Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-30, Page 165c to JAN. '09
NOW IS T111•. '1'1311•: to
subset ibe fnr the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
Sale Bills
FARMERS tt h. %%;tilt a
big crowd at their .ales
should get their bills at
the AD\'O('.\'1'I•: and ad•
vet Use it; tL,• A!,VIC.tTI•:
It Means Money to You
The Old Reliable
WHAT can we do for you today? Do you need any -
.thing of the following ?
nr tan• non,
• • •
Whichever you may need it
will pay you to look our stock
over and get our prices before
Millinery Millinery
1.: n't forget that we have a
in connection with our store, in the person of
Our trade with her is increasing every year.
Give her a trial and be convinced.
Y ana. t . a
, • a
Y Y 'VY 'Y•Y Y • Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs, I3utter 23c. Eggs 1 Gc
Remember the Store one door north Post Office
Big Reduction in Ladies' Raincoats.
A brand new lot of Ladies' Cravenette Coats, made of beautiful fine mat-
erial, nicely trimmed. Colors fawn, light and dark greys
$12 coat for 0.73 $10 coat for $7.73 $9 coat for $7
Pretty White Lawn Waists
A large collection of beautiful white lawn waists, very prettily trimmed
vitti insertion and lace; others with embroidery y fronts; also some very
dainty styles of net waists.
Special NVaist at $1.23 $1.50 $2.00 $2 23
Linoleums and Lace Curtains
Don't forget to have a look and get our prices on linoleunis and Lace
curtains. We show a very large range and our prices are away down.
Men's Odd Pants
Special reduction of Men's Odd Pants bought at big discount. We are
ft,Seg to sell this ahltra stock off at reduced prices. ('all and see our special at
,49, $2.00, $2.1Kir Large assortment of good patterns and colors.
New and Stylish Millinery
You have never heard or dreamed of such a chance. A big stock of new
millinery at Away Down Prices. Call and see. Sante price to all.
Professional Cards.
Brick and Tile for Sale
IE O. F. ROCLBTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8. The undersigned has a large quantity' f first . la--
brick and tile for sale ori his yard., situated opposite
D B P T 1ST the Fri -t mill at Crediton East. Satisfaction guar-
antecd. It will be toyour interest to call and make
camber of the R. 0. D. 8. of Ontario and IlonOr a an inspection before buying elsewhere.
Graduate of Toronto University. JosEP.1 IIAIST, Crediton East.
OFFICE: 0. er I)ickeon & ('►rling s Law O1T.ce, In
N. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
For Sale or Rent.
IIIDR. A. R. KINSMAN, i. D. 8., D. D. 8.. ! ___
IIIIonor graduate of Toronto t'niveriatr• A one storty•franie dwelling in good condition, on
Carling street, two lots of land. Good stable on the
DENTIST, premises, also a number of fruit trees. Terms real-
' Doable. Apply at this 0111 e.
Teat%% extra -tea without any pain, or any but effects - -- - - - - - -- -
Ogee over G1.011130 & Staubur)'s office, Main street
E xeter. Timothy Seed for Sale.
1 3(1 bu:1.e 1s of a'hoire Timothy Sete!. and also a
quantity of large Pea., for .ale at
FRED Ili stIaTII '.
R. T. P. McLAt'GHLIN Lot 1 :, i',.,Stephen.
itas resumed practice afters spending a %ear (Col- For Sale- -Eggs for Incubation.
lege) at British and Co.tinental Hospitals. General tag
practice with !pedal attention to I:)e, (with refrac• Purr !rid i:arre l Ito k•: big birds. het. t laycr..
Don) Ear, Nose and Throat eggs the trap mind.
Office: Dashwood, Ont. I. C.f'LF.%ilN(l, Exeter, Ont.
en, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commissioners.
tors for Molten). (tank, etc.
Mosey to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
Offices, Main street, Ewer,
L E. Casino, RA., - I. iI Dica«,.
We lure • large amount of prit ate funds to loan
a (Lim gad village properties at Iow rates of Inter
Barristers, Solicitor...Main et., Exeter On
William Brown
Prof. Diploma et 11 ti Incorporated Society M
N um. -fan', England: anst of Trititt Memorial
camels Exeter. Piano, r an, Harmony and Theory
Of Mush'. Terns on apt iii atinn. Exeter. Ont,
Agent ('onfederat ion life Assurance
Company. also Fire insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -fit., Exeter.
House For Sale.
In the tillage of Eaeter,.0gated on Simco. -tr, E!
a frame dwelling. 2 °tortes, kitchen and wood.hot.
stable, gotal well, one fifth acre of land. All in Fcto,l
onditlon. Will be sold reasonable. Apply at 0' •
Mir, ACRES IN NUR..ERY fiTOC K. agents want•
ed at on -e to sell for Fall 19l8 and Spring loan de •
liter ;whole 01 part unit, liberal terms: meat free
'The Thos. W Bowman .t son ('o , Ltd..
Ridge%Ole, Ont
t --
Eggs For Sale
Thorougtt red N hite tt)an 1 •rte 1.;[s r *ale
8. POW ELI.. ratter
Liberal -Conservative
I'ho i•iberal ('onseiv,atites of the
South Riding of Huron will hold a
Convention in McDonell's Ilan, lien -
sail, on
TUESDAY, MAY :1th, eat..
AT 2 O'CLOCK, i'.M.,
for the purpose of nominating .t ..en-
didate for the approaching General
Election for the Legislative Assembly.
Col. Hugh ('Nat k, member for ('entre
Bruce, 11. Eilber, member for South
ilnron, and another• local member and
others will address the meeting.
i,et every pat( of the Riding be well
• God Save the King.
Bo order of the Executive.
B. S. PHii.LiPS, ExK'rt•:R,
Listened Aactioseer
Sales attend"1 in CI part. Satisfa tion gnaran•
teed or no pay. Term• reasonable. All orders left
at Advocate Orr 'e will he promptly attended to.
thoroughness. progressiveness,
utility, n10111045111, esprrtness
are 011r wat. hwords (-ontmer•
slat stenography, Telegraphy.
Mail Course. in an} •111.)r- 1.
No vacation
Clistos 8s.ise.. College
Geo. hp•tton, Principal.
+ ▪ ++++++++++++++++++++++•14
Calf for Sale
A hull self: apply t.• Thomas Snell,
Huron Sit set.
Victoria Day Celebrations. ' ADDITIONAL LOCALS
Victoria Day, May 21th, is to be roy-
t'ly celebrated in Exeter this year as
usual, and as the date falls on Sunday
this year, the celebration will be held
on Monday, May 23th, A most en-
thusiastic committee has taken the
matter tin and have completed ar-
rangement, for a more than tit dinatily
successful and entertaining day. Live
men have the looking after of all the
details and if efforts count for success,
a good time is assured to all those who
are present. Processions, horse races
and athletic sports. with possibly a
display of fireworks and a concert,
will make a full day of pleasure and
enjoyment. Trot or pace and running
races are on the program. In a full
list of athletic sports a special feature
is the Marathon Race, a distance of
six utiles. which is already interesting
many of the boys.
Crediton, our neighboring village, is
also preparing for a celebration, and
when the boys in Crediton put their
hands to the plow, they do not fail -
so success is assured.
While it is regrettable that the vil-
lages of Exeter and Crediton should
choose the sante day in the year for
their celebrations, still there is no rea-
son w by both should not be it succus.
People feel in the month of May like
having a day off, and consequently ev-
erybody goes in for having a time on
Glorious Victoria Day.
Oddfellows Attend Church.
The members of Exeter Lodge,
1.(I.0,F. celebrated the anniversary of
the founding of theorder by attending
divine service in the Main street Meth-
odist church on Sunday morning 1.►st.
when the pastor of the church, Rev.
E. A. Fear, delivered a very fine dis-
course to the brethren who were pre-
sent to the number of about ninety.
He took his text from the fourth
chapter of Genises and part of the
ninth terse: "Am I niy brothel's
He described how jealously Cain
killed his hrother Abel and how when
asked where Abel was replied to the
Lord in the words of the text. in ex-
panding his text he drew a vivid word
picture of how the ,few was robbed
and wounded on his way to Jericho
and left for dead on the roadside; how
the priest, being accustomed to such
scenes. passed by, and the Levite com-
ing along, after pausing and looking
at the wounded pian, also passed him
by, but a Samaritan chancing along
that way willingly gave heed to the
wounded man's cry for help and gave
hint food and shelter although the
Jews and Samaritans were the bitter-
est of enemies. How touch better it
is to help the needy than to pass then,
by. Ile spoke also of the great loge
existing between Jonathan and David
and how Jonathan pleaded with his
father, King Saul, on David's behalf;
and of the noble work being done by
the Oddfellows in helping the widows
and orphans, and the sick, needy and
distressed; of the influence for good a
lodge like the Oddfellows would have
if they would all put forward their
best efforts in the work of God.
The members of the lodge expressed
themselves as deeply grateful to Rev.
Fear for the excellent sermon he had
preached to there,
of 20 Years Ago.
Exeter. April 20, 188.8.
On Thursday last the Scott Act met
its fate in Huron County and also in
other counties. The Act was repealed
by a majority of 1300. After three
years trial the people decided that the
act was not in the interest of temper-
ance. A vigorous campaign was wag-
ed for and against the repeal.
The other counties to repeal the Act
were Renfrew, Bruce, Simene, Duffer -
in, Not folk, Dundas, Stormont and
Glengar ry.
Alex. McDonald who was arrested a
shot tittle ago ft,' obtaining $31sI from
B. S. O'Neil under false pretences has
been discharged by Judge Torn.
• Barn for Sale.
Frame barn, 2.8x10 feet, with an ad-
dition of 18 feet. Will sell the whole
or part. \Vill be .old cheap, For
particulars apply to
JOHN WOOD, Exeter.
Building For Sale.
Frame of a building :r,xart, with 21
ft. posts. in first•class shape : also him -
bets :tl low tate.
\\'M. NI, 11LAT('HFO1tD,
A Doctor's Statement
Baia St. 1'aul, c.c., gar..
March 27th, 1907.
"Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limi:e'1,
Toronto. Ont.
Gentlemen: -•-
My many thanks for Psychine anti
Oxcmulslon. I have used them with
tory great satisfaction both in fry own
.:ase and in that of my .ricnd.. it af-
f..rde me much pleasure to recommend
a remelt• nt6ich 1g really goo,i in cases
for which it i. intruded. 1 am, yours
eery truly."
D11. EIRNEST A. ALi,Aitli.
Doctors recognize that Psyehine is
one of the very best remrdie. for all
throat, loung and stomach troubles and
all run down condition., from whatever
cause. it its the prescription of one of
the world 's greatest epreialist. in dis
eases of tar throat. lung., and etomaeh,
and all wasting dimen.ers Ask your
druggist for it, at 5'K and 1.00. or
T. A. %'locum, Limited, Toronto.
Urs, Thus, Elliott is recovering isnot' On e Sp ecial Featur e
Mr. Nelson Sheers was married in
Furl \Villiatn on April 18th and is now
on a wedding trip to \Vinuipeg.
('unstable Bissett gave three unf.ty-
ot'able-looking chaps :t night in the
cooler last week and a hint to move
quick next adorning.
Miss Vera Rowe, who has been re-
lieving a stenographer at the G. T. 11.
!Station, London, for some time, has
accepted the position permanently.
Mr. A. Pym, who underwent a surg-
ical operation a couple weeks ago for
appendicitis and who has since been in
a critical condition, is at the time of
writing somewhat easier.
We are glad to learn that Mrs. NV.
J. Iteanian has recovered from her
recent illness, and also that Miss Char-
lotte Sweet continues to improve, and
that Miss Irno Sweet is better after
the operation upon her tonsils.
The Woman's Institute meeting on
Friday at thteeo'clock sharp in Sen-
ior's Hall, will be of a public nature,
when the Rev. Collins will deliver an
address on the "Prosperity of Canada."
This subject appeals to all. Everyone
The Annual Missionary Campaign
of the Diocese of Huron will be held
in May, The Arclideaconary of Lon-
don on Sunday next, May :3rd. The
Rev. Arthur Carlisle, 13. A., of Lncan
will preach morning and evening in
the Trivitt Memorial church. The
Rector, Rev. D. W. Collins, will take
the services at Lucan.
Word received from Miss Nettie
Sweet, who recently went to Winni-
peg to reside, describes the Easter
weather as being most beautiful, giv-
ing all a chance to attend Divine
worship, and incidentally affording
the ladies a lovely opportunity to wear
their bewitching Easter millinery and
charming Easter gowns.
The Trustees of the Exeter Public
School have notified all the teachers of
the school that all pupils who have
had Scarletina or Scarlet fever or pup-
ils corning from homes where Scarlet-
ina exists (unisolated) during the past
two months, shall not he permitted to
attend school unless by certificate
from the Chairman of the Trustee
Board or the Medical Health Officer of
the Village of Exeter.
After a► week's chase the detectives
of London and the county constables
throughout the province have failed to
capture Private Mover who when un-
der the inaldence of liquor shot Col.-
Sergt. Lloyd at the Military Barracks,
London, on ttie 17th. The chase led
over a good deal of Western Ontario,
the detectives going rapidly from one
point to another as "Rumor" stated
that he had been seen. The clues on
Saturday seem to have vanished alto-
gether and the police have for the
time given up the chase.
On Friday afternoon last the Wom-
an's institute gave a most successful
"At Home," in Senior's Hall, The hall
was beautifully decorated, the princi-
pal features being the sale tattles, lad-
en with wholesome edibles, notably,
bread, buns. gents, biscuit, pressed
meats, salads and all kinds of fancy
cakes. pastry and candies, such as only
the Exeter branch of the Woman's
Institute can produce. Everything
sold well and in addition to the sale a
dainty lunch was served to all and a
very enjoyable program of music was
furnished by Prof. Brown. Every
woman in Exeter should be a member
of this organization,
Orange Lodge to Re -organize
All old members of Exeter Orange
Lodge and others desiring to become
members are requested to meet in the
Oddfellows' Hall on the evening of
May 7th, when Mr. Robert Birming-
ham, organizer of Toronto will he
present to reorganize the Exeter
Death of Mr.. Ilunt.
At the home of her daughter, Mrs.
I. Armstrong, Huron st., Exeter, sally
Wednesday, April :.'Nth, the death oc-
curred of Sarah lluish, relict of the
late Edward Hunt, in her stall year.
Deceased was at native of England and
lived most of her early life in Bristol.
Coming to Canada over fifty yc rs
ago. she remained some time in Darl-
ington, where she met and married
her late husband, immediately after
the marriage they CAMP to Exeter,
where they lived until two years ago,
when they went to live with their son
Edward, near Seaforth. Here the hus-
band died some few months later, sincli
which time Mrs. Bunt lived part of
the time in Exeter and part at Sea -
forth. During nearly the whole of
her life she had enjoyed exceptionally
good health. and her quick, active
movements gate her the appearance
of fifty warm of age, instead of four
score. About two weeks ago she h. -
came ill Of cholera niorbns, with a
slight paralytic stroke on one side.
She had, however, recovered nicely
and on Monday and Tuesday had been
about the house as usual, retiring
Tuesday night saying that she felt a
little tired. About 4 o'clock in the
morning Mrs. Armstrong was awak•
ened 1.y her heavy breathing, and im-
mediately after reaching her side she
expired. The doctor pronounced the
immediate cause of death as heart
trouble ,Mrs. Hunt was one of the
finest ladies it has ever been our privi-
lege to know, beloved and esteemed
by het family and many friends, and
general sympathy is felt at her sud-
den death. Two sons and two daogh-
tern survive : Edward, of Seaforth
Frank. Of London : Mrs. Armstrong,
of Exeter : and Mrs. Thos. Bowerman,
of Willow City, N. 1). At the time
of going to press the funeral arrange-
ments have not been completed, hot it
is thought that the service will he held
on Friday and the remains taken to
Seaforth, where the husband was heir•
Is the Marathon Race
This race is attracting a great deal of interest
among the long distance runners. It will be
run over a six mile course, up hill and down
dale. In this like all the other' events
Excellent Prizes are being offered
All the other sports, the horse races, the proces-
sions, etc , will be exceptionally fine; all tend-
ing to make a great celebration in
Exeler, Victoria BE May 25
Mrs. (i -'o. lb -ow IJee left yesterday
for London.
Misses Powell of Arva visited friends
i11 town lost week.
Mr. and 'Mrs. C. Linder of 'rulyd:a,
Ohio, are visiting in Exeter North.
Mr. I. R. Carling was in London
Monday and Tuesday on business.
Mrs. J. V. Crocker of Mitchell was
the guest of Mrs. A. Q. Bobier Tues-
Mrs. Geo. Fisher has returned from
a visit with her daughter, Mrs. N. Og-
den, at Whalen.
Miss Eva Carling of New York is
home on a visit to her parents, Mr.
and MI s. 'I'. 13. Cat Beg.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraganof (Soder-
ids spent part of last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Willis Powell.
Mts. A. E. Bennett and daughter,
Miss Greta, who have been visiting te-
latives here for several weeks, return-
ed to their home in Calgary, Alta..'
Miss Dtisy Hodgson, teacher of
Brigden, who bas been spending her
vacation with her mother, Thames
Road, has returned:to resume her dut-
ies again.
Mrs, W. S. Cole has returned from
a visit in Lucau,
Mt'. Campbell of Exeter North has
returned to bis home from Muskoka.
Mrs. Lang of Winnipeg is visiting
her sister, Mrs. Digory Braund, Exeter
Mrs. John Vail has returned from
Niagara where she spent the winter
with her son.
Mr. and Mrs. Cook and daughter of
the Mansion House were in London
this week on a visit.
The Misses Lillie and Reta Itowe,
who have been spending the Easter
holidays at Clinton, returned home on
Monday morning.
Itev. Going was in London on Mon-
day. His daughter, Miss Amhy ac-
companied him to London. where she
resumed her studies after the holidays.
Mrs. Wilson of Laindon, accompani-
ed by her son, Mr. W. 11. Wilson, and
his wife of New York, spent Tuesday
here, the guest of her daughter, Mrs.
W. D. Clarke.
Mrs. Yager, who has been sojourn-
ing with her sons at SwiftCurrent,
Sask., returned to Ontario last week,
is now at her home here, having ar-
rived Wednesday, accompanied by her
sister, Miss E. J. Cunningham.
Thirty-one people were buried in a
land slide at the little French tillage
of Notre Dame de la Salctte in Quebec
on Sunday last. A high cliff on one
side of the village became undermined \Vatch Window. Uan.Exp.Bldg.
by water and sliding down buried
houses and people. I g'iiIFlir lir '4'WV'I�
('tt1t-:cat -In Exeter, April21th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Thos. Creech, a daughter.
WA 1.KI':It-GitAwl('K-In Il!ensall on
April 20, George Walker to Miss
A:IIa Grassick.
C'.ttrrklt-Mol.t.Atti,-At the residence
of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Mollard, McGillivray. on April
13th, Miss Carrie Mollard to Mr.
Richard Carter.
L1•;iNAltf)--In Mobile, Alabama, April
19th, Mi-- Mary Leonard, youngest
daughter of Mrs. Hugh Leonard of
M1r,LE11-In I.ondon, April 22, May M.,
daughter of the late enry and Sar-
ah Miller, formerly of McGillivray,
aged 22 years.
Hums.-- In Exeter, on April 2t), Sarah
Huish, relict. of the late Edward
Hunt, in her 130th year.
Dog Lost
White Hound, tan color ears, black
spot on right side, answers to the
name of Mack. Finder will confer a
favor by returning sauce to W. Johns,
rAir IF 4"1,"4"0"irliFlIFAF
Pure White
Castile Soap.
2 lb. bars 25c.
Fancy Soaps and Toilet
Articles ---good
Spring Supplies
Everything in the Fencing line
Ideal Fencing, all No, 9 wire, 7, and 9 wires, 35c to
;8c per rod. Cleveland Coiled Wire and Barb Wire.
Our prices are right.
Brockville Lawn Mowers
The best made in Canada. at :3.75 to 98.00.
25 mowers to make your selection.
Poultry Netting
All sizes, from 4c to 10e per yard.
Curtain Stretchers
4 only Gooi Curtain Stretchers, complete, at $1.40.
Ready Mixed Paints and Brushes.
Paint from 15e to 50c per tin. Brushes from 5c up.
Extra Good Value in Brushes for 15c and 20c,