Exeter Advocate, 1908-04-02, Page 375c to JAN. '09 NO\V IS Till': TIME to ttlbucribefur the ADVO- CATE and get a bargain AS above stated; or else take advantage of our Low Club Rates tter Sale Bills FAIL 1EHS who want a big crowd at their sales should get their hills at the ADVOCATE and ad- %etIke iu the .1'wilt-ATE; It Means Money to You TWE*..,'v'-F Ilt,>T YEAR. EXETER. ONTARIO. THURSDAY, APRIL 2. 1908. SANDERS & CREECB The Old Reliable Opening of Exclusive Lot of White :Goods for Spring and Summer Wear. In Fancy White Goods there are Many Novelties in Checks and Stripes. In Plain Fabrics there are Shirt Waists and Suiting Linens, Lawns, Organdies and Laces. We are also showing a very complete line of Ladies' Whitewear jr,Blouses, Skirt and Corset Covers. The finest we have ever shown. Come and gets yours before they all gone. It will he very difficult for you to find a more Beautiful Lot of White Goods than we can show you this Spring. Our Prices Will Meet Your Utmost Approval. CARLING BROS.. Remember the Store one door north Post Office Ega l0 O Q• O Ib O CCP Par -405 The Leading Store for Dress Goods & Millinery All THE NEWEST THINGS in DRESS GOODS are now displayed in our store. Never shown a better collection and NEVER BETTER VALUES ! Ladies' Raincoats The Finest Collection of Ladies' and toil]] Length CRAVENETTE COATS we have ever displayed. Beauti- ful, Fine Cloth, in Invisible Checks and Plaids, QUITE THE NEW THING, nicely trimmed with Silk Braid and Fancy Buttons. Prices $8.00 to $12.00 Men's Stiff Hats for Spring. All the NEV 1IATS are in. We have a Great Choice of shapes and styles for you to choose from. Come in—we know we can please you. Prices $2.00 & $2.25 SNELL & ROWE Professional Cards. DR. 0. P. ROUL.STON, L D. 8., D. D. 8. DENTIST ASemter of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and llonot Graduate of Toronto University. OFFtc l:: Over Dickson k Carling's lAw Office, to Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parlors. isDR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. D. 8., D. D. 9.• ttoeot graduate of Toronto entserts tr. DENTIST, Teeth estr* ted without any pain, or any had effects Osco o et. G:..t:.,an k Stanbury's office, Main street Eaeu r. Medical DR. T. P. MCLACOHLIN llas resumed practice atter spending a year (Col. lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General pro tact with special attention to Eye. (with raise. tion) Ear, Nose and Throat. Otttce: Dashwood, Ont. I.eg(al. D10880N k CARLIN(1, BARRISTERS, SOi ICI• los,, Notaries, Conveyancers, Commiatonete. Solicitors for leoleone Bank, etc. Moes to Lose at lowest rates of interest. 1. O111. es, Main street, Exeter, 1. R. CARLIN., B.A., L, 11. Dressog OMNET TO LOAN. 1 W. have a lar:e amount of private fonds to loan • faro and tillage properties at low rates of inter at. OLADMAN A STANBURY, Barrister., 8oticitors.Main et., Exeter On William Brown Prof. Diplons of Royal In. -cm -crated Society M Mesi•-fane, England; Organist of Tri,itt Ifem'mil t.Tur•h,Raeter. 1'' .Organ, ilarn.ony and Theory of Music, Term y a; plication. Ereter, Ont, - J. SENIOR Agent Confederation Life Assurance Company. also Fire insurance in lead- ing Canadian and British ('ompanlee. Hain -St., Exeter. House For Sale. in the Village of Exeter. sit gated on Slme street, a frame dwellingfifth. 2 stories, kitchen and woodshed table, good well, one h acre of land. All in Rood edition. Wilt be sold reasonable. Apply at vhf. Arca — Barley for Sale. goantity M Manchuria Seed Batley for sale. Apply to Jn11N IIA%, London Road earth. B. Beckett. who for the part five Alin a half has been in the fnrni- nti undertaking business in Ool- h.ts hold out his business to Geo. on, who for POMP time past hat . assistant. Brick and Tile for Sale The underefggntd has a large quantity of first -thus brick and tile tor sale on his yards,situated opposite the grist mill at Credlton East. Satisfaction guar- anteed. It will he toy3our Interest to call and make an inspection before bluing elsewhere. Ji��Fa'1! IiAIST, Crediton Ess(. For Sale or Rent. A one stores -frame dwelling inood condition, on Carling street, two Iota of land. Good stable on the premises, also a number of fruit trees. Terms reas- onable. Apply at thisoft1 e. Ontario Liquor License Act License District M South Iiuron. Notice Is here. by given that Conrad Wendland of the Village of Exeter has made application for permission to transfer his tart Village license gg rnat Exeter to John Motley of Exeter, and that the said application will be considered at the meeting of the hoard of Iben.e Commissioners, to he held at the Dixon house, in Village of itrucefleld, on the 41st day of April. 18, at the hour of 10 sin A11 persons interested will govern themselves ac- cordingly, John Torrance, License Inspector. Dated .' ( I. r ; nn. this 30th day of March, IOUs. Ontario Liquor License Act. License District of South Intron Notice is hereby given that the Board of License Commissioners for the License District of South Huron will meet at UIXON HOUSE, IN THE %ILLAGE OF BRUCEFIELD T1•I•:8IAv, APIIii. 21st, 11**4, at 10 a. ID. for the purpose of consideringapplleatloo. for liquor Licenses for the License Vear use 0. All persone Interested will govern themselves accoelingly. .1011N TORRANC'E, License inspector Dated at ( Linton on March 30th, 100& NM7CE is hereby ghen that the persons whose names appear in the following schedule are applying for Liquor Ll.-eneee for the License tear DuiS Cr, and that the same are not now t.i•ensees under the Act or are applying fot licenses Inc premises not now tinder license. Name of , Kind of Description of j Name of Applicant License I Premises l Itunfripal'y McLennan A i TavernCommercial ; oeaforth Broadfoot I hotel I I.1 .•sued for the current year are -Town tavern.': \iliege tavern fl. Township tavern 13; Town shop 1.. Meer shop 1. Applications for lAtei IAM are - Town Tavern e; village tavern c. Township tavern 13. Town shop 1; Village shop 1. Anypetltio'i against granting License to any hp plicant c•r 1 realises must be lodged with the under• signed at least four days betoee the meeting of the Wreathe Roanl. .1011N TORRANCF., License inspector for South Heron Dated a' , ;'• •nn this 30th of March, hitt• The By -Law Agreements. The Corporation of the Village of Exeter and the Gibb Company and the corporation and The Connor Com- pany havo entered into agreements on which the by-laws are based. The by- laws which are published elsewhere tell what the town is expected to do in each ease. We have taken the time this week to examine care -fully copies of the agreements, and for the infor- mation of the public we herewith nen- tion in concise form what each com- pany agtees to du. The Gibb Company agrees to con- tinue the business already established; to make the land, building, plant, machinery, etc., worth at least $30(10; to have a seven kiln plant installed and ready for operation not later than August 1st, 19%; to operate the plant not less than three months each year for ten years; to employ not less than twenty-five bands; to pay the costs of submitting the by-law in case it passes; to repay the $500 if the company does not live up to the agreement; and fur- ther to give the corporation a lien on the plant for ten years. On reading over this agreement the s►rrprising thing to us is that the company would agree to such terms. Everything seems to be in favor of the town. When the amount of labor they will pay for is considered we canoot but conclude that from the town's point of view the industry is to he bad at a re- markable bargain. Looking at the Connor agreement we find another bargain for the people of Exeter. The Connor Motor and Machine Company is to be n joint stock company with a capital of $1(100 to he formed in 190S. A factory for the manufacture of gasoline engines will be acquired; the land, building, plant, etc., shall be worth at. least $10,- 000; to be operated at least ten years; if they fail to operate for ten years $50 a year will be paid back to the town for the years when not operated. In case the company is not formed in the present year Connor Bros. will pay for the submitting of the by-law. No money is to be paid the company until the $I0,000 plant is erected. The Cor- poration is to hold a lien nn the plant for the ten years. The value of this industry is indisputable and meets we believe with the consent of all citizens. The gasoline engine manufactured by Connor Bros. is a good one and the demand for these engines for small mechanical work and farm work is very great. Connor Bros. are straight- for*eard, reliable men and the town may expect nothing but a straight deal from such men. From The ADVOCATE of 20 Years Ago. Exeter, March 29, 1888. On March 27th the marriage of Thomas Acheson to Miss Florence Oke, daughter of James Oke, was per- formed by Hev. S. F. Robinson. On March 28th, John Elgin Tom, in- spector Public Schools, was married in Ooderich to Miss Maggie C. Dickson. David Manning teas married on the 27th to Miss Susan Hill. all of Stephen. L. 11. Dickson and Silas 'landlord bought a 100 acre farm near Seaforth for $70X.0. Daughters were born to James San- ders and wife, Stephen, and Henry 1Vright and wife, Usborne, and a son to George Weir and wife, Osborne, this week. itev. John iricks Aynon, a superan• mated Methodist minister died in Ex- eter at 87 years of age. The Exeter Spring Fair is to be held Friday. April Otb, 1888. A Football Club was organized Thursday night with the following officers:--Ilon. Pres., Dr. Rollins; Pres., N. D. Hurdon; Vice, 11. 1« 1311. Hugs; Sec., Ed. Bissett; Treas., ltd. Pick•trd; Captain. Wm. Haudrock. Vail of Exeter and Feathers of Itat'- rieton race for the "hiunpionship of Western Ontario Friday night. Tonight it lodge of the Sons of Eng- land will be opened In Exeter with twenty charter'temlret'e. The Council bad it wart time at their meeting over the appointment of it road c•omrnissiener. E. Itissct1, R. I'incornhe and 3. (sill vete the Applic- ants at $I.241, *1.25 and $1.35 a day. re- spectively. Mr. Gilt would have re- ceived the appointment hail he agreed to $).25 a day, but declining it was given to Mr. Pincomhe, after T. 11. Yarling and W. G. Bissett had exchan- ged some warm compliments. 'fhe council appointed Or. Lutz medical health officer in succession to Dr. Ilyndnian, resigned. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of the estate of itobert Iiodgens, late of the Township of Stephen, in the ('ounty of Huron, deceased. N. Oce is hereby g(s en pursuant to Sec. 3s of Chap- ter 140, of the Revised Statutes ofOntario. Ilei, and amending sets that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Robert Ilodgens, Farmer, who diel on or about the 2nd day of (Mlnter, (t8, are requested on or before the 1ST DAY OF MAY, A.D..1008 to sem! by poet prepaid, lathe undersigned solicitors for the Executor of the will of said de(rase.l, their names, addressee and descriptions and a 1,11 statement of particulars o1 their claims and the na- ture of the serruritiea, (if arty), held t.r them, duly certified and that after tbe(fay last aforesaid the es• ecutor will proceed todistrihute the assets of said de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto, hat ing regard only to sus h claims of which notice shall have bees gi. en as above means!. and that the wad Ex- ecutor will not be liable for the said assets or any tart titer -p..1, to an person or persons or whose claims notice shall not la. a been received by him at the lime of such dietrilulkm. Dated at Exeter, this tet day of April Iona. IlICKSON & CAttr.l�cl, Solicit, r: for Executor. Exeter. Eggs For Sale Tbor.mghbred white Wyandotte Eggs toe sale s. POWEi.L, Exeter Heavy Storms Friday Night. A very heavy thunder and light- ning ato.ut passed over Huron County on Friday night. No damage was done near 1'xeser and only those who tare troubled by such storms during the night knew that anything unus'ttl was occulting. Other places seem to have been struck heavily by the el,•- utents. At Brucefleld reports say that no such amount of rain had fallen itt so short a time in thirty years. Two culverts ate repotted washed away near that place, with the result that the trains were unable to pa8s north or south on Saturday morning. A great deal of fence was also washed away. Things have been righted since, Hensel!, March 2801.--A disastrous thunderstorm passed through this sec- tion last night. Several tires were vis- ible from Hensall. Considerable dam- age was done inthe village with water. as the thunder and lightning were ac- companied with almost a flood of rain. The cellar of Mr. Hemphill's drug store was flooded, causing a damage to goods stored there to the amount of $200.00. Several other business places were likewise flooded, besides private residences. Work in some of the mills and foundry bad to be suspended owing to those places being under wa- ter. The street and sidewalks in some places in the village at -e covered to the depth of several inches. Drains are blocked and refuse to carry off the wa- ter, causing it to backup in the cellars. It will take a few days for the water to entirely run away. Clinton, March 28th.—The Stapleton tramway, connecting the Ransford Salt Works with the G. T. R„ is in danger of being washed away by the flood, and is now several feet out of place. During the night the shipping room of Fair's flour mills was flooded, there being about 18 inches of water, and as a result several hundred dollars' worth of flour was damaged. Mr. Pair claims it was a defective town drain that caused the damage, and the Council will be asked to settle. The electrical storm which passed over this district during the night wits very se- vere. A farther named Smith, living on the fourth concession of Stanley, lost his barns by fire. Lightning was the cattle. The G. T. It. train which left here this morning at 0.20 ran into a washed- out culvert about half way between here and Seafortb, and a bad wreck is the result. The train was in charge of Conductor James Lavell, with Jas. Farr as Engineer, and Fireman Colbey, all of Goderich. The engineer had his leg hurt, and was also cut around the face, and the firemen suffered more seriously, having a number of his ribs broken, and is otherwise injured. Fortunately the accident happened in a cut, or it would have been more seri- ous. As it was, the front of the en- gine ploughed into the embankment, and the tender flew off on the other side. The baggage car and two of the coaches are all stripped of their trucks and are sideways on the track, while the parlor car spans the track. Hay Dem-rt.—Slowly but surely the old pioneers of this township are passing away. This week we record the death of one of the very oldest of the pioneers, Jane Hyrie, relict of the Tate Peter Henderson,- in her 88th year. horn in Edinburgh. Scotland, in 1820, she carne to Canada when in her teens and sett- led in Stanley township, where in 1810 she married Mr. Henderson, who pre- deceased her :11 years, having died in 1873. in 1853 they moved from Stan- ley to Hay township and for the suc- ceeding i,i years she resided on the one farm. Deceased had remarkable health throng') her long life, and even at the end she experienced no sickness, death being out• simply to the infirmi- ties ofold1 tit age. disposition Mrs. Henderson was well•1 elodby her family and neighbors. The sons and daughters who survive are, Chris. titleof Iowa, George of Chatham, Drs. Thomas and Wm. of Detroit, Peter in Iowa, Mrs. Palmer of Kincardine,Mrs. 1Ia11 and ,firs. Manning of Dakota and James of Calgary. Of these Dr. Thos. (and son Donald), George and Mrs. Palmer attended the funeral which took place Friday from the residence of Mr. Wm. Northcott, 2nd con., to the itodgerville cemetery. A large number of friends were present nt the service which was conducted by Revs. Hart, Smith and r'enr. ADDITIONAL LOCALS Exeter Lodge i.O.O.F. will attend devine set vice in the Main street Meth• odiet church on Sunday, April 2O01. Mr. Wm. White is dangerously ill at his home, London Road North. The services of a nurse has been pro- cured. A sheeting of the Bowling Club will be held Thursday night at the Town Hall. Every rnernher is req'ested to be present. Mr. G. A. (lovenlock, of forest, who is the guest of his brother-in-law, Mr. %%n . Cookie, has been assisting Her. Fear at the revival meetings in Main Street Methodist Church this week. Mr. Ell. Dignan was presented with a beautiful Oddfellows ling in open lodge on Tuesday evening by Mr. Sax- on Fitton, for having secured the greatest number of epplicante during the winter months. A number of ap- propriitte speeches were made on the occasion. Choice Apple ■atter. 11wmg to the fart that rho -e having tried Excelsior Brand Apple flutter are calling at the factory f.it repeat orders. it will now be kept on sale at the stores up town. LWWPvtlrOvsIPIT0sOWIPVIIIIhtirese• PEI{SUNA L. a a Barrows w'/is in London Tues. day. Miss L'►ulee Carling is visiting in Norwick. . Mrs. John Hawkshaw is visiting re- latives in Luca'. L. H. Dickson was in .'eafttrth Tues- day on business. Dr. Antos is expected home from Battle Creek on Friday. Mr, 1t. E. Pickard left for Frobisher, Sask., on Tuesday evening. Mr, Eli Snell of Fairground is spend- ing a few days at his home here. Mrs. (leo. Willis of London visited at 1'. H. McCallum's over Sunday. Mr. Wilbur Martin returned Friday from a visit to Dorchester friends. Mr. James W. Creech arrived home from near Buffalo on Thursday last. Mrs. A. Bagshaw and children left Monday to join Mi. Bagshaw in the west. Dr. and Miss Mabel Follick of St. Marys spent Sunday at their holne here. Mrs. Disjardine has returned to Grand Benafter a visit with Mrs, S. Martin. Mr. Victor Sanders of London is vis- iting anTong relatives here for it few days this week. Mrs. W. D. Clark was called to Lon- don Saturday, owing to the serious ill- ness of her father, Mr. Nilson. Miss Nettie Walters left Monday morning for Toronto where she will taken p ,sit ion as stenographer. 31t-'. 'Phos. 1Vhite, who has been vis• iting her daughter at Niagara Falls, return• -d to her home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Seawright have returned after spending two months at their hone in Westfield, N. Y. Miss:Margaret Strang left Saturday for Toronto wherd she will visit her sister, Mrs. Hanna for some time. Mt'. and Mrs. Frank Delbridge of Cheltenham are visiting relatives in town and in Usborne for two weeks. Mrs. Collins and Mrs. Bobier are the delegates to the annual meeting of the Nonlan's Auxiliary of Huron Diocese at London this week. Misses Blanche and Ida Westcott after spending three months with re- latives here left for their hone in Douglas. Man., on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Cook of the Richmond House. London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cook at the Mansion house on Sunday and Mon- day. W. Shnsenherg cif London, ac- companied by his daughter, Fay, spent Friday in town. The little girl will remain with her grandma, Mrs. Wm. Ilawkshaw, for a time. Mr. James Bagshaw left on Monday for the West, taking a car of settler's effects. He with his two brothers, George and Homer, and brother-in- law, Mr. Christie, will work a farm together this year, and next year Mrs Bagshaw will join her husband. Miss Ethel Sweet returned to St. Marys on Monday after spending the latter part of the week here owing to the illness of her sister, Miss Charlotte, who is now thought to be recovering nicely. Mr. Samuel Cobbledick and Mr. Jno. Down are both quite ill. Rev. W. M. ,Martin, who has been Moderator of the i'resbyterian Synod, has been succeeded by Hev. John John- ston, of Paisley, the Synod being now In session at London. Mr. T. E. Handford has disposed of his interests in the lease of the Ex- change stables in town to Mr. Charles Hackney, who has taken possession with Mr. H. Nelsh. BIRTHS THomesoN--in McGillivray, on March Mrs. 21,to Mr.tilThompson, cn n hn, n son. 1.AN(t--ln St. Marts, on March 2fth, to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lang, n son, (still born). Lovle—At Grand Bend, on Mar. :10th to Wm. Lovie and wife, it daughter, Dn'KtNa—At Saintiburv, on Mar. _KI. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dickins. a son. A Doctor's Statement Bair St. Paul, (.1., Que. March 27th, 1907. "Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Torouto, Out. (lt•ntletncn:— My many thanks for Psychine and Oxomulsion. I havo used them with very gnat satisfaction Loth in my own case and in that of my friends. It af- fords ate much pleasure to recommend a remedy which is really good in castes for which it is intended. I ant, yours- very truly," DR. ERNl-:S'1' A. i.LARD. Doctors recognize that Psychtne is one of the very best remedies for all throat, loung and stomach troubles and all run down conditions, from whatever cause. It is the prescription of one of the world's greatest specialists in dis- eases of tht throat, lungs, and stomach, and all wasting diseases. Ask your druggist for it, at 50e and 1.00, or T. A. Slocum. Limited, Toronto. MARRIA08$. HODat!—BATTEN—At Anderson, on March 25, by Rev, J. Veale. Beatrice A., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam'I Batten, to Nnl. C. Hodge. DINNIN—BAnnortl—At "Mapleville," the home of the bride's parents, by Itev. It. G. McKay, on the 25th, Mr. Ernest Dinnin to Miss Elizabeth Ada, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. AS. Barbour, all of Hibbert. --- DEATHS TATE—In St. Marys, on Match 20th James Tate, aged 78 years. HEND>ERSON—In Hay on Mar. 25th, Jane ityt•ie, relict of the late Peter Henderson, aged 83 years, I month, 10 days. lIA7.LL►\tOOi)—In Kirkton, of Mar. 20, t Nancy Vickers, wife of Win. Hazle- wood, aged 07 years. 5 months, 21 days. SCIILL'('11TRIt—(n Hensall, on Mar. 29, Mrs. Jacob Schluchter. aged 81 years. IIALKWILL—In Exeter on Mar. 30, Grace Hicks, relict of the late Nm. Balkwill, aged 70 years. Slcoenwe.—In London, Mrs. Susan Sholdice of McGillivray, relict of the late Abbot Sholdice. IIoHKIN—At 700 William street, Lon- don, on March 28, Harry Hoskin, husband of Matilda Hoskin, and eon of William Hoskin of Exeter, aged •19 years. VEAL.—in Elltnville, on April let.. Annie Sawans Ilell, wife of William Veal, aged 12 years, 10 months end 7 days. WILSON—At Grand Bend, on March 20th, Charles Albert, son of Reuben Wilson, aged 4 months and 10 daye. iWier g-rWA" .v. We Want Your Money, But not at the expense of your esteem — hence we save you money EVERY TIME! nr Rose Shampoo and Eau de Quinine (lair Tonic, Skin and Tooth Preparations, Flavoring Extracts, Perfumes and Cold cures, Medicinal and Fancy Soaps ate made from the purest and heat materials known. LET US SELL YOU SOME The PHONOGRAPHS That Talk for Themselves. 4 We Want You to Call and SeeOur e Goode. THE PURITY Watch Window. (Jan.l:xp.Bldg. nt4adkalla•abaaLASLJ& I inailkillaafk Yes, We're Ready for Spring r'ainting • • • Elephant, Hollywood & Matin Senour's Pure, Ready -Mixed Paints 15c, 25c, 45c and 50c tins. Campbell's Varnish Stains The best stains on the market—one application varnish es and stains --all colors. 15e, 25c, 45c and 85c tins. Alabastine For Wails, Ceilings. etc. All shades. 25c and 50c pkges. Waxolene Floor Oils For Re -New ing Lin(►lennl14, Oil Cloths, Etl'. Keeps Down. The Dust. 75c per Gallon. HBARN'S HARDWARE & STOVE STORE