Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 4YOUR
Will LOOK Better
Will 1' 1 '1' Better
Will FEEL Better
Will WEAR Better
1f you get it at J. IL Holtzulanu's.
We are very busy with Spring orders,
of course, but not too busy to show
you our swell suitings and overcoat-
ings and take your order for a Spring
If you can come here to -Morrow, do
so, and make a selection early. If you
cannot como to -Morrow come as soon
as you can, and we will do our test to
get your suit or coat ready for the
sunny Spring days.
J. H. Holtzmann
(axe#ex Abuoi a#e,
Sanders & Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, Apr. 30, 1908
S. Huron Conservatives
The Conservatives of South Huron
meet in convention at Hensel) on
Tuesday, May 5th, for the purpose of
choosing a candidate to contest the
riding for the Legislative Aseetnbly
Undoubtedly Mr. Henry Eilber, the
present member, will be the one and
only name put before the convention.
Tbo work of Mr. Eilber in and out of
the Legislature has been such that he
has gained and continues to hold the
confidence of his party and the esteem
of his opponents. Many members of
the Assembly are most enthusiastic in
their praise of the work of South
Huron's member. Earnest and pains-
taking in evertbing he has been of
great assistance to his Chief and party
and no riding in the province has been
more ably represented.
The Globo last week got nixed a
little when it stated that there was a
possibility of Mr. T. B. Carling enter-
ing the political field as an independ-
ent against Mr. Harry Either. Assur-
edly, the Globe does not know Mr.
Carling or his leanings, nor does it
know that he has nothing but the
warmest foaling in his heart for Mr.
Either, otherwise the Globe would hes-
itate before circulating any such ridic-
ulous statement.
The Ontario Government has made
an important change in the wording
of a Local Option ballots. Formerly,
it read: -
For the By -Law.
Against the By -Lew.
And electors were often confused.
Hereafter the ballots will read: -
For Local Option,
Against Local Option.
This is much simpler and better.
A few months ago the attitude of
the Liberal newspapers towards the
Whitney Government wasdistinguish-
ed for amiable if somewhat ostenta-
tious patronage. Much of its legisla-
tion was blessed altogether. There
WAS rt snuggling up towards the minis-
ters, which wits both touching and
beautiful. Mr. MacKay was set aside
in sympatheticparagraphs. The min-
isters luxuriated in columns of temper-
ed eulogy. it was a far journey to
Owen Sound. The Legislateire ►rnild-
iugs were just at the head of 1'niver-
sity avenue. So day after day we h.id
cheerful accounts of the work of the
Government, and seldom even a com-
forting bulletin from the beJ,ide of
the Opposition. But suddenly the
Government has becotne depraved.
Mr. MacKay is riding on to 0 glorious
victory, and Mr. Charles N. Smith has
become a statesman. rhe secret of it
all is that the are on the eve of an elec-
tion, and that fpr it few weeks the
drums must h •at and the cymbals
clash and the Liberal pipers blow on
wind instruments. 1) pa's any indepen•
dent journal or any independent citi-
IThe Girls it Buslnevs.
The truth is that the girls are get-
ting the better of the boys in many
lines of genteel employment. The
1.oys tuay complain of this as they will,
hut. the fact stands. The young
women in this, and many totvue, after
a certain hour, are quite as much in
evidence on their tory to work as the
young wren: and the man at the win•
dow can see that they look trim and
neat, that they hold up their heads as
if they were ready to meet the world
and their employers. They have tone
of the appearance of having deprived
themselves of the necessary amount of
sleep, or of carrying a heac'a.'he along
with them. They are getting the bet-
ter of the boys because they eau be
trusted to come to their work in good
form. They may not be as strong as
the boys, but they take care of their
strength. They don't smoke, they
don't drink, they don't gamble, they
don't loaf. Society put up arbitrary
rules for the girls. and they Must abide
by them or lose caste. The boys are
suffered to make their own rules and
take the consequences. Manya boy
thinks he can be gay and deceve every-
body, and he runs along until he loses
his job. By that time he is apt to think
that somebody has undermined him,
and to look quite past himself in an at-
tempt to locate the guilty party. Busi-
ness is all the time putting up bare
against the gay young man. Positions
of trust, positions requiring reliability
and regularity are going closed against
him. He has gone upon the theory
that it was nobody's business how he
occupied his time outside business
hours. Yet the growth of bad charac-
ter, if you are at all close to it, is about
as obvious as the growth of a corn
field. Cut it out boys or you will find
your chance in the world is a poor
FOR SALE. -The undersigned is offer-
ing forsale the frame house and two lots
situate east of the Methodist parsonage,
in Crediton. The house is two storey.
has seven living rooms, in good repair.
Good well of water. Good cistern and
woodshed. Apply to
Mus. R. bleMnifitaY,Crediton.
Rev. E. H.Bean has returned from
St. Jacobs, where he attended the Con
ference of the Evangelical church
We are pleased to state that he will
be the pastor in this village for anoth
er term. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hay -
lock of London have been visiting the
Irttter's patents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew
Wein, the past week. -Dr. and Mrs.
Orme of Centralia spent last Sunday
In town. -Mr. and Mrs. Morley of
North Dakota are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Mote, Jr., of Crediton
East. -Miss Woods of Forest is visit-
ing ber sister, Mrs. Claude Bluett.-
Henry Voelker has built a kitchen to
the rear of his dwelling and will find
it snore comfortable to live in. -Miss
Armstrong spent last Sunday in Exe-
ter with her parents. -Mrs. Flora
Walker has returned from Detroit,
where she visited friends for a few
days. -Miss Ida Ewald of Fairfield
spent Sunda at home with her par-
ents. -Mrs. Sewn[ and Mrs. Decker of
London have been visiting their broth-
er Mathew Ginter and sister W's.
Gottfried Geiser the past week. -Mr.
and Mrs. Daniel Coughlin of Centralia
spent last Sunday in town with Dr.
and Mrs. McCue'. -School reopened
on Monday after the Easter holidays.
-Charles Roeszler has had his kitchen
painted and papered. Fred Harris did
the work and made a good job of it. -
Quarterly services were held in the
Methodist church last Sunday. in the
evening the Lord's Supper was solemn•
ized.-Rev. S. F. Brown of Rostern,
Sask., occupied the pulpit in the Iv -
angelical church. Rev. Brown is an
old Crediton boy and his discourses are
always listened to with great atten-
tion by his many friends. -Our brick-
yards and tile yards will connnence
the season's work this week, weather
permitting. This year, the working-
men h ave demanded higher wages and
are now receiving wages greatly ex-
ceeding what they received a few
year's ago. Increased Cost of living ac-
counts for this. its well as the scarcity
of I ttorers.-Our buys have been prim -
tieing base -ball on the grounds the
Last few nights. They are anxious to
get in shape for the Victoria Day Cele-
bration. -Our Town Fathers have de-
cided to finish the walks in town with
cement and, no doubt, tenders will be
called for before long. When the
walks are finished. our town can boast
beingmost h
ofthe m, t uwtifu i t a
1 t the
County. -Lust Friday night. the Can-
tata, entitled "Priest and King" was
given in the Evangelical church. A
zea seriously believe that the interests ('horns of fifty voices sang the dilfer-
of the provinces; would be well served ent entheutq end all were greatly
pleased with the program. The tuusic
especially was inspiring end also
very appropriate for such an occa-
sion. it has been reported that the
('rtntata might he repented at some
fut utedate.--Last Thnrsdaty'its.Gott-
lief) Brown entertained it few of her
friends at a birthday party. All had
a very pleasant titre. -Mr's. (Rev.)
%Vittich of Port Elgin has returned
home. after visiting her father, George
Brown, who has been very ill. -Last
Sunday about (bit ty guests assembled
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mathew
Winer to celebrate their Golden 1Ved•
ding. Mr. and Mei. Winer' were two
of the first settlers in our midst and
have even the tespect and friendship
of it I trgc nutallet of our citizens, who
tin with the Advocate incongratulat-
Ing tit m upon leaving attained this
singe of their married life and we nll
hope that they will be spatted for many
years to come. Mr, and Mrs. Winer
have been blessed with seven sons and
five daughters as follows: John of
31anitribe, William and Wesley of this
Village. Mathew of Fort William,
James and Paul of Marlette, .Mich„
and Nelson of Sandusky. Mich., Mrs.
Eli Link end Airs. et tin i.ink of
Winnipeg. Mrs. (fill ett Irick of Kip -
pen, Mrs, Geo. Hol►nu ver of Hanover
and Mrs. Jones of Mat kite, Mich,
Non. Or. Willoughby Dead.
by the defeat of the Government? Its
record may nut be perfect. We do
not expect perfection in human insti-
tution.). Bet is it not true that in the
efficiency of its administration, in the
honesty of its electoral methods, in
the great hulk of progressive legisla-
tion which hits heen passed daring the
last three of four years the whole re-
cord ecnstitutes the best chapter in
the legislative history of the province?
Toronto News ilnele•p•.ndcntl.
does Your
Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Rocs it send out good blood
or bad blood? You know, for
good blood is good health ;
[tad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood --- Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for 60 years.
one frequent minim M Md 1,'.•n1 Ise sluggish
wiser Tb,a pr.Rnees c'.n"Ip■tin, Poisonous
ihataneee ars thin abo,1.e•1 Into the ',haw!.
h.cp the t.,w.;, ..pen out. Aper', 1'us
Ar. :„.,.. e. are? Pi . Leven. xW.
•leo manutaotur.n of
11 MIR ttoOE.
versm rt:� At.
gra hews so sorrels 1 Wo publish
5. formulas of ail sur-.dte1. s.
Toronto. April 24 --Hon. Dr. Will-
oughby, minister without portfolio in
the Ontario cabinet, died at Colhorre.
Ont.. this tnernitig. He bed been ill
for sometime.
Deceeee•d was born in Sitncoe Co. en
Feb. 2. NNIL. Ile graduated as M. D.
to Nei. After aer'iftg a. warden I.e
we: returned to the i.egislsture for
Pest Northumberland in Peel and bas
held the seat ever since. He had been
a member of the Whitney cabinet for
foot {-ear.
1 Dashwood
Goo') IhwEI.uNo [torsi.: Fou S.tLK,
-A good brick dwelling housefor sale.
Apply to E. Al. Ilttoeessiintr:, Real
Estate Agent, Dashwood.
ANNOUNCEMENT NT - The engagement
it announced of Gertrude Francis A.,
youngest daughter of Mr. and Mts.
Angus Murray, to Mr. William 11. Mc-
Kewen of Welland, [(smelly of Dash-
wood. The marriage will take place
early in June.
Rev. L. K. Eidt and family, who
had been attending the Annual Con-
ference at St. Jacobs, returned to his
home here on Saturday evening. Me.
Eidt has been stationed here for an•
other year. which will be satisfactory
to his entice congregation. -Mr. G. W.
Shore, who, during the Easter vaca-
tion, attended the Teachers' Associa-
tion at Toronto, returned on Saturday.
School re -opened on Monday, with the
several teachers in their positions. -
Mr. D. Bettschen has got moved into
the dwelling he recently purchased. -
Mr. Witmer of Zurich has been busy
in the village lately, paper -hanging. -
Mrs. Morlock, who has been visiting
her people here for some time, left for
her home near Caseville, Michigan, on
Tuesday morning. - A load of our
young people took in the entertain-
ment at Crediton on Friday night last,
-Mr. Rose Johnston and children, of
Blake. visited at the home of Mr. and
Mre. George Edigboffer on Sunday.
(Froin Another Source)
Some new scholars are attending
school since Easter. -Mr. 0. W. Snell
and Mr. Louis Simon. Sr., called on
friends and relatives in the village on
Monday last, -A meeting of the base-
ball euthuslasta will be held to -night
(Thursday) when the officers for the
season will be elected. All interested
should attend. -Dr. Du Vernet Jack
took a business trip to St. Marys on
Monday last. -The regular monthly
business meeting of the Y. P. A. was
held on Monday night. There was a
very good attendance, and the literary
programme was highly appreciated. -
Miss Eleonora Hartleib, who was the
guest of her cousin. Miss Aldo Hart-
leib, during the past week, returned
to her home in Zurich on Sunday.
Miss Ethel Godbolt left for her home
at Tilbury on Friday last. -Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Coward spent Friday in
London. -Mr. and Mrs. William Tay-
lor, formerly of Chicago, after spend-
ing a few days with friends here, left
for New York on Saturday where they
intend to reside in future.
Miss Ethel Parkinson of (St. 'Marys
if visiting with friends here. -Quite a
number of fish -and good ones too -
are being taken from the small
streams here evenings by the boys. -
The land in this locality is in excellent
condition for seeding, thus the farmers
have considerable of the crops in. -
Newton Millson, who has been equip-
ping himself as telegraph oper'ator,has
taken a position with the Grand Trunk
in St. Marys. We wish him every
success. -Mr. Kenny has been engaged
by W. Ogden in the shop. --Mr. Ogden
has just received a fine, up•to-date lot
of buggies.-Mre. O'Connell of Orillia,
who came here to attend the funeral
of her sister, Mrs. J. McCarty, and has
been visiting with friends around here.
left for her home in Muskoka Satut•-
day-Tilnber is becoming a scarce ar-
ticle, so Mr. Harvey Sutherby has cut
down the fruit trees on his lot here.
Whet about the old song, Harvey ?
"In the shade of the old apple tree."
-Victor Sanders has taken an agency
for a book House in Toronto.
ti reeuway
1'. A. Stinson and bride of Hayfield
spent the past week at W.J. Wilson's.
--Miss Helen 1(ickhorn entertained a
number of her schoolmates to it birth-
day piety in honor of her little cousin,
Linwood Purdy. -Miss Jean Hayter
spent a pleasant afternoon with her
fiend Miss Milly Foster. -Miss Mable
Hutchinson and Gordon ('lens spent
their Easter vacation with the later's
aunt, Mrs. Mathews of Denfield.-- Miss
Mae McLean of Corhet spent a few
days the past week the guest of Miss
Milly Foster. -Jas. Brophy called on
Robert McLinchey on Saturday last. -
Dean Brown sports a new rubber tire.
-A. Stinson of Ripley spent Tuesday
last at '.V. J. Wilson s. He was ac-
companied hack to Bayfield by Mrs.
Eliza Stinson, -Miss F. (iei►k of Grand
Band was at guest of Mrs. i), M. Ed.
wands. --Mrs. R. Harvey and Miss Eva
and Master Huzz of Parkhill called on
Mrs. W. J. Wilson one day last week.
-Miss E. Pickering of Sbipka spent
the past week with Mrs. A. Gotten, --
Sorry to report that Mrs. A. M. Wil -
is very sick. -Wm. 13 iker hies purchas-
ed a handsome new driver.
Mrs. 11. Mulligan of Dublin is at
present visiting her former old home.
-\lass Nellie McCalfery, who has been
visiting here for the past two months,
returned to her home in Dutton on
Wednesday. -- Alonzo McCann has
gone to Exeter to work for Mr. Gould,
Alonzo is n good worker and no doubt
will give gn,Rl satisfaction to his boss.
--Miss Katie Currie was visiting her
parents in Mount Cat mel on Sunday.
-Thomas McCann was in (b'anton
one day this week on business. -Mrs.
Angus McDonald was in Parkhill on
'fhnrsdey and returned with at fine
little girl. which she intends to inlet..
It is a good horse for the little one.
intended for last week.
Miss Nora Collins and Miss Ella
O'Rourke were visiting friends in De-
troit over Fattier. --Miss Katie Currie
and Miss Emma Cunningham were
visiting friend. in Clandebeye rota few
days Inst week. Miss Lizzie Barry is
at present visiting her sister, Mrs. J.
Schott, of London. -L itunt'hy iMcCor••
tuick is kid orf work on account of it
sore hand. Hope Laimehy will soon
be better, - Mr. and Airs. John Kinney
and family wet e visiting Mr. ('bailie
Holt over Sunday. Alta, John Heist
and daughter of Credit were renes" •
ing old ncquaiotan.'es at Khive this
week. --,Jeremiah 11.11ry has it very tine
calf. He says if he were to take it to
the fair this fall lie would take the first
prize for the ehott.'t tail calf.
Ex•Warden John T. ('airy is the
choice of the Liberals of North Hut on
Al candidate fot the Provincial elec-
The following is the report of the
recent promotion examination held in
S. S. No. 13, Iiay. Nantes in order of
merit: Sr. 111 to Jr. IV - Horace
Pfaff, Norman Ford. Jr, i11 to Sr. 111
- -Annie Green, Edith Carrick, Grant
Hooper. Sr. 11 to Jr. III - Ethel
Smith. Jr. II to Sr. 11 -Elena Stacey.
Pt. II to Jr. II -C. Hooper. Pt. I
to Pt. 1I -Norman Cat rick, Alice Pfaff.
IDA 11. AIIMaTKONO, Teacher.
Grand Bend
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce I3ossenberry of
Brucefleld spent Sunday with the
fot'tner s parents here.- Mr. Hamilton
has closed down his saw tuill and in-
tends moving some of the machinery
to British Columbia. -Mr. Christian
Zapfo is on the sick list. -Miss Bock,
who has been visiting at her home in
Zurich, has returned. -Fred Page and
son Walter are now in Port Franks
making cement brick. -Mr. Ed. Gill,
er., spent Tuesday and Wednesday at
Port Franks.
Mr. and Mre. Henryf St. Marys
are visiting at Geo. ases for a few
days. -Mrs. B. B. Ross, who was visit-
ing under the parental roof, has re-
turned to ber home in Byron, -Mr.
and Mrs. Sidney Andrews of Elimville
visited at Wm. White's on Sunday. -
Mr. White is able to be around again
after his severe illness. -N. Jarrott
has been laid up with lumbago for sev-
eral days, but is able to be out around
again. -Glavin Ross,and cousin James,
will leave for the old county in about
a week. Mr. Roes intends bringing
out a number of Clyde fillies with him
on his return, if he can secure the kind
he is in quest of. We wish him suc-
cess In the undertaking. -Seeding bas
been in full swing, but the wet weath-
er has given it a set back. -The farm-
ers are looking forward for spring,
when the stock can pick their own tie-
ing. -The beef ring has been started
again in this neighborhood.
TEL$ON E. HICKS -Voice Production and Sing.
1 in; -Pupil of London Conservatory of Music,
11. Ruth' en McDonald, Charles White, London Eng.
Ernest Eardley, London, Eng. A limited number of
pupils will be accepted
Miss Elsie Handford, London, is Vis-
iting her cousins, the daughters of
James Handford. -There are tinges
when we feel the need of a magistrate,
especially when respectable citizens
are bothered with tramps and disturb-
ed by drunken brawlers, -Mrs. (Rev,)
Butt is in London attending the Bible
readings of the celebrated Miss Chap-
man of Boston. -Wm Abbott and wife
have been visiting friends at Strath-
roy end Ar'kona.-Miss Ala Wilson,
who'has been on an extended visit
of several weeks, has returned home,
-An auction sale of cows at MofYatt's
hotel, on Friday brought good prices.
-Misses Swann and Botterill have re-
turned from their holidays and have
taken charge of their respective
schools. -Wm. J. Smith and Miss May
Irene Morrison of Detroit visited the
fortner's parents, London Road North.
Sunday and Monday.
A number of our village teachers
have returned for the reopening of
the schools atter having spent the hol-
idays at their various homes.-Antong
the old boys and girls who holidayed
in town we noticed: Miss Deride Mar-
tin, Mess (lolly Martin, Miss Ida Mara,
Mrs. W. S. Cole, Miss Laura Sutton,
Miss Brett, Miss Mildred Hodgins.
Misses Kathleen and Madge Hodgins,
Rob. Fox, Arthur Carter, Art. Hawk-
shaw, Percy Simpson, Rich. Hodgins,
Reggie Gilfllian, Harold Abbott, -
Walter Gibson who has been engaged
as pitcher with the International
League team for this season, has been
spending a few weeks at his home
here, but spent the holidays in Loti-
don.-The (lox Social held here tinder
the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of the
Anglican church was a complete suc-
cess. Under the directions of our able
auctioneer the boxes quickly dis-
appeared from the platform at prices
varying from one dollar to two dollars
each. The proceeds amounted to near•
ly $7O. -The council have kindly ten-
dered to Holy Trinity} congregation
the use of the Township Hall as a
place of meeting during the erection
of the new church. since James Koss
has purchased the old church and in-
tends tearing it down in a month. --
Miss Ethel Stewardson of London is
spending a few weeks at her home
here. --Arthur ‘Varing spent (food
Ftiday at his home in St. Marys. -
Fishing was very much the order of
the day the past week. Sonte of the
boys having caught such a number
they brought then[ to town and sold
them. -We are sorry to learn of the
serious illness of Miss Buller of Lan
don owing to which her sister Miss
Carlisle was called to her bedside nn
Wednesday. -The many friends and
schoolmates of Miss Mae Miller were
sot ry to hear the news of her sudden
demise. Mae was It general favorite
and left many friends to mourn her
loss. All extend their deepest sy m•
pithy to all the inmates of a saddened
The reports from McGill University.
at %lontreel, show that i'e•ter !ling. it
Chinese student and son of it Chinese
u►i.sionary in Vancouver. hos headed
the h list of the year. ale is a
tint iv.. of l',inada.
The Famous Pedestrian
Gentlemen: --
"I was a martyr to catarrh of the
head, throat and stotnaeh. i was so hal
the doctors feared consumption. I
tried many physicians and medicines'.
A friend suggested Psychine. I tried
it and it was the only thing ever did
me any goo•l. i am now perfectly well.
it is the greatest remedy the world
hat ever knot.). 1 do not need it for
my health nn•.v int 1 nee it as a
strengthener for my walking matches. 1
ewe much of my physical endurance to
J:1MES REYNtil.Ds,
('ort Hope, Ont.
Psychine is the greatest eure for
eaterrh of the heal, throat nr stomach
in the world. it is 'a wonderful tonic
and strengthener of run down sytent,
acting directly on all the vital organs,
giving youthful vigor and strength to
the system. At all druggists 50e. ani $1.
or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
The Ideal Beverage
pala'.tble, foie of
the virtues Of ni..lt
atl.l hop., 1 in
sparkling c. edi-
tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges its merit, one need look no further.
Ck.p I RAL
is the leading business training school In Western
Ontario. We git e a thorough, practical training on
Commercial Subjrete,
Isaac i'itnran's Shorthand,
Touch Typewriting, and in
Commercial and Railroad Operating.
Each department is in the hands of experienced
Instructor. We assist students to positions. Our
graduate, always succeed, tor our courses are the
beat. Get our tree catalogue and lean more about
us. You may enter now.
Clubbing Rates
We can equal any club-
bing rate offered. Call
and see.
Wood's Phospho4a
The Great Enulish Remedy.
Tones rued Inv igorates the whole
nervous SS ,1.'01. makes new
Iood in old Verna Cares Nerv-
ous Debility, dental an,l Bra i,i Worry, Des -
mildewy, Sexual Weakness Einistriona, Sper-
•ertorrhaa, and Fsrecta of Abuse or F.reesses.
etice 11 per box, MX tor Ifs. One will please six
will cure. Sold b all d iota or maileit't
plain pk . on receipt of riga- Rego pimp
mailed rte. Tim Wood Medlolno Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto. Ont.
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1665)
Head Office,
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p m,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving Bank Department, aUntil further notice interest on Savings accounts oil! he
credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly
Deposits of St and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLiNG, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Drs. Kennedy & Keihian
Owing to Dr. Ker-
gan being deceased,
Dr. J. D. Kennedy,
Medical Director,
has associated with
him Dr. Kennedy Jr.
who hoe been with
the firm for several
years, so hereafter
business will con-
ducted under the
name of
Thousands of young and middle aged men are annually swept
to n premature grave through EARLY INDISCARTIoNS,
RXcRESES AND BLOOD DISBA5ES. If you have any of the
following symptoms consult us before 11 is too late, Are you
nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before lire
eyes, with dark circles under thein, weak Lack, kidneys irrita-
ble. palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams ami losses, sect!.
intent in urine, pimples on the face, eyes annken hollow ceeks
careworn expression. poor memory. lifeless, distrustful. lack
energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change-
able moods, weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair
loose, sore throat etc,
Mood Poisons
are the most
preys tut an most serious diseases. They sap the very bfe
Liood of the victim, and unless entirely eradicated from the
system may affect the future generation. Beware of Mercury. It only suppresses the
symptoms -OUR NEW METHOD cures them.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT atone can cure you, and make
MSG o you. Under its influence the brain becomes active. the blood purified so that all
pimples. blotches, and ulcers disappear. the nerves beconee strong as steel, so that ner-
vousness, bashfulness and despondency vanish, the eye becomes bright the face full and
clear, energy returns to the body, and the mora, {thysicat. and vital systems are invig-
orated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system, Dont let quacks and fakirs
rob you of your hard earned 40111r s. We will sura you .r n. pay.
READER No matter wl, ha. treated you, write for an honest opinion Ptree
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