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Exeter Advocate, 1908-03-12, Page 5
ezetei un ate l tM EXETER. - -- ONTARIO 81.00 it pail in ',thanes, 51.80 a year it out so paid. ' To lollies'! States Subscribers $1.110 ADVICE a Year Strictly Ir Advance. SANDERS A CREFX.'IH. PuUishen. $25.00 Buys a good Second-hand Doherty Organ Stationery A most beautiful hue of Station- ery, Bibles. Hymn Bootee, etc., at Away Down Prices. Call and see them. Sa MARTIN der SON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The Brat Uterine Tonle, and only safe effectual Monthly Iteguhtturon whieh woolen oats depend. Sold in three degrees of strengths -No. 1,$1; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger e3; No. 8. fors special eases raper box. Sold by all d ta, or sent paid on reoe pt of price. Free pam et. Address T1ta CouN1111:4MnCti..TOgirro.ONT. UormerlyIt'infaorl LEARN DRESS-MA�KiNG BY MAIL Time at 71= We want our course to be in every home in Ontar,, where there are ladies. so have decldcd to E,ve, direct t., the public our improv, d $15 cl,urse in dressmaking, including cur Ladies Tailor System forwhole,ale price. $..00 As there are a large number .of people. espec- ially dressmakers say you cannot learn by mail we will send system and tint Ie.s. n (which teaches how to make a p,af.ct fitting waist, registered to any address in Ontario. After you are :apish. d 7set .-an lean. send $.i til and w^ will forward full course of less ns. Pleas, 1 1 n..t send u•,!e.;s you wish to learn drts.maku:::; we are so sure anyone run learn that we guar- an'ee to give 33u0 to anv,,r,.' wr cannot tach. These lessons teach ivow to cut. fit a:.d put together, any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress This is the only course in Canada that the whole family can learn by one member taking it up. we have leen in business fur ten years, have taught over 7.010. Beware of imitation'. as sane h.tve been known to copy our advs. and even claimed where they were not known to be the invent,,r of this course. No adv. is genuine wi'h••ut our 2500.00 guarantee. V,' to fur particulars. Add,e : - SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL 31 Brie Street. Sir :l. tl:.:a:: Cari.tl.t You won't tell your family doctor the whole story about your private iilne'ss - you are too modest. You Iter' t not Is; afraid to tell Mrs. Pink- il::tn, at Lynn, .11ass., the things you could not explain to the doctor. Your letter will be hell in the strictest con- fidence. From her vast correspond - ,:Ace with sick \\-omen during the i1:'.st thirty yearn site may have gained the very knowledge that will u.'1pyour ease. Such let ters as the fol- lowing, from grateful women, es- tablish beyond a doubt the power of LYDIA E.PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND to conquer all female diseases. _lir.. Frank Emsley, Lindsay, Ontario, writes to Mrs. l'inkliant : " When I wrote to you some time ago, I was a very sick woman suffering from female troubles. I had inflamma- tion of the feminine organs and could not stand or walk any distance. At. last I .vas eonfiuec{ to my bed and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation. but this I refused to do. 'A friend advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. After using three bottles of it, I feel like a new woman. " 1 most heartily recommend Lydia E. 1'inkham's Vegetable Compouni to all women who suffer with female troubles." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female i1� and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiiges tion,dintiness,ornervous prostration. HURON PRESBYTERY. The Presbytery of Huron met in Willis Church, Clinton. on Tuesday 2nd inst. Mr. Anderson, of KRox Church, Goderich, was appointed moderator for the ensuing six months. f��'gr��17g���P The greater part of the time was taken up in reading and discussing re - it 5' Telegraphy,„ Highest paid otlie.utls were once operators. Demand exceeds supply. Six thousand needed during next few years, (Operat- ors have secured increased sal- aries arid eight-hour day. ?' .1111; - tam= = We prepare you in shortest time and place you immediately upon graduation. Competent instructors. unsur- paesed elniptnent. .wide experi- ence. (''inttuereial sohjerts free Elite!now. No }station. MALI. COURAS Clinton Business College George Spotton, Principal. Daniel E. Eby, Vice-i'rincipal. rkaissikalkullullk allasiltillasilk elk As As; NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Ttje Bell Te1epoe Cooauij Of Caoafla is about to publish a new issue of the Ott eiel Telephone Di• rector for the District of Wes. tern Ontario. including the Town of Exeter. Changes of firm names, changer] of street addressee, or orders for diipli• Cate entries should be handed Im at once to ports on Sunday Schools, Young Poo• p{le's Societies, Church Life, work and Statistics. Although these were in some respects disappointing, they were in others. encouraging. Mr. Fletcher reported that the con- gregations of Grand Bend and Corbett had promised to contribute: $50.011 more than fernier ly to the ministers stipend, and that the grant from the Augulentetion fund, meal he reduc. ed by the same amount. The debate on the Union question, which had been adjourned at the last meeting of the Presbytery. was re- sumed, bot no resnlation was passed, and no suggestions were made to the Union rotund tt VP. BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT. Ca,nadialn Tetterin© is an ate mute, certain cure for F:crema, Arne Ruses, Tetter, Pimples, Rlackhe tit.. Ringworm, Darters' Itch, Scald Ileal, Itching Piles, ]'leery, Sures, and all cutaneous and fl1C1al bletni.hea. itas been thoroughly and successfully tested Is huudrectg of NO c111esi incurable easel 11 is entirely unlike any other preparation, mixture or ointrnent that has been sold or pro- scribed. A few applications will convince that is has wonderful n1. -.heal air• pe and intrinsic merit. It is made in Canada. A goo,) honest Cana- dian preparation reit one box Fifty Cent,, or fire tuxes Twu Dolts s. Ma.ird to any address on receipt of price. Solt and recommended by all leaning Drug - eats in Canada. Pamphlet free to any address. Manufactured and sold by the sole proprie- tors. The Tstterin• Chemical Co. Windsor, Ontario. Sold in Exeter t,v .1. %V. Browning. W.S. Howey and .V. S. t'nle, Drug- gists. A. MIIRCHAND, 'WESTERN LOCA_.MANAGER tANADA HodgervilIe. R phi, Rol+, who his been home on .a tint fr 11tomheld n hay dr,tu-- ing bee on Frid,►} Iaet. In the even• ing the young people joined inn merry dance and it bit st pleasant tits" .teas !pent. -Norm uI .1 111'011 h .d t tcood ' drawing bee an Nlenr iy. 1Vhi!e thus engag..1 Mr. Jarrott .net with A ptin- fol ae,allen: LF h it ing his hand (-:aught in the woos. with the result that the second finger •vws broken at the first joint. He ha. been compelled t.• ley off duty for n few d lye. - The roads in this ic.•tiott are in ,t halt condition, otv• ing to the rather soft wether. -Miss Malcom] and brother. who h tee been viniti;g trete for the ptst few weeke. tette tit'tl to their 1r ,nue .tear London last creek. -Mies Lizzie Davidson, who has been engage] with Mr. John Pat- terson, hao returned to her home near solei; to while her .i11t.-r has taken her Waco. IF 'or Tema OF MARINO A HONr IN air wr%T Yeor SHot'LD H.1%E THESE Free Books "SETTLERS' aU1DE•' '•H F:sTERN CANADA" ••iOI'RI.Nr SLt'F'PING CARS" 1IMF TABLES 110 the prat liraal information t. onn 'wed ,r,• n P 1t AL'nt. °r- to C R FOSTER District Pass Agent. TORONTO CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 1IeGill1vray Connell 1 Shake in a Bottle. \Voodhaw: Rev. Bartlett preached Council wet pursuant to adjourn -1 I a special sermon to the Canadian Or - went March 20d. All member:, pre- - _ der of Foresters on Sunday evening. sent. Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. A number of ac- counts were [[passed, .-lens-Mor ran --that the Auditor's Report as read lie adopted and that 200 copies be printed. --Carried. Murdy-- Ulens-that the Clerk order a fire proof safe No. 9, manufactured by J. & J. Taylor of Toronto. for the protection of the Township documents. -Carried. The Council adjourned to meet in the Town i(all on the first Monday in April at 1 p. w., when patlimasters will be ap- pointed. -J. D. Drummond. Clerk. Stephen Council The Council of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall, Crediton, Monday, March _'ud. All members present except Mr. Hicks. The minutes of previous meeting were read and adopted. Kellerman -San - dere -that the Auditors' Report be re- ceived and they be paid their salary amounting to $8 each. -Carried. Yearley -Sanders -that the account of the ExeterAdvocate Punting Co. be paid. -Carried. Sanders -Yearly - that the Reeve call on the Township Engineer to enforce the completion of the McLellan Award on the South Boundary Concession, as soon as weather permits. -Carried. Keller - mann -Sanders -that the charges of the Engineer re -John Barry requisi- tion to enforce maintenance. be con- sidered at the next meeting of the Council and that in the meantime the Clerk write the Engineer for an ex- planation of his account as rendered. --Carried. Kellermann--Yearley- that the matter of closing the road on the 21st Con„ lying between the pro- perties owned by Robert Pollock and Onesimus Disjardine be laid over until the April meeting. -Carried. Follow- ing orders were passed: -C. Bluett and H. Sweitzer, saltary as Auditors, $beach; Advocate Ptg. Co., printing and books, $138.82; C. Wolfe and others, shovelling snow, $8.50: Mud Creek Debenture, Tp's portion of M. O. D., $138.36; \V. Walker, rep. culvert and plank. $2: John Heaelan, rep. cul- vert, 50c; J. Wilhelm and others, open- ing Crediton road, $8; H. F. Either, piping hall and gas fixtures, $52.25; 11. F. Either, caretaking of lock-up, 3 yrs., $ll. Council adjourned to meet in the Town Hall, Monday, April 6, at 1 p.m. -H. Eilber, Clerk. School Reports Following is the report of S.S. No. 6, Ushorne, for the months of January and February: Names are in order of merit. V. -Ella Washburn, Lille Heywood, Virda Berrybill. SR. IV- Rov Fair, Mary Cornish, Lulu Godbolt, Nefla Heywood, Ella Heywood, Clar- ence Creery, Ray Fletcher•, Earl Johns. Jtt. IV.- John Creery, Rhea Godbolt, Sherwood Brock. Sit. III. - Emma Heywood, Alex. Berryhill, John Brock. Jit. iII-Jennie Campbell, Earl Cow- ard, Arnold Clark, Charles Bailey. So. 11 -Inez Creery, Roy Golding, Eric Cowart]. Jo. II --Hardwick Corn- ish, Dia Cornish, May Clark, Ina Hey- wood. The following is the school report for February, of S. S. No. 0, Stephen. The names are in order of merit. -V. lien. McCann. 1V -Chas. (lower, Chas. Hegier, Jacob Quern), Harry Yearley, Georgina Hartman, Edmund Kraft. III -Chas. Yearley, John Wil- helm, Leona Finkbeiner, Emma Cun- ningham, Ella \Vilhelnt, Harold (low- er, Hoy John, Clem Jacob, James Ma- whinney, Flossie Ilartnu►n, Lewis John, Jos. Regier. 11-Jchn Cunning- ham, Francis Flynn, Veronica Han- over, Wilton Jacob, Gladys Mawhin- tn•y, Wilbert Ilattman, Arthur Ilan - over. Pt. II -Irene Mawhinney, Peter liegiel'. Pt. 1 -Edith Flynn. Num- ber on roll, 37: average attendance 2.5. E. 1{. KEYS, Teacher. The following is the report of the standing of the pupils of y 9 No. 13, Stephen, for February. Sr. 111.-11 Pfaff 72, N Ford 61. Jr. III. --A Green 75, (1 Hooper iii. 1 Carrick 110. Sr. ii. ---E Srnith INi, Pt. 11.-C Hooper. l't. 1.--N Carrirk, C. Ford, A Pfaff. IIIA AItMRTIWN(r, Teacher. The following is the report of S.S. No. 1, Stephen, for February based on good conduct and general proficiency. ('lass V. --M Hepburn, A Robinson, 11 Hicks, LRobinson, J White,(1 Wilson, 1: Sims. Sr. IV. -G Ilogarth, J Hog- arth, M Elliott. Jr. IV. --1 Baker, 1 Davey, F Davey, I': Callfas, 11 White, (i Hicks, J Davis, R Callfes. Sr. 1Ii. -A White. Jr. iii. -V Hogarth, A: ('wlltal, M ('allies, M ifaist, R Mc- Curdy, \V Baker, Se. iL--M Elliott, 1 Bowden, 11 Neil. Jr. 11.-(' Davey, O Davie, 1 McCurdy.Pt. IL -A Rob- inson, M Hogarth, \t Smith, E Wilson. Sr. 1't. L -V Neil. Jr, Pt. 1.-N ihrokenshire, 1, ]islet, J \Vhite, J Whittington.:E Bowden. M. Botterill, teacher, Following ie the report for S. S. No. 2, Stephen, for the month of February. Sr. IV. -I, Haist, P Coughlin. Jr. IV -L Stahls, 1 Sinms, Class 1i1. -L England. M England, J Coughlin, (1 King. V Cornish, i Stahls, A Flana- gan. ('lass 11- M Sim, 0 Coughlin, 11 Platten, C Jones, L Mints. Sr. Pt. 11. -0 Carter, N Jones. Jr. l't. 11.-0 Brake, ('Stahl.. Jr. I't. 1.-M Law- son, 11 C•olghlin. 11.tTTll: ('Ii.tPMAN. Teacher. ii(iromiale Wennsp. -A plea+ant event took place ort Tii.•sd:e evening, March int h, at ti o'clock at the home of Mr. arid Mrs. \\'illinrn Hotton. when their daughter, Mks Mary ,Lens been Mt' the bride of a prosperous Fining fav mer of this towilehip, Mr. John %V, 13,1n*1 F. (i oder irh Tp: Death claimed an - The r.•r. r,, , %- Yea . per forint -11 by Rey. Toll of liensall in the pr•+enr.• of only the iniinediat•' .entice-. The }Dong enlupb a. ,I1 1111 111,11 •..11 ..X...111 1 y the hrt(1.'s 11.V I t I )i i 4 ' -- (31 My. 111 01- (.11,1 11.1.1 1{ 1..;,• 13' -if ...i 's ,1 t. d no row 1r ...ter end f3 ei er g-11 1,e -p, et. ivel• . The Per. un' y ,.t.•, ,II eej ive'd ''Ipper. after to loch pl is i..1 . ven- 1nu • w• 11.-11•. ;t ,•11 p,'gl:',' he- ing ditto.... of ever..] tn..nt hs'. The -11g tn. • • . Toe pre-.• s w. re. r• .r funeral .VGA in rhnlgo of the Orange 011. ,r1i3 v,•. -y t"• 'v The remit/ Order. Mt.. Rijn(' IU►9 the heartfelt r. ito- h ,v.• tin ti •.h• . .f .1i.•ir svniptthv "f the entire eeniniunity ;n 1.1:11, • Ir :••od+. •T1s • 1 no t he a her .ad he'rew \'ellle'h t. 1r .,1's H•. farm t• -P"''.• 1.Dien. Merrie: Oto of the pioneer. of Mor- 1 tIA Tp.. pw,led away 1 0 Thursday In r , .•' K r : On t ..11.1 -.1 ,t ..•roung the rper,onnf Rot.ptt B. Laidlaw, in - 1'•'i• home r 'h ht Ire's fn l h- hie 8616 11.. ...1.1...1 ...\ Ilia f....,, el .1. A x. Melte:ath, .a .- th•• scene 0f a Vere 1' "ty wedding, .whet, his dangh- (et, K'ttherine, tree united in marriage to John McMurtrie, of Kippen. Now is the time when the doctor Hlansbard: Owing to the illness of gets busy, and the {patent medicine Edward Kennedy, our assessor, Thos. manufacturers reap the harvest, un- 11. Driver has heel) appointed to the loss gt•eitt care is taken to dress warut- office. ly and keep the feet dry. This is the advice of an old eminent authority-, who says that Rheumatism and Kid- ney trouble weather is here, and .also tulle what to do in case of an attack. Get from any good prescription pharmacy one-half ounce Fluid Ex- tract Dandelion, one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces Compound Sy- rup Sarsaparilla. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after meals and at bedtime. Just try this simple home-made mix- ture at the first sign of Rheuulatism, or if your back aches or you feel that the kidneys are not acting just right. This is said to be a splendid kidney regulator, and almost certain remedy for all forms of Rheumatism, which the kidneys fail to filter out. Any one can easily prepare this at house and at small cost. Druggists in this town and vicinity, when shown the prescription, stated that they can either supply these in- gredients, or, if our readers perfer, they will compound the mixture for theta. - --HCl all :qrs. Routcliff has been visiting with her sisiter, Mrs. Popplestoue, at Blyth. -James Logan has moved his furni- ture into the residence just vacated by H. Welsh. -Bob Cruickshank who held it position in the Sovereigh Bank and Bank of Commerce has been ap- pointed to the Molsons Bank. Mr. Scott was transferred to London branch. -Mr. Sellery who has been here for some weeks, owing to the ill- ness of his wife, left for his home, Kin- cardine, Wednesday morning. -R. Bontheon left last week for Wroxeter to assist his son-in-law Cecil Sitnpson, who has rented a store there and is putting in a new stock of goods, - Clinton ttnd Hensel] hockey teams played a tie game here Friday night, 3 all, The first half ended 1-0 in fayor of Clinton, but the boys got down to work in the second half, making :3-2. Zurich Mr, Matthews of Seaforth visited Mr. and Mrs. John Geiger, Browuson Line. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weseloh, are on a few weeke' visit with relativ- es in Berlin and Waterloo. -Mrs. Tbeobold Hauch and daughter Rose, left Friday for Hespeler, where they expect to visit. for several weeks. -Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Gingerich have gone to Stephen, Minn., where they expect to remain for a few months. -Charles Troyer, the veteran merchant of Hills - green, is very ill at present. His many friends in the Township wish hila a speedy recovery. -Chas. McAl- lister of the Parr Line, received a kick in the face, from a colt on Monday. The eyelid and cheek bone are badly cut, but it is not expected that any serious results will follow, -Miss Min- nie Hartung of Detroit is visiting her home here for a few weeks. -E. C. Koehler has been taken on the Mol - sons Bank at this branch.--Ilerman Well attended the funeral of his son- in•taw, the late Mr. McWattere, at Saginaw, Mich. -Conrad Trneinner, of the llth Con., fell 00 the ice on Tues- day, dislocating his shoulder, -The Township Council stet here on Wed- nesday, with all members present. A number of accounts were passed and a motion abolishing statute labor was adopted and it bylaw will be passed to that effect. The Council adjourned to Wednesday April lst.-A. S. Faust, undertaker. and Charles Welker, Liv• eryman, while attending the funeral of the late Mrs. 1).tvid Plant, met with an accident. While turning at Mr. Plant's house, the hearse was upset, breaking one of the plates in the side, Pat/tiling a loss of over $30. Mr. Wel- ker the driver was thrown under the horses heels and it is fortunate that the doubletrees broke nr the accident might have been even mote serious. The horses got clear from the vehicle, but were caught before going very far. McGillivray Mr. and Mrs. Eli Dowker and family will move to the Northwest next month. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dowker, 7th can. will accompany them. -Another of our young then has joined the ranks of the benedicts. On Wednesday, March 4t'.1, ('has. Reid of the Sth can., was wedded ti? Miss Rose Loomis, daughter of Osear Lonulia, of the 7th can. The wedding, which was a very 1) Methodist niet affair, was celebrated at the Mparsonage. Parkhill, Rev. 0. C. Couzens tying the nuptial knot. Mr. and Mrs. Reid have gone nn a trip to Uncle Sam's territory, where they will visit friends. On their return, they will take up their residence on the groom's farm, where they will be "at home" to their many friends. AROIIND ABOIIT IIS alkielsilbtAlt elk Audit ALA* ick Clinton: The death occurred on Feb. lip, of Thomas Jackson Blacker, aged till year,. McKillop: There pissed away in McKillop Tp., Tuesday morning. Mary Boyd, wife of Wm. Kyle. Deceased was in her seventieth year and bad been in failing health for some time. The remains were taken to Sarnia for interment. other pioneer of Gneleri -h Tp., on ti..t- utd:ty, in the person of Mr.. ('ant('I,•n, relict of the late Arbon ('ant. -Ion. a (tamer Treasurer of the township. She win. in her '41,D rear. and death a - 111.• to a g n' t,.1 dr1 Llai•. ('.-11.01: It is with se, ropy the re- pot r t he death of John R.irt'•, whlc h took pi..e•.'''n \rush l -t ift•'r nge'1• Seaforth: There passed away iu McKillop Township, March: 3, Mary Boyd, wife of Win. Kyle. Deceased was in her 70th year and had been in failing health for some time. Mitchell: Another of Mitchell's aged residents departed this life on Tuesday last in the penton of Janet, beloved wife of James Colquhoun, at 70 years of age. St. Marys: On March 1st, there passed away one of the very oldest re- sidents of the Stone Town, (-eorge Tremble at the age of tai years. Ile lived in St. Marys for no less than fifty -years. St. Marys: At 7:311 o'clock Tuesday morning. Mar. 3rd, the marriage was solemnized at St. Marys H. C. church by Rev. Fr. Brennan of M. J. O'Dea, merchant tailor, and Miss Kate Moore, niece of Mrs. S. Barns, North Ward. Goderich: The death of one of God- erich's old residents took place March 4, at the Guelph Hospital, when Fran- cis Ashton Smith passed away in his 82nd year. Mr. Smith cause here from the States many years ago, and went into partnership with Mr. Hicks. Lieury: Mr. and Mrs. James Fos- ter, Sth con., were agreeably surprised on the evening of March 3rd, when a number of young people from town, BDined by others front the 7th con. and oston alighted at their home. Every- one admired the hospitality on the part of the hostess and cheers were given hefore leaving. Tuckersnlith: Robert Charters, of the Mill road, has a record which few Can equal. If he lives till June next A Prized Cough Cure 1 Late not been Without a Lottie of Coltsfoote Expectorant in the house for over nine seers. At that time I procur- ed it for a bad cold I had. It worked sunt wonders then that it has been a household remedy ever sines, ant wd will have no other for coughs and colds -- it is so pleasant to take, att.l all of my children look for it 33 boon as they get a cold at all. Nearly all of them have been subject to croup, and that's when I find Coltsfoote Expectorant cse ful. You are welcome t this tosti utonial as you wish.' MRS. L1:w1s NICtI. Free Sample of Coltsfoote Expectorant will be sent to any person sending their .saute and a.lire'bs and naming this paper. It has established a wonderful record as a successful cure for coughs, colds, sure throat , croup, whooping cough, bronchitis and all irritated con- ditions of the throat and chest. It is the prescription of a great specialist in noslicine. At all goal druggists, 1)r. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Send for Tree Sample To -day - Parkhill: E. A. Dickson, elet k of the Division Court, Parkhill, appealed before Magistrate McTavish on Friday and pleaded guilty to a charge of em- bezzling certain funds which he hand- led in his connection with 1 he ('taut. Restitution having been made, the Magistrate allowed the roan to go on suspended sentence. Crown Attie ney McKillop, of London, a. ppea' ed for the Crown. Seaforth: Oti Saturday there parsed to his eternal rest one of the oldest and most respected residents of the town, in the person of Mr, It 1hert Lumsden, The late Mr. l.untsden was born in Aberdeen, Scotlan.l, in the 111x. Charters will have resided Contin- year 1826, and carne to Canada while quite young man. After telit ining uously on his present farm for GO yearn, in Hamilton for a number of v. a'•, be and in all that tithe the longest tune came to Seaforth in 186'2, and f, r ninny m he has been away froi t at any one years carried on a very sure* s-ful drug time was six weeks, the occasion being businese, a visit to his native home in Scotland, Chiselhurst: On Friday evening last the home of John McLean was be- sieged by the members and adherents Realer one hundred Dollars Iteward for any ,ate of the Presbyterian church, laden with baskets. After the company had of Catarrh that cannot be cured t1y Ilan. Catarrh arrived, Mr. and Mrs. McLean were cur', asked to come forward and after Geo. 1 • J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, o. W. Wren had read a short address, We the undersigned have known F. J. Cheney fcr John Varley presented Mr. McLean the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable with a purse of gold in recoptnition of in all business transactions and finan.•ially rile t, his services as choir leader, it also be- *airy oat any obligations made by his Erni. ing the 26th anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. McLean's marriage. Rev. W. M. Martin, on behalf of Mr. McLean, in a few well chosen words expressed thanks for their kindness. Afterwards a most inviting supper was served by the ladies. How's This? \VALUING, Itnt'A: k MAtst V, Wholesale Druggists, Tole lo, 0 Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, aeting di• rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75.7. per tat• tie. Sold by all Druggists, Take ]fall's Family Pills for constipation. 354410 of this beautiful " Santa Rosa" Peep, w eves obsoletely free Seeds Free A large grower of poppies says : •' Tour ' Santa R..sa' is up exceptionally fine niix- h:reof Shirley Poppies, by far the beat we bare seen." We will give absolutely free a package of these seeds to every person who will send for our new handsomely Illest►ate4 1908 Catalogue. If you prefer. you may have a package of our Canadian Gem Turnip 1,r Canada's Pride Tomato seed in place of the poppies write today and name your choice. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd. London, Ont. Mney to Loan on Mor:gagps of Real Esiate at Current Rates All Busine3s Strictly Confidential Liberal Terms of Repayment Loans Completed Quickly arxper ^s Moderate Fla;i inforr.t ,►':,:i gladly given on lot 12, can 11, over ..-a► years sign. I j I Hie wife preiicrease(1 him twelve t-- -•--+ year* on Wednesday, the day he had the stroke, which proved fatal. YT � L•u G• Loan and Savings Co., London, Ont.