Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-16, Page 3A MEDICINE FOR SPRING 1 , Not Dose With Purgatives - 1 tonic is All PEople Need. !GYPSY FORTUNE TELLERHE PROUD TO 1 I1\II'lllsONED FYllt •i1:1.1.I\G \ '-1.1(\•- 1\e; Mkt') sill: \\til ED El0V1. Not .y t. Lot not 1••:..ng *WWI... that: •'.e way most peo- ,rio feel in the :-I; :: Easily tired, •p:petite variable, :.-:l.et.mes headaches sand a feeling of depression. perhaps ;yimplas or erruptions appear, or there tray 1'c twinges of rheumatism or neu- ralgia. Any of these indicate that the bkoJ is eat of order; that the indoor life of winter has left its mark upon yon and may easily develop into more eeriotrs trouble. Dont dose yourself els many people foolishly do with pus• getivee. in the hope that you can put your blood right. Purgatives gallop through the, system and weaken in- ilead of giving strength. \Vhat you neeed in spring is a tonic medicine that will make new. rich blood, build up 1H a weakened nerves, and thus give you 'stew health end strength. Dr. Williams Pink fills is the one medicine that can dc this speedily, safely and surely. Every dose of this medicine makes new, rich, red blood, strengthens the appe- ,tae, clenrs the skin, and makes tired 'depressed men and women, bright, ac- tive and strong. Mr. Harry Huggins, Oshawa, Ont.. says: -"I don't think f there is anything equal to Dr. Wil- eiams' fink fills as a curd for nerv- cisme.% indigestion and a run down ndition of the bkod. For sometime Ir a great sufferer from these trou- bles. 1 tried several remedies, but no- jlhing helped rale until 1 began taking tDr. Williams' fink Pills. Before tak- Ong them 1 felt like an old man, but •tee the time I had taken four boxes my tteength had returned, my appetite im- proved. my nerves were steady and ill was feeling a reneeved man." 11 you need a medicine this spring- esad most people do -try Dr. Williams' •fink Pills and see how speedily they will make you feel like a new person. Sold by all niedicine dealers or by mnit a! 50 cents a bc.x or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' \icdicine Co., Brockville, Ont. d•- BE\\ITCHING A WITNESS. v Stranipe lneatitaliem by Natives in Mombasa. Remarkable evidence was given by }British East African natives who have !turned King's evidence at the inquire 'Into the murder of the Englishman, \Ir, ~Phomas London. One witness slated that Mr. London was surprised without his gun, and practically hacked to death with knives and an Arab sword, which was pro- duced In court. The witness said that when tho murderers were carrying iaway the body one of them wiped his blood-statned hand on a boundary stone, leaving marks which formed one or the clues leading to the discovery 'of Iho laxly in a hole on (ho hillside. Evidence was given showing that the pri: onus L �''SSorrned various incanta- tions and a0R1•ilicial rites for the pur- peso of bewitching one of the native ,I.oys who had accompanied Mr. Lon - •don end had wilneosed the crime, so Abel he would het give Information to the police. *rite bey wee placer) in a chair and seeered_wile a bintic cloth. while one of the gang unuttered incantations. "Midi,- u• 5 Ilton made. and the toe o .t' ,l ~ie Amble chnnn. The lift -'r, • Y r ;ruled with the killing of a 1 i r < 1(.lt 1. fiver the blood of which Die bey was wade to step. F•1e nnf:vcs w•r•r' found guilty of the -{ampler and s•nleneel to death. 'RU00IND ORILDREN A SOURCE OF DANGER And She Did, Too, Put in the Meant+lue the Fortune Teller Ilad Ileal Punished. Seven months ago a gypsy fortune teller told a maid in the employ of a miller in a small town near Chard, in Somersetshire, England, that she would acute day elope with hon. The maid told the miller, the miller told the po- lice and the gypsy got a month's hard labor at the local lockup. A few days ago both the miller and the maid dlsap- pcared and investigation proves that the fortune tellers prediction has been verified. Under the circumstances, that month in jail looks like a bit of (jus- tice toward the nomad, but she is {vei- ling her revenge. Dozens of servfog maids in Somer_etshire have applied to her for a reading and now every day is her busy day. The gypsy goes by the rather preten- hous rams of Britannia Manley and is well known in the neighborhood. 11 you cross her palm with a sixpence she will read your past, foretell your fu• ture, and give a piece of lace to boot \Vhen the fates aro to be bought at that small figure it is not strange that the plausible fottune teller IIAS MANY CUSTOMFIRS. The home of the miller and the maid who have so strikingly vutdicatetl the claims of Britannia Manley to prophe- tic powers adjoins the mill in the vil- lage of Forton. Walter Mettler, the mil- ler, has two little children and his wife being confined in an asylum, he kept a maid. Tho latter was a pretty girl about seventeen years of age numed F!orri° Ty-lhcrle'gh. Seven months ago, Britannia came to the door and called !o Ftorrie who was upstairs lending to he' household dul'es. When the girl came down she induced her to buy some lace and then offered to hold up the "mirror of late" for her. The girl re- fused at first, but, upon the gypsy de- claring that she would tell her some- thing nice, assailed. The fortune teller took the girl's halal, and bending her dusky !read over it for a few moments. professed to draw aside the veil shrouding the future. Then she told the plaid that her em- ployer's wife was never coining home. '1'o this she added the statement that Mr. I1e11:er was very fond of the maid and that the maid was equally fond of the tnilier. "Soon,' she raid, "Ile will ask you to take a very long jour- ney with him, never to return and you will go." This piece of information, leaving, as it die. the credulous little girl SIIAKING WITH NERVOUSNESS, was foe Important to be disclosed for the original fee of sixpence and be- fore she departed, Brittania demanded and received an extra fee of a like amount. Soon after the gypsy had taken her leave, Ileillier, who had been absent, returned to the louse. Whereupon Flerrie, who couldn't keep a secret, set up and told hon what the intimate ef the fates hal told her. ile professed to be highly Indignant and immediate- Marguerite Marcel was conveyed to a so - hospital atter the shooting and al - le informed the police. Britannia's jo'urn In jail followed. There was eon. Ihcugh it was first thought she weutal siderablo local interest in tho affair at die without recovering eottseiousness, the time and public opinion sympa-she eventually came to and under care- thized with tate miller. Tho gypsy (til questioning, related an entirely op - served her time and went away to other pcsite account of the circumstances of parts. She is n wise fortune teller. so the shooting. \\'hen shown the letters :.he has eschewed elopements since then "Mewed 'd to have been written by her :n her forecastings. Now that Heiner l l Belford. she immediately pronounce.l and the mnid have taken her hirci and tient forgeries. She Said that she hat skipped, the publ;e demand for the I never been to the cemetery with the same k.n.l of readings may be so great roan Iter had she ever talked the clues. that she will have 10 supply !hero. lion of suicide ever with hire. In fact, It Ls believed that Wilier and Flkrrie, who took the children along with Ihein in their flight, have gone to Canada. '- me credit/es cf the absent miller are especially anxious (or his return as it Li found that he was heavily in debt. +- -SHE SELLS' TIIE TIME. Procession of a London \\ h• n you gay • 1 a e•i :.-,hang" sttcai 11• : .-ickness. You . •• ly drugging 11 .tato temporary ,. Lilly. sotnn- fng medicines contain o iates and an ov(rdrse may kill ;he child. When you give your little ono lioby's Own :'thiels you have the guarantee v: a ge vrrainetil analyst that this rax+ficin,' 75 -ales. And you haves Iho weird cif tti.I Fand3 cd grateful mothers that this medicine will promptly cure all the minor ailments of ehildiootl, Mrs. 1.. \V Snnth, 51. Giles, Que.. says: -"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my tutee girl for censtipatien and other Nettles and have found thein the best medicine 1 hate (ver used.' Sold by mednlUlc deal• re or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockv;le, Ont. --'P -- POSED AS :A GOVERNESS. Mow a Clever Frenchwoman Thief Car - vied on Business. Rlnmhe Leclerc.. who is Twenty -floc year' of nge. and is knt,w•n to the police as "1s. -.lel." wa.s arrested recently for 27e thefts, all rt which she is charged V..th e 1c n•_^ ••c:Iunilted during the last 1. •;• t. . !"oris. France. . ' .' Lair. late eyes. and an evil . . ,. . ! trusting innocence. But ih• m.... . ; • ache" cf taking engage- ments r.- •. :Hess. ani after rerirain- ing with '..• employers long enough to lolls h.• - 1 to the valuables in the t • ' -". departing to fresh fi••1•ts c m- kt -prise. She had never leen caught end might incl have Lt -en catgut y41 :f she had not been emcee_ s en. ;ugh to apply for the post of cove!ness in a falnl:y nth the had herpes herself to !I.aty w•.:!.. 01 jewellery only Fix mentis ago. 1 In her room 'h•' el liee found a:i t k r,ls of (lisge:ere, iiiclu.l.ng twelve 1 ee ei rf different colors. it -wee.: Vt. ugh to a • trxk :t s i• p. si.yt ; fin lib )marked with every leiter c•f Use alpha- 't•ee are a number . f savings tank pe_ lye f.reenh the owners' names of «1i:• h eh" Led teen able to with- draw the s .ms stand.ng to !heir crclil. 11:.A1.01 s hlu :NtiIMAV SIIOT GIRL AND THEN TOLL) FIXE STORY. said h Was a Suicide I'ac 1. Intl the Girl Reem eyed :rid Denis(' 11 111. Had his girl victim died been her wound instead of unexpectedly recov- ering, it is quite likely that Paul MO lard, a young Frenchman, of furls, who recently uncoupled to kill Murguer- ec Marcel, might now be a floe ratan instead of sentenced to a long irnpris- oiirne t. So cleverly did the young scoundrel relate his concocted story of a suicide pact between the girl and hint self that even the police believed a. 13u1 the account of the affair sulesequent- ty related by his victim exposed a most cowardly attempt of murder. Bedford planned the shooting in n cunning manner. It was clue to the steps he look before the deed that he was able to fool the police so easily. The young girl is a dressinaker and had been almost pestered to death by the unwelcome attentions of her as.saii- ant. Finally, lasing all patience, she one eventng sent hien peremptorily about his business saying that she wish- ed never to see hint again. Whereupon Bollard flew into a great rogo and ac- cused the girl of having given her heart elsewhere. A few evenings later Mlle. Marcel was returning from her work accom- panied by her mother when she was STOPPED BY BOFFARD. Ile asked her if he could have a few moments' conversation with her. Site assented and paused in front of her hc.me, while her Mother continued to- ward the door. The latter had gone but a kw step.s when she heard the report of n pistol and turning around, saw her daughter lying on the ground and Bollard standing over her with a smoking revolver in his hand. Ile had shut the girl through the head. A polite inspector who happened to tx near at hand ran toward the man, whereupon he turned the revolver on himself and tired a second shot. The bullet ticw wide, however, entirely mis- sing its mark. When taken into cus- tody Bollard told a romantic story of an agreement between himself and the girl, whereby he had, at her behest, swore to shoot her first and then fol- low immediately into the great un- known. Ile omitted no details that might corroborate his tale, even telling of frequent trips made by hint and his victim to the cemetery where they had swore on the grave of the girl's father to commit suicide should her neither persist in her objection to their mar singe. Ile produced letters purporting to have been written by tho girl, beg- ging him to remember his vows, and that same evening the chief of police received a letter from the prisoner, which had been nmilcd before the shoot- ing, telling him of the Intended carry- ing out of the pact. These plans of Bollard's were ex- tremely clever, but he had not prepared against the possible RECOVERY OF THE GIRL. w.e'ds flltencially and economically. Ile docs not think it is due to any u_- tual impoverishment of the country. But a hundred years ago France hod within her boundaries 27 per cent. of the population et Europe, while to -day she hos only 11 per cent. It is not the fertility of the soil nor the excellence of industrial products that counts, he says. It is lite number of men tuber. ing ub r- ing in a country that gives it economic and intellectual power. AGONIZING P1119. Tlrc ,r1-$ haer.ie; et. -1 •-ner5.n•. gone ne 11ttJlQQ. says a Seell._.h areentatet. Clericals Woman. A curious profession is that el Miss Iiclis•vi.le el Maidenhead, who sells the time to various watch and clock makers in London, England. The idea was ai ggestel to her fattier in 1535 by Mr. Pond, the then Astronomer Royal. ile acted on it. and by taking round u corrected chreneeneter to the chief clock and watch 'linkers he secured an income of about X500. When he died In 1556 his widow was granted the privilege of having the chronometer corrected at Greenwich nhenever she liked. and she carried on the business until tate., when she had Cured by %ant Buk. Me. F. As r dee, of 3 St. Paul Street, St. Catherine,. Out., says: "For five years 1 stiffe.cd untold ng-,ny with pro- truding plies. 'lite pain teas en great at times i would almost scream. 1 •.,. itt down in weeght and had no ap• • I tried everylit.ng I heard of f•.r- ! .t pot no react. I went to eeve:al .t - but they vvou'd give nie letle h 14• • t cher getting rid of them and 1 finally gave up in des;air. Ore day a friend gave me a sample of Zion-Ruk salve and told me of rorneene who had been cured. 1 decided to try it, and the rr- Ik! I get was encourng.ng. 1 1.... t. a Lox, and the piles kept on dim:uishel i- 1 used three boxes and am taw «114- plotely cured. Ono thousand dollars Mould be none too small an amount to give for such a cure es mine. i !wish E could convince every sufferer of the value of Zatn-Ruk." Zam-Buk cures cuts, burns, cliapi'r.1 hands, cold sores, itch, ulcers, e^7erna, running sores, catarrh, pl'e:, end 'egg, ' abscesses, face sores, spr'ng erul•t:ono and all skin diseases. Of all druggists end stores, 50c., or from 7.am-Bak Go., Toronto. his whole story was en impudent he. She said that ltffurd had shot her out of jealousy. When this version cf the affair was retitled to him by the police Defiant in- dignantly denied its truth, believing the girl victim to Le dead. When ho was told Mot she was very much alive and that she bad toll the facts to the nulhoritiee, he conlpklcly broke down and male a full eonlasston. Ile said that when he pointed tho revolver at his own head after shooting the girl, it was only a sham attempt at suicide, carried out to support his story of a pre -arranged pact. Z I1F.RE S EVERNIIIING 1.V Br.1!t1b FIRST. The first train In Canada was operated on what b now a part et the (;rand Trunk Railway and this great system Late ever been on the alert to stay in the nest rank. In keeping with this p Ti•ral pot ry the "internat.:cnal Elm. ue ,' the premier train of the Grand reached the age of righty -one years, 7 -ink System, is also the finest and She handed the business over to her tri.'. -! train in Canada. and one cif the daughter and Miss Belleville has car- to ,. •t long distance trains in the world. twit it en ever since by permission of 1 ee;e; \lentreal every day at 9.00 a.m., the Asiroeomrr Royal. She has Mout forty customers In /various parts of London. including many imp( ;lent and old•eslabhhcd Ile rats. \I:ss Re:'ev.i:e Foes from Maidenhead to cit-en'x•.:1i every Metelny morning and has her chs •neeneter correetelf. She r..,eives nn (Akin! document slab tug that her chrmentetcr differs from tr.(nn oleic by An many seconds ani tenths, ::nt her cuslenier-s curer••'t their times aeeerd.ngly. Black Watch Chewinp4 Tobacco Rich and satisfying. The big black plug. 2286 Toronto 4.40 p.m.. arriving al Detroit at 10.00 p.m. and Chicago et 7.40 a.m. IiIil111.1"N ON FIstNCF"S WEALTH. d• The word "masher" is not really slang; 11 is der.ve d from a Gaelic word, meaning "fine, "handsome," or "ele- gant.' Lake Moral, in Swezerinnd, turns red every ten years, owing to the presence of a City plant which is .only seeible through a microscope. The Flagging Energies Revived. - Constant application to business is a tax upon the energies, and if there be not relaxation, lassitude and depress THE DeWITTA PLEATING CO. Manueaotu,•ere of Pleated Shirts, keeps a line of Voile, 1'an31rut, SAcpherd 1. 1erk, Etamille, 1 atletta Cloth, Venetian, in all shades. \\'e also maize up your own ma- terial to ).,llf ('11 measurements, whish re- quires 4 yt.14. of 4: or 44 in. material for an average skirt. \\'lite (0r particulars. SUNBURST SKIRTS REPLEATED ard mads as new for 11.10. DeW itta Floating Co., 12 TORON 0. we The Croat Freich !External Remedy W Ill Relieve Those Suffering From Neuralgia Rheumatism, Ccut, Colds, *ma Throat f prays at d Patna price sa ar4 Lo Cents. All Druggists. or 1.y nail from The Pango Company, - Toronto Mtn CUSRAKTta MMMOLM. KOTNIK0 LIK[ IT. , \ \tl..TII1'. I :nit' 1 •.Li "iluse you ncatced Ow; c i,.e days whwn we seem r • n • :,1 tcith lttC world -Inoue t::l'.1:t v; . 'I+ Nature?" l'rartiaal Youtlr-"Yes, Il is nlway-s that. wey with rale on pay-day." Externally or internally. 1t is Good. -- When applied externally by brisk rub- bing, Dr. Thoma-' 1: ', -InciOil opens the pores and i(re ee.-i the tissue as few liniments do, t. ' :ng the seal of the trouble and Iir.u.. tiate!y affording relief. Adnlinistere(1 internally, it will still the irritatlOn in the throat which icduces coughing and will cure affec- tions of the bronchial tubes and res- p`rateey ergot's. '1':y It and be con- vinced. Among the Alaskan Ii dans, in the event of a dispute, one of the parties seen are sure to intervene. These promptly teat's up seine 4.1 lis blan- comes trot» stomachic lroubk',s. The Wee The other 17111st follow suit, the want of exercise brings on nervous ir- deetr:ys most blankets being regularities, and the stomach cea.cs to us the assimilnto ford properly. in this con- dition Parmelee's \'egetoble Pills tvi: i •- found a recuperative of rare renver. '- storing storing the organs to healthful act. dispelling depression and reviving tee (tagging energies. 6110 who r, garded ITS AD\'ANTAGF.S. Saint Bernard -Do you really get any- thing out of these cut chases? 'terrier -I ought to. I conduct them cr, a purr scent basis. leve gs ler Old Age Preity f;eneral. but Very Sfnall- Pepulatiun. 1,-. Jaques Ikrtillon, the rtatst,._,an, I: • jest Potted an elhcial report as ••. ! i Go' ernm nt on te Statistical he of ‘..t• 1tueugiloul the pnpulatien. 1': • ' urtl:s of all the poop'.e in France e ',. ; -., yews of age pewees sating', Mit . the great majority' of cases the ams,,.et is a ivial. the average kr the Whose numb .. being altout $400. Of 770.00() 1•ersons who died in 1906, the ' 1 year for which the figures are t et, only 1.343 pereens left an ci-t ,;•• •:f $I(Xi.(e10 or ever: 6.257 1,•11 pr.pY'11y ranging from that figure 41•4 n to Voisin. an.: 7.0011 lett frr•:n at0.(100 (i w n to !2.0141. There were 326.0110 others who lift estate rt smaller atneitint. The 436.((al who left nettling wire mainly woolen and ch;ldr•'n. 1)r. Beadle n J .5cusies in the report the change f'r the worse that has token r.laoe In the Influence whkh France Weak and S!ckly People envy those in robust health. No need to staynick when by the use ..t the best ionic, " Ferrorm,'•. on can get rich blood and renewed strength end vigor les Angelos contains a "burning wall," lite waters of which give a steady red flank, so hot, that it is un- comfortable at a distance of 10 feet. • Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator has no equal for destroying worms in Children and adults. See that you get the genuine when purchasing. The eleven London gas companies supply among th. !,t 46,403s',' (00 cubic ken of grs to 1.1 .1.1+96 role-, nt•rs. 1t':nt'rr. WF1AT CAUSES HEADACHE. Preso 0 t.,bor t„ May. Colds are the m',st fn. lens eau is n7 rleadachs. LAX A"i i V Ft RROMO QUININE remorescauao^R. %%. Grove on bus 2Se during 1t07 the Royal Natirnal 1..:• boat Insttution craft Shoed sorn0 Ives, \chile fort)-Ihrte ves%,els w t ; v kel•l frv:rn partial or k,tu1 loos. A M \(:iIINE FOR WOMEN. should be the best obtainal,:e. 'the Wheeler & Wilson sewing maeb:nes are siege. ko wd lodged the lightest running. most durable and convenient of suy. Look for the Red S. Anp lady hating used any snake n/ serving marhint or s years or more write Singer $coving Machine e'n.. (tanning Chamber,. Toronto for beautiful net of ten souw'nir views vOntario. Free for a.+4tnL• -._ in three !remit» the crew- some 700 men ---of the battle elle) \l's'euri, of the t'nitcd dales Fleet, c•rtn,urn.d 1.500 Ixoks of cigarclle•papeas, I.Cti0 pounds of smoking tobacco, and 37.000 cigar- ettes. As a result, the. Surgr•..n•General 1111; now !'ecemmended that tho use of the cigarette Le furl :.lden. You are right In regarding enslpperas as a Tlan. itcbin skin wltb w'easel's Cerate ; And take Weaver's Syrup Internally. d.en Leroosdisra+e. Annnhrt the .wo g PILES CURED IN i TO 14 DAV9. --- tl1tO Oi(TsucN I' is goarantect to curl all, The R:,yal it 1.1 ' .-1 } e a r .-!r s-'; I `;.- pme of ltchlnz. Blind. Bleeding or Proteins. I; s;408 0uirls, iL5 eg i.n-t 1(K/.JnJ,7lti 1❑ /Ilea In 0 Iola days or money refunded. 60e. leo6; this was In uddili.,n to 160.478,- 192 coins tthiJi were turned out for the Cclotees. Southern California has a stretch (1f ceunlry, lying Lelvicen 200 feet and 300 feet ix•:ow Sea -level. which Ls covered with salt, and yields 2,000 tons of this mineral every year. ITCH, Mange, Prairie Scratches en•1 every form of conlaglous Itch In human or animals cured 1n 30 minutes by \Vol- lrrd's Sanitary lotion. It never fails. Sold by all druggists_ By the decision of the mayor. brides nluy Le sold by weight at Kolked. Itun- gory. the price being fixed at 60 rents a pound. Thos. Sabin of Eglington, say:: •'1 have removed ten corns from my feet svith Holloway's Corn Cure." Deader. go thou and do likewise. WORKING F:LIWIIANTS. The efforts of the Congo Slate au- thorities to domesticate the African c ie'pliant have brought out some inter- esting peculiarities of Blase an.nraL'. }luring the 5501 season, which lasts fe,ur months, the elephants aro not worked, hal are turned Out into the forest. in- stead. however, of rejoining their wild kin, they sem to keep apart. as if cf n- sctous el the difference that their train- ing has produced. On being brought back to their duties they show 'no dis- position to shirk their work. Their presence sometimes attracts we 1 els'• phnnts to the %:cinily of their rsene et Lot these wd•1 animate are usu- ally 1.:. ei'•I an.1 intractable to be used 0s I'� : •' s 1 N 1--lE NO. to -I8 In 11.3 initial stages n co'.7 is a local nlitrcnt ensity dealt wlrh. 13u1 many n• y lrrcl 11 and the result Le often the eb te"upnteut of disli-es•mg rooters e1 Iter hr• nrhinl tubes and lungs that 1(11,14 r ;glee misrrab!e for the unhappy t tun. As n first aid there '.$ nothing in the handy rnedlcil.e lire ') certain in curative rosea; as Rtck!t's Artti-Con- nurnpliee Syrup, tho feu fat':cd remedy for colds and coughs. RAW FURS wp pas highest price for ell kinds_ $711P TO VI Liberal as.ottr. drat. Prompt returns. D. H. BASTEDO & CO Mauuract urers and kop,,rters, 77 King at. Last, Toronto. kstablisbec 737 FREE !tend us your name and address for 13 pieces of jewelry to NU at decent• each, µ hut (sold mod us the ewe° and ,. .,ll tend you three TWO iOLI f. GOLD 111110.1 AISOa. tt'e trust you witted,. 7evefr7 and wltleend. It ►lrcharg•. nal 1. send WO your name and address uo.. STAR MFO. cO.,H 1q at.,r10T1111.EC=.LL,a.I.L. AGENTS. $103.50 PER MONTH aelitng these wonderful 8vlesors. V. C. OI.bner, Columbus, 0., sold 21 pairs In 3 bouts, made Ow • you eau do it. we .how bow. PRES OUTFIT. Biter's! inducements to Cana.11anAgents. Theresa* M'f'g; Co., 802 It at. Drayton, 0. WELL DRILLS With ono of Loomis' late improved maehinea you are sure of large profits on thy n rtal Invested. They are tho leaders in t1+gKi4 Brie. Certainlelt DrillingyMachinery made In America.lnAd+dress LOOMIS MACHINE COs, TIFFIN, OHIO. AIR RIFLE EARN THIS • "11 otoltid 11!04'0 rite nligl,bly. \t: -s Seo :1- • -a r1 \Ir, \lugley, "1.o have 74 e go to the th. etre w th lite this morning." 1 "Ilntn y -.II :c urea the mints?' asked i prr•lestm is "ou're not 34. h••as y as a iha1" Tits 7. fbe Itme fn paint w!eh Ramsar'• Pointe Paint your roof. paint your stept paint roar whole house. Ramsay • Paints are the oldest and best known In Carved* for style. Leanly. wear and tear. lour dealer has a large 'aortic boob at his re,lor yards They are beautiful Write A Ram• tar & Son Co . Montreal. for oat k of Bou• Tenlr Puture Post Cards of Homes. p► lring Ile! eIrippnge e.f Pc trnllic t: n 11:ey thor•ntghtate n bus -either. et or: 1114? 1V+ti:•r,Al fora ch4.n o e.1 disel:.t •ng hes wit. eepie,l a group of Italia,. empl..ye I In ;riving the ns;rtl:•lt to;e1 wily. a •• : ng deer 017401.(411 4,4 n^ • ' t' • 1'tI' 11.. t•'r cellc•I •'i1 • civy1'I gull iso k tit • )rl,iy - '1 a Ler:. S - eeestl0A .- Mien Ii!. nereez '!''r • t - 0(1•.1 h'! w lune leery gi :..•. t roe'elnesa• r. h•'1► ilae mind , with gln'otn era d,sutal forebnl!iit:s. 'he result of derangement of the diges- t ee tyle,_ ak•(•Stl•••-rae.a conies to add 1 ,, For hunting or target practice. The king ale Olio is sure Leath to small game. We Is ore thi4 gun to any boy who will sell twenty-five packages of Itlulne for us. Bend for the midi,P„-.lay. Wo trot you. When you sell the 25 packages at 10 cents each. return our t?.5n, am we will Immediately send you the rine, a ii eh:argos prepaid - T811 COLONIAI. MANUPACTURINO CO., Dept. B. tihmllton, Ont. F000D gpJdIpi1ad1 J!iht WANTED t• her frm owner having sale. \4 prticular about 1„ati.n se ive rice an eser ton. an, res.. r rellin. State when p i.0 can . tri! ew t owners on y. Darbyshire. nu: 064, Rochester. N. Y, s� r T BOROU"ti� ETER ' NOE CO ITS b PfTfTROROUGN, l b Ont Caned' SEND FOR (MAl06UE A WELL STOCKED V EGETABLE GARDEN RENNIE.'S "GEM GARDEN" COLLECTION OF VEGETABLE SEEDS rontain. iw1 1!. light g,.antiI,es of ea.h kind to give i pkntdur supp!y of fresh %elletab:es every day in the season -early or late Ask for the "(It M (IAI(DEN" Collection when ordering. It contains 1 th. Dwarf Stringless Yellow rid Brants ib. DwarfStringlr•s Green 1'.d Itcans pkt. Dwarf Mishima Meana 1 pkt. Round Red Hert 1 pkt. Early ........... Cabbage 1 eke. intermediate Red . Ca►rot .j T1). Ear:y Sugar Corn I pkt. Slicing .. Cucumber 1 pkt. Cabbage (leading lettuce 1 pkt. Early. Slicing . Omura 1 pkt. Large. noising Onion 7 rkt• ruingg t1"hire Parente ih, I/arI.e.t Dwarf .. Peas Rt. Medium Fatly Dwarf Pea♦ 1A. Late Iswart res. 111 pkt. i Suzy R,wnd R.J.. tteAlsh pkt. iklarrnw r uw.h rk•. F:arty Smoo•h ?•cartel Tomato I : • Round white Table tornlp $2.50worth of Seeds for $1.00 t A,YIrr•. . WM. RENNIE CO. Limited. SEEDS TORONT0 t)(7l\N :17' THE CiiO':S t.:1 \IDS. r.r form! • •1/ became r,f thnt 1a•cs5. 11 Univ the subject s.gn, '.\ ' • ;:iikd Bee!, lint used •'p+, there w•nuld tenni' and temporary relief. Dar-'•• lac. .11 -"INA` ! r.! It,. -hop etnl c 1' "a 554'1 not only in- t•~. -1 e1 to 'Auteie. a,:e l j.t '.viii a(7 so beneficially 1. u1, their 1 , . " ,..lke rehashed • o "'rev it' ,•. , • y week, s1i ani;•'r. `_ pts, r • .tn Si pl•u l•linp! yar.l.e T ••TO CI'11P. A .'01.D IN ONE RAT duce•l "' .1. i15 during It1(1i. EIS aga i reggggi1ete rerun I more? If it fade I , es.. a w. 37: in the previus year. 11ovit5dgaalsreI.on•e••kt"1 'se. • LAZO1t%0 11R04(1 (jninlne Taileta. IN ; Voir .!tiring )r' 7 ; , , ! y 't • 1 1 ii( e n 1".41 7• -5..A', • e. • ! ^,cat irloir. ''.'.n e t r, • o. toSeed ly a 11,astets- ,_.; Iek,.'ic .1 ll.e 1.4r*.-bs18s•