Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 70 j i 1 FIFTH LARGER CROP AVERAGEtEDE WORLD'S MARKETS 8111.0.4S 11011 Ttlli I.l:1DING 1RAUE CEN "1Itt:.3. Indications Point to Record Yield in the ( West This Year. A despatch from Ottawa says: OfiMeal returns 'weevil by the Immigration De- partment lapartn'nt from ugents throughout the Weer Show Iliac the acreage under crop in \hiniteba, Saskatchewan and :Uter- i t Iles year will be about twenty per teats. greater than lest year. All Mile cations note point to a record yield of Wheat from "the granary of the Ma- dero" this year. The incre i -o l acreage, as. of course, largely due to tho influx of new seltlers. Reports from agent.: of the depert- ment in the Western Slate indicate that the number of American farmers who will take up land in the (:anadt- ani Wc-t this year will be very largely la excess of last year. On the other hand, owing to the restrictive reguia- t.ons recently put in force by the Gov- ernment, the immigration from Great ,Britain this year shows a very consid- erable faL'in;; off. For March, the ar- rivals of IJril:oh immigrants were 50 f.er cent. less than for the correspond- ing month of last year. Lee TWO NI11.1.1(►NS .t D11'. l:norntous Groff Ib in 1:i nadu's Foreign Trade. A despatch from Ottawa says: For the fiscal )ear ending with last mouth Canada's total trado reached the record figure of $638,390,291, an Increase of be5,818,940 nvc r the corresronding • teeny trontIce of 19;X', -(t7. The inteerls ler the year totalled $358,373,(55, an 111- trease of 82,228,073. Exports of the $280,016,6(:4, an increase of $7,810,010. The customs revenue for 1110 year in- creased by $5,311,281, tete total being $58,320,737. The largest increase in do- mestic cx{wrts was in agricultural pro- ducts, which totalled $66.069.939, as compared with $49.511.327 for the pre- ccd ng twelve month,. Exports of manufactures le -Milled $28,507,121, an in- creaoe of $2,288.075. Exports of the mine totalled $39.177.133, an increase of $3,0311,993. Fisheries exports remain- ed practically stationary, totalling $13,- er7,368. A huge decrease Is shown in Ha. exports of animals and (heir pro- dure, which reached only $55,101260 Iasi year. as oompnrcd with $67.817,- 461 67.$ ,,111 for lh.i preceding twelve menthe. Exports of the forest totnllee 814,170.- 470. a decrease of 81,452,702. For the lost month the imports totalled $30,- -(!:2.232. a da'i'rdase of 86.71%9.811 Ex - hoes amounted to $18,572,085, an in- crease of 82,442,080. LOG C111 RAN AWAY. Killed Nine Men on the Susquehnnnn itailroad. A despatch front Italslon, Po., says: A work train on the Susquehanna & -New York Railroad, near t,nquin, Pa., Was wrecked on Wednesday morning b, a runaway car •which dashed into (he train after descending a steep grade. I::ght lumicrmen were killed outright, •enc died later \ rile being taken to a .h(aspital, and fifteen wero seriously in- eured. The wreck occurred on the Ln- •totin 1.I% rr Company's log toad lead. Mg up into the mountains, about twenty-six miles from Ralston. The men wero riding on the log Irvin. which was being pitched up the sleep •agent by the engine. A log car ran -may and came down the grade nt ter- rific speed toward the train. An at - butte was made to reverse the engine cn the log (rain to avoid the shoe!: of Ihe cnllu.ien, but the runaway car crasherd into the ears before anything •cculd be done The engineer and fire- man and thoee in the train who were near the engine escaped Injury. - 44 A 11.1SII FOR i.Iisi:BTl'. Chinaman Tries to Escape al SI. John. New Itrunswick. \ deepalrh from SI. Jelin. N. iL, sr.ys: A Chinammn who was held by or - (ter of t!re customs here. tirade a bold c!a.h for liberty on Thursday, but was recaptured. Ile carne out as a peeve - ger to St. Jahn on the Allan liner Vir- ginian, nod traveled as a Japanese. ilt tree retinue a queue. The l:u•lnms Ile.• Vartment decided 111111 his features de - tiered 11110 n (:hireee, rind nnt•se 't could 1•e moven he wero 0 Jnpane•e he must pay $500 or go back. Ile was Dien placed under guard on the .leamee. On Thursday he elieltel his tvitichers and jumped) v erboard. Ile awns, astute, ran nlnng fie street, followed by an ex. ( '. 1. yelling crowd. 1•e' '•,as re i 'er- e . ,: ,1 ant tack nl:n;, .c c'•eee, . IMMIGRATION RETURNS. ratline Off in the Arrivals in Last Three Months. A despatch from Ottawa says: The total Irumigrnlion for the first three months of the present calendar year was 27,1(4, is compared with 412,048 foe the surto three months in 1907, showing a decrease of 11,901. The British immigration was 8,911, as com- pared with 20,822. a decrease of 11,878. The continental immigration was 6,810, ee compared with 11,600, a decrease of 4.790. The inmligra(ion from the Unit- ed States eta; 11,390, as compared with 1',626, an increase of 1,764. The immigration for the last fiscal year, ending with last month, was 262,- 44.9, made up of 120.182 British, 93,975 centtnental and 58,312 from the United States. For the corrspondinge twelve 'notelet of 1906-07 the inimtgrat:on was 2.22,702, made up of 103,916 British, 59.- 473 continental and 59,243 from the United Slates. The Increase for the twelve months was 39,767. GRASPING TIIE LEPER. Engineer Itil1mer Killed on C. N. R. Near Roblin, Manitoba. A despatch from Roblin, Man. says: Carrlydian Northern loo)metive draw- ing a freight train on the Edmonton Ionia line jumped the track in cut- ting about four miles east of Roblin cn Thursday morning and rolled over, crashing Engineer Edward Rigger to death. The fireman jumped and escaped without injury. The engineer met death at his post. When remov ug his Lady it was found that his hand was still tightly grasping the throttle. Ten Cars leaded with wheat fultewing the loco- motive were derailed. and considerable wheat was spilled on the truck. Mr. nigger was a single. man and lived in Diembin. Ile was formerly a resident of Winnipeg, THIS IS :1 CREEL BLOW. Prunes Thratrn 10 Become a Real Lux. %try 'fttkk Season. A despatch fn'•.int Chicago say.:: Prunes Threaten to lee -onto n rens luxury and disappear in the menu cards of ninny restaurants and b)arding houses. lie - (rt, from the Sacramento Valley and $•none. Naos, Tel►urna and Celnsa counties In (:alifnrnla indicate that late (rusts have damaged about 50 per cent. . ( tho growing crop. Diming() in the Santa Clara Valley also is thought to to heavy. A normal crop of primes will total about 170.000,000 pounds. Last yenr-riboiit 75.000.000 pounds were pro- duced, and Ms year merchant; say Mc crop is not expo -led to total over ::0,000,000 pounds. This deficit is ex- pected to send prices skyward. IU:c.i-.ii its:D M1II, STOLEN. 'Ihie%e.' Nark at Edmonton (Inc ling Itecu%ercd, •'. ,Lots h beim I:dnen„Inn. Alta., aye. ,e bag csettaitting r •,:.stere.l -let- tere was :stolen un the ur ,1.11 of the Winnipeg train on •rhur•.h.y. The wake were loaded on Ih.t nihil %fagot), and on nrri181 al the posleelice, i, op - penes, were everlonked, One e0Ilta!ned registered matter for the Calgary and Eotnonton Railway. south. A search /coned the Calgary null Edmnneet bag Iene'tl► .• me empty .asks near by, but the ether foie gene. Ten or three sii- teen, are 'miler sin veil lan_(', and nr- rr,t.•e nr• {'r•ub:it' e. HEART AND LIVER UPSIDE DO Extraordinary' Malformation of a St. Louis Judge. A tles;r,leh !oven .......1\I i -id Surgeons :t: John Hopi,. • 1i •-; •; o- ing, nn mine!}' en the h.ady of Judge 1. eleKerghnn.. 1 Si. i.oii s. were (s- 1 •ni.icd 10 dieeei er tial inetead of Ih^ u: ani r.\Iling c•f the organs, Mese i't the body were sroller,vl nbout in ai- med unbrlievab'e wnys. Ilis heart ens tern,sl in a pesitien the re%er.',e of nee - real. his ki.tncys were united by n lags• men% in the shape of a hor-e•sh0e. and the liver w•as upesrdo down. with the gall bleeder on fop. Ninny et the ereee•'r ergnns were s clines of entang- I • : "nrde and fatty snhslaiwri(, II Judge M•Kelghen tired eye sleet strange, Iranspesflion of the raa• clonery .)f his body appears marvel. • us. Surgeons ere myslitic.l at 1. eVhclher he wee born with his orgsns Pi abnormal poretions or that• were f 111 in this eine: through (disease or se,mr freak of nntere Is eel known. Judge elcKeighen lived to be 14130y -six years old. and was considered one of the ab'eet lawyers in Si. Louis. ltie brain (Nd not scot to suffer through the stale of his organs. and he was riffle t.. ent heartily until within a few weeks of March 1. when he was broughr le the Jvhns Hopkins Ifospi- tnI In n critical condition. 11e lint bey,me seriously ill In SI. isees in Fehrunry. and his phtsiclane fere quite unnb'e to fathom his setup. teins. Ile was 11na'!v brmrght ie pis Jahns 11. pkins Ito.p•Inl. where an en- eration was performed, .(.:ring which iiacoveri•s were mad' of ell, h a sterl- ing mines Ihnt the (am 1y mnaentee the nutnpty. whi••h was (*Ho( mrd a:most Irnrnalatety after death. Prices of Cattle, Grain, c ..eese aAf Usher Dairy Produce at Maio and Aliroud. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, April 28. -Manitoba Wheat -For immediate delivery, No. 1 uoret- crn, 81.17, Georgian Bay tort,; fee e heal, 69c, No t feed, 63c tit Nor:tt :lay. F..r May delivery, No. 1 northern, 81.1;,; No. 2 northern, $1.11; No, 3 ncr•thcrn, $1.U6. to Ontutio Wheat -No. 2 while, 00%c DI%c at point of shipment; No. 2 red, lkk; No. 8 mixed, 138%c; goose, 87c to 88c Corn -No. 2 yellow American, 71c; \o. 3 yellow, 72%c 'Toronto freight; No. 3 mixed, lc Tess. Harley -Very dull; No. 2, 52c to 55c. Peas -No. 2, 89c to 90c, outside. Rye -Strong; No. 2, Sec to 87c. .Buckwheat --No. 2, 64%e to 65e. Oats. -No. 2 white, 45%0 outside, 47%c on track Toronto; No. 2 mixed, 43e. Flour - Manitoba patents, special .brands, 86; seeoii 1s, 85.40; strong bak- ers', 35.30; winter wheat patents. $3.35. Bran -Pull curs, $°1.50 to $25, 'l( ronto freights Bran -Full ears. $21.50 to *25, Toren- !) freights. Shorts -Scarce, 324 f.o.b. mitis. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Eggs--New-laid, 16c to 17c. Butter -1s becoming more plentiful. and the market Ls easier. Creamery prints .... 30c to 32c do solids .... .... .... 211c1o30e Dairy prints .... Qi;to260 do large rolls .... .... 24c to 25c do solids ... . .... .... . . 23c to 21c Inferior .. .... .... 20c to 21c Potatoes -Ontario, 85c to 90c; Dela- ware, 93c to 81, in car lots on track here. Iteans-Firm; $1.70 to 81.75 for prmes and S1_80 to SI.85 for hand-picked. Honey -Strained shady at lie to 12c per round for 60 -pound pails and 12c to 13e for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Combs at 81.75 to 12.50 per dozen. Cheese -14 for large and 113 c for twins. in job k,ls here; new -make, 13c fc^ large and 13yc for twins. elapse Syrup -$1 to 81.10 per gallon. Baled Straw -88 to 89 per ton. Baled Hay -Timothy is quoted at 815 to $15.50 In car lots on tracks here. PROVISION'S. Pork --Short cut. 821 to 821.50 per barrel; !nose, $17.50 to $18. Lard-Tiercee, 11%e; tubs, 11'/.c; pails, 12c. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats --Lona clear bacon, Mc to 10%c, tons and cas- es, hams, medium and light, 12c to 13c; hems. large. Ilya to 12c; bodes, 16c to 16e4e; shoulders, 9%c to 10c: rolls. 10c In 10%e; breakfast bacon, 14e 10 15c; green meats out of pickle, 1a less than smoked. SEEDS. Following are the prices paid at out- side points;--.1Ls ke, No. I. $12 for fancy lot; No. 2. $10: No. 3. $.4.50 to $9, Sam- ple; mixed with timothy. trefoil or weeds, according to quality. Rol Clover -Firmer; No. 1 cleaned, $12.50 to 113. and a 11111.' higher for extra fancy kite: No. 2. 811 to 811.25; ordinary kits. mixed with merle, ne. cording t•) quality. Mf1NTItF.- I. MARKETS. .ntrce'. Apr 1 28.- A :steady vo!nrnc of trade is pawing In flntn•. (;mice s; ring wheat patents, 36.14; see end, 85.50; winter wheat pntenl;, $5.50; airtight rollers. 85 to $e.25; do., in begs, $2.35 10 82.50; extins, $1.80 to 81.90. Freda, etc ---Manitoba bran, 822 to $23; short+. 823 to 821; Or,tnrio grain sl•orls, 82:• to 822.50; middlings. 821 to 115; short=, 825 1,1 127 per Ion, inchtding bags. and pure grain motile, at $32 to 831. ('eerenls-tolled oats, $3.12!•4 per bag; remittent. 81.67% to $1.73 per bare (Eggs,-- A go.)(1 demand prevails for eggs .•n the local market. Receipts are tinnily keeping pace with the con -simp- le -1n. and prices aro therefore firm. without change. Fresh eggs are to -day telling n1 16%e per dozen in jobbing tele. and at 17e to lee In single, rases. (:terse -Colored quoted) nt 12%e to 13:•, and old while at 12%,. to 12%0. 13r- t:010s 1,44 -day were 74 ()owe. Provisions-- Itnrreis short cut mess. eel. half barrels do., 110.75; clear fat Lacks. 822 to 81:1; long cut heavy utas+, 820; half barrel-) do.. $10.50; dry sa't lung tear ba. k', 10ele; bnrtels plate beef. 813.50 to 115; hal( barrels do., !7.2e to $7.73; barrels henry niee.s beet, RIC' M 311; half barrels do., 85.50 to 16; cemround lard, $ ;c to 9c; pure lard, Il% c In 11%e; kettle rendered. 1lj e to 12e; hams, tlr. l0 13%e. according to size; breakfast bneen, Ile to 15e; Wind- sor bacon. Mee In 15%e; fresh -killed at•nttokretrec'.'d hog,. 80.75 to 810; live„ 86.50 to $6.75. NE1W YORK \\'IIE.\T MARKET. New York, April 28.--\\'tient -- Spot. firm: No. 2 r,1, $1.03%; elevator; No. 2 red. $1.0('4. f.o.b.. MOM; No. 1 north- ern. Datta'%. 81.15. f.o.b., afloat; No. 2 herd winkle 85.I1y, f.o.b. nlhaal. rvrri.r Mein:ET. Toronto, April 28.-A few lots of gored exporters' cn'Ik' were Hold around 16 toes cwt. The range of choice elects e as 15.60 t.o 36 per eel. 4fedium ex- porters Animal, set! emeriti $5.25 to 35.10. and tease' buile e.•r,' quoted nt 34.15 t•'. 87► rer rwl. Matchers' Failte. choler. in strati Into 35.60 l0 $5.80 ler roti; ehnb'e lends, A7).20 to Reale: m-lium, ft1.6f) to 15: ,'nmme.n end medium m'c.'.l. 8x.50 1„ 91.50: ce w.e. chn'('e, 114.ee to $t 75; a •tvs. medium. =3.60 to 111; cows, common, e:1.50 to 33.50 per cwt. (lulls rang. •: Item $3 to $1.73 g.or• cwt. A consktcrub:e business was tram acted in feeders and stockers on fax oe- h rings. Privies were tilt haiigd1 at 81 to $5 per ewt. for feeders, and $3.95 t.. 84 for st.,ck. rs. calve. %sere totter in value on large offerings. Their prices tang d front 81 it' 85 per cwt. Export ewes meld at 81.50 to 85: backs and culls, 13.5•) to $1; lambs. grain -fed. 86 to $7 per (wt. Hogs aero unchanged at $6.16 tor se- lects, and 16.15 fur lights and fats. -4. ---- CONI'EIIEN(:155 ARI: FRi'1TI.Ia'-. Ralhsay's and %bell:mice at Wimnhletl are 51i11 Far Apart. A despatch from Winnipeg says: The situation between the railway uteehan les and the o.nrpanits regi ins pea• really lira sante. The C. N. N. and C. 1'. R. mechanics both held eniter- Cries's with the companies on Friday moeniug, but nothing was given out at either piece. The officials ab.sohttely r(•fu-e to talk on the subject at all and it appears that neither party seems to know %h•'re they are at. The C. P. R. mechanics were closet - et with Grant Hall for over one hour and the conferen-•o ended without a single thing being agrcei upon. The C. N. R. Wren spent nearly three hours with A. Shields and J. R. Carneron, and when the meeting ended both pa' lir.; e- rased to give out any statement of es •'. was reached at all. That matters are un;aUsfactory is evi- denced by the ►'epeatod conferenoel, which apparently are use'.ess. - -i GIRL'S 11EROISII UNAVAILING. Saved Children From Burning (louse Only to Lose Thein. A dcspakh from I(attleford, Sask., says: Miss Anna Matthews is the only ;urviyor of a family of five, as a re.'aull of prait•ie fires In the Tramping l.ake District. The father went to fight the flames, which were sweeping down .in their little home, and perished In the attempt. The houso took fire, and Anna Matthews, 18 years of age, with her clothes all ablaze, carried her five- year-old brother and stater to a pia'%' of safety, and then returned for her Mother, but too late. She fought her way again through the sea of fire only to find the( the other children ha..l wan• derod again into the fire zone and per- ished. THREE GIRLS POISONF.D. Daughters of Mr. George Sears of Web 1and-(:yenned Salmon Blamed. A despatch from Welland says: The three daughters of Mr. George Sears of The Welland Telegraph .staff were poisoned by ptomaine through eaUng canned sermon on Wo.Jndsday night. They did not notice any Ill-effects until about 10 o'clock, when Intense nausea net In, followed by vobiting. The quiek appearance of Dr. ilowell provented more dLeastrous consequences. Mr. Sears. who aLso partook freely of the salmon, was not affected, nor were any other members of the family. t FEARS "Till: YELLOW MeV. :1u.t.%rlkiti Premier Tette Englilt Peo- ple a Struggle Is temente A despatch from Lotelen says: in addressing a gathering in the l,iwerpeol Produce Exchange on Thur.,day, the !Inn. T. Price, Premier of South Au- stralia, said that Great Britain cohW not keep the country going by flying the flag over 11. The At slialians, he said. saw the yellow cern attend, and wero getting reedy lo face it. Ile hoped that every 1111111 under 30 would learn how to use a rale. su Ihat he would be able to a .silt in resisting the advance et the yellow mea, -----'f PIERCED 1119 Itis: %MT. 11. Coder Instantly Killed in Lumber 11111s at 11•aldt', B. C. A despntrh fent Fernic, R. (:., says: Details of an accident In the lumber nilLs nt Waldo, in sshclt 11. (%►del wad killed. have hen received. (:odea was putting a bell on a pulley, rind, finding that it was loo stiff for his hand., Ii. lor,k a piece of heavy steam pipe with %vhirh to slip on the leather. As h' was ninnipulobng the hell tho pipe was caught in the revolving pulley, and in- slant:y the iron 'was revers..d, and eh t thrv,ugh his breast, entering the wall behind and pinioning him there. NIR. DRI\K11' 11 I:It's 1)1.1 111. Wiles As•lsrant to the President el the 1'. P. It. 1 unipans. A despatch from Montreal say. \Ir. Char:es Drtnkwal. re n -.slant t, the President of the C. P. It., died on Thursday night after an illness of only six days' duration. Ile contracted a cold o week ago. which developed into pneumonia. \iris Drinkw•aler was in his 5..1 yenr, having been horn RI A41. len, Enginn.l. in 1813. Ile began 413 railway cnr. er in iEngland at the age of sielee1) years. and had. therefore, leers nearly half rt r,•n(uty eteeigel in Ihis work. el' 01'1* ST.%NDING A11111'. The Force Now Amounts et Fisc Melo Aare1. 111 Kinks. A despatch Prem Melee say.: The militia ()niers looted to-0ny give ttie .s- tnhlishtnenta of the various peonnnrnt corps for Ibis year. an.1 the rccnpitie laden shows that Cnnnda s standing army now %,leis 1''51 fencers and then. + --- Bt ';'+t 1'. \1:11' N eltellIPS. i is a Ordered Venni 4 h dr Clem Larger 1 ham Drcndnnuuhf. .\ despatch fr.in tenet• -n Aeys: The itus'in►l ret erterrenl. n." )r.lina to it tenths journal, has ordered live war• shig.t. emir one to be lei ger Ihnn tee Drea•in.night, from a 141n of Clyde . h.p. Guiders. MANGLED BY WIIEEL OF MItiL Two Little Nova Scotia Girls Meet With a Horrible Death. A (1e;mnttilt from Ila! :e N. 5., sa The tel, .11 0! a oust t;ou.,u..' - •:414011(.•'n f ti \\'�1it Lahavo 1,1.1.y, by • • little daughters of Jitney 1:• r •e1 9 and 11 years, lost their I • .. !c ; :i ...•ir way to gather May r'. 1 hoe, i, a sewinlll in the vi. .1 11.) children \vete in the 1 .:, of laking u sir.,rt cut under the .viten tho relit) was idle, to short• . e the distance. On 11►Ls occasion Hest 1o;ier warned them not to go in that dove! .10 as Ike mill was to be sat g>• ,ng tont allotment. The children did not heed the warning. Seeing the trill was not running they thought they were safe. \\'bcit they wero half way un - (ler the olive) stat ted and wheeled them around, mangling them in a tenebto ni:(liner. '1'Ite teen noticing the ub- sirnrtien, stopped the machinery and • 10 their horror fount% the poor tette ora; demi. nuttilate•t so badly as to be beyond recogniti•.,n. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS II.I I'1:NIN(S 11tO11 ALL 01.-1 T111t GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs From Our Own tine Other Countries of Recent Kvents. CANADA. The subscriptions fur the Bell me- morial at Brentford amount to 340,700. Toronto's tax rata was struck by the Board of Control at 18% mills. It is said at Ottawa that the Insur- ance bill will be left over to next ses- sion, Sumo 'Toronto (lectors are objecting to the ndverlising signs in the drug store windows. The rail null at Sault Ste. Mario has been dosed indellnikily owing 4o lack of rioters. The steam of immigrants ooming in. to the Province from the old country is fatting off. The foreign trade of Canada for the last (local year amounted le 8638,200,- 291, a 'ergo increase. The Fornebo, from Sydney, C. B., with coal, was the first sea boat to arrive at Quebec IhLs season. Magistrate Kingsford, of Toronto, has decided that an automatic cent -in -the. slot machine mast not sell chewing gun) on Sunday. The Cataract Power Company hal ac- cepted the offer of the city of Mamie ten. modifying the terns of the street railway franchise. J. 11. (orrivcau, clerk for n Montreal horse dealer, has disappeared with a sunt of his employer's money, 'worm - panted, it Ls said, by a young woman employer! as bookkeeper by another firm. Deposits In Canadian 'banks. which have been steadily declining, increased by fifteen millions during March. The statement of the banks for the month shows a healthy revival and prospect of easier money GREAT ItRTTAIN. Speaking at Manchester, Mr. Winston ChurLhill declared himself '-t favor of settling the Tree' question on broad and generous lures. Mr. Walter Iluncinan, President of the Board of Education, the first of Mr. Aequith's new Cabinet MitiLsters to go to his constituents, was re-elected in Dewabury by 1,119 votes. UNITED tirATEs. Two boys at Hawthorne, Pa., were poisoned by eating wild per nips. The. Unikd Slates Senate rnlili•'d lite ar9►itratem treaty with Great itritain. Thr nnti-bucket shop bill has passed loth (louses of the Legislature at At - tinny. The Rothschilds of fond• n will lake tin issue of 841.000000 of 40 -year 4 per cent. bonds of the Pennsylvania Rail- road. A committee of six has tern appointed 1 y the United States )hu..o of Repre- sentatives to inquire int) the question of the price nt print paper. The New fork State Senate line passed n MII Waring telegraph and tel ephone r.•nrpant••.' tinder the piricdi'•tion of the At. the American Newspaper Publish- . -i- banquet m New York W. J. Bryan suggested a non-partisan type of papor with signed editorials on both sides of p:)litics, GENF.HA1. '1'I:o port of l.a Guairn, 1'enzttela, has been closed on account of the plague. tin Mmes \\'il:ux ks will lead u puni- tive expedition against the Mahnrouds, . n the Afghan frontier. Lorean tnsurgents made an urtsua- oeasful attempt to wreck a. train ht \vhirh \faiquLs Ito was travelling. Eighteen persons have been shot at Oedemata for conspiring to assassin- ate the President, and other executions will follow. Tho mountaineers on the Persian fron- tier are flecking to (Ito aid of the Kunis, who are menaced by u Ru.siun punitive expedit:on. Strangers committal sacribeee in the Vatican by receiving Committee' at tho hands of the Pope and then spilling out the consecrated wafers. 1`- - OSLEitIS1M A MISTAKE. Ilecords Put a Man's Rest prrlduclnp Age at 50 Rather Than 40. 1l appears that to backseat men at 40 woudl simply rob the world of most of its ntasterp:cats, the creation of which depends on the intellect. An interest- ing article in the Century gives tho av- erage age at which tho best work In various 11003 has been produced. According to the writer of the article the records give an averago age. of 50 for the performance of the masterwork. For workers the average ago Is 17 and frit thinkers 52. Chemists and physi- cists average the youngest, reaching lho:r highest efficiency at 41, which may account for the theories of Dr. Os- ter. Dramatist's and pinywrights, feeels and inventors follow at 41; novel's's glia an average of 46; expl)rrrs and warri- ors, 47; musical composers and actors, 4v; Artists and divines occupy the po- sition of equilibrium at 50; essayist% and reformers slime at 51; physicians and surgeons line up with Ito statesmen at 52; ph!losophers give an average of 5i; astronomers rind rnat emolirians, satirists nn! humorists 56; historians, 57. naturalists and jurist•, 58. "As may be noted," says the writer, "there is a rearrangement ()f the nnfer nt this time, but the thinkers, as bee fere. And ns would nalurnlly be expect- ed a.ltt.(n their full maturity at a later period Iltan the workers. The enrntlary Is evident. Provided health anti optim- ism remain the man of 50 can commend success as readily as the roan of 30." 4, r--. 1.11:1RE1TE IGNITED 1.1'51. Frank F.ulrbant, Employed nn r'. P. R. Near 11,rt 1lillinne Loser Iland,. A despatch from Winnipeg says: Frank Foulshan►, a young man employ- ed mployed in the construction comp of lite C. hande shattered by a detonator on 1'. It. west of Fort William. had his Thursday. lin vies sent to set the fuse, and the occident %•nc the result et In- excusable ente'essneee. Ito was Amok - Ing n cigerelle, and n .park from irks ignited lite rise, w1, 1; exploded the detonator in his han•1 b)ow;ng both .1 thorn niftiest off. 11• is now in Fort \\;(linin ilosp•l d: PUBLIC OWNERSHIP PAYS Annual Report of the Ontario Railway and Municipal Board. A despitch from Tor.)nt) says: That municipal everter -.hep pays is one of the (hinge the Neve (' annual report of the Ontario Railway honed 'slows. It paled in 1906 with a Neil of over hall a 111 Ilion. Important flgur's ere g von respect- ing public utl,t:e+ in the province. Tie total investment i.3 $21,K21.564.t39, divided OA follow.. - Waterworks, 819,. otee116; Eleclr.c 1. i;hl & (lwer. 11.- 716,667; One \\ )i k» $:116,735; Tele - ph )nes, $106.ol1. Debentur.' nml other debts aro: \Wa(erwerte.s. 812:00..301; Etectnc. 11.- 31.1,816; (:as, $737;II4; Telephones, 95s. I'or the peel year the returns were ,, foll•,w•.: N's4'rst'rks. urn•. (feriae, !I14211 fmi: fret, 1431,013: F;k'ctr.e Fr,s5, x17.%.611; eel, 8117.1:.2; Ga.. gra... 81A,1,. 7711, nil, $44).9(11; Tet'one, Bras-. 826,- 7'37. net, 8((.119. 'lime during the { net sear tine Tette lie mtLtea y►e'.led to the memo p.i11- bes owning{ rpm the ]teat :.tile prolll rf $5o, 1':;, after paying all charges end gore; 4•rt;ce on n cost 32 PERSONS KILLED. During the year 32 rerson.s were kiil..i and 3211 injured on the rallwnye tinder the jurisdiction of the Mood. O Ih•e kitird seven were passengers; ween empleyis- ; 17 travellers on the l.aghwey..: ono tre,pn.ser; n.no on Irises etr,s'ng-:. Of the injure! 1111 were pe s.nger.. 39 rrnplo)es. ?ne Eleetr.c railway business In. creased nil Meng the line during (lin year. The mileage tnereesed fr•.'n Ur) in 136; ) ustiengers carriv4 f, -.'n 111.516,571 1•) It23.1l7 057: gra=s rain. lags from $5.0mileKR 141 *569see6. the net earn ng, from $2,107.163 1•, 32,3(1,- 0041. The report else deal, w.Ih the qum- ti.in ()f pirseelietem nn I re-etflrree VA rr sa.on as cel 1 ,rwnnl in the Voter of eh/ern-Ian 1.eil.'h t) Premier ney a stit.rt Irmo ago. The f4101. ie.;•e••eng 1o'onto's reign - plaint, gran+%,):e Str.'••1 Rs,1.vF..c ar. alis reviewed at some kngth.