Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-02, Page 8DANGEROUS PURGATIVES Many People Ruin Their Health Using Purgatives in Spring. Al,rryyp incite ne LS nn actual ne.es- 6ity. erei1re dcn,unds it as an aid to currying off the impurities that have accttrnulakd in the blood during the wirier months. Thousands of people recognizing the necessity of a spring medicine dose themselves with harsh, griping purgatives, This Is a Serious mistake. Ask any doctor and ho will till you Mal Ihe use of purgative ineJi- eine weakens the system. buil does not cure dtsense. in the spring the system ncees building up—purgatives weaken. The blood should 1-e made rich, red and pure.--purgntives cannot do this. Whet 1. needed 'n the spring is a tonic, and the test tonic medical science has yet (ievised 1s Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Eery dose of the medicine actually' makes new rich red blood. This new Hood strengthens every organ, every nerve. every part of the body. 'That 1, why Dr. \Viltiutns' Pink Pills ban- ish pirgples anal unsightly skin erup- tions. That is why they cure headaches. eaekaches. rheumatism, neuralgia, gen- eral evekr'.s and a host of other trot'. bee that come from poor. watery ,e,litood. That is why men and worsen • wen use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills eat well. sleep well, and feel bright, ac- tive and strong. Mrs. Joseph Lepage. St. Jerome, Que.. says: "My daughter Buffered from headaches and dizziness. Her appetite was poor. She had no eirength and could not study or do any ,work. She was thin and pate as a sheet. A neighbor advised the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and after tak- •ing a couple of foxes we could see an Improvement In her condition. She used the pills for some weeks longer, when they fully restored her health. raid she is now enjoying the hest henith eh( ever did. Try Dr. Williams' Pink Flee this •4 ring If you want to be heal- thy and atmng. Sold by all medicine elealera or by mall at 50 cents a box er six boxes for 82.50 from the Dr. \Vllllanns' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 3 HOUSEHOLD }TINTS. (Not to to fellovved.) Mice have a strong dislike for cats, which is strange, for cats are genuine- ly fond of mice. Pa.stry should be light. but not too much so. A pio that three men can manage is about right.. To clean a window by knocking all the glass out Is an untidy method. It's lar tetter to rub it with a trick. Layer -cake is so called because 1t is tut to layers. If more than five sten lee high, a steel skelefrn is ndvlsa!le. iletore sweeping a carpet, scatter a lot of ashes and dust over d. This will encourage tee carpet sweeper, by rous- ting its ambition. If you are a man, and have to lay n carpet, provide yourself with a soft hammer andIeenty of sharp tacks and blunt words. When (oil:ni eggs, do net forget that, iltnwever long you (roil the vvnkr. the eggs will not cook if yeti forget to put Ahem in the pan. 4. SAYI Are you able to work by the day without being watched? CHILDHOOD INDIGESTION ' MEANS SICKLI BABIES The baby who suffers from indiges- tion Ls :haply starving to death. 't loves all desire for food and the little It cess take does it no good: the child is i eevish, 'roes and restless. and the soother fres worn out in caring for it. I'.aby.s Own Tablets always cure 'ride 'nsl.on. and make the child sleep heal- italy and naturally. Mrs. Geo. dwell, dandy Beach. Que.. says: "My baby suffered from indigestion. colic and vomiting. and cried day and night, but after giving trim Baby's Own 'Tablets Ittt trouble disappeared and he is now a healthy child." The Tablets will cure WI the minor ailments of babyhood and hlldhevs I. Sold by medlclne dealers or ! mail at 25 cents n box from The lir. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. IN TIM.. BIGHT DIREe.TION. Instep Riomfle'd ens ane of the many 0- witty Englehmen whose good things .have found their way Into a recent volume 4 t reminiscene_cs, "Leaves From the Ne.le-Rook e.f I.ndy flerrdhy Nevill." Bishop Blomfield Was led into a con- troversy one time with a karned man es 1• the mental superiority of the East a ver the \fe't. and his opponent, es a parting slot. said: "Weil. at any rate, you can t dispute that the wise men came from the Fast." "Surety. that was the wisest Thing they ccui l dol' retorted the bishop. TOE PROFESSOR. Itis youngest grandchild had man - aced to get pesseasion of a primer and ,s trying to eat 11. "Pardon me for toeing the vs orls cul of your mouth. little one.' s.a.d the ,profeseer, Wesley .11e:0. -inti'. 1 e Black watch Black Ptap The ChcwinTobacco of Qjality. TUEY HAVE I'A\lll.l' TREES. 1't.t.studs of elle Black .Forert Have Curestes U1d Lees. The rcawnt ferns rf (ho Black For- est are handed demi from father to son in a direct lune, viten dating back 1i10 years. There is no division as In France; ail falls to the heir, only here it is not the eldest, but the youngest sen Who inherits. It is rare that a Bur (peasant) dies as reigning head. When he gets en in yearn he nbdicates, in order to end his days in the Leibgedingehaus (dower hcuse), which stand beside each Itof (stcading). That he does Sri in favor of his young st s n is very sans:bio; were A the elder he would have no peace. ter as won as he married he would try te induce his parents to retire eel :,t an age when power is sweetrst and t eel exercised. For MS reason the practical farmers e.f by-g.,-te generations decided to hand ever the succession to the youngest, s nci', when Benjamin is a full-grown man father Jacob is old and glad to net. This law of inheritance goes by the name of Voile!. Should the heir f his own free will desire to resign in fever of his elder brother, the latter must buy the property from him. In such a case the younger may be termed a kind of Esau. A LITTLE TO ONE SIDE. "You think you have unusual pres- ence of mind? said \Irs. Jenks, to hi r Husband, in a tone which was some- what tinged by the recollection of her recent wrongs connected with a forgot- ten basket of kindlings. "I do, in rea- son," said Mr. Jenks, boldly, turning his hack to the wood -box. "Humph!' said Airs. Jenks. "Well, !while you've been two hours and a hall at the store getting me a yeast - cake I've been reading the paper a few minutes to rest my back after doing v lot of work no woman ought to have put on her; and I've been reading of e man that really had pre.seneo of mind. What should you do first off it you saw n man fall out of a balloan 'vvay up in the air?' "First off," said Mr. Jenks, turning a calm gaze on his Inquisitor, "1 should Walt to sir where he landed, meanwhile Mantling from under, it possible." PROOFi That 'lam-Ruk Grows New Healthy Skin. Mr. J. Schofield, of 467 Hamilton Road, London, Ont., says: "A friend of mine (Mr. William Ball, of London) was severely and terribly burned through an explosion e 1 kerosene oil. Ile was taken to the hospital where he suffered In- tense pain. The wtrunds refused to heal and the doctors deeded to resort to skin grafting, and 1 consented to have some skin transplanted from my lege le his tody. Although this was done cn several oocastons, the akin refused "to take" until Mr. Ball heard of Zarn- Buk. From the time he applied Zam- Buk, new healthy akin began to grew. 1 then used tans-Buk for the places on my leg from which the skin was re- moved, and 1 am gInd to report that new skin hes grown, and therefore Con- sider Zam-Buk the best skin food 1 have k ne wn'' For heeling eczema. running sons, cuts, bruises. burns, boils, eruptions, scalp acres, itch, chapped hnnele and diseases of the akin Zam-Bilk is without equal, All druggists and stores yell It. 50:. n b .x c•r past -paid from the Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. SAVED SOME PMN. Mrs. Leahy was determined that Norah, the only girl in the family, should learn to piny the piano. "Their father has a fine big voice and me own is not had," she told a neighbor, "but there can't one n' them children sing a node. So Norah must learn lho piano, and we'll have to lave the boys go." "Ilenw is Norah getting en with the piano?" inquired \Ir. Leahy's employer; t( wtir,rn Norah's father had confided the fact thnt his daughter was taking music lessons. "She shtrives wid might an' main," said Mr. Leahy. "and she's on a grand piece. \\'ell, sorr, alt I can say is, Ihnt if Mr. Chopping—that she tells wrote the piece—end cone to life again an' hear Norah piny 11. he'd be thankful he was dead an' buried before her Mrs. Leahy tuk the notion to have Nora!' study the piano. An' (hots tl.e Bindle" The harder n man works the harder 11 Ls lo work him. TO CITW A COLD 111 ONE DAT LAXATIVK HRO)otel Qanine Tablet& glets Won I m' ley If 11 fan!. t r ours. i. W. TX'S signature Is on each boz. 25e. No roan is necessarily simple bo au: e lie Ives Ihe sample life. The ! 1. " fleatkol Plasters are marvel - lions In their quick action when applied to Isms hacks er stiff rheumatic muscles or joists. They Give immediate reileL REFLE T1ON . Beauty isn't even akin deep. bots c! It rubs off. Snore people would even like to bor- row a xperience. If you want to knew how to manage a wife ask a man who never had one. No. \Inudle, dear, the man with a heavy beard doesn't always have a strong face. BEATS LUCK. You wet no! clung on luck, It you are ‘‘,se. l'ou'd rather use your pluck, And advertise, REASONABLE. "New." said the teener, "can any one telt why the summer days ale long and the winter days are short?' "Because heat exp.an Is and ootd con- tracts," replied the blight boy. A boon Compankn is seldom lookesa upon as a boon by tee family of ttie man he woo/ales with. PINE FOREST IN HIS BEDROOM During tho recent illi:ass of the Em- peror of Austria, his physician, Dr. Ken zl, had a number of small pine Trees, growing an tubs, placed in -his txdroonl, oortvert:ng the room into a miniature ping foresi 'Tho healing properties of the pines are movie -zed by the leading pey.ii- clans and sc.enU.sta of the worl.l. Thule sands of people afflicted with lung Ircubto and bronchial altectiens wl.o ate not in a position to leave home and Lusiness to live out among the pines, can procure at small cost tho health - giving properties of the ping forest, right in their own home. Virgin Oil of Pine (pure) possesses al: the therapeutic virtue for which the pines are noted. It Is carefully prepared, being a combination of the active prin- ciples of !crest tray, end Ls guaranteed free from any impure or deleterious substance. L'sed according to direc- tions it will break up a cold in 21 hours and promptly relieve and stop the ir- ritating cough. Virgin 011 of Pin` is put up in ). -oz. vials only for druggists to dispense, each vial enclosed in a round wooden case to prevent breakage and exposure tr light. The case is sealed with an engraved wrapper showing the name— Virgin Oil of Pine compound (pure), ple- pared only by Leach Chemical Go., \\ indsor, Ont,,—plainly printed thereon. ll is well to get the genuine. Should your druggist be unable to supply you, you can have a 3L -oz. vial mailed to you by sending 50 cents to the Leach Chemical Co., \\indoor, Ont. WIiAT THE PAN WAS FOR. Ile (int the ball)—"1 wish you wouldn't flutter yeur fan oontinuously." She—"Why not, pray?" produces a coolness between us .11 A CHANCE I8 NEEDED. Through the ton whiter one needs a change. Why go South when "The Wel- land.' St. Catharines. offers an environ- ment at moderate cost which will minister to tired nerves and worn out bodies? Try the tonic Influence of "The St. Catharines Well" and the restful influence of "'The Welland." Apply the manager, St. Cath- arines. or any Agent of Grand Trunk Rail. way System. You can please a woman by roast- ing her neighbors and praising her chil- dren. Worms derange the whole system. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator de- ranges worms end gives rest to the sefferer. It only costs 25 cents to try it and Le convinced. "Please, sir, will you give a penny to a poor orphan?" "Certainly, my boy! Has your fattier been dead long?" "No, sir. Ile's the orphan. This money's fee hint." mugs CURED IN 6 TO ti DAY9. PASO OINTMENT ii guaranteed to care say wie of Itching, Blind, Bleedingor Protudie. Piles In W 14 days or money reunded. boo. Ever notice that almost every one you talk with gives you some infor- mation that isn't 'of any earthly uce tc you? Overworked Persons, either mentally or physically, .11 .uld tty " i'errurim," the world renowned nerve and blood tonic aml they will 5ulckly recover strength and health Many n man is suspected of being rich merely ibecause he doesn't pay his bills promptly. Tested by Time.—In his justly celebrat- ed Pills Dr. Parmelee has given to the world one of the most unique medicines offered to the public in late years. Pre- pared to meet the want for a pill which could be taken withnut nausea, and that would purge without pain, it has met all requirements In that direction, and it is to general use not only be- cause of these two qualities, but be- cause it is known to possess alterlitive and curative powers which place it in the front rank of nnedicines. Rut we are Inclined to believe That netk'ns do not speak boder than words n1 the meetings of a sewing society. ITCiI, etnnge, Prates &retches awl every form of contagious itch In human or animals cared in 30 minutes by \Wol- fcrd's Sanitary Lotion. It never falls. Sold by all druggists. 1f you would relnin y'eur frlcnds don't make them envs you. Tearing Down Signals does not delay stomas. Optum•laden "mMc Inc. - do net curs, whelp Tyou be;ia to consh take Allen's Loan Balm" ree (rem opium, full of beadles power. NO ANNOYANCE TO i11M Gwentk len (much embarrassed) — 1 have to apologize to you this evening, Mr. \Vhnekster. The girl has teen cook ng e.nt.ms in the kitchen, and the odor tills the hens.. The Young Man (not at all ember- rnssed)—f tie n't mind that a bit. Miss Cwendolen, I've just leen eating (intons myself. (1)' li'e silence.) -- What man has done Woman can un• do, r A Sill: 1NVEeTVr\?. For some ntonULs men of means have txen sitting Lght. No wealth for sato Investment. At this time of tho year { there comes the natural rebound. Moneyed men want some place to In• I vest their money where they will get a larger interest than the banks ;ray and yet have en absolute surety that it will rel re sunk out of sight with no return. To meet this condition cne of the best ceenpanies in the city are offering pre- ferred stock in their concern and guar- antee an 8 per cent. accumulative divi• dcnd payable each year. They will re- tsin the privilege of buying out the in- vestor of the slot k he has purchase I et the expiration of throe years, by giving him an advance of 10 per cont. en the par value of his shares plus the 6 per cent. guaranteed dividend. Tht-s appears to be an investment sc line and guaranteeing geed money. I1 is only those who aro cnxious to make a good bora fide :ncestment that the company wish to talk to. Full in- fcsrnation will be given by addressing Peet x 200, Toronto General Post Office. TERRIBLE. • This is a thought that cures to roe, Anil so 1 must repeat 11; \\'hen wife gets in a frightful Stew, Alas, 1 cannot eat it. A NEW ROUTE TO THE 01.D LAND. Canadians, and Scott sh (:anadinns 'n particular, will be interested in the re- cent announcement of sailings of the Allan 11ne for the Sunlnter season of 1908 (Glasgow service), The new twin- screw steamers "Grampian" and "lies. perlan ' will sail alternately with the "Ionian" and "Pretorian," the four steamers providing a weekly service, ,kt'.,ntreal to Gkisguw, of the highest class. Tho "Grampian" and "Hcsperian,' guilt by Alex. Stephens & Son, Lint- tesuse, are of 10,000 tons register (14.000 displacement) and have acceinmodatlon fur 250 first. 300 s=econd and a large number of third-class passengers. The "Grampian" sailed on her firal vi yage to the St, Lawrence In October, '07, and has already established a re- putation for steadiness and speed. The "llesperian ' will sail on her maiden trip from Glasgow on the 251h of April next. The great improvement in this service is expected to attract many passengers to the Glasgow Route. Don't Think because a man Nuys a volume of poetry that he is going to read 1t. il'RAT CAUSES HEADACHE. From October to May. Colds are the most ire - Qless gnaw of Headache. LAXATIVE BROMO VININB removes cause. R. W. (drove on boa 14.0 ZOOLOGICAL. \taster—"Now. tell me what the highest form of animal life is.' lloy—"The higheAt term of animal life is a giraffe." 11 is n Liver Pill. --Many of the ail- ments that man has to contend with i:avo their origin in a disordered liver, which is a delicate organ, peculinrly susceptible to the disturbances that crime from irregular habits or lack of care in eating and drinking. This ac- counts for the great many liver regula- tors now preseed on the attention of sufferers. Of these Inure is none super- ior to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. 'Their operation though gentle is effective. and the most delicate can use thein. The moon stenos blandly through the night. It gives the soul a jo foie thrill To think of gelling all that Tight With no one sending in a bill. Rene-eolered spats on the bodies of child res aro sometimes mistaken for measles. The trouble pay be rceenla, a local disease of the skin. Promptly cured rick Weaver's Cerate. "1'•' raid itteekley, "1 m told that we're genua to move to Swamphurst.' "But," said the old doctor, "the climate there may disagree with your wife.' 'It wouldn't dare!" It doesn't cost mueb to paint. That is 11 you get Itameay's Paints known for over sixty yearn as the foremost house palnta la Canada. Tour dealer has just received a large block. Ile will tell you all about them and show you the splendid color eardr. Write A. Ramsay h Pon co, Mont- real, for pack of Souvenir Picture Post Cards of homes. Many n man gets ahead 'ey inducing tether men to put their steed it•rs to his wheel. A lady writes: "I was enabled to re- move the gonna, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure.' Others who have tried it have the same experience. it's up to the chnp who is unable to tee any good in the world to catsup an oculist. DO YOU KNOW Every house has one or more outward applications for pain. fango, a recent important French discovery, Is guar- anteed to remove colda In their early stages, to give infant relief from head- ache., neuralgia, rheurnatisrn, gout and piens. It is expressly guaranteed that this remedy wilt Oil a larger number of requirenments than any yet procurable, fango is made under the direction of a Trading physician. and sent to your a.1 - dress by melt on receipt of 23 or 50 cents by the fango Company, Toronto. it is (neer to cultivate a girl's im- ag na':ea than her %o:re. Leek of credit prevents some peo- ple from living beyond their means. Ignorance Ls a Curse.—"Know 1h/ - self' is n good adn:onitian, whether re- ferring to one's physical condition or moral i:abitudes. The roan who is ac- qrrainted with himself will know how to net when nine disarrangement In his condition manifests itself. Dr. Thomas' Jileetrte 011 is a cheap and simple remedy for lee eradicat:un et rah' Irian the system and for the cure of all bron- chial troubles. Has proved market, and results. to he one of the most useful remedies yet put on the is used by the leading physicians with excels' nt PANGO will give almost instant relief to these suffering from Neuralgia, Head -ache and Rheumatism. For Colds PANGO will be found very useful. The c' '3 can be checked before the case has developed by using PAN'S' J. Apply PANGO to the outside of the nose and appy as • . a as circumstances seem to warrant. It may be used on the i:: of the nostrils where the skin is not broken. This :},tight followed by an uncomfortable sensation, which will pass c i quickly. PANGO may also be used ou the chest. I'or Tooth -ache apply PANQO externally to the face where' the pain is felt, or to the gums. This may give a smart4ng sation for a few minutes, followed by relief. PANG() may else be put on a small piece of a%sorbent cotton and put in the tooth. PANGO will also give relief to those suffering from Chapped Hands, Frost Bites, Chilblains, Shingles, Stings of Insects, Mos- quito Bites, Varicose Veins, Muscular Fatigue, Affections of tis Throat, Gout, Lumbago and Sprains. Recommended by physici ndedruggists. Manufactured under the direction of a leading physician and expert chemist. Price 50 cents. Sample Size If cents. THE pANGO COMPANY LONDON, England PARIS, Francs TORONTO, Cat d. i Do You Hear Well ? 1 new invention for the deaf and partially deaf, used by Ir. W. M, Holt, the millionaire wholesale grocer, and other prominent people is highly recommended. Electrophone In Use. We wish you to see a new electrically sensitised hearing device called the Electrophone, that instantly causes even the deafest people to hear (dearly. The very best result we can promise you as a re- ward for using the Electrophone is the complete, las` Ing restoration of yoar hearing. Next to that in importance is the certainty that the moment you apply thin marvellous little instru- ment you will be able to hear clearly and distinctly either in public or in private. This ,etentlflo electrical Bound conducting Instru- ment Ate snugly over the ear, ae shown in cut, and le eo small that it uoually escapee observation. Its pnrpoae 1. to magnify sound waves and throw them directly on the eardrum in a manner according to nature. The result 1e your deaf ear 1. exercised just ne well ear. are, and after • whsle most people And their hearing has become as rood an ever. !scan• whiles, however, with the Electrophnno attached you can bear even the fnlnteet sound without strain, ef- fort or embarrassment, and your pleasure is vastly increased by the 'insurance that no harm is being done. Ile is the case with artificial eardrums. trumpets, etc., that poisnn and ruin the earn of all w1.0 use them. Come and test the Electrophone free. We agree to make Tem hear. Tou well receive courteous attention and not he urged to purchaee Wn would advise, however, that when you have tried an Electrophone exactly salted to your degree of deafness, you pay n deposit on 1t and tryit se home. Thome who cannot call should write for our free illustrated ooklet and list of satisfied users of the Electropbonc. FREE BOOKLET TO Ai,i. WHO WRITE. FREE TRIAL TO ALI, WHO CALL. Single Faro Excursion to Toronto, Saturday March 21st, to Saturday, Maroh 28th. CANADIAN OFFICE ; THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE, Ltd, 884 SPADINA AYE, TORONTO. QUEEN CITY WATER WHITE IL Gives Perfect Lente fi FOR SALE BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE, SHAME ON II1M! "Of course. John," said Mrs. Young - husband, "1 like my kitchen quite well, but I'd like to have one of those new portable ranges," "But, my dear," protested her foxy hasbnnd, "we'd have to get portable cooking utensils to go with it.' "That's so. 1 never thought of that,' "A Grand Medicine" Ls the encomiurn atm passed en Biekle's Antt-Consump- Live Syrup. and when the results from its use are considered, as borne out by many persons who have etnployel it In stopping coughs and cradtcaling colds. 11 Is mere than grand. Kept In Ihe house it ie. always at hand and it hos ne equal as a remedy. If you have net tried it, do so at onto. Tee average man will stand withou.l Lit 'help a grad deal better than it tier) with an apron string. FG00DFARM gDd DdJi1 WANTED- 1 . her from owner baring sale Net pattcelar anent !oratin. .• ts rice and escrl tion. as lea. or selling htate wbn po,issioa ran a . Wit deal with owners bn . Larty.blre, Box 114, Boehe+ter, N. Y, EASTER LILY roR. ASTE Rf SU NDA1 , Send 10 Cents: W41 send yea 1 rarer. Lily Bulb, air, 710 u} (erect blade effre.b, de green e.e4s, 11.1,4)1 rsu!es,Perublu,fide Asters, tracks, twbs Pr.., Cosmos, &I.. Hast bni. rn.,M' rn to:011 Heb, Verbena, Bor./6cs ret, ens cclkrdss 1 11.4. sad eolbbrot 10e.a tiler or Yr. sumps, GLENWOOD NURSER,/ wlarea "ILL, YAaa, - `. Why Go South ? Try a Visit to the Famous Spinge of the II SI, Colnarines WeH" CANADA'S HEALTH RESORT In the Nittazra Penir,eala The treatment of V.rsournese sad Rheumatism a bpectalty. APPLY THE WELLAND, SL Calgaat*6e THY ISSLE 110. 13-7111'