Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-23, Page 8Spring Suitings Just received a number of - New Browns Wood Colors Elephant Grey Suitings. Correct thing for the Spring Sea -.on W. IV. TAMAN M - rchant Tailor, Exeter, - Ontario Business Locals -- Road Them Fliras for Sale. 53i acre felrn, situate west of the G. T. R. and n. •r dr of the salt block, Exe- ter. Tereus .•asy. Apply A. Q. Bohier. Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate offs.•••. The mil in•ry trade is certainly boom - n!! at Ste•ereu t .s. There's a reason ,for the hum-.t'yle, and value tell the tale. /Ouse to Rent. On %VIII .in street, brick story and half dwelu'g, in good state of repair. Apply to all s. Perkins. Dressy v "n►,/ neem are ',Tari l e ]lune 11ate. .�.• ••Ort sells them. Boys Tait, harrier. Any bat . ••.aught destroying proper- ty or medeti,ng witli anything on the rail, oad w lit be severely dealt with. C. 13in.uv. Choice Apple tatter. Owing to the fact that those having tried Exc••I-,ur Brand Apple Butter are calling at the factory for repeat orders. I • .t ill now be kept on sale at the store• .10 town. Silk, fur ...rely RawSilk, natural Flo ,le. --Sb Ira, t'.. Waite Leah.. a Elms tor Sale. Pure -he -•1 White Leghorn Eggs for Bale. 50. oar dozen. Apply to GEO. HILL, Waterloo St., Exeter. Huy soar garden and field se.,1,v tit Ste,eart's. IYee kind that grows. Barred P►, ,noatb Rocks 1 lure otl.•ring a limited number of egg.+ for s .,e, at $1.00 per setting of 1:i. T. 11. Cant.INo. Statham's Hot Cross Buns are deli- cious. Order earlv. $;...2,5 for ,e lovely .1 nstrian .•l.in•• 1.0 Sit, purr white 1.-,.1y with small pial; rose decorations and ,l••1,1 traced. Stew- art's. Br Oren. t:oreiag. Dr. tit • ns, IAnu10n, F:ye and Ear Butgo..n. will he at the Commercial Hotel. Exeter, on Friday, May 1st. Glasses pi..,.erly fitted And diseases of Eye. l' ti told Nose treated. (niter year Hot Cross Irons early from W. .1. pit at hast. //i,l you say :gooney Biscuit..? y, yarn., but they are y„od. Steuart tl. ,Ori,! ,loud rN h cheese too. Robe Found. lin Moon atit•et, a robe. Loser can hat a s..iit 1.y- proving property and p tying . x,,euses. Apply itt this ofilce. For Sale :A Hallo man (:rand i'iano -neatly new. Apply to Mrs. A. Q. I3ohiev. Sailor Pay Japan Tea 25r. lli.•.i• kat,] .lti.red Ter and Black /iia:ttu Black Tea still .30c at Stewart's, are easily u„rth .35 and 40r. Another stock just received at the Exeter Ito gain Store. All new and up to date goods. The tattling cheap sale will commence Thursday morning. Apt O. At 10 o'clock and will con- tinue all i his week. The stn••k is for sale in hl. eat at a rate on the dollar and th• stores for sale or rent. J. W. Broder ick. +++++++++++++++++++++t++; Spring t""d Summer Goods... T iIF: ItI(i IB( •H 4, fur Spring and Sumner ORDERED CLOTHING has begun already. LET IS TakE %'OCR ME\SURE Our Goods are the Best. Style, Fit :and Finish (inaranteed. Ver. JOHNS Merchant f(Mor - Exeter +++++++++++++++++++++ 3 if if IF lir /Ur IF ller V' 41 LOCAL I)OIN(:S, i 44 44 414. AL ��setALA ll Join the Ladies at Seniors Balt on Friday afternoon and buy erotica hiug good to eat. A number of temperance workers met in Clinton on Thursday and decid- ed to inaugurate a local option move- ment in Huron County. Mr. H. Spacku►un remembered the inmates of the House of Refuge by sending thew a four gallon can of maple syrup as an Easter greeting. The last Assembly for the season, held Thursday evening in MCDouell's Hall, was one of the most successful and all enjoyed themselves thoroughly. The post offiee department are put• Ling into force a law whereby wail car - Vestry Meeting The annual Vestry Meeting of the 1'rivitt Memel Jai church tv,as held in 1,11 the Vestry ]torn] on Monday night last, at which a goodly number were in attendance. The financial state- ment o1 the W,udens was presented, tvhich showed Chit daring the year the receipts amounted to $1715.10 and the expenditure lila:al. i2. Thus show- ing a deficit of :aria SII, which amount may be attributed to the liquidation of back debts. t'nder the circum- stances the financial showing was a remarkable good one, and reflects credit on the wardens. The officers elected for the current year, were as follows: --John Knight, People's War- den, and Thos. Hawkins, Rector's \Varden, ,both of whom are serving on tlif it tenth tern►•; N. 1). Hurdou and C. H. Sanders, auditors; Select Vestry, Thole Case. A. Q. Dobler, C. tiers are prohibited from carrying in- H. Sanders, E. Elliot, Geo. Atkinson. toxicating liquors with His Majesty's Jos. Davis, L. Day. Thos, Sanders; retail. Sidemen, A. Q. !hillier, 1,. Day, Thos. The recent rapid decline in the buy S.auders, Jos. Davis. E. Elliott, C. II. Sanders. At the subsequent meeting market has hit many hay dealers. Messrs. N. D. Hutdon and Thos. Case Hundreds of tons wete purchased at were elected as Lay representatives to $15 and now that the price has fallen the Synod, which will be held at Lon - to $10 many holders are money out of don this year May _'+kh and following pocket. days. The meeting then adjourned for two weeks. On F t iday afternoon, April 24th, from 3 to 8 o'clock, in Senior's Hall, The Woman's Institute will give a social and musical entertaintnent and sale of domestic cooking. Admission 10e. Everybody corne. Mr. Jas. Hill of Credi'on has pur- chased the dwelling owned by Mr. Alfred Taylor, on Mill street, recently owned and vacated by Mr. Jas. W. Creech. The price paid was $150. Mr. Hill and family will occupy the pre- mises in the fall. - Mr. Con. Wendland, who has been conducting the Metropolitan Hotel for the past three years, has leased a hotel in Jarvis and will move with his family there shortly. Mr. Wendland and family have been good citizens and the best wishes of all will accom- pany them to their new horse. The Huron Old Boys' of Winnipeg is a new association organized in that city with a membership of fifty. The following are the ofllcers: Hon. Pres., Hon. Thos. Greenway; Hon. Vice - Pres., Hon. G. It. Coldwell; Pres., F. A. Wood; Vice -Pres., L. J. Elliott; Secy, A. L. Simpson; Treas., J. C. Mc - Gavin. The executive committee con- sists of H. Beattie, D. T. Gardner, G. H. Bissett, Fred Carter, C. L. Fisher, II. T. Anderson. An interesting series of ads. will shortly appear in this paper on behalf of the "Sunshine" Furnace, manufac- tured by McClary Mfg. Co., London, Canada. Newspaper advertising is it part of the McUlary publicity pro- gramme and works hand in hand with an extensive follow-up system. The series of ads. were prepared by A. A. Briggs, Advertising Manager of the Mc(')ary Company, and placed by Mc- Connell -Fergusson Advertising Agen- cy, London. The trustees of the School Board have purchased a flag pole to be erect- ed on the scion': grounds. It was made from a tree grown in McGilliv- ray that measured one•hundred feet in height. After being cut and dress- ed its length is now eighty five feet, and it is as straight as the, proverbial string. The beauties and grandeur of that excellent flag, the gift of our namesake city, Exeter, England, will now, on proper occasions. receive that display and prominece that so rich a gift merits. The Easter services in the T[•ivitt Memorial church on Sunday last were of a bright and interesting character. The church was artistically decorated with heedful flowers and the special music by the choir was admirably ren- dered. The sermons by the Hector, Rev. Collins, were appropriate to the occasion, his discourse in the evening being ein the Resurrection and was of is particularly interesting exposition of the subject. At the conclusion of the servtce a short organ and cornet recital by Mr. Brown and Mr. 13erry was indeed charring, both displaying excellent talent. At the anneal meeting of the Exeter Canning and ['reserving Company on %Vednesday afternoon last in the Town Hall a large number of share- holders were present, and the directors for this year were elected. All but eleven declined to run, among then several of the old directors. %'hen the ballots were counted it was found thatthe new hoard consisted of Semi Martin. J. A. Stewart. F. W. Glad - roan, C. 11. Sanders. W. J. Heitman. A. Q. nobler, C. Luker, Jos. Snell. C. 13. Snell. Later at a meeting of the directors who were present the officers were elected as follows: --Pres., Sam) Martin: Vice•i'res., .1. A. Stewart - Secretary -Treasurer, F. W. (Badman Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Brooks visited in London Friday. Mr. Ed. Barrows, of London, was here over Easter. Dr. A. R. Kinsman was in Sarnia during the holidays. Miss Bena Dodds visited relatives at Harriston for Easter. Miss J. Brown visited friends at Parkhill Good Friday. Wm. Morgan was the guest of Miss Hazel Dignan at Easter. Miss Louise Carling bas returned from a visit in Norwich Mr. E. J. Eacrett, of Toronto, spent Friday with his mother. Mrs. Jas. r. Scott of Hibbert visited Mrs, D. McInnis last week. Mr. John Bissett, of London, was here Friday and Saturday. Miss Lettie Hook of Detroit visited relatives here over Easter. Mi38 Vera Campbell is visiting the Misses Hunkin at Bornholm. Miss May Gill, teacher, of Fort Erie is holidaying here for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gidley, of Blyth, were here over Friday. Mr. Harold Bissett of Toronto spent Easter with his parents here. 11r. Geo. Willis, of London, spent the holiday here with relatives. Miss Cornish, of London, visited friends here during the holidays. Mrs. Bentz (nee Flossie Jeckelli of Buffalo visited here over Easter. Toni Carling returned front King- ston School of Mining %Vednesday, Miss Edith Sanders, of Kincardine, spent Good Friday at her home here. Mr. Daniel Itendle of London spent the holidays with his parents here. Miss M. J. Gill of Detroit is visiting friends and relatives here this week. Miss Glanville of London visited her aunts, the Misses Sweet, over the holi- days. Mrs. Jas. Vyse and son of Detroit spent Easter with her father, Mr.Win. Pugsley, Mr. Chas. 'I'ehbutt of Galt renewed acquaintances in town the beginning of the week. Miss Anna Martin visited her sister, Mrs. H. A. Cranston, at Palmerston, over Easter. Mrs. McMurray and son Of Crediton visited ht'r sister, Mrs. %Ven. ('onitis over Sunday. Miss Laura .leckell of 1'xhridge is spending the holidays at her home, London Head North. Mrs. J. C. Snell and daughter, I)or- otht•, are spending the holidays with relatives in Stratford. Miss Gladys Bearing of Stephen and Miss Bertha Finkbeiuer of Crediton are visiting in Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. R'rn. Morrison, of Owen Sound, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs..1. 1'. Inwood, of iA,n- don. wets' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Satre• uel Sanders, :Hain street, for the holi- days. Mr. Frank Weekes, who returned from Listowel lately, leaves today to faae charge of it photograph gallery in Virden, Man. Success., Frank. Miss Amy Johns spent the holidays in Sarnia. She and Miss Nasinith, of Woodstock, took ((»IIt in a musicale in Sarnia en Saturday. Mr. Sinton Stahl. editor of the Hail- eyhnrian, at Hnileyhnm y, New Ontar- io, spent the holidays in this vicinity, and was a pleasant caller itt the Advo• Cate on Satnrda)•. A meeting of the Board of Health Mr. Fred (1. Sweet, teacher, of Kin - w,,• held in the office• of the searetnry eat duo., is spending the Easter Vara• on Tuesday evening at ' o'. lock. All time at his home bete. Ile will visit Our N ()dors. members present. Minutes of rrevinns in Godcrich for it few days prior to re• meeting read and approved. 1'he sec• aligning his deities. retary read reports et the scarlet fever Mr. John ('rinks. of Clinton, who cases within the municipality, the has been on a three months' trip same having heel) reported by thedoc• through Western Canada, dropped off tor. Pei lir. Browning and Reeve here Thursday evening on his way Bobier that the trustees of the school home, and spent (fond Friday with he instrin•ted that the school be disin• friends. fected during Easter week, and that Mr. and Mrs. T. 13. Carling attended inspector Bissett see after and per- the Golden Wedding in Telene(1' last �i�'3IFIV'11����'1��1 forth the same.-Catrled. Pei A. Q. week of Mr. and Mrs. ltohcrt Four- Bobier nand C. Christie that the usual (*tin, uncle and aunt of Mts. ('ailing. sanitary notices he secured and distil- Mr. and Mrs. Fountain extended the hilted. -Carried. Per A. (1. Bolder that fe'srs. Sanders and Christie with the inspector pay a Visit of inspection to Mr. Thos. Ihock's premises and if found in any way unsanitary miler the same to he cleaned rep. peeve Buhier was added to the committee and the resolution seconded by Dr. Browning. - Carried. Adjournment per f)r. Browning. - J. Senior, Sec. Be sine to sample The Women's in- stitute dainties at Senior's Hall on Friday afternoon next. EXETER MARKETS. ANG El) EACH WEDNESDAY Wheat S. S,,' Barley 5ii 55 Oats 17 48 Peas 1:) 80 Potatoes, per bag els 75 Hay, per ton to IM) Ill 00 Flour, per cwt., family 2 75 Flour, low grade per cwt 1 to 1 15 Butter 23 24 Eggs. 15 Dried apples 5 Livehogs, per cwt 0 (N) Shorts per ton 25 00 I3ran per ton 21 00 Clover 14 lx) 1. 00 Timothy 2 75 3 51) THE POPULAR ALMONDT I for the 0 LET CREAM ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Melissa Balm makes the face and hands as soft as velvet, cures rough- ness, and any irritation of the skin and prevents "chapping." ONCE USED, ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Nothing Better. Prepared by W. 3 Cole, Phm.B. Headquarters for all Toilet Art- icles. W. W. Tainan was to London Mon- day night. Messrs. Frank (Ike of Toronto and George Hoskins of Woodstock spent Friday in town. Mrs. Cook of Hensall and M1•s.Johns of Guelph have been Easter visitors of Mrs. A. Holland. Miss Ida Hein spent Easter at her house in Zion and was accompanied by her cousin, Miss May Jewell. Misses Gertrude and Ethel Harvey spent the Easter holidays visiting re- latives at Lapeer, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hilderly of near Stratford spent the Easter holidays with the latter's father, Mr. James Gould, Huron street. Messrs. Graham, Anderson and Fleming of the Sovereign Bank staff visited over the holidays at their res- pective homes in Hamilton, Goderich and Galt. Mr. and Mrs. %Vtu. 4Douglas, of Stratford, Miss Charlotte ,Harness of Woodham, and Stanley and Noble Harness of Port Hope were Easter visitors at Mrs. Harness'. Matchless Perfumes From the flower farmsof France, the rose gardens of Bulgaria, and the spice -growing lands Of the Orient, conte the materials for the making of perfumes. Compara- lively few perfumers know how to right).' use them. A perfect per- fume is a work of art. %Ve have the finest of the world's produc- tions, selecting from the lists of the hest rak-ers those odors that excel. llu t li Imported and Domestic Perfumes. 130TTi.ED and i` 131'LK. (_'all and See W. S. HOWEY, P6m. B. Chemist and Opticiiui. loss' For•caoto For April A Reactionary Storni Period is epn- tral on the'Jf;th, 27th and ''bath. On .and touching the dates named, look for decided storm developments high tenrpe'r•ature, falling barometer. great humidity and south winds. Thunder storms. excessive rainfalls, hail and violent winds will reach a crisis on and next to the .shit. If the locality of ,any nhterver 15 to lie directly in the path of the storms, there need by little doubt of the fact. long before the storm appears. to any who will pay at• tention to the indications. The last Illy of April is the centre of another e•eistnic period. extending from April 2s;b t,, May 2nd. courtesy of a railway pass to all the re- latives and some lived as far away as California. Permanent Results "I had been suffering f••r over two months with an obstinate rough, as bad also my little girl. We tried several reme•lirs remnant to any drug store without straining any apparent relief, in fart w.• were grove ing worse. 1 got it Fettle e,f Coltsfoote Expectorant from my druggist apt inside of two days the tough was stopped, and the results so • permanent and rapid that we derided to keep it in nor home rnntinually. lie /BERT PALEN. t'. \. 1t. Stahel., I Itt:rwa. Coltsfoote Expectorant is recognized the world c ver as the hest prescription ever used by the medical profession for Coughs, ('olds, croup, ltrnnehitis and Tightness of the chest. Children like it. To intnelucr it into every hnine wr will send a free sample to every person sending their name and address to Dr. T. :\. Slocum, T,imitr,l. T.,rnntn. Sold 4 by all up-to-date dre,g1 +•s ;,t Pyr. Send for Tree Sample Today. t at iliaida /kJ& AtAtAkAs AtAt t Oats Oats Any one requiring feed oats will do well to call and get a supply as we have a quantity on hand. HARVEY BROS. F:RETEB ONTARIO 1 1 1 J Haiiare S!ocl 15 COMP16IeI Choice Clover and Timothy Seed For Sale T. HAWKINS & SON. GOOD BZRVXCZAELZ PURNXTURZ Is what the people want and this is just the quality of furniture we handle. Some people are willing to pay lav- ish sums for exceedingly elaborate designs, but most peo- ple want style, combined with serviceability at a moderate outlay. Our lines fill the bill exactly, being rich in design and reasonably priced. Our extensive lines include SIDE- BOARDS, DINING TABLES, BEDROOM SUITES, PAR- LOR TABLES, CHINA CABINETS, etc., etc. IRON BEDS are a line which we are introducing and we are showing a specially fine selection in elegant designs. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES & CLARK PHONE NO. 32 A SPLENDID ARRAY OF Cream Dress Goods Cream Dress Goods are very popular for this sea. son. They are real neat and clean looking and make up into very natty Suits; Coats or Dresses for Ladies, Girls or Children. The correct fabrics will be found here in Lustre. Panama. Serge, Venetian, Eolienne, Albatross. Nuns Veiling and Crepe de Chene--- ALL AT LOW PRICES. Lovely Styles in Spring Millinery Lovely styles without number grace the show cases and tables of our millinery section. All the prince favorites are here, ti iurmed and ready to he trimmed, to suit the wearer's fancy. Our large start of milliners are very busy, so do not leave your orders too late. NO TWO HATS ALIKE. Dainty Nothing would please you better than a look through our Whit... %Vear Department this season. You will find rev with the nirest display we have ever sho,vn. Dainty New White Waists. New Skirts, New Gowns, New Corset ('overs. in fact everything new in this department. _ Glovc They are all the go, but ARE VERY SCARCE. Von MUST have them this year. Long silk. Long Lisle. Long Swale and Long K (.loves in all the New ('olora. Ready-to-wear Garments Our Spring Coats and Separate Skirts are made lip in the height of fashion, and of the very hest and toniest fres• ten ial. Nothing nattier than one of our New Spring ('oats. They are Perfect Fitters. Onr New Skirts are very neat and are all 'fano: -Made. Tweed, Black. Navy. and the Popidar Browns, in all the New Fah. tie•'. You canned do better than get one of them to be neatly dressed. Come to This Store for Your Beautiful Easter Goods. They are lovely. Ncw wbitc Wet L JONES & CLARK Neltrl,rlart(•rs for the celebrates] W. 1;4 Sanford Clothing