Exeter Advocate, 1908-03-12, Page 2i
THE STRONGEST GUARANTEE o') RECORDS OF 01,111%T1e►��. A Frank Statement
quality la 1n the assec.atton -o
names. The name !.each Chemical Co.,
is insepareb.c from that of
Avhich is put up for dispensing through
druggists only in ) in an oz. vials. each vial
securely sealed in a round wooden case.
Worlh'eis imilat"ons have been offered
to the public, but always under an es -
mimed name through which the lmtta-
endeavors ti - hides his y dr
and n
tors to
Made respons.b.l•ty for the deception.
Virgin Oil of Pine comt:ound pure
will break up a cold in 24 hours and
cure any cough that is curable. The
name on the ((-rapper is your guar-
Properties, uses and directions wilb
every vial.
The Fakenham, England, Poultry So-
ciety, formed two years ago, has giv-
en special attention to egg production,
and durieg the past year under its au-
spices ro (ewer than 460,000 eggs were
sx,ld; even this large number was In-
srlRclent to meet the deinand. The fin-
ancial success can be gauged by the
fact that the members have received a
dividend of 1s in the pound on their
Cinematouiai,h Pictures Noe t"sett in
Another step in advancing medical
and surgical science has teen taken
1 y the Middlesex hospital. Londen.
Through the eff.,rte of lir. Ii. C. 'I'tiotnp-
son the cinematograph has been added
to the equipment c.f tho institution, and
hereafter records will Le reproduced on
filo(.( d symptoms, germs and opera-
tions which will be used to illustrate
t r
Atraugements haves -been made with
a cu:etnatograph company for tit er. --
hon of special accimunedations t••r iteoe
lifelike records. The operating room
has to Le lighted in a special way for
cinc►natogral.hing purposes. A special
chamber will be provided. whither pa-
tients will be conveyed by electric ele-
vators, and a light has been dlso:,vcrtv1
ley which photographs can to taken in
all kinds of weather. The r.ew premises
will bo the first to be erected solely
for cinematographic purposes.
The cinematograph has been used In
Franco for medical purposes for the past
eight years, having been introduced by
Dr. Doyen. But showmen obtained some
of the films and exhibited them, thus
bringing the cinematograph into disre-
pute and carts:ng medical men to give
A up almost entirety. It is n tw hoped
'that the records of the i3ritish physi-
c.ans and surgeons will not gain a si-
milar publicity.
Movement in England in Defence
Public (louse.
SAVE A LITTLE LIFE "A Plea for the ('reservation of the
Mrs. T. Osborn, Norton Mills, \'t..
writes: "I do not think enough can le
sant in praise of Balesai Own Tables.
I am satisfied that our Laby would Viet
have been alive to -day if It had wit
Leen for the Tablets, as he was so
weak and sick that he took no notice
of anything. In this condition I gave
him the Tablets and they have made
him a bright-eyed, laughing baby, the
pride of our home. Ile is one year old,
has nine teeth, and is now cs well as
any baby can be. Ile sits and plays
nearly all the time and lets me do my
(work without worry. 1 would say to
n!! mothers who have sick babies give
teem Baby's Own Tablets es I did mine,
and you will have healthy, happy ba -
ties." The Tablets will cure all the
minor ailments of little ones and are
nbsolutely safe. Sold by all medicine
dealers or by mad at 23 cents a Vox
from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont.
d• -
Al'TC11A'17C 1t:r.F.Grl.tPn1\G.
Invention to Increase the Speed of Op-
The English postoiilce oflcials have
installed at the Central Telegray't of-
fice In london a series of telegraph
instruments which enable ;etgrrph
messages to be sent tit a vas'.;f in-
creased rate of speed. Instead of only
forty words a minute being tao).i cot
by it first-class teteteraph operttor, the
postal authorities In London are now
enabled le send out 120 words a min-
ute, and what Is equally ns im,.'•:''lant
nn advantage is the tact that the new
(system stakes a complete and fenny -
read typewritten copy of every message
sent out of this huge office every 2i
The tremendous increase in the speed
sncr:Ries nothing to necurncy er close -
toes in sending. The new method em -
played works as follows: Messages for
cutgning sending are typewritten on
specially constructed machines. which
nisi operate a queer -looking machine
that punches (•wk's in n long paper
tape, a good deal resembling the tape
that comes into every stock broker's
oilier with the transnctiens typewritten
en thein of the day's stock sales. This
machine makes these rerkiratiens with
Pve puncturing reels. Now dozens of
messages are punched into these strips.
and then the white paper uncoils Mkt
n seennd machine, which is driven by
etectricil . anti works three or tmir
times es rapidly as is possible to the
nest trained human bond.
This rnaehtne is connected by an .'tee-
tr.c current with a machine lhnt re -
coves the impression from the holes
punished out. The reC.'iving machine
s mp:y reverses the operation perform-
ed et the f.e nden oliice, and the sheet
of paper Inpr •'nes mut penc'urrd just
1.e the ter • the sending i-IPee,
s v.,. !• d inte nn cl`ctricnlly-
o e r ntnde to Mrrn:rend
: " hole's nmeh et in the
! :• t. du (`. the react I wo. d.
• the first. rnnehine to
• !• • • P. The •.'e away with
, es • , •e f_• er sending ttlegrnnh
• e ld str!e, who has to
tis . : I . ,.,i, a th n key.
V et r- "Tottery. is your mnrema at
tee e Truthful T. neny--"\Ve 11. she
1. 11 the girl to say she was out if you
ei.n;.-, but she said shed whip me 1f
1 Icer tend Vacs!''
if «'e r 1. r t. mine% wr ore in
fte wr ng tl.rtn 1. Laze .1 for cur ,d-
Threatened Public !louse." This. in cr-
itic!, is the purrort of the manifesto of
protest issued with 1.051 signatories,
by the British National Freedom De-
fence League, who claim to be support-
ed by "vast ptiblic opinion, opposed to
extreme and repressive legislation."
It is anticipated that the British Gov-
ernment will introduce ansUter Licen-
sing Bill this session. and the manifes-
to pleads that tite public house, "so often
the only possible meeting place for so-
cial movements of all kinds -clubs,
friendly societies, (rade unions, etc -
sttould lo made as commodious and
comfortable as possible."
Employes at several London theatres,
trade union secretaries. and scores of
representative Fcresk•rs and Oddfo'-
lows support the manifesto, which de-
clares that "we yield to none in our
desire to exterminate the evils of drun-
kcnnetss,' nad "a workingman is as cap-
able of resisting temptation as an M.
4 -
Can be Saved From a Life of Misery
by Dr, Williams' Ping Pills.
Women are called the "weaker sex,'
and yet nature calls upon them to tear
far more pain than (nen. \Vith too
many women it is one long martyrdom
from the lime they are budding Into
womanhood, until age begins to gelds
mark won them. They are no soon-
er over one period of pain and distress
than another looms up only u few days
ahend of them. No wonder so many
women become worn out and old look-
ing before their litne.
In these times of trial Dr. Williams.
Pink Dills are worth their weight in
gold to %%omen. They actually mate
new. rich blood, and on the richness
and regularity of the blood the benith
of every girl and every «Tinian depends.
Mrs. Urbane C. Webber, Welland,
Ont., is t ne of the many women who
cue present health and strength to Dr.
\Vilha►ns' Pink ('ills. Mrs. Webber
says: -"About three ycnra ago, while
hying to Ilamilten, my health began
to decline. The first symptoms were
headaches and general weakness. After
a time the trouble inereased so rapidly
that 1 was unable to attend to my
household duties. 1 lost flesh, looked
b oodlcss and hnd frequent fainting
fits. I was constantly doctoring. but
without any benefit, and I began to feel
That my condition was hopeless. One
oay a friend asked me why I did not
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilig and men -
honed several cores in which the knew
of the great benefit that hnd renewed
tie .1. use. After some urging 1 dr•ided
b ti v the pills. and had only used them
a ft weeks when 1 began to feel Lene-
fitled. and from Ihnt time en the im-
provement tens steady. and Ay the line
I find used about a dozen boxes of the
pills I wet; ngnin enjoying the 1•leesing
of gaol health, 1 cannel too strongly
urge other discourrtgcl sufferers to
give Dr. V1'illibrns' ('ink Pills a fair
Dr. Williams' Pink Pillls will cure
al. troubles due to tor. a ntery heed.
such ns anaemia. general weakness.
indiges3ie.n, ne uraljin, shin troubles.
thctcnal.sm, the ante .lied. or la
retire. and such nemesis troubles as
�!. Vitus dnme and partial paralysis.
Seel by ail medicine dealers cr by mail
at ;,O rents a lox or six Loses for
Seto trent The Ilr. Williams' Medicine
(c„ Bncchville, Ont.
"\\'h ch is the new that gives the but-
t. rmi!k?' innecentiy asked the young
Indy fern th.' city. who was inspecting
the herd with it crd:cal rye.
nu ko yourself ri•lieuMru,'
Aoki the young Indy who hnd been in
the c tiritry before and know n thing
or 'es . "Os a's give buttermilk."
1!+•1U NO. 10-0,
1'e-ru-mi is thi Nest ,1lediii to in 1A*
MR. EMILE MMAROIS, 1879 Ontario
sir: et, Montreal, Canada, writes:
"Atter taking nine bottles of
Peruna, I find that 1 am cured-,
"1 still take it occasionally. For me
it i9 the best medicine in the world.
"1 have reoommended A to a number
of persons."
Mr. J. C. fiervus Pelletier, Dept. de
l' Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, writes:
"The Peruna 1s particularly cfOca-
Cious in the cure of catarrhal affections
of the lungs and hmnchial tubes.
"Six bottles cured me this winter of
bronchitis. I am completely restored
and 1 owe thnnks to the Peruna.
"1 have recommended this remedy to
a large number of my friends afflicted
with the same trouble, and they have
verified my good opinion of this val-
uable remedy."
In proper season, oft one sees.
On seas, the heavy seas on;
In heavy seas, one never sees
The proper thing to seize on.
Each ono should seize on what he secs
On land or seas. in season.
For ono who sees in time, can seize
Enough to take his ease on.
Do not give op In despair,ou who suffer.
from obstinate disfigurements of the akin. Aanoint
:he sore spate with Weavers Cerate and purify
he blood with Weavers syrup. All druggists
teen them.
Al:ss Ascum-"1 hear Miss Gabble
Called on you the ether clay. i dont
suppose you gut a chance to open your
mouth." Mise Bright -"Oh, yes, I had
A open almost constantly." Mss Ascii'.
-"You did?" Miss Bright -"Yes, yawn-
ing; but she never took the hint."
Pains. Like the Poor, Aro Always
Witt[ Us. -That portion of mans life
which Is not made up of pleasuro is
largely composed of pain, and to be
free from pain is a pleasure. Simple
remedies are always the best in treat-
ing bodily pain, and a safe. sure and
simple remedy is Dr. Thomas' Ecle•ctrie
Oil. You cannot do wrong in giving it
a trial when required.
Ile -"What would your fnther do if
1 told him I wanted to marry you?"
She-"Ile'd refer the ,natter to me. He
(beipctullv)-"And what would sou dot'
She -"1'd refer the matter to tho young
man who propcised to nie and was ac-
ceptcl white you were trying to make
up your mind."
)•se-Tlid he lea yeti that he kved
Tess -Ne. tut he hugged me.
Jess -That's a roundabout way of
Meng yell knew .1.
WI en a adman hes to make her hat
dc, kr another season, sho usually say,:
"i don't And the new hats very ternpl•
Everyone Tleteke 51e own err,.. Is the heaviest
When confined to the house with a pale in the
Ode for Instance het ft would 1.0 quickly forgot
en if 'The n h f:' Menthol Plaster Will applied
!hey only cwt a trifle. why not try theta?
GUNNERY IN 771E 1111',
Very Satisfactory Irnpeooement in the
yhtp,lu►. of the rt,Li.l► i'k'el.
The "Insult el tet el Gun!ayers
with !lorry Guns" for 1907, issued re-
cently by the British Admiralty slit .' -
e further and very satisfactory ine i- .•
dent in the shooting of the 1:.•'.
tabto at the b. g:rtn"ng sums up 1'...• , r -
gre'ss achieval between 1898 and then
and proves it to have leen almost utira-
The 12n. gun hits nes sly three time
as ofh-n a. it did in ISM; the 9.2, .+
very potions! weapon, hits lin tiro
as often per minute; the Gin. gun 1. :
five times and a half iie . ft"n. The pei-
collage of hits to sh t- fired tuts risen
Runt 31.6 in 1898 to 71.1_' in 1906, ant!
79.13 in 1907, and the tots are not\
much more quickly made.
Tho Lest gunrery fleet In the China
Squadron with 59.78 points per mon
firing. Its (lagehip, the King Alfred,
holds last year's record, and her best
shot is Lea ling -Seamen S. Dawson.
Shooting fur two minutes, her two 9.2's
made fifteen hits, end her sixteen Gin.
guns, firing each for one minute, made
ninety-six hits.
The best firing with the 12in. gun was
made by the Formidable, flagship of
the Mediterranean Fleet, which with
her four guns in 2s/a minutes obtained
&even hits, or one per gun per minute,
cut of sixteen rounds fired. The Dread-
nc•ught inn&( 0.91 hits per gun per min-
ute, though in anolhor trial she obtained
a much 'better result. hernarkabic shoot-
ing was also achieved 1.y the Britannia,
Albermarle, King Edward VI!., ani Ex-
\Vhen comparing the results •wilh
former years. allowance must be made
for the tact that last year the target
was much reduced In size by painting
n builseye in the centre. Only hits on
the bull scored in 1907, but to enable
the figures for the vorteus year to be
compared, the hits outside the bull
were resented.
The following table shows the first
five fleets in order et merit, and the
(rest ship in each feet.
Fleet. per man. Best Ship Score.
1. China 59 7 King Alfred . .74.7
i:. Atlantic 44.9 Albion ... .. ..63.3
3. Melilerran'n 42.9 Pr'ee of Wales 62.9
4. Channel 34.8 Vengeance . . .49.5
5. (Ionic 34.2 Achilles . . .. .76.3
But the ignorance of a lawyer isn't
Liss for his client.
From October 1 \ray. (:olds are the most fre-
gqhent cause of Hasdsthe. LAXATIV F. IIROMO
QUININE removes cause. K. W. Oruro on box Y6o
In times of peace prepare for war,
When baby's sleeping, 0 beware!
(lave slippers and your shin guards
For when you run to soothe the dater,
You're apt to strike a rocking chair.
They Wake the Torpid Energies. -
Machinery not properly supervised and
left to run itself, very soon shows fault
in its working. It is the same with
the digestive orgnns. Unregulated from
time to time they are likely to become
torpid and throw the whole system out
of gear. I'armeke's Vegetable Pills
were made to meet such cases. They
restore to the full the flagging facul-
ties, and bring into order all poi s of
the mechanism.
Poverty may not bo a crime, but it
Is the cause of many.
Intelligent Treatment ith A11ea's Lune B.st
ram brings up the phlegm, et..ti the Bough ane
ibinin the li neglelcted. loadct•.cpnsul:118kn.rible colds
1115 REWARD.
A peasant Insured his house against
fire. When he got tho policy he ask-
ed the clerk:
"What should 1 get if my house were
burned down to -morrow?"
"Three or tour years' imprisonment,"
was the prompt reply.
h(ar,' said Mrs. Oldcasttc," that
Alias Wadsworth has taken up the study
of Gaelic."
As "(las she?" repl'ott the hostess. ns she
klrkr.I back a corner of the $3.000 rug.
), s ah wanted me to take it up, but
I'rettch Boys Attacked Soldier, 44rut to t for hand for cards."
Arrest Them.
'1 the pupils of tine Arts and ('rafts
heel at Cholera -stir -Monte, France,
mutinied a few doss ages and bombard -
4. -1 a force of gendui•uxs who tried to
arrest them.
An oggr.eved pupil, who had hurled
Iwo or three heavy ble.cks cf wood at
Ifs leacher, was c•rderdd to leave. The
pupils c.t his closs, •however. resisted
the expu'sien, and thrashed the mr,s'ers
tths tried to turn hint out.
'i't►e yenr'h ens then allotted to spend
the night in the school. but in the
wnorning a body of gendarmes entered
the building. A stand-up fight with
the (list class toltowel, but the gend-
armes s^tze l the pupil and look hint
under a str.ng guard to the railway
A detachment cf infantry was stim-
rnened• and all the thirty members of
the first elnss were then captured and
t" ken to the railway station.
As soon as the first class had gone
the s'ccnd class revolted. They shut
thern`clvice in the carpenter's shop al
Ib.' sch el. smnshed all the windows
they could reach, and sang fevrlutlon-
ary songs.
\Vhen the heel e f the elven and the
P. Elect of Chalons returniel front the
rat`tt•ny station they had to summon
arteteer cempnny of infantry to dell
with the new eirthank. The soldiers
were receit'nl w,th it tremendeue velley
cf wo• d ble;rks, and several men were
severely hurt.
Eventually the mil!tery strrrne:l the
carpenters shenn counties' the muti-
neers. and marcted them all elf !o tie
railwey station.
e=, --.-..-.r
Pew men apprecinle hew n '
man aper .abet rn;.s.unine ap, :•
"Biggest and Best"
Chewing Tobacco
Ther Is Only One
"Bronco Quinine"
That la
Laxeslive aroma Quintino
Always remember the full name. Look
for this signature 011 every boa. 'sec.
'f t111;ME1:15 S0L4CI11 a'� af�i
WRITE sok rfstr-f_ r
:oas .
C•1!ent.-Didn't you make a mistake in
tering into law instead of the ar•1ny?
Lawyer -Why?
"By ttte way you charge there would
ie little left of the enemy.
Many patent medicines have come
and gone, but Bickie's Anti-Censurnp-
tive Syrup continues to occupy a fore-
most place among remedies for coughs
and colds. and as a preventive of de-
cay of the lungs. It is a standard me-
dicine That widens its sphere of useful-
ness year by year. if you are in need
':1 something to ski yourself of a oougn
or cold, you cannot do Letter than try
'tickle's Syrup.
Wigg -1 nm sure she paints and pow-
ders, but do you think she pencils her
\Vagg-1 think that's where she
draw the lino.
Voice LAXATIVY BROW) Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money It it fails to cure. K. W.
GROVE'S signature is on each box. Mi.
11 is better to stop and tie your shoe-
string than to lose your shoe.
Sure Regulators. - Mandrake and
Dandelion are known to exert a pow-
eriut influence on the liver and kid-
neys, restoring them to healthful ac-
tion, including a regular flow of the
secretions and irnparting to the organs
complete power to perform thier func-
tions. These valuable ingredients enter
Into the composition of 1'armelee's \'e -
getable Pills, and serve to render them
the agreeable and salutary medicine
they aro. There are few pills so effec-
tive as they in their action.
Onions are said to cure lots of dis-
eases, but what will euro onions?
Puts You on Your Feet and keepsyna there
shot's what "Ferrates" does for all those re
wearing from wasting diseases. It is the best
tonic in existence. It stimulates, nourishes and
sullds up the system.
She -"Did you ever step to figura out
how many hots in a year you could
buy with the money you throw away cn
cigars?' Ile -"I have, dear. 1 could
buy alout fifty for myself, but only
about three for you."
ITCH, Menge, Prairie Scratchers and
every form of contagious Itch in human
or animals cured in 30 minutes by Won
trees Sanitary Lotion. 11 never fails.
S(.Id by alt druggists.
Nothing worries a girl more than
taking on flesh while she is the vic-
tim of unrequllled love.
Help your children to grow strong
and robust by counteracting anything
that causes ill -health. One great cause
el disease in children is worms. Bo
move lhern with Mother Grates' Worm
l'xteiin:nator. It never fails.
1 oung lady Finds Herself Enrolled In
Mlle. ergs. n handsome young bru-
nette of Dunkirk, France, recently le -
camp engaged, but ellen her parents
applied to the registrar of births for
the necessary ropy of thou daughter's
berth ccihlisatc to ledge in rho view et
her marriage, ltwy discovered that by
t mistake the girt ars registered as a
ar Ill�l
�i1u1l�•_ To.
On/. Candde.
Dives Perfect
"Say, mister," said the smal: Loy,
"femme carry yer satchel?"
"01' replied ttie ladylike Mr. Cis: ey,
"my satchel isn't heavy'."
"No, 1 know it wouldn't bo heavy ftl?
me, but it's different wid you."
To overdraw your bunk account. whether
mentally or physically, is more suicidal
even than to overdraw materially. Repair
wasted tissues, strengthen shattered nerves
and rejuvenate your rheumatic system by
visiting the famous Mineral Salt *'.,rings
of the "8t. Catharines Well" of St. Cathar-
ines, Ont. A postal card to J. D. McDon-
ald; District Passenger Agent. Grand
Trunk Railway System. Toronto, will bring
illustrated descriptive matter.
Litho Willie --"Say, pa, what is a 're-
erectable fortune'?'
I'a-"One that isa enough to j
make its possessor's o inion on any
subject respected, my son."
14 DAYS.
('AZO oINrMBNI le guaranteeI 14 cure any
eaee of 'Weiner. Blind, Bleeding or Preluding
Mlles la 0 to 14 days or m 'trey refunded. Cee.
"Yee, Germany has turned out a great
many musicians, and is still turning
them out." "Well, con you blame tier?'
You cannot be happy while you hate
corns. Then do not delay In getting a
tattle of !folkway's Corn Cure. 1t re-
moves all kinds of mills without pain.
Failure witli it is unknown.
Mrs. do Style (listening to
practising on piano) -Shure,
music Is the food of lose.
Do Style -Feed, Gs 11? Thin llbt must
be steak .Mary's poundin' on the plany.
"You soy 3t.1 wish
daughter. But s;11c is
t.:hoolgit'l as yet."
Count Nocosh--1 understand that, sir.
t canto early to avoid the rtt..h.
to marry my
only a niers
Ilse Shiloh's Cure
id•y. and that her mune was down en Shiloh s7frr the worst teld,i
s" 1 ( h
Ute Its( of cen..rfpta t be called up t r thcsh.rk.est cough
military service this year. The mistake! C -try it on a guar -
Lai arisen owing to the parents having
called their daughter Atsrtte, a name
cf a rather masculine turn.
As in the eyes of the law the girl
is a msn. the ulnyor of Dunkirk has
rt hoed to publish the banns. 111tc
[Sy, has, Itx'reft+re, been obliged to
petit • •n a court 10 have the mistake and Colds
recttfietl, which will take about sic S
n ' whs. \hmnwhlle. the 1n1.tary au -
1h r.lie5 have notified her. as "Arsene QUICKLY
1. that she •ill 1 ei up for QUIC
in.. itary servie i• ry shoe':y. simmesiewessieenea
antee of you.
tncnsy Lack if ilk
doesn't actually,
CL'it5 (r_�t^'its
than anything yeti
ever tried Safe to
take. -nothing to
it t i hurt even a
bal.v. 34 years of
(cues css corzinend.
ihiluh'e Cure --
60c.. Sl. sal
Afflict'ed this bright little girl
Mrs. F. Miner, of sit Suffolk Street, Guelph, Ont., says: "A year
since, while while living to Oshawa, One, my little daughter Lorinda, six
years of age contracted a skin disease on the upper part of her body. 1 his
in C. 't t• ice ...rt tike '•.ny water t't,eters, alters ante !Le (ern of dry stat e. These
w)uid disappear kr a sh,rt time nr, 1 then regi pear worse than ever. The clothes
coming in contact with the skin tet up t ch a sesete irritation that it was iml. e
10 keep h(tom we tried warn ut l rei orations yet
Roori resultset until we beanscratchingusin, Zam-Ruk. W ib etch application tt.: irtl:a'icn
and soreness was greatly relieved, and the child reite 1 caner. Thro' cr;1' nae.
using, the eruptions and scats fart disappeared and in a start spec of time the sk,n
was c )mpletely cleared from the disease. It is now some mvnt►s since we t:ee i
7.am.ltuk, and as there are no signs of any more eruptions breaking u•tt on het' • r'y,
we t cie7. k� worked a complete cure." Raq,n f'urea ■u cnetr.d t.rAw
1 u'_en, .crena
wccl•g sores end a:14L-
4rd !.. • ilia( hos. • uets of tSe sk.e, Of et.
} •-lose coupon end it. • ���tl{rU sot sioree
-temp. address, Lam -Sok fr.>s+ Is■ Ra!
Tomato.(' .. Toeto. 3K Co , Tonatq
>EeR.1A 747