Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 3`.
Everyone Reda a Tonic in Spring
To Purify and Build Up the
/ Blood.
If ye�e want new health and sitrngUi
rv.r+ing yon mural build up your bleed
,t tont: medicine. Dickeys* lite der.
es;';.....long winter lnenths is reopen
the depressed curettt:on rind
1. , _ , t censtuut Ilrednrss which fie
t( many peep!. every sl:reig. the
c. r..i , • n rt calla That Uee V&A d is im-
1,. and v. • rv. '1 hal is what causes
' all iI hU'y eruptions in
! 11V4 twinges el rtieu :a -
bee • its •warp, flt4,1•111g pans of
neurt.ig.e. I • sere -lite, frequent head-
ache.. and a d( -ere to uvaid exertion is
Also ,tete to bad Liond. Any or all o►
these troubles can L0 banished by the
fair tern 4f s%.tch a Unite nteditin" aS
Dr Williams' Pink Pane tarry dose
of Use medicine helps to make new,
rich red b'etxt, which drivers out im-
purities, stimulates every organ.
strengthens every now and brings a
feeitng of new health and new everey
1r weak. tired cut, ail:ng then and we -
mete hero is prr.ot that air. \\'lilinnls'
1'tnk ('ills Is the grea'esl el all ripring
medicines. Mr. Henry Baker, Chipman,
N. B., Saye: --"Lust seeing 1 was so
weak and rieeerakle that 1 could hard -
)e drag lr.ysell about. My appetite was
jeer, i did not sleep well, rind dread -
ca' week. Aly Lund was in a terrible
ce ndlt.on, a high cnusrd pinljlles and
shall butte to Lreak out all over nee.
Tease would !tett acid puin ana caus-
ed me much trouble. I tried several
rrudu:ine.', but without the lead bene-
fit when one day :a friend a: iced me
why I did not try Dr. Williams' Pink
ri::s. ile e7 -.oke ro highly of This needi-
cir.e that 1 decided to lake his advice
and give the pills a trial. I got a halt
'dozen boxes and the result whs that by
the tltne they were finished 1 telt like
an aiktgether different Ulan. They puri-
fied my blood. brill up my whole sys-
tem, rind I have not had a pimple on
slay flesh, not n sick day since. For
,this r -asen i can highly recommend
Or Vein:anis' Pick Pills ee a blood
tuilder end purifier.' Sold by all me-
dicine dealers or t,y mail el 50 rents a
tux er six boscs for $2.50 from the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Ce., Brockville, Ont.
fe r ell bee/seers the revocation of the
;,d re'utenoe of cendeinnution de-!
Illy A. Banker.)
The most mighty structure ever e'ect-
•eJ by mortal wan since the creation of
:111c world dates from the very cont-
niencentent of civilization; and although
'tenstruck'd so far back down the den
;vista of the ages, yd so massive awl
Iso adamantine is ttttt great monument
hof tate past that the desolating and rav-
t egieg hand of lime has acaroe touched
'11 In fact had it not siren despoiled
ley the vandal Saracens, who, with vu1-
Far barte:iew unmatched in all history.
stripped it Of its polished marble d. t,
!Mg in order to build their mosques and
here►%, that great mausoleum of Cheops
Itwould to this day Have been almost a.< perfect as when the hundred thousand
laborers. who for 'hely years had to
fmm dawn to dusk. had c inplcicd tIa :r
work. And there it now stands, with
its fellows. a (nighty relic of the past:
and do.tbttess it will still there stand
until lime shall be no more.
But one result of the vereln'i-:o e.!
the Saracens is that it is pos- i o. 0. 1,
the aid of two or three Arabs. to , :.r+:6
u:' to the summit. (Inc of the Slteiks
la command having lull Of n couple
of Arabs to cnch tourist—and if he 6e
alc•ilt and heavy. If he wr,uld prefer
that hie arms should not le pulled out
rt 11.eir sockets. he will engage a Third
tet assLst by pushing --the w,ld Bedou-
ins seize their prty by tate ernis, on!
( n each side. and with main hese drag
him. or her. up the great stenos. each
shine about Ihree feel In height. 'Toil.
comely. In the hot Fehru'iry sun, they
a:rend higher and higher; from the Mae
appearing like moving flirts: aunt*. hav-
ing renched half way, and realizing
that If they continue the ascent they
%v,li probably be punished by stiffness
cf the joints for a week. Then making
the almost equally laborious descent,
•.lhers valiantly continuing until they
reach the summit. And whet a pros-
pect rewards a'1 this strenuous toil. On
the one side the rolling i.ibyan desert
stretching out, on and on. to the lase
sen, n dreary wilderness el and sand:
then. to the distanre the pyram'de •.f
Fnkllara, one of which. in which eu•• (
bricks made without Stene, is bel e‘.‘:
to have been partly built by the carder
Israelites: hero the b nultful winding.
palet bordered river Nee. flecked! wish
dnbabeyas and fetues/ventled craft: there
the Zine city el Caere with its mansions
and its gardens and its minnrels: and
here. immediately beneath, the impar•
tr.rbable sphinx, still, as when Art
placed there thousands of years ago.
'teeing sapiently Into the unknown.
And leen the thcught flashes through
the min•l(ul1 nineteen centuries age
fine. then tut a young child. was
Insight into Egypt, and perhaps stied
en that %cry spot, gazing at these nld
I,yratnde. But ile was the Divine Be-
ing, who. though the ion of Gal. had
oesunlesI human term in order. by !ek-
ing upon Iht -. f the chasti<enent due
to all who 1i:. • trnrl.greeeed. to secure
The bid blalc
i,,audc•d ty l:teiial Justice.
NOc 101: AL. - 1
It means Yrenteture 01(1 Age for the
Ae•de from all twee cs, all ideality I
' n the subject, marrying upon a I,
savary has but ladle poetry in it, I
says The Designer /or May. The fret
end stain of keeping %%jl1i n bound:.
the nerds el the children us they apt•+
within the Gerrie, the pressure of
c.! (.tanning to uutl.e illi •itetrustiC
expend lu dNuens:• .•. ,t was moor no;
bended to reach. ere the "little daily
dyings of self ' that bring the lines of
premature age von the fairest face and i
raffle the sweetest temper. There 's
1 tit one thing that can cornpen'ate tar
Luting youth, beauty. anal social stele
Iron for which tate restricted inccine is; ;
responsible, and that is mutual !eve --
the love that works out in 4hu world
kr the love at h.Inle, and the lose at
Ticino that work beneath the roof -tree
treatise it is worked for, lived for end
tiered for at:ove all ether women.
As a wife And mother, wt elan can
snake the fortune and happiness of her
hi•shand arid children, and if she did
willing else. nurrly this would be sulfl-
c•renl destiny. By tier thrift, prudence,
and tact she can secure to her partner
Ara Artistic,
used Fisiumoer
Easily apOlail, Oaeaat
Oraok nor Fall Off
Lead us a skstek ebor4Ma aaaM
aw/ yeast oo ttaremewt. if yore
seitia0• or �w�asll% sad w wwill
ass!se steal knaklot free.
Metallic Roofing Co.,
• leanntactarore
Only the Babies Have a Better Chance ot
SunIival Now.
In view of all that ties been said about
tree tall in the death rate it seems strange
to realize, says Health Culture, that we
are not living so tong as our grand-
fathers and grandmothers did.
More bables live to grow up nowadays
than formerly, but people in later Life die
and to herself a competence In cid age, younger. Once arrived at adult age the
110 nlaiter how emelt their beginnings ttv(r.age man or woman has fewer years
or how adverse a fate may be theirs. By
Iver cheerfulness she can restore Iter hus-
band's spirit, shaken by the anxiety of
bl:siness. By her lender care she can
often restore him to health if disease has
ovcrlasked his powers. By her counsel
and love she can win him from bad com-
pany If temptation in an evil hour has
hit hien astray. By her temple, her
of survival to expect.
This seems on the face ot it so surprise
irg a statement that in order to be ac-
cepted it should be backed up by data
authentic and Indisputable. Such data
are furnished by the figures of the insur-
cree companies (which all agree on the
te tit), but i1 is easier to refer to the Gov-
ernment c*nsus reports, which tell the
piecepLs, end her hex's insight into char- talo in simple and convincing fashion.
acier she can mould her children, how- Even during the last fifteen years the
ever adverse their dispci•dtions. into death rate among all persons over 55
rale 'nen and women- And by lending vents of age of both sexes has risen very
in all things a true and beautiful life she considerably.
ran refine, elevate, and spirilualise ell I,
who cone within her reach: so Bint, with
others of her sex emulating and assist-
ing her, she can do more to regenerate
the world Uteri all the statesmen or re-
formers that ever legislated. -
Pi►nplts, face sores, and the kindred
eruptions common to late waiter and A NEW FINANCIAL FIRM.
early spring, are the worst disfigure-
nienea the fair sex have to bear. Te re- The flrm ot A. J. Pattison and Com•
move them the pores must be opened an bankers and financial agents, hu
and the functions of the akar slunulat. Men formed in Toronto. The senior
rot, by the vigorous applications of Zane tl,cnaber of the firm was until recently
f;uk moiling and night, and al Soap. f.r ,'ident of the Brantford Street Rail-
hequently wah Zani-Buk Medicinal Soap, a at•, the Grand Valley Railway and the
'lane•Buk reaches the root of the disease \\ oodstock Thames Palley and Ingersoll
1 y soaking through the skin and fiat:e' Railway'. Mr. Petition sold the control-
nnd its potyertul herbal Juices expel Ing afforest in bis railways to a Pitts -
wase and make the skin do its work,. kt rg railway magnate. Mr, Pattison is
t' hi
cant be done simply by the use a (;anndian by birth, a Larnbton county
• f marvel marten,. Miss Elven .meth, bey, arid has been in business in a fidu-
l.f ville Ave., Toronto, says: "My ' ciery position in Toronto for twenty-five
lace was
ww'asas greatly disfigured by a sten ' years and has been a resident of Toron-
eruption which annoyed me dreadtul:y to for over thirty -,Ave years. The record
!a. months. 1 was aJtsecf to try Zane of the Canadian Homestead Loan end
Ruit and 1 am glad 1 did for it face is of
Association under his adminis-
roiv clear
the trouble and my face is Iialioit for over twenty years, loaning
r.ew clear et ell eruptions."
Proper sanitation and a good water
supply reduce the death -rate of a town
n niost astonishing fashion. At Croy-
don, England, for instance, the death -
rate, with proper drainage, fell to 19
t;e,i 1,000. It had been 24 previously;
and ci16eS of typhoid fell from 15 per
10,000 to 5.
Tarn-Buk cr:ntains no animal fat what-
rter, but is a pure healing salve. It
r fres cuts, burns. chitlings, cold sores.
e-zen:a, running sores, ringworm,
1 'es. tact kgs. Inflamed pnl.•hea, an.l
e diseased. injured eel Irrita'ed ccn•
A Lon of the skin. ft.tainatle at ail
r!. r.ggir.Is en.1 sores 50e.. or postepa d
fern the Zam•Uuk Co., Tortnto.
A tri:\EFA1 '1'011 OF Ill'\IANITY.
"flea year husband ever done er.;
Ib ng fc; ie•neftl his fellow -man?"
"I should say so! If he had had hurt
bts original recusesa for gelling horn
tale cx,pvr,gttteel, he'd be in the mil-
bereth o CRISS HOW.'
i.y week er teenik. at law rates. 18. Pieter,
is heeler a Nilson are arkn•wt.dg•d the
Iiaht.st yenning and most c.,ntenieet of any.
Try on• and be .nntlnc•d Only at the Singer
stent 1. .011 1. r 111• lied ft.
Any radk Acting used any rank, of twine ( who have tried 1t,
elarAlne for years or priori write Singer • hate testi
Aelrin ae1rn• rine ManningC'Anmhete.
TorontNo, for beau(tf.set el!q' *outvote ! The dorm -e to Ih'• w'orld's shipping
wirer alOntario. hl e. for asking.
by week and breaking up averages
725,000 tons yearly.
neon merlgnge that is one foreclosl.re,
i,as not been equalled by any Toronto
a loaning coring. The new firm will have
a strong reputation for integrity and ad-
nhtdlistrative ability, and a high finan-
cial rating,
Direct New York. Boston, Philadelphia
and Alonlreel Stock Exchange wires
with one of the largest New York and
itoston firms has been arranged for. The
Pim will have direct wires also to Chi-
cago and Cobalt, and are in a position
t. glue not only excellent service but
the ntosi conservative advice upon (Inan-
e is' investments that can possibly be had.
The firm's advertisement appears M an-
other column.
\\'.d,ting-rings were worn by beth
Jew. rind human% at dates long prier
Itt the (.hest -an era.
ilate you tried Holloway's Corn
(:tare? 1l hes no equal for removing
then troublesome exeresences ns many
"I o'r u}..' '1•here's a s deer lining to
every cloud!" "\\ r 11, a hal good its
That' 1 haven't s•. 1 hn ker.-hire'
Prom O lobo 1 . May ('.14. ere the m •.1 frit•
pont canto o! llama tru• 1.AtaTItIt sau.'AO
Qt III' I ress,r•r.-.n.• g er Or r• e. but tee
Old 88
Reale Yew, atr.ttath by tablet '•Perrovta•
Idle flue Nat tonin ewer o•.sw..aded. it m ortolan
sed sarengtt..n, the w k•rle system..
The blood throeyn out by the heart
travels seven miles in an hour, or 4,-
ae1.Ut+0 milt. in a liktenie of seventy
I.- ihnll ttn< htsatt'rt in I:',.
early as the year 1175 it is Known Everywhere.—There is
A Clear ticalUhy se.in i:rurl:cans el rot n ell%. town or hamlet in Canada
the seen awl the h:..! ltP.a wha. h I i.eu• v here Ile. Thomas' Eeleclrie Oil IR net
t.n' wn—wherever introduced it makes a
foothold for itself and maintained it.
Some merchants my suggest conte
other trendy as equally beneficial. Such
re,v:rntnrndal:nns should be receive!
with doubt. There is only one Eck'clric
(til. and UM is ter. Th ointas'. Take no-
thing else.
isti beauty are the reset of imptire
btood causal tv unhealthy action .f
the (iter and kidneys. In n-1 reeling
This unhealthy action And rest ir`ng the
organs to their normal ovt.hlitln, Par -
melee's Yegelnt•'e i'i'!s will at the AR 1114i
time cleanse the b'ehu•t. and Iha blotches
And erupluena w;11 dIstrppenr with,Ttlt
leaving any trace
\Vhen a Hank of England note rell,rns
to the hank it is never re -issued. Il is
cancelled by having the signature of the
elect cashier torn off. A day'e signs•
lure%a Uuis (Peached ellen anrwnt to a
weight of 201b.. so sante idea may be
gathered of the enormous quantity of
re.les dealt with during a day:. business,
After the signature{ are turn off the mice
are pri'ket off to the register, and serhet
into the dates of isete. They are then
placed in bosta in the valets, where they
aro kept for flee years, after which they
are burnt in a furnace placed in a court-
yard. Every morning at seven o'clock
this fire b lighted, net the notes which
were reseivel deck at the bank far ,ears
prevlcus:y are censignM to the flames,
410.060 wee!. bring consumed N teas
manner every week.
A b`.ri's wang is. in proportion to its
owners weight, twenty times as strong
as a min's arm.
inercial value, and study merely the
geography tied nulure of the country in
the light of the reports on the more er
less outlying parts of the same, we will
conte to the conclusion that three him-
dtc'd million acres, and perhaps lets, wit
(ever fusty the coinmerciully tulubie tine
bcrland arca, actual and potential, or not
math more than one-half of the com-
teerrial forest area of the United Slates.'
Al one lime eight hundred million ecru
wa3 the generally dceepled sUinnte of
the timber land of Canada. Mr. It. 11.
Carnptell, Superintendent of Forestry for
the Dominion Government, WAS not quite
so pessimistic In a recent estimate.
Sj•caking at a forestry c-nvention held
in Yarmouth, Nee, he calculated the for-
est area of the Dominion at about 535,-
00°,000 screws, divided as follows:
British Columbia 182 million
aerntloba, Sa.kalchewtu► and
Alla., and unorgunized
180 "
40 "
120 "
T1111(1at I.AN1) 01' CANADA.
Now E<limatrd in the Neighborhood e1
5.'t5.0000.Mla \errs.
Three hundred n«ion (300,f0n.(.o,
acres La the Inirst estimate el the ter, -t
arra of Canada. This was given recently
1 y Dr. B. E. Fernow. Dean of the Facuity
elf Forestry in the tnivereity of 'Toronto,
Fernow was for y'enrs heart of the
icrestr'y work of the United Slates, and
Is regnrderl as ono et the hest aullteritle;a
rn forestry and limber on !hire ccaitinent.
lir. Fernow said: "11 we leek at this vast
f(rest arra from the manufacturer's point
or view, (rein the etandpeint of st,pplies
kr the arta and industries, of its 00.0 -
!sive 13runstt i. k
N, on Scotia
look at it as we may, one thing seems
clear, and that is that, on further know-
ledge, Canada's "inexhaustible" forests
and forest areas are shrinking, and that
this country does not possess the wealth
that it %yeas once thought that she did.
The moral is plain; it must be Canada's
truly to look carefully after what she has
and carefully preserve it, and also snake
provision that these areas shall be so
'kindled that a future supply of limber
from the same areas can be obtained.
And this means the introduction of for-
estry management of these timberlands.
73 at
5 "
A mother who has once used Baby's
Own Tablets for her children will al
ways use them for the minor ailments
that come to all little ones. The Tablets
are the beat medicine in the world for
the cure of indigestion, colic, constipa-
tion, diarrhoea, teething troubles and
!reeking up (,olds. And the nether has
tie guarantee of a government analyst
that this medicine contains no poison-
oisonGus gpsate or narcotic. Mrs. \\'m. F
Gay, St. Eleanors, 1'. E. L, says:—"I
have used Baby's Owen Tablets with the
test results and know of nothing to
equal them for the cure of stomach and
bowel troubles. 1 do not feel safe unless
1 have a box of Baby's Own Tablets
in the house." Sold by medicine (fee-
iteIers of by mail at 25 cents a box from
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock
vale, Ont.
Western Australia has the highest
percentage of crime of any of the Aus-
tralian Colonies; but the average num-
ber of crimes is lower than that in any
part of the Southern States of America.
Bickie's Ant) -Consumptive Syrup needs
ne recommendation. To all who are
familiar with it, it speaks for itself,
Nears of use in the treatment of colts
and coughs and all affections of the
throat has unquestionably established
113 place among the very best medicines
ter such diseases. It you give it a trial
you will not regret it. You will find
it 2:► cents well invested.
Passenger trains would be more apt
to run on attedule time it brakemen
d!dnt have to pry so many kissing
fernoles apart at stations.
PATO oresereNr i+ guarantee) t3 caro any
case of itching, Wield, Bleeding or Prutudiag
Plies 1e 6W le days or us -artily refunded. We.
The most costly war in the world
was tate Atnerican (evil \\ ar. It cost
the North $7,000,000,000 and the Seuth
ITCH, Mange Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagteus Itch on human
er animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel-
ford's Sanitary teflon. It never falls.
Sold by all druggists
Thr word "slothful" Ls rather a mis-
nomer, for in its native hnbitnt---a large
tree—a sloth can, and does, travel very
Be There a Will Wisdom Points the.
Way.—The sick tnan pines f^r re•1;c1,
but ho dislikes sending for the doctor.
which means bottles of drugs never
consumed. Ile has not the resolution
to loud his stomach with compounds
which emelt villainously and taste
worse. But if he have the will to deal
i.irnself with his ailment, wisdom will
direct his attention to t'armelee's Vege-
table {'ills, which. As a specific for in-
digestion and do -enters of the digestive
'organs. have no equal.
"So 1 can't induce you to bundle my
line of remedies?" said ttie pnlent medi-
care sakenian, as he elated he grips.
"Don't the citizens around here use any
kind of cures?"
"Only the 'rest cure.' Wenger," drnw•1-
ot the prnprieter of the general atone.
"You can Ord half n hundred nt neem en
the fence and on the parch and behind
the stove using that cure now."
Conceited Amateur --"1 learned to play
the violin when I was eight years c• 1. '
Cruety I'mf(tssktnal—"Indeed. 1kw
old were you when you forgot?"
L'SI E NO. 17—$.
A STRIKING OFFER. Iron bads never wear out. Note the
beautiful fini,h and trimmings. Order early. \1'I ate to day tor
our new Spring and Summer CatalogJe
W E )i:,_ —f'�' ` •
GUARANTEE ", . ' a
Order by this number
K 2-23/26 T.U. The above Iron Bedstead, very neat design, 1 146 Inch
CSts, 5-8 and 3-8 inch fillings, head end 54 inches high, foot end 44 inches high,
ass knobs and caps, beautiful snow white enamel finish. Supplied in four
sizes, 3 ft., 3 ft. 6 inches, 4 feet and 4 feet 6 inches wide. If this bed
is not entirely satisfactery in either quality or price, we will exchange
or stunt your money and pay all transportation charges. Bed only
444i T. EATON. C91.PAITE0
Toronto and Me.trkal
T.,.uto and Himmel
AGENTS& $103.50 PER NONTl1 I
settles these wonderful
Bellmore. Y. 0. Ofebnet,
Col.rbus, 0., sotd13 padre
In !boors, orad• 1111 • you • - 1aaMO.
owe dot w• phew bow.
WE o1.711r.
Special Iaduc•aente t• Caeadlan
Thansaa M'fg Ce., 002 K tlic.
nam•endbee eierr,
for I1 oder•s Of
i- Qo�w•wlnsted you Users TWO SOD00�iM uvO& Wtrartusyothe
J.ry lliry N pales itiat• earl When Id w .e lb.
It alt(erse• lead. 50114 wud�e•.rte
Asoma. STAR MPO. CiQ.14lay IL.PIGYIDII1103.LL,II.1..4.
Oayton, lA
In parts of Alaska is found a kind
o! fish that makes a capital candle
when it is dried. 'The tail of the Ash
is stuck into a crack of a wooden table
to hold it upright, and its nose is
lighted. It gives a good. steady light
of 'three -candle power, and considee
able heat, and will burn for about three
The first train In Canada was operated
on what is now • part of the Grand
T' unk Railway and this great system
has ever been on the alert to slay in
the first rank. In keeping with tills
general policy the "International l.im-
)te.' the premier train of rho Grand
T^unk System, is also the finest and
fastest train in Canada. and one of the
fastest long distance trains in the world.
Leaves Montreal every day at 9.00 a.m.,
Toronto 4.40 p.m.. arriving at Detroit
al 10.00 p.m. and Chicago at 7.40 a.m.
Sunday School Teacher—"And you
have no brothers or sisters?" Little Edna
- "No, ma'am. I'm all the chhkiren we've
Use the safe, pleasant and effectual
worm killer, Mother Graves' \\'orm Ex-
terminator; nothing equals it Procure
a bottle and take i1 home.
The Paris Academy of Medicine of -
fens a prize every year for the discovery
of an absolute euro for tuberculosis.
So far, no unc has won it.
fate LAXATIV■ DROMO codeine Tablets.
Dia`` tote refund saner 11 It faits to Cure. a. W.
GROVI a Agnate', le on each bus. Sao.
The porters in Constantinople are
seat to le elle strongest men in the
world, and alter them the Chitin') min-
ers auJ the bearers of NottM'r•n China,
ret out tan ars 1. a hot, Itching. ■nhealty
skin with Weaver's Carate. Use It for eczema,
.addle rank, tetter and salt rheum
Parisian streets nest 1A ernes per
square yard. per year 10 keep clean:
t ut in Berlin they are so much more
economical that the cost as rely 4 cents
pelt square yard.
dl's espy to paint with gond palet. it
works en nir'ely and looks ro fresh. Ram
ray's Paints are gond paints good all the
way thrnnh. 1:very house in town should
he touched ue with Ramsay's Paints Tour
dealer has a full etnrk. Ramsa7's Paints
the right pt t�Montreal, fnrpalte A
rk of
RsmraRaman,.a Son Co
Souvenir Picture Poet Cards of Homes.
ELOPED BY 13011SLEIt,ll.
An elopment by bobsleigh has occur-
red nt ili(nne, where a young Swiss.
fereidden to visit his sweetheart's house.
carried of( the girl by an ingrnierm
ruse. The girl pc !stunted her parents
I1. accompany. her up the mount in
r.:ute to i:silard to welch the totx•g-
y;t•ning. Unit way up shouts of warn-
ing were heard, a sleigh came tearing
flown and every ono ran to the side
(,t the course. '[rte girl alone stool stn:.
The k•vrr and his friends, who were
e• 1 the sleigh. slackened Fiord. cnugt,:
the girl in their arms and flashed dews,
to the hitter') et the run. There the'
lever's caught a train to Basle, where
Thea marriage a i.l take place tmm 1u
Tbc arerng^ n e of Brfflah cavalry
horses Is 5 )'ears and 2 months.
to hear tam owner haying
for sale. Not particular about loratlnar
Please giy• price and description. and rea-
son for selling. State when pesresston can
belted. Will deal with owners only.
L. Darbyaltre, Hos Hae, Rochester, It. Y.
6 fit% OROIi L•td
tee WSW_ ro A ru7a
The Beer Cheek
Canoes, Set Latrndhea Eta
Tren.acL an Investment and
Anan':al bus:ne•s. docks fought
outright or on margin. Direct
w.tes to Boston, New fork Phila-
delphia, Chicago and Montreal.
Also a direct wire to CNhal.
Refrrenrea: Ii. G D,;n & cern-
pany, The Rrndstr.'et. (olnmcr-
c:el Agtney,
in a merry company. each one was
1•I ask a question: if it was nn.weiterl,
he runt a tot reit; or 1f he could not a116-
vs r1 1t himself he paid a forfeit. One
qu(Ftwn was:—
as:"flow• did the little gmund-squirrel dig
o,c hole without showing any dirt about
tt,t entrance?'
When they nil gave it up. the quet-
t1(ner said: "Don't you see: he began at
the otter end of the thole." One of the
rest eselnlrned: "[Jul hew dons he vert
there?' "AFT' was the reply. "Ilea's
your me-Mien—can you answer it your-
s. II?"
Quack ease for the worst cough--qui.le
relief to the heaviest cold-- and SAF B
lo take, even for a child Ctulrtl►S
s Curee
SoldThat unisite aShiloh guaranteCOAL OS
to tura colds and coughs t� Gold'
luieker than any ocher
viediclre—or your money Mack 34 years
of success commend Shdob'. Cure rifle
IIOc ,SI. gN