Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-02, Page 4A TRkCKr"' 111 Ill\U" hISIE0 RAILWAY Armenians Undertake to Discipline a Fel' low -Worker A despatch fr.nn St. Catharines says: 'A vc► y strt►tr case was on Wednes- day reported ir•+In the Armenian colony el the McKinnon Dash \lend \\'ork,. A youtg Arlenian of eighteen years, who was breughl to the narks from Hamil- ton two years ago. canis taken ill roc• elate nod Isis since been off work. 11e refuses to jell' lien fellows rat work or piny, sits by h:mse'lf in a corner of the general silliree-r.niin and cannot le per - steeled to enter intr, c,nversaliun. 110 also refuse- to partake of meats, and bis roinrades have been under the ne- cct-.11y of forcing hire to take hod enough to 6isiein life. Acting on the belief that tll.• young man has been shmntning, the men who are housed with him drugged hire to tete: table on Tuesday night and forced him to par- take ut hood. According to the story told by one of the Armenians, the young man teen. failing to reply to quest.ola+, was swivel and carried to the Niagara, St. Catharines & Tcr'onto Beltway, whero Its was ti -d to the track, but was retse:ed soon after by other Armeni- ans. eergt. McCarthy Inve ligadoi the c,i-', but could get no information against anyone, and was of the elite - ion that the Winn was not ill at all. THE WORLD'S MARKETS 111:1)01a5 111011 THE LEADING TIt.tll: CENTRES. Prices of Cattle, Grain, (-teese anJ Oilier Dairy Produce at Ilona" Hud Abroad. 1..r•+ut•,, \lard! 31. Flour -Ontario wh •it 90 per cent. patents aro quoted Kl $3.15 t•) $3.50 in buyer sacks out- side for export. Manitoba flour un• changed; first patents. $5.80 to $6; sec- ond patents, 85.33 to $5.10, and strong bakers , $5.25. Wheat --No. 1 Northern is quoted at 81.21, lake purls. and No. 2 at $1.18. lako tarts, and No. 2 sit $1.18. lake ports. teo 1 feed wheat, 68%c; No. 2, 0234e. (nature) wheal -Nu. 2 white and reel quoted at 91%e outside, and Nu. 2 mixed at 90 to 90%c outside. Oat.. ---No. 2 while on track, Toronto, 493 to 50c, and teaskle at 48c. (.'warn -No. 3 American new yellow is quoted at 71c, 'Fortino, and No. 3 mix- ed! at 73e, Toronto. Rye--No.2 quote" al 85c, outside. fees -No. 2 quoted at 87c. (outside. Barley ---Prices purely nominal. Bran --$e3 to $23.50 in bulk outside. Shorts, $21.50 to 825 in bulk outside. COIN'l•ltl' PttOUCCf:. Apples -Winter, 81.75 to $3 per barrel. Beane -Prime. $1.70 to $1.75, and hand-picked, 81.80 to 81.85. honey --12 to 13c per pound for .atre.ineJ, and at $1.75 to $2.50 for combs. Ilaty-No. 1 tinxelhy quoted at $16 to $I ; hero in car loth. straw --$10 to $10.50 a toot on track ten.. l'ulnlnes-Lar hats of Ontario, 85 to AIR, ane! Delawares, 95C per bag out - Gide. Poullr, =Turkeys, dressed, 14 to 17c yet pound for choice; chickens, alive. 7 le 9c per .pound; dressed, 10 to 12c; ducks, dressed. 10 to 11c. -- THE D.\IItY MARKETS. Rutter-Pcutnd prints, 25 to 27c. and largo rolls, 21 lo 25c: do.. Inferior. 21 tt. 22e. Creamery antes at 31 to 32c, arid .s .lila at 29 to 30c. ti,!gs-lfse lots of hew laid, 18e per d• otet. cheese -13'; to Ik per pound In a lobbing way. 110G PRODUCTS. Ream -long Clear, 9,'!, to 10c per pared in case lot9: Ines pork. $17.74 1n $18; short cut, $20.50 to $21. items- (eight to medium. 123/, to 13c; re,.. hent, ley to 12c; ro1Ls. 9% to 10c; ahould.•r 910; backs. 16e; breakfast im."rat. 14e. 1 11.1 Fierce". 113'•; Iwo tie . tubs, I1%c; I:1'-INI:ze VI MONTREAL . eleett.•,rl, eler-h 31.- 1;r., n Eastern gotta lit \o. while oats, ore; N.•. 3, 47y,; to tee; No. 4. tG', I., 17.-. and re• jreled al 1i3.'e per bushel ,•x !!tote. and Alnnitolea reje•ct.'d al tt 1.0 18%c per /melte] ev track Nerlh flay. Flnur-- Chniee S,.ring w heat pat•uts. 141.111; ert•nn.ls. IC5.10 to $5.6: Winter tvlent (Intent., $,10; straight rollers. $1.75 to 83, deo,. in bags. St 25 to 82.35; eetras. $1.80 to !Hemel. Foote -Mandolin bran. Se:. to *11.' 5; short.:. 825; Ontario lernn. $24.54) to $25; middlings, $26 to *27; .shorts, 825.50 to $20 per ton, including bags; puro grain mouille. $34 1(4 *35, and 'Mittel grades, *25 to $tit per ton. Previsions -Barrels short cut times, $11; Lalf-barrels do., 810.75; clear fat racks, $ld to $23; long cut heavy tiles,, $20; huff -barrels c:o., 810.50; dry salt long clear backs, 10%,c; hnrreln plate beef, $13.50 to $15; half -barrels do., $7.25 to 7.75; barrels lte•avy utess beef, 510 to 511; 1.tlf-lenses do., 85.50 to $6; cone plutie lard, 8% to 9c; pure lard, 11% to Wee; kettle -rendered, 11y, to 12c; hanm4 13%•;c; breakfast bacon, 11 to 15c: \Vindsor bacon, Ity, to 1531c; fresh killed abattoir dressed hogs, $>t.5O to $8.75; alive, $6.15 to $6.3a. Dialer -- Fall ln•ndes, 30e; fresh supplies, 31 to 32e; dairy. 24 to 2Gc. Cheese -12% to 13%c. Eggs -The market continues to decline under heavy arrivals and lo- ony buyers reduced their bids le per d. zoo 1. Ise west of Toront•,, and 16c east ..t Toronto. Saks were made on this mnrke'I, at 18 to 19e, and tt further Beeline i, exsected to -morrow. Mapie Syrup -The first lot of new staple syrup arrived to -day iu 9 -pound fins anti sold for 85c. NE\\' 1'(11!1: \\'1lE11' MARKET. NevtYork, March 31. -Wheal - Spot. eii'.y: No. 2 red. $1.00%. elevator; No. 2 reed. $1.01%, f.o.b. nnont; No. 1 north- ern., Duluth, $1.133', f.o.b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.11% f.o.b. afloat. (TATTLE \1.\RKET. Toronto, March 31. -.en active bust- neos in cattle again prevaik'd at the \Veslern market to -day. Prices ad- vanced from 10 to 25c per cwt.. itiki henry pricers !would have been obtained lit.• any extra choice tuts. flogs weal up 25c per cwt. The arrivals were 70 cars. containing 1.100 cattle. 116 sheep and Iii nl>s. 7u0 hogs ane) I:, calves. 'fhc export cattle that clumped hands were of fair to choice quality. Their pri•:es range' fm1 $1.75 to $7).35 per cwt. Export bulls here !earth 83.90 to :1.40 per cwl. Straight loads of choice e>:prert•rs ranged it value front 51.7,0 to $4.91) per cwt. \I••tlium hitcher; cattle, Si to 54.50 per cwt.; mammos! 1, I 11malh►nm. 83.25 le 81; chcic.r cows, $3.60 1.) $1.25: medium cows. $.1 to 83.50; common eews. $2.50 lit $3 ler cwt. A few stockers !fere wawa' at $3 to $3.60 per cel. Slightly higher prices obtit neel for Critics.. I'rice. were :l% to 7e per pound. Spring lambs sold from $.` k $7.54. each. Export ewes were w•arth $I.5(, le 85: hooks. g:1 to $1: choice Iambs. 86.75 lit *7.50: cemmen iambs, $7e 14, 80 per cwt. Seki'1 111g. were worth c:..73. ;)n 1 I.gl►Is and fat,. S5.5) Der cwt. ANOltilat EXPLOSION.• Two Italians killed on (.. T. Pacific Near Ur} den. dispatch learn I:••nnra says: 'lite more victims were added to the fright- fully king list of fatalities aninng the railway amen -lite an cntnps on Thurs- day morning when an explosion occur- red at Mclkwgall's r:nmp 011 the Grund Trunk Peiffer. near Dryden. Two Italians. WI,. e.' mates are unknown hent, wee- killed. rind nriotlur terribly nrnngled. Ile i' in the !hospital in it p:e.:0r:o is condition. Three fire: were' kan.11ed at widely sepnnnled Ix,inls in Pekin on Thurniay, L) revolutionaries. CAN &RO BEST TOBACCO C alladian Cigars Shown to Agricultural i Committee \ 1 .•h from (Ntawa an)-: "e.,,• M!, • retic,' a cigar equal to ter• tee •, the opinuen expneeed by Sir. I \ Charlet), Dominion tobacco ,exit•• • n g.ving evidence on \\'glare• 'lay t. f'et'e tlio Contlnlltee on Agricu!• tura regarding the tobncco-growing trios• aibfhl.0a of the country. Some of the rer.el•e•• .•f t0tncco at prurient grown In r • he :!.inti';eel, very in• Ire . ' • : er., had proved highly ttfir • - ' i• th in Quebec and Ontario. oto lootin.r')) pounds of lotettete green in Crow's. prol'ibly 1.0E).') poen& woo e'f an inferior quality. ( eke and Ontoln:o grew tobacco in i•'ont equal PM -or -hone and alxmit ree•quert'rs el the Litre quantity ,wn ins materfAct'red. Ile was in 1 favor • . •gielitio;r which !f'eu'd en• • ets)g•• h•' fanners to grow tobacen. .\ i.31 was parlicutnrly n•edeu was :• irrr peeking hvu.(rs sn,I 11:' estab• Pollen, of those w•n.ild kind 1•+ good • e•i ts. Mr. Charian prof i cd eamptes Cannel ,,n Iobnec( for cigar lending • Sich, he declined, one equal to any. tli•ng gruwn in Wisconsin. Slr. Duncan gess. M. P., examined erdmple e ( Canadian cigar: which he toed weer equal in giality le 'layettes. Ms. \V gle. n lnrge !.loos,~) grower rat Kingsv.t:o, at'o gave of idence. Ewe and Kent. he paid, were well suited for lol:acco growing purpo.sea anti with wine enceurogeme'nt front the Govern- ment, espeetally in the dtrRlk)tt of pack• ing )10110 , his .tietrict Could grew Iwenlylive to thirty niliion pounds. ie of Senator Forget Was Ile- pt•atedl) 'threatened. A deapnLch Leon M' ntreat sa►s: M.•m- t•er.' of Iho "Black Iland" are gelling bold in their oT.eraLons. For eouw time past !Madame L. J. Forget, wife of Senator Forget, has been receiving letters suggesting that the "Black !land' required the sum id 82.000, and that if the payment were not promptly utado death would follow. The curie was int• mediately placed in Ilene hands of de- tectives, with the result that ti man, wire is known as Iwo lalruro, an Itali- an. bee been atrental, Iken letters had been sent to f:druro, and he was arrested as a result of the work of Me cielectivns. f;drnro appeared before Jedge Cttoquet ..n \\'ednesdoy end was charged with sen:ling threatening let- ter.;, demanding the stun of $2,000 on twin of death. The uocused pleaded not guilty and was remanded ter en- quete. The penalty for the offence charged is 1t years' imprisonment. Mt(:IIINI: BJJ;W 1'P IN CEI.1•tR. Ilotel Building in New Brunswick Town Wrecked. A despatch hem McAdam Jct.. N. R., sats: The north wall of the Hotel City Cane) was shoved about eight Inches, the dining -roots completely dcrnolished, and every window in the house blown out by an explosion eJ an acetylene gas nu►chine in the hotel basement on \Vctdnosday evening. The clerk of the hotel was in the basement at the time. and received xerfons injuries, being thrown ton feet. Mrs. \ere:lith, wife of the proprietor. i; very ill AS a result of the chock. Several guests in the dining -roost at Ike time escaped Serb 0us injuries. )1• WHISKEY AND T1•itERC11.OSIS. Condillott of Indians .!long Ontario's Boundary is launentabte. A despatch hon) Winnipeg says: \h•. A. S. Boland of Totentt:o is hero aiter a ltdp along the C. N. R, in New On- tario. Ile says the condition of lh.' In- dians along the border Ls )nmenlable. They are victims of whiskey and tuber- culosis. PILI ON 1YOtt.E '11I1N 1)E t"I 11. m.'PI►/:1►iuew Traitors Settles,►•J litIA RB lane 1 erns. A des;.:.t Ii trent V.11 sten nrreetod recently, charged v td tratllck'ng in Governmental e cieto have teen found guilty and aeetknc"l !u long terms of imprisonment. 'Th s Punishment Le generally considered to be worse than death. Nalung and Elting Tun Yen, instillers of lite Foreign hoard, were on the emote that Winded down Ho sentences. 'i'he consp racy against the llover•u►uent Ls fairly wide- spread and the revelations: within the last tete days love considerably alarm- ist the Court an.l the Administration. No less than thirty important prison - OHS are new being held u► cusle>ity, and it is vet-orb:el that the Chief of Police of .the Forbidden (city i.; coming this number. Certain hien at present in the Government service are thought to b. Acting as spies ga►nst the dynasty as well es trafficking in Slate secrets, rad ether arrests are expo'ted. VACCINES THROUG11 1101711. Satisfactory Imniu►ie ,on :timing! bercutobis Thus Secured. A despatch from Lenten -ays: Dr. Latham, of St. George's Hospital, read a preliminary paper before the !loyal Society of Medicine on Wednesday, tending to show that satisfactory int- nmuni?.tUon against tuberculosis could to obtab:ed by administering vaccines through the mouth ntstoad reel injecting them into the blood. Ile describe' Ca -4 - et in which he cured glandular tuber- cclosh s►nd markedly improved pulmon- ary tuberculose. i)r. 1.alham's system 1.5 !pastel on the original r•erommc'nJa- t'on of Prof. Koch. modified lay Prof. Wright's work (on the opsr;nic index. SUICIDE AT OTTAWA. An itnlian Out of SVork Jumps�Fr'rom Laurier Bridge. A despatch from Otlawa says: Mari- ano Dioggiotti, an Italian out of work, jumped from Laurier bridge in an at- tempt to fall to front of a C. P. R. fre'ghf engine on the trucks below. Ile fell short. was badly injured and suc- cuntl.ed on Thursday afternoon. De- spondency Ls fake to hive led to the net. Tu. PEOPLE WANT GOOD ROADS System of Improving Highways Spreading in Ontario Mr. A. W. Campboll. Deputy Mlin- ister of Public Warks, in an address delivered before it meeting of the Geed (toads Ae>suCiation of Ontario, bed in Toronto lite other day, strongly advo- Pat'd the building of bridges in the most sub.0kintial style by mean; ••( C7'- rnetl or concrete. 1f this is carried out the Government will bo glad to con- tribute one-third of the cost. Mr. Campbell laid slr•e.ss on the fact that the 1 ounly Councils shetdct strive to fanrllinrize themselves with the financial dondil:ons of the county and the ex- peres ss in eemne •tion with repairing the Mends. In making email repairs in the reads he ).oint-d out til the expendi- ture antenmte1 to practically as nmuCii as if more substantial roods wee. holt. In the Ins! teen years the rnuniett t 11 es had mntrl;.ileal n1, tut $10.000.00iI cash 'n the toupee ing .'f their roads. ilee e.ei l Ilial this money. if ler'ol erle hand - 1.s1, twnnld be snlliricnt 1.e r..nstrui•1 lendw,+le; thnl would Inst for rat least • 1 len years. Ila hrhet'ed Ihrtt if lho e ,euity Ca unciis would bike over this ►fork and avail thentaelves of the pn)viaions of ttie net the T•)wnship l:uuneits wuutd be reedy to offer their a'ststonae itt the !work of making good rials. "Il is surprising," continued Mr. Campbell. "how contagious thLs thing is alter the work of improving a road has commenced. It Is not wise, low - ever, to utt•mpt lo do too much. tt be. ing 'nigh !-.ser to adopt the policy of (o a little and do 1t welt. Th s tends le convert the people In advocate an extension of the good rends (system in mus ciettliee a where tt does not ex- ist I1 Ls not the Tong uriis0ge that counts. hut the sample of the gond work (lone lint impresses the petiole who will ultimately conclude that a stand. bed road shall ho a policy in all dies Iriels. The work ins done well and ectittomirally in romplinnce with certain rcgulaUnrts of the act reln.tivo to (,,v- ermn:'nt inspeeliein. 11 counties eb net adhere to this rule the Government w•Il not pay its once -third of tho expend'. lure." T11111IN1; SIAM'S N ITI1 (:OFI'1Ni4. _ Ci:ngbeliih,tt Gone Mail Among Under- takers In Chirnuo. A despatch from Chieng., says: "Trad- ing cslemps wllh every funeral" is the piaenrd that ane nttty expect t0 ecce soon In the •%ndews of up -to -dale Chi - ago undertakers. 'Thal Iwo ear three funeral directors on the north side of the city have adopted the trading etan:p a)sk•m 41 Inrrmse biesiness was reveal. eel on l'ues,ley when n bert'evea widow cons.'lleed an order rat n downtown un• derfnker's because he would not give het ,ane &Lam l9. Friends of hers. site said. w•Mo recently had 414411 IPS in their fnmilsot. were given Iroding alnmpe by the unekrlaker, an'1 she tns:sttl en gel- ling Ihe (a en's% or she would gel else - COMING 11101 UNITED ST %ICS. hfunijrahl•i 1 to Canada lartlely In- c -tensed Fewer from Britain. .\ despatch fivnm 011uwa seeds: the figure.+ of Imtnigrolien for January and February indicate !hot Untttigtation to the Canadian west from the Untied Staler: this ).ear. will be considerably greater Than last year. For the Iwo months irnm:g:nlion from Goo United Slates shims an increase e f GI per rent., its a•mpneel with January nn.I Febru- nry of enol yenr. Immigration from t;rent Britain end European ports, on lin' other banal. shows n deeren.••.' of 36 )v • a,. i!t •hi' r,:! !tie •ar;,.• veriest. 1101 1:111:\ 111 110I.11:S. Trnpedat itnrtti' I.. Near the Canadian Itnnnd.►rw. 1 despatch front 1 • :' Frencis says: Pollee! States settlor.: hiring 'p the Rig Fork River opposite the Canadian boon. dnry. who wtnited Berwick, rep• rl that a nine-year-old boy wart killed mill eat- er. I.y limber wolves ane day Inst week. They say the little follow was attend- ing -.'8001. and was for some reason (4 ether kept in after 1 o'clucli tutlil nearly dark. when ho was pernnittal Iv go frame, and was devoured along the (rail. el' Glitl. Pl. tY1:1) 111T11 EIRi:. IF(ve-Year-Oil limited to Death Near 11110 .t A despatch from Ifntlsville says: Vinln Fletcher. the flve-)•ear-.old Jnughler of Mr. W. J. Fletcher. who livens at Havens chf(r, at miles front Iluntevilk', died (,n Thursday morning. the victim (of a dhslreesing ncci(lrit that oc: erred shout 5 o'clock (on Wednesday night. The tither was 'Orient iron Mone, and to reinter had None 1 , Ill., barn to milk the cows. She t -ft her Iwo Itltlo dough. tees, \'Nate, aged five. and Mary, aged three. in the Mouse. But a few min - tiles neer she lett the older giri ran screaming to her mother with hor cloth- ing on Ike. The frenzied parent car - rid her back to tho house. anal et hamster' every effort lit extinguish th, timmes rind relieve ilk chili's suffer ufgs, but the little body tuns so ler ratty burned that death followed an hour later. 111 iti►1:11 %ND SUICIDE. I'ilnrrienelahte ('rime el it 11111. her al I'arrehorci , N. S. A despn?. h from i1:, ifax V '4. says N. ws reaches) 1ri•h.er.t al 1 p. in. on Thurselny of a errihle tragedy at Parrs• tare'. Cumberland chanty. Al neon n prominent young then, named Levi.. K. Smith, who conduces n butcher shop in 1'orrsbnr,', wits working AS usual in his shop. when James fleeter. an•elher young men. entered and made tee re. mark: "Smith, your are not looking well thin morning.` Smith immediately dr'w a revedver from hes roa•ket, and. withamt saying a werel, fired pried blank rat heeler. the bullet entering the breast neer the right lung. Ile Hien Turned the weapon on henget' and fired a shot in his mouth. Beeler lived only Ove minutes. Smith is 81411 alive. but ct:nt:',t eco ver. BER'S CONFESSION Shooting of Pierre Delerme Near Montreal Explained A de:patch front Montreal says: "Tho police it the city were Riddled on \V'd- no=diiy night that a luau named \\ll- !iam Sangster gave h.u►setf up in New York and had o)ttsu, el to a crime eon: - males' near Montreal several months ago. 110 stated that, with two other 1114•11. dinned Peter U)rson anal Joe La- uterckc, ha had alta, -keel a young ratan Hamel Pierre Delerme, and had shut Delerme when Ito refused to give up his money. The crim • to which ho confessed was committed on Ot•!obcr 20. Pierre 1)c'` tornmo. a young farrier, was roturning from the market itt the early evening. The highwaymen jumped up and de- oianJ:d stoney. \Vhan Deform* offered i i•sutanc•e Ito was shot tiwco, on but - 'et entering behind the right ear. The noro of the shooting frightened his Bosses, and they ran away and were litter sbappad by the parents of the un. Orientate young man. He wan found is 1110 bottom of the wugg-,n, bleeding profusely. laid barely conscious. He wee taken buck to \lontreai, but dltrd shortly alter. Before dying he told of the attack on hint by threes robbers. Tho confcsslon of Sangster has cleang et) the mystery, and he will be brought hen. to Bland his trial. Ills two asso- clutts are already in prsstn, having boon sentenced some time ago for burglary. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS II.V'PENINe,-i FRO1, AL.l. ON -.1 T118 GLOBE. Telegraph folds From Our Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. CANADA. The Hudson's Bay line has been built to Lu Passe. Mr. P. R. Goyette, a Montreal lawyer, dropped dead vn '!'hurdslay. The C. N. R. will offer for sale thirty townships this summer. The Wabash Itathwey crews are to be centralized in St. Thornes. Montreal :Suoialists ate preparing for 1 h.g demonstration on May day. Servat er Claret! hes inteeduccd n bill t-, lard• rat the marriage vi divorcees. Immigration from the United States promises to be larger this year than ever 1)421010. In view of the celebration at Quebec, there may ba no military camp at Ni- agara 11ts year. 'i'he Canadian Northern will pelt about !fluty townsitw on tho market this cont- ing summer. 1:. W. Spear.-., at Winnipeg, says the 1).,ukl:oliours will do more marching this: spring. (:ull:ngwoed's by-law making ii p*ar licenses $4,500 has been quashed by M1'. Judice Benton. Earl Dudley will attend the Quebec tercentenary celebration as tho nepre- e illative of Atistralta. 4 rich gold strike has been mndn at the mouth of the Mackenzie, GO utiles • est of Herschel Island. Mr. itodolphe Forget. M. P.. is said to ho financing a scheme. for a merger of breweries .,t eastern Canada. D.intin:en and city policy are endea- voring to trace makers of counterfeit money which is circulating in Toronto. The Strowger automalic Telephone .)stem will be Installed by the cities • 1 Edmonton and Slralhcona. The legislature' of Prince Edwitri Is- land las passed a law forbidding the naming of aut•mtoblles in the Prov - 1171.1e F.Jm•mfort pae'ket, which left Ed- monton Nev. 29th. deliverer' the mail a1 Fort McPherson en Fob. 17th. Hamilton Heard of Education has adapted a plan to spend a quarter of a million 41"11ari in improving the school aco)mmudalie>n. .t hill providing for cold age and dut- ttbil;ly 1 els .ms to colliery workers itns been inb•nditeed in (ho Nova Scolia 1.nglslotiir.e. M `ntreal citizens pease(' a resolution calling on the Government o gives. the city dllvecl connection with the National Transronlieental Railway. Mr. hell a r:t•'ntcnt gave judgment rat \'anrouver Ilnilmu the Dominion order in Council i:nJ-r •.which several Hindus were held 1. r depnrtalion invalid. Hon. Fronk Olit.'r will introduce tegLsInti m leo remedy the defect. 111!1'1' 11N. Drury I.iuu' Theatre, in London. was o.mpletely 'leyttt))ed by lire earl)* \\'ed• risibly morning. The pr'vntence of cigarette smoking le the Bralish array li w'rlously Whet - mg the ellietency of the• service. Italp), 1'. Simony. a Bleeder; scholar from Now Orleans al Oxford, was washed off the rocks anti drowned at Port lanae, Cornwall. Dr. Stanton (Seel, editor of The Glld- cal itevicw, has been sentenced to a m3nt)es imprisonment In London for assaulting an omnibus oonducta•r. The Imperial Government will send a special oonunissioner to Canada to seek a solution ul the difficulties arising out el Hindu immigration into British Co- lumbia. Because the Wash'nenen Government does not wish the voyage of ibs battle- ship squadron to be further delayed, Great Britain has not asked the squad. von to visit any of iter ports. Dr. (tall Edwardls, of leruingham, who lost an arta In the course of his researches into lho X-ray, but wile ie the dLseoverer of a successful Inetlwd of treatment for X-ray cancer, lies had a civil eervice pension of $600 a year oo:uferrod on him. UNITED ST:TI:S. Tornadoes hai•c caused great properly damage: unit some loss of life In the Gulf States. Two Canadian clerks of a New Go- chelle. N. Y., merchant were left for- tunes by their former employer. James Kntte, a boy of ?lght.'en, was allot and killed by a p)Iic.'►nun in Chi- cago on Thursday. President Ito osevelt, in it special mes- sage to Congress, urged the °Witten id the duly on wood pulp. About three hundred and fifty lives were lost on the North Atlantic coast during the fall and winter. Fir, resulting from crossed etectrie light wires damaged the. Grand I'acilio Hetet in Chicago 8100,000. At Aurora, 111., an intoxicate) man was Thrown front his wagon and was dr.wned in the street nerd. 'I'h • Werneres Trade League t.+ plan- ning to gel all of tho. 6,01k)00d Ameri- can working women into labor unisons. Eleven year old Alice Joyce Borden, or Chicag•), an heiress, is allowed $9,000 for it trip fa Europe this saline r, United States customs authnrilies at - lege that during several arenas petit Chinamen have been stuuggiee.d whale- snle from Ontnrl.) into Buff:tie. in an nddress But other evening in 'NP -.w fork. Jacob hits .said !hero were "(.1.004) roosts In !enema Is to which no light or fresh air penelrnle;: At Shenan tenh. Pit.. the Cambridge Coal Company clnweit iia colliery for nn indefinite period, throwing 1,100 men and 1x.ys out of employment. Alleging that his son had slnlcn his Mots rind sold them for liquor, the ng.'3 father of Arlh+er 1'innegan ap- pear -fel agnin.sl him in court at Logans- peal. Ind. Gnawed by nils and mileh decom• iw.see1, Bon body of n woman named Florence Iteyttoi.is. alias'rhompsvm, 3S years 0111, was found in it wno:Lshed in a Collar in New York. Ait industrial revival has I:tken place al Poll:oville. Pa.. during Ilse lest few days. the milia rind cheeps haying in- creased Their working sche,lule by many hours tear week. Lighting his pipe In his cell in the Village pet. John Doherty. of M Alle. vile. N. Y.. nreldenlally set fire to the mnllrewsa of ht; bid, and beef -air help cavil.' reach flint Ito was burned to death. Japan has nske.1 1 hush leo prevent the prop>hed boy•oItvf Jopnneee goon, and 14) put an end to the anti-Japnnes' ogi• talion fiver m hundred prrs')ns wore drown - e l in the ..nking of the Japnn•sn',teeni- er Mulot Man' in a ontlisinn near 1leikndato. OBILIZATION AT QUEBEC Twenty-five Thousand Troops May Be Concentrated t de pr!ch from Onew t says. The Metes Department etp•e'ts 10 to able to mak • dc1111 to and nnoentent s pertly es to the plans for the tnubioizrtiion of a Canadian army •,l em. twenty-five ILou.nn' men at Qmol.a.' in July next on up. (oce•asion of the (:hnmpinin ter- centenary. Negadettuens wl;h Ira,Feen• tali')n comp:Imes are .till be.ng cnrr1r.1 on nla1v) to carrying tit' trails+ ter anal front (prebe', and Arrvufgeenn•nt, for !o+kiig atter the r.,tumatn:-1:0 airs per'Irn•'tll are still under e(,Mideraitein. Peeling definite information of thee. two most important rspeeCts of 111.• 11n- elertakingt. the \fititin C••uneil will reit be able to stale definitely lead what will l,. 11. .. . , einboiea• kern. : t ! plans are wo:k ng •,nil `+1 .e t!:. ' 1 .1 the s, 11010 :e.s al present a • , ,.. 1 be•• ing ase,ir,1 11.e•r., \d 11) ,1 t:ulilil ramps two \.I I. ;..b-, t ., stainer. 11 w pr>la•as.d I11.1t s, sly per cv rat. .ef o'1 lit- owes, belt cit) end neral. fr••n► Onlnr1;, Qua), c. and the Meet me Province.; steel melt Ste at I,ii:et,r .luring IN' feel t''k e,1 July. Tte• s• t•ecl•an of thea.' who are to g,en w.1! 1.e ./evillest •1n liter. but i1 ea the 1lehir.n le Lave ..r iv n►rm).•rs of IbA t l 1 1 net, .1u:11.fi•sl 4, lake pail in 111 .•e •re r►rire.r-nese•, by rerwn of ten- s .: .1 le ! r, s • tis O t iretig.