Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-16, Page 4YOUR
Will LOOK Better
Will 1'' 1 T (Setter
Will FEEL Vetter
\Vill WEAR Better
If you get it at J. 11. Holtzman/1's.
We are very busy with Easter orders,
of course, but not too bus)' to show
you our swell suitings and overcoat -
Ings and take your order for an Easter
If you can come here to•nior'ruw, do
so, ;old snake a selection early. If you
cannot come to•utorrow come its soon
as you can, and we will do our best to
get your suit or coat ready for the
sunny Easter Sunday.
J. H. Boltzmann
Ox tet Abracate,
Sanders & Creech. Props.
THURSDAY, Apr. 16, 1908
Legislature Prorogued.
The Ontario Legislature wits pro-
rogued on Tuesday with the usual
ceremonies. This session hits marked
the close of the eleventh parliament.
The leaders will shortly commence a
tour of the Province.
Among other things the Lieutenant
Governor in his speech from the
Throne said:
"I have observed with satisfaction
that a substantial portion of the in-
creasing revenues of this Province has
been set aside to assist education in
Following as it does the liberal pro-
vision recently made for rural: schools
and for higher education, there is rea-
son to believe that we are in the
midst of an educational revival which
will be fur -reading in its beneficial
I am glad to notice that the inquiry
into the question of prihon labor has
resulted in the adoption of a plan for
utilizing the labor of criminals in such
a way as to insure that it will no long-
er enter into competition with free
labor. It is also believed and ( ertain-
ly to be hoped, that the measures here
indicated will make for the moral and
physical regeneration of this unfortun-
ate class.
A carefully prepared b tsis for a
scheme of law reform with a view to
decreasing appeals, expediting trials.
and lessening the cost of litigation, has
been adopted by you. In order that
this reform limy have full considera-
tion it has been thought desirable that
a year shall elapse before these chang-
es shall be crystallized into an act of
the Legislature.
I observe. with satisfaction, the bill
which you have passed respecting the
representation of the people in the
Legislative Assembly. The rapid in-
crease in the population of the dis-
tricts of New Ontario called for in-
creased representation in the Legisla-
tive Assembly of that important die•
tribution of seats in the older• sect1on3
has remove,( some of the anomalies
and injustices which resulted from
previous redistributions. A wore com-
plete redistribution of the constituen-
cies, with a view in utilizing the re-
presentation in accordance with the
population. should take place after the
next decennial census.
I tun confident that the meas.,, a will
ccni:nend itself to the people of the
Province as fair and just and free
from political partisanship."
NOTE ,t 6V!) COMM Kit
7:.,000,000 white fish will be planted
in Lakes Erie, Huron and Ontario dur-
ing the next few seeks by the govern -
men t.
Seatorth must surely be up in North
Huron since the redistribution. They
t ll tis the rink was open to skaters on
tIre 3rd and the curler•, ceded on the
1lt'rbert iI. Asquith has'tsstttned the
position of Premier of Great Britian
owing to the resignation of Sir Ilenrp
Campbell -Bannerman. caused by ill -
Premier Whitney stated in the Leg-
islature Saturday thnt the elections
would be held lief .re June lath if pos-
sible to hive the piste ready by that
tome. If not they will take place the
latter part of September.
Some mon! 114 ago the onion was ex-
ressed in these colons that Premier
For Thin,
Poor Blood
You can trust a medicine
tested (30 rears! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
Experience with Ayer's Sar-
saparilla; the original Sarsa-
parilla ; the Sarsaparilla the
do;tors endorse for thin blood,
u cek nerves, general debility.
Put rren Ms grand 'IA nledle:ne carom sn
ir1 nest w..tk 11 the liver is inactive and the
r. were constipated. For the hest possible rs.
•u 11. TR* should take, 1.10:17, deco, of Ayer's
t ;,, whale taking the Sarea,art,ia
)Cadst*y J.P. Are, `n , .1fM.
• . re...,.'a:,,.:crs le
p i n uR % 1QMR,
y0/ /%�ctftggl Pt T0R L.
W• have no see»te' We rvoltsk
tl:• f ern-.- as ac') our ened,e,nee
Whitney w•cnld be unable to redistri-
bute the constituencies of the province
without making the job a gerrymen-
tler-parttsauship bring a strong fetter
and the s.lf.liitele-t of his personal
ft i,'rtds gi eat. The redistribution bill
i- slow before the public. and notwith-
standing the complaints made by the
Liberals, the general view will be that
the redistribution was conceived tel a
spirit of unusual fairness.' No doubt
the bills fall, to egwalize conditions in
some districts where they stand in
need of adjuet meet. but such changes
as have been made are wade with some
respect for the principles of fair play.
Those who CIiticize the bill nnuit look
fat' and wide for an example of any-
thing better in the same line. --Toron-
to Saturday Night.
ANNot•NCE'IENI.--UieeOlivia Boltz-
mann wishes to announce that she
will receive a limited number of pupils
for instructions on Plano and Organ.
Miss Holtzmann holds two certificates
from the Toronto University of Music
on Theory and Piano.
SEED OATS FOR SALE, -%\'e have a
stock of No. 1 Red Clover, Timothy
and Alsike clover seed for sale. Also
a limited quantity of "Irish white"
seed oats. This oat is white in color,
plump and heavy not affected by smut
or rust and an immense yielder.
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of the Crediton
P. S. for March. Continuation Class-
es. -Composition. -G Sweitzer 70, R
Kienzle 70, P Gaiser 64, E Hill 62, G
Short 62, E McMurray 60, E Fahner
60, A Holtzman 58, 11 Meadd, ti0 W
Oestreicher 52, B Hill 52. M Brown 51.
Latin, Class Ii, iII.-A Holtznlann 72,
E Hill 45, R Kienzle 43, R Hill 41.
Class I. --E Gaiser 85. E Trnenlner e.3.
German, -A Holtzman 71, E Hill 71, E
Gaiser 71, It Kienzle 58, M Brown 50,
C Finkbeiner 41.-C. Bluett, teacher.
Division III, -Sr. IV, -L Gaiser, P
Treitz. (honors); A Wuertb, E Fah-
ner. Jr. IV. -Q Hodgins, L Finkhein-
er, M Wenzel. Sr, III. -V Holtzman,
M Brown and E Bluett equal; E Bean
E Fahner, L Brown, FHB!, P Fahner,
H Holtzman and L Oestreicher, equal.
Miss Davidson, Teacher.
Division 11. --Jr. III. -F Hill, C Hill
(bonnie); E G:.iscr, E Beaver, S Wein,
O Matz, G Gibson, E Kienzle, M Clark,
G Benedict, H Brown. Sr. II. --II
Shenk, 0 Guenther, E Treitz (honors);
R English, 1. Weiner. A Sambrook. A
Redden, L Boltzmann Jr. Pt. 11.-h
Guenther (honors); N Sambrook, L Mc-
Murray. -Hiss Girvin, teacher.
Division I. -Jr. I I. -C Oestreicher,
It King (honors): V Hill. Sr. Pt. IL-
K Sw'eitzer, S Lawson. L Hoist, 0
Lamport (honors,: It Shenk. .M Guen-
ther. L Bean. Jr. Pt. 11.-E Sweit-
zer, L Beaver•, 'V Ilotfinenn. R Clark.
Sr. Pt. i.--0 Hoist, A Weiner, 1': Fink-
beiner. Jr. I't. 1.-M King, J S(uiv.
Miss Kienzle. teacher.
Since the spring weather has conn•
nienced. everybody is busy cleaning
house and their back -yards. So far
the farmers have been unable to do
any seeding but if the fine weather
continues, they will commence in a
few days. -Iter. E 11. Bean of the Ev-
angelical church, is attending the an-
nual session of the 0111)1(1 1 Conference
in St. Jacob, this week. -Several of
our young people attended the Ep-
worth league Anniversary in Centra-
lia on Monday evening. -Mrs. Albert
Cunningham and family have return-
ed home from London, where they
have been visiting friends. -H. lather•,
AL P, P., has returned home ft owl Tor-
onto, where he has teen ,►ttebdirag the
Legislature since February. - Our
school closes on Thursday for the E es-
ter holidays. The teachers will spend
their vacation at their ie•pee•tive
es. -Harry Swettzer, who lids been
vi -Citing ha+ father, Au><u-t Ss, itzer in
Deleware since last fell, h t, tttmeted
here and is staying with his uncle,
Gottfried Fahner.--%%'tis. Sahib:o"k is
levelling his lot with the ob tet to
[Waking an excellent o i,':t iii' !kitting
link nett* winter--M(►tehew• 'Winer is
hate is .1 W -w fence erected in front of
his oleo' -e-, which will greatly add to
its rtpp•• , • tnce.- \Liss Clara Koehler of
Zee lett visited Miss Clara Kienzle lest
Sunday. -Our Band has reorganized
for the Victoria Day Celebration and
ate hard at work getting their lips in
shape for the music they will have to
furitia► that day. The Concert 00111-
ntittee have sectu.'d the services of
the Impel ial Q l u retie (rout L"ndun,
els well as an Iaoeutioui-t, w -he will
give the progi tin for tit.' evening.
More p.alienist - will be given inters
The sports committee ere hard at woe k
and we con promise an excellent day's
entertainment If the weather man will
smile upon tis that day.--alr. Bluett,
the print ipal of our school, has hail the
pupils thoroughly drilled for hire Drill.
Tests are made and the Call be
i emptied in very shoat time. -We are
pleased to state that Albert Morlock,
who accidently had a piece of steel en-
ter his erns, is back to work at the an-
vil and forge. C'hr'istian Voelker is
home from Detroit, where he has I een
I woe king for some time. -Out' 'I'ow'n
1'atilt!s had a meeting in the (loll Last
night to discuss the constrelttion of
cement stile -walks and issuing 1)e'bern-
totes therefor. --Mrs. Chas. %wicker
and William Anderson, who have been
in St. Joseph's Hospital for -on;e 1itue,
ate expecte'ad home this week, --Art
.vi( leer w'a,t in I,tuudon over Sunday.
-- Wm. Fraser of Centralia and Miss
('lata Cudtnore of i;xeter• spent Snit-,
' day with Mr, and MIs. Bert Clerk.-
The ('ansate, entitled "Priest and
1 King" will be given in the Evangelical'
eleir 'h on Ftrll.ay might the 21'h inst.'
I et a p. ru, The program will he given'
by the t wo i3ihle clessee of the Sunday
school :10(d there is a treat in store for '
those who ale in attendance, i
3te(eiilliv r ►)- t'nnneil
Cunncil tort pin silent to :Oporto
ntent nn April 6th. AN members pre•
sent. Minutes of previews meeting
tend end signed. A number of ac- •
count' were paid. Mtlydy- Ilene-- 1
that Bylaw No, 2 of 1908 dividing Ole
T•'wn•ttips into road divisions. ap•
pt int ing p.1ton t•ters and defining the
anteing to be paid for the (LarnnmttI• 1
li••n 1'f -t '1 toeltt.nr, as rend 1 111x1 and
;!retied Bute Ile now Ieml a third time
rite! etoe d, Cat rite!. ('ourriladjour 1
IGross(' 11t'rlti
%Vold has been received here of the
death at Untatio, t'..lif•unia, of Mrs.
Mary Fallis, wife i.f W. B. Fallis, at
business ratan of that city, and former-
ly a ie,ident of Grand Bend, brothel
of 'Thomas Fallis. Mrs, Fallis (Mary
Fulton) was bot 11 at Brewster in 1868.
In 16J0 she was tu:uvied at the old
homestead to William Burton Fallis,
cooling with hint to (:rand 13.•nd,
whets they resided ten years. Mr. Fal -
lis keeping the post °Mee and store.
They aftet wards moved to North Dak-
ota where they lived seven years he-•
fore going to Ontario, Cal. Four years
ago Mrs. Fallis' health began to break
down, spinal h'onble being the first
ntaslifestatien and it was to bene•tit her
health the move to California was
made. Besides her sorrowing hus-
band, site is survived by four children,
William aged 1(1, Jessie aged 12, Annie
aged 7 and Frances aged 4.
Some surveyors struck our burg on
Wednesday and went through toward
Thedford. Everyone is wondering
if we are going to have a railroad. -
Win. Dewey, who has been in Port
Puron,arrived home Friday.-ltichard
Hamilton is sick at his home, -Mr.
and Mrs.Charles Tiedetnan from Park-
hill are visiting the fortner's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Tiedetnan,-Mrs.
Bossenberry, who has been in Galt
receiving medical treatment, arrived
home not much int proved, -Lawrence
Benore, who has been in Port Huron,
arrived home Sunday with a boat. -
L. 'layette was in Goderich one day
last week. -Harvey Bossenherry was
in Thedford Tuesday. -Mr. Ross left
Monday for Qu Appelle in the west. -
Mr. Mitchell left for his home in Sar-
nia on Saturday. -E. Gill has sold his
50 acre farm to John Holt, the price
being $3400. Mr. Holt gets possession
April let 1009. -Messrs. Willert of the
14th con. of Stephen, have moved here
and will live in Jos. Disjardine's house
-John Ford from near Dashwood was
in our burg Thursday. -Mr. Murray,
fish inspector, washere Thursday.
T. 11. Neill & Sons, of the Mapli
avenue stock farm, on the 2nd con. o-
Biddulph, shipped a carload of import
ed stallions and mares to California on
Tuesday. E. A. Abbott had charge of
the ehipnient, while F. H. Neil, the
senior member of the firtu, left on Fri-
day to look after the selling the stock,
and to place orders for any of their
various thoroughbred stock. -Mrs. W.
H. Hamilton of Guelph has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. J. E. Schmidt,
who was dangerously ill, but is now
much improved. -The farm of the late
Wm. Carter, west of Clandeboye, has
been sold by Mrs. Wm. Read to H. J.
Carter for $7,500. -During May, June
and July Biddulph council will meet
atithe township hall, Lucan, on the
first Saturday of each month. -Hobert
Fox, Jr., of the Bank of Nova Scotia,
Montreal, is spending his holidays at
his home here. -Rev. R. 13. Stevenson,
ee. A., of Knox College, supplied the
Valuable Samples Free
"I have used your 0.t.1 ore Expec-
torant and find it satisfactory in cases
• of croup, colds or coughs. I have used
it ever since I got a trial bottle, and
have recommended it to everyone in
I need of it. You may use my name and
1 address for testimonials if you wish.
Hoping it trill benefit others as it has
done my children, I remain,
10119 Frances St., London, Out.
Coltsfuote Expectorant in the great-
est cough and throat euro in the world.
It is the prescription of a renowned
specialist. In order that every family
may prove its unparalleled merits we
will send a sample bottle free to every-
one who sends us their nano and ad-
dress and mentions this paper. Can be
had at all druggists at 25c. Send your
name to -day to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd.,
Send for Free Sample To -day.
pulpit in the Presbyterian church on
Sunday last. -Miss Barton of Strat-
ford is visiting at Daniel O'Sullivan's
on the 8th con. of Biddulph.-\V. 13,
Stewart is spending a few days with
his family in St. Thomas. -The ladies
of Holy Trinity church will hold a box
social at Chester Hall on Tuesday,
April 21. -Mrs. Steele and her daugh-
tet•, of Ridgetown, were here Friday
attending the funeral of tIrs. 13. t1arr,
of 11cGillivray.-Martin Carley, G. 'r.
R. conductor of Port Huron, is visiting
relatives in Biddulph,-The Rev. E.A.
Hall of Dorchester, N. 11., was unable
to attend the funeral of bis mother on
Monday owing to illness in his own
family. --R. W. Robinson, who recent-
ly left the employ of James Park to
accept 11 positiot, with White & May,
of St. \x.t ys, is 11„ y living in Toronto.
-Nil. and Urs. E. J. Collins of Winni-
peg, and Miss ('.tin of Lucknow, spent
a few days with Mts. Henry Collins
11-t wee k. Mt, (011ie.): came from
tl 1nerpeg to attend the funeral of his
yo i,.g son at LWcknow•.
Dr. \•ret, -- Mrs. Stanley, widow of the
I.ttt' Jauu•s Stanley, one of t he oldest
residents of Biddulph, t` , • •,'l1 away
last week, at the home 1 1 1 • snn•dn
law. Thomas 11. Cout•.ey. lateen, at
the advanced age of 81 year's. Mrs.
Stanley tiled in Biddulph for neat ()-
sixty years. After the death of her
husband she continued to live at the
homestead on the Coursey lire --•!end
only a fete nnmths ago moved int• fl.
village. She It td been in phennmen
oily good health dining the wit,lei,
and it Wits only un Stlnrd.ty Olt airy
signs of ,t beeekelewn twenties". The
int natters of the family now I wing ate:
Nits. T. II. ('our-ew, Lee:ire Mrs Ei-
ward. llesls,.11: Mrs. ,lobe liv ,e, 1, u,•
don Tp.; Mrs. 'rhos. Kitt, ,ind 'tVtlliruu
E., !tetra: Dr, I'. N. Stanley, Brant-
foid: James nod George. Lucius; Hen-
ry. Tie; and Bernet (I, who
still reside, on the hot;' •te 1,1. The
funeral, which was held on Monday
morning, was a ery large. Burial tit
St. James' cemetery.
1)a141 1 WOotl
[)avid B..114 116.11 has pntehissed the
dwelling tf C. Stephen in this village.
He gave it a gond repairing before he
moved inti it.- Rev. 1. K. I::lt has
received the sad news of the death of
a cousin in Wellesley township %el th
sad event ocenred Seturday.- Mrs. 1 .
K. Eidt left on Fr id.ry to . isit oat)
friends in Lishon and Rei lin for a
temple of weeks,
!kic k.t.41 --Oi1T -A pietty wedding
was solemnized at lite tonne sat 31r, and
\Ir s. J. Ort, of Zer'ich, on April lib,
when their (1 tuuhter, Nits. 1.)111.1, was
united in the holy bontis'f matrimony
to i)ani,l Mils:tar, of Disko mid. The
cererre:my wile pet fermi d by Rev. A,
i). (ii -chlor, potter "f the (;v tngelic+tl
church, and he was assisted by little.
Miss Lila Mehck, whoa led as 11 over
git 1. After the ter enemy, eongrat,ila-
tions were in order, After which ;.11 sat
down to a suntptuons tsp.'s. The
bride And groom %Vete the re(ip!ietete of
tuvnv us.•fm) .end v:ain:11,1p Kitts, ale
and Mrs. Melsaac will hegie hoes.
keeping at Crediton ,•(ten F:'est.r.
where the gloom 11,44 a good situnti, l
rti. ban11 s4)1'1)uled the young c aiple
:.ter iu 1 h evening and welt' Its. -d
right royally.
Setif„4th: Mr. Andrew ('alter ort•
ler went a vett' et Meal operation I.
Tuesday. For 'nifty a ears he li , -
been suffering frioti x disease in 111•
sine of his leg. On Tue-day 1)r.
ned to meet in the Town H$II on MI , r;
day the 4th day of MNy, lna,n►, Gray- t
The' operation w tluite .nccee'f111'
and the patient is doing nicely so fat.
Scott, Burt owe end McKay erepnttted
el cnntrscte to be let at 2 o'clock p. ►n•
J. D, Drununobd,
he diseesed link j 1•t above the knee. '
An early pioneer, Capt. W. 11. Pais-
ey, died on April Ith, in St. Marys, at
the age of 90 years. He had served 21
years in the British Army and had liv-
ed under five sovereigns. Hefted the
salute at Woolwich when William IV
was crowned. At the crowning of
Queen Victoria be fired the salute at
Quebec, and at her death he tolled the
bell at Kirkton. Being discharged in
1857 he immediately carne to Canada.
settling in what is now the village of
Kirkton, where he lived almost contin-
uously. The last two years were spent
with his only daughter, Mrs. George
Ogglesby of Blanshard. Prior to his
discharge. Her Most Gracious Majesty,
Queen Victoria. presented hire with
two medals and with one of them a
gift of 3;25 sterling as an acknowledge-
ment of his valuable services to the
`He sn all
A. Whiteside has been appointed by
Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, to
the position of Provincial Constable at
a salary of $:3011 a year. -John McLar-
en, we learn, has been very ill for some
days., but is slightly improving. Mr.
McLaren is one of our oldest citizens.
-Miller Edwards and wife went to
Lucan nn Monday to attend the funer-
al of Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Edward's
mother, who died at a very advanced
age. -Miss Lula Hemphill, who has
been visiting her brother and sister for
some time, returned to her borne in
Wroxeter last week. -The Odd Fellows
Lodge of Hensel( will march in a body
to Carmel church on Sunday, May 3rd
at 3 p. m•, when anniversary services
will be held. -Ft -ed Manns has pur-
chased back the barber business which
a few months ago he sold to James
School Reports
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 1, Stephen, for March, based on
good conduct and general proficiency.
Class V. -l1 Hicks, I. Robinson, M
Hepburn, A Robinson, J White, 0
Wilson, E Sines F Beaman. Sr. IV.
-G Ilogarth, J Hogarth, AI Elliott.
Jr. IV. -E Baker, F Davey, E Davey,
R ('allfas, E (allose, \I ('allfas, J Day -
is. 11 White. Sr. Ili, -A White, Jr.
Hogarth, K Anderson, R Mc-
Curdy, 31 Haist, \V Baker, 31 ('allfas,
E Callfas, Se. 1i, -M Elliott, E Bow-
den, II Neil. Jr. 11-0 Davis. C Dav-
ey, i McCurdy. I't. Ii. -A Robinson,
M Hogarth. W Smith, E Wilson. Sr.
Pt. 1.-V Neil. Jr. Pt. 1.-i, lfaist, N
Brokenshire, ,I White, J Whittington,
E Bowden.
31. Botterill, teacher.
The following is the school report
for \larch, of S. S. No. 6, Stephen.
The names are in order of merit.- 1 V.
Class. --M Ratz, Ii Yearley, 0' Gower,
C Regier, J Quel in, E Kraft. Class III
-I' Cunningham, H Gower, L Fink-
beiner, F IL•utnnut, (: Yearley, M
Hanover. It Itatz, (' Jacob, I, Johns,
E Witze•I, J Hegier, E \Vilhelnt, J
Mawhinney, J Wilhelm, It Johns,
Class 11-- M Jacob, 3 Cunningham, F
Flynn, 0 M,►whinn('y, V Hanover. A
Hanover, W Hartman. Pt. II -P lie-
gier, G it-atz. Sr. 1't. I. -F Cunning-
ham, E Flynn. Jr. Pt. 1.-J Han-
over. Nr. on roll :711. average 31.
E. It. KEYS. Teacher.
The following is the report of S. S.
Ne. 5, 1'sborne, for March. Sr. iV.-
n• Sillery. Myrtle Moodie, Miu'y
Kt.1d. Ihotiorsl: Hazel Bissett.
- Elv. ford. Sr, 111. i:ddie Sillery,
' hotels I' alts,
Miss Robinson, teacher.
Tuckersutith: :1frs,Steprhenson, fet-
titerly of Alma, died Sunday night it
the home of Robert Brock, 11 the 51111
load. POI' the Invt few months e.1 r..
Stt uhenson has been living in Chicago,
but came here on a visit a few weeks
ago. Death creole very suddenly.
about :. o'clock last night, as the result
0f a ser.•ke of pittedy•is.
Say, Mr. Gramgrower,
save work and dust.
for smut on grain,
espec:alIv oats.
FOIt11A1iN, or FOR NIAi.1)1elll'11Eo
has beet; used owe -4,111y f..1 the'
1,1,1 ter. ye Ire for steer on sI) k•od-
e.f {(1'.1111. sti,l s t 11••
11 yon )y til • tip Mtro..q,•-•, I' foist
„'1 Ite-r f„r tlu- f•est t1 I t' �.• lo
• v t I mor (.t P .-i (1(11 v,
Moine new line. of
Chocolates for Easter
1)o11'1 ho; g, t 0„,
iligM:l,tl ly t • l:u o,e i I 1,1..
Clubbing Rates
We can equal any club-
bing rate offered Call
and see
Woof .'$ Zhosphodiao,
The Urcut 1•:.i;!i..4 R: randy.
Tones and int i:;urates this w holo
nervous ..\. 0. naked new
Blood ln::d\',Inn Carc.sAiro.
n •.s Ih-bil it sy/,� Jlen1••1 tr, t l;r,•,e Worry, 1),s-
.. ,ll. Icy, sexual it'eaklt csS I:,ais.eiwt., Slxr.
torrh<ra, and Effects of Abuse or !•recesses.
Icusl per box, six for V. tine win please six
wilt cure. Sold by all druggists or trailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of price. Ne to pamphlet
mailed free. The Weed Medicine Co.
(/urmerly 11 n•leur) Toronto, Ont.
is the leading business trainin;; school in Wt'trrn
Ontari). We gise a thorough, practical training on
Commercial Subjects,
Isaac Pitmans Shorthand,
Touch Typewriting, and in
Commercial and Railroad Optratine.
Each department is in the hands of experienced
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graduates always succeed, for our courses are the
Lest. Get our tree catalogue end (earn more about
us. You may enter now.
Everyone needs something
to create and maintain
strength for the daily
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter, the
polity and merit of which
hats . been attested by
chemist., physicians and
experts at the great exhib-
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1655)
Head Office,
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
• Montreal
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p.m.
SATURDAYS, U1 a. m, to 1 p, m,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
further notice Interest on Sat as owill beSarin Bank Department: credited quarterly instead of hall yearly as formerly.
Deposita of til and upwards receh ed.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government,
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitor. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
OVR NEW METHOD TREATMENT %ill cure you and make n•,an of
yon. Under its fatluenc.• the brain becomes active, the blood purified tat all
pimples, Notches and uk,•rs hoal up; the nerves become strong as ewe, r that
nervousness. basllfuhte6s and despondency disappear: the eyes Ikemme bright, the
face full and clear. energy returns to the body, and the moral. physical and mental
systems are invigoratc•l: all drains cease -no more vital waste from the system. The
various organs become natural and manlyYou feel yourself a man and know mar-
riage eannnt ► e it failure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially and
tree of charge. iton't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard earned dollars
1'cter E. Summers, of Kalanlan,o, )lich ,
re(totes his exfxrivace:
"I was troubled with Nervous Debility
for many year. I lay it to Indiscretion
and excesses in earlyouth. I became
very despondent and didn't rare w hether
1 worked or not. •I imagined everybody
%ho looked at me guessed my secret
.••t, ns d
at of
Imaginative n ht mR
me -my back ached, haul pains In the
back of my head, hands and feet were
cold. tired in the morning. poor appetite,
finger were shaky, eyes blurred. hair
loose, memory poor, eta Numbness In
the finger set lis and the doctor told me
he feared paralysis I took all kinds of
medicines and tried many first-class
physicians. wore an electric belt for
three months. went to Mt. l'lemeus for
baths. but received little benefit. while
at -alt. riem••n, i was induced to consult Ors Kennedy A Kennedy, though 1 had lost
all faith indo,•tor. like a drowning man l commences( the New Method Treatment
and it raved my lite. Thee Improvement was likemaglc- 1 votdd feel the vigor going
through the nerves. 1 was cured mentally and physically. 1 have sent them tnany
patients 80414 will continue to do so."
Diastase. peculiar to Men.
CONSULTATION FREE. ROOKS FREE. [(unable to cell write fora Question
Blank for Home Treatment.
Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich.
Ha It Ever Occurred to You '
Watches, Jewellerd, Silverware, Toil
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
We have undoubtedly the finest lines of
goods that have ever been shown in this
district. We can suit you in quality and
price every time.
Wedding Presents
Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big
season is now approaching. We are ready
for it with the finest rings & best presents.
Call and Examine Enrld
Exeter, Ont.