Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-16, Page 54' Ozeter Rewe tete t.\l:Tf. it ,1 00 .t pail in advance, ,1 60 a 'var if not so paid. 'y To United States Subscribers,' 50 i• a Wear Stri .II) in Ad• anLc SANDERS k CREECII, Publi.hen. ONTAI:ty PUY OUR ONE O Baby Carriages or Go -Carts and let the Baby grow. Large and Beautiful. The price is not large and the terms are easy. - 1..10.. 2 6 octave Organs cheap. 2 Pianos, slightly used, at a Great Reduction. Sewing Machines, Bicycles Children's Wagons, at prices that will make you smile. Fine Stationery. 8. MARTIN &SON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonle. and only sato effectual Monthly ttegulatoron whlch women can depend. Sold In throo degreea of strength—No. 1, $1 ; No. 2. 10 degrees stronger $3: No.3. for special cases, per box. 'told by all dru ts, or sent repaid on rete pt of prion Free p. inphlet. A dressTMS COINI11E91011dCO..TosOMTo,Orit. (former1yWiaaaeer pnP Ilirwir isriwitrirriiiri Easter Terms w r` 1 OPEN v. APRIL 21ST •1•1•• Canada's Greatest Chain of III gh• Grade Besineas Colleges. located at P►.rrasozoroa Gtisros ORANGEVILLE WINouAE WALKERTON OW/ERICIH foltntcs the customs of business concerns and takes no vacation. Stenographers. (took • keepers a n d Telegraphers are In great demand in July, Auust, September and October. We train more young people than any other management in Ontario. There 'be a reason; write for it. MAIL COURSES Clinton Business College George Spotton Principal. ho Daniel E. Eby, Vice -Principal. LA. ikJfi&>d 16.retaek ks6ark ak Ala NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY f Dell Ooaflij Of � CaQaDa is abont to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Di. rectory for the District of Wes- tern Ontario. including the Town of Exeter. Changes of fires names, changes of street addresses. or orders for dupli- cate entries should he handed in at once to A. MARCHAND, Loc.11. 11.1N.16l:lt and Weekly Mail and Empire or Weekly Globe for One Yr... $1.35 and all other papers at lowest rates. way Mrs. Rohl. McLinehy spent Thurs' ls day Inst with Mrs. Visa Young.—Mrs. Broomfield. of l'.lrhett, visited Mrs. W. J. Wilson one day last week.—Mrs. FAl. Mason and Misses ilerena and (;lady+ visited friends at the Bang,— Miss Alma Po1'nck, Of Corbett, is cis• iting Miss 7.11.' English. --Mr. W. J. Wilson has leen sufTering from an at- tack of grip for the past week. Miss Lizzie Foster and lit Ile neire. of Petro - lea. are visiting at Mr. Jos. roster'.,— Miss Milly Foster spent a few days with her sister. Mrs. J. (fill. of (,rand Bend.- Miss Edna Belt presented r ur Post•Mieter with a boggiest of Octets the first of the season. I'roof is inexhaustible that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cures female ills and Barrie. women safely through the Change of Life. Mrs. Letitia Blair C'annifton,Ont.,kh writes to Mrs. I'inam : 1 was sick for five years. One doc- tor toll the it was ulceration, and an- other told me it was a fibroid tumor, and advised an operation. No one knows what I suffered, and the bear- ing clown pains were terrible. " I wrote W my sister about it and she advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has cured me of all my troubles, and I did not have to have the opera- tion after all. The Compound also helped me to pass safely through Change of Life." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from toots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands olf women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tulnors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -down feejinO7 flatulency, iadiges- ! iotl,dizzinessor nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. I'inkllam invites all sick .hoiden to write her for advice. She bus guided thousands to hest Ills. .►ddress, Lynn, Mass. McGillivray DEATH—There passed away on April Oth, Margaret, the beloved wife of Artemus Bice of the 2nd con. of Mc- Gillivray, in her 75th year. The de- ceased's maiden name was Miss Mar- garet Carter, daughter of the late William Carter. of McGillivray. With her parents she moved from the town- ship of Huntly in the County of Carle- ton, in 1837, when she was four years of age. The township of McGillivray and the adjoining township were then a vast wilderness her parents being among the first settlers. The deceas- ed is survived by an aged husband, who is in very feeble health, two sons and two daughters, Ira of McGillivray, Eli of the homestead, Mrs. Melinda Cayo, of the Centre Road. Nest Wil- liams and Mrs. Patterson. She is also survived by five sisters—Mrs. Jas. B. Hodgins of McGillivrav, Mrs. Isaac Adanson of Nissouri, Mrs. Wm. Ryan of London, and Mrs. Robert Hodgson of Clandeboye and one brother, James Carter of Michigan. George Simpson, of Parkhill, is a cousin of deceased and for years an old neighbor. Interment took place on Wednesday, Stb, in St, James' cemetery, Clandeboye, in the presence of a large number of relativ- es and friends. Ziolt DE.vTIi.—The death took place in London at Victoria Hospital on Mon- day, April 13tb, of Jennie R., wife of Jaynes Ogilvie, :35u Pall Mall Street, and daughter of Alr. and Mrs. Albert Bert'yhill, of this place. The remains were taken from the residence of her sister, Mrs. John Govier, 510 Hill St., London, oti Tuesday afternoon to the G.T.B. station, and conveyed by train and carriage to Zion, where the funer- al took place from her father's resi- dence on Wednesday afternoon to Zion Cemetery. Sincerest sympathy is expressed for the bereaved. De- ceased had been ill for only a short time. She is survived by her husband four small children, her parents, five sisters and one brother. iVinchelseit Miss Lille Heywood is at present the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. Fran- cis. of Plugtown.—A number from Anderson spent a very pleasant even- ing at Mr. Thomas Coward's on Thurs- day evening last.—Mr. John Delhr•idge met with a very painful accident on Saturday. \Vhile chopping wood, a chip flew from the axe, cutting his eye badly.-- ( )n Hatutday.eyening the boys organized a baseball club, and the fol- lowing officers were elected: Manager, W. W. Kerr: Captain, Thomas Bell; Sees- and Treas.. 1.. H. Robinson; Field Committee., Geo. Godbolt, Geo. Banthrope and Newton Clark. Pract- ice next Saturday evening. —Mrs. Joh Hers presented her husband with a baby girl on the 5th inst. •EFORI ANO AFTER TREATMENT. Canadian 'retterino is an absolute certain cure for Hcrema. Acne Basra. Tetter. Pimples, nlackhe ids, Ringworm, Barbers' itch Scald head, itching files. Ulcers, sa, dorand all cutaneous sent facial blemishes. Has been thoroughly and successfully tested In bendiest. of so called incurable cases. It is entirely unlike any other preparation. mixture or ointment that has been sold or pte- scribed. A few applications will convince that is ha. wonderful medical vir'.,e and intrinsic merit it is made in Canaria. A goof honest Cana- dian preparation. Price one box Fifty Cents, or five bones -two Dollars. Mailed to any address nn receipt of price. Sold and rec..mncenued by all !riding Drug• gi-t. in Canada. Pamphlet free to any address. Manufactured and solei by the sole proprie- tors. The Tetterine Chemical Co. Windsor, Ontario. Sold in Exeter lie .1. W. Rr.Iwning, Mosey and W. S. ('ole. I)rntr• gusts. Mitchell: Agnes Little, relict of the late Alexander Mulberon, aged 75 years, died on April 13. Deceased had been ailing for some time, and he r death was not unexpected. She leav- es a grown-up family. The funeral took place \Vednesday. saws - BACHELOR'S REFL ECTIONS. No man loves his baby at first; he Ras to get used to it like a baseball Unger. It always makes a girl mad to bo scared by a mouse when there areu't auy teen around. Any man can get any woman to marry hies if he only proposes to her in enough different ways. It is generally easiest to kiss a wo- man right after you have begged her to forgive you for something. After a man has argued a certala time with a woman he is either con- vinced or else he Is willing to admit be la. A man judges a woman's heart by her face; a woman judger. a man's face by his heart. A woman who loves too much some- times loses, but a woman who loves too little never gains anything worth losing. The women have got up a new story now about a girl that was so sensi- tive that It made her seriously 111 to be kissed. Every girl has an Idea that when she is telling a man she loves him he will see her whole soul looking at him to her eyes. Whenever a woman sees a picture In a book of a woman kneeling at a man's feet she feels that she ought to read it herself before she lets her daughter. As soon as a woman falls In love het complexion gets better. If modesty was the fool -killer most women would dle of old age. There are probably a lot of womea that will and heaven awfully old- fashioned. ♦ minister doesn't have to know the marriage ceremony by heart, for If he forgets a word the woman can always prompt him. The only thing which would punish a woman worse than having to say what she believed would be having to 4elieve what she said. The main difference between a cat and a woman is that the cat has whiskers. Any man can go into a room ful of woman and pick out the one that thinks she is "advanced." As the women run things nowadays, r.•Thody but an Emperor can gu in good society without having to be a hypocrite. A woman's club is a place where a woman can go and learn all about baby food, garbage and Rubinstein ai %. a same time. At a meeting held in a town in ire - 1 -1.1 two speakers who had come from •• United States contributed the fol- Ic.,:utg sentences in the course of their speeches p ethos One of them, in giving some details of personal history, informed his hear- ers that "he had left Ireland fifty-three y, ars before, a naked little boy without a penny in his pocket." Said the other : "Until last week I never set foot in the 13nd of my birth."—Chums. The following story of the Pope is told in the Italian papers. A depu- tation of the monks of some order had obtained an interview with him. Ac- cording to the etiquette of the Vatic;'1, only Cardinals are allowed to sit in the Pope's presence, and an invitation from him to do so is deemed equivalent to the promise of a Cardinalate. Pope 1'ius X. is a plaint mats, utterly indiffer- ent to the etiquette of the Papal Court, IIe, therefore, begged the monks to take seats. They hardly knew whether they could venture to do so, and while they stood hesitating he said to them, "You do not, 1 suppose, expect me to draw your chairs forward for you ?" —a—. As one of the very few occasions when the wit of Rufus Choate aas foiled, an incident is recalled when that brilliant lawyer was examining one Dick Barton, chief mate of the ship Challenge. Choate had cross-ex- amined him for over an hour, huriing questions with the speed of a rapid - tire gun. "Was there a moon that night?" "Yes, sir." "Did 3 11 see it?" "No, sir." "Then how did you know there was a moon?" The 'Nautical Almanac' said so, and i'll believe that sooner than any law- yer in the world." "Be -ton •'r. And now tell me in .....gitude you crossed the equa.nr?" "Ah, you are joking." "No, sir, I'm in earnest and I desire an answer." "That's more than 1 can give." "indeed. You a chief mate and un- able to answer a sirflple question!" "Yes, the simplest question i ever was asked. 1 thought even a fool of a lawyer knew there's no latitude at the equator."—Success. SOME IFS If papa didn't have to go to work: If mamma always could sit down and play; It :escalates were used Instead of bread; If combs and sponges could be thrown away; ff toy stores 'Ildn't have a single clerk; An 1 any child could go In there and stay; it we had Saturdays Ave times a week; !f ('hrlstmas came on every othst day; If grown folks loved to hear a lot et noise, TbtJ world would be suit* she for u.ttie Stephen Council The Council of the Township o Stephen conversed in the Town Hall Crediton, Monday, April (ith at 1 p.m. All members were present. Mr. Wuerth, the newly elected Council- man having pievioubly subscribed to the necessary declarations of office and property qualification. The min- utes of previous meeting were read and adopted. Sanders—Wuerth— the Treasurer's Bond be accepted and filed with the Clerk.—Carried. Keller- mann—Yearley—that By -Law No. 0 of 1908 to authorize the Iteeve and Treas- urer to borrow funds to meet current expenditures of the Towuship for the present year, having been read the third time, be passed and signed by the Reeve and Cletk and the seal of the Corporation attached t hereto.— Carried. Wuerth—Yearly—that the By-laws appointing J. Lewis Thomas as Township Engineer and Drainage inspector be repealed and that Fred W. Farncomb of the City of London be appointed in his stead at $6.00 per day and expenses.—Carried. Beller- mann—Yearley—that the By-laws Nos. 7 and 8 of 1908, being by-laws re- pealing By-laws Nos. 16 and 20 of 1907 and appointing Fted W. Farncomb to be the Township Engineer and Drain- age Inspector, each having been read the third time, be passed and signed by the Reeve and (clerk and the seal of the Corporation attached thereto. —Carried Sanders— Wuerth — that the Township purchase four concrete moulds of the following sizes: 14, 18, 24 and 30 for the manufacture of con- crete tile.—Carried. The following were appointed pathmasters, pound - keepers and fence-viewers:—Pathmas- ters: D Smith. Tboa Oliver. Lunt Alex- ander, A Rollins, Geo Hill, Jas Mit- chell, Jas Neil, Jonah Sims, Sam Jory, Wm Penbale, Wm Sandet-e. John Hep- burn, 3 R Essery. 0 Hoffman, Ohas Kerr.Ed Sweitzer. R Hill, Albert Ford, Sam Essery, B Brown, Jno Falmer, M Finkbeiner, J G Wein, M England, J Lawson, G Finkbeiner, Jacob Schwarz, W Kestle, J Kestle. R Davy, J Keys. W H Martyn. L Kraft. D Weber, P Reardon, T Dieterich, 0 Dietericb, A Neel). F Wild, F McKeever, N Clark, W Smith. F Preeter, W Lafond, Ed Ryan. F Geiser, J Dietrich, W Brok- ensbire, H Rhode. J Hodgins, N Pol- lard, W H Nichols, T Webb, P Baker, G Hartle. R Stone, T Follis, A Mollard, W Disjardine. F Mason. D Wilson, E Gill, Jr., J Oliver, J Eagleson, H Isaac. H Battram, J Brenner, Ed. Gill, W G Reilly, J McKeever, P Glavin, T Row- land, J Hays, W Sbaddock, T White- side, A Hotson, F Green, $ Stanlake Jr., W E Sanders, L Rader, Hy Kraft,. Hy Schroeder, P Schroeder, J Rhode, Sr., C T Walper. Poundkeepers: Wm Moffatt, H Shapton, W B Geiser, B Cunningham, ,f Hickey, G Webb, Jos Edwards, T J Army, U Finkbeiner, 1' Baker, W Fritz, F Preeter, 5 Stan lake, Jr., W Zimmer. A Mouser, C II Wil- son. Fence -viewers: S Davis, I Hill, E liaise, P McKenzie, G Mawhinney. 1•: King, J Love, (; Down, A Hayter. The following orders were paid: Mun- icipal Wm Id, subscription and supplies $7.15; it. Hill, shovelling snow. $2; D. 'Wilson, drawing the and filling in wash-out, 81-1; Alonzo Hodvens, ac- count for repairs, $8.23. Council ad- journed to meet in the Town Hall, on Monday, May I, at 1 p.m. f. Eilber, Clerk. -- $100 Reward 8100. The reader., of this paper.n11 be plead to learn that there is et least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that Is Catarrh. Ball's Catarrh Cure is the onlypositive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitu- tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in. ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist• ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors hate so touch faith in iia curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. ('HENEY k CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents, Take Hall's Family fills for constipation. -sae- Zurich Misses Allis Schnell and Lucy Schachter of Pigeon, Mich., are visit- ing in town.—Holly Little has return- ed from the lumber camp near Powas- son.—The first ball and supper of the season will be held in the Commercial Hall, on April :.'0th.—William ,Miller of the 15th con., met with an accident in the woods on Friday last, receiving a fractured ankle, by a log rolling on his leg.—One of our old residents, Mrs. Bossenberry is laid up at present by illness.—A pleasant surprise party was held at the borne of H. \Veber's on Monday evening, for Miss Laura Boss- enberry, previous to her departure for Berlin. --The Rev. A. D. (iischler left on Monday to attend the Conference et St. Jacoby.—Nicholas Foster has leased the John Koch SO acre farm at the Babylon line, for a terns of two years, and will take possession at once. —11. Mages and F Bossenhery and their families left last week for their new homes, the former to Detroit and the latter to Berlin. --The first fanners in the section to be connected by tele- phone will be Jacob Harberer, John Pfaff and Peter Schwalm of the Blind Lone. The following is not original, but has been going round among our ex• changes for some time: "In the las- ginning Ood created the heavens and the earth; then the editor and the lib eral advertiser, and prompt paying subscriber, which was all very good. Next day it. snowed and He created the man who does not ''elieve in the advertising: another who does n, t take the home paper ---then He rested. Then the devil got into the moulding room and created the man who tak, e the paper for years and fails to pay for it. After he had completed thar sorry job. and having a few lumps of mud left, he created the excuse for a man who settles his subscription by instructing the postmaster to mark bis paper refused. ririiirwirispirliOr RI WWII. IV, AROUND ABOUT US !stud ALARA. Ai 41. ain'dh Rrinaec: 1/n April tat at the ruin• envy of Mr. and Mrs. Thomism Morgan. their elder• daughter, ilannah was married to Chester Lee, son of (;eorge Lee. They were nnettende3. Not a Miracle But Medical Science Dr. T. .'t. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Out. Gentlemen:— "Some time ego I began to lose flesh and failed every day until I had to quit work. My physicians and all my friends said i had contracted c•un.uwp tion. I failed from 165 pounds down to 119. I was advised to go to the Rockies or to the coast. I went to both places under heavy expense. I con- tinued to fail, and was advised by the doctors to come houto as nothing more could be done for me. Hope seemed to have left rue. "I tried Psychlue and since starting its use I have gained from 119 to 141 pounds. I have used 810.00 worth of the medicine. I am a well man and I cannot say too much in praise of Psy- chine. The strongest recommendation would be weak in view of the fact that 1 believe it has saved my life. It is without doubt the best remedy for run-down conditions and weak lungs. "I sincerely hope and trust that you will continue your good work of saving run down people and consumptive from the grave. Wishing you and Psychine eontiaued success, I remain, one of Psychine's best friends." ALEX. McItAE, vault Ste. Marie, Ont. Almost every snail brings us letters like the above. Psychine will repeat this record in every case. It is the greatest medicine known. At all drug• gists, 50c and 81.00, or Dr. T. A. Slo• cum, Limited, Toronto. Seaforth: The death took place in McKillop on Friday of George Lock- hart at the age of 76 years and 10 months. His death removes one of the earliest settlers in the township, and one of its most respected citizens. Bayfield: John A. Thompson and Mise Grace E. MacDougall were quiet- ly married at the manse in Bayfield on April 7 by Rev. John McNeil, and yes- terday they left far the Lloydminster district, Sask., where Mr. Thompson homesteaded a year ago. Mitebelt: The death occurred on April Otb at bis residence, of August Herbert, who retired from farming some few years ago and moved to Mit- chell. He was in his 69th year and leaves a wife, three sons and one daughter. Deceased was one of the early settlers of this neighborhood. Clinton: Miss Lily Miller, eldest daughter of Mr. Jacob Miller, left here last week for Seattle. Washington. She goes on a very pleasant errand, for on her arrival she goes to the home of her uncle, Mr. Gilmour, where she will be married to Mr. James \Vattern, of Seattle, formerly of Clinton. St. Marys: There were two bylaws voted on here on April 10, one to em- power the council to hand over $40,000 debentures to the St. Mary's and West- ern Ontario Railway, and the other granting a loan of $20,0011 to the Small Nares' Lu. The former bylaw was carried by a majority of 311, and the latter was defeated by 51. Fullerton:t A quiet wedding was HORSEMEN, ATTENTION Yo.. Cannot Afford to get your Cards and Bills printed at any other place but THE -- ADVOCATE OFFICE — Because We have the Best Cuts in the Business. The Best Cardboard. and the Lowest Possible Prices We Give a FREE Notice for two weeks, describing the Horse and Route. THAT NOTICE reaches more people in this district, through THE ADVOCATE than any other medimu. Is not that just what YOU need ? Send us your Copy or Call Early. The : Advocate EXETER. ONTARIO Clinton: Mrs. C. G. Middleton, wife of a prominent Goderich Tp. mer. was so badly Burt in a i nnaw ey accident here April 8th, that slight hopes are held out for her recovery. celebrated at the home of Mr. and !The horse dashed down the street at a Mrs, John McIntyre, of Fullerton, on terrific pace and came in contact. with Tuesday of last week, when her eldesta tree. The buggy was turned up side daughter, Miss May Ella, was united I down and demolished and Mrs. ,Mit'dt.•. in marriage to John A. Hanson, of :ton w,es thrown over 30 feet to tLe ce- the firm of Ilanson Bros.. St. Marys. ! tnent sidewalk and render ed einem'. Bev. I3. Stewart, Motherwell, j scions, sustaining injuries her face formed the !and head. Jr., f.t r - of ceremony. per - to A sure winner. Bound to catch on. 64 to the pcund. Your dealer will supply you. If not, write direct to D. S. Perrin is Co., LONDON. Ltd. CANADA, Your savings are the safeguard of your future. You want to place them where there is no chance whatever of losing them. You can do that by depositing them with this Company, or by taking out a Debenture for $100 or more, for one or more years. By law no depositor or debenture holder can lose one dollar of principal or interest while any assets remain to cover his investment. The aa;rts of this Company exceed S11,000,000, so that there is no chance of loss. In fact there is no financial in- stitution in Canada which can offer you more absolute certainty of safety. Correspondence will be gladly entered into with those interested in banking by mail. 0 Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.