Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 5ezete) gtbuocate
LKE:TI It — — OXT.0 IU
sl 00 it paid in ad. once.
11 SO a year a not so paid.
Iis.To United States Subscribe re$1 eO
• Year Strictly la Advance.
SaaDEItS a Citt:hc ii. I'u'dahen.
Baby Carriages
or Go -Carts
and let the Baby grow.
Large and Beautiful.
The price is not large and
the terms are easy.
2 6 octave Organs cheap.
2 Pianos, slightly used, at a
Great Reduction.
Sewing Machines, Bicycles,
Children's Wagons, at prices
that will make you smile.
Fine Stationery.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great Uterine Tonic, and
Only alto elrtetual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Soli in three degrees
of etrcngth—.o. 1. $1 ; No. 2,
10 degrees stronger $3: No. 3,
for special castes, S per box.
Hold by all drug fists, or sent
prepaid on receipt of prior.
Fri ep..rnjphlet. Addre-+: Ti
COOKMtDIQIMICO..TOROMT0.0NT. (former1DWindao►�
Gooaiiij Of Gaoaila
is about to publish a new issue
of the Official Telephone Di-
rectory for the District of Wes-
tern Ontario, including the
Town of Exeter. Changes of
limn names, changes of street
addresses, or orders for dupli-
cate entries should be handed
in at once to
Cannot Afford
You to r;et V0111' C'ar(ds
and Bills printed
at any other place but
Bieca u se
We have the Best Cuts
in the Business.
'i'he Best Cardboard.
and the
lowest Possible Prices.
We Give a FREE Notice
for two weeks, describing
the Horse and Houle.
reaches more people
in this (district, thr(►iig
than any other medium.
Is not that just
what YOU
need ?
Send /us your Copy
(11' Call Early.
The : Advocate
More proof that Lydia E. Pink-
linnr's Vegetable Compound cures
female ills.
Mrs. John Scott, 489 Grand Trunk
St., Montreal, writes Mrs. l'inklram :
" I was very much run down in
health from a female trouble, was thin,
nervous, and very weak, and suffered
from bearing down pains. Indeed I
did not care whether I lived or died, I
felt so badly sometimes.
"Lydia 1,. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound completely cured me of all my
troubles. I gained in flesh, and am
free from backache, female trouble,
sack headaches, and nervousness.
1 heartily recommend Lydia E.
I'inkltam's Vegetable Compound for
all women's ailments, knowing what it
has done for me."
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic pains, backache, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges-
i, pll,•1i'/.ziness or IIerVOUS prostrat .ton.
Vile don't you try it?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all siek
crimen to write her far advice.
-he has guided thousands to
tealth. Address, Lynn, Mass.
and Weekly
Mail and Empire
Weekly Globe
for One Yr... $1.35
and all other papers
at lowest rates.
For Stock Improvement
LORD HOWATSON, 11.1041 is a bay
imported clydesdale, foaled 1899, 16
hands high. 1000 lbs. Has fine pedi-
gree, and is a sure foal getter.
Monday afternoon leaves his own
stable, Maguire, to Pat Boyles. Adair.
Tuesday to Hugh Cerroll's,Biddulple
to Jonathan Cooper's, Cshorne.
Wednesday to John Perkins', to
John Kerslake's.
Thursday to Wilson Anderson's,
Stephen, to Wm. F inkbeiner's.
Friday.,to Khiva, to Joseph (.nain-
an's. Stephen. to Mount Carmel, to
Wm. Washnidge's, McGillivray.
Saturday to his own stable, Maguire.
T. W. Hodgson, Prop.
NATEBI' PRINCE, 21,751, is a dark
bay, 11) hands, 190) pounds: a splendid
shire stallion with a fine pedigree.
Monday leaves stable at Crediton, to
It. Cunningham's Hotel, Khive, to
Tuesday to Humphrey Webbs, to
Grand Bend.
Wednesday to Roht. Stone's, to Cor-
Thursday to Mount Carmel, to own
Friday to John Rollins' to Centralia.
Saturday to Devon,to Thos. Welsh's.
to his own stable.
8. G. Lamport it W. W. Rax ter. Prop.
Mr. Jos. Vance has sold his farm.
Lot 17, North Fast Boundary of Vs -
borne, to Mr. Jas. i3t11.sntyne. Jr.. re-
ceiving therefor in the neighborhood
of 81,200. Possession given in the fall,
after harvest.—The contract for the
covered portion of the Stewart drain
bay heen let to Fred EIleringtrn.—
Ferrners are fast nearing the end of
their sealing.
Miss Eva Brown of the Goshen Line.
returned recently from a few months'
visit with friends in London.—August
Hartung left for Powasson, Out.,
where he has a good summer's job, in
a large shingle mill.—Rev. A. Geiger
of Pembroke, Ont., occupied the pulpit
in the Evangelical church on Snnday.
— Mrs. Frank I lolmes, returned to with her De-
troit, after a month's visiting
mother, Mrs. Hartung. M iss Minnie
Hartung is also home at. present.—
Daniel Koehler has purchased Mrs.
McCormick's confectionery store and
dwelling and has rented the store to
C. Schrag. Mr. Sehrag has bought
out Mrs. McCormick's business and
will take possession on the Ith of May,
—Mrs. Nicholas Deichert of Cavalier,
N. D., a former resident of Zurich, is
in town for a visit. —Julius Thiel has
disposed of half the property he re-
centlypurchased from Mr. Rennie, to
Merner.—Rev. J. S. F. Braun, a
missionary of the Canadian North
West, stationed at Rostbern, delivered
an address in the Evangelical church
on Sunday evening.—Mrs. Krueger of
Detroit, is visiting her mother, Mrs.
H. Sipple, and other friends in this
vicinity.—About 2500 bushels of pota-
toes have been shipped from here the
past week.—Miss Freda Hess, school
teacher of near Auburn, visited her
parents, Mr. and Mre. Fred Hess, Sr.,
DEATH,—The death of Charles Troy-
er. merchant at Hillsgreen, will cause
much surprise and regret in this com-
munity. The sad event occurred very
suddenly Thursday morning, while he
in company with Charles Stelck and
Willie Jarrott, principal of Brigden
public school, were fishing at the
creek, north-east of Hillsgreen. The
party went out early in the morning
and at about 7:30, the deceased was
standing on the bank of the creek
when he fell backwards, and by the
time bis companions reached him he
was dead. Dr.Campbell, coroner, was
immediately sent for, and after view-
ing the remaine,pronounced it a case of
heart failure. Mr. Troyer hail many
friends in Hay Township, who sincere-
ly regret the sudden death.
James Sparks has gone to London
to take a position.—Mrs. Eliza Smillie
has returned from Inwood, where she
bas been visiting for the last six
months.—Dick Sutherby who has been
hone during the winter. left last week
to resume work for the Bell Telephone
Co.—Mrs. H. Cook left for Guelph,
with her daughter, Mrs. F.Johns, with
whom she intends spending a month.
—If. Carrot, M. P. P. for South Bran-
don. Man., was the guest of his sister-
in-law, Mrs. Sutherland, last week.—
Wednesday evening at the borne of D.
Orassick, South Richmond St., his eld-
est daughter, Mies Annie, was united
in marriage with George Walker of
Brucefield. Rev. Sewers officiated.
The many friends of the happy couple
unite in wishing them hon voyage
through life.
Chief Justice Mulock has reserved
judgment in the application to quash
the local option by-law of the Village
of Hensall. William Proudfoot, K.0 ,
with J. B. Mackenzie, appeared for
the petitioner. The by-law was finally
passed on January 11th, 1007. The
total vote cast was 212, of which 140
were for local option and 72 against.
There was a margin of 11 over the
three-fifths vote.
Pass :3(x3, Hugh Rose 515, Ruth Rennie
427, Arthur McArthur 420, NVillie
Dougall 420, Inez Scott 400. Jr. III to
Sr. IiI.—Pass 318, Harold Stoneman
413, ha McDonald 400, Ethel Clarke
:3:38, Tillie Mtttleholtz :3:35, Annie
Shuart:3''5, Mary Ingram 318, Willie
Baker 313. Sr. 11 to Jr. I11.—Pass
325, Lydia Pope 450. Ethel Glenn 420,
Clarence Billings :391, Ross Stoneman
:301, Mary file 383. Clarence Johnson
373, Mave 13rant 3.5. Jr. 11 to Sr. 11.
—Pass :1'75, Wilfrid Dow 400, Mervin
Johnson WO. ida Cudmore 278, Lloyd
Hudson 277. Ira Geiger 277.
DEATH—On April 21, Mrs. Hess, a
niece of %%n. Buchanan, who with her
little girl have resided there, was tak-
en ill with what appeared to he an at-
tack of biliousness. Mrs. Buchanan
did all she could for her, and at bed-
time the patient stated that she
thought she would be all right in the
morning. About 5 a. m. Mrs. Buchan-
an heard her going from one room in-
to another, and getting up found her
in a very serious condition. A doctor
was sent for but she died about half
an hour after bis arrival, heart failure
being the cause. The deceased came
from Chicago over a year ago. Her
maiden name was Sarah Ilopkins, and
she was 45 years of age.
Mrs. Archie McIntosh, of Pott Hur-
on is at present visiting friends htre.
---Miss Ella Colwell of Sylvan spent
htvt week with her aunts, *Mrs. N. H.
Pollard +vol Mrs. Wm. Nichol.—C.
Hotthwiek, who has been ill for the
past few weeks, is recovering. —The
anniversary services in connection
with the Presbyterian ehnrch here
will be held as tsiral on the second
Sunday in May. Rev. E. 11. Sawere.
\I. A.. of Hrucefleld, will preach at 10:30
a.m.. and 7::30 p.m. - Mr. and Mrs. 1. ('.
(:oodhand returned home last week
;after an absence of over four months.
fir. Goodhand was taking a course in
the Dairy School /It Guelph and Mrs.
(ioodhand spent het time visiting
friends in the vicinity of Tillsonburg
and Niagara.
Canadian Tettering Rlimville
is sn atw.Iute, certain cure for Emma. Acne Rev. J. E. H.;Inies of Lecan ocelli•
knees. Tetter, Pim lea nlackheids Ringworm. sed the pulpit here on Sunday morn -
Barbers' Itch Scab. Head, itching Picea, Ulcer*.
Furey. and all Scab. cutaneous and facial blemishes.
Has been thoroughly and sucves*fully tested
In hundreds of so called incurable cases.
it is entirely unlike any other preparation.
mixture or ointment that has been sold or pre-
A few applications will convince that Is has
wonderful medical s-ir' ,e and intrinsic merit.
1t is made in Canada. A good honest Cana-
dian preparation.
Price one box Fifty Cents, or Eve boxes Two
Mailed to any address on receipt of price.
5nkl ami recommended by all !tiding mug -
gists in Canada.
Pamphlet free to any address.
Manufactured and sold by the sole proprie-
Th. Tetaerine Chemical Co.
Windsor, Ontario.
Sold in Exeter ••y J. W. Browning,
W.S. Howey an W. S. ('ole, Drug-
ins Inst arid !preached an excellent ser-
mon on behalf of the Educational
Fund.— Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oke of Ex-
eter 'pent the past week the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Hawkins. Miss \fed -
da ('oultis spent a few days of last
w.'.•k visiting relatives in illanshard.
—The young people, who have been
attending the singing school the pest
fibre.. months tinder the'tadersrnith of
Mr. Ruse. are pr.'p,iring for a concert
to tike place in ithout a month. Our
Mayor of the vill.ge, Thos. Veal, has
re•itrne-d Jtis nf11r a nod tweet tell a good
situation at the I1ti o of Refuge, ('lin-
ton, and weir duly installed in that
institution on Tuesday last. --Mrs. W.
Hern bast returned home from Galen.
ich very notch improved in health.
Spel!'nv Reform. Goderich: Gordon Young, aged 401
' years, a pioneer of the Colborne Tp.,
The man walked up to the hotel regis-
died on \londay. Ile came to Canada
at 11 years of age. Three sons and
six daughters s.lrvive, among whorl
is Mrs. Love of Hillsgreen.
Kirkton: On Sunday a strong gust
of wind cause between the stone church
and shed and upset John Gilflllan's
buggy, occupied by Miss Ciiltillan and
brother and father. Miss Giltlilan bad
her shoulder bone dislocated. She is
doing well.
Clinton: The Clinton Organ Fac-
tory business has been turned into a
joint stock company with a capital of
$200,000, known as the W. Doherty}
Organ and Piano Company, Limited,
with W. Doherty, president; W. Jack-
son. vice-president; F. J. Hill, secre-
tary -treasurer.
Fullerton: Another of the old set-
tlers of this township has passed to
her reward in the person of Mrs. Har-
ris, relict of the late Thomas Harris.
at the ripe age of 70 years and 4
months. Her husband predeceased
her 18 years. She had been a re-
sident of this township for 00 years,
and leaves a family of two sons and
two daughters. The sons are Reuben
and John, of Fullerton. The daugh-
ters are Mre. Thos. Fanson. Fullerton,
and Mre. Capes Brown, Mount Pleas-
t.•r and signed his natue, with a flourish,
I. K. 1'lltholog nvrrh." "Look here, Tur-
ner." said the clerk, who knew hint very
well. "Is somebody :.n your track?
1Vliere did you get that outlandish
'wee'!" "Chat" relates the conversation.
• fly boy, you're slow," replied Turner,
airily. "'that's my same old name, writ-
ten in plain Engiibh and pronounced as
it is written—just Turner. Look at it.
1tf course 1 do it just to make people
guess. They wonder about my nationali-
ty and the pronunciation of my name. I
can hear them talk about it. But as I
said before, it's English spelling."
"Will you kindly explain?" asked the
" `Phth' there is the sound of 't' in
'phthisis; " began Turner; "'olo' there
is the sound of 'o' in 'colonel ;' 'go;
there is the 'n' in 'goat;' 'frrh' is the
sound of 'et' in `myrrh.' Now if that
does not spell Turner what does it
"Well," said the clerk, "it is lucky for
,tie that the majority of men don't regis-
ter their names phonetically."
Physician—I can't diagnose your wife's
c.+-,• at all. She seems to have a
.grained neck, !un. o in the back, rheu-
matic knees :.n,! r. in both feet.
11'aggles--1 k. o, v:rat 1t is. Site wit
reading it+ 0.t-• ,oz, corner and happen...
to fall asleep
John Deitrich and Isaac Gower each
have new arrivals at their homes in
the person of baby girls. Mothers and
babies are doing well.
Mr. Neil Gillespie has just sold one
of his fine colts for the handsome sum
of $250. This colt was sired by South-
port, the celebrated Imported Shire
Stallion, now owned by Mr. James
Cockwill of near Crediton. This horse
has left a large number of excellent
colts in this locality and this one is not
the only one of many that has sold for
a high price. It is an unfortunate
thing for the farmers that this fine
horse should have been taken away
from this locality.
Farmers are busy seeding around
here.—School opened on Monday with
a full attendance.—Miss Reta Essery
is spending a few days with her friend
Miss Rhoda Kerslake of near Exeter.
—Mr. and Mrs. Phin. Dickens of
Saintsbury spent Sunday at Frank
Coates.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Luxton
visited relatives at Hibbert on Sunday
last.—Mr. and Mrs. Rich. Coates and
son Frank visited friends in Exeter on
Sunday.—Miss Lulu and Master Harry
Snell of Exeter spent the Easter holi-
days at Wm. Coates.—Miss Myrtle
Walker of London Road visited Miss
Clara Luxton on Sunday.—Alfie Day -
man of near Hurondale has engaged
with Wnr. Coates for the summer.—
Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Essery visited in
Lucan on Sunday.
(Maple Grove)
Miss P. Simpson and Mrs. J. Gil-
more spent Sunder evening with Mrs.
A. Simpson. --F. Neil and Miss Etta
Neil attended the wedding of their
brother, A. Neil, in London Wednes-
day.—F. Neil and W. Morley were the
guests of F. Neil, Biddulpb, Sunday.—
Ed. Hicks and his mother of Lsborne
spent Sunday with D. Edwards.—Mrs.
F. Simpson, who has been spending
some time in London, is home again.
—C. McCaffery of Nest McGillivray is
engaged to work for F. Simpson this
sutnniet•.—J. Hughes of London is hir-
ed with A. Simpson for the summer.—
J. Maguire and wife of Ailsa Craig
spent Sunday with Wes. Maguire. --
W. A. Stewardson spent the holidays
at his home near Greenway.
DE.ATII—In London, on April '22nd,
the death occurred of a for mer reeid•
ent of McGillivray, May M.. third
daughter of the late Henry and Sarah
Miller, aged 22 years. The remains
were brought to Clandeboye by train
on Friday and interment held in Neil's
Started to Survey
GODERiCII, April 28.—V. M. Rob-
erts has been appointed chief engineer.
and with a staff of then started today
the preliminary surveys of the West
Shore electric road which is to be built
from Goderich to Kincardine, a dis-
tance of thirty miles. 1t is expected
this line will take two years in con-
struction. it is the intention of the
company to extend their line when
built to Goderich south along the lake
shore to Sarnia, a distance of (30 mike,
opening up one of the most fertile dis-
tricts of Ontario. it is said this line is
to he operated by the C. P. R.
fkattlk Mai& Ai ith AIL Ana AIN. a int ��
Sea(orth: Witt. Henderson on Sat-
urday received two painful injuries by
being struck in the face by a board,
which got cnught in a belt at the fur-
niture factory. and by being thrown
against the end of a pile of lumber.
The cuts were Jeep and eight stitches
were necessary to close the wounds.
Fullerton: 'rhe home of Richard
Veer was the scene of n vet y iipretty
wedding when their youngest. daugh-
ter. Miss Alb t Laurette, became the
bride of Louis J. Docking of Hibbert.
The ceremonywas performed by Hey.
F. Swann of
Fullerton, in the presence
of about one hundred and fifty invited
A sad but
wholly unexpected, event occurred
April 20, in the death of a very highly
esteemed resident of this township in
the pet son of ('has. F. Schmidt. He
was a staunch Lutheran and it regular
church worker. The deceased leaves
besides a sorrowing wife, one son and
Ailsa Craig: The Liberals of North
Middlesex will meet in convention at
the Town Hall, Ailsa Craig, on MPS'
day, May 5th. at 1:30 o'clock for the
election of officers and the selection of
a candidate to contest the election for
the local legislature. Addresses will
be given by Hon. (leo. P. Graham, M.
1'.: V. Itat z, M. 1'., D. C. Ross, M. P. P.
and H. J. l'ettypiere and others.
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease that science
has beenable to cure in all ite stages, and that is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease requires a conatitu•
?tonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist-
ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollars for any case that It faits to
cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents,
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Children Enjoy It
"I have used Coltslooto Expa::o: s.at
with the greatest satisfaction with lay
children. It is it wonderful cure for
colds and sore throat. I believe it sav-
ed the life of my little son, who wat.
very sick front a protracted cold on his
lungs.' MRS. ANNIE I11t.11i113LER.
Orangeville, March 15, 19.17.
"I am greatly pleased with the good
results we got from Coltsfoote Expec-
torant. I get great comfort with it for
my children."
171 Argyle St., Toronto.
Coltsfoote Expectorant is the great-
est hoose prescription for all throat and
chest troubles iu the world. No horns
should be one hour without it. You
can have free sample by sending name
to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. All
good druggists keep it. Price, 25e.
Send for Free Sample Today.
St. Marys: Town Assessor James
Kennedy has just completed bis ass-
essment of the town, as follows: Total
real estate $1,300,470, business assess-
ment 8111,400. income $33.005. Grand
total $l,505$35. Children between the
ages of 5 and 21, 781; between 5 and 16,
500; between 8 and 14, 273; males be-
tween 21 and 00, 759; number of dogs,
150; population—West ward 809, north
802, east 055, south 770. Total popula-
tion 3,398.
Parkhill: Mrs, Hugh Leonard re-
ceived a telegram on Easter Sunday
announcing the death of her youngest
daughter, Mary, wbicb occurred at
Mobile, Alabama. Miss Chary Leonard
accompanied by Miss Eleanor and her
brother, John, went south a few
months ago hoping that the climate
would prove beneficial to her health.
The body was brought home on Wed-
nesday. Interment took place at
Mount Carmel on Thursday.
A sure winner.
Bounr, to catch c.1.
64. io the pound.
Your dealer wi11 supply
you. If not. wri:e
direct to
D. S. Perrin & Co.,
What Will The Settlement
of Your Estate Coa ?
We will he pleased to tell you,
if you will furnish us with par-
ticulars. lit. charge.
We will also supply you with
will forms and place your will in
our fireproof vaults where it
cannot get lost.
The Canada Trust Company it
a trustworthy, experienced execu-
tor that will manage your estate
most economically, and imparti-
ally carry out the terms of your
Our intimate connec'ion with
the Huron & Erie Loan and
Savings Co. enables us to obtain
numerous investments which
ccme under the "Trustee Pct,"
and of which a pritate Lr -.y
would never hear. This enal les
us to keep our Trust Funds always
invested, and Estates derive a
larger profit than otherwise.
Services of Family Solicitor
always retained.
Correspondence invited and
answered promptly.
r One Gent
Just write
on a post-
caro "3t
Booklet A,"
and mall
t e nearest
branch. The
rest we'll
gladly at-
tend to.
—Just how correct principles say et
should be constructed ?
---Juu why no other plan of con-
struction will d3?
—Just wherein lies its ability to be easy
on fuel. q .ick in action. simple us
operation ?
The st.' y is briefly told in a little booklet
e.I ed Furnace Facts. • Its not an adver•
r,sement ND furnace name is mentioned.
and you can read the whole story in 5 minutes
To the parry contemplating purchasing a furnace A points out the
snags and T ?fails. and shows exactly swat to demand of an archi•
tec,. contractor or dealer. in furnace conuruetwr and installation
T. HAWKINS & SON, Local Agent.