Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-09, Page 8Spring
Just rec('i \- •1 a number of -
New Browns
Wood Colors
E phant Grey
tbtrcet 1 lg for the Spring
Sea '
Mere, iant Tailor,
Mhos Locals -- Read Them
Ladies.' 1, ,,vur spring
ultra for sate
acre i. • . situate west of the G.
'RR. and n , • of the salt block, Exe-
OM Terms -v. Apply A. Q. Bonier.
Marriage eases issued at the Ad -
innate of8c. .
TWO ,Tet t i:1.00 and ;1.25
uist.,. They're dtandit.
Mame to Rer.t
On Willi -treet, ]trick story and
Balt dsvella n good state of repair.
Apply to Al -. Perkins.
S►..rnrt h.•• :'. ,i all beat en Dress
Th. •tJl,s and (anality are
Says Take %%Arnim:
A boys .tight destroying proper-
ly o, nledd with anything on the
mill,. .11 win: a severely dealt with.
C. BiliNEY.
ser.11 t, t,: •.,` Haunt Rays at Stew-
s't'.< in 11' Tapestry and 33'i7tsn.
Z50 f., n,q
Cteoice Appt.. utter
Owing to ,.• fact that those having
tried Excel- •r Brand Apple Butter
are calling •, the factory for repeat
wrdei It „'11 now be kept on sale at
the ,,ores u,, .own.
Witte Leato n Fags for Sale.
Pole -bred shite Leghorn Eggs for
sale. 50c p• s lozen. Apply to
(; EO. HILI.,,
Waterloo St.. Exeter.
Wpta Fouad
t)•r Huron -'Feet, a robe. Loser can
►it. -nue t„ proving property and
pay a g expo Apply at this office.
Mersa Plymouth Rocks.
1 .•1,1 t.ITto .. a limited ntimber of
egg. hitsib .,t 11.00 per setting of 13.
T. 13. ('.tni.iNo.
A Al •gists ••• Court was held :n the
Tow', Il ,Il 1, a on Wednesday morn-
ing list. +t•h three cases under the
•-E, oat 1••-r n :\et-' wet •• tried be-
fore H,. \\- hip, T. M. Kay. Two
of tilos,. 'h • ,••d with violation of the
art 1•' ,1•1•••l - .Iry and were mulcted
in a t'o.• til :lie thitd will defend
the :,•.
AI -- .\un•- Vetting, of F.uil:altar, is
visa •ng her friend, Miss Jetta Essery.
--\1t. and Ali s. T. Brooks visited at
Mr..\t•thnr. Fr sores. Of 1'lugtown, on
Sunday. -Mr. H.ttris, who has been
visit 1 ,i he,. f : thepast1hreeutonths,
eetua ne,l to I. outon Satan•day, accom-
panied by 1t - •tt•,tghter, \lis. I•:s.ery,
who will vis • tt,ete for a f••w days. -
]Ir. 511erwoo 1 Hunter. rho was laid
up ttitIt an attack of Int grippe, is able
tit be nut attain. -Mr. .l. .1. Luxton,
of Exeter, spent Sunday under the
parental roof. ---'1rs..1.I‘or nish is vis-
stin,; her daughter. Mts. E. Morley, of
Whalen, who is laid tip with 11 grippe.
AI r. Du, Ale -net' spent Sunday with
kis b .a her on the I'hatnes fiend.
and Summer
I1 i )11ti 111-511
Stu mg and w
I ... 1 •.i tin already,
11 1 l A
tut R Mt JIM RF
(► It (*oasts are
'he list.
5tv'e. F',t :sod Fini.h
(. a,ar.anteed.
Merchant Tailor - Exeter
fl -1-4-444 1 ' 11.1-1 1-4114-44
siPiptP"WipRifirF PriiIliriliif a Mrs. Wm. Statham, London Road
tooth, is on the sick list.
Mr. David Mack has putt -based the
house and lot of 31r. Win. Mitchell on
Nelson street.
Mr. 1V. G. Bissett, atter a week's ne-s au,l being confined to his home,
Mrs. Flank 11. Sweet, who has been
confined to the house for some lime
with la grippe, is recovering nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, who
have been quite ill front an attack of
the grippe for the past few weeks, are
1t1iss Dickson, of Tuckersutith, is
supplying for \1t•. Fleming at the
school, the latter being still confined
to the house through illness,
The debate between theJames Street
league and the English church on the
Japanese question is to be given in the
Opeta House on the evening of the
\1r. Alfred Allen has purchased the
house next west. of Mr. John Mallott's
residence, Huron street, together with
25 feet frontage. Ile will reside in the
The Huron Indians are looking for a
big day on Gond Friday at their an-
nual shoot. Shooters from a great
distance have signified their intention
of being present.
A general meeting of not only the
committee of management but all
those interested in the 24th May cele•
bration is called for Friday evening at
the Town Hall. Important business.
Mr. Ab. Pym underwent a critical
operation for• appendicitis at the hands
of I)r. Moore, of London, assisted by
local doctors. It was a malignant
type of the trouble and at present Mr.
Pytn is in a critical condition, but
there is hope of his recovery.
A number of the members of the
Subordinate Lodge of I.O.O.F. of Exe-
ter took a trip to Ingersoll Tuesday
night and became acquainted with
the mysteries of the Encampment
branch of the order. Several mem-
bers of the Exeter Camp accompanied
theta. A most profitable and enjoy-
able time was spent.
Mr. \Vm. Mitchell, who has for a
number of years been in the imple-
ment business hare, left Tuesday for
Togo, Sask., where he has been ap-
pointed agent for the Geo. White Co.
to sell threshing outfits. Mr. Mitchell
has had a successful career here, stak-
ing many warm friends in business
circles, who will wish hits every suc-
cess in the west. it is expected the
family- will follow shortly. Mr. John
Hunter has taken over the agency for
the Cockshutt plow.
A copy of the St. Louis Daily Globe -
Democrat of April 1st contains a not-
ice of the incorporation of the Gibson
Furniture Co., with Geo, U. Gibson
holding 996 shares out of 1,000, all fully
paid. Mr. Gibson was a former resi-
dent of Osborne Township, having re-
sided on the Thames Road. Some
years ago he embarked in business in
St. Louis, Mo., where he stat ted in a
small way, but being possessed of the
right kind of business tact soon laid
the foundation for a prosperous busi-
ness rareer, with the above result.
Another evidence of the good qualities
produced in the good old County of
Ladies and Gentlemen.
The 21th of May collies on Sunday,
but on Monday, the lith, a grand con-
cert will take place in theOpet a House.
Look at the brilliant array of talent -
Mr. Will White, entertainer, of To-
ronto; Miss Francis Wright, soprano
soloist, of Toronto; Miss Jean Walker,
reader, of London; Mr. Mack Vincent,
entertainer, of Exeter. Don't forget
card of Thanks
We wish to thank all the ielative;
and friends whet w.•re to kit,d as to
lend a helping hand daring the illness
and soh-equent death of our dear
mother. There ate eettain names we
would like to mention, but wee do not
feel disposed to particularize the many
appreciated kindnesses. \%e feel.
however, that we must s tecially thank
I)r. Browning and Dr. Harry Brown-
ing for the sympathy and acts of kind-
ness shown by theta. Again we thank
all. \Vat. Amu Many li.tt-i;tttt.I.
.011..41‘411e Attei a&.Aa An aes alk As.
Its. Jams Sweet entertained a fete
friends on Ft iday last.
Mr. and Mts. John Mitchell. who
Lase been on the sick list, are able to
be around again.
The Spring Show of Stallions and
Bulls and the Seed Fair is to be held
in Butterfield to -morrow i Friday).
Mrs. XVII). Haskett died near Park-
hill on Wednesday last. She cause to
131anshard township from Brockville
when nine years of age and was mar-
ried in Exeter forty years ago, ufter-
wa►ds proving to West Williams.
Here is an unusual co -incidence so
far as names and business occupations
are concerned. In Clinton, \Vingha►n,
Brussels and Seaforth are undertaking
establishments conducted by persons
of the name of Walker, and only in
the cases of \Vingham and Clinton
are the parties related.
London, Toronto and Ingersoll had
heavy losses by fire on Thursday night
last. Hobbs' Plate Works and the
Canada Furniture Company, London
firms, lost $300,000. Courian, Babayan
it Co., dealers in Rugs, lost $70,00( in
Toronto. The Manchester Cereal Mills'
lose at Ingersoll was $6,000.
Mr. James Lang, father of Mr. Robt.
Lang, died in Winnipeg on Wednes•
day of last week and the remains were
taken to Virden for interment. The
late Mr. Lang was born in Scotland
lft.N' . At the age of five years he came
to Canada with his father, who settled
in Huron county. He is survived by
his wife and a family of seven.
James Brown, of Ashfield, who had
been an inmate of the House of Refuge
for some time and in poor health for a
couple of years, died on March 24th.
This is the first death that has taken
place in four months, something rath-
er unusual among so many old and de-
crepit persons. The remains wet tak-
en to Ashfleld by Mr. \Iutch.
At a meeting of the bowlers on
Thursday evening the officers for the
year were elected as follows: Hon. -
Pres., F. W. Gladman; Pres„ N. D.
Hurdon; Vice -Pres., W. W. Taman;
Sec.-Treas., W. J. Heaman. A tele-
phone and electric lights are to be in-
stalled on the ground this year. A
much larger membership is expected
and the fee has been fixed at $5.00.
Death Certificates.
The Registrar -General of Ontario has
issued formal notices that no pastor or
minister shall take part in any funeral
service without first having the regis-
tration certificate. The public sive re-
quested to take notice in the future
not to ask any; pastor to conduct such
a service without first presenting hint
with the necessary registration forst
duly sivned by the proper authorities.
Exeter Hirth School L. 85. Society
A meeting of the society was opened
on April 3rd by the Roll Call, S1 mem-
bers being present. The minutes of
the previous meeting were then read
and adopted. The matter of having
the "At Horne" was left with the Ex-
ecutive Committee to decide. The fol-
lowing was the programme: -Glee
Club selections, an instrumental solo
by Miss I. Handford, the Journal by
Wm. McEwen, Critics remarks by
Miss Gregory. Adjournment. --M. 13.
I3obier, Reporter.
an Opportunity tor lona* Men and Women
Mr. F. E. Osborn, Manager of the
London College of Telegraphy, was in.
town on Friday last in the interests of
his school, which we are pleased to
state is one of the best equipped Tele-
graph Schools in Canada. \1r. Hur-
ich, Mr. McLeod and Mr. Maw, of Lon-
don, :int% Mr. Wilson, of Strathroy,
were pb ced in positions last week,
three with the (3. T. It. and one with
the C. P. R. Miss Alchue and Miss
Harper, of London, were placed in po-
sitions with the G. N. \\ . Co. in To-
ronto. These pupils wet e in the school
a trifle Tess than six months, at :a cost
of $50.001. The above is merely men-
tioned to illustrate the advantages of
A .r(1'it•se with this School when they
are able to place their Graduates in
the face of the present hard times.
Mr. Osborn states that the demand for
operators this summer will he some-
thing enormous and he feels confident
of being able to place every graduate
in a good position. The Spring term
will open April :.'lst, the first Tuesday
after Easter, when special rush classes
will be started.
Death of John Down
Another aged resident of Exeter
passed away Monday last when John Mr. Percy Browning of Toronto is
)own died at the age of 7a; years. _' visiting it his horse here.
months and 1) days. Ile had always Mts. John Wood and dstnghter, Miss
been of delicate constitution hat had May. 5-i•ite(1 in London this week.
by temperate habits and great care of Mr.. Herbert Ford s tent S+iral.ty
himself reached a good age. During and Monday at her house at Maple
the seven or eight years he had resid- is ,dt;e,
Ahs. Evans of Centralia has been
the guest of Miss Maty 1311k will for
sever al days
Alts. Welsh and daughter. Mrs. Mc-
Dowell, who have been visiting in I'tr-
is. rout ped Monday.
Mr. and \irs. Latton (nee Rose Har-
tong of fe,ndon arrived here Saturday
night to visit for a time.
Mr. 1. R. ('ltling was in London en
business Monday. and Mr. 1.. 11. Dick-
son in Toronto Tuesday,
Miss Norma Nobler. after a rnnnth's
visit with ftiends in Chatham and De-
troit. returned home Monday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart and the
Misses Johns were in London Friday
night and took in the opera " Madame
utterfly."Mr. Ernie 11111, of port ninon, ac-
companied by his wife. is spending a
few days Among relatives and friends
in this locality.
Mrs. Bird. who has been visiting her
mother, Mrs. Robt. McFalls for the
past week, returned to her horse in
London Saturday.
ed in town he has Keen pat ocularly
frail. his trouble being of an internal
nature. He was a native of England
and carne to Canada many yi•ats ago,
and until his retirement fanned at
Bethesda,1'shnrne Tp..tor many years.
Ile married Miss Mary Perkins. who,
together with the following family,
s'rrt'1 yes: \t rs ('has. Hooper, E Set et;
\Irs. J, Hooper. Sr. Marys: Ait•s.
Wass. 131 inshard: Mrs. Win. Remick,
1 shortie: Miss F•inice at horse; Robert
and Frank on the homestead: Chat
divinity student; Edgar, student at
:111n :'11bor. Deceased was a Li betal
in politics, and A Methodist in religion,
His was an exemplary life and his
de tth was peace. The (oriel al service
was conducted in the James street.
eh nob Wednesday at 2 i). nt., and in•
terns' nt in the Exeter cemetery.
Nicks' Forecasts For April
A Ileaction:41Stoirn Period is cen•
tral on the 11th, lath and 16th. The
Moon is on the celestial equator nn the
the 15th and full on the 16th. and
these facts will add positiveness to
storms And weather changes at this
period. The Metcury and Venus per.
+ axle will at. n intensify storm condi-
• tions on and touching the 15th and
]ftth. at which tint. a sudden rise to
very high temperatures. attended by
a marked fall of the b•ronreter au►d
southerly winds will presage danger-
ous storms. The general conditions of
atmosphere and clouds should he care-
fully netted at the ctilminstion of this
period. as violent dist ;abstruse.. are en-
tirely possible and prole ale. A seis.
mic period embracing abotit flee days,
central on the 16th. i. also ,ittite prob-
able. Change to highs•r barometer
and much cooler weather. with frost
in mast sections rent ral and 10 it
wutd. may ret=onahlr las expected he-
'wr-en the loth and 19th.
Like to Try Psych
' Please send me a bot tle of
Psychine. I have A chilli afflicted with
tuberculosis. and have been arts ise•1
to try your medicine by our family
doctor. as he says he cannot do ear
thing more for my ehil.l."
Arthur. Ont., July 14, 11.07.
Psychine cures when doctors fail.
Mara' are sorry they did not try
IPayebtne first. Throat, lung and
stomach troubles viola to its rnrAtiv.
power. At all druggists,:e-`e awl tl °1,cr
Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited. Toronto.
Barley 50
Oats 17
Peas 75
Potatoes, per bag 65 75
flay, per ton 12 00 1:300
Flour, per cwt., family 275
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40 1 45
Butter 25 25
Eggs 15
Dried Apples 5
Livehogs, per cwt 0 00
Shorts per ton 25 00
Bran per ton 2-1 00
Clover 14 (N) 15 00
Timothy 2 75 3 50
We carry a couplet a stock of the
diffeteut makes of trusses. When in
need of a truss cone to us, we do not
charge you a fabulous price like some
of those so-called truss experts.
\Ve guarantee a fit with the proper
style of truss suitable to every case or
money refunded. Call and see the new
The newest and best truss yet.
Can be worn with ease and comfort.
W. S Cole, PhmB.
Rabbet• Goods, Shoulder Braces and
A11 Druggists' Supplies.
lteg. Case visited in Clandeboye ov-
er Sunday.
Miss Cora Fowell visited in London
this week.
Mr -s. Jas. Murray is visiting relatives
in Hensall this week.
Miss Kent of Lucatn is the guest of
her aunt Mrs. John Hawkshaw.
Miss Della Crocker of Ottawa is vis-
iting her cousins, the Misses Johns.
Alfred 'Wilcox left 'Tuesday for 11-
det ton where he has opened a barber
Mrs. N'esley Balfour of Farquhar
visited her sister, Mrs. Chas hackney,
over Sunday.
Miss Della Treble has taken a posi-
tion as saleslady with the Wright Hat
Co.. London.
Clarence Bonier left for Drinkwater,
Sask., in company with Mr. W. Mit-
chell Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoskins of
Brantford and 31r. Nelson Hoskins of
Chicago visited friends here last week.
Mrs. J. A. Rollins who haft been un-
dergoing an operation for appendicitis
at London, returned to her home much
unproved Saturday evening.
"iT MAK 1 '1 ME SMILE."
" I've been wearing glasses. i
couldn't read hal( the In int of the
Advocate, nod now 1 Can read it all.
This pair makes me feel like a three-
and now he's happy. Onr glasses will
do as Hauch for you. No occasion for
being cross when you wear them.
Try them, buy there. and see. Don't
cost but a trifle.
Optical goods in complete stock.
W. S. HOWEY, Phm, B.
Chemist and Optician.
;MP V 'IF Air IF Air 'IP IF AV if'P i111
is the one biggest assets in
Star Flour
gained this for us. Our bnsiness
has not iteen built quickly, brit
is built on a goo( foundanon.
it's the actual results from
Star Flour
that determines ita valor. (just•
ity lingers long after prires ate
Remember your order s for
flour and feed are appreciated at
the trill and promptly attended
1 4
a 4
ESEi'E1( ONT.\aro
i alkieaiilli seudk as ILA
Haiiai'e Stock is Complete
Choice Clover and
Timothy Seed
For Sale
Is what the people want and this is just the quality of
furniture we handle. Some people are willing to pay lav-
ish sums for exceedingly elaborate designs, but most peo-
ple want style, combined with serviceability at a moderate
outlay. Our lines fill the bill exactly, being rich in design
and reasonably priced. Our extensive lines include SIDE-
are a line which we are introducing and we are showing
a specially fine selection in elegant designs.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
Magnificent Showing of
Fancy Blouse Nets
Fancy Nets are considered very stylish this season. We are well
prepared to meet the demand with a full line of
BRETONNE Net Ci{EAM Poilit D' Esprit
A New Net Waist will be The Real Thing.
Our shots roosts are full of all the
and our Millima-9 are ready to wait on you and take your orders=.
Come Early for Your Easter Bonnet.
New Spring Coats
and Skirts.
Stylish garments and good ma-
terial are the main points this sea-
son and are just what you will find
here. We have something real
new to slow you.
New Dress Goods.
oils entint••rs are all full of the
New Fabrir•.. Nothing left out to
make our showings at=ticce"". i)o
not f.ul to wee thein.
New White Goods.
This w ill be a banner season for
e. bite.
5\%Is5 :.nd
l:Nlil{(►II►I:ItI-l* Mt'Si.INS
1 be found here in abundance,
Long gid Gloves
8 button length, black or tan, $1,75
12 but ton length, black or tan, 42.2 .1
House Furnishings Now is the season for House-cleaning.
You may heed a New Carpet or Nice
Hug or (u'od Linoleum. A good se-
lection here to choose from. Come in and let us help you House -clean.
Get The Best !, Cost No More !
Wall Paper
Newest Designs !
Lowest Prices !
Headquaaters for the Celebrated
W. E. Sanford Clothing.