • 4 h(1'Y1,4/er, and :1 , 1• r 1 • .• , ,•1 i 1.' ,.'11 ' 'I 41 e -• It . near (o. pt., hip, 1, , if 11111, •r •1. )I, • ' •.• - •' 11411 lit,• i'•tdnt•, o••r' •.1 \' •)_ '1.1 !. I,. 1G,. • 1•;, .- 4 4 . 1114 se- A• few .11.r' I \•, •,,14,11.11!) lin.• 'Aerie Ili.•:rI' . •1 • I': li • I .1"4 4 4.711;1' t . ,•, 1 •..e• 11- .. •d al!.r(.i, , I'l .,., .11 '' ' Ie 1t',• t. 4.1,14 ,4 14.44' 1 • . 1 \I.1ra1411. and ,'f tureen 4.19.1 4.1 I', Ili • I, .1 1 f 14• .'1 '1: • •i. -•:.I dile!. !,.•11•ri- ••1 • ,•'' 'c,. -n, `,:•,••• I, 114 .•.- \ \1 'I sI. r •1 1.61rrt:n \fin r.. 4 eft'• '•••i'.1 • , r-:, I t 01 1snl1k4' i Pin rr bot! n• 1•t' 'e,O i iS 1'•' it.ri) 11„•'" \ •.,1, 1- 11161 1 0.IIJ0. 7.1 :110 11.4.1 I• 1 •' i N • • r 1 1. , t. . -Int' 11 e for s :1 )311. r II: n ,0,1 !. 4 4' .01 1.111. ' e:. :11 5.t4' 1 '.. ', .•..• 1,.r11 : J. i t11. .: r. , '•. .!) 0 ,i • 1 .' r :,4 I l'%tl a g•) 1'K (FIN,. I. ,r Ili • .1 If 6,10 1.. nn 1,,.. ,.1. 4 ' 'l.4 ••t,••", 0/1 .3 '.11/(11 'Wit. 0 3 • t: It .1. t..t •:J ecot.Aal. I port, ..n 1 ►n.' ••f those sold 111 llttdh• c 1106 PItODI'(:I'S. Baron -Long clear, 10 to 10'4o per pound in case lots; motes pork, $tri 10 $18.50; short cut, 521 to 521.50. ilano.- t.ight 1, med'lum, 13 to I3l..'e; (!o., heavy. 1131 to 12e; roll':, 9% to 100; shoulders. 9%c; backs, 16e; breakfast liaison, lie. lard -Tierces, 11'1c; tubs, 11'1'•; pails, M. MONTH' \i. MARKETS. Montreal clay ,.--Local and foreign demand for spring wheat flour is fairly 8114.0 and a moderate trade Ls pees - Mg. Choice spring wheat patents, *GAO t , $6.20; second, $5.50 to 53.70; winder wheat patents, 55.10; straight rollers. $1.50 to $175; (10 In bags, 82.15 to $2.35; e%tra, $1.85 to $1.90. Brim -The market f:,r Ontario bran 4. ea,ier and several cars were offcl'•'41 at 82:1.50 per ton, including Imre. millet' s1:044'. a decline of $1 per ton .n prevt- otlts sales. Manitoba bran. $23; shorts 823; Ontario bran, 8.3.50 t•) 521; mid- dlings, $26 to 827; short~, $21.50 to $25 ler ten, including bag,; pure grata rnon'lle, $31 to $35, and milled grades, 825 to 530 per ton. Provisions -Barrel; short cut mess, $21; halt barrels, $10.73; clear fat ba• -k, $22 lo $2:1: l ng cul heavy mass. $20: half hornet, do., 110.50; dry salt long e:(ar backs, 103,e; barrels plate beef, $13.:.0 Ir, 513; half barrels do.. 157.23 to 57.75; Carrel: heavy rues, bog. $10 to $11: half barrels do., $5.50 10 $0; eerie pound lard, Bye to 9c; pure lard. 11%e k. 11'je:' kettle rendered, 11%c to l2c; pants. Ile to 13%e, according to size; breakfast bao')n, Itc M 15e; Windsor bacon, 11%rc to 15%e; fresh killed abat- toir dres-e(1 hogs, 59.75 to 510; live, 50.50 to $8.75. Eggs -17e per dozen for single cases and IGe for round lots. Cheesy --Old colored quoted at 12;;c lc 1..•' and white at 12%c to 12%c; new make i+ quoted at I1%c to 11.110. Re- ceipts to•dny were '358 1.11x•'11. Buller -New -make creamery (fooled ' t 40a• to 28%e in round lots and lltt„c to pate• to grocers. 1'\TI'Eh 'I'.\'IT.S Al %II:E1'S. 111:(1:110. May :' \\'fl• al Sprat g, steady; No. 1 Northern. $101%. car - 1 'ode; \linter, firmer; No. 2 r.'d, *1.- (0y. fawn- -strong; \•'• : )ell•eo. 72%e. Oat.- Lower; No. .! whsle. :dr; No. 2 nixed, 52c. Butes -,a3 (u 13+ . 11)e -Nn. 1. on track. 8''4e. Minneapolis. \la► 5.-\\'11•eal f'u-1•. May. $1.46 %; Jnly. *1.M% to 81•01‘,;: September. !KW,. ; No. 1 h'al'l, $I.03', 1,7 *1.0.0',,; N r. 1 \..t them. *)!Ill's 14) Gi 1)7',: N ,. 2 ani tt este $l.'15'_ b. $1.- 43 ',,. F'aur-t'u•a pate,il-. s3.3:1 1 ) A1.:A1: s•" ind patents. 53,.'':0 ler `t:e.1'); bra clear-, *1.10 lo $1,25:.•- •.11.1 clears, Sa.311 Io 53.10. Its:ru- In bull:. *21 to \I.lwaltkee. Mi:y 5. le li :11 \•.. 1 \•,Ahern. *1.(49 t, 31.111: N'. 2 \ inlet to. $1.07% 111 st.tet; Jul'..7'„•' 'i -10.I. Bye - N.,. 1. 8,►•. IMrl,'t .'4.,. 1. '411•:.am- ple. 01 l0 moo. 1 ••r:i \e1. :1. c ,-11, 60 11 li7yr. Ma)'. 0734. New York. May :,. \114:lt ,l034; Ne. 2 1.011. g (4. eleva I. r: ,\u, r,.1. ALAN Lij, an. 01; No. 1 u rl!.- 11i , erne l) Ih th, 1I.I3';. f.o.h. 011001: \ . 2 ` leono 1 t. tit. -r. $!.It'. Co.L. tilk)at. --T FROM BONNIE SCOTLAND NOTES OF INTEREST FROM llEn BANKS AND BRAES. Mr. W. D. \\'ttdnson, 1ic•'rt3"d glv- CCI',la'osybII1e,(lp w'at'•hnl:adeacon in Sl. Johns U. F. Church. has 6111r- rendertd This liceil,e to sell intoxicating t,quors. Sir Henry Littlejohn has boon ap- Ilo:nted consulting medical o(licer of health and surgeon of police in Fihn- burgh et his former salary of $3,750 per annum as chief. The parish church of iskda14anuir was recently re -opened after extensive renovation and alteration of the inter- ior. A pipe organ was Beed in the ser- t'co for the first time. The sanitary inspector at Patrick has taken exception to rho floor.; of the city'; new slaughter -houses at. al-rk- laidE Leing wa•ite.I out with polluted •tater drawn from Aha Clyde. The death at Stonehaven is announced of Captain \Vin. elophcn, lata of the merchant service. who;:, gruutfattnr, Alex. Stephen. fought under Nelson at the battle* of the Nile and Trafalgar. I)r. .Alex. Cadre Brown, who is retir- ing from the chair of ch''mialry in 11.41- etrburglh, otter having i,oettpi.wl it for to years, i, a. half-brother of rho tote 1)r. J .tut Breen, author of "Rab and lrtenels." Tho Carnegie University 'frust pro- poses making the following grant9 this year: Ediubltrgh University, £11,600; Glasgow University, £11,100; Alt/waive' t'.iiiverstty, £i1,G00, and Sl. .\n•br sys 'University, £7,500. A swatter ran ashore in eberdc'en Ray. near this mouth of the Don. We f.ther day. and public !nlcreat was so great that the shops in tho neighbor - What Is Going On in the Highlands and Lowlands of Auld Scotia. Elgin Smallpox Hospital has now teen completed. ft has cost $7.250. During the past namtlt the custon15 1.1(11110 at Aberdeen aniounteel to $111,105. The $10,000 nocessary .to establish a mining school in Cowdenhcalh has been secured. Forfar Town Council, with a view to .popularizing the town, have appointed a Sports Committee.ee. A clerk in Dundee Shore Dues Office hos (,bsoonded. 11is defalcations are e-diinatotl at $10.000. The Lyceum Theatre, Govan, seas re- cently entered by burglars and about 8200 in money was stolen. Mr. J. aiaihes•-lI. teacher, Claddach, Kirkabosf, has teen pimentcd with a purse of sovereigns on his retinal. About fifty men are employed doub- ling the North British Railway between leverkeilor and Liman Bay. Tho Scottieh Coast Mission oontimtes to do splendid work amongst the fish- ing communities In Arbroath and neigh - lam -hood. The late hr. Mcfain's Inverness Gaelic Dictionary has been out of print forsame NGnc, and a new edition is to be published. Clydebank enjoyed the sensaEon 1110 other day of seeing a real live itl>`.s:un finron, driving a motor car, pound into a plelte:an weeping Machine. It is etakd thul the late Marquis o► irate offered to restore Ifoly'rood Chapel, bel Queen lietlria diSlpproted of the faoposed reslorat•,n. Maier Mowbrny, .t MershonMershonhas given nn abatement 41f rent rnnounting from RI to 25 per (enc., lehis tarn t'n- auls Lea'nu30 of the 1.ad t..arte.l. Ono' of Alia licenses nppleet for in Glasgow Ibis year is 10 empower aMewrnp t, bo opened in the Golbal., kir the sale of Jewish wind under Jewioti hit... 11.' hem- hood of Dartmouth were quit) eurplied of provision; en the Sunday by visitors t, the scene. Fur the third year in succession a binrl:bird has built its nest in n chan- delier in the centra of the North Ber- wick Parish Church 11tH. The buil 'flies in and 0111 111 one of the windows, and is quite undi lterhe,l by the pres- eliso of people in tit' building. f IMPORTS FALLING 01'1'. Itoinhtion Customs HeluMw. for .the Month Show Deerca,e. ,\ despatch fi'on► Ottawa c i> ,: rhe customs revenue of the 11.111:ll'•l for the tenth of April was $3.10.)17. a decrease of 81018.116, as tompar•11 with April of last year, due to the c)n• tamed decrease in imports, consequent upon the caution now being exercised l y wholesale merchants and others in the matter of purchases ,ITr.►ad during the period of depressF.11. RIMIER 1 NEER MASS OF ItfRC'f. Two Alen Mel heath ki Aline in Crib p,h Columbia. :\ despatch from \',In(••, i.•.1. •)v.. Netts has renehe.L brit' .1 .4 1 4111 •: tv••- i ! nt the aline near I'h•ee•n 6. e Wee, 'eller Mart n, nge1 forty -Ilse, and Keefe Ley Smith, a young F.tlgli hmurt, %sere+ working on 11in 300 -foot level on smelly nfterno711, when tun enertnntts lel-., ,f reek was dkettotigoe.1. completely 1 ). •tig - •tig them. IND MAN NERDS LRW CLASS Two Brothers Graduated First and Second at McGill and Won Scholarships. \ dc;pnlelt from \41'Meat sat-: \n interesting dory of 1 toth''A'. 1 e aril i nurnateouc worts under 11:e a1Fltet (4,3 u: 1,401 b;indllres wag, un4eitvl Lit Mt 1: 11 L nit4'rsilw .n '! hur•41it) . tt 1:e n Irv., l'ettuc'e.. Themes sr, and ea .1• .!t!1 Ste•wnrl. gradianhd in law, cont111K 1e - ape. tae1) first and s,. cond in Mar etas:. mill winning two out of 'hre . 10'. hir,hip , Thomas c, Stewart is 4.1311) blind. Ihreegh the Calc'e•an",S Lit 1111 04:1.1'I1t. \in•• tear= ago le :n pied 1fie of h.'. i y• s 41 Cs a Anil•', 111.1 by 1101. to terler'o-.k to pursue till sllhiics on law ,t 41 1, and titer ,t't. e lhcn h s Lrelti r ha., devoted hili .•'it 1 , him. snaking lee slediee with 11 111 toed n•'rompan)ing him 1.' '•e ..•,4 sforl3 nil through alt the pL . ••• • .✓ urev'r.ily 1 fo- praclicnlly tunk'ug 1, :n• 14011 a cetng 10.1.1011 for tea blind 1 rt' Iher. Ai n restet • f this ,:n, sued d •o - lion the blind 't• . !t' e I'r•' . Lit at tt o head 4.1 1111 et' br.,h••r en.:... •1t' 11 1 1111 1 .'•e . . 11:0 ' r .l.• a 01',1: 4141, 1nr4,1 that 141 .aver 11:4•' . ;(111,'. 11 a to 1e) a •• u , r. , n sg111 of the ol'r•r the bad ay,' !I'••1 1• 1 •sir 11 Ir't•"•' )!• ).d removed, \Ir. stew Art utuk'ro •• t '' 1 re.'ttch I,nw i • I , ..1 . 1' 11..) ,4orn1 Ofl. 1,111 l'. ww,lr.' 4t11': , 1 . •. i \1.1)11.1.1 er 1 . I w ,.• '''4 4'4141 '1'11 1 . 90 ,•1. ,. , ,1, , :;t: 11 •I. - e 1..1 '1.4 • 1.• 4.et• • 1)0 a't- , •1.• I as OOP, t 11 4 •(•'111./1'1. I I 4,;,..1 tlire/V.4,01ti,ti the Oiler•1! . i.1 qr. );,•e'.1 op, %%ittt the' Drs' t ,' 1 44 he 1 fi:•• pal e•n1 ricin cut of 11 • : • : be was too 1 t'''7 1,1111.1. l' fie •1