Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-23, Page 4) 1 1 1 l YOUR SPRING SUIT Will LOOK Better Will l" I '1' Better Will FEEL Better Will WEAR Bettor •, If you get it at J. It. Boltzmann's. We aro very busy with Swing orders, of course, but not too busy to show you our swell suiting:, end overcoat- ings and take your order for a Spring outfit. If you can come here to -morrow, do so, and make a selection early. if you cannot come to -morrow come as soon as you can, and we will do our best to get your suit or coat ready for the sunny Spring days. J. H. Boltzmann CREDITON • ezetex abvoi ate, Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Apr. 23, 1808 Stop the Bonus. '•It is time to cease paying a bounty on immigrants " That is the attitude of the Opposition at Ottawa, and it is in the interest of the people of Canada. Canada is now the only irnportant country that buys immigrants, Unit- ed States makes them pay $1 to be- come settlers. Bonuses have been given for all classes and we do not want the scum of the earth. but we -are paying for them, at the rate of $5 for adults and $2.50 for children. In the nine months from March, 1907, to the end of the year we paid $123,079 bonuses for suchpeople as those who nearly starved to death in Shacktown last winter. in ten years we have paid $800,000 to get people into Cana- da -mostly people who are neither a credit to themselves or to any country. Bonusing is done mainly for the bene- fit of the steamship and railway com- panies. Farmers are opposed to It. The country not only suffers the loss of money paid, but the greater loss from receiving thousands of persons who are unable to maintain themsel- ves, who are crowding the labour mar- ket in the cities, tramping the cou'. roads, or occupying the hospitals, almshouses and prisons. Thousands of alleged farm labourers on whom bonuses were paid abroad, and another bonus to,the agent who found places for them in Ontario. are useless for that service. Dr. Chisholm. nnember for East Huron, proposes that Cana - dein farmers should be encouraged to send a delegate from each district to go abroad and select the help required for the farmers in this neighborhood, the expenses of the agent to be paid by the Government with part of the money now wasted in bonuses. To Our Old Residents. With the advent of Spring comes the awakening to renewed lite. Nat- ure. with the departure of winter, in whose embrace she has been held for so tong. rouses herself ars the melting snows disappear and answers willingly joyonsly, raptuoti'ly and gladly to the warm sunshine. gentle rains and balm v air, and sends forth her bud, tills the heavens with song, puts off ber to nide of white and puts on her mantle "f green. And as it is with nates., j so it is with Phan. %Vith the a Lent of Easter he responds to the warm love of God, His gentle chastisements • and earnest pleadings as readily and gladly as Nature unfolds her+••If. re- membering that it was on tete Crass that Christ purchased the redemption of the world and where Bespoke those very beautiful words. " Forgive them, Father, for they know not what. they do." Aril as we watch the people go, the old, mi.lalle-aged and young, our hearts go out to them and we extend there Easter greetings and hope that • they ntay have a joyous Easter time. And especially to the older people of the town, whom the cold of inter has kept indoors for so long, we world say that. although Death has thinned your ranks since the snows began to fall. we are glad to see you on our streets once more, give you the hand of friendship and brotherly love and trust that they may enjny many more years of life before Go gathers them to their eternal borne. As for the middle-aged and young, we hope that they will follow the good example set them by the patriarchs of the village and country around. Pale, Thin, Nervous? Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to tate, then take it -- Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. if you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know It hat he will say about this grand old family medicine. TAI. 1,1 tn. drat instion lent doctor one:. uk: •'aro your bowels regular f" iI• know• that dally action of the bows:o la abaotutelr enenHal TO recover,. Keep ,our liver arta•. an,t sour bowels regular by taking latanre ••. s of Ayer's P1115. NTlatwOrENV Yade by 1. C. Ayer C t..,w.11• Maas ♦ .o reanuaret•.,r.r. of ntllr try -re heirsA.',( Clint PECTORAL wr fay. n. • we pestes% the formul•1 cr as ear ,nedre,n.s Simple Home Recipe. Get from any prescription pbartna- cist the following: Fluid Extract Daodeliou, one-half ounce: Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful dose after each meals and at bedtime. The above is considered by an emi- nent authority, who writes in a New York daily paper, as the finest pre- scription ever written to relieve Back- ache, Kidney 'Trouble, \Weak Bladder and all forms of Utioary difficulties. This mixture acts promptly on the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys, en- abling there to filter and strain the uric acid and other waste matter from the blood which cause, Rheumatism. Some persons who suffer with the afflictions may not feel inclined to place much confidence in this simple mixture, yet those who haye treid it say the results are simply surprising, the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or oth- er organs. Mix some and give it as trial. It cer- tainly comes highly recommended. It is the prescription of an eminent authority, whose entire reputation, it is said, was established by it. A druggist here at home when ask- ed stated that he could either supply the ingredients or mix the prescrip- tion for our readers. also recommends it as harmless. Centralia N1*.L8ON E. HICKS—Voice Production and Sing. Ing—PupIl of London Conservatory of Music, 11. Ruthven McDonald, Charles White, London Eng. Ernest Eardley. London, Eng. A limited number of pupas will be accepted Mr. Percy Simpson of London gave us a pleasant visit over Easter. -Mr. and Mrs. Spencer of Chicago spent the holidays with the latter'e mother. Mre. Anderson. --Frank Boyle resumed his work with Mr. G. Essery on Monday, after several weeks illness. -Wm. Boyle has been engaged by the Par- sons ,Sc Davis Company for the sum- mer. -A. E. Brown, our barber, was in Ailsa Craig on business Monday. - Richard Simpson of Lucan called on friends here last week. -The "battle royal" scheduled to take place between "Tommy Burns" and "Battling Nel- son" last Thursday failed to material- ize, owing to the purse not being large enough and a failure to arrange the side bets. The backers of both pugil- ists were anxious to see the match but after getting all their money on the game, decided that discretion was the better pari of valor and succeeded in calling the affair off. Whether• the match will ever come oft now is a question. Mra. J. McClarty of London spent Easter holidays with MrsCochrane.- Mise Swann is visiting at her home in Fullarton.-Mrs. J. Cochrane and els- ter.of Hillegreen spent Sunday with their cousin, Miss Aggte Anderson. - Mrs. George David of Clinton is visit- ing friends in the village. -T. Edwards of London spent Easter with his sister, Mrs. Duplan.-Miss Lillian and Master Harold Boyle of Exeter are visiting with their grandmother. in the village. -Austin Duplan, of the Lucan High School, is spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Duplan.- Miss Katie Elliott and her aunt, Miss Hancock, spent Easter at Mrs. %V. R. Elliott's.-!lire. Richard Hicks is visit- ing ber son, Frank. who lives a short distance north of Toronto, -Mrs. Nel- son Hicks returned a week ago from the funeral of her father, at Norwich, accompanied by her sister, Miss Addi- son.-�V. 11. Butt, Jr., of the Toronto Medical College. is spending his Easter holidays with his parents at the par- sonage. -Mr. I1. 11. Brown, who is choir leader of one of the Toronto churches, and who bas been visiting his sister. Mr 9. (Rev.) Mitt, was highly pleased with the musical pert of Sun- day's services and spoke in cornpli- ntentar terms of both the leader and the choir. -Mrs. Thos. Neil and (laugh- ter, Marion, are visiting friends In London. -Miss Bottrill, teacher of the Fairfield achool, is spending her Easter holid•tys at iter home in Mitchell. - Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Pink and family of London were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks over Sunday.- iIEASTElt S*RVICRs.-The Easter ser- vices in the Methodist church last Sun- day were largely attended. In the [Horning Rev. %V. 11. Butt conducted a Bible service 00 elitist's resurrection and it wail very interesting indeed. A song sermon on tete •• Rose" and the " Lily" in the evening was an attract- ion. with Mr. C. J. fink of London as chief soloist. The solos "The Holy City" and "The Ninety and Nine ' were exceptionally tine, and Mr. Pink well deserved the praise accorded him by the pastor of the church. As for the choir. under the able leadership of Mr. Nelson Hicks, they simply sur- passed themselves. The choruses were grand, the music being inspirational in its character and in keeping with the occasion, many saying at the close of the meeting it was one of the best services they ever attended. Sunday was made ('onnexional Daly and the passor asked for $75 for Conference fonds, but got about girt.;. The people of our Pillage never do things in a halt- henrted way. - Lumley Seeding is progressing rather slowly !owing to the haekwar•d weather. -Mr. Stewart and Miss Margaret McQueen spent Senility with Mr. Todd and fam- ily near Sexsrnith. - The remains of the late Mts. I3o.., of l'hiselhnrst, were interred in McTeggert's cemetery on Saturday. --Mira \ era Glenn, teacher near Dundalk. Proton township, is ' visiting her parents here.- - Mr. and Mrs. Bean are getting settled in their new homer on the 1inntrie Farm. -\\-e are pleased to note this week that Mrs. Tobias It) elution and Mrs. J. Franklin Horton are both improving nicely from their recent illness. --Our teacher, Mise Miners, is apendinK the Koster holidays at her home in :cuter.- Aire. Hoeft Chesney and daughter, Elhtnor, of Kg - tis rndviile. were visitors here dating the Easter holidays. --A number in' this vicinity attended the dance given b 0- the H.eh.•I"rs and Benedict]] of Kx• titer on Thursday evening and te'p"rt nn eserption 01 Snod t' — Mr'. 11. 1'.0 «roe of H11tsgr'en is here attend- ing, her mat her, Mrs. T. Itychnran. — Mr. ,and Mr'. It. D. Bell visited ii. 0. , R. ,;,n and family on $nnd.ty. ICrediton CLOVER, TI)Hrrtly, ALSIKE AND sI -:s 11 OATS FOR SALE. -We have a ' stock of No. 1 lied Clover, Timothy and Alike clover seed for sale. Also a limited quantity of "Irish white" seed oats. This oat is white in color, plump and heavy not affected by smut or rust and an iruit,ense yielder. C. 'Ltvtciitt. F..0 SALE. --The undersigned is offer- ing for sale the frame house and two lots situate east of the Methodist parsonage, in Crediton. The house is two storey, has seven living rooms, in good repair. Good well of water. Good cistern and wood -shed. Apply to Mits. R. McMrltRAy,Crediton. The local branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce have had a new sign placed in front of their place of business. -Mr. and Mrs. V. Matz, M.P. of Park Hill spent Good Fridays in town, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Zwicker.-Our School Trustees have had the school grounds seeded with lawn seed. Tbey intend planting some trees as well and will make it a spot of beauty. -Art Zwicker was in London on Sundayvisiting his par- ents. -Chas. Wole is kept busy ' Blip- ping horses with his clipping machine. -August Kuhn, Elmer Gower and Herb Eilber were in London Last Thursday and Friday. -The following spent Easter Holidays away from home: Miss Vivian Beaver in London and Detroit; Ed. Mahon of the Bank of Commerce in Guelph; Ira Brown in Stratford and Berlin; Mr. and Mrs. John F. Brown in Detroit. --The fol- lowing are visiting friends here: Simon Stahl of Haileybury; Mea Umbach of Waterloo; Percy Banes of Peterboro'; Miss Inez Andrews of Ottervtlle; Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Kerr of Winchelsea; Miss Melinda Trick of Stratford and Frazer Brown of Chatham. -Chas. Kienzle has been grading the Crediton road the past week and has made a splendid job of it. -Rev. S. F. Brown of Rosthern, Sask., will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical Church next Sunday morning. A special -collection will be taken up in aid of the Mission- ary work of the church in the North- west. -Geo. Brown is at present very ill. As he bite reached an advanced age, poor hopes are entertained for his recovery. -Owing to theabeenoe of Rev. E. H. Bean last Sunday evening, there was no service in the Evangeli- cal church. A special Easter Song Service was given in the Methodist church and was well attended. All enjoyed the singing of the choir and the soloists. Next Sunday the last quarterly service will be held in that church prior to the Session of Confer- ence, which will be held in Exeter the beginning of next montb.-Don't for- get the Cantata, entitled "The Priest and King" which will be given in the Evangelical church on Friida evening, this week. A chorus of fifty voices will render this very interesting canta- ta and a treat is in store for those who attend. -Our butcber has bad a smoke house erected at the rear of his shop. which be will use for smoking meats and sausages. WEDDED. -Word has been received from Vermillion, Alta., of the mar- riage of Miss Clara Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, formerly of this•village. Miss Clark was married to Mr. Andrew Brett, a prosperous farmer and member of the district council of Duberry, Alta„ by the Rev. Aldridge on the Rth Inst., at the Par- sonage in Vermillion. The bride was dressed in a travelling shit of navy blue with hat to match and was unat- tended. The following evening a re- ception was given at their home in Duberry. About thirty-five guests were present and all had an enjoyable time. A large number of friends in this village and vicinity extend their hearty congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. I3rett and wish them every joy during their married life. Cland©boy(', Easter passed off quietly here. - Robert Jell, former station agent here, left on Tuesday morning with bis fam- ily for their new horse in (;alt. Hie many friends wish them prosperity in their new home. -Mrs. Fred Brown returned home from Georgetown. - Miss Edna Windsor is holidaying at her home here. -0. W. Amy spent Sunday in Crediton. -Mrs. Yager has returned from Manitoba.-Itichard Carter and Miss Carrie Mollatal of Parkhill were married on Wednesday last. %VP wish them a long and hap• py life. -sirs. W.11.Taylor of Nlemon i anti Mrs. J. W. Kennedy of George- town spent a few days at their sister's sirs. Fred Dr•o nn. -Ess. is all snliles- it is it girl --Among those who spent Easter here were:- Miss McLned and M. A. C. Collins, Charlie Cunningham, Ernes Pullman„ Jaynes Carter and Clifford Bice, all of London. 8. S. Jones and family of London were here on (food Friday. -Gilbert Carter has moved to Mooresville. Ainslie Neil, of London. and his bride, are visiting at his parents, con. 2 of McGillivray. Mr. Neil occupies a position in the ehipping department of McClary's, London. -James Sutton has rented his farm for grass to Mr. George, of Putman. Mr. George in- tends stocking the place with some of his Holsteins. Mr. Sutton will still occupy his house. ---.i. Hudson. of Mc- Gillivray, has rented Matthias Doyle's hundred acre farni. The rent will be in the neighborhood of $tfxi per an- num. Mr. Hudson obtains possession this coming autumn. -Farm help seems fairly plentiful in this section this spring. Or. David Collins, who recently hired his help for the summer, says he had his choke of (uitc 11 num- ber of hien.-R. N. Jell, of this place, who for the past month has been visit- ing friends in Montreal, has returned home. --Perry Bice of 1►ettoit, who was visiting his parents here for a month, returned 00 Tuesday. Quite a nsinito r around here are ill wit grippe.- Mrs. Iiailton and daughter. Mims, have returned after spending a few weeks with her sister ire Port Mir. on. -Jas. Donelly of London spent Tues- day with Atkon:► friend'. --Mr'. Downingg is visiting (fiends in Exeter. -MPS. Byer. r•s of L•.ndon is spending it mew dare with her brother, ii.•n ,1 ate. - Miss Ardell of Tint is is visiting friends here. - Fall wheat has winte►ed fairly well in this section, and if con - anions continue favorable a fairly good Crop re;,y be expected. Mips .11 fruits and ornamental shr•rhs Arid ever- greens have winteped well, and pros- pect. are guild for a plentiful terry harvest. Fetch trees rand grape vines bare escaped the frost better than Preacher's Opinions Rev. P. K. McIiae, Furls Baddeck, C. B.: "I always count it a pleasure to recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies to my parishioners. I believe there is nothing better for throat and lung itroubles or weakness or run-down sys- tem. For speaker's sore throat I have found Psychine very beneficial." Rev. W. H. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: "Psychine seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity." Rev. R. Y. Browne, Amherst Head, N.8., "I have often recommended Psychine since taking it myself, for it is a cure for the troubles you specify." Rev. Chas. Stirling, Bath, N.B.: "I have used Psychine in my family; tale results were marvelous. I have visited people who state that they never used its equal. I strongly recommend it, Rev. J. 8. I. Wilson, Markdale, Ont.: "t have taken two bottles of Psychine and ant pleased to say that I am greatly improved is health. I was troubled with my throat, but now I dad it about restored to its normal conditioa. I find my work very musk less taxing. I believe ?skein' is all claimed for it." These are earnest preachers of the gospel of Psychine. They know where- of they speak. Psychine cares all throat, luag sad stomach troubles. It is a great voice streagtkener, acting directly on the vocal, respiratory and digestive orgasm, than speeially adapted to public speakers. At all druggists, 60e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. they have for years, and prospects are very good if late Croats do not inter- fere. Twig blight has been prevalent in the apple orchards for the last two years, and the new growth has been seriously injured. If the blight per- eiate•tbe very existence of the apple orchards will be in danger. Twig blight begins with the new growth, and gradually works hack towards the trunk. The leaves wither, and appear as if the twig were hioken from the tree. Dashwood Archie Routledge of London visited here on Sunday. -It being Conference Sunday and the minister being in at- tendance at the seine there was no ser- vice in the Evangelical church on Sun- day, -George Kellerman, who has had an attack of rheumatism is some bet- ter. -John McLaughlin of Gore Bay, I. P. S., visited bis brother, Dr. Mc- Laughlin, during the past week.-Sev- era! from this village and neighbor- hood attended John Brokenshire'a sale on Tuesday. -Miss Edna Haug has commenced working for Mrs. George Kellerman. -.lues Enuna Callfas, who has been working in London for some time ie new at her home here, -Mise Ester Overholt spent Sunday with friends here, -Daniel O3streicher of Crediton visited his brother on Sun- day. -The Misses Tingelbach and Nich- ols of Tavietock spent a few days with friends in the village the past week. OBITU'AttY---This week we are again reminded of the shortness of time and the certainty of death in the passing away on Tuesday of Mrs. Isaac Miller. Mrs, Miller has been in failing health for some time and the curtain of death was let down as above stated. The funeral on Thursday was largely at- tended, service being held in the Luth- erien church, of which deceased was a faithful member. She leaves a hus- band and two sons, mother, brother and several sisters to mourn her de- parture. The most sincere sympathy of the community is felt for the be- reaved friends in this their sad trial. (Irr•m Another Source) Geo. \Vambold of Blyth visited his parents here on Easter Monday. -A few of our local sports took in the shoot at Exeter on Good Friday.-lt. T. Dunlop, manager of the Farmers Bank of Canada. here, spent Easter with his parents at Springfield.- -Rev. L. K. ERR is at present attending the Conference at St. Jacobs,—Mr. and Mrs. Ezta'I'ieman have returned from Stratford, where they have been visit- ing the latter's sister, Mrs S L Ireland. -Miss Theo Hartleib is spending the Easter vacation with her parents here. -F J Delbridge of Exeter called on friends in our village last week.- Mrs. Ig Welton returned from Berlin on Saturday- night, where she was attend- ing the funeral of the late Mrs. Henry Dietrich. -Miss E A (iraybeil of 'Tor- onto is visiting her parents here. - ','m Henderson of London was the guest of Miss Selina Nadiger over Eas- ter. -David Bettschen is renovating the house which he recently purchas- ed from Mr. Stephan. -William Tie - mann left for Stratford on Friday last where he has procured a position with the Mustin Planing Mill Co. -Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt of Sebringville were the guests of Mr and Mrs Jonas Hartleib on Easter Monday. -The Misses Ada and Nora Siebert spent Easter with their cousin Della Brown of Crediton. Hon. Richard Harcourt has decided to withdraw front public life. Ile has been member of the legislature for Monek for 30 years and was for many years a member of Liberal cabinets. HOMESEEKERS' 2ND CLASS Round -Trip Excursions TO MANITOIRA S:1 Si(ATCII;WAN ALRERT:1 GOING i) 1 f 1:S Aiwa 14, 21 June I. 21 Aug. 4, 1t May 12, 21 July 1, 21 Sept. 1, 11, 29 Tlckeaa good to return 'slthin bO day. %'I:RY tow RATES :roar all points r: a MtAre. (tenting I Winnipeg and relu-n al: r., between 1 Falmnnton end retttrn It. . peke: • trotted to ill N..rrh-1Verst,pou.t- TOURIST SLIT PI R% A limite.i number of Tourist Nleereng ('are soli be run on eaeh eaeurainn. fully egnrppel with bedding ete. Berths ehud.lbe.e.urel and paid f r through loeal agent at least six •1 ,,, hefnre excursion leave. !late. and full rnformat,nn enntarne,t to trreeellomeeeekera' pet,hlet. a4 oe,.r (Dat C.P.R. agetit for a nrpy. or waste • C. 1. rem. Diaries far. flus, C.P e.. farm, ASK FOR ip (LONDON ) Porter Undoubtedly the best :a:ewed on the continent. Proved to be so by analysis of four chemists, and by awards of the world's great Exhi- bitions, especially CHICAGO 1893, where it received ninety-six points out of a possible hundred, much higher than any other Porter in the United States or Canada. Ck.p I IllllL STBATiORD, ONT. is the leading business training school in Western ()ntario. We gine a thorough, practical training on commercial Subjects, Isaac Pitman'. Shorthand, Touch Typewriting. and in Commercial and Railroad Operating. Each department is in the hands or experienced instructors. We assist students to I.o.itions. Our graduates ale ar,s succeed. for our courser are the beat. Get our tree catalogue and learn more about us. You may enter now. ELLIOTT & McLAOHLAN, Principals Clubbing Rates • We can equal any club- bing rate offered. Call and see. Woot'e Th The Great Enat�N J! Remedy. Tunes and In v i goratee the whole nervous sr ,t ua, makes Dew lood in old Veins. threes Nero. ous Debility, Mental anti limits i Wor•ry, Drs- nondcncy, Sexual Weakness Emissions, SperS •n.rtorrhaa, and Averts of Abuse or Xroessea. .'rico 11 per box, six for $S. One will please six will cure. Sold by all ddruggtata or mall os jn plain pkg. on receipt of rico. New pampAtel (forme (formThe erly ,lttwl>�as.tiTT�r�Qnt. THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1155) Head Office, Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over IXTY-FOUR BRANCHES $3,372,500 3,31'2,500 33,000,000 IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA EXETER OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to S p. m. BRANCH RI SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p,. ea. A OBNBRAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Until further notice interest Savings account* be Bank Department: quarterly instead of hall yearly u formerly.E Deposita of 11 and upwards received, Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dicssos & CARLING, Solicitors, N. D. HURDON, Manager, BLOOD DISEASES CURED Drs. KA K. Established 20 Tan 61,09E TREATMENT W NO NAMES USED WITH- OUT WRITTEN CONSENT He was surprised at how the sores healed-- •• 1 took your Nrw METHOD TREATwENT for it serious bivoi disease with which 1 bad been inflicted 6.r twelve years. I had consulted encore ofphysicians. taken all kinds of blast medicine, visited Hot Springs and other mineral water resorts, but only got tem- porary em-/ rary- relief. They would help me for a time, but after discontinuing the medi- cines the symptoms would break out again—running sores, blotches. rheum- atic pains. looseness of the hair. swellings of the glands. palms of the hands sealing, itchiness of the akin• dyspeptic stomach, Ar11R TREATMENT etc. I hal given up in despair when a friend advised me to consult you, as ou had cul him of a similar disease N years ago 1 had no hope, but took his advice. Ir n three weeks' time the sores commenced to heal up and I became encouraged. 1 continued the New MEnaoo TREATMENT for four months arid at the ere! of that time eversymptom had disappeared. 1 wag curl 7 years ago and no signs of any disease since. My boy. three years old, is sound and healthy. 1 eertatnly can retvnuuend your treatment with all my heart. You can refer any person to the privately. bon you can rise this testi' ,.nial a+ you wlgh." W. 11 S. We treat NERVOUS DEBILITY, VARICOCELE, STRICTURE. VITAL WEAKNESS, BLOOD. SKIN and PRIVATE Diseases. URINARY, BLADDER and KIDNEY complaint. of Men and Women READER .1re you a victim? Have you lost hope? arc you Intending marry leas your blood leen diseased? Mace you any weaknews? Our NI-% >I.:T11„U TREATMENT will Cure you. What it has done for others it will do for sun Consultation Fres. No matter who has treatedyin', write for an honest opinion Fre. of Charge. charges reasonable. Books Free —"TheGolden Monitor." IIllustrated) on Di+e.(.w-sof M.•u NO NAMES USED WiTHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Everything confidential, Question bit and cost of Horne Treatment FREE. DRs.KENNEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Has 11 Ever Occurred to You TO E%AMINE 01.1( NEW STOCK OF Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet) Sets, Etc., Etc., We have undoubtedly the flnest lines of goods that have ever been shown in this district. We can suit you in quality and price every time. Wedding Presents Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big season is now approaching. We are ready for it with the finest rings & best presents. Call and Examine Earid A. MARCHANO, Exeter, Ont.