Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-23, Page 2Barn Roofing Fire, Lidhtnlnd Rust and Storm Proof Durable and Or n amen!sl Let us know the size of any roof you are thinking of covering and we will make you an Interesting offer. Metallic Roofing Co. un+lbe MANIUYACTURBRS TORONTO and WINNIPEG NA FROM ERIN'S GREEN ISLE -YEWS hY MAIL PItUU IRELAND'S IJappenin0' in the Emerald Isle of Interest to Isisbs ntca. I)4 hthlria is again present in Lim- avady district. A 'Tipperary centenarian named \Vm. Klely died the other day at the age of 104. • Floods swept away the railway bridge between Donegal and Mountcharles. There is keen demand for good farm ;holdings on purchased estates in Cowl - Ay Kerry. Tho Cavan d'slrict council proposes tte erect 337 cottages, for • which they Swill bor'r'ow $311,920. Rev. John Cas.';idy, C. C., one of the !best beloved priests of County Derry, died recently in C:taudy. A shipbuilding disaster involving the Iklss of four lives is reported horn Ar- ranmore Island, which lies off the Done- gal coast. Three tenants evicted by the Barn- tsluple Counsi1 from houses unfit for ;habitation Itanc built then-or:Ives wood - 4 11 hits by the roadside. At Limerick this week, Christopher !J. Bentley, gentleman farmer, was awardt'd £8C0 compensation for the ilnalieknis burning of his hay and barn. During a severe storm in County !Armagh. an old woman was blown in - ;k the null race, Aliddletown, and had 'a narrow c&c•ape from being drowned. Three sisters. and a brother, in good circumstances, were committal within la few days of each other, to the die +triol asylum, Omagh, as dangerous lu- nares. Irish insurance business is entirely 1n the hands of Jtrime 140 English, Scot - ,toll and Canadian insurnnco compan- ks An Irish company is projected. The death Is annnunced of Mr. Je,eph Ilene, a director and past gov- ernor cf the Bank of Ireland. The do - 'ceased was well known in Irish com- mercial circk•s. The Abteyk-ix guardians have do. coded to prioecule landlords who carry out evictions without giving the reliov- ing officer proper notice before doing their mioerable work. The i)-farlmenlal Comrnittee of the thief ltr•ard d Agriculture recommends .that the Crown quit rents in Ireland attach sick! $300.000 yearly, shall bo applied to the reforestratlon of Ireland. During a storm in Newry. the large iron cross en the spire el the iu.rnin- kenchurch was blown elf. ane ils fall tont an immense granite stone through 11* reef. fortunately. not injuring won Ehlppers. There is firobably no place where the Interests of the deaf and dumb are :r. re thrroughty cared for than they r,n .n the North of Ireland. The King- ham Mission kr the float and Dumb 1- Use okksl, having complelcd last year Its jubilee. The funerals recently tock place to Muc•kr.sc Abbey. )(Alarney. et two sis-- tire Miss Mary Stokes end Mee. Brid- pM stokes O rallahan. who diel within a day of each other. the one aged Leg erd the latter 94 years. BBILTH BOR CHILDREN IISB FOB MOTHERS Ball's Own Tablets nil! promptly snit surely cure all the minor ailments of tables and young children, *soh as torlsrpation, colic. indigestion, dinr- Throe. we rms. teething troubles. They 1 leak up (olds. prevent croup and cure temple fever. The Tablets contn;n no gess osis opiate or nor; ,til'. as us tes- tified 1 a government analyst. Mrs. Ivan ,t I. Srafield. Palmer Rapids. na '• "! 1 rave ` oil Bally's Own 9 i . • .11 cllfing the t',at 1 wcv:d ncl ssio a le o . .t lL.ln in the home." se Id 1 y rne.!..ne deniers. e r by rnail Id 25 tents A I('\ from The Dr. Williams' pkdi.ine Co.. Itro,k%:.k'. Ont. rI'-- iLe stea'tna!Sp Orinislrn. from Trice - ma. with a cargo cf tetween 7.000 and >' (1(1 k ns of Frain. has been ducked at I.inner.ck. She is 410 feet in length. Pre lurges.t terse: et iter kinJ that lint ever entered the tett. A remarkahl.' accident coo red to but I n man recently. Ile was e:t- tri ' al lis firesde In the trent parkr et ( his ca -o. when sudden:y the doer ceilapsc 1. and he fe:1 Inks the bases trent. a h-tance cf about 11 feet. break - 1r4 *event el hs rias and injuring his kgs ani arms. No man s se I n sprre us that he can eft s:A tc d.sjsn_se with the rest of man- AlliNtIt( IN 4S Itu.l.o'r D4SUEi-. Blau Eduard Grat clot and Nirnlite Foot I'd Henry 1•111.'-. Pi itis. One L act 1,ur1 rt.ed to :carts that Prince Edward of Wales Is one of the most promising of all the dancing pu- pils at the Royal Naval College, Os- borne, for skill in dancing scents to run to the royal blood of England, :aye the Weseninster Gazette. King Edward in his younger days was as -graceful and nimble footed as you would lind in England, as many of his 'gainers, now slukly dowagers, Ave to recall; and so, with scarcely an exception, are rill anenabers of his family. henry \'Ill.'s dancing, from the pa- ' on to "cont'ato high," was the envy and despair of his courtiers, but he was prouder of his performance in the bal- let. Quern Elizabeth hail no rival in the stately pnvon unless it was her taver- n t partner, Sir Christopher Hatton, and Queen Mary's grace and agility an the Lanai sent more than one poet Into rhymed raptures. Charles 11., however, scans to have been the king of royal dancers. Ile nev- er knew when to stop, for when every one of his courtiers was dropping from fatigue he would cell for a round of cruniry dances. "Indeed," says Pepys, "he dances rarely." ,(a NEW STRENGTH Nature Needs Assistance in Making New Health-Oivinz Blood. In the s pl ing your system needs ton- ing up. In tIao spring to to healthy and strong you must have new blood, Icst as the trees must have new sap. Nature demands it and natures laws are inexorable. Without new blood you will feel weak and languid. You may have twinges of rheumatism, or the sharp, stabbing pains of neuralgia, there may be disfiguring pimples or eruptions of the skin, a tired feeling in 11x; morning, rind a variable appetite. These are some of the signs that the blood is out of order, that the long try- ing months of indoor winter life have tokl upon you. A purgative medicine. such as too many people take in spring, can't help you. Purgatives merely gal- lop through the system, and feather weaken you. Any doctor will tell you That this is true. What people nerd In the. spring is a tonic medicine, and in all the world there is no tonic can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pill.. Every dose of this medicine helps to make new, rich, red blood -your greatest reed in fpring. This new. red blood clears the skin, drives out disease and makes weak, easily tired men, women and children bright, active and strong. 7 ry this great blood -building medicine this spring, and see what new life and energy it will give you. You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine deafer or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Me- dicine o-dicine Co., Brockville, Ont. t A HEAVY THU\IB. The method of reasoning pursued by some children may be simple enough, but the results aro often disastrous. A took of reminiscences by the teacher of the infant class would undoubtedly prove fetal. A certain young lady. religiously in- clined. applied for a class in Sunday - school a few weeks ago. and the super- intendent promptly placed her In charge of that doubtful honour -the infant clove. The new teacher went on pretty well ttn- tll etre ventured on the thin ice known as "general questioning." "Now. children," she said, with that e\tremoly vl' (.ek ire manner which Is pepularty supposed to fa.scinale young chdldren, "what did Moses dor T o The infant mind worked o "'1 n !me prob- lem for a few moments in silence. "(Some, dears." Esi(t the young teach- er, "someone tell me whet Moises did." A very Email boy on the fidgety bark row seemed to bo struggling with a re- ply. "what Le 11, Willie?" urged the teach- er. encouragingly. "Itis thumb weighed a pound." "\\ hat?" asked the astonished leather. "\irmma says so." %ssoly5 wlwrt, Willie?" demanded flat perplexed Leather, while the clues step- ped fidgeting and !Steno! intently. "She nays every lime Moses puts his thumb on the scales it weigh a pound." "Who int Alc�wc, \\'tlI1e?'' "lie's cur Lutcticr, 1niSL" Ti:Ac11 TiIE BOYS TO SWIM. nal spring cools chid and raw. There is very little to tempt the chile dean to play on the bay above and yet. netwittstanding this. the sateen . f drowning accidents has commenced and ono Jlenornince home, at least, is desolate by reason of the first chapter of the SO L UII•s accidents. The drown- ing el tittle Millen Greenman, recent- ly. was a very pathetic incident, and those who have thiltllen of their own feel for the parents in their bereave - men I. 'the water has a fascination frr sill Men should look for this Tag on Chewing Tobacco. It guaranteesthehigh quality of Black Watch The Ille iladi Mag. 11T1 J A CHOIR LEADER 7,'/s llc:e l'e tit rut Rad /lint of All Catarrhal Troubles. PE -RU -NA SCORES Another Triumph in Canada. " A Relief to Breathe Freely Once Mora." 1`1 11 G. W. MARTIN, Hartford, 1 1 Ont., choir leader at St. Paul's Episcopal church, writes: "Peruna Is a wonderful remedy for catarrhal troubles. "1 have been troubled with catarrh for a great many years, and always trying something for it, but was able oely to secure temporary relief until I used Peruna. "Only five bottles rid my system o' ali traces of catarrh, and I have not noticed the slightest trouble for several months. "My head was stopped up, my breath offensive. and it is a relief to bo able k breathe freely once more.' boys, large and small alike, and when the summer days conte it is difficult b: guard, against the dangers of time lake. The seasons come apd go and never a your pazce-s by that acme homy is not plunged •in grief. The greatest danger in the bay and ricer is the habit of playing on the treacherous logs. Those who watch the boys playing lois dangerous game cannot but w-onder that the list of vic- tims is not more nwne.rous. Little fel- lows may bo seen skipping about on the logs. where one miss step would plunge them beyond their depth. And often they go floundering into the very Jaws of death and are snatched back by some older lad or plucky youngster if your children moan and are rest- less during sleep, coupled, w hen awake, with a loss of appetite, pale counten- ance, picking of the nose, etc., you may depend upon it that the primary cause of the trouble Is worms. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator effectually removes these pests, at once relieving the little sufferers. A man lakes a wcmnn at her word when site say's "yes" et the marriage altar. WHAT CAI►SF-:3 iiFADACRE. Pros 0, Lobar to !Nay. Cotts are the most frs- Qsentsass* of nr.s. adachLAXATIVE BROMO UININK remoras cats*, 1. W. Oru►s ea bus fie Few wild animals are left in New Zea- land. The Government takes good caro of the remnant, and becks to add new varieties. DON'T 1''E POOR Tor a.e on sewing machine., bicycles and all purposes requiring a ane lnhricant. the best 1e (tenable Plage, o1l can only 01001,001001,0 to the end, ` )) De obtained at Pingsr stores. look for the Red'{. Any lady Aos(ng used any make of sewing 1u acAtn. for i years or more write Ringer Storing Afn(Aine ('0.. Manning (')ambers. Toronto roe haul�'/ul set of ten souren(r views of Ontario. 'Ws for asking. Futter a men and he will forget it no next day; alnico hien rind tie will roaneniter it as long as he lives. Same persons aro more susceptible to colds than ethers, contracting de- rangements of the pulmonary organs from the &Neese( causes. 'Mese should always have al hen.1 a bottle cf Bolles Anti -Consumptive Syrup. tate present day sovereign remedy for soughs, retarrh end inflommahcn of the lungs. It will effect a cure no mat- ter Trow rrccre the cold may be. You rennet afford to be iatloot a remedy like Rickles, for it is the best. (ant. 1111 MAN OsinI(.11. Neils and Needles Galore Swallowed In Attempt to Commit Suicide. An extras rd,nary aria ration has been performed on a 17 -year-old girl al Ihrschberg. Silesia- The patient, who si owed a desire for some time pas'. to commit Suicide, was examined by a phy- slr;an. she discovered that the girl's ab - Inflammation was cawed by n sooting. was deckled to operate. Inside the swelling were found 1.413 nails of vnr- k.us aizce, including several screws, and 118 neeellm Including two large darning needles. The eentents weigh- ed altogether ever two pounds. The girl is doing well. +- — - IIIS COMING -OCT. Wilfrid -"\lamtna. we were up In Farmer Crosby's yard. watching theeggs in his incutator." (hs Mother -"Did anything eomeout?" Warred -"Yep; Father Crosby- and he chased us." A deal; r elle sells cheap purses sago Mere Sail 1 Muth money in them. RFfIIFSIIJN1: DRINKS FOIL TIIE t\♦ .A1 -M. There a naluy ks:Js of sunplc that are very r.'freshing and nulrltoe for sick people w ho desire no food hays The Drsiguer for May. Any hire! of acid fruit, as fresh grapes, crauber- ttes, tart apples. and the like, may be crusheJ and bo ung water poured over. Use a cupful of water to half a cupful of the fruit if small. For apples, a largo Inky one should be used pared and quartered. Place in a bowl and pour ever it the boiling water. For favor- ing, use as preferred a few drops el klion Juice er a pinch of cinnamon rr nutmeg. Strain and when cool the beverage is ready to drink after it is sweetened to taste. Pour boiling water over the pulp of • juicy bak.d apple in a bowl, strain of( the liquid and when cool flavor and bweeten. This appleade has a (lave - superior to that of the un000l:ed apple. If milk is beneficial for lite person, hut cannot be retained on the stomach. try a teaspoonful of lime -water In u glass of ice-cold milk. Add a piece • 1 gt:icklime the size of an egg to on.. quart of s;alding water, tet stand un- lit cienr, skim and draft' off, with a rub - her or tent glass lube, the clear water; Wile, and It is ready for use as Ilme- water, or you` can purchase it already prepared at the druggist's. If the patient would like a bunch of fresh grapes and they are not avail- ai)le make a substitute by using cream a1 tartar. Dissolve a level tablespoon- ful of this In a glass of cold water, sweeten to taste, add a few pieces of cracked ice and serve. This drink has Q uite a grape flavor about it that ia1 vey acceptable. TIMELY. "That was a great sermon you preach- ed this morning," said the old church- warden, "and it wos well tinted, too." "Yes," rejoined the palton, with it deep sigh, "1 noticed Ihal." "Noticed what?' "!'hat 'several of the congregation hooked at their watches frequently," an- swered the good nlun, with anollterdeep sigh. Sunday School Teacher -l'W1►o can tell me the meaning of the word 'repen- lance-:" A pause. Sunday Stlrool Teacher -"What is that vs) feel after W4' !lave done something wrong? tattle \\ Sitio--"Papa's slipper." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Tam LAXATIVE BRO9(O QuInins Tablets. Drsuists refund money if it fails to tore. B. W. !ORoY*'E atgaatsre Is es such bus. tubo. Excluding about b0,000 small vessels, the commerce of the world is carried on by 30,100 vcrssels, of a total tonnage of at out twenty -foe millions. Nothing looks more ugly Than to see a person whose hands are covered over with warts. Vs by have tta''se dis- figurements on your person when a sure remover of alt warts, corns, ole., can be found in ifolkway-s Corn Cure. Cook -"Please, ma'am, 1 must give you a month's notice." ?distress -In- deed, Jane! What Is the molter?" Cook -"Well, mn'arn, since short sleeves is mono into fashion 1 don't cure to spoil the look of my anns a -cooking over the Iirel" Tt*y tubercles nn the skin of scrofulous peo- ple produce the hideous disease caller! lupus. Weaver's cerate, used In time, will sere lbs skin from destruction. Apply to all affected parta lamas the blood wltb Weaver's Syrup. The date conch used tn• the King of Spain !s drawn by right purr while heroes, with white plumes and white leanness. ITCH, Mange f'ralrle S•'rntchrs and every term cf ccn'agicus 1'ch on Manan i,r anima's cured n 30 minutes by vest. ford's Sanitary 1'tion. It hater (ails. Sold by all druggists. -- The ashes of the meteorites caught and burnt up in our atmosphere add, it is estimated, 1,000 tons weight to the cant every three years. For inflanlmatlen of the Eyrs - Among the nanny good qualities which Parmelee's Vegetable Pills possess, be- sides regulating Abe digestive organa. is their efficacy in reducing inflammation U1 the eyes. it has calked forth many letters el r 'omnmendnlien from those who were afflicted with this compluint end found a cure in the pills. They effect the nerve centres and the blood In n surprisingly active way, and the result is almost immed:alriy scan. POISONED BY WHISKERS. In the recollections of a wee -known Lig game hunter in India. It is stated that after skinning n tiger it is always necessary to guard his whiskers, as Ute natice.s have an unpleasant habit of cutting them up very small and mix- ing them with the curry of thaw they dislike. The finely divided bristles tet up an irritant poison, the results of which often prove serious. fief to a frond. wise enemy lhnn a tool The little that a man wants here be - k w is a little mere than his neighbor has. 1 N U 2 ISSUE NO. ii -N. Theme he Only One '0Brosno Quinine" That is Laxative Bronco Quinine MED THE WORLD OVER 10 OINK A GOLD IM ONE DAV. .ALINNO Always remember the full name. Lookei. for this signature on every box. 2be. The Croat French External Remedy Will Relieve Those Suffering From Neuralgia Rheumatism. Rout, Colds, Sera Throat finales art Patna Price e8 nod go Cents. A11 Druggists. or by mail from The Fargo Company, - Toronto we- CII&•ANTU •!LI!►. sontruO LIQ! 1Y. AGENTS. $103.50 PER MONTH selling tbese wondertct ectasors. V. (' the boor, Columbus, 0., sold 21 padre Ina b tun, made 913: you afapptas♦, eau do it we sh..w Low. FREIE (l'Ti'i r. Ppeetal inducement. to CanadlanAgenty Thema* wire Co., apt 11 at. Dayton, Q e st i.1hE MIN! 1:Im. Joe-•-"\\'ot are yer thalkin' ot, Ril: hill-"Nufllnk, Joe." Joe--"Hunt-Ute nano Clear cccur- rod l0 mei" TIIE TRAIN DE LUNE Oi' CANADA. The "international Limited,'' the pre- mier !rain of Canada, is indorse.' by everybody who has ever had the experi- ence of riding on it. It leaves Alonlrcal at 9.00 a.m. every day in the year, ar- riving at 'reroute at 4.30 p.m., Ham- ilton 5.30 pial.. London 7.48 p.m., De- troit 10.00 p.m.. and Chicago 7.42 non , following morning. It Ls a soli: vesti- bule train -modern equipment through- out ---with Pullman sleeping 'oars through to Chicago; also Cafe Parlor and Library car service. Have the ex- perience on your next trip west. In the United Kingdoru 4G per 100,000 inhabitants are in prison. This average cr,nmpares favourably with outer min. Irks. In the United States 132 per 100.- 0'0 ore in prison 011 any given day, in Italy 217, and in Cape Cohuy 310. PILES CURED IN 1 TO 0 DAY'!!. iliePAZO orsousNr de guaranteed In cars hay cans of haglike, Blind. Bleeding or Protadlas tee la • to 11 yore or m Jos: ref uads< sou MODEIIN MOTr0. Green -"What's the maxum about ta- king care of the pennies?" Brown-"Tohe care of your pennies end let (Inc get -rich -quick rcherues lake care of themselves." They Drive Pimples Away. -A face covered with pimples is unsightly. it tells of internal irregularities which should long since have been corrected. The liver and the kidneys oro not per- forming their functions In the healthy way they should, and these pimples are 'o Id you knew that the blood protests. Parmelee's Vegetably rills will drive Them all away. and will kale the.,ykin clear and clean. Try therm, and there wilt be another witness to their excel- lence. POSSIII-i: EXPLANATION. "%A by Is i1." asked the dear girl, "that the bridegroom's attendant Is cat- ivo. the 'Lest mus'?" "1 suppose It's because he's the beat oIl,'.growled the fussy old bachelor. After Westing revers hasten recovery to health n h , s v' the , of '• rho i s . m t '. , f 1 1 the best 1 fouiC. 11 builds, strengthens and y»e• usw vitality. 'cry it. It will maks you dse1 strong. ('ISM'. Thal fishes cannot dance is true. They cannel dance al all. The question is what lien they do \\-lien they get Inv tl(ilt(dms to A stylish eodli'si► ball? F.teryhody in town should get ate beet paint to paint their botirPa. It Ix Ram- say• Paints that hate stood the test as the hest paints for .wrr 60 years Your dealer has lust ter eittit a big storb with handsome color cards to show you Write A. Ramsar w Ron Co. Montreal. for rani of Souvenir Picture Post Cards of Humes. i),\NGEROUS. Old -Tinier ---The w.;rst experience 1 ever had was waren we ran out of port in a gale of wind. The Amateur-d;r'nc:elks! 1 thought sailors always drank rum. A Goal Name is to be Prized. --There have been imitations of Dr. 'Thomas' Eck -chic Oil which may have been In - Orions to its good name, but if so, the injury has c,nly been temporay. Good - nese must ono oys come to the front and throw into the shadow that which Ls worthless. So It has teen with l:ciec- Inc Oil; no imitation can maintain it- self against the genuine article. D11) BEST TREY COULD. "I nowhere find in the Book that the Atoslles went out shooting," said an el- der of the village kirk. eyeing severely a young curate w llh his dog and gun. "No," replied the churchman, smiling. ''the shooting was very bad in Palestine. so They went fashing Irncicad." Srr,ftish tanks diff r from English In that They have the power of issuing note, which are net repayable in gold except a1 the head oMee. Thus the cost of ripen - fns a trench in Seellond is very small. Oecauionally acme young man at- tempts to make the more ge by in• vaaung a :ot of money in w.kt c•ti. FREE Pend us your name and addrasa for 12 piece.. olt Jewelry to sell at 1St -ante e.rh. when roll send us tae tI_ act and we wt.:Feud you thee* rte) itoiltionLD ed 111503. We tn,.t you w iia the Jewelry and Intl rends It all charger paid. Hood us ) our route and address now. •TAM AFL cams., $sJIOYIeUOLLL,U14. WANTED to bear from owner baling • A GOOD FARM for sale. Not particular about Iocallon- Please Rive price and ds•CriptIon, and rea- son for selling (tate when poi-ewiou can be bad. Will deal with owners only. L. Darbyshire, Bus 964, Rochester, N. Y. INVESTMENT BONDS roYIELD FROM 3 TO 7 PER CENT CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. NORTHERN SECURITIES, 110: TORONTO. QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE FL Gives Perfect Light. wwtesm�7a 11 FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, i-./rp It O tOtk L(J 4CANOE C9 of et 51'204• TO his regeo n%c,c CO rte•... • iVAT • - PETERBOROUGH CANADA The Best 8 Cheapest Canoes,..ttiffa.Lacmchea Eta SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND (ALT OUR PRIct11111F01 BUYING 111.11\S' HIGHLAND MAiBY. Nlossgirl was the centre of a circiO of strange and striking associalknit f'calsfleld w•ns not far distant. and st its dair'y►nnsd altractel the pee'. Burns fell deeply in love with her. and when h•- was meditating going to the \'slett iriebevs wrote for her that sweet song, "Will you go to the Indies, \,y Mary?' She died at Greenock. and inspired (hese never•to-b' forgotten mea em titled "io Highland Mary '0.n t "'le Mary in (leaven." TIIE. MOTilS Ai'i'ETITE. The buxom moth we wendrr at; It certainly scems droll That it should grow so very fat, rAmt simply eat n hole. Shilohr Lee Sliloh'a Curs sfor the worst tr,lrf.j lthes'.,.rpest cr,uKb Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY -try :t on a;;uar- antee of y.eT money back if it dr<•:a't actually CUi(E gt,:rker than anytiang you ever tried Safe to take.- nothing to it to hut even a baby. 34 years of success con.mend Shrlu}i's Cure LOX , tit. sy 1