HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-05-07, Page 1s
55c to JAN. 111)
1 ete
subscribe for the ADV(!- t
CATE and get a bargain
as above btated; or else
take adv,ottaga f alta
Low Club Rates
The Old Reliable
HAT can we do for you to-
day ? Do you need any -
i thing of the following ?
G 9 9 Whichever you may need it
will pay you to look our stock
• • • over and get our prices before
'4'44-'4'l'1:1:1:1'1'i'l'Ve,{ti,�1° 'i' '49 1 1 1: ' ' 1' 1' 1' i.l.l:`1:f
RLCL►iT1tlkGcSS+70t/���' ,,,A.:A.
Millinery Millinery
Don't forget that we have a
in connection with our store, in the person of
Our trade with her is increasing every year.
Give her a trial and be convinced.
`.7atYh 1r iMn til:fit 1 irtai.1.171„1s3s3Y3s1.1,3. +
Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs, Butter 23c, Eggs 16c
Remember the Store one door north Post Once
Big Reduction in Ladies' Raincoats.
A brand new lot of Ladies' Cravenette Coate, made of beautiful fine mat-
erial, nicely trimmed. Colors fawn, light and dark greys
$12 coat for 9.75 $10 coat for $7.75 $0 coat for $7
Pretty White Lawn Waists
A large collection of beautiful white lawn waists, very prettily tritntned
with insertion and lace; others with embroidery fronts; also some very
dainty styles of net waists.
Special Waist aist at $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 $2 25
Linoleums and Lace Curtains
Don't forget to have a look and get our prices on linolenms and lace
curtains. We show a very large range and our prices are away dawn.
Men's Odd Pants
Special reduction of Men's Odd Pants bought at big discount. We are
going to sell ts extra stock off at reduced prices. Call and see our special at
11 hi
1.49, $2.00, 90. Large assortment of good patterns and colors.
New and Stylish Millinery
You have never heard or dreamed of such a chance. A big stock of new
millinery at Away Down Prices. Call and see. Sante price to all.
Professional Cards.
Brick and Tile for Sale
DR. O. F. RUl'1^ T ?\, L. D. S , D. D. 8. The undersigned has a large quantity of first -claw
1J brick and tile for sale on his yards, situated opposite
DENTIST the grist mill at Crediton East. Satisfaction gust•
r-anteed. It will be to your interest to call and make
Member of the lt. C. D. 8. of Ontario and 11o0or an inspection 1 e fore busing elsewhere.
Graduate of Toronto University. JOSIPiI t1AIMT, Crediton East.
OIriCB: Over Dickson & ('arling's Lam Office, to
's former Dental P
DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8..
Honor graduate of Toronto Unlvertete.
For Sale or Rent.
A one store •frame dwelling in good condition, on
Carling street, two lots of land. Oood stable on the
premises, also a number of fruit trees. Terme reas-
onable. Apply at this office.
tette extra ted without any pain, or any bad effects --
Ogee oyer Madman t Stanbury's office, Main street
DR. T. P. McLAUoln.lN
Has resumed practice after spending a year (Col-
lege) at British and Continental 11ospitals. Oeneral
practice with special attention to Eye, (with rem*.
tion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
Lore, Notaries, Conveyancers, ('ornmie.loners.
{ Solicitors for Maisons Bank, etc.
Mossy to Loan at lowest rates of interest.
Offices, Main street, Exeter.
1. S. CARLING, B.A., 1. II. nicsson
have a large amount of private funds to loan
e farm and village properties at low rates of Inter
Barristers, Solicitors,Main at., Euler On
William Brown
Prof. Diplo�ry of Royal ineorpnrstcd Society of
Musicians, . .nd. Organist of Trivitt Memorial
Cburcb,Bse Piano, Organ, Harmony and Theory
of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British ('ompanles.
Main -St.. Exeter.
House For Sale.
In the Village of Exeter, situated on Simcoe street,
a frame dwelling. 2 stories. kitchen and w, odshhed
stable, g n.i sell. one fifth acre of lend. All in g
ondition W:11 t.e slid reasonable. Apply at fhb
Sari ACRKB IN NURSERY nor K. Agents want•
ed et once to sell for Fall lar( god Spring lose dr•
I,cry: whole or part time; liberal terms; odes free.
The Thus. W. Bowman .t Son Co , Ltd.,
Rfdse.ille, Ont
Calf for Sale
A hull calf: apply to Thomas Snell,
Huron Street.
Dog Lost
White Hound, tan color ears, black
spot on right side, answers to the
name of Mack. Finder will confer a
favor by returning saute to W. Johns,
Barn for Sale.
Flame bars, 28x1() feet, with an ad-
dition of 18 feet. NVill sell the whole
or part. 1VilI be sold cheap. For
particulars appl • to
JOHN WOOD, Exeter.
Building For Sale.
Frame of a building 501:36, with 21
ft. posts, in first-elass shape; also lum-
ber, at low rate.
13. S. 1'1i11.1.11'S, EXETER.
Licenced auctlosesr.
Sales atttnd<d in a ,ll parts. Satisfaction guaran•
tett) or no pay. Terms reasonable. All ceders left
at Advocate Otti:e will be promptly attended to.
thoroughnere, progressiveness,
utility, enthusiasm, expertness
la are our watchwords. Commer•
dal Stenography, Telegrs hy.
Mail Courses in any subject.
�-- No N*.-stion.
ro Ctlsto■ Bsslsetts College
e.eo. 'potion, Principal.
House and Land for Sale.
The undendgned k offering for sale 1.• house and
land en Iluron Street East. The house 1s of frame
and 11. In good repair. The land consists of 4% arses
In gond condition. Good water -hand and soft
(food stable. Some good fruit trees, etc. Posses -
sloe given now or in Me fall. Apply at the home
of Abraham bearing, Jr., Simco, Street.
Wil. S. HAKF.R.
Calf for Sale.
For sale --A th:.ro,;,hbresl .t rehire bullcalf.
give pedigree. .apply to
JAS. CONNoR, Mete?.
The man who eats cloves is tainted
'Nitb tbe breath of nleplelon.
Tho Council !net in the Towu Hall
on Friday, May lst. All the members
present. The minutes of the meeting
held on April 3rd were read and ap-
A petition signed by T. 13. Carling,
A. Hastings, D. Mack, E. A. Follick
and others asking that Main street
from South Boundary to the Presby-
terian church property be watered;
also petition signed by D. Cobbledick,
L. McTaggart, Won. Bawden and
others asking that Main street north
from the Presbyterian church proper-
ty to the Lake or Thames Road be
W. J. Ileatnan-A. E. Fake -that
the prayer of the petitions be granted
and the Clerk is hereby instructed to
call for tenders. The sante to be in
the clerks hands by the .next regular
A petition signed by Dr. T.A. Amos,
P. Frayne and 10 others residing on
Andrew street asking toradrain along
said street, between North and James
streets. The petition was received
and ordered to be filed until next
A communication was read from
the Secretary of the Cemetery Board,
F. %V. Gladman, re caretakers salary
(of the cemetery). The same to be
$350 per annum with a bonus of $25
extra if services are satisfactory to the
J. J. Knight -W. J. Heawan-that
the recommendation of the committee
he sustained by the Council. -Carried.
A report was read from the fence
viewers regards reward between D.
Hutnohr, D. Russell, G. Bartner, Thos.
Webster and Jonathan Kydd. The
report was laid over for future consid-
The following accounts were read
and ordered to be paid: C. B. Snell,
street lighting $100.80, Town Hall
$3.60; Carling Bros., brooms 80cts.;
James Murray & Co.. supplies $2.75;
Bell Telephone Co., 50c; Wm. Davis.
caretaking Fire Hall No. 1. $10; A. G.
Dyer, postage $1.40; W. .1. Bissett,
supplies for engine $1.70; Advocate
Printing Coy., supplies for Election
By-laws $12.35; Jas. Connor, pt. salary
$33; F. W. Gladman, seeds for ceme-
tery $1.50, postage and stationery $1;
J. A. Stewart, grass seed cetnetery $1;
Ed. Treble, W. D. Weekes, Stephen
Powell, Nelson Taylor, D. R. 0., each
$2; Herbert Ford, James Weekes,
Wm. Vale, Chris. Luker, poll clerks,
each $2; Silas Handford, Jno. Mitchell,
W. D. Weekes, Booths, each $2; for
John Gillespie $225, Frank Sweet $1,
Chas. Clarke $2.40, Sam. Sanders, Jr.
$3.75, Thos. Horn 75c., W. Weetcott
T. Brock, Sr., $7.12, Geo. Oudmore
1.75. Wm. Davis, Sr., $4.50, Janies
Weekes $1, Mrs. White, scrubbing
$1.25; W. J. Bissett, pt. salary $33; C.
13. Cross, pt. salary cemetery 521);
amounting to $310.32. Passed on
motion of W. Johns sec. by W. J.
The Clerk reported that the Assess-
ment Roll for the municipality for
1908 had been returned by the assessor.
The date for the Court of Revision for
the same will bo fixed at the next
regular meeting.
Per J. J. Knight adjournment.
Jostle!! SENIOR, Clerk.
Exeter School Report,
Following is the report for April.
Sr. I V. -H Mike 83, R Dearing 82,
E Southcott 81, E Howey 81 (honors);
11 Sweet 78, 0 Wood 70, It Knight 70,
A Jackson 00, W Stewart 08, C Pickard
67, W Fttke (15, M Jewell 01, L M
Frayne 61. L Rivers 03, L Rowe 02, M
Dauncey 62, C Harvey 00. Jr. IV. -R
Bissett 76 (honors); M Hilts 70, 0 Hey-
wood 67. No. on roll 33, average 28.-
C. Vosper, Teacher.
Sr. Iii. --I Rivers 88, 0 Bissett 87, 1
Hardy 83, It Wood 82, ti Southcott 82,
I. Treble 79, R Balkwill 76, V Easter -
brook 76(honors); F McPherson 74. M
Carling 73. J Walker 71, V Rowe 70, M
Acheson 70, H Snell (xis, J Seldon 67, 0
Hodgert 65, F Dinney (13, 1t Fleming
02, A Beverly 00. Jr. III. -1. Harvey
85, E Harvey 75(honors); (1 Anderson
72, M Quance 72, 13 Walker 71, li
Quance 71, T Fear 69. M Jones 68, Si
Hector 67, E Hurdon 67, L Taylor 66,
M Blatchford (13. No. on roll 47, aver-
age 40.
Elsie A McCallum, Teacher.
Sr. I1 -M Case 00, F Rowe 85, A
Knight 82, W Kydd 79, E Anderson
78. E 13owey 77, A Bell 77, M Heywood
75, W Manson 75 (honors); E Day 71,
11 Rivers 74, E Horney 71. V Knott 71,
A Day 70. 1.13 Handford 65. Jr. i1. --
J Craig 76. F Howey 75 (honors); M
Hicks 7:3, T ('lark 61). No. on roll 30,
average 32.
11. M. Kinsman, Teacher
Sr. IL --M Seldon 92, P Jackson 00,
S McFalls 82. Jr. 1I.--13 Horney 98,
A Carter 88, (1 Wells 88, A Johns 86,
G Fitton 85. D Kunz 81. No. on roll
53, average attendance 45.
A. F.. Martin, teacher.
Jr. 11 tosr.ii,-M Vincent, 1. Zuefle,
M Gladman, M Harness. Sr. Pt. ii
to Jr. 1I. -J Hendon, }i Day. R Mar-
shall, E Johns. Jr. Pt. 11 to Sr. Pt.
11,-11 Hector, A Taylor, R Cornish,
A Wendland, i) Knight, M hardyy.
CI. iV to Jr. I't. 11.-0 Carling. M
Kydd, 11 Boyle. P Collingwood, W
Rendle, J Norsworthy. Cl. iII to 01.
IV. -D Charlton, 13 Rivers, 11 Easter-
brooke, 13 Gould, J Ferguson. ('1. 11
ao Cl. III. -1 Z zefle, (3 Jones. M Hart.
lieb, M Lloyd, J Smith. No. en roll
40, average :35.
F. W. Howard. Teacher.
— -area --
Clinton: A very sudden death oc-
curred on May :d. Robert Doan, who
has lately had charge of the shipping
department of the Clinton KMing ('o.,
died at the Clinton hospital. Ile had
been in poor health for shout a year,
brit was able to attend to his ditties
until Thursday.
Sale iIIs
FAitMElls who want a
big crowd et their sales
should get their bills at
theAD\'u('ATE and ad -
vet tit in the ADVOCATE
It Means Motley to You
For South Huron One Special Feature
Exeter Council Henry Eilber Chosen
The Unanimous Choice of the
Conservative Convention.
The Liberal -Conservative Conven.
tion held at Ifensall oa Tuesday after-
noon last to select a candidate for the
Legislature was largely attended and
was one of the most euthusiastic and
harmonious gatheringsof the kind ever
held in the riding.
The convention did not consist of
appointed delegates. but was open to
all tnembers of the Conservative party
and representatives were present from
all parts of tbe riding.
Mr. Eilber, who has represented the
constituency for a number of years, on
entering the hall -was greeted with an
outburst of applause, thus demonstrat-
ing his popularity and foreshadowing
bis future success.
The meeting called to order, Mr.
Eilber was uuanimously tendered the
nomination and he accepted in a few
brief remarks.
The Chair was occupied by Mr. John
Williams, President of the South
Huron Conservative Association, and
seated on the platform with him were:
Henry Eilber, of Crediton, M. P. P.
for South Huron; Col. Hugh Clark, of
Kincardine, M. P. P. fur Centre Bruce;
Mr. Wm. Campbell, of Godericb; Mr.
T. B. Carling, of Exeter; Mr. tlenry
Horton, of Tuckersmith, and others.
Mr. Williams. in opening (he meet-
ing, referred to the last past political
campaign in the riding, and denounced
in most scathing terms the unfair
means that bad been resorted to re-
garding the secrecy of the issuing of
the proclamations, Mr. McLean and
his Returning Officer having carried
the date in their pockets until the day
for issuing the proclamations arrived.
He stated that he thought it was an
understood fact that Mr. Eilber was to
be the only nominee, whereupon it
was moved by ex -warden H. Spack-
man of Exeter and seconded by Dr.
Wood of Bayfield that Mr. Eilber be
the candidate, the meeting approving
of same hyy a standing vote, and alt
singing He's a Jolly Good Fellow."
Mr. T.B. Carling was the firstspeak-
er, and after denying the Globe's re-
port that he was to be a candidate in
opposition to Mr. Eilber, he compli-
mented Mr. Whitney on the way be
had carried out his promises. The
electorate bad been given a clean bal-
lot which would do away with that
corruption and unfair means that had
so Iaviehly been practiced by the late
Ross government. He considered the
three-fifths clause a wise one.
Mr. Campbell, of Godericb, congrat-
ulated the Convention on giving Mr.
Eilber the nomination unanimously.
He felt sure that from the able way in
which Mr. Whitney was conducting
the affairs of the Province that be
would be returned to power with eq-
ually as large a majority as before.
He (Mr. Campbell) was a temperance
inan and always opposed to the liquor
traffic, but was strongly in favor of
the three-fifths clause. The speaker
had known Mr. Whitney for many
years, and he had always found him
to be a tuan of principle and honor.
Mr. Eilber, the candidate, was given
a rousing reception on rising to his
feet. Ile said he was pleased to again
meet so many of his friends. He then
went into lengthy detail of many of
the most important matters that had
been dealt with by the Government
during the Whitney administration,
anddetnonstrated to a finish that the
Whitney Governrnent .vas the govern-
ment for the people. Mr. Eilber closed
his magnificent address by stating that
he wastrot the least afraid as to the
result of either the Province or this
Mr. Horton then addressed the meet-
ing briefly.
Col. Clark said it was a pleasure
for him to conte and say a few words
for his friend Mr. Eilber. Ile then
took up some of the criticisms that
had been lodged against the govern-
ment. These lie dealt with in a tnost
convincing manner. He dealt at sotne
length with matters pertaining to the
penitentiarieg, reformatories and asy-
lums, the mining and other lands, the
increased expenditure etc. Referring
to the increased expenditure he admit-
ted it had increased, but it reproduced
itself many fold. As an example he
said legal costs had been incurred in
prosecuting the Michigan Central
Railroad in connection with the ex-
plosion. but the result was a $25,000
fine. This came back to the people in
the way of school grants etc. This
and many other instances were incited
after which the ('ol. closed en excell-
ent and well directed address. At the
conclusion of which a hearty vote of
thanks was given him for his presence.
Mr. Thomas Yellow is vet ill of
Mr. Hoskins, Exeter North, is able
to he out aroma' again.
A sittings of the Division Court will
be held in the Town Hall on Tuesday
Miss Flossie Sweet has been laid up
with a sore throat this week, but has
now regained her usual good health.
A widespread conspiracy exists in
India to kill Lord Kitchener and other
British officials, and a revolution
seems imminent.
Once again we hear the statement
that Exeter in every way presents the
!test eppenranee of the towns in West-
ern Ontario. Mr. 11. A. Harries of
Montreal. inspector of the Molsnns
Bank, who has been bete daring the
past week, ao expresoed himself, REAmA
"1'ou should be proud of Soar town
he said, and, needless to say, w'' att e,
Is the Marathon Race
This race is attracting a great deal of interest
among the long distance runners. It will be
run over a six mile course, up hill and down
dale. In this like all the other events
Excellent Prizes are being offered
All the other sports, the horse races, the proces-
sions, etc, will be exceptionally fine; all tend-
ing to make a great celebration in
E�c1cr, Victoria Dag, Mai 25
A fair attendance of the Postmasters
of South Huron met in convention in
the Town Hall, Exeter, on Tuesday
moruiug and afternon, with President
McKinnon, of Blyth, in the Choir, and
Geo. Sutherland, of Hensall as Acting
Secretary. The postoftice affairs were
thoroughly discussed, under such
branches as "Registration," "Postal
Nott s" and " Money Orders,"+std"The
Folding and Labelling of Newspapers."
A political campaign without car-
toons is like a book without pictures.
The humorous side of the situation is
what appeals to the man with the pen-
cil. The Cartoonist of THE NEWS
(Toronto) pictures the events of the
present Provincial campaign in a
graphic manner from day to day.
His cartoons deliver their stories in-
stantly and convincingly. By taking
advantage of the special campaign
offer you can have THE NEWS dally
to June 13th for 25 cents.
Ceirdlof Tbnoks.
Ms. and Mrs. I. Armstrong and fam-
ily desire to thank the tnany friends
for their kindness and sympathy dur-
ing the illness and death of the late
Mrs. E. Hunt.
Mrs. Hammond, fo Buffalo, is visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Rivers,
Miss Sarah Sweet is the guest of
Mise Bertha Taylor of Zion this week.
Miss E. J. Brown. Nurse. of Detroit,
is on a visit to her home here, arriving
Tuesday evening.
Miss Carrie Knight has returned
from visiting her brother, Mr. Charles
Knight. 5t. Thomas.
Miss Strang, who bas been visiting
her mother, Mrs. Hanna, in Toronto
the past tuontb, returned to her horse
here last week.
RoneetmD-in St. Marys, on April 28,
Florence If., daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Alonzo Rodfleld, aged (i months
and 10 days.
STATTEN-In London, May 2, Samuel
Statten, formerly of Grand Bend,
in his 350 year.
Nowriicorr-in ilamilton, on May 4,
Florence M., daughter of Jno.North-
cott, aged 24 years, 9 months. Fun-
eral Thursday at 2:30.
PINKERTON-1n Godetich township,
on April 18th, Marcia Lawrason,
widow of the late Robert Pinkerton,
aged 70 years and 0 months.
Court of Revision
Township of Stephen
NOTICE is hereby given that a
Court of Revision for the Assessment
Roll of the Township of Stephen, will
hold its first meeting for the present
year, en TOWN HALL. ('l(EDITON,
on TUESDAY, MAY .stile, 1008, at 10
o'clock a.m.
Township Clerk.
Creditor], May 50), llSei,
S1tggRIis.-In Brantford, on May 3rD,
to Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Sheeres. a
f3ENcrovott-In Hensall, on April 2$,
to lir. and Mrs. Fred Bengongh, a
Htst.oP-In McGillivray, on April 27,
to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hislop, a
REEnER-In McGillivray, on A ril2S'
to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reeder, a
BLOOMFIELD-In Parkhill, on April
28, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Bloomfield,
a son.
MUSTARD -On London Road, on April
21, to Mr. and Mrs. James Mustard,
a son.
Horxrl:cs-In McGillivray. on April
2D, to Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Hodgins, a
MCCARTNEY-On Mill Road, Tucker -
smith, on April 28th, to Mr. and
Mrs. George McCartney. a son.
EInT-Morren-At Hickson, April 29,
Chas. A. Etdt of -Dashwood, to Mies
Alenina Motter, formerly of Dash-
JAMiE8ON-MANNIN(r--In Crystal City,
Man., Archibald 13. Jamieson to Miss
Cora:Maud, daughter of John T.
Manning, formerly- of Exeter.
Stttert-Swar.Low-At Woodham, on
April 2 2nd, by Rev. L. Bartlett, Mise
Edith, eldest daughter of Jas. Swal-
low, to Wesley Shier.
SHEERE-McI.ELLAN.- in Fort) Will-
iam, Nelson Sheere, formerly of Ex-
eter, to Miss Kate McLellan, daugh-
ter of Mrs. J. McLellan, all of Fort
Pure White
Castile Soap.
2 ib. bars 25c.
Fancy Soaps and Toilet 4
LeyWatch Window. ('an.1 xp.Bldg.
'PNer IIP'4IPIV' 'Ur All rP�
Step Ladders, very latest $1.00 to $1.50
Curtain Stretchers, complete... $1.40 per set
Carpet Beaters 15 cents each
Carpet Sweepers From 2.00 up
Ready.Mixed Paints 15c per tin, up
Alabastine, all colors 25c,50c,a pkge
Brushes From 5 cts up
Adjustable Curtain Rods 15c and 25c
Garden Trowels 5ctsand l0cts
Campbell's Varnish Stains..15c. 25c, 45c and 85c
Screen Windows Screen Doors
Poultry Netting Lawn Mowers
Garden Tools of every description