HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-03-05, Page 5Teter c- fiXETER — — OST.tklu $100 if paid in advance, 1$1.10 a) car if nut eo paid. 'vacTo United States Sub+crabers•t.50 a Year Strictly is Advance. SANDERS a CREECH, Publishers. $25.00 Buys a good Second-hand Doherty Organ Stationery A most beautiful line of Station- ery, Bibles. Hymn Books, etc., at Awad Down Prices. all and see them. S. MARTIN &SON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonle, and only safe effectual Monthly Regulator on which Women can depend. Sold in three d •grace of strength—No. 1, 31 ; No. Re 10 degrees stronger 1; No. 3. for special cases, per box. Sold by all dr ts, or sent prepaid on reee pt of price. PYoe pamphlet. Address: COM MIPOtetCa.•TeateT0.0MT. UcnnsslyWixdeo LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL In Your Spare Time at Home We want our course to be in every home in Ontari-, where there are lades, so have decided to give. direct to the public our improved 515 course in dressmaking. including our Ladies Tailor System for wholesale price. $5.00 As there are a large number of people. espec- ially dressmakers say you cannot learn by mail we will send system and first lesson (which teaches how to make a perfect fitting waist, registered to any address in Ontario. After you are satisfied you can learn. send $5.00 and we will forward full course of lessons. Please do not send unless you wish to learn dresunaking; we are so sure anyone can team that we guar- antee to give $.;00 to anyone we cannot teach. These lessons teach how to cut. fit and put together. any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress. This is the only course in Canada that the whole family can learn c takingit u . we a ► by one member p have been in business for ten years, have taught over 7.000. Beware of imitatiops, as soine have is n known to copy our advs. and even claimed where they were not known to be the inventor of this course. No adv. is genuine without our $.500.00 guarantee. write for particulars. Addie SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL 31 fire Street, Stratf,rd. Ontario. Canada. I. riirgiFI+srAr��i Seventeen Teachers p of wide experience, broad schol- arship and untiring energy, em- ployed by us, have built up a curriculum unsurpassed in Can- ada for thorougness, system and actulal husine•-s procedure. Tit lusts Cuuitsms-Telegraphy, Stenography and Commercial. Enter tory titne. Individnal instruction. Graduates assisted to positions. No vacation. MA11. COURSES hi i.inguag• es, 1lnokkeeping, shorthand, Penmanship, eta. Send it postal for information about Cumada's (ircatetttChaln of High (irado Business Col- leges. Clinton Business College George Spotton, Principal. Daniel 1'. Eby, Vice -Principal. Ata ata6aaaikssaa.,atAkilkdk 1 NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Tf8 OeII TeIepfioie OopaAij Of CaNada is .shout to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Di• rectory for the District of ‘‘'es - tern Ontario, including the Town of Exeter. Ch.sngee of flan sauna°, changes of street addresses, or orders for dupli- cate entries should be handed in at once to At MARCHAND A 1,0('.\L MANAGER and Weekly Mail and Empire or Weekly Globe for One Yr... $1.35 and all other papers at lowest rates. More proof that Lydia E. Pink- httnt's Vegetable Compound cures sick women. Jits.; \1. It. Morin, 3:35 Ontario 8t., 1luntreal, writes to Mrs. I'inkhatn : •' 1 was in very poor health and doe- tored for months, receiving very little benefit. I had lost all ambition, was nervous, and subject to dizzy spells and painful periods each month. •' .% friend suggested Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound as the proper medicine for tae. I procured a b.•ttle of this remedy and began tak- ing-, and before it was fnished. I felt 'o much better that 1 continued its use and gave it a thorough test, with the result 1 am to -day well and a much healthier girl than I was three years eau. I have no More painful periods, eli,,.iness or nervous troubles." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For th!rty years Lydia E. Pink - haul's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have peen troubled wit h displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities. periodic pain., backache, that bear ing-down feeling, flatulency,indiges ion, d izziness or 11e rvous prostration %illy - don't you try it ? Mrs. 1'inkham invites all sic'. . omen to write her for advice '•e has guided thousands tt :stills. Address, Lynn, Mass. Grand Bend Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tetreau. who have been long and respected resi- dents of Grand Bend, moved on Mon- day last to Thedford, where they will make their future hone. The beat wishes of all will accompany thetn for their future welfare. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones, of Exeter, were visitors here Sunday. A quiet but pretty wedding was cele- brated at the manse, Orand Bend, on Wednesday, Feb. 20th, when one of our fair daughters, Miss Mary Borth- wick, daughter of 0. Borthwick, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock c , •I with R m. Hotson pro, l a ► e f xis young farmer of McGillivray. After the ceremony the bridal couple ad- journed to the home of the bride's par- ents, where a sumptuous wedding din- ner was prepared. Centralia I.1.s'oN E:. IfICES—Voice eroduetiou and Sing• 111 in - Pupil of London Conservatory of Mucic, 11. itt th% en McDonald, Charles white, London, Eng. Ernest Lindley, London, Eng. A limited number of pupils will be accepted Mrs. Bolder, of Exeter, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Anderson, who is under the do'tor's care. -Miss Annie Ilandfotd is visiting friends at Eg- mondville.- Miss Ritta Essery, Eden, is spending a few days here among friends. -Mt. cind Mrs. Andrew flicks left Saturday to spend a few days with friends at Byron, near London. -Tho storm of Sunday interfered with the attendance at church, hence the con- gregations were smaller than usual. - Rev. W. II. Butt is preaching n series of sermons on the " Life. of Christ." They promise to be of unusu tl interest. Canadian Hair Restorer .414 Before , , AAfter ,e. � Will re -tore gray hair to its natural color. Stops falling hair, causes to grow on bald heads C'ures dandrufT itching. scalp diseases. By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. Contains no oily or greasy Ingredients. Is entirely unlike an, other hair prep.tra- tion ever offered for sale. Liman Miss Violet Carter is visiting itt Tor- onto. On her return she %till resume her position tit Snaallmau & 1tlgratn's. j London. -A. C. Waring, of Arkoma, has accepted x position with Jus. Park, general store. A very pretty double wedding took place in St. Patrick's church, Bid- dulph, on Wednesday last, when Robt. Smith. G. 1'. R. foretuan at Granton, and Patrick Boyle, of McGillivray Township, were married to Mies Mary and Celia Jackson respectively, daugh- ters of the late Wul. Jackson, of Bid- dulph. The ceremony was performed by the ltev. Father McMenamin in the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. The brides were assist • ed by their two sisters, Kate and Irene, and the groomsmen were supported by Michael and James Jackson, broth- ers of the brides, McGillivray While assisting Mr. Young up the hill on Tuesday, John Burgess bad one of his horses badly injured. Hav- ing hitched his team in frontof Mr. Young's he was about to pick up the lines when the horses jumped forward. The breast of one came with great violence against a log in a load ahead with the result that the horse dropped with its breast crushed in. Its com- panion freed itself and tan as far as `Vnt. Pickering s whet e it was stopped. The injured horse was drawn hotne on a sleigh. Another of the pioneers of this sec- tion went to her long rest in the per- son of Mrs. John Paton of the 8th con. of McGillivray, in her 79th year. Mrs. Paton came to this country with her husband, John Paton (now deceased) 50 years ago. She was born in Scot- land on May 20th, 1858. Mrs. Paton was a loving mother, her family being foretnost in her mind at all times and will he missed by her family and friends. She is survived by five child- ren: Andrew Paton, Clandeboye; Mrs. J. B. Young, Moray; Wal. Paton. Cleveland, Ohio; Allen Paton, Seville, Ind., and Miss Aggie Paton, Clande- boye, her late home. Lumley Quite a number from here attended the party given by John Caldwell, Sr., of near Hensall and all report a good time. -Milton Stewart and sister Vic- toria of Seaforth visited friends in this vicinity the first of the week. -Miss Ford has returned to Seaforth after spending a week with her sister. Mrs. Gordon Bolton. -Mrs. Grant R ch - man is visiting her parents at Hills - green. -Jas. Horton and Wm. Brock of Whalen shipped a carload of horses to the %Vest the first of the week. - Miss Addie Bell of Mount Pleasant Farm, Hensall, is the guest of Mrs. J. A. Bolton. -Mr. and Mrs. N. 13. Hor- ton of Harpurhey spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here, -- Franklin Morton had the misfortune to get two of his fingers badly jammed while preparing his scales to weighh cattle. -Mr. and Mrs. 1'. M. Kay of Ex- eter were visitors in this vicinity. - Miss Nellie Vennors friends will be pleased to see her out again. --Mrs. Philip ltyckman is here the guest of her son, Grant. lfurou(lalc Messrs. W. 11. and N. G. Keddy of Detroit spent Sunday here and attend- ed the funeral of their uncle, John Blatchford at Hensel] on Saturday.- .1ltuntel, Henry and Samuel Down of St. Thomas, Lyndon and Shedden, re- spectively, were here visiting their sister, Urs. Ralph Kt'-lilyover Sunday, and also attended the funeral in Hen- sel), --Miss Susie Keddy, who has been ill, has recovered. -Dew 13t•os. and Wm. and Peter Moir are preparing to repair their Karns this surnrner.-Miss Ruby Hotton is very ill in London Hospital. Iler sister, Miss Maud, is in attendance on her. -'Phos. Moir is re- covering from an attack of grippe. - Ur't. R. Blatchford is ill at present. -- Mre, Ralph lieddy is recovering from a month's illness. Following is the report of the stand- ing of the pupils of S. H. No. 1, Us - borne, for February. Nantes in order of merit. Trial examination in all subjects for Entrance class. Eli tranee Class. --N Roweliffe tai, J Strang 75, V Roweliffe 71, L Harvey 751, 11 Dougall 70, A Willis 60. (1 Oke 138, C DOWII tett, A Hetwcliffe 07, (: 1il:ttchford (t,i. Sr. It Down, J Strang„1 Dougall, T Dowell, :% Midis itt Moir, W Dt'i:et'. Jr. 111 -K Bell, It %VI►ite. i, '*toil•. Sr. A good, reliable Canadian preparation. 11. -- 11 Down. W Dougall, %V Strang. Unsolicited Testimonial.. O IiuwcliHe, E ilarvey. Jr. II. --0 Edith A. Burke, Mi. binary iL M. church,Ilnt•rie, O Muir'. (:idy.; Moir. Pt. II. Akl ' stn, }:gypt, and friends. greatly please with results atter two years' using. L. A. Hopes, %Vilner, Montana. My hair and whiskers restored to natural color, nnrk brown, by using Canadian (fair Restorer. attendance 35, ,t verag,• 32. M.Orum.Rirwesst'ille.Ont. carnelian Hair J. A.Ilrintnell,Teacher. RestorerstheDt�stlhave -F Jttrrott, E Roweliffe. Sr. Pt. 1- 1 Dougall, 11 Moir. V Bell. Jr. I't. 1.- M Dew, M Strang, L Oke. AKKtegate everu_ed, John (1. Ifall, New Aberileen.CaPe Breton. Canadian Mair Ite-torer has worked wonders. My head In nearly all covered with thick growth black hair, original color. Sdd by n11 wholesale and retail druggiste. Mailed to any aeldress in the civilizeel world on receipt of price. 5k'. A1anufnctured by THE flENM 15 te., Windsor, Ont., Canada. Sold in Exeter hv.1. W. iirowning, W. S. Ii••wey :Intl W. S. ('ole, Drug- gists. Edell On account of the poor roads and stormy weather only a stunt' number attended church on Sunday.- - Miss Peart of Zion is visitjng at her uncles Sam. Skinner for a few days. -Mr. and ns. 1Vclhngt,en Array visited friends at Sharon for a few days thi• week -- Mr 1 %1T 1 1 nni rs. oral !rooks Visits i taint - Ville friends on Sunday East. -A very rnjot•ahl.' time w Oil spent at the home WESTERN of She uitil l Rimier11 i' Msmrlay i$ite( in{t.- ,lobs Tre,tt la) Nl Ville Visited at T••nt R,o,,k.,' :, f w days last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Teas (`ave• and family end Mr. ntel Mr's. Wellington Amy intend leaving for their honies at 11,mintn, Man., on Frid.y next. -Mr. ,and Mrs. 1'. (3t, -rtes and the Misses %V, .teat visited at .John Pe ty's of Kippers one 4 -iv thi• week 'rhe following is the report of the '.1 ',cling of the pupils in 5.5. No. 4. 1 • CANADA I 1F YOt tttr'.ti (II HARING A !HOME: l\ 11HE WEST YOU SHOULD HAVE THESE ree ri0'®hS "Si'TTLF:RS' GUiDE” "H F'S f ERN CANADA" "IOCHIST SUITING CARS" ,Jr. 1V -11 .1I. • NI is. At , Skinner. Picketing 100. it ('•,tnp1brI1171. Sr. ii. 11%IE iAi%LLS Annie AL rill t, 1' "r %I .y. Ttinrn•ss -A (taker 411. F Robinson :370. 11 costes. Wil '\' .Iker, (1 or,;t• Davis. Iist•ohani 27:3. O Hnt,'hinson 209, F. 1 Make It Yourself. !��' ''��nr� ." There is so much Rheumatism here AROUND ABOUT US itt our neighborhood now that the fol- �,��,a,at,�dli<Q�� lowing advice by an eminent author- St. Marys: Mr. George 'Tremble. an it y, who writes for teeth.' of a large old and highly esteemed resident of Eastern daily paper, will be, highly ap- this place, passed away on March 1st, predated by those who suffer. after a lengthy illness, in bit lttr Get from any good pharmacy nue- year. hall ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion, Mitchell: The wedding took place on Feb. 20th at the house of Wen. In- grain, Logan, of his daughter Miss Hannah to Thomas Phillips of Mit- chell. They will reside here. one ounce Compound Kargon, three ounces of Compound Syrup Sarsapa- rilla. Shake these well itt a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses after each meal and at bedtime; also drink plenty of good water. It is claimed that there are few vic- tims of this dread and torturous dis- ease who will fail to Lind ready relief in this simple home-made mixture, and in most cases a pet nrortent cure is the result. This simple recipe is said to strength- en and cleanse the eliminative tissues of the Kidneys so that they can filter and strain front the blood and system the poisons, acids and waste matter, which cause not only Rheumatism, but numerous other diseases. Every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and ac- tive, or who suffers frotu any urinary trouble whatever. should not hesitate to stake up this mixture, as it is cer- tain to do touch good, and may save you from mach misery and suffering after while. Our home druggists say they will either supply the ingredients or .nix the prescription ready to take if oar readers ask them. Hensall Our hockey team) has a clean record this season having won every game played. They recently added two games with Parkhill to their credit, one in Parkhill 5-4 and the Last one in- Henson n Hensall on Tuesday of last week 8-3.. The boas feel nearly equal to any old team now, and they certainly deserve credit for their fine showing, -Next Sunday Dr. Smith of St. Catharines will conduct special services in Carmel church. -Mr. and Mrs. Forest, Miss Cochrane, Mrs. Ed. McTaggart, Josiah Hunter, Miss Kate Moir, and Arthur %Vignan, all of whom have been visit- ing in this neighborhood, have return- ed to their western homes, -The Ep- worth League gave a farcial comedy. entitled The Old Maids' Association on Monday evening. -J. B. MacArth- ur and wife have returned from a visit in Seaforth and Listowel, -W. Hurd - man late of the Sovereign Bank at Unionville is visiting old friends here. -Mr. Yttill is improving nicely as is also John Blatchford,- Miss Edith Scott attended the millinery openings in Toronto last week. -Rev. Carry of Isindesboro preached in the Methodist church on Sunday. -Mr. Scott of St. Thomas has joined the Molsons Bank staff here.-ltev Thomas Blatchford of Ripley wits here last week owing to his brother's illness. -Miss Emma Thompson is in Rutherford supplying for Miss Mabel Sparks until Easter. - Mat. Ellwood of Loudon called on old friends last week. -Mrs. Sellery, moth- er of Dr. Sellery, is very ill. -The Scotch concert is to be given here on March 12th. While the 5 o'clock train was coat- ing into Hensall station on Saturday evening lin axle of the engine broke, letting one wheel fall off. Had this happened while the train was run- ning at full speed, it would in all pro- bability have caused a wreck. The freight train being in at the time they put the freight engine on the express and look the passengers to London. The wrecking train carne up from London and took the broken engine to London. Peter Lamont, Hugh Mc. Monett and 0. Dick each had a carload of cattle at the station. On account of the wreck they did not get away until midnight, Di•:.reit -John Blatchford, it well- known and prominent citizen of this town, passed away tit an early hour on Feb. 27. IIe was to prominent church member turd leaves a widow and several brothers and sisters to mourn his loss. All but two brothers who are in the West attended the fun- eral on 5 ttilialay, which was largely attended, six brothers being !!»ill -bear- ers. Mr. Blatchford suffered acutely fora kidney trouble for a year. His teas a true Christian lite and he leaves it bright record behind him. The sis- ter's are Mrs. Thompson, of St. Thom- as; Mrs. George Brown and Mrs. '.Vin. Welsh. of town. The survivors have the syinpatby of the community. " The Ohl Maids' Association " given in the Methodist Church hist Monday night drew it gond crowd, who were well pleased with the entertainment. - Dr. Hannon, of Toronto. gave ,in in- teresting address here Tuesday even- ing on the Lord's 1)ay Alliance to a Targe attendance. -Mr. itii.r's horse got the better of him Monday and ran ,sway, but uo damage resulted. -Invi- tations nee out for a Bachelors' Ball on Monday next. -Mr. Contin was in our town on 'I'n••-d•ay.-Mr. (gardener, of London, spent Monday and Tuesday here. -i3. S. Phillips on Thursday sold the household eflrets of Mr. and Niro. Harry Welsh, who will go to 13ritisb Colombia short ly. They are good citi- zens and will be touch mi -sed. 1Ire. Welsh was President of the W. 11, 8. and her place will be hard to fill. Sitipit Report of Shlttka school for Feb - salary. Mat k•. giveeontparativestand- ing. V. -1 5lelienzie8(M). Pink twiner• 777, V (laiser083, J Patton 008. L Milton 170, J ('hat k e 309, E Picketing :NU. Jr. IV. -A (inieer tom, M h,nkb nler-181, L Patton 459. M Btmngart.•rr 200. St. 111.--A Fink- t..•it,.•r .x31, i 13 -shad 801, M Finkbeiner -'orae, for t he maned of Felirnary. 492. 1) Ifte 112, 11 !Awhile,. 300, A I!at't, levied upon weekly ex itnin.st inns Minn 1,:i01. ir. Ili. - T Keeith 7111, 11 led resod it 1, v ,oil ptrnetnvlite of nt• i" nkt•e•ine, (179. It (lower 595. S Keogh retainer... N , - in .rde• .•f merit. 570. A Woolly 510, ,T O'It•otke 11!(1, '1' 5' - 1ViIl,.. E-- , v. Sr. iV - Willie Spickelr 450, E 13.vnttarn 3115. V Mherp t.Vebber, Ver:, k.•e-lake, MINI D:►vis. 2130, JI Pickering 22S, 11 (llarke 2!K3. I: Just Oit' profiled information l you need Apply to ne+rest C.P.R. Agent, cr to C. 8 rc`sTrR D;strict t;•s AR•'? TORON10 111 -- H .I v rte( Indy, Alli-• Hooter, Lynch 2.51, 1' %Vine 211, M I'faff 43. Ions ('o.•.• . Edw,1.1 Ke110, L•'(1e Jr. 11. -%V Br,.phy:315.'1' Mason 172. Il -,estate, V , , ('o:.tet sr, fl --Irene Sr. Pt. 11. --A Keogh 21)1. V Finkbein- For•d. }tins NleCariIv, Fr- it asiek Wet!. et 151. E I'inkl.rinrrZ31. E Ilutchinson h.•n, Frank (',.,r.•.., %I i,• Melt, The!. l't(i. NI 0 ,.ver lla. E 5Vet.1.N8. Jr. Pt. tot Skinner. .1.. iI-11 •c Thntntsun. 11 1 ti •hroedr • 213, W 11 tvnhnm 1132. Itov Wehts•r. Ver•.1.a flicks. ii No. :3 11 1. •'tole! 131, 1 51:-tr , 132, (i Clarke V.vrtb•e i'inrnmlw, Oot•clnn 11 Inter. 110. D Besterd 7t). Pt. 1. -M 11 tyn- I • .1 tie Thompson. Pt. i1. -- %Villi,' I1,Irt 2M. 1 Schrreder 107, 1. Wing 169. l'hninp•on, Harry Coale.. ! 11 Lynch 136. J. %V. Htxi.tter11, Teacher.J. U. ROBERTSON, Teacher, ,CANAu:Qii f ' P1.''.IFICii t RAUWAV • Seaforth: The following were tick- eted out last week: Miss Myrtle Sproat, of Seaforth, to Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Robinson, of Win- throp, to Regina; Miss L. Scott, of Leadhury, to Regina. Goderich: The older settlers of the township are fast passing away, W. Tfchborne, of the 5th concession, died on Saturday last. Deceased had re- sided on this line all his life, having been born on the farts next to the one on which he died. Ile leaves a wife, two sons and four daughters. Parkhill: Matthias Jackson, aged 71 years and S months, one of the hest known men in the district, died on Tuesday of last week. Ile was an Orangeman, a Methodist and a Con- servative. Mrs. John Emery of the 7th con, of McGillivray is a daughter. He was a brother of the heroine of Long Point, Abagail Becker, of whom every school child has read. Fullarton: At the age of about 75 years Wm. Cook died at Suudridge on Saturday. Deceased spent most of his life in Fullarton, and later lived in Mitchell when he removed some three years ago to Suudridge. His wife, who survives him, was the eldest child of the late Thomas Collison, and Mrs. James Colquhoun, now of Stratford is a daughter. Brucefield: Miss Mary Murdock has returned from New York, where she intended taking it course in Belleville Hospital. ill health while there caused her to return. -John McFarlane and wife, of Montana, were the guest of Mrs. Itober•t Murd.sck last week. - Thos. Gemmel and wife have returned home from Moosejaw, where they went to attend the burial of their son. ` we offer One hundred Dollars Ite,.ardfor any cafe Tuckersmith: The auditors' report of Catarrh that cannot be cured by halt's Catarrh for this township for 1907, shows the' Cure, total receipts of the Treasurer to have F. J. ('IIE\Ia' & Co., Toledo, 0. been $10351 including a balance of i we the undersigned have known E. J. Cheney lot $200 on hand at the beginning of the the Isit 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable Spent Eighteen Dollars •Gentlemen. -I have pleasure is stating that I have used $11.00 worth of Psychine, and as a result was cured of very serious throat and lung trouhle. My ease was a most diflirult one, and the doctors had practically said that I could not get well. 1 tried Psychine, and it did me so much gond that I con- tinued its use until I hal tan,•tl 51 .0) worth, with the result that I am now a new man physically-. I Late gained thirty-five pounds. "It is with the greatest •'onfideneo that I rccommeud Psychine to all who are afflicted with throat or lung trouble. Yours truly, C. A. PINKIIAM. Seotstuwn, Que., Sept., '07. This man speaks from experience. Psychiue cures all throat. chest, lung and stomach troubles and gives renewed strength and vitality to run-down peo• tile. At all druggists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Torouto. Lieury: An old resident of this community (lied on Feb. 21, in the per- son of Mrs. WVnt. Penrice at the home of her son, Jaynes Greenlee, of Lieury. Deceased was born itt Ireland tis years ago and canto to Canada when ,.boat ::S years of age. Here she married Alex. Greenlee, who died itt 1883, leav- ing her with six children, who survive her. These are Samuel, of Deckerville; William, of Exeter; Alexander, of Mc- Gillivray, and James, at Lietna ; also two daughters, Mrs. James Hodgins and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins, of McGilliv- ray. Mrs. Penrice was beloved by all who knew her. She was a faithful member of the Church .•f E gland, and her good life will live :eftt•r• her in the example site left to her fancily and among her friends. She was marl ted to Wm. Penrice in 1:::, and he died five years later. Though twice left it widow, her Christian fortitude carried her bravely through. She was ill only one week, the end being caused ley paralysis. How's This? year. The expenditure was as fol. lows:-Drainage$207; Board of Health $25; permanent bridge acc't $10.902; roads and bridges $3803; salaries $910; stationery and printing $1913; stone crusher$2068; debentures $1330; coun- ty rate 33931; schools $5700; Miscellan- eous $2510; total $3x•319. The aasests of the township amount to $27843 and the liabilities $49002. in all business transactions and financially able to aarry out any obligations made by his first. WSLUINU, KtSSttt & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0 Haire Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di. rattly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bot• tle. Sold by all Druggists, Take Hall's Family Pills for eonatipat5on. errin: pH Riscuit Have that delicious home-made flavor, with that snappy crisp- ness, so hard to obtain in cheap goods. ' About 44 to the pound. r 1 SEEDS FREE To introduce our New Swede Turnip, the " Canadian (;anti" etc will give to every inquirer for our New 1908 Catalogue a pacage of these seeds absolutely free. The greet turnip growing district near Guelph shipped 40o car, of these turnips to the United States last season. " Carve dian Gem" never grows long or ,farrow, is fret from site shoots, and is of unsurpassed quality. if you prefer, we will send a package of our "Santa Rosa" poppy or "Canada's Pride" tt.ntatoi:fnteadofthe ` t•:rnip c .•, , Write to -day and maw 7,0ir c1 e. Seed.Tournf the.ip NFreseee Swede Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., lcrc".on, Or'. oose An Executor That Will Not Die It is serious enough for an executor to carelessly manage an estate, and not maintain an up- to-date record of his investments and expenditntec. But •tippcse he should die. Consequences might be serious. Anyway, it would cost money to pet affairs In proper order again. Unless there was a second living executor, en administrator would have to be ar;.:;:ted, wh:eh is addi1onal Cwl:cn3e. Tail Com fan makes an honest, capable, experienced executor. Strict account is rendered of every dollar invested or expended in the interest of an estate. Our books show bow wisely and economically we have discharged our trust - show the exact value of an estate to date. Furthermore, this Company cannot die, become sick, abscond or speculate. It is always within easy reach when required. Cor- respondence incited and promptly answered. Managed in connection with the Huron & Erie Loan and Savings Co. JL[JL±[J ULf Lei_ . LONDON. ONTARIO. 01