Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-02, Page 5UDER A S Bylaw which has teen taken into een.iderattnn sed U tthirh will be aualie pessed le the Council of for 1 ktuukiprdity of the \ Wage of Eyster t,in the event of the assent of the Union, being obtained thereto) 1 ! after one month from the first publications thereof 1 .t In the Exeter 'I:ee ate aryl the Exeter Times News- papers, the said By bee to heublisbed in the said •r newspapers ouea 've. k tor Three su••.•esaire eras, cornmeuctu;; on the bi.'eteenth day of March A. D., hen, and that the vote. of the elector of the said Slunkipality will be taken on the said By-law on the day and at the hour and places therein axed; •AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that any one desiring to hair tto. Ily Saw quashed must wake his application inc that purIs•se to the Nigh ('Dort of Juatice within Three months next after the Think publication of this Notice in the said Newspapers or he will be too late to be heard in that behalf. JOSEPH SENIOR, Clerk. DATED at Exeter this 16th day of March A. D. 19ud. Why- not make yourself a present One That Will Look Well Wear Well and Last Well A suit of Clothes or an Overcoat would beust the thing and some. thing that would afford the wearer comfort its well as the pleasure of know• ing that he is well dressed. We Have the Very Latest Clothes and Patterns. J. H. Holtzmann CItEDITON Mxeter Abracate, Sanders & Creech. Props. THURSDAY, Apr. 2, 1908 By -Law No..e.. 01 the Village of Exeter for the Year 1908 A Bedew to authorize the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter to pay to W. A. Oibb Com• pany of the City of Hamilton in the County of Wentworth. Packers o/ Dried Fruit, the sum of 1600.00 for the purchase of the site and land now wed and o. eupted by the said W. A. Cribb Company ilbt their evaporating process In the said Village of Exeter. WHEREAS at a meeting of the Ratepayers of the said Village of Exeter It was resolved that the above Byi.aw should be submitted to a vote and if carried that the said sum of 8600, be paid ,to the said W. A. t?ibb Company on the lerrru and ,000dltions set forth and contained in a preliminary agreement made and entered into by and between the said Municipal Council and the said W. A. Gibb Company. AND W!'EREAS the said Municipal Corpor- ation deem it 'drivable togive erect to this reso:u• tioa o1 the said Ratepayers, AND WHEREAS it la necessary to appoint the tinie, places and otaeers for taking the votes of duly qualified voters upon this Bylaw. AND WHEREAS it may be necessary to levy and collect the said rum of 1500.00 by special rate the g the jolerl�bleproperty of the said Village lurAND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Village accord - :ng to the last revised [Assessment Roll le 16 ;4, 454 AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing -leleuture debt of the said Municipality is not more -than BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Municipal Council of the tillage of Exeter as ••ollowe; — 1. That Inc the purposes aforesaid it shall be lawful for the Reeve and Council of the said Stun• telpallty to pay to the said W. A. (Fibb Com• pany the geld sural of g,-dn..n upon the terms and .onditlons ecpressed in the said preliminary 'Agreement. 2. That if neeeasary for the purpose aforesaid there shell he raised in and during the year Ileac I.y 1pe.•iel rate upon all the rateable property of the •aid Munieipality the sura of Ore. 3. That the votes of the duly qualified electors shall In taken no this Ity-law on FRIDAY, 'THE TRNTII DAV OF APRiL, A. D. 1U t, bete- en the hours of Nine o'clock A. 11. a•. t Five o clo k 1'. 14. at the several places Nati... the said Municipality herein after men• o, d; by the several OMcen whose names are hereinafter mentioned: In Polling Subdivision Ito. 1, at the residence of Silas Ilandtorrl, Main dr.st, by Ed want Treble. Deputy Iteturn'ae .licer, and llerbert Font, l'oll Clerk; hr P011• ht� subderislati No. 2, at Weekes Bros, Markle Works, Main street, by W'. 11. Weeks, I'rppulr Returning 0(11:er and James week's. Poll ('leek; la rolling Subdivision So. 3, at John Mitchell's 011e, on the North West Corner of N.in and Wellington Streets, by Stephen Powell. Deputy Returning Olt !so, and William Vale, Poll Clerk; In Polling 51,11%01on No. 4, at the Tnen Hall. Wren Street. by R. Nelson Taylor. Deputy Returning 011eer, sent Christopher Luker, Poll ( perk. 1. Thet the Reeve of the said Municipal Corpora• .Jon shall attend at the Council Chamber in the town 11e11 of the nM )lunlcipality on FRIDAY Tit F. Till el) DAV »E' APRIL. A.D. toe. at the hour 01 Two o'Clnek p m.• for the ',impose of appointing Vents and Person, to attend at the various foiling eubdivialoosaod plares aforesaid and the summing ap of the testes on behalf of persons interested In. 'rometiog or *priming the resolve of (hie By low. S. That the (1.,k ni the air Mnnieipatity shall attend at the Ccun••il Chamber in the Torn 11a11 sIoresaid nn SATURDAY, the E1,EVENTii day of tPRIL, A D. 191$, at the hour of Twelve (E'l'lock mean and shall then and there sum up the rotes en for and against the aid Ivy i.... and greet 'he requisite reniMyte,_ 6. That this Ry•(aw than take effect and crone oto operation ',carried by- the totes of the electors alormaid, on tate day of the final pawn; thereof in vie:mi e r with the pro.iaions of the Ontario Mu. oleipal Act •ATED at the Town 1001, Exeter, the. If{h day of March, A D 1'.lrte. Y'YTICE—The above is a 'rue .nr o: a I'n esee'l We Trust Doctors if you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de- bility, nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once \\ ith Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it, eco. Ask him about it. r -'.ss t`• I. dally *ellen of the A.41.14. 1 • s.nmus r dn,•tsate abanrhed. eao.taRRhead acc is biliousness. , dyspepsia, and toof r• e, mune the teareapart trein doing its best w...k af er's Pills are liver puts. Let gently. s'. seg*table. gad* sir J. C. e v •, ee , ?Draft. Wane. a sosem ewe* of nits v1 sii. qers GtIFtR1'(P£CrOOAL. We hey* r. seer*(. ! tv$ Pabtlnh tae formica* of all ser eeen*taew 1 By -Law- No..... For the Village of Exeter for the Year 1908. A By -Law to authorize the Municipal Council of the Village of Exeter to toy to The Connor Machine Company, Limited, of the Village of Exeter, in the (lounty of Huron, Manufacturers, theaum of $600.00 forthe purchase ut a site and lamp to be used and occupied by the said Company for manufac-tnring Gasolene and other Engines, and other machinery, in theaaid Village of Exeter, and to grant the said Company a axed yearly asaessune.t of 8500.00 for all rates except School rates tor a period of ten year. WHEREAS at a meeting of the ratepayers of the said Village of Exeter it was resolved that the above Icy -law should be submitted to a vote, and if carried that the said of $500.00 he paid to the said Connor Machine Company, Limited, and the said axed yearly assessment 1* granted to the said Company-, on the terms and conditions set forth and contained in a preliminary Agreement made and entered into by and between the said Municipal Council and The Connor Motor arid SIlehii,e Company, of the said Village of Exeter. AND WHEREAS the said Muuieital Corporation deem it advisable to Kit Wee to the said resolution o1 the said Ratepayers, AND WHEREAS it is necessary to appoint the time, places awl officers for taking the votes of duly qualified toter upon this By -Law, AND WHEREAS it may he necessary to levy and collect the said auto of 11500 00 by special rate upon the whole rateable property of the said Village of Exeter during the year 11.89 , AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Village of Exeter, /*rooting to the last revised Assessment Roll, is $554,454.00, AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing De- benture Debt of the acid Municipality le not more than 821,000.00, )3E IT THEREFORE ENACTED by theMunicipt) Council of the Village of Exeter, as fellows: - 1. That for the purposes aforesaid it shall be law. tul for the Reeve and Councilof the said Municipality to pay to the said Connor Machine Company. Limit- ed, the said aunt of 8600.00 and to grant to them a fixed yearly assessment of 8500.00 for a period of ten years, beginning on the Slat day of 1)ecember, 1908, upon the terms and conditions expressed in the acid preliminary Agreement. 2. That it necessary for the purpose aforesaid them shall be raised in and during; the year 1908 by special rate upon all the rateable property of the said Municipality the sum 01 t500.00. 3. That the votes of the duly qualified electors shall be taken on Friday, the 10Ih day of April, A. le 190e, between the hours of Nine O'Clock A. M. axed Fire O'Clock P M., at the several places within the said Mimieipality hereinafter mentioned, by the ora• cera whose named are hereinafter ,ta'ed: In Polling Subdivision No. d, at the residence of Silas Hand. fold, Main Street, by Edoarvd Treble, Deputy Return• ing ()Meer, arid Herbert Ford, folk Clerk; In Polling Subdivision No. 2, at Weekes Bros.' Marble Works, Main Street, by William 0. Weekes, tiepins. Return• ing (acer, and James Weekes, Poll Clerk; fn I'olling Subdivision No. 3, at John Mitehelee Office, on the Northwest l'orner of Mein and Wellington Streets, by Stephen Powell, Deputy Returnin. Officer, and William Vale, Poll Clerk; In Polling Sub ivetion No, 4, at the Town Hall. Main Street, by R. Nelson 'Taylor, Dr`sity Returning Ofa"er, and Christopher Luker, Poll Clerk. 4. Thal ahe Reece of the said Municipal Corpora- tion rh*11 attend at the Council Chamber in the Toen Hall of the *aid Municipality on Friday, the Third day of April, A.D. Wert, at the hour of Two O'Clo•k 1'. M., for the purpose of appointing Agents and Persons to attend at the various Polling Subdivisions and Pla'rs afore..sid and the summing up of the cotes on behalf of l'erwons interested in, promoting or opposing the parsing of this By -tau. 5. That the Clerk of the said Municipality shall attend at the lbum'i1 Chamber in the Town Hall aforesaid, on Saturday, the l lth day of April, A.D. lg.*. at the lose of Twelve O'Clock Noon and shall then and there• sum rap the votes given for and against the said By -tow and grant the rrgnisite cer- t Meats,. 6. That this Bylaw shall take eflret and come into operation Of carried by the votes of the electors aforesaid) on the day of the final passing thereof, in atrordan a with the rmtinnne of The Ontario Muni. ripe! Art. DATED at the Town Hall, Reeler, (his 1(1th day M Man•h, A D. iien. NOTICE- The above is .true copy of a proposed I►v•law which has teen taken into consideration and which will be anally i{saauel by the Conned of the Muni'•ipality of the Village of 1:anter (in the event M the anent of the electors living obtained thereto) after (hie month from the nest puWiration thereof in The! Exeter .td.a.ele and Easter Times, Newspaper•, the said IR •Law to he published in the acid Nenx-,• paler (nor a week for Three 'moo- sive weeks. c•om- unenciug on the 19th day Ilan -h, A. D. 19(te and that the votes of the elector/tot the said Menieipality will to taken on the Bald E► Law on the day and at the hours and places therein fixed; AND FCRTI(ER TAKE NOTICE that any one desiring to apply to have this Bylaw quashed must make his or her applieation for that puttee* to the High Court of Juste within Three Mouths next after the Thinl pnhlication of thin notice ie the said Newspapers or he or she will be too Itte to 1e Scant in that behalf. JOS. SENIOR. Clerk. DATED N Eyelet this 16th day of March. .4 le tern. The Redistribution Considerable criticism h'+s been cur- rent regarding the committee's pro- posed changes in the Provincial rid- ings in Huron County. By the way it should be remembered that the re- port as published last week was only the recommendation of the committee composed of Conservative and Liberal members of the Legislature, and ac• cording to Premier Whitney will be considered by the whole house, and may he altered. The Toronto News is Authority for the statements that fol- low, twine the report of an interview with the member for South Huron,Mr, H. F.ilber: " Mr. Father denied absolutely that there had been any gerrymaner or improper arranging of the conetitnen- vieS ot Huron. although the change unsold probably give hien a larger ma• j irity. This was only an incident in !hr. just ifleble arrangement of the rid• ing. The change was to reunite (nun- teil.Iities that were split up by th..{ gerrymandt•rin 1874. And make tete! thee. tidings more compact than t.. - lore aa far as ease of travelling about them was concerned. His riling of South Heron, according to the change' 1011..wed the London. Heron & firmer 12 anlway. rind tiler(' A. a great ndv..us tags' in giving him the remainder of lioderi. h Township And taking S.':. - forth town and putting it in Centre Ilernn, because c.' icetion was difficult bet ween this town and the; ..•'th of the cnemy. '• I►et you consider ('entre linea, en n,,.hapely picture?" he was asked N '. A''cot d i ng to the ecce.. ! l 1 tv of the .hftesent pat t• it is alrigh•. IT f ,lions the (Veloric') k Bnffde. .'.ail tv •v, And there ie not a portion M the , 1 hour's drive from the railway. The larger population of ('entre Huron is justified. It includes the threehu•gest towns of the county—t.oderich, Clin- ton and Seafut th—and tit ban pupula- lion should 1101 have so large a repre- sentation as rural population. Centre Huron has about 23.0te0, while South Huron bas about 19.000, but the area of South Huron is much the larger. "North Huron is similarly reached by the new C. P. IL line, and is there- fore well arranged. "Many ot the Liberal candidates who won the elections in %Vest Huron since 1871 would have gone down to defeat if it had not been for the gerry- mander of 1874, when the west half of Hallett Township, with its Liberal majority, was put in West Huron. "At the last election the Conserve, tives had a total majority of between 200 and 300 in Huron County, but had only one representative at Toronto. Is that fair? • "The Liberals needn't squeal, even if they thiuk they are unjustly treat- ed, though they are not, after what they did in 1874, and after the way Sir Wilfrid Laurier re -arranged the rid- ings of Huron for the Dominion elec- tions. Tbat was worse than anything we have done." NOTE AND COMMENTS While nothing definite seems to have beeu settled, June 9th is reported to be the date on which the Ontario election is to be held. Hon. Dr. Pyne, in presenting bis education bills, issued the following official statement in the Legislature: "In future there will be continua- tion schools and fifth classes, adistinc- tion being drawn between two grades of what were hitherto termed indis- criminately continuation classes. The continuation school will impart in- atruction in advance of and inclusive of that prescribed for the fifth class of the Public School and may employ one, two or three teachers. "The continuation schools will be, to all intents and purposes, rural High Schools, and, under the new classifica- tion, already slumber over 100. The object of the Government is to develop the schools so that before long there will be one in every township in the Province. The other so-called contin- uation classes, exceeding 300 in num- ber, have been really doing fifth class work. These will now be termed fifth classes, and financial inducements to extend and improve theircourses will, it Is hoped, cause them to multiply rapidly. The design is to secure to the rural parts and to the small urban centres better facilities for secondary education. "The amendments also give the Min- ister of Education power to establish model schools, the intention belag to assume control and financial support of such model schools as are to be re- tained. The Model School examina- tions will in future be conducted by the Department, as are the Normal School examinations. and all certificat- es of qualification will hereafter be is- sued by the Minister. "Another important amendment provides for the ppaymeot of the new additional grant to urban schools (to be voted this session) on the basis of the grade of the teacher's certificate and the length of his successful exper- ience. The experience of the teacher will also be a factor in aying the grant to the rural schools." The Crop Competition. Department of Agriculture, Toronto, March 27, 1908. To THE EDITOR, Dear Sir:—The Crop Competition in standing fields of grain which was in- augurated in 1907 in the Province of Ontatio by Honorable Mr. Monteith, proved so beneficial to all concerned that the Minister has, this year. secur- ed a largely increased appropriation for this purpose. The objects aimed at are to encour- age the growing of grain of the hest quality, free from other varieties of grain and weeds and also from diseas- es, bitch a8 rust, smut and insects. The competitions excited much in- terest last year in the districts where they were meld, and the results were decidedly profitable to those who were prize winners, inasmuch as without. leaving hone they sold their grain from the fields which were in the com- petition to leading Seedsmen at prices from 25°; to 5O'; above market tont:t• tions. This year, owing to the larger sura :available, entries will be I eceived from 1110 Agricultural Societies. or ten tim- es a9 many as it) 11017. In the meantime, any preliminary notice that you may care to give will he much appreciated. Faithfully yours. 1. Lockie %Vilaon• Superintendent. Stephen The following is the correct report for 8.8. No. 3, Stephen, for the month of March, also a test in ell subjects for the Entrance Class:—iV Class.—Hon- ors: G. Dearing 80, G. Sani-.rs 76; Pees: F. Triehner Td, S. Willis 411, E. Triehner 07, W Shapton 59, P. Dearing 58, E. Shapton ;iii, Sr.I1I--C.Parsone, J. Willis, E. Welsh, A. Willis, G. Pen - hale, O. Preszcator. Sr. II—M. Willis, R. Parsons, C. Triehner, G. Stanlake. L. Sanders. PT. I1- C. Parsons, T. Willis. C. Dearin1. danders, V. Preszcator. SR. 1'T. I— M. Ti'iebner, V. Box, C. Senders. JR. PT, 1-1'.San- ders. C. Hamilton, O. Hamilton, F. Preszcator. Number on roll, 35; aver- age at temiance.:54. %VM. I.. Taivn.RH, Tetch�r Anderson A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. damsel Batten of Anderson. afar. 25. when their daughter. Miss Hyatt ice A., was united in marriage to William C. Hodge, son of John Hodge. Fuilal ton. Hee. J. V,'*le performed th•' cer• mon y. The beidewmnk! Wal Miss Minnie Hod- ge and the eioonl.man was Chas. F. Batten. brother of the bride. The wedding match wes pl..y.•d by Miss Alecia 11 Dig•', sister of the groom. The bride woke a h.'t itiful gown of ivy silk, ti Mimed with v..lenciennes 1.c'. 11'r tr.veiling suit waft of brim n French Jack..d. trimmed with chiffon overlaee and braid, with hat to thatch. mi.. and Mr.. i1.'Clge well reside on Mr. !lodge's farm in Fullerton and will he .1t Home to their friends after April riding which you cannot reach in n e :and. Crediton ANNOUNCEMENT.—MissHoltz- :wenn wishes to announce that she will receive a limited number of pupils for instructions on Plano and Organ. Miss Holtzman') holds two certificates from -the Toronto University of Music on Theory and Piano. CLovElt, TIMOTItY, A1.is1KE AN1) SEED OATS FOR SALE.— %V0 have a stock of No. 1 lied Clover, Timothy and Alsike clover seed for sale. Also a limited quantity of "Irish white" seed oats. This oat is white in color, plump and heavy not affected by stunt or rust and an immense yielder. C. ZWICKER, Yesterday was All Fool's Day. The usual pranks were played on our in- nocent citizens. Some were so very cross while others didn't feel like giv- ing vent to their feelings.—The Medi- cine Company which was here the past week, gave its final concert on Monday night. The entertainments during the week were below the aver - and not many were In attendance. The usual amount of medicine however was sold to the sick ones. The gold watch to be given to the most popular lady in town, was won by Miss Wallie Hill.—Inspectors Cowley of Toronto and Tom of Goderich were here on Friday inspecting our school. Their report was very favorable. -Henry Voelker was handed a cheque for $500 the other day in payment of his claim for Total and Permanent Disability in the Independent Order of Foresters. - The storm on Friday night was fierce. The wind and lightning was terrific and many spent an anxious night. Fortunately no damage was done in the neighberhood.--Bert Clark took possession of the Royal Hotel yester- day. Mr. and Mrs, Chestnut intend leaving for their home in Port Hope in a few days. -Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Oestreicher have returned from Tavis- tock. -Godfrey Nicholson has mored his household furniture from Zurich here and is occupying the house own- ed by Robert Walker. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson into our midst and wish him every success in the but- chering business.—We are pleased to state that Mrs. Levi Stahl, who has been quite ill, is recovering. -On Mon- day evening the League of the Metho- dist church entertained the Y.P.A. of the Evangelical church. The visiting members furnished the program, after which lunch was served. All bad a very enjoyable time. Centralia NELSON E. HICKS—Voice Production and Sing• Ing --Pupil of London Conservatory of Mum., H. Ruthven McDonald, Charles White, London, Eng Ernest Eardley, London, Eng. A limited number of pupils will be screwed Dennis O'Brien is all smiles these days. The stork bas visited his home. —The attendance at Andrew Uick's auction sale last Friday was largely attended, but prices ruled low in most cases.—The Epworth League are ar- ranging for their anniversary, which is to be held on the 12th and 18th inst. —The singing at the church service Sunday evening was exceptionally line, and speaks volumes for the lead- ership of Mr. N. E. Hicks.—Rev. W. H. Butt flnisned up a series of sermons last Sunday evening on the '•Life of Christ." They have been of special interest and profit to Christian people and many favorable comments have been given our pastor.—The following report of a marriage at Stonewall, Man., is of interest to many in this neighborhood, where the grootn was born and brought tip. He is the eld- est son of Mr. John Hepburn, of this place: HY'MNSAL. HEI'nURN -LocKEtART-A very pret- ty wedding ceremony was performed at noon on Wednesday last in the Methodist Church, when Mr. Wm. J. Hepburn led to the altar one of the most charming young ladies of Stone- wall, .Miss Rankin Lockhart, eldest daughter of Mr. James Lockhart, of Balmoral. The church was very pret- tily decorated by the young people of the Epworth League—palms, white lilies, hyacinths, carnations, and smil- ax being chief among the decorations, a bell of smilax and pink carnations being suspended above the altar. The ceremony was performed by the Hev, T. G. Bethel in the presence of it good- ly number of the friends of the con- tracting parties. The bride, who was prettily attired in a brown travelling suit. with white lace blouse, was given away by her father, and attended by little Miss Nellie Stinson, as flower girl, who was very dainty in pale blue and white: the groom was unattended. The wedding march was played by Miss Musgrove, assisted by Mr. H. O. May, with cornet. Messrs. Roy Mus- grove and David Bruce performed the duties of usher. After the ceremony the guests were conveyed to the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Stinson, where congratulations were spoken, and the wedding breakfast served. A barge number of beautiful gifts testified to the esteem in which the young people err held. The groom's gift to the bride was a ss't of mink fore, to the flower gill a ring. Dainty and fitting gifts were also made to musicians and natl. erg. Mr. and Mrs. Hepburn took the afternoon train for Edmonton. where they will spend a week with friends. after which they will take up their residence at St. I.azare, Man. They carry with them hearty good wishes for their future happiness and welfare from many friends in Stonewall and Balmoral. Children Enjoy It "I have used Coltsfoote Expectorant with the greatest satisfaetien with rrr children. It I. a wonderful cure f 'r colds and sore throat. i believe it say ed the life of my little son, who an. very sick from a protracted eo1'1 00 hie lungs." MRS. ANNIE 1t1;.\�IIt1.E:it. Orangeville, :March 15. 19 7. "1 am g-e.ttiy pleas -.1 y -.1st' 11e pool results we got from Coitsfoote Expec- torant. i get great comfort with it for my children." Mise. WALTER HAMMOND. 171 Argyle St.. Toronto. Coitsfoote Expectorant is the great - ret home prescription for all throat and chest troubles in the world. No home should be one hour without it. You can have free sample by sending name to Dr. T. A. Slocum, t,t.l.. Toronto. All good druggists keep it. Price, 25e. Send for Tree Sample To -day. Brewed from S4 ASK_ FO q _ • j lected hope, choice barky malt and pure spring water, e ith the utmost care. Bottled at the brewer v depots to ensure proper handling. That why Labatt'. A y is equal t., the tin - est, surpassed by none, though it Costs consumer, only about half as much as imported goods. (LONDON) India Pale Ale 1 Spring Term Opens April 1st CENTRAL Clubbing Rates We can equal any club- bing rate offered. Call and see. STRATFORD, ONT. Thoroughnessisthe key .note of this institution. Our school stands for what is HIGHEST and BEST in business edueation. We have three de• partments,— Commercial, Shorthand and Telc•• graphic. Our graduates always succeed. If inter- ested get our free catalogue. ELLIOTT & McLAOHLAN, Principals, Wood's Phosphodine; The (ir'eif 1'ne11t.ch Remedy. 'Dunes und i n \ ; i;urates rho w holo nervous n, inakes now Blood in 01,1 x • i n Cures Nerv- ous Iarbililtt/, Mental and Bre in Worry, 1»... rancho.•.. Sesual TYeakn"ss, I:ntisaion t, Spa, .'•tarrh.ra, and Effects of Abuma or 1'-reeAse.4- acoitper box, six for $5. One will please six .111 cure. Sold by all druggists or mailoell -in pilin pk . on receipt of !,rice. Nies pimp el ?milk,' free. The Wood Medicine Co. Vor nerl y Wieuisor) TOrrOsttoa tDeKw � THE MOLSONS BANK (incorporated by Act of Parliament 1856) Head Office, - Montreal Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over 1)3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 SIXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA — EXETER BRANCH MI OFFICE HOCKS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. en. to 1 p. as, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Saving Bank Department. lentil further notice In tercet on Savings accounts wilt be credited quarterly instead of half yearly sa formerly. Deposita of 11 and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. Dicesos Si CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. iiURDON, Manager, VARICOCELE CURED Rte' NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "heavy work. severe straining and evil habits In youth 5 ht on a double Varicocele. When I worked hard the aching wo become severe and 1 was often laid up for a week at a time. My family physician told me an operation was my only hope—but I dreaded It. I tried several apecialista, but soon found out all they wanted waamy money. 1 commenced to look upon all doctors as little better than rogues. One day my toss tusked me why I was off work so much and I told him my condition. Ile advised me to consult Drs. Kennedy & Kennedy, as he hada taken treatment from them himself and knew they were square and skillful. I wrote them and got Ter. NEW METHOD Taxinrssr. My prugm9a was somewhat slow and during the tint month's treatment I was somewhat dismurageed. however, I con• tinned treatment for three months longer and was rewarded with a eornplete cure. I could only earn 1112 a week In a machine shop be- fore treatment, now I am earning $21 and never lose. a day. 1 wish all sufferers knew of your valuable treatment. HENRY C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DISEASED? 131.001) POISONS are the most prevalent and most aeriousdfsea•es. They sap the very lite blood of the victim and uuk.s entirely eradicated fr"m thr system will cause serious complications. Beware of Mercury. It only aupprrmaea the symptoms— our NEW 31ETIII)1) cores all blreel Starrier YOUNG (IR "IDDLE AGED MEN.—Imprudent acts or later execs.e• hale broken down your system. Von feed the symptoms stealing over you. ?lentallp, physi- (tally, and vitally you are not the man you used to he or should }x'. Will you heed rho danger signals? READED Are you a victims have you Met hope? Are you intending to marry f Tina our bloat been disea el)? INVe )uu any weakpiece.. our N,.•.v yl ern. u '1'axaTrnet will cur' you. What it haw done for others it will do for yon Consultation Free. No matter who has (reate.l yyntu, w•r•lte for an honest opinion Free of Charge, Books Fr.. -"The Uotden Monitor," (Illustrated ' on r,iscas.•sof Men. NO NAMES' USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No names on boxes er eevelep.s. Eel/retiring confider/GILL Question list and coat of Treatment FREE FOR HOME TREATMENT. Dts.KEtINEDY&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Has It Ever Occurred to You TO EXAMINE OUR NEW STOCK OF Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet Sets, Etc., Etc., We have undoubtedly the finest lines Of goods that have ever been shown in this district. We can suit you in quality and price every time. Wedding Presents Weddings occur at all seasons, but the big season is now approaching. Wo are ready for it with the finest rings & best presents. Call and Examine Early A. MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont. 1