Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-02, Page 6Ozeter At1wiu iitc
1100 11 paid In ad%an, e,
•I 110 a year if not so paid.
1 To United States Settee ribers$l.S0
a Year Strictly it Advance
SANDE88 1t CREECII, Publishers.
Buys a good
Doherty Organ
A must beautiful line of Station-
ery, Bibles. Ilymn Books, etc., at
Awad Down Prices.
-Call and see them.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound.
Tho great uterine Tonle, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator on which women can
depend. Sold in three degrees
of strength -No. 1, =I ; No. 2.
10 degree, stronger �3 ; No. 3.
for special cases, per box.
Soldby all dr eta. or Rent
prepaid on root pt of price.
Free pamphlet. Address : T$
COOKME0fe1NRC0..TORONTO.0NT. ((ormerlyli'iradlo►�
rrr age
SpringT rm
C•aada's Greatest Chain of high•
Grade fleetness Colleges, located at
PR1uB)ROtol1 WINOIIape
I follows the custom of basinem ccncerne
and takes no vacation.
Stenographers, (took • keepers a r d
Telegraphers are in great demand .n
July, A•IWiat, September and October.
We train more %none• people than
any other management in Ontario.
There must be • reason ; write for it.
______.. _ : _________
10 Clinton Business College
i George Spotton Principal.
Daniel E. Eby, Vice -Principal.
LikrhasilcaffkAkseksikllaa6ick Ala
lite fielI TelepHooe
Oopall Of Oaiaa
is about to publish a new issue
of the Official Telephone Di-
rectory for t he District of Wes•
tern Ontario. including the
Town of Exeter. Changes of
firtn name,, changes of street
addresses, or orders for du psi•
cote entries should be hanged
in at ()nee to
and Weekly
Mail and Empire
Wegkly Globe
for One Yr... $1.35
i and all other papers
at lowest rates.
Fred I)elbridge lost a valuable colt
nn Thursday of last week. - F E. Brown
left 0.1 Mit ind:.y for ('ros.w.•11. Mich..
when. he has a.'r.•pted A position a+
Nutter ni+ger. --('has. Kerr and wife
were the gate+t. of W. W. and Mrs.
Kerr Moudny And Tnesdny.-A mini -
her fain here attended the debate
held At Elinit•ill.• on Monday evening.
---W.• are glAtt to hear that Mater
ArnArnoldClarkClarki• recovering Affe r his
•tet ere Attack 1 iinenmonia. - Mr. F. J.
i)elbridp(e and (safe are the guests of
the former's father. John Dclhridge.--
Simon Miller and wife were the guests
of Mr. ('harles Go.lboltSunday,
After suffering eight years,
this woman was restored to health
by Lydia E. Pinkhant's Vegetable
Conipound. Read her letter.
Mrs. A. D. Trudeau, Arnprior,
Ontario, writes to Mrs. Pinkhaul:
•• 1 suffered terribly from ulcera-
tion of the fetninine organs for eight
years. I tried tour doctors but gut no
relief, and thought I would have to die.
•• One day I saw au advertisement of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound in the paper. I sent for some,
and before I had used five bottles 1
was entirely cured. I hope every suf-
fering woman will take my advice and
apse Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roofs and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
periodic {rains, backache, that bear -
mg -down feeling, flatulency, indipes-
tion,(lizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it?
Don't hesitate to write to Mrs.
i'iitkhana if you need advice about
one aeknwwsv. She will treat vonr
letter in confidence and advise
you. free. Because of her Fast
experience she has helped thou-
s:m(1 c. Address, Lynn, Mass.
DEAT11 of our aged residents
T g
passed to the great beyond on Thurs-
day, Mar. 2(ith, when the death occur-
red of Nancy Vickers, wife of Mr.Wm.
Hazelwood, aged 67 years, 5 months
and' 21 days. The remains were inter-
red in the Union cemetery on Satur-
day, the funeral service being held at
her late residence at 2 o'clock.
Mr. Riley and assistants have brok-
en up their lumbering camp here. -
Mrs. F. Barry returned home Friday
after spending a couple weeks with
her daughter, Mrs. JAS. O'Rourke at
London. -B. Cunningham visited his
parents at Clandeboye Sunday. --.Mies
Emma Cunningham visited Miss Ap-
pleton. -W. McCann was in London
on business Monday. -J. Ratz will
commence cutting his supply of logs
next week. -Mr. Patrick (flavin lost a
valuable horse through death the other
Mr. Harold Brown, who has been on
a visit to England, returned last week
and is now in the employ of Mr. Jas.
Gardiner,- Master Bert Brown is en-
gaged with Alex. Hackney for the
summer. -The baseball players suet on
Saturday night and organized for the
season. %Vol. Pollen was chosen cap-
tain and 1Vn1. Hodgert manager. We
understand it. is the intention to join a
league tnis season, so delegates were
appointed to attend a nleetingat Staffs
to make arrangements. -Mr. David
McNicol and 'entity moved to Strat-
ford on Tuesday, where they purpose
residing in future, he hiving secured
a situation with the White Packing
Co. of that city. -Mr. J. E. McNicol is
also engaged with the same firm, as
manager of their fine farm in Hibbert.
he Having removed thereon last week.
There were a couple of very pleasant
gatherings in town this week, and
although they were complete surprises
to the parties in whose honor they
were given, were node the less enjoy-
ed on that account. but rather more.
On Thursday it was it bitthday party
at the home of a well known gentle-
man of town, Mr. Samuel Sweet. and
the guests of honor were Mrs. Samuel
Sweet, Mies Carrie Dyer and pretty
Miss Mary Davis, whose birthdays
happen to conte on the seine day --hut
who were not born in the sante year -
making a trinity of youthful, maiden-
ly and matronly beauty. The other
occurred at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. 11. Sweet, two popular young peo-
ple of town, and was it tribute of re-
spect paid to them and in honor of the
second anniversary of their wedding
day. The wish was expressed in each
case that God would spare them to
enjoy many returns of the day.
Canadian Hair Restorer
will restore gray hair to Its natural color.
Stops failing hair, CAUVR to grow on bald
heads.Cures dandntft'.itching, sealp(Urea:tee.
Hy Rause thin hair grows luxuriantly.
Contains no oily or greasy Ingreviients.
is entirely unlike any other hair prepara-
tion ever offered for sale.
A good. reliable Canadian preparation.
1'asollrlled Te.11meetel..
Edith A. linrke, MI..innary 11. M. Church,
Akhietim. Egypt., and friend, greatly please
with results after two years using.
I. A. Ropes, Wilncr, Montana. My hair
and whiskers rc-tnr..l to natural color. nark
brown, by using Canadian 'lair Restorer
M.Ontm. Rurw.ville.Ont. ('anad
fan lair
Restorer is the .l 1 have ever
John 0. }fall. New Aberdeen. Cape 'Ireton.
Canadian flair Restorer has worked wonders.
My head is nearly all covered with thick
growth black hair, original color.
5.1d by all wholesale and retail druga.ti•ts,
Mailed to any address in the civilized world
.m receipt of price. Sir. Manufactured by
TNt 111iK1r to., %%ledsor, Ont., Canada,
Sold tit Meter w .1 1", lit .•'• .ng,
W.M. Howey and W. S. Ool', Drerq-
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coates visited
relatives in Biddulpb, Sunday. ---Mr.
and Mrs. '1'. Brooks visited the latter's
parents at Elitttville Sunday. -Miss
Retta Esser y entertained a number of
her friends Wednesday evening. -Miss
Nora Petty of Heiman and Miss Vine
Fisher of Exeter visited at R. Coates'
a few days last week. -Mrs. Seal
Skinner gave a patty to a number of
her friends, in honor of her niece, Miss
Peart, on Friday evening. -Geo. Ban
thrope of Winchelsea spent Sunday
here with friends. --Miss Clara Luxton
spent Sunday with friends in Centralia.
Word has been received of the death
at Souris, Man., of Gabriel McPhee,an
aged and highly respected citizen of
that place and former resident of Step-
hen township. He was ill but twenty-
four hours, suffering from paraylis.
Mr. McPhee was one of the first sett-
lers of Stephen, coming to Shipka
over fifty years ago. Fifteen years
ago bis wife predeceased hint, after
which he retired from active life, re-
siding on the old homestead with his
son Daniel. Three years ago th latter,
with his tamily moved to Souris, the
father accompanying thein.
We are pleased to see F. A. Dobbs
home much unproved. -E. B. Symth
has engaged with George Bawden to
work at the masoning. -Frank Wash-
burn, who has been visiting in and
around here. has returned to Arthur.
-Richard Hodgins and daughter. An-
nie L., attended the golden wedding
of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shoebottom
at Southgate on the `kith March and
reported having a good tiine.-Mr.
Hotham of Delaware visited at. F.
Davis' last week. -Mrs. Nassau and
Mrs. Aaron Davis were in London for
a couple of days as delegates to the
Woman's Auxiliary. -We are sorry to
learn that Henry Culbert is suffering
from inflammation in his heel. -Bish-
op Williams, D.D.. will hold confirma-
tion services here on April 22nd, at 10
o'clock a. tn.--A son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. William Dickins on March
R. 11. Ross was here last week ship-
ping his furniture to his new home at
Byron in the vicinity of London. The
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
regret their departure but wish them
all success in their new home. In the
meantime Mr. Ross has rented hie
farm on the London road. -The
Mesons. Cook Bros., with their accus-
tomed spirit of enterprise, have install-
ed a tine new boiler to their flouring
mills, to take the place of the one that
recently exploded and in a few days
will have everything again in fine run-
ning order.
DEATH -Mrs. Jacob Schluchter an
aged resident of Hensall died on Sun-
day, March 20th. She was 81 years of
age. Deceased had been a resident of
the village for a number of years and
was highly respected. The funeral
took place on Tuesday from the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Henry Cook, to
the Bronson Line cemetery for inter-
ment. The bereaved have the sym-
pathy of their many friends.
DEATH OF Mttt3. VEAL. -There pass-
ed away at the family residence on
Wednesday, April 1st, Annie Mawans
Bell, beloved wife of Mr. William Veal,
at the age of 43 yeura, 10 months, and
7 days. The deceased has been a long
sufferer from lung trouble, the disease
first manifesting itself about eighteen
months ago, and. as is the nature of
the disease, she gradually waned until
death claitned her. She was a daugh-
ter of the late William Beit, and was
touch respected by all, being a dutiful
mother, kind neighbor, a true wife
and of a lovable disposition. Besides
a sorrowing husband, she is survived
by three daughters and one son -Mrs.
Frank Jackson, London; Ella May,
Minnie and Willie, -also eight sisters.
all of whom have the sytnpathy of a
large circle of friends. The funeral
takes place tomorrow (Friday) to the
Elimville Cemetery at 2 o'clock.
It rand Bend
Mrs. Frank Jermett and brother A.
Ravelle have gone to Port Stanley to
visit their sister tor a few days. -Mr.
and Mrs. James Stubbs from near
Thedford visited at John Baird'sTues-
day.-A. Mollard's sale WAS well at-
tended last'1'tteeday. Everything sold
well.- Wm. Devine is on the sick list.
His friends wish him a speedy recov•
ery.-On Wednesday evening several
of the friends and neighbors gathered
at the home of Mr. Adelhert Mollard
and presented Mr. Stollen' with a
bible. He leaves for the West shortly
-Mr. Wm. Lovie is all smiles -a
daughter, March :30th.
Dg.Tit-•The home of Reuben Wil-
son was saddened on Thursday. the
20th of March, when his only child,
Charles Albert, died. The little one
was only ill ten days with tonailitis
and stoppage of the bowels. Ile was
4 months and 10 days old. The re-
' trains were Laid to rest in Parkhill
cemetery Saturday. Rev. Newton of
Parkhill reading the •rvice.
Mrs. %V. T. Weiss entertained her
.Sunday School Class to an "At ilonle'
Ion Friday evening. -Mrs. Thos. Stew -
I +rd+on is visiting friends in Exeter.--
' Mr. W. 3. Stinson spent a few days
1 with friends in Greenway. -Miss Mae
1 •il•on i•• confined to the hoarse again
with uhenuultism.-Mr, W. J. and
E Stimson visite 1 at Mr. Jos. I..
1'•..r.•.'s.-Rev. t'. E. Consens. of I'ark
11111. pt. -whet! a spry interesting
table %imeI"sermon in the Met ho-
di.l ('notch on Sunday last. -Rev. J.
F'. !Mutcliff will exchange with Bev.
Britons of At kone. on Sunday next.-
. Muss M. Brinson has returned after a
l.Iea+ lits three weeks' visit at. her home
Io Bis field. -Mr. Ja•. Dither delivered
p lie maple syrup to se'tera! customers
h• •• ••n Mut.duy.--A very pretty wed -
:door tc is s•.leninized at the home of
Mr. Wm. EAgleson'u, when his sister.
I11i.'. 1Incr. •,came the happy bride
of Mr. J. Pollock. a prosperous farmer
near Corbett.
Few Here Know This.
%1'ben an eminent authority an -
pounced in the Scrantuu (Pa.) 'Times
that he had found it new way to treat
that dread American disease, ltheuula-
tisru, with just common, every -day
drugs found in any drug store, the
physicians were slow indeed to attach
much ituportance to his claims. This
.vas only a few months ago. Today
nearly every newspaper in the coun-
try, even the metropolitan dailies, is
announcing it and the splendid results
achieved. It is so simple that any one
can prepare it at home at small cost.
It is made up as folows: Get from
any good preecription pharmacy Fluid
Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce:
Compound Kargon, one ounce; Com-
pouud Syrup Sarsaparilla, three
ounces. Mix by shaking in a bottle
and take in teaspoonful doses after
each meal and at bedtime. These are
all simple ingredients, waking an ab-
solutely harmless home remedy at lit-
tle cost.
ltheuntatisnt as every ono knows is
a symptom of deranged kidneys. It is
a condition produced by the failure of
the kidneys to properly filter or strain
from the blood the uric acid and other
matter which, if not eradicated, either
in the urine or through the skin pores,
remains in the blood, decomposes and
forms about the joints and muscles,
causing the untold suffering and de-
formity of rheumatistn.
This prescription is said to be a
splendid healing, cleansing and invig-
orating tonic to the kidneys, and gives
almost immediate relief in all forms of
bladder and urinary troubles and back-
ache. He also warns people in a lead-
ing New York paper against tbe dis-
criminate use of many patent medi-
Edgar Edigbuffer of Blake, has tak-
en a position in C. Fritz' shoe shop. -
Leon Jeffrey intends moving back to
S. Rannie's farm at the Hauble Line. -
Peter Itopp, of Bay Port, Mich., is vis-
iting friends in this section. -Simon
Dietrich bas taken possession of the
Gies farm at the Blind Line. Mr. Die-
trich has secured a first clams farm. -
C. Hartleib has secured the services of
Alfred Brogden of Stratford for his
tinem[thing department. -Ernest Gies,
has moved to the house he recently
purchased from John Foster. -It is re-
ported that D. Bock and family will
move to Windsor shortly. -Miss Rob-
inson of Exeter, is visiting Mrs. God-
frey Nicholson, Bronson Line. -Miss
Annie Weber of Berlin. is the guest of
her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) A. D. Gischler.
-The want of houses is proving a ser-
ious draw -back to our Village. A
number of desirable people are looking
for dwellings, but thus fir we have
heard of no houses likely to he erected
this summer. --Sol. Williams and fam-
ily moved to Hensall, Mr. Williams
bad to vacate Mre. McCormick's house
and as there was no other place avail-
able here a removal frorn town was
the only alternative.
AROUND ABOUT us The Famous Pedestrian
Oe nttemen:-
IlxatJkatikaffkabiatttiditaaekaikila• • I was a martyr to catarrh of the
head, throat and stomach. 1 was so bad
St. Matys: On Friday there passed the doctors feared consumption. I
away one of the oldest residents of thetried many physicians and medicines.
town, James Tate. The deceased was A fneud suggested Psy.hine. 1 tried
barn in Ireland seventy-eight years it and it was the ouiy thing ever did
ago and carne to St. Malys with his me any good. 1 um now perfectly well.
parents while quite young. It is the greatest remedy the world
St. Marys: A distressingly sudden has ever known. I do not need it for
death occurred at Toronto on Satur- my health now but I use it as a
day morning when William A. Flaws, str- tugtbener for my walking matches. I
son-in-law of Jatnes Clark, Church St., owe mach of my physical endurance to
assed away after an illness lasting on- Psychtne."
iy one day. lin affection of the heart
was the cause.
Mitchell: The body of the )ate An-
gus Campbell, formerly of Fullarton
Township. who died in Bi•andon,Man.,
hospital Saturday, was brought to
Mitchell Friday for burial. He was
in his 48th year, and pneumonia was
the cause of his death.
Seaforth: Catherine,the onlydaugtt-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Veale, died
on Mar. 28th after an illness of four or
five months of sarcoma. The child
was but 3 years of age. Mr. Veale is
the editor of the News and had lived
in Seaforth about a year.
Clinton: A quiet but pretty wed-
ding took place on March 25th at 7 p.
in., when Miss Maud Pinning was un-
ited by the bonds of marriage with
Wilfrid Hudson, of Clinton. They
will reside here. Miss Pinning is a
popular young lady, who has many
Blends here.
Mitchell: Mrs. Ward had a narrow
escape on March 25 while operating a
sewing machine, on which a lamp bad
been placed. Owing to the vibratory
[notion the lamp was upset, setting
fire to the curtain. Mrs. Wood was
slightly burned in her effort to extin-
guish the flames.
Seaforth: Ticketed to a distance: -
D. A. Cameron, of Kippen, to Moose
Jaw; O. W. Dye, of Seaforth, to Pilot
Mound, in Manitoba; Robt. McCart-
ney, of Brucefleld, to Moose Jaw; A.
A. Carter. of Egmondville, to Rapid
City, Manitoba; James Brewster, of
Wintbrop, to Hartney. Manitoba.
Russeldale: The committee appoint-
ed some time ago to look after the Mc-
Kinnon family have succeeded in se-
curing suitable homes for five of the
children in the immediate neighbor-
hood. Alexander, at Roht. Curtis'.
Gowrie; Daniel, at Walter Marshall's.
Cromarty; at Edward Curtis'.
Gowrie; ngus, at James Woodley',,
Fullerton, and Flora goes to reside
with J. G. Scott, Cromarty. Neil. the
eldest son, is engaged with Frank !ar-
mour, Thames Road, and Duncan, the
youngest, is to be left with his mother
for the present.
We are pleased to see Mr. Horton
(Uncle Billie) out again, after being
confined to the house all winter. -Mr.
James Broadfoot, Sr., purchased from
Mr. Brock, of the Mill Road, a stand-
ard bred trotting horse, for which be
paid a good figure. Jim always likes
something good in the horse line.—
Mr. Roger Rice is recovering from an
attack of measles. -Miss Katie Eller-
ington and brother Fred attended the
Dinnin and Barbour nuptials on Wed-
nesday of last week. -The remains of
the late John McTaggart, of Statia,
mere interred in the cemetery on Sat-
urday. -Master Glenn Broadfoot is
holidaying with his grandmother at
Brucefleld.-Mr. Wilbert Pardee has
engaged with Mr. George Hohkirk for
the summer. -Mr. Jas. Horton bas
purchased a fine agricultural team
from a gentlemen neer Forest. -Wed-
ding bells are ringing in our midst.-
Mr. George Hobkirk and family spent
Sunday in Hensall.-Mr. David Alex-
ander is making preparations to en
large his barn next summer. -The ag-
ent for the Pain King Remedy made
his round this week. --Mr. Stewart
McQueen delivered a tine horse in
Clinton on Monday.
— —
A tweeting of the Middlesex board of
toad directors will be held in t he
county buildings on the 15th of April
to open the tenders and award con •
tracts for seven new steel and concrete
bridges which are to be constructed
this summer. These will he erected
across the river at Westminster, West
Williams, West Nissouri, Biddulph,
North Dorchester and two in McGilli-
1VHUDEU--Maurice itoy Cobleigh of
Lucan and Annie Louisa, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Phoenix McLean of Lon-
don Township were married on Marcs
23 at the bride's home. Rev. Carlisle
performed the ceremony in the pre-
sence of the immediate relatives.
They were unattended. After a sump -
Port Itope, Ont.
Psychine is the greatest cure for
catarrh of tho head, throat or stomach
in the world. It is a wonderful tonic
and strengthener of run down system,
acting directly on all the vital organs,
giving youthful vigor and strength to
the system. -1t all druggists 50e. and 11,
or Dr. T. A. blocutn, Limited, Toronto.
ed at once to sell for Fall 1903 and Spring 1SNp de.
livery; whole or part time; liberal tertus; outfit free.
The Thos. 1Y. Bowman & Son Co , Ltd.,
Ridgetille, Ont
St. Marga; Mrs. John Wood died
suddenly on March 23, aged 71) years.
Mrs. Wood was a native of Paisley,
Scotland, and came to Canada when a
little girl. Besides her aged husband
she leaves a family of four sons and
five daughters, among whom are A.
C., editor of the Argus, and Mrs. 1'. 11.
Francis, Fullerton.
Brucefleld: There was it very pleas-
ant event took place at the house of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McBeath when
their third daughter. Miss Kate. was
united iu marriage to Mr. McMurtie
on Wednesday of last week. Only
the immediate friends and relatives
were present to witness the ceremony.
A large reception was held on the fol-
lowing Friday night.
$100 Reward $100.
- The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn
that there is at least one dreaded disease that science
has been able to cure in all its stages, and that ie
Catarrh. hall's Catarrh Cure is the only loaltive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
help; a constitutional disease requires a constitn•
Clonal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in.
tcrnally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation nf the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and assist•
ing nature in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In its curative powers that they offer
One Hundred Dollen for any case that it fails to
care. Send for list of testimonials .
Aidress F. J. CHENEY rt CO., Toledo 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75 cents,
Take Hall's Family l'ills for comaipatiora.
Leap Year—
A sure winner.
Bound to catch on.
64 to the pound.
Your dealer will supply
you. If not. write
direct to
To introduce our New Swede Turnip, the " Canadian
Gent," we will give to every inquirer for our New MS
Catalogue a package of these seeds absolutely free, The
great turnip growing district near Guelph stripped goo Cars
of these turnips to the 1-rrited States last season. "Cana-
dian Gem" never grows long or narrow, is free from side
shoots, and is of unsurpassed quality.
If you prefer, we atll send a package of our " Santa
Rosa " poppy or " Canada's Pride " tomato instead of the
turnip seed. Write to -day and name your choice.
geesl.o(tli. New Swed. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont.
Tensity Free
toot's supper they left for their beano- -'
ful hone in McGillivray township,
where all extend a hearty welcome.
Utt.vTtt --One of the earliest settlers
of McGillivray township died on Sun-
day in London at the residence of her
Sun -
Mrs. !taws, when the death oc-
correct of Mrs. Masan Sholdice, relict
of the late Abbot Sholdice. She went
on a visit some few weeks ago to Lon•
dun and died very suddenly After a
week's illness. She is survived by
three daughters and two sons: Mrs.
Thomas Lewis. McGillivray; Mrs. F. J.
Fitzgerald, 418 Hamilton road. Lon-
don; W. A. yholdice, McGillivray; J.
A. Sholdice, GAS Horton street London.
The following are her brothers and
sisters who also survive her: Leonel ti
Sholdice, Seaforth: William Sholdice,
Blithe; Mrs. Leonard Hudgins. Alpine,
:Mich.: Mrs. i.izziP Mhron. Philadel-
phia. U. H. The funeral took plAc.•
Monday at 3:15 p. to. from her niece's
resi(b•nce to the Or/and Trunk depot,
from which place the bode was taken
to McGillivray where it was interred
at Ilrinsley cemetery on Tuesday, from
the residence of Mrs. Tho,. Lewis, 2nd
oney to Loan
on Mortgages GI Real Estate at Current Rates
All Business Strictly Confidential
Liberal Terms of Repayment
Loans Competed Quickly
E; - T - ; iscs Moderate
Euil i ..3rma' ;ladly given
The appeal A¢Ainst ,Judge Doyle s n'
decision in the quo warranto proceed-
ings unseating ftoht. Thompson as
mayor of (ioderich, it is expected, will j
come up on Friday at Toronto.
Loan and Savings CJ., London, Ont.