Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-16, Page 1It
65c to JANI'09
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above btated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
Sale Bills
FARMER:. ER:. who want a
big crowd at their sale
should get their bills at
the ADVOCATE at.,l ad•
vet'lise In Ib. .AUCtl'E
It Mons Money to You
The Old Reliable
Spriu� Clolh!llg dor Mei.
Special Feature this Spring.
We doubt if a finer lot of clothing can be found anywhere.
We doubt if such styles can be produced by tailors.
We doubt if you can be better fitted by a tailor than we can
fit you.
We know the quality of our goods.
(We know our suitsare as good as you can in tailor-made clothes
We know our prices on suits are
A Great Saving
over tailors' prices.
When you need a suit see our new
Spring line. It's worth your while.
Remember the Store one door north Post Office
The store where you get the best goods for the
least money
This is the season of the year when you think of New
Floor Coverings. You cannot use anything better than
First -Class Linoleum -that's the kind
we sell (Nairn's X Quality) is the Best.
Splendid range of Patterns.
Call and see them and get our prices, because, if you
don't you are likely to pay more stoney.
Lace Curtains
We have just received a full shipment of
Nottingham and Brussels Net Curtains
Ntker shown such Beautiful fatt•'rns and Fine Quali-
ties as we now have in stock.
Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25. $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50, $3.75, $5,00.
Professional Cards.
fies. a. F. ROUL8TON, L. D. 8., D. D. 9.
Member of the R. O. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
OFFICE: Over Dickson & ('erling's Law Office, in
Orr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
isDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.•
llonor graduate of Toronto Univerlete.
Teeth extracted without any paln, or any had effects
Ogles over Oladrnan S Stanbury's office, Main street
Has resumed practice after spending a year (Col.
lege) at British and Continental ilospitals. General
pra:tIee with special attention to Eye, (with refrac-
tion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
a. ton. Notarlcs, Conveyancer., Commiseloners.
iter for Unisons Bank, etc.
Mosey to Loan at 1.rwe.t rates of interest.
ORI es, Main street, Exeter,
1. S. Canine. B.A., L 11. Dictums
We lave • large amount of private funds to loan
• fare and village properties at low rates of Inter
Barristers, 8ollelton,Main st.. Exeter On
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of cy.1 incorporated Society of
Musi.•ians, F:r.gland; ard.t of Trivitt Memorial
Chorch,Eaeter Piano, rgan, Harmony and Theory
of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont.
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire Insurance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
House For Sale.
in the Village of Exeter. situated on Sim.•oe street,
a frame deelhn.•, 4 stories. kitchen and woodshed
stable, g•�4 well, one fifth a. re of land. All in goon
condition. will he sold reasonable. Apply at this
6110 ACRES IN NURSERY ROC K. Agents want•
ed at once to sell for Fall hsps and Spring 1900 de.
livery; is hole or part time; liberal terms: outfit free.
The Thos. W. Bowman ,t Son ('o , 1.14.,
Ridge.ille, Ont
Eggs ForSale
Thoroughbred White w) andotte Fgts for sale
TOR F.t.1., 8xeler
Brick and Tile for Sale
The undersigned has a large quantity of first-class
brick and tile for rale on his yard. situated opposite
the grist mill at Crediton East. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. 1t will to toyyour interest to call and make
an Inspection before buying elvewhere.
JOSEPH IL%IST, Crediton East
For Sale or Rent.
A one.torey•frame dwelling In good condition, on
Carling street, two lots of land. Good stable on the
premise., also a number of fruit trees. Terms real -
onside. Apply at this oM. e.
Ontario Liquor License Act
License District of South Huron. Notice is here.
by given that Conrad Wendland of the Village
of Raster has made application for permission
to transfer his Village ta.ern license at Exeter
to John Morley of Exeter, and that the said
application will he considered et the meeting of the
IaosM of License Commissioners, to be held at the
Dixon (louse, in Village of hrueefield, on the 21st
day of April, 190s, at the hour of 10 a.m.
All persons interested will go: ern themsel)-es ae-
John Torrance, License inspector.
Dated at Clinton. this 30th day of March,
Ontario Liquor License Act.
License District of Smith Huron
Notice 1. hereby siren that the Board •.f License
Commissioners for the i.icense Distri• t of south
Huron will meet at
TUESDAY. APRiL 21st, 19,
at 10 a. m.
for the purpose of considering applications for Liquor
Licenses for the License Year lia8 9.
All (persons Interested w 111 govern themselves
License Inspector
Dated at Clinton on )lamb 3(41, 11108.
S T1('1 is hereby gi.en that the persons shove
names appear in the following schedule are applying
for Liquor Licenses for the License Year 130n 9, and
that the same are not now Licensees under the Act
or are applying for license. for premises not now
under cease.
Name of I kind othew ription of Name of
Applicant , LIeenee l Premise. Municipal'y-
McLennan A Tip ern ' Commercial Fleaforth
Broadfoot I I Hotel i
Licenses issued for the current year are -Town
tavern t; Village tavern 6; Township tavern 13;
Town shop 1; village shop 1.
Applications for tan 19 00 are - Town Tavern 6;
Village tavern e.; Township tavern 13; Town shop 1;
Village shop 1.
Any Fetttlon against granting License to any ap
plicant or premises must he lodged with the under-
signed at least four days before the meeting of the
License i:• a,4.
I.kense Inspector for south Baron
tvattol a: Clinton this .y4h of Mar h, : s •
C. C. HODGINB'1.111: CHOICE. I Connor and Bibb By-laws Carry
Ailsa Craig, April 10.-C. C. Hod-
gins, the present member, was the
unanimous and enthusiastic choice of
the Notth Middlesex Conservative can-
vention here to -day as the candidate
for the riding in the coming provin-
cial election.
The gathering was large, a full dele-
gation being present from each munici-
pality. Strathroy and Metcalfe, the
two new municipalities lately included
in the riding, were represented by a
satisfied, contented delegation, wit-
nessing that the redistribution had
found favor there.
The nominations were, J. D. Drum-
mond, seconded by R. S. Hutchinson,
moved that C. C. Hodgins be the Con-
servative candidate, which was receiv-
ed with warm, hearty applause. The
other nominations were: W. E. Stan-
ley, Lucan; James Doyle, N. McGilliv-
ray; John Robinson, McGillivray; H.
C. Pope, Stratbroy; John Fox, Lucan;
John Drummond, McGillivray; George
Stewart Stratbroy; R. Dunlop, Met-
calfe; John Sherrit, ex-M.P.. Stephen;
\V. H. Bartram, Parkhill; Hobert Hut-
chinson, McOilllvray;Geo. Lewis, Met-
Following the withdrawals of the
other candidates, who all retired witb
short speeches, full of hope and confid-
ence for the coming election, President
Roberts introduced C. C. Hodgins as
the unanimous choice of the conten-
Huron's Population
County Clerk Lane has. completed
his returns of the population of Hur-
on county, which is required by the
Educational Department. The pope•
Winn. as shown by last year's returns
from the minor municipalities. was
51,372. This is a decrease from the
year 1906 of 1.529 and comparing the
figures for the year with the figures for,
the year 1807 a decrease during the de-
cade of 0,350 is shown. No doubt the
exodus to the west is largely .respon-
sible for the loss. The population of
Huron in 1807 was01.228; in 1905 it was
50,381; in 1006, 50,401, and in 11)07, 51,-
872. The figures for the various minor
municipalities within the county for
the years 1907 and 1906 are given be-
low for comparison.
West Wawanosh
East Wawanosb
Towns and
i1N17 119)6
538 467
815 W3
1099 1072
2423 2435
1648 1578
4508 4416
963 823
2276 2206
2277 ?1247
431 421
Total 51,872 56,101
Of John and Patrick Glavin. They
lived beloved and died lamented.
The news that came this evening
it was sail news to hear,
The fate of a beloved one,
Of one we all loved dear.
They wire the news from Mexico,
That fills each heart with glootn,
Of the death of Patrick Glavin
While in his youth and bloom.
The Saviour in his wisdom,
In his mercy and his love
Has removed hire from our circle
To a better home above.
it's only a brief season
Since his fond father died.
in yonder glade the two are laid
Their graves lie tide by side.
Through life they were together;
in death they are the same:
And these vet ses are recorded here
in memo? y of their name.
A Friend.
For Sale -Eggs for Incubation.
Pure-bred (tarred Rock., big
bird-, hem.) layers,
ego the tear round.
1. C FLEMIN(i, C.eter, Ont.
Horses for Sale.
For sale at Central Hotel, E.eter, SATURDAY,
AI'RI1. lsth,from 10 a. n,. 10 4 p. m., a Team of
Coach Horses, 16 bands high, weight 2,250 11.., well
taatched, good drivers, and used to all Mods of farm
Of the estate of Hobert Hodgens, late
of the Township of Stephen, in the
County of Huron, deceased.
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Sec 3s of ('hap -
ter 149 of the ite.i.e.t Statutes ofOnlario, 1607, and
amending a. is that all persons having claims against
the estate of the said Robert ilodgens, Farmer, who
died on or about the 2nd day of October, Pon,
are requested on or before the
1ST DAY OF MAY, A.D.,1908
to send he post prepaid, to the undersigned Solicitors
for the kteeutor of the will of said 4eeeaaed,
their name., addresses and desert ,tions and a full
statement of parte ulars of their claims and the na-
ture of the ws-uritie*, (if any), held b • them, duly
certifier) and that after theday last aforesaid the ex-
ecutor will proceed todi.trihute the assets of said de.
ceased among the parties entitled thereto. having
regard only to such claims of which notice obeli have
been gi. en as above requlred, ami that the said Es.
(rotor will not be liable for the said assets or
any part thereof. to any person or persons or VI hoer
claims notice shall not have been recei,ed by him at
the time of such distribution.
Pote.1 at Falter. this 1st day of April 19($.
1)tCK80N & CARLiNG,
Solicitors for Executor. Exeter.
Exeter people did justice to them-
selves and the town on Friday when
the voters carried the two by-laws
that were L•aced before them. By
voting for those by-laws the people
showed that they were ready to pay
.t little if necessary, toward the im-
provement of the town and incident-
ally toward the inlpt•ovesielit. of their
own condition and property. it has
always been found that Exeter people
are ready to do what is right if the
matter is placed in such :t light that
they understand it. The Connor by-
law gives the council the right to
grant a free site to the extent of $500
to the company for the establishment
of a gasoline engine works, and a fixed
taxation of $500 for ten years. The
Gibb bylaw empowers the Council to
pay for the site occupied by the com-
pany. The conditions and agreements
as to the payment of the money are
such that the citizens are well protect-
ed. Considerable good hard work was
done by some of the enthusiasts pre-
vious to and on the day of the election
and the result is very satisfactory to
them. The vote stood:
Connor By -Law.
1 2 3 4
For 87 70 07 108-338
Against 9 5 15 17- 46
Gibb By -Law
For . 87 73 07 105-332
Against 8 8 17 19- 52
In each case it was necessary that
306 votes be recorded for the by-laws
to carry them. The majorities are
then quite ample,
NI:ISON E. KICKS -Voice Production and Sing-
let it of London Conservatory of Music,
11. Ruthven McDonald, Charles White, London, Eng.
Ernest Eardley, Condon, Eng. A limited number of
pupils will be accented
Mr. Sam'' Hicks, Con. 2, Usborne,
bas disposed of one of his heavy
draught mares to rt Mr. Willert for
which he received a good figure.
, The Ch •ir of the Methodist Church,
which is one of the best in the County,
is preparing special Easter music for
next Sunday. Mr. C. J. Pink, the ev-
er popular tenor, of London. will as-
sist on the occasion. -The Epworth
League Anniversary was a great suc-
cess. Large congregations greeted
Rev. J, Hart on Sunday. The tea -
meeting Monday evening was well at-
tenied. The programme was a most
excellent one. Rev. 11. J. Fair and
Re J. W. Andrews gave good, prac-
tical speeches, white the pastor, Rev.
W. H. Butt, made an efficient chair-
man. Misses Follick and Howey and
Mr. Herb. Southcott, of Exeter, as-
sisted local talent, -Miss Dinsdale, of
Kippers, spent a few days with her
cousin, Miss Butt. - The Woman's
Missionary Society held their annual
meeting in the church on Tuesday af-
ternoon. The following oMcers were
elected: Mrs. W. H. Butt, President;
Mrs. G. Baynham, 1st Vice -President;
Mrs. N. Baker, 2nd Vice -President;
Mrs. J. J. Col will, Recording Secretary;
Mrs. T. Oliver, Treasurer. Mrs. (Rev.)
Butt was elected Delegate to the Con-
vention to be held in Exeter at an
early date.
of 20 Years Ago.
Exeter, April 12, 1888.
A. McDonell is suffering from a
sprained anxle.
At Crediton on the 3rd inst, S. Link
and Miss Eilher were married.
Tho death took place on the 9th inst.
in Usborne of Mrs. Emma Miller, aged
41 years.
Dr. T. A. Amos bought the practice
of Dr. A. 0. Nasmith at Crediton on
Aprilbth, 18.88.
Some rnt•an wretch shot the fine
rtlastllT dog which belonged to James
Pickard on Tuesday.
At Centralia the Methodist church
was sold to Mr. Pearsell, of Meaford,
who will convert it into a cheese fact-
George Mawhinney paid $5,654) on
Saturday for the fine farm of Patrick
Coughlin, being lot 10, con. 11, Step -
The Exeter Spring Show was a big
feature of last, week and the stock and
machinery on exhibition were of high-
H. McIntosh has severed his connec-
tion with the bachelors and has en-
rolled with the noble army of bene -
Da lig lit ets were horn to 51r. and 51rs.
G. E. Anderson. at Fingal, and to
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miners, in t'sborne,
this week.
C. Halsdon has returned to town,
having sold his share of the partner-
ship tailoring business at Walton to
Wm. Walker, formerly with William
in Zurich on Sunday night a hall
lamp exploded in the hotne of Mr.
Steinbach. Daniel Dyer way early on
the scene and put the fire out before
touch damage bad been done.
The death occurred on Sunday last
of Charlotte, beloved wife of Mr. John
Halkwill. Deceased had been ill many
months. A husband, fire sons and
three daughters survive. She was 61
years of age. John Ilalkwill, Hugh
Halkwill and Win. Patch, of ('hicago;
James Bali& will, of Manitoba --all Sons
of deceased --and Mrs. H. Brown, of
Teeswater, a daughter, and Mrs. James
Halkwill, of Dutton, a sister-in-law,
were present at the funeral.
Mr. Jos. Snell shows some iulprove-
Mr. Richard Gould is able to be out
of doors and enjoys a short walk.
Mr. and Mrs. pen, A. Barker of Lo
don visited with Mrs. P. Frayne las
One of our editors, Mr. 1'. H. Sand
ere, has been confined to the hone
during the past week, ill of lumbago
e -
We congratulate Miss Mary Mac
on receiving her diploma at the Busi-
ness College, London, after sons
months' study.
Reduced rates are in force on al
railways during the Easter holidays
commencing to -day and lasting anti
Tuesday next.
The debate on the Japanese question
Wednesday night (after we go to press)
promises to attract it large audience.
An account of it will be given next+
Mrs. Ambrose Cottle entertained a
few lady friends on Tuesday afternoon honor in of Mrs. Nott, of the Man-
sion House. who will leave for Eng-
land on May Ist.
Mr. O. W. Snell of Summerville,
Mase., arrived here on Monday morn-
ing, owing to the illness of his father.
Mr. Joe. Snell, who is confined to his
Mr. Win. Sweet, (the young Dr.)
aniused a few of his friends with a
wood bee on Monday afternoon, and
his wife entertained a number of her
lady friends. All report a pleasant
The winds, frost and warm sunshine
were playing havoc with the fall wheat,
but the fine rain of yesterday has been
worth Many dollars to the farmers.
It will rep lir the damage that has
been done.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Sweet and
Mrs. Egan will spend the Easter holi-
days with friends in London, while
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sweet and little
daughter, Irno, will spend them with
friends in Wingham.
Revs. Fear of the Main street church'
Exeter, and Rev. Andrews of Credi-
ton, exchanged pulpits on Sunday last
morning and evening. Those who
heard Rev. Andrews speak very high-
ly of both sermons, they being strong
and earnest expositions of the bible
Mr. Wm. Wilson has moved front
Silncoe street to the house owned by
Mr. Thos. Bissett on Gidley street and
vacated by Mr. Thos. Johne, who has
moved to Senior street into the
house Mr. Rich. Gould recently pur-
chased and renovated.
We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Jas.
Sweet is at present confined to her
room with a severe attack of the grip.
We trust that under the able care of
the good doctor (and Exeter has her
share of them) we may soon see her
up town again.
We are glad to known that Mrs. Jas.
Tom, who suffered a paralytic stroke
some months ago, still continues to
improve and we hope that God may
soon restore berto ber usual good
health. Sbe again takes quite an in-
terest in the affairs of life. and says
she will once more compete for the
prizes at the fall fair, in which she has
always taken much pride. and as is
well known, was always a very fair
and keen competitor. And we hope
she may. So ladies, look to yourlaur-
els--and fancy -work -and exhibits.
Many Will Retire
From Legislature.
Toronto, April 13. -Many members
attended their last session of the Legis-
lature Saturday. The three "baby
members" will not come back again.
Messrs. Edward A. Dunlop (North
Renfrew), aged 31; John A. McMillan
(Glengarry), aged 32, and Arch. 13. Me-
Coig(West Kent), aged 33, the three
youngest representatives of the (louse,
will not seek re-election to the Legisla-
ture, Mr. Dunlop is retiring, and
Messrs. McMillan and McCoig are both
probable candidates for the Muse of
Conttnons in their respective ridings.
The two vetetan members of the
Legislature are also retiring. Mr.
,torn Smith (feel), aged 77 years. the
oldest representative in the House,
will not seek re-election, while Hon.
Dr. Willoughby (East Northunrber-
Chronic Coughs Cured
Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Dromore, says:
"tI took 4 or 5 bottles of Paychine,
and a cough 1 had continually for nine
months disappeared. It is the beat
remedy for chronic coughs that I ever
Thousands of living witnesses pro-
nounce Psycbine the greatest medicine
in the world. It is not a patent medi-
cine, but a prescription of a great phy-
sician. Put it to tho test in any
case of throat, lung or stomach trouble
OT any run down or weak condition. At
all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T.
A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
land), who is nearing the three score
and ten, is not expected to again . con-
test his constituency•
This will leave the prime minister,
Hon. Mr. Whitney, the oldest ruem-
'her in the House. Despite the fact
that Mr. Whitney- has not yet a white
hair in his head, he is the senior of all
the member's, all of whorl are adorned
by snowy whiteness.
The prime minister is 65 years of age,
only one year seperating him frorn the
former head of the province, Hon. G.
W. Ross. •
Next to Mr. Whitney in senority of
age comes Hon. A. J. Matheson, the
provincial treasurer; then Mr. J. R.
Dargaven (Leeds) and Col. J. S. Mun-
ro (North Oxford). another year be-
hind; Hon. J. J. Foy and Hon. Thos.
Crawford are another twelve-month
in the rear, followed by a year later
by Hou. Richard Harcourt and Dr. T.
S. Smellie (Lake of the Woods).
Hon. Mr. Harcourt is the oldest in
the membership of the House. He
has been in the Legislature for thirty
years. Hon. Mr. Whitney is second,
having represented Dundas twenty
HUDSON -In Hensall, on April 0th, to
Mr. and Mrs. George Hudson, a son.
FRAYNE-In Brantford, nn April 7, to
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J. Frayne, a
Brum -In Usborne, on April 5th, to
Mr, and Mrs. John Hern, Jr., a
PAISEY -ln St. Marys on April 4th,
Wm. Henry Paisey, aged 90 years,
8 months, 17 days.
BAYNES-In St. Marys, on April Stb,
Martha Baynes, wife of the late
John Baynes, aged 84 years.
AItsow-In Parkhill, April Otb, Mrs.
Anna Malvina Arnold, relict of tli,
late John Arnold, aged 83 years.
BICE -On the 2nd Con. of McGillivray,
on April Otb, Margaret, beloved wife
of Artemus Bice, in her 75 year.
OGILV'IE.-At Victoria Hospital, Lon-
don, on April 13th, Jennie R., wife
of James Ogilvie and daughter of
Albert Berryhill, of Zion, Usborne
Tp., aged 21 years, 5 months.
PT N Sir "Ur1w ��TT
me Iunce and
Almond Cream
ust to Remind You of 4
((ENJOYME " 41
Tooth Cream
me Iunce and
mond Cream
me Medicinal
oyme Eaude
Quinine Hair Tonic
The sale of all those prepay
tions is steady, and we hope
that if you have not alreadye
tried theta, you will do so soon.
To give thein a trial will be to
use them always. We are wait-
ing to serve you.
Watch Window. (' tri. l•:xp. Bldg,
AltAkAkAk 46.41. Alkali' ANL
Yes, We're Ready
for Spring Painting
Elephant, Hollywood & Martin Senour's
Pure, Ready -Mixed Paints
15c, 25e, 45c and 50c tins.
Campbell's Varnish Stains
Tho best stains on the market -one application varnish
es Ltnd stains-all colors. 15c, 25c, 45c and ,.zrlc tins.
For Walls, Ceilings. etc. All shades. 25c and .Oe pkges,
Waxolene Floor Oils
For Re-Newing Linoleums, Oil Cloths. Ete. Keeps Down
The Dust. 75e per Gallon.
Timothy Seed for Sale.
30 bushels of Choice Timothy S.ed, and aI. a
quantity of Large res., for sale at i A E AM A
Lot 13, Con, 2 Stephen.