Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-23, Page 165c to JAN. '09 NOW IS 'TSE TIME to subset ibe for the ADVO• CA'TE and get a bargain as above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates ettot itbsit TWEN i'-FIRsT YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL 23. 1908. Sale Bills F.11t>il•:1t5 ay ho want ,t bi) cr.. wd at t heir s:llt sh.nlld c.•t their Lill, art 1 he .1111-ot'.1'1'I•: and ad- %etin the AutocaTE It Means Money to You SANDERS & CREECH The Old Reliable Sprilli Clothing Men. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is a very Special Feature this Spring. We doubt if a finer lot of clothing can be found anywhere. We doubt if such styles can be produced by tailors. We doubt if you can be better fitted by a tailor than we can fit you. We know the quality of our goods. . Ve know our su its are as good as you can in tailor-made clothes We know our prices on suits are A Great Saving over tailors' prices. When you need a suit see our new Spring line. It's worth your while. CARLING BROS. Remember the Store one door north Post Office The store where you get the best goods for the least money N jGal stisCODo Mud O >b O CL, rO -ZAP 4' Linoleums This is the season of the year when you think of New Floor Coverings. You cannot use anything better than First -Class Linoleum—that's the kind we sell (Nairn's X Quality) is the Best. Splendid range of Patterns. Call and see them and get our prices, because. if you don't you are likely to pay more stoney. Lace Curtains We have just received a full shipment of Nottingham and Brussels Net Curtains *ever shown such Beautiful Patterns and Fine (Frail- ties as we now have in stock. Prices 50c. 75c. $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $2.00. $2.50, $3.75, $5,00. SNELL & ROWE lr.tUslowsl Cards. w DR. O. T. ROUiSTON, L D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST Member of the R. C. 0. S of Ontario and Honor Graduate of Toronto Cni.eraity. OFFICE: O•er 1)1 kion & Carling's Law Office, In Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8,. Honor graduate of Toronto Cniveristy. DENTIST. (NthWm-tea withmrt any pain, or any had effect' Ogee over Olalman A Sunbury otti• e, Hain street Ils•le,. Medical DR. T. P. 3IcLACOIILIN Ilse resumed practice after spending a yur (Col- lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. (leneral practice with epe.ill attention to Eye, (with refrac- tion) Kar. Nose and Throat. Oilier Dashwood, Ont. Legal. DIC[SON A CARI.INO, RARE RISTRS, SOLICI• ton, Notarie ('on,eyancers, Commia.loners. Solicitors for Mnls•m. (tank, etc. Mosey to Loss at lowest rates of ,nterest. O11 es. Main street, Exeter, 1. n. Oaal.'a., B. A , L. B, Drcaaos ILIoNRT TO LOAN. -- We base a large amount of private funds to loan a farm rod village properties at low rates of Inter Nt. OLADMAN & STANRU'RY, Barristers, Solieitor,,Main st., Earter On William Brown Prof. Diploma of Royal tncorporatrtl society M Yusiciana, Engl. • r •anist of ?.hitt Memorial Churrh,Eseter.tMT1h ('r,an, Harmony and Throry of Music•, Terns apps!, at ion. Exeter, Ont. J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire Insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British Companies. Main -St., Exeter. House For Sale. In the Village of Eseter, situated on 4imcoe street. a !nine dwelling. " stories, kitchen and woodshed, vtahle. coral well. one afth acre of land. .ill in ,oral ondllion. Will 1e sold reasonable. .tppl% at th (IW O s(to ACRFM IN NURSERY STI]( K. Agents wa. • ed et once to sell for Fall 1SII and Spring 19(9 de • li.ery; whole or part time; liberal terms; outfit tree The The m Bowman .t Son ('o , 1.141.. Wee. elle. Ont Eggs For Sale nacoslhtre,l Nhde w)sndotte Eggs for ale S. p(,WF..Li., Kseter Brick and Tile for Sale The undersigned has a large quantity cffirst-ria•• brick and tile for sale on his yard.,situated opposite the grist will at Creditor] 1:a..t. Sstisfa, tion guar- anteed. It w ill be to tour interest to call and make an inspection 1.,1 n. in;; risen hcre. JOSEPH IIAIST, C'r.diton East For Sale or Rent. A one stores frame dweRing in goal condition, on Carling street, too lots of land. (:oat stable on the remises also a number of fruit , nt lir s. Terms reas- onable. ' nable. Apply at this Mee. Ontario Liquor License Act License District of South Huron. Notice is hi re• by given that Conrad \wendland of the tillage of Easter has made application for permission to transfer his Village ta.vn license at Exeter to John Morley of Exeter, and that the said application will be considered at the meeting of the hoard of License ('ommlesionen, to be helat the Dixon House, in Village of ItruceflNd, on the _1st day of April. 1908, at the hour of 10 a.m. A11 persons interested will govern themselves a••• corlirrgly, John Torrance, License inspector. hated at Clinton, this 30th day of March, 1Jar.. Timothy Seed for Sale. 30 bashed, of Choice Timothy Seed, and also a gnantit of Large Peas, for •ale at FRED IIOOARTII'8. Lot H, Con, 4 Stephen. For Sale—Eggs for Incubation. fare t n d Carred Rocks; big birds, hea] y latera; ergs the year round. i. (' 1'LF:yIIN(i, Exeter, Ont. Masons, Carpenters, T. I. r- -NW t. re, t i...1 1., the under-i,;nrl till Friday r. ening, May 1st. at s o'clock, for the erec- tion of a tew hall for the C. O. O. F. The plan and specifications may be seen at the Hall in Elim.ille on Saturday evening. April :nth, at •o'clork,and again onthe following 71uNday es - ening. The lout et or any tender not nece,sarit,J arc, pied. JOSHUA JOHNS, faimville, April 19th. MPS. 5, . Liberal -Conservative Collventioll The Liberal ('onservativea of the South Hiding of Huron will hold a Convention in McDonell'e Hall, Hen- sall. on '1.1'E.'DAY, MAY 5th, 1908, AT 2 O'CLO('K, for the purpose of nominating a can• didate for the approaching General Election for the Legislative Assembly. Col. Hugh ('lark. member for Centre Briley. 11. F:ill.cr. member for South Huron. and nnnther• loyal nt.'tnher and others will ,t.ldres• the meeting. Let every part of the Riding be well represented. (.od have the King. By order of the Exeoltivr. The Japanese Question Debated. The debate bet ween representatives I of the James St. Church Epworth League and the A. Y. 1'. A. of the Trivitt Memorial Choi ch on 1Vednes- day evening in the Opera House I proved a great success. The subject of the debate was : "Resolved that the total prohibition of the Japanese is in the best interests of Canada." The affirmative was ably supported by the James St. Church, and the negative side was ably upheld by the Trivitt Memorial Church. The Judges consisted of Mr. F. W, Gladman for the affirmative, Mr. L.11. Dickson for the negative. and these two elected a third Judge; Rev, W. M. Martin, B. 11, pastor of the Presbyter- ian Church. During the preliminary proceedings and while the Judges were summing up, Mr. Wm. Brown rendered delight- ful instrumentals on the piano -much to the pleasure of the audience. Dr. Malloy opened the debate for the affirmative in a carefully prepared and well thought out address, objecting to the Japanese from a national and tem- poral standpoint, in which he strongly emphasized the fact that the loyalty of the Japs to their own land would prejudice them against every other in- terest. Mr. Dyer Hurdon, Jr., led the nega- tive side and displayed remarkable powers as a ready speaker arid debater. Hies address covered a wide fleld. Ile deyeloped the idea of the need of Can- ada for proper immigrants to develop our vast resourcee and contending that the Jap was the most desirable. Air. Melville Southcott followed for the affirmative and delivered the most carefully prepared address of the de- bate. Ile viewed the question from the social and moral standpoint and showed haw the presence of the Japs would tend to a lowering of our nat- ional standards. Mr. Arthur Long followed for the negative and took the ground that the inns have shown themselves the equals of any people in the world in the ap- plication of civilized ideas during eith- er war or peace. He Look the ground that from a religious and educational view it was a great mistake to keep the Japs out. Dr. ltonlston concluded the debate for the affirmative and took the prac• tical side of the question. The Dr. showed a firm grasp of the subject and scored bravely for his side. Mr. Alger, of the Bank of Commerce, closed the debate for the negative and, while opening up no new ground, attacked the arguments of his oppon- ents most effectively. He held that re- striction was desirable, but not pro- hibition. The speakers were allotted 15 min- utes each, and Dr. Malloy (for the af- firmative) was given 5 minutes to re- ply -in his summing up the Dr. brought out some strong arguments against his opponents. The Judges in their decision, which was considered an impartial one, held that the affirmative had a more care- fully prepared side, and gave their de- cisions in favor of the affirmative, Mr. T. 13. Carling occupied the chair in his able manner. and by his pleas- antries kept the audience in goad hu- mor. His sunny ways in some degree made up for the frigidity of the Opera House. Canada Conference Session. St. Jacobs, April 20th, 10118. The I Ith annual session of the Can- ada Conference of the Evangelical As- sociation convened here April 16-19. Bishop S. C. I3reyfogel, 1).D., of Read- ing, presided. The Conference Territory was divid- ed into three Presiding Elder Districts, viz: North and East in Ontario, and Northwest District comprising .Mani- toba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Rev. N. M. Haist. of Waterloo, was newly elected as Presiding Elder. The brethren, W. J. Fiddes, J. Damn, N. H. Rteihling and E. E. Rami), were wanted license as pro - bat ionet s. Hey, E. S. Iliscock&of Dunnville and Bev. J. S. ilurn of lietuniller, Ont., were ordained, the h.! met. aq Deacon, the latter as Elder. The report of the Stationing Com - Mittel. was As follows: K.tST n14T1t0(T. It. R. Knechtel, 1'. E., Berlin. Berlin --G. D. Ilam). Hamilton -D. H. Wing. Toronto -W. E. Reese. Campden -W. 4). Helm. Itainham-.1. Clemens. -- W. J. Fiddes. Mot t iston--.1. C. Mot lock, fiaspeler-A. 11. 1'lyley. Niagara -J. W. Bean. O tinaboro-E. M. (+ischler•. 1)Iltiville -E. S. 11is(•ncks. North F:asthope- 11. Merl:thin. New Hamburg-- W..1. Yaeger. Tavistock- E. Bunn. Sebringville - J. G. Litt. Fullerton- E. Eby. Milverton --T. Meyer. Aldhoro--W. M. Sipper. Lingelbacha-J. S. Buon. Blenheim -L. Anlacher. Arnprior-O. G. Hallman. Pembroke --A. Geiger. Golden Lake -T. I3. Meyer. Rockingham- E. H. Dorsch. NOiITll UIsTRI(T. A. Y. Heist, P. E., Waterloo. Waterloo -NI. L. Wing. St. Jacobs -C. G. Koatz. Elmira -J. G. Boots. List owel-J. H, f)renzebach. Wallace —H. H. i.eihold. N•'rnlanhy- A. W. Saner. Walker ton -(i. F. Braun. Aiil,ltliay --i. %. 1ttich. ll * n.vf•r-W. J. Zimmerman. 1't. Elgin - F:. 11. Becker. ('hesley -H. 1,. Niemen Elmwood -II. J. Holtzman. Zurich -A. I). G isc hler, Dashwood -L. K. Eidt. Crediton -E. ll. Bean. Tavistock -E. Buon. Stratford --S. M. Handl. 1'.u-ry Sound --To be supplied. NOItTIi-WEST u1•rltl( T. L. H. Wagne, P. E. Regina, Sask. Winnipeg --•A J Bechtel itegina---E M Gratf Itoslhern•-•S F Braun Medicine Hitt --•J S I)anlut and V Wilbelin Didsbury---O S Finkheiner Siebertville and Mayton---D Rieder Neudorf---J N Kovar Warner• --M J Connor Davidson ---To be supplied Saskatoon ---To be supplied. ADDITIONAL LOCALS The members of the Committee in charge of the 24th May Celebration and others interested are particularly requested to meet at the Town Hall, Exeter, to -night (Thursday) for the purpose of further prosecuting ar- rangements for the celebration. other- wise the matter will have to be drop- ped. Let there 1* a move. His Lordship Bishop Williams of London performed the solemn rite of Confirmation upon a class of seven at the Trivitt Memorial church on Mon- day night last. The address by His Lordship was of a deep spiritual na- ture and proved intensely interesting to the large congregation in attend- ance. Owing to illness a number of the class for Confirmation were unable to be present. A very pleasant event took place at the Main street Methodist parsonage here yesterday afternoon, the occasion being the marriage of Mr. Hobert Jos- eph Ezra Lamport to Miss Lizzie Ma- tilda, daughter of Mr. Wm. \Vitzel, all of the township of Stephen. The ceremony was performed by the Hev. Fear, after which the happy couple re- paired to the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Bedford, where a very becoming and pleasant reception was held. The young couple will make their future house in Stephen and will have the hest wishes of a large circle of friends, -- -- Mrs. Bee of Parkhill visited at Mr. H. Gidley's. A1r. H. E. Huston was in Toronto this week. Miss Louie Birney spent the holidays in Belgrave. Mrs. E. Hunt is recovering from her recent illness. Mr. Harry Huston of Alvinston was here Good Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McPherson spent the Easter in London. Mrs. P. 0. Selden and family visited in Ingersol this week. Mr. Frank Knight of ilderton was here over the holidays. Miss Johnston, teacher, is visiting at her home in Toronto. Mr. Fred Penhaie of London was among the holiday visitors. Mr. Garfield Sbeeres of Btantford was a holiday visitor here. Miss L M Paton of Claudeboye visit- ed with Mise Muriel Jones. Miss Edna Mc('allutn of Toronto spent Easter with her parents. Mr. Will Knight student of London is holidaying with his parents. Miss Nettie Walters has returned from Toronto and will remain. Miss Sharpe and Miss Jackson holi- dayed in London and St. Marys. Mr. Albert Pym] is recovering very nicely from his recent operation. Mr. Ed. Tivnan was the guest of his brother, W. W., a day last week. Miss Ethel Piper of London spent Easter holidays at her home here. Mrs. Jas Gould and daughter, Miss Leila, were in London for Easter. Mrs. E. W. Horne and child of Walkerville were bele over Easter. Mrs. II. Meston and son, Eddie San- ders. is visiting among relatives here. Miss Sadie Walker of London spent Easter with her parents Exeter North. Messrs. (leo. Armstrong and Frank Hunt of London visited here this week. .Mr. and Mrs. It. 13. Samuel of High- gate spent the holidays visiting in town. Mr. Jnutes Sayers of Millbank was a visitor over the Easter holidays with Dr. Holliston. Air. and Airs. Wm. Taylor. late of Chicano, nt,' visiting with Mr. Wm. Delbridge and other friends in 1's - borne. prior to leaving for their new home in New York. %%'inchelMea Miss i;velyn Kerr of Creditor] spent part of last week with her brother, W. `V. Kerr. --Miss Ella ('amm spent part of Inst week in London. --Robert Cow- ard and Miss F:(iith Turnbull returned Tuesday to Chatham after spending the holidays at their respective homes. ---Miss Myr tic Francis is the guest of Miss Altneana Heywood. --Mise Ethel (iodbolt of Tilbury is spending the Easter holidays with her mother. - Miss Maggie Coward is home for her holidays.- Mies Vera and Percy Cow- ard returned home Tuesday after spending Easter in Thedford.-W. W Kerr and wife visited in Crediton Sun- day and Monday. -Miss Minnie Clem- ents left Thursday last to visit her brother, John in Mount Forest. --Sam. Brock commenced killing the beef for the Winchelsea and Elimyille beef rings on Monday and Tuesday. sew Greenway Miss E. Sutton and Mise Mahle Hord attended the Teachers' Convention in London. -Miss Sarah Ethel Car rut hers of Detroit spent her Easter .acation at her hone here. -Miss Zillah Eng- lish is spending Easter week with her friend Miss 1. V. Fraser in Forest. - Mrs. H. Eggert spent Easter with friends in Detroit. -Dave E-tglcson of Sylyan was visiting friends in this vicinity. Jas. Brophy railed on friends at the fiend on Monday. - W. A. Stewarvlson of Mooresville is home for his Easter holiday.. THE GOOD FRIDAY SHOOT. The Hilton Indians have one more big shooting event down to their credit, the shoot here on Friday having been :t very suceesst d one in evety way. The day was at very favorable one, warns, bright and dr y, and the shooters and spectators had a very good tittle. Contestants were present front (liven Sound, Clinton. London, Blenheim and Zurich. The high average was won by Fred Kerr, of Crediton, who broke 16'i out of Iw1. Ile was followed closely by Morrison of (hvt'n Sound, Smith of London and ,John 'l'tiehner and W. E. Sanders, of Exeter. The fifth event was for the ('1uh Trophy, which was won by Day of London last year. 'Three sten, Glover, Kerr and 'l'rit-brier, made a straight 20 each, and on the tie being shot (miss and out I Triebner lost his 4th and Kerr his 5th rock, (lover slaking a straight 5 and winning the trophy. To become the property of the winner it must be won three times in succession. Following are the scores: L'(J 20 20 20 20 20 10 20 20 10 Shot a t H i t B. Glover 17 .17 1917 90 18 9 10 17 8 180 158 .. 10 11) 17 14 18 18 8 17 18 9 180 157 R. Day ...... 8. Webb 18 12 It) 17 16 17 9 19 17 8 lsu 1411 H. E. Smith 111 18 18 17 18 18 9 10 18 10 181) 101 A. B. Harris ..... 15 19 10 13 16 15 6 1:30 IW W. Morrison ..... 19 17 19 20 11) 10 10 21) 18 8 180 1(6 S. Fitton 17 17 20 15 14 12 7 17 17 6 180 142 S. Cantleon 16 14 14 11 13 1.4 7 15 16 8 180 128 F. Kerr 18 10 20 18 21) 16 9 19 11) 19 180 168 J. 'Triebner 15 20 15 18 20 20 9 20 18 0 180 104 W. E. Buck 17 18 17 17 16 10 8 17 19 9 180 157 G. Laing 19 18 16 14 15 15 9 13 18 7 180 144 W. E. Sanders 18 17 19 17 17 17 1) 19 18 9 180 100 F. Triebner 15 13 10 17 18 15 9 130 97 D. Hartnett19 18 10 17 18 18 9 17 17 0 180 155 C. Fritz17 1(( 11) 50 43 Kirbyson 14 10 10 16 17 6 19 15 10 160 129 G. Yeast 14 10 9 50 42 C. Stanlake 10 111 11 5 7 b't) 5:3 N. D. Hurdon 14 8 6 50 '28 W. Johns 16 16 17 16 7 8 100 80 W. Smith 17 14 7 511 :33 W. Yearley 9 20 1) J. I'. Rau 4 10 4 J. Treniner 5 lU 5 i1. Smith 8 8 211 16 Kirkton Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Marshall have rented a fine brick residence in St. Marys and will move there shortly. Recently a Large gathering met in Aberdeen Hall to pay their respects to the family, and presented 111,'. and Mrs. Marshall with a Morris chair each and their daughter, Miss Edna, with a dozen sterling silver spoons. All three have been prominent in diff- erent public, church and social enter- prises and their leaving Kirkton is felt keenly by our residents. E. N. Shier last week purchased Alt•. Marshall's interest in the firm of Shier & Mar- shall. The house of Geo. Dickinson of the Third Line of Blanshard was the scene of a happy event on Wednesday, April 15th, when his sister-in-law, Mies Et - tie Lane, was united in marriage to Chas. Atkinson, a prosperous farther and esteemed resident of the sante township. The ceremony was per- formed by Hev. Veale, Kirkton, in the presence of a number of invited guests. The couple were the recipients of a number of useful and costly presents from their esteemed relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson will move to the farm which Mr. Atkinson has purchased from Jar. Dickinson. sows - BIRTHS CAMrllF;ta.—At Zurich, on the 8th, to 1)r. and Aire. Campbell, a son. LINnsaY.-In Bayfield, en April 12th, to Alr•. and Mrs. George Lindsay. a son. Dow -On Monday, April 13th, to Air. and Mrs, S. I)ow, London Road, a daughter. I3Luoyttnit.li.-- In 2.l(iilli*-ruv on l2ttl, to )1r. and Mrs. Geo. Bloom- field, a daughter•. Vor- oi.--In McGillivray. 7th coil., on April 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Young, a daughter. DisJAltnisi -At Grand Bend on April 11th, to Ad. Disjardine and wife, a daughter. 13.9. PHILLIPS, Exwrnit. Licensed Auctioneer, Sales attend,d in all part•. Satisfaction guaran- ter.1 nr no pay. Terms reasonable. All orders lett at .111,o, -ate Ont -e will be pmiuptly attended to. ++++•i•++++4++++++++++++++++ SUPERIORITY. ptborough nes.., en, greaaiyeness, `I' utility, enth i'oa.m, eaFcrtnes, + pas are oat Natchworls. ( on]mer- cial, Stenography, Telegraphy. Mail Courses in any aubJect. N •..e ation. n - O Cal Clinton Business College G.” •I•tt•.n, frim ip:d. 44 4- -If +++d-+• -44-I- ++++'F++++++ MARRIAGES. ATKINSON-LANE--At the home of the bride's brother-in-law. Bien - shard, April 15. by Rev. Veale, Miss Ettie Lane to Mr. Chas. Atkinson. Scor':-ClnuaTy.-At the residence of the bride's mother, Parkhill, by Hey. A. Graham, on April 160, Miss Mae Christy to Mr. Lorne Scott, of For- est. I.AMI'OHT—WITzK1.—At the Main st. Methodist parsonage,on 1Vednesday April 22, by the Rev. E. A. Fear, Mr. Hobert Joseph Ezra Lamport, to Miss Lizzie Matilda, daughter of Mr. • Wm. Witzel, both of the township of Stephen. - -- DEATHS MoltRlt--In St. Marys, on April 15th, Margaret Morrill, aged 80 years. M.tNNINO.—In Clinton, on April 9th, Lawrence Manning, aged 82 years. 1IAt.1..-At Lucan, on April 10th, Mrs. Jane Goodwin Ha11, widow of the Joseph Hall, of Lobo, aged 81 years. PKANct':.-- In McGillivray, on April 1511, William Edward Prance, at the age of 17 years, 8 months and 9 days. I3oa.-in Tuckersmith, on April 10, Maud Brintnell, beloved wife of William Boa. Jr., aged 21 years, 6 wont hs. 1 1 e 11,1101 11/"IP"IirlIF ust to Remind You of 4 rr ENJOYME " 4 Tooth Cream Enjoyme Quince and Almond Cream Enjoyme Medicinal Jelly Enjoyme Eaude Quinine Hair Tonic The sale of all these prepara- tions is steady, and we hope that if you have not already r tried them, nv p o 1 , � 1 will do f soon. To give them a trial will be to use them always. We ,ire \wait• Mg to serve you. THE PURITY 41 Watch Window. ('an.l-xp.Illdg, AIR ad Lk efitr L A& /kaim AL Ideal Fencing, 7. 8 and 9 wires, 35(' and 38e per rod. Cleveland Coiled Wire, No. 12 and 13 weaving, and at best prices. Barbwire encing Supplies London Safety Pulleys, from $ 1.50 to $3.00 .00 per set. Fence Hook Clinchers and Splicers. Everything for Fencing on Hand Poultry Netting From 12 inches to 72 inches high, 3c to 15c per yard. fl@AMAN'3 HARDWARE & STOVE STORE