Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-16, Page 8Spring Suitings Just received a number of - New Browns Wood Colors L l ephant Grey Suitings. Corr i hing for the Spring St tt son WW1 W. r. TAMAN M , cchant Tailor, Exeter, Ontario Rosiness Locals -- Read Them Yarn for Sate. 53i act e 1 . rrn, situate west of the G. T. R. and " •nth of the salt block, Exe- ter. Ters as easy. Apply A. Q. Bobier. Marries: Licenses issued at the Ad- vocate ottr• ,•. louse to hest On WO! ...0 street, brick story and half dweia,nis, in good state of repair. Apply to ars. Perkins. Boys Tak Wirala:. Any h • - ,:aught destroying proper- ty or U1r 1•!I ng with anything on the railroad ., :it he severely dealt witb. C. BiIINEV. Choice A; . 'c iutter. Owing.he fact that those having tried Ex I -or Brand Apple Butter are capias.; .. t the factory for repeat orders. I. will now be kept on sale at the store "gip town. White Legho. u Eggs for Sale. Pure -►'red White Leghorn Eggs for s41,4. 511,• p •r dozen. Apply to GEO. HILL, Waterloo St., Exeter. Barred P.• mouth Rocky. 1 am offering a limited number of rags fors ..r, at $1.00 per setting of 1:1. T. B. CARLING. Ladies ansa lentlemcti. The 21 f May comes on Sunday, brit on aloeday, the 25th, a grand con• ter t will .;.e place in theOpet a House. Look at t :.: brilliant array of talent - Mr. Will .Vhite, entertainer, of To- ronto; Mi:. Francis Wright, soprano soloist, ..t f .Tonto; Miss Jean Walker, reader, of London; Mr. Mack Vincent, entertau,,• ., of Exeter. Don't forget it. Stath uo'; Hot Cross Buns are deli- cious. 0.Jer early. speciaa1 services will be held in the T,1vitt al.noprial church on Easter holiday. The subject at morning and ea.•I,trig •• .li he the Resurrection. The choir wit i ender special mucic. Af- ter the . • • rorlg services Mr. Brown wtli I.•n"-•r a short Organ teeital. al.. ,lot •' Cookson, Exeter north, is conlinrt1 o his home as a result of a fall loin, tire top of a spiledriver . He Thomas. Edward and RobertDever•enx was von -1 1 •r•ably shaken up Litt no whose respective ages are 85. R3, 72. bur, s ars broken. and r;'l years. making a grand total of air. 1, !1 ,flan, who has been With :Gly years. They are all active and en- att. �\'. s. 1lowey learning lite drug ''rgetremen. The eldest brother, John, tiosoi •s• f 1. some months. left un rarely aliases a day. summer or winter, '1' i -.i .y ,Horning for his home at that he does not perform work that MI-,tr I.•e, , to remain until Saturday, would keep an ordinary elan well em- wh••o 11•• ores to Detroit for three proved. in addition to this, Messrs. w.•,•k., •1 thence to \Villistoo. North Devereux have a sister in Chicago. 1) • L,,; , • aye with his brother, Dr. Mrs. Ryan, who is 47 years of age. 11 .g o., ..,..1 work in a drug store. This swells the grand total of :*s '• I,oil re " hits been a general favorite years." --Expositor•. wlr0 aria ar.young alike during his it is the bitsiness of a newspaper aojo•u0 in town, and the hest wishes man to boom the town for it is worth of all ace 'nip my him to the West. month after month, and then see 810 111 row ersation with several of the worth of printing go out of the town merchants in town they express get- 110cause In rents can be say" by ser do- eral sati'f •' tion with the "quarterly ing. it is the business of the news - system ' '1 collecting accnlntts. A paper to give every local enterprise number .'t them adep'eil the 011,0 enthusiastic "send offs." and then mouths' system at the New Veal. and ratrh Sheol liecaitse h0 failed to record they find this Month that it is becotn• ing a sons.•,• of sati-faction to tbena- l;elves and their coslome•rs, as their patrons are responding nobly to the accounts sent ant the first of April and state tart they would rather set- tle quarterly than yearly. (v�����:� Order. your Hot Cross Buns early EXETER ■RREET= . from \1', J. Statham.tr • LOCAL DOI\ (,��, Sexsuiith school is closed owing it is CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY tk��411.As' kJ& 41. Alk alkJ4 I't inc11' *1 1.. C. Fleming w,ts able to op 1'11 Sunday alai is 1 slayer ing nic,ly. .1 nuuiier of young people spent a Very pleasant time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kerslake last Thursday evening. Maple syrup has becotne so plentiful this year that the price has dropped from $1.25 a gallon to 80c., phis the cost "f the vessel that contains it. We are pleased to see that Mrs. Frank H. Sweet is able to he out again after her recent attack of la grippe, and her smiling face indicates that she has fully recovered. The robin, that we prize so highly as a spring songster, is considered in the southern states as 0 choice morsel for the table, and many of them are slaughtered for that purpose. The South Huron Spring Fair was held at Brucetield on Friday. The stock on exhibition was good but not plentiful while the attendance was small. There is room for improve- ment in many ways in South Huron Agricultural Society's Spring Show. Gordon, the three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Rohr. McDonald, Tham- es Road, who was operated on for throat and other troubles at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bawden, came through the operation nicely and was able to be removed to his borne last week. The annual election of officers of Main Street Epworth League took place at their regular meeting on Tuesday evening last, with the follow- ing result: Hon.Pres., Rev. E. A. Fear; Pres., F. Wickwire; 1st Vice, Mrs. E. A. Fear; 2nd Vice, Miss Horney, Miss Brooks; 3rd Vice, Miss May Sanders; 4th Vice, Miss Fowell; Secretary, Le- roy Coultis; Treasurer, W. W. Taman; Organists, Miss E. Follick and Miss W. Howat (I. To•day the sun never sets and the season never closes for harvesters, They are reaping the fields of Argen- tina in January, Upper Egypt in Feb- ruary, India in March, Mexico in Ap- ril, China in May, Spain in June, Iowa in July, Canada in August, Sweden in September, Norway in October, South Africa in November, and Burma in December. It is always harvest some- where. The ripple of the ripened grain goes round the world and the harvester follows it. On all sides at various times you hear the question of power being liis• cussed. You hear the strength of machinery referred fo as horse -power, probably two, five ten or twenty. and at the sante time how many people use this expression and really know its true meaning? What is the actual strength of a horse -power and how many of the worthy animals could raise the required weight? The ex- planation is as follows: "One horse- power is power necessary to lift 3:3,(M10 pounds one foot per minute." Before Magistrates Kay and Farmer on Monday morning a boy, Arthur W. Gaiser, aged 16 years, of Dashwood, was tried on 0 charge of wrongfully taking $10 from the shoe store con- ducted previous to the fire by Mr. Geo. Edighofer at Dashwood. From the evidence it appears that Mr. Edighofer was returned the money. but a con- stable and the County Crown Attor- ney had the boy sent to Goderich some clays previous. On a claim that the proceedings were irregular the case was again tried here on Monday, when the boy wase r le aced on trail to appear beforeg he judge. t � . "lam have only to go three miles Mit of Seaforth to find a quartette of brothers who can place the Hav Bros. re,•ord quoted la1.t week far in the shade. These brothers are John . ++++++++++++t ! +++•tf+4 +4 I S. + Summer t Coods.., I Mita: Lill: RUSH 4) for Spring and + `± S�tmrner •5. ORDERED CLOTHING 4. 1..•1; In already. 111 114 T1ka. 01 M MF %SI ft/- 0 tea (1 dosis are the Best. Flt and Finish laranteed. W. JOHNS Merchant Tailor • Exeter 444-1-11.4444-+++++++++++++ 4 • 4 • said to the pt•iyaleuce of a wild type of Wheat scarlet fever. It is said there are two Barley 50 or three similar cases ill town, but we Oats 17 believe the greatest caution is taken Peas 75 to prevent the disease spreading. Potatoes, per bag 05 A very heavy wind seems 10 have Hay, per ton 10 00 swept over the whole of Sout'►ern Can. Flour, per cwt., family ado and Northern United States on Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40 Saturday and Sunday. Considerable Butter 25 damage and halm y was done in places Eggs by falling material from buildings, .4 Dried apples corner piece on the James street Livehogs, per cwt church, Exeter, was shifted. Shorts per ton Bran per ton Clover 11 lx) Timothy 2 75 The Exeter Bargain Stine will be closed to day 'Thursday and Friday ltith and lith April. to arrange and mark down the stuck at big Ilaigain prices, and no Saturday Morning at 0 o'clock this cracking cheap sale will commence. No trouble to show goods. Terms cash. -J. W. Broderick. Rev. A. 1f. Going's sermon on Sun- day evening in the James street church to young men, contained much excel- lent advice, given in a most kindly spit -it, the following of which advice would lead young men to more suc- cessful careers in life, in a business way, and socially, morally and spirit- ually. Boston had a $0,000,000 fire loss on Sunday, as a result of which five hun- dred dwelling houses and public build- ings were destroyed, 1500 families were driven from their houses and 10,000 people made homeless. Four people are dead and fifty injured. The fire started from a quantity of rags drying in a marsh and was spread by a gale reaching sixty miles an hour at times. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Atkinson enter- tained a number of their friends to supper and a pleasant evening on Sat- urday, April 11th, the occasion being the celebration of the china or 20th anniversary of their wedding. The host and hostess were the recipients of a number of choice presents in china- ware, That they might live to see many more anniversaries is the wish of their many friends, Our "Twenty Years Ago" items are causing much interest in Advocate readers and serve to remind people of "the olden days" which always remain as bright spots in their memories. Mr. Na 111, Tapp reminds us this week of an amusing race run 31 years ago by the late James Oke and himself from Main street to the James street church, which had to he run twine in order that the judges (night make a decision, which was finally awarded Mr. Tapp. What is called in Millinery "The Merry -Widow Hat" on account of its size seems to be causing trouble in places of meeting in ninny of the cities. An exchange gives the following dir- ections for manufacturing one of these "delightful creations": -Take one bic- ycle wheel. Superimpose on the hub one sleep granite saucepan, first snip- ping off the handle with an axe. Stitch on cover of wine -colored velvet from your season before last's coat suit. Pitt on three-inch binding around hrirn of canary -colored taffetta silk from your great-grandmother's (tarty dress. Rip 19 yards of box ruch- ing off your shirt waist box and wrap about crown. A soup !addle and a joint fork will give a jaunty effect if used as hat pins. For Sato. A Heintznlan Grand Piano -nearly new. Apply to Mrs. A. Q. Bohier. School Board Minutes. Minutes of Board tweeting held in the Town Hall, Monday, April lath, at s p. tri., with all members present. The following •' 1 f111 wl is n e order the business 1 f K duly submitted and improved. Per chair, minutes of pr etious meeting. Repot t. .,f ('one. Supplies --desk re - for Dept. No. 2 not yet procur- ed. '1'e,,•h.•as Moody -that Miss Jean Dixon had beer. s0, ut•0(1 ..s I'iincipal's r'e'lief and that aliss A. Martin was ready to supply NO. ti until further notice. Per F. W. Ghanian and S. Martin that the action of the teachers Supply ('oto. receive the a ndorsetuent of the board. Per F. \V, Madman and IL N. Rowe that commetrication be 01)0110(1 with Mr. J. I). Crimpled' of Toronto University in reference to the possible vacancy of the Principal's room. Per F. 11'. Madman and S. Mat tin the Ground and Sanihuy ('out. be empowered tap Make stieh improve- ments in the grounds and walks as nary seem desirable. Per It. N. Rowe and F. W. Madman that the Inspec- tor's report be accepted aas lend. Per S. Martin and F. Wood that 11. Hiles• ton be' the 11 ,ud dt•leg'ete to Ile' :\ptit meeting of the Ialucational :associa- tion at Toronto. Per 11. Ilio -too and S. hilt that the inun,di't0 require• merits enamel dial in the Inspector's the fact that sorue prominent citizen suggestion for the H. 5. 1).•pt. he pro - has had his delivery wagon painted. cored as soon as practicable. Per i1. To subset Ow liberally to every public, N. Iluwc alai S. Mal 1i11 (hat 11. 1111es- charitable and church enfetprise. nil. ton, the I'rinrlp 11, the Inspector end vettise them fat nothing. pay his own Secretary to a committee to receive Way to everything and then be called the eilllipr11/•rlt 1, milted as per therm e. pt•ejitdiced and mean spirited because going platter. Per H. ilueaton and as column is not deviated to that part- S. Mai tin that theSecret:uy beauthut- icular affair. Ito you wonder that ized to secure not more than six cepies there ate so many cranks in the news• of the Educational Association reports paper business: It is bound to make for 11°,7. Per II. Ilut•ston (tr,il S. alar - either a -i lok ur ,t philosopher out of tin that the fit•t I!,•or Ile' scrubbed 0 rosin. throughout during the epiproaching Is IJ 10 W 1 15 sea 15 :) ti 0e) 25 00 21 00 15 (5) 3 50 10c a cake CHOICE Toilcl : Soaps SOMETHING 3 for 25C SOMETHING NEW EXQUISITE Almond Cream Soap Use a pure soap and you will never lose your good complexion. At present we are showing the Largest and best collection of FINE TOILET SOAPS ever displayed in Exeter. Costs no more to get the best. W. S Cole, Phm.B. If you get it at COLE'S it's good. Mr. John E. Tom, is inspecting schools in this neighborhood. Mr. anti Wm. Coultis and son visit- ed friends in Crediton this week. A number of young people drove out to Mr, Fred Hunkins and enjoyed a taffy pull Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Spackman leave today for St. Thomas and Talbot ville to visit friends during the Easter holi- days. Mrs. William Snell who has been re- siding in Winnipeg for some time, is again visiting among friends here, hav- ing arrived Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Sweet and little daughter, of Clinton, are spending the Easter holidays under the parental roof, with Mr. and Mrs. James Sweet, London Road South. Miss Eno Box, the little daughterof Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Box, of the 4th Concession of Stephen, returned longe on Friday trona Ottawa, where she visited for three months. Matchless Perfumes Fromthe Il .w.•r farms of France, the rose garden; of Bulgaria, and the spice -growing lands of the Orient, corse the materials for the snaking of pet fumes. Compara- tively few pet au 10rs know how to rightly use them. A perfect per- fume is a wol k of au t. We have the finest of the worlila produe- lions, selecting from the lists of the Leat Ina k••rs those odors that excel. lit) t h Imported and Domestic Perfumes. 1111'11'1.1.1) and IN 1111L1i. Call and See Our New Odors. W. S. HOMEY, Plim. B. Chemist and Optician. Easter holidays. Per Il. N. l•,ave Hicks Forecasts For April ill ������������ )" emollient. -J. (ir iy: ar. Bergs A Retailer Sae In Periost ,.'vers the lath to the 23rd. This pet i id is fully within the Mai's and Venus periods. t. , ped near the centre t the Mercury 1314.II`ON L1 I.. O� period. Moon is at extremeextremesouth de - /11.. e Mail ts clination and last Tauter.nter. As we A�A�AAytll enter into this period the teii )('Ia-I art s.1•o.ing, inee Elith 13,•er.a of tore will rise phenomenally high in London is visitingher parents herr.. stilt western and central sections, Mr. Frank \L'ekes parent,' Listowel is the barometer ver will fall to from about visiting his father, air. \\'ria. \1'eekea. 0��� foal: low readings, and from alapnt the 21st to the :'4re1, many vicious Mrs. Wa!per and her daughter Miss storms of lightning, assurer. rain and Little. of Detroit. are g,a'•st. of the hail will aislt wide 741e4s as the storm fornler's father. Mr. Hoskins. Exeter centres sweep from west to east across North. the country. At the rulminat1011 of --- this period, say Melia the 21st. 221 -id a in » Any one requiring feed and 'Sir 1. no render of thews forecasts Life Every DOE! should be wholly surprised by violent OttIfi Will do well to call if not tornadir storms. ('citral and northern pat Is of the country may reasonably anticipate snow and suit• den change to unseasonably cool on the western Mud nort horn tangent of these storms. say fhrni the 23nl to Nth. As the J'piter and Saturn in - t1.1• neer are now (Jerre 'sing. we I'•'lioye that the Mara period will not fasten up.'n us sirah prolonged rola and 'tri• sa.sanable conditions as prevailed in rhe spring of 11a)7, in which event the we -.1 "I cannot speak too highly of Psy and Ret a supply as we trine, for it is the greatest medicine I ever used. 1 was Just about 'ail in'' have a qtl'llltlty Oil hand. when I began the treatment, and in 3. months i was as well as ever. it is a great tonic for weak and run down pets- ple. There is new life in every dove." ,TAS. STOLIKER. Ri lgetewn, Ont.. Dee. 19, 1906. It is a sin not to tell your sick friends HARVEY BROS. about this wonderful prescription. Throat, hung and atomaeh troubles, and EXETER ONTAit1O oto r will ac warmer, rains Anil all run down enniltinns quickly cure•) d :no( I will be snore tropiral mot Ire fol by its use. At all druggists, 5(h' Ami y milder changes to cooler. $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Sloe'rm, f.td., Toront, Aida Ai&di. �A,dd�� 1 Haiiare Stock is Cotnplele Choice Clover ani Timothy Seed For Sale T. HAWKINS & SON. GOOD 9ERPICE68LE FURNITURE Is what the people want and this is just the quality of furniture we handle. Some people are willing to pay lav- ish sums for exceedingly elaborate designs, but most peo- ple want style, combined with serviceability at a moderate outlay. Our lines fill the bill exactly, being rirh in design and reasonably priced. Our extensive lines include SIDE- BOARDS, DINING TABLES, BEDROOM SPITES, PAR- LOR TABLES, CHINA CABINETS, etc., etc. IRON BEDS are a line which we are introducing and we are showing a specially fine selection in elegant designs. ROWE & ATKINSON The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors. JONES p.& CLARK lire You for Easter ? Just a few more shopping days. EASTEiI is only a few days away, and every woman should have her Spring Outfit complete. Come to this store and you will find ey- etvthing ready for your Easter debut. Lovely Styles in Easter Millinery 1.bvely styles without number ware the show rases and tables of our minima y section. All the prime favorites are here, trimmed and ready to be trimmed, to suit the we'arer's fancy. Our large stet! of milliners are very busy, so do not leave your orders too Tale. NO TWO HATS ALIKE. R early -to -wear Garments Our Spring Coats and Separate Skirts 1111• nr,de Ill) in the height of fashion, and of the very hest and toniest ma- terial. Nothing nattier than one of our New Spring Coat F. They are Perfect Fitters. flur New Skirt. are vei y neat arrd are all 'i':ailor-Mande. 'Ives 11, lila k. Nat y. and the Primal! Browns. in rill the Neve Fab- rics. Voir cannot do Lefler than get one• 1,1 1111 111 1" be I00l1y drt•ss'•ll. Come to This Store for Your Beautiful Easter Goods. They are lovely. Dainly New While ear. Nothing would please you better than a look through our White. WearDepartment this season. You will find its with the nicest display we hay:• ever Oman. Dainty New White Waists, New Skirts., New (towns, New Corset ('overs. in fact everything new in this department. Look Gloucs They are all the go, but ARE VERY SCARCE. MIST have them this year. Lama Silk. i.ong Lisle, 1, ng Suede and Long Kid 01oyes in all tar. New Colors. JONES & CLARK Headilllartery for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing