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Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-09, Page 7
1 SPRING BLOOD !Girt Who \\•as Human Pincushion and t;\1 A1.1.0%% D 75 1'I18. IS BAD BLOOD: r adee lite. Three remarkable cases art• rr:olded Clow to Get New .Health and Str*gth in the Spring,. The tt:r,ter months arc to.r:g to the Health ta earn the roost robust. Con- tluement a deer a overheated and near - 1/ rdways badly vcutilated rooms --in Me home, in the shop and in the school taxes the tf(ality of even the strong- est. The blood becomes thin and wat- ery, or clogged with impurities, the liver sluggish, the kidneys weakened. 6vnletimei you P(t up in the morning lust es tired as when you went to bed. SernP reople have headaches; others are acv spirited; some have pimples and r`ldn eruption. Three are all spring syrrirt ma That the Mesa! Ls out of con- ttien. You caa't cure these troubles milth purgntivc medic:nes, which mere - 'ay gallop through the system leaving you *till weaker. What you need to give .vou strength In spring Is a tonic, and the ono always reliable tonic and blood 'builder is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The.sc pills not only banish sprits, ills. but guard you against the more serious ailments that kllow, such as anaemia, nervous debility, rheumatism. indigos. lion and kidney trouble. Every dose of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills makes new rich. red blood. which strengthens every ticers, every organ and every part of 1K body. This is why Dr. Williams' •I'u.k Pills is the favorite spring medi- cine with thousands and thousands throughout Canada. Try this medicine this spring and yon will have energy I and strength to resist the torrid heat of the coming summer. Mrs. Jas. !nis- kel, Port Mattlnnd, N. S., says: "1 was troubled with headaches, had a bad taste in my mouth, my tongue was cents rd, and i was easily bred and suffered from a feeling of depression. I got a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and it was not long before they began to help me and 1 wns torn feeling ns well as etas 1 had leen." You can get these pills from any medicine dealer e.r by mail at 50 cenls a box or six boxes for $2.51 from The Dr. Williams' Me- iiicfno Co.. Rrockvillc, Ont. _ _4— ST0111' OF OLD BILLY. Famous Eniili.h (.in Horse plopped Work al 59 fears of Age. Old Billy was a gin horse belonging pthe Mersey and irwell Navigation .o„ and continued at his work until May, 1819, he being al that time 59 }cars of age, says the Manchester Gu©rd- lan. ills last days were spent in the en- jcyment of a well earned rest on a farm at Latchford. It was hoped that he would walk in the procession in Manchester to celebrate the Coronation of George IV.. but ho was too old, amt would not leave the stable. Ile diced Nov. 22, 1822, In his 62nd year. I About 25 years later his head, care - ally preserved. was prceentel by the! navigation company to the museum I 111 1 Klass street. and was transferral .th the rest el td:e collection to Pet- .. 1'(h, n. in 1867. the greater portion of ;Le collection was handed over to the (`wens College authorities. some of lyra specimens were sold by auction. it Is b•kehly probable that 011e Billy's lead wt : among them. tiWREN BABY Ig SIOK GIVE BABY'S OWN TABLETS ----•' The little Ills of childhood c•ften come eery suddenly and often they prove rte as if not treated promptly. The •e mother will keep itaby's Own Tab - Is ahvays at hand and give her itlllc ones an oecasiennl dose to prevent sick- ness cr to treat a promptly. d U corns viwxpectofly. Baby's Own Tablets cure ell the miner ailments of children and nn cbsolutely safe. Mrs. A. 11. Bonny - ,man. Mattall, N. S.. ant's ----"1 have tweed Baby's Own 1atlets leer teething, .- 'Constipation and other lis cf chNd- 11j 'toed. and have found than a cafe and excellent medicine." Gold by all medi- cine deatrea or by mail at 25 cents a t eh from '1 he Dr. %Valeams' Medicine t i , o.. Pi c .,;t ,..e. Ont. Most women would rather to envied ( 11Lan educated. i V1'iiAT CAUSESOstoRE.ADACiIE. .esell%be !teens mastof HeadsetATTS allows ,agoiatlllt moms saw. R. W. eMe• es hes MO it And no ea: ) hunter may if t tap r early tied kr his treaktast. imPtnT ,rF'1\IVG•N111111NF. REPAIRS. reed?' her hust:and complained. "ties," rrplted; "tut yeti kid me before •.ve were married that you wcud give me all 1 wanted:' Al.e sawingmar Salim nil of AM..'ut• Tarn, age pN• West a•e '.•s and parte for all roaN,,•es at ,I.g •r Norse Any ?defy Aostnp weed ani lwoit o1 searing math tn. /or' J pears or more wets. o -i, ' Setriv,p Machine Co.. Manning CAd••'e'-a. torose.', /or beourt/ar eel of ten t•srerwfr 'tete* of °margo tart Jur testing. In the Duvet of people wt.o hate :aid. lowed needles. One of thein 1. .i.d t: a lady who 30 years lige • t a needle in her lett foci. an et•..t ttiit.ch he had Torg tten mill al the end of last year it presented itself In her right elbow and was cosily retrieved. Another case referred to a lady who had broken off a needle in the f:st je.nt of her left thumb. Dr. Campbell Mack searched for it unsuccessfuily, but a year later she felt a pricking sensation in the rig!it ft•refluger, and, having brt•l.en the skin. she without difficulty removed li., greater portion of the lest needle from the point et the finger. The other re- markable case was under the cure et Dr. G. Wright Hutchinson. The pati- ent was a healthy girl, aged 20, who was in the habit of putting pins in her mouth, and sometimes had been known to fall asleep without reulov:alt them. She was admitted to the hospitul, hav- ing swallowed five pins accidentally, and by the help of emetics sho was re- lieved of there. Returning home, she began regularly to vomit pins, and get rill of 25 in the course of a month. She then began to produce needles, and in a fortnight 13 came out from the fallowing situations—the left nostril, be- hind the left ear, and a spot on the front of the right forearm; at the same time she continued vomiting pins un- til 75 had appeared. Two of the needles were threaded with about three Inches of thread. BE GAYI 1f you know no stories funny You can laugh and still Le gay; If you're not the man with money; You can work and earn your pay; Se feel no anxious flutter As the seasons corse and go. There is either ice to cut. or There is grass for you to mow. AN UNDERSTANDING. It Is understood that a considerable numbtT of hens, which have been un- employed all winter, contemplate re- suming operations as soon as the wea- ther will permit. This will simplify the breakfast question. MAGISTRATE !'RAISES ZAM-I1UK. Magistrate Rasmussen. of 202 Mar- quette St., Montreal, writes: "For many years I was troubled with a serious erup- tion of the skin. This was not only un= sightly, but it was at tunes very pain- ful. I first tried various household re- medies, but these proved altogether useless. I then took medical advice. Not one, but several doctors In turn were consulted, but 1 was unable to get any permanent relief. Some time back 1 noticed a report from a Justice of the Peace (Magistrate Perry, 1. P. for B. C.) who had been cured of a chronic skin disease by Zam-Buk, and I determined to gtvo this balm a trial. Before this everything I tried failed ab- solutely to relieve my pain and rid me cf my trouble, but three boxes of Zans- Ruk worked a complete cure, and I hope that my experience will lead other sufferers who ere in despair to try this herbal healer. Zam-Buk.w For healing eczema. running sores, cuts, bruises, burns, boils. eruptions, scalp stores, pimples, spring eruptions, itch, chapped hands, and diseases of the skin Zam-Duk is without equal. Ad druggists and stores sell it, 50c. a box or postpaid from Znrr.•Buk Co., Toronto. FLEAS AND THE PLAGUE. 1t has long t•ccn known that rets are an important cause of the spread of plague, but more recent researches seem to indicate that fleas servo as an intermeJiate link In conveying the dis- ease from rats to men. According to the observations and conclusions of Simend, infection of plague from one human being to another takes pace, but in an insignificant number of Cases compared with these where fleas carry the infection from rat to man. The re - recent experiments of the plague com- mission at Bombay have established the fact that fleas convey the plague from lnfeete•l to healthy Fels, and it hes also been shown that the species of flea concerned Is always found In .plaguc.Infeckvt houses. Medical ace cnce therefeae declares war upon fleas at open mo-squikes, and the mystery ca epidemics is pmportsonaliy cleared up. Yet touch remains to be learned. REPT AND RECUPERATION. To provide • restful eniVcnmeat without sanatorium reetnrt,oni, to enable tired hu- manity to recuperate naturally, to •erne• to the average mho or woman the ...dee rbauI• from worry had car.. sod to do these it moderate r"et, t• the mntct nt 'The Welland,' the hum. et 'Th. Pt Cat). trines We11 " Atply the manager, It. 'atharine•.or any Affect of Urand Tana Railway b7.tes "hint 1 g•ve )'t a a.: the n•,cnev you Toler -"Thought 1'd stet some cheeky et.storrers, but------" itootmaker—" \\hat 'non?' Tailor-1'1've had to pros these tro :•airs kur Urea. and they ere nct even paid krill Boctmaker— "That's nothing. I wtnt to culled a bill for a Pair of baits yesterday, ant the few N'k ed ale c ut with thein.' \\'•. oils'( 1.1•rr.e' '-.ane ••u' 1. r ro. /using to take th : - . wn a.yt•r. -4 7 1 1 TI:nlkor 1 I VTJT• pleasingess flavor. The big blackplug chewing tobacco. b • 11711, Menge Pratrto Scratches and every form of centagIous Itch on human or animals cured 'n 30 mirutes by Wol. ford's Sanitary Lction. 11 never falls. Sold ty all druggists. 1' r=t 1 r amp—"\\hat's tie matter weld Mt al? Ile ie.ke as if life wasn't wcrth l.v,rt'." Seeend Tramp—"That's list hcw h.' feels. Ye m.nd two days ago a peer lean faait.d !n trent ea that big h' .:se ever sander. an the kind lady rushc•l cut n..1 a tattle ea brandy to restcrc 'tin'" "1 mind.' "Wel. Mtike. tie tried ih' feiDtin' rachet there th.s mcrn:n'. an. th' ole Indy rushed cut th' same ns tele re. But when she seed M.ke. she sn.d. 'Poor fel:c r. his peres :s ail slenge% up so to can't 1•reathe, says she. an' then she turned th' Lcse cn 'ire. "Isn't Jetts a tel:.ver CUP?' "He s." "Is 11 weuldrat have a dcc'er. the ...her day. alien she 'T• tr+ic.'' "\\'ea. 1 g, .roto his txuse 1'..st Wit's all right. Ike .1i :n Ihe fa.t true that 1,r for 1..s tt.!e was :I." "It EAR' A doctor naw," "Cth, now Jiiul8eU.' , T N tJ ELL DRILLS' At tib one of l,rorals' late Burroeed tnarhu,ee par are 1,. c ..t tt..ye ',roll's en thea argil (r.r•eteJ. '1 hey we the It w ler, In thisltt:e. C.rtalcd) rr.e greatest m.w.•yev�rningdWell Drilling Machinery made Iu Americo. AA LOOMIS MACHINE CO., TIFFIN, ONTO. SUMMER OUTING! G nd•.n and !Is great Ani :c French Fai Parte with ite rational lateral, e:y with gage, decors Stens. music. arewora. ererrvnrwkinz : et0 mites coaching. Eur progrrmme a1 tout from EzuetA I w it• P. WITfiROw', B A.. TORONTO. FCENTS, S103.5u PER MONTH' soli:ng the.* wonderfcs betes.ra V. C. (lietueer, ('.'Iurobua, (e . wid'1: palm 411:1- 1. a h oar•, made iia • )'od aptbtt• can do (1 w• sh..w ).or,. rime mann Rpectal Inducement, 10 Canadian 4gents. Thermos ai'l's Co., 1102 K St. Dayton, O. MIL IL ^---'-� ETERBOROU 6 ..- HOE LULU)] Ont. Cairede. $EtiD TOR [ATAIOGlJE, WANTED to hear from owner having A GOOD FARM fur ogle. Net particular about loettlon- 1'lease give price and deserlptton, and rag• son for selling Iltate when pnasession cau be had. will deal with owners only. 1.. Darhysbtre, Box 954, Rochester, N. V, QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE Gives Perfect Light. e�w.aswtwttw fi i FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE. MOW 441110111.11 A'WELL STOCKED VEGETABLE GARDEN RENNIE'S "GEM GARDEN" COLLECTION OF VEGETABLE SEEDS contane ju.t the right gvantitks of each k,nd to give a plent,f.:r rupp:y of (rev!, vegetables every day in the season—earl } er late. Ask (or the "OEM DAKUEN" Collection when ordering. 1 t contains 1 ib. 1)warfStringless YelIow R,1 Heana tb. Dwarf Stringless Green Pod Hesn• pkt. Dwarf II.•h Lima Beans 1 pkt, Round Red Nett 1 pkt. Early Cabbage 1 pkt. lnterm`diate Red Carrot i lb. Early Sugar Cora 1 pkt. Shang Cucumber 1 pkt. Cabbage !leading Lettuce 1 pit. Early, Slicing Onleo 1 pkt, Large Boiling Onion 1 crit. long N%'hite Parmelee T, Earl,est Dwarf Peas 1h. Medium Early Dwarf Peas lb. Leta Dear( Peas Oct. Fars) Round Red. Radials 1 Pkt. Marrow Squash 1 pkt. Ear:y Smooth Scarlet Taetato 1 pkt. Rcvmd %%'bite Table.... Tyrol* $2.50worth of Seeds for $ 1.00 Address ail order• to WM. RENNiE CO., Limited, SEEDS TO*ONTO A woman's tears an 1 n man's grins are not entity. on tt.e )ctrl. To Those of Sedentary Occupation.— Men also fellow' setleretory cecupaton<, which deprive them of fresh air and exercise. are more prone to disorders of the liver and kidneys than those who lad act.te, outdoor livers. The loaner well find in Par•melee's Vegetable Pills a restorative without question the east eflkack-us on the market. They are easily procurable. easily main. act expeditiously. and They are s.;rprisfng:y cheap conaider.ng their ex- •: cl lance. "1 anppose." remarked Knox, sarcasti- cally. "that you re busy with your aociol functkens as usual?' 1'Oh, yes.' replied (holly. wearily; "tut I'm beginning to d►seover. dent y' know. that society Is a deuced bore." "Well. well, most of us discovered that about your society long ago." She on the Atlantic liner) --"D!.( you !acrve the grant appetite of heal strut man at dinner?' Hc—"tics; he must t>d what !hey caa a stcs-.-way. 18131.1 NO. 1:--411 INTO EACH DAY. lute each day bring joy and cheer; ink) each tiay bring mirth, Into erica day while you're hying here, br,ng love of the joys of earth; Bong nevtr a frown or a nooks; tear, or never a fleetness sigh, To -day Is the day to banish fear, don't wall for the bye and bye. Into each day bring your very best, a life: -tune is but a day, l'oanorrow you may be called to rest -- now Is (le time to say The helping word 10 a kitting friend, now is the time to give The helping hand, ere the sun descend; to -in' rrow you may not live. 1: -to each day tring ail your love, your ceurage and kindness, too; What wall you say when you're called above of the goal Butt you didn't do. Will you answer, you meant on another day le offer a helping hand. To speak kind words that you didn't ay? Ito you think Ile wits under- stand? Into ennh day bring all you can of hope and of faith and cheer; Give flowers to the living man, dont watt tilt he's on his bier; Live every day as you would. my friend, if you knew it to be your last, ile kind to -day as your way you wend through life ere the chunco is past! Into each day bring all your gifts, far of them the worli's in need; For e;rn'les in the clouds of life are rifts, there's joy in a kindly deed; (.o through the day with an upright head, with kindness for everyone, And at night when weary you go to ted, leave nothing of good un- done. —Edgar A. Guest. f A Sure Cure of Ileadache.—Bilious headache, to which women are more subject Than men, becomes so acute In tome subjects that they are utterly pros- trated. The stomach refuses food, and there Ls a constant end dstressing ef- fort to free the stomach from bile which hos become unduly secreted there. Par - melee's Vegetable Pills are a speedy al- ternative, and in neutralizing the et- fecis of the Intruding bile relieves the pressure on the nerves which causes the headache. Try them. iiOW ONE HELPS TILE OTHER. tier—The one ambition of the aver- age man is to make money. Ilim—And tho one ambition of the average woman Ls to spend it." PILES CUBED IN I TO 11 DAYS. PAZ() OiNTMIIN1' It gusrsnteei 13 can •ey ease of Itching, Bonet, Bleeding or Protudlaa 11:es fa a tole dys or mm•y refunded. sue. CAUSE AND EFFECT. Little Willie—Grandad, that makes a plan always give a woman a dia- mond engagement ring?" Grandfather—The woman. The merits of Bickle's Antl-Coonsump- tive Syrup as a sure remedy for coughs and colds are attested by scores who know its power in giving almost in - slant relief when the throat Is sore with coughing and the whole pulmon- ary region disordered in consequence. bottle 01 this weridrfamed Syrup will save doctor's hills. and a greet deal of suffering. j'rice 25 cel.;., al all dealers. TRUE, "1 cannot sing the old songs!' She warbled. It was true; But 01 low she succeeds In murdering tate new. Pbyslast Pals and mantel anguish .lust the rteatraa of akin dte.as•.flet rid of both by rib Mug Wr'ers Cerates on the heated. Itcblag, die - figured face. Ib• relief post is aaong the weeders of Nitcia. A rr,an wtio would shoot another nom ei hush is mean enough to be the author of an anonymous letter. ifollowny's Corn Cure destroys all kinds of corns and warts, mot and branch. \\ ho, then would endure them with such a cheap and effectual remedy within reach? "Facts may be stubborn things,' ny r- allzed L'nrle A:1('n Spittle,. 'telt I ve noheed that a lie la a goo.! deal harder to kiil off." When yogi ass Ramsey s Paints, you are pete.I.h.d to find bow far tb•y ao, bt w beautiful they •re. how lung they tact, •od bow reasonable They worb so easily, Anybody ran spgly them. Tour dealer w111 *bow s range of Atte colors for your boas. Inside or out Write A Ramey • Inn ('o , Montreal, for Tach of Pourealr Picture Post Cards of Routes. Some men are ' i.e re osiers; they let their wives do all the work and they do all Ihe crowing. If oe 045 eat et sorts get a bottle of 'Ferraris' the teat tower. sod r•u will b• surprised bow quickly that tired feeling will wear oft. 0.00 bottles 411 dealers in mrefir.,s. When n man t- , as In brag about his hensdy it's Erne for his friends 10 be careful. ario Much distress and sickness In chit. dren is caus.1 by %roams. Mother (soaves' Worm Exterminator gives re- lief ty removing the cause. Give it a trial and be convineed. CAT SAYER FAMILY FROM! FLAMES. A cat saved five persons from be. ing burned to death in a fire at i.obert+t- de.:e. ind., nenr llamrnond. Flames lar ke out in the rear et the house of Herman 1leisen while Ihe family were (.sleep. The house cat was singed and .n pain and terror the animal rushed to the upper flexr and leaped ',n Rei - Fen's bed. fie leen was badly s'ratered ty the cat &fore he awakened. Ile spec -illy excused the rest <f the fem- ily. and all escaped. including the cat. The house was destr' yed. Y Manny a Far tr,an has nothing but motley. Backache, Headache Internal Pains. "IJ every n(f- ferinA, woman would take Pe- runa, they would seSts know itr value and never Je without it." 'Perna and with the !earth bcthe et 11 1 vp• perfectly cured. "E'er aha recsrn 1 re,ommend 1t (0 lel those who aro suffering with that terntle malady. dyspepsia. I hope that all who aro afflicted In this way will take Per: na and M.:ialln as I d.d." Chronic ?ideal Catarrh. Mr. Chas, 11 atevens, 122 sixteenth SI., Det,o:t, Isiah.. v.rltes: ''It tiff• alis me great pleasure to testi- ly to the merits of Peruna as a remedy for catarrh. "1 suffered ter some time with chrottie nasal catarrh, but after C•.e ,edeas' trcatineet during filch time 1 used seven bottles cf Peruna I am glassed to any teat I am entirely well, theme net being the slightest trace of catarrh left. Peruna is without a doubt, In my mind, 111e greatest remedy known for ca la rah." MRS. JOSEPH LACEL1.E, 124 Bronson St., Ottawa Fast, Ontario, Canada, writes: "I suffered with backache, headache and dragging pains for over nine months, and nothing relieved me until I took Peruna. This medicine U by tar better than any other medicine for these troubles. A taw betties relieved me o. y miserable half-dead, half -alive oon- dmilfon-� - "I am now In good health. have nei- ther ache nor pain, nor have I had any tor the past year. "If every suffering woman would take Peruna, they would soon know its value► and never be without 11" Dyspepsia and Indigestion. hide. Jhsaph Beaudoin, 59 Rue St. Olivier, Quebec. P. Q., Can., writes: "Peruna is wonderful for indigestion. i cel wnut,_•‘el' 1 scant mud rn. lousier, NT—any o`ppres4:4;71 laving had dys- pepsia for a tong time and having tried vark,us other remedies, 1 decided to try Weak, Tired Feeling. Miss .large A. Leaser, 928 W. 88th St., Chicago, 1:1., Worthy Secretary 1. 0. O. T, wr•ltes. "I am glad to give a good word fir reruns, and 1 hope that all who sec th.s who are trrubied with aystons:c catarrh as I was for years, wr,i profit by It. "I had tried n,eny remedies, but none did more than give tree temporary re- lief, and some did not even do that. "I took Peruna at the suggestion of a friend, and was niore than pleased and surpr•tsed at the results. "I am now perfectly well tltpd strong. That weal, tired feeling has lett me, and I tee like a different person en- tirely." The Slavery of Disease. It is wonderful tow many women in Canada and tem United States have been practically made new again by the use of Peruna. Not the veli ns of any organic dies -e, but just a hall -dead and hag -alive, con- dition. Miserable, dragging pains that keep a woman always from doing ler best work, from being her best self. Cross and petulant, perhaps. .Maybe even a slattern in her household, Just because her health is continually below par. She never feels quite right. She gets the reputation of being sullen, or mor bid, or 111 tempered. lfer trouble is not a moral one at all, it is simply a physical one. Make such a woman well and she immediately be. comes transformed into a new being mentally. Tris .is,eyar� jaitsti'eruna has done t u nluiltuue of ca•c!. WANTED Our readers to note the !acts regarding the recent important discovery in medicine mado by an eminent French physician, and the formula endorsed by ('anadian phy- sicians and druggists—PANGO. This Latin term signifies in the English language p:i n go. This remedy is nt t a patent medicine. It is not a specific 'o ' all of the human ailments. The company do guar- antee marvellous results in certain cases. These cases are amongsthe most painful to which all are more or leas subject, and hence the years of study resulting in this discovery. The company will refund all moneys paid in any case where Pango fails to relieve, and any purthase1 can upon ap- plication secure the benefit of tbis guaran- tee, Neuralgia, Gout, Rheumatism, Colds. Price 25 and 60 cents. The Pango Company, Toronto CANINE E'rn(►sr. "Justin.- said Mrs. Wyss. :ed MI W •es. Yea,' rez, . r. y )a;u speak a kind word to Fido end make him wag his tad? Ile hasn't bad ens bit cf cxerciae all day." TO C2'iIE A COLD iN OW DAT LAZATIv1 1110]40 petals* TAW.. pgteli Weal money 11131615 14 este. is W. elgMtsr• 10 •s •welt beg. tM. DIVERS DISE.\Sl•:e. "What." Diquired the Sunday achou; teacher of her youthful pupas—"what are divers diseases?' Bashful or Ignorant. the sochoiars clung tenaciously to the doctrine that little boys ahou:d be yen and not heard. "Come," pursued the teacher, can't any of you tell nee'' Then Johnnie's arm shot up. "Weil?' asked the teacher. "Please, m s " answered Johnnie, "water en the train:" 111 HOSTF-SS WASN'T. Lady Guahington to great Lefler) — lo.s sang the last song beautifully. 1 v.as in the topper roe)in, but i heard every word. You hate improved; you have, really. - The Great Tenor—But--1 have not yet sung: 1 em next! Genet, lie That Should be Rubbed is.. V t ere, er pain Is felt In the limb(' er Ca •k. take Dr. Thomas' Ec!ectr 0 0::. lc..r a little in the hand. and ap. p:y.ng It to the surface beneath which the rain lies, rub br.slcly. 11 the first application does not afford relief, which 's not usually the arse, keep rubbing. The Oil will gredunlly penetrate to the affected part and rel.et will corse. l.4\E'S GRAMMAR. "What makes you think 1 m selfish?' `Your Inability to get beyond 'i'— say '\Ve.' ' You never tea•.e to dun a wan :the owes you a grudge. fliers /a Only ono - «Bromo Quinine " That ala Laxative ammo Quinine wry rim WORLD OVER r0 CURE A GOLD IN 0/INF DAT. Always remember the full name 1f,ok tot this signature on every bee. 25c. 1 1 4 1 4 4 ,144 1 3 1 1 44 1 4 4 1 I