HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-03-05, Page 45JDE SUIT
%%11)- not u, tk,• v„7u-.elf a I,resc•srt
One That Will
Look Well
Wear Well
and Last Well
A suit of Clothes ur an Overcoat
would bejust the thing and some-
thing Mutt would afford the
wearer comfort as well as
the pleasure of know-
ing that ho is well
We Have the Ver Latest
Clothes and Patterns.
J. H. Holtzmann
Ozcetez Advocate,
Sanders cti Creech, Prope.
THURSDAY, Mar. 5, 1908
M. Y. McLean, member of South
Huron, has recovered from his illness
of grippe at Ottawa.
it alt the bills presented to the Leg -
[filature regarding automobiles become
law it will be safer to be run over than
to own the a••to.
New Brunswick has elected a Con-
servative -Government, 32 to 12, with
three Independent -Liberals. The Lib-
erals had been in power in the prov-
ince for 25 years, their last majority
being 25.
Judge Kilian), chairman of the Dom-
inion board of railway commissioners,
died at Ottawa on Sunday from pneu-
monia. His death is considered a loss
to the country owing to his wide
knowledge of railway matters.
Times without number have we
heard teachers tell children not to
place their pencils in their mouths.
Nose comes the news theta girl in the
United States is expected to die of
poisoning, caused by wetting the pen-
cil with her lips.
Hon. Nelson Montbeith has intimat-
that an increase might be made this
year in the annual provincial subsidy
to exhibitions. Mr. Monteith believed
it would be greatly to the advantage
of the agricultural societies to hold
more banquets, and to have other
social features in connection with their
On Friday, March Oth, the Liberal
Conservatives of South Perth will
hold their annual meeting in the opera
hall. Mitchell, at I p. in.. when a can-
didate for the Commons will be nom-
inated. Is it not about time the Lib-
eral Conservatives of South Huron
placed a candidate in the field? A
candidate should be given a chance to
become known in the riding.
The Dominion House of Commons
worked sone over time last week, one
continual sittings being frotn 3 p. m.
on Thursday to 12 p. m. Saturday.
Tho opposition is anxious to probe in-
to certain affairs in the Marine De-
partment but the Government refused
to bring down the papers and in con-
sequence the long drawn out battle
ensued, ended only by the approach of
the Sabbath.
P. 11. Bowyer, M.P.P., fur East
Kent, is anxious to increase the laces
on railways. "Do tete members of
this House realize," declared Mr. Bow-
yer amid appltese, "that the r.tilw.tys
are only taxed 8100 per toile for both
municipal and provincial taxes, while
in Michigan they pay $100, in Ohio
$17S, in New Jersey $1,000 and in
Massrtchnsetts $1.500? In the United
States a p tssenger rate of 2 cents per
mile is given. and the Unite] States
farther is given a b •iter freight rate
than the Canadian farmer gets."
The statesman like replies of Hon. J.
i'. Whitney to the Toronto Lrcen'e.
Holders and to the Dominion Alliance
deputations that wanted on the (lover n-'
ment last week show that the Ontario
Government is sincere in its action to
do just what it thinks best in the mat-
ter of licence law. Mr. Whitney made
no promises to either temperance or
liquor people and is determined to do
the right thing by the whole people.
His replies were unanswerable and all
who heard hint must have gone away
with a higher opinion of the roan that
they would have had he hesitated or
fenced with their requests.
.Pale, Thin,
1 ,len your blood mutt be in
a very bad condition. You
certai: ly know what to take,
then take it — Aycr's Sarsa-
parill.l. if you doub:, then
consult your doctor. We kno•a.
\'..hat he will say about this
grand old family medicine.
This U tha first esssnan yonr doctor would
1.1 •Are your bowels r.Rutarf" Ire knows
. • .t dsrly action of the b..wels 11 at.ioletely
mixt M re, ever• Ke•P teas liver tetra
r.1•,'sr `'J eaktaa laxative
J.C. SIA --i Lovett. ltwt
♦.man,tta.tar•rs of
P nits 11.:011
�► y� i e S t.,LCIRe-
•s� Cn/1111 PECTt1RAt.
w • ... • as ••,;r,:•' \c• p %atlas
Out t•rauSa• of •. our row -Stelae'
John Vance hits g.r1 out again attar
a severe attack of la grippe. which
necessitated his con 'Mem nt indoors
for some titins. --Mr. and \Ls. Archie
11'aldie. of `itratn rJ, spent Stcuday'
and Monday the guests of Mt•. and
Mrs. Arth. (':uupbell.-Mr. George
Beavers and Misa Myrtle Senne visit-
ed 13. W. F. Beavers the past week. -
Miss Tillie Hey spent the past week
under the parental roof, Babylon Line,
Hay. -Miss Annie Passmore has re-
turned after spending a few weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDougal. of
the Boundary.
WKDDINU.—The house of Mr. and
Mrs. James Ballantyne was the scene
of a pleasing event on Wednesday
evening, March 3tb, when their (laugh-
ter, Miss Janet, became the happy
bride of Mr. W. A. Hamilton, a pros-
perous young farmer of near Cromar-
ty. About one hundred invited guests
were present and witnessed the inter-
esting ceremony which was performed
by Rev. Colin Fletcher. The young
couple were unattended. The bride
presented a very handsome appearance
being gowned in a beautiful dress of
Persian lawn, band embroidered in
shadow and eyelet. (the design and
work of Miss Minnie Wynn), trimmed
with valeaciennes lace and insertion.
After the ceremony an excellent wed-
ding supper was served, and the bal-
ance of the evening spent in pleasant
amusement. The presents were many
and beautiful. The happy couple will
reside on the groom's line faro) at
MARRIED. -Quite a number from
this vicinity attended the:wedding of
Feb. 28th, at 0 o'clock p.m., of a for-
mer reeident here. Miss Annie E.
Pringle, daughter of Mr. Robe, Pringle
of Blanshard, to Mr. James Bryan,
also of that township. The cerernnnv
was performed by Rev. Bartlett. The
parlor, where the marriage took place,
was decorated with an arch of ever-
dreens and pink and white roses, un-
er which the bridal couple stood. The
bride looked charming in white point
de sprit, over white silk trirrcmed with
satin ribbon and lace. Miss Agnes
Rubena, sister of the bride, acted as
bridesmaid and made a pretty picture
dressed in white Bilk, while Mr. R.
Johnston acted as groomsman. Miss
Velma Pringle, niece of the bride.
dressed in white silk, made a Trost
bewitching little flower girl. The
groom's present to the bride was a
pearl brooch. The dining room was
decorated with red and white hunting
and sprigs of evergreen and smilax.
At the finishing of the bride's table
numerous toasts were given, to which
the groom responded. The evening
was spent in music, recitations and
games. The presents were numerous
and costly. Guests were present from
Toronto, Stratford, St. Marys, Far-
quhar and other places. Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan will reside on the Base Line,
Blanshard. Congratulation..
The household effects of Louis Wol-
per, Sr.. were otfered for sale on Sat-
urday last as were also those of Chas.
\Villert, Sr. 1,. Bossenberrp of Zurich
wended the hammer. 31r. `Vainer has
since sold his dwelling to his daughter,
Mra. Feed Willert.-There was no ser-
vice in the Evangelical church last
Sunday evening owing to the Pastor
not feeling well. -On Tuesday evening
at 5 o'clock %Villiatn Kleinstiver and
Miss Effie Willett were united in mar-
riage. Rev. Than of the Lmtherian
church officiating. They are well and
favorably known here having Leen re-
sidents of this village from infancy.
Fuller Particulars next week. -John
Hoffman has moved with his fancily
and effects to tbis village. Ile is en.
gaged as foreman in the Plnining twill
The following is the report of the
standing of the pupils of the Dashwood
Public School for Feb. Nanus in or-
der c,f merit. Div. 111.-V. Class -P
\Villert, V.'Graybeil, N Kellernlann,L
Kellermann, B Uraybiel. IV ('lass. -
E Guenther, C Schroeder, L Goetz, A
11 ir•tlieh, \V Graybiel, C (:wiser, F
NI. a rn7, W Mnsser. H Snell, M Ehlers,
%I 11 Is..ic, H Gaiser, 0 Callfas, It
D ,r.'. t 1 1Viller•t V Siebert. Class. Iii
-1. ,enther, E Guenther, 0 Goetz,
V 13, .kensbire, \V Pfaff, E %Villert,
A :'u•ruan, M Ehlers, 1. Stile, L Sie-
bert, E Neeb, 0 !felt.
G. W. Shore, Teacher.
Div. 1i. -Jr. 111.-P. Tiernan 89. i
McIsaac 82, J Routledge 78, C Gassman
77 (honors); M Vincent 70, A Koch 61,
II K: breeder 61. Jr. II. -I Wambold
84). F Willett 75 (honors); 1. Musser ' 3,
W stiller 72. Si. Pt. 1i.-11 Schroe-
der, M Hoffmann, L Steinhagen, T
Mcliaac. No. on roil 34, average 31.
M. V. Catling, Teacher.
Div. L -St. IL -K Stire 90, W Zim-
mer S;i, I. F dighoffer 79, M Vincent 78.
K Guenther 77 (honors); A Schroeder
(10, C Kellerman 61. Jr. II. -0 Davis
131), E Guenther 73 (honors): H Guen-
ther 68, V (inesntan 01, 1Zimrner 62.
Sr. Pt. 11.-11 Schumacher, h Schum-
acher, T Zannler, L Schroeder. Jr.
Pt. i1. -O Gostnian. 11 \Villert and
W Siebert equal. N. on roll 38, aver-
age Mt W. R. Gerling, Teacher.
(I'r.•tn Another Source)
Mr. Felix Wild has purchased the
:e) acre fart'. of Hairy Guenther, lot
21, con. 13, Stephen, for $32i0. Poss-
ession to be given on March 15th. Mr.
Wild intends moving onto the farm.
Ile also purchased a tine wet k horse
from Mr. J. Sheph••id. sir. Ezra Tie.
wan intents moving into the house
vacated by Mr. Wild in our vilbtge.-
A ver y pleasant time was spent by all
who attended the Y. P. A. entertain -
mem iti %ironies':, hall on Thursday
night. The house was filled and the
program of music, recitation, etc..
.t a. thoroughly enjoyed. The pro
I. go toward the Inlyinq of a new
ANNtit'N(•K?IENT. -.\Ir. and 31rs. Mat•
'':i.s Mork, k wish to annonrice the
•• t .gement of their• daughter, Emma,
Ir. Charles W. Taylor, of Wash.
on, D.C.,
The Revival Meetings are being con•
',tined in the E. -Angela -41 church this
week. 'Inc se►vices are well attended
and inspiring sermons hive been de -
;it vied. fast Sunday, Rev. I.. 11.
Wagner. Presiding Elder, of Berlin,
. •main'ted the special Communion 'or-
rice. In the evening, the service w:t-
pr iucipally a song service. Two char•
tires were rendered t,y the Male Cbnr. `
nit, as well as a 80'0 by Het.
Bean. -The Tcwn=hip Council held
their regular business meeting in tee
Town Hail en Moutiay.--Fred 13ern•
holt of Detroit, Mich.. spent a few
days bene the past week with his par.
eats, -Fred Young, who wits quite ill
with the grippe, is, we ate pleased to
state. doing line and expects to lite
back in the store in a few days. -\V.
J. Anderson bas sold his faros at the
river to his sun•iu•law, Frank Taylor.
Mr. Anderson will tuove un to the
farm he recently rented from his
brother Will. The house and lot Mr
Taylor recently bought from Charles
Holtzmann has been sold to Eli LAW -
son. -('harks Stock and wife of Seb-
ringville are spending a few days in
our Midst, the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Oestreicher.- Harry Trick has
purchased an up-to-date Mot gun and
is busy shooting in the bush. Ile is
learning how to stuff birds and small
animals and bas become quite handy
at it. -Mrs. Chat•lesZwicker was oblig-
ed to undergo an operation for appen-
dicites in St. Joseph's hospital, Lon-
don, last Wednesday. We are pleas-
ed to say that the operation was a suc-
cess and that she is doing as well as
can be expected under the circum-
stances. Her many friends trust that
she will soon recover her good health.
-Henry Eiiber, M.P.Y., has purchas-
ed a L. C. Smith Visible Type -writing
machine for his office work. It ie a
great improvement over his other
machine, which be exchanged for the
new or -Ot.r citizens were greatly
disappointed on Monday morning
when they cm.led at the Bank, only to
find uo instructions bad been received
to open for business. It appears that
we are being ignored to a certain ex-
tent and the time has come when pat-
ience has ceased to be a virtue. \Ve
are at sea to know when the branch of
the Bank of Commerce will open and
this has placed our people to a great
deal of inconvenience, especially since
it has been reported so often that bus-
iness would be transacted here at such
and such a date. Unless some step is
taken in the near future, a petition
will be circulated in town and the
neighborhood. inviting some other
Banking Institution and we are sure
it will have the undivided patronage
of the people. -A quiet wedding was
solemnized at the Evangelical parson.
age on Tuesday evening, March 3rd,
when Harry Prinkheiner was united in
marriage to Miss ida Treitz, daughter
of John Treitz of this town. Rev. E.
H. Bean officiated at the ceremony.
Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner will reside
on their beautiful farm west and north
of the village. A Bost of friends ex-
tend congratulations and wish them
every happiness through their married
School Reports
The following is the correct report
for S.S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month
of February: V -F. Neaman. Sit. IV
-Honors: G. Dearing. G. Sanders, F.
Triebner, R. Willis; Pass: S. Willis, E.
Triebner. E. Shapton, P. Dearing. W.
Shapton, F. Preszcator. JR. IV -E.
Welsh. III -Honors: J. Willis, C.
Parsons; Pass: A. Willis, O. Preszca-
tor, 0. Penbale. II -R. Parsons, M.
Willis, G. Heiman, 0. Stanlake. C.
Triebner, L. Sanders. P'r. II—rt` Par-
sons, C. Dearing, T. Willis. L. Sand-
ers, V. Preszcator. SR. PT. I — M.
Triebner, V. Box, L. Hill. C. Sanders.
JR. PT. I -W. Heitman. P. Sanders. C.
Hamilton, O. Hamilton. E. Preszcator.
Best Spellers, in order -G. Sanders, F.
Triebner, O. Preszcator, R. Parsons.
C. Dearing. Number on roll, 39; aver-
age attendance. 23.
\Vst. L. TRIEDNEu, Teacher.
The following is the report of Cen-
tralia Public School for February. 1008,
based on examinations. general pro-
ficiency and good conduct. -Class V. -
Mervin Elston, Wilfred [lodger's. John
Dempsey. Sr. 1V. -Iva Essery, Mary
Hanlon, Andrew Coughlin, Frank
Handford, Maxwell Baynhanl. .Ir. IV
-Bessie Anderson, Luther Mutt. Sr.
I11 -Fred Essery, Fred Fait hall, Elva
Brooks. Marguerite Hanlon. Jr. 111 -
Stella Neil. Sr. 11- Mabel Neaman,
hose Ilanlon. 1VeslevCulbert, Stanley
McFalls. Jr. II -Ethel Culbert. Eddie
Alexander, Wilson Culbert. Pt. ii -
Leonard Abbott. Della (Stooks, Harry
Elston, Lloyd Baynhaun, Gerald Han-
lon. Sr. Pt. i -Vera Davis. Pt. i-
Iiazel Es.et y, Rex Mills, Ruth Cough-
lin, Madeline Brown, Lorne Hicks,
Gordon Culbei t, Irene Alexander, Flo.
ra Hn:table, Archie Hicks, icht Tay-
lor. Number on Tull 45, average at-
tendance :t3.
AN\.tIlr.r SW.tNN. Teacher.
Zn rich
\' ichor Appel, •\hit has been employ-
ed in the Salida ieh branch of the de -
flint Sovereign Bank, arrived home
last week. -Miss Lydia Ort returned
home from Detroit last week. -Louis
Peine of New Hamburg, visited friends
in town list week. -Mr. and Mrs.
Chris. Yflle have returned to their
home near Bad Axe. Mich. -Samuel
Rennie visited in Berlin and other
places in that vicinity. last week.-
Urt ills Ehnes of New Dundee is now
employed in the Dominion Bank
branch,ince the Sovereign was clos-
ed. -Fred Manns has disposed of his
b tiler business, to Arthur Edighoffer
of Blake. -Miss Rnxie Either will he
employed as assistant milliner at J. J.
Mcrner's when thespring season opens.
-Owing to opposition from a number
of members of the Lutheran church it
is not expected that the pastor. !tet'.
C. C. J. slaase, will los elite to hold any
English services. -Il. Randall and
fancily have moved to P. Lamont's
farm. -We are pleased to learn that
George ('.unpbell. Sr., of Stanley. is
ante t.l h• around regain, after a
month's illness.--hsvid resist of Yale,
Mich.. is visiting relatives in town.
Ile was formerly a resident of the. 14th
Con., nearly 31 years ago. -A grand
ball and simper was held on March 2,
in Bao'. ilall,-H. Well, nn Weiner•
de tees.ived the read newsthe death
of hie son-in-law Mfr. Mr\Vatter•, of
Saginaw, Mich. The tsar) event was
quite unexpected as the reliet\es hod
not heard that ':e had leen ill.
1VenntNll.-In St. M,trvs church,
Berlin, there took place nn Wedgies -
dew. February 20t1t, the ma triage of
George l•wmpb.•ll. son of O. Campbell.
near Blake. and %ties FlerenreTurner.
daughter of Mr. Turner. of the Matilde
Line. The wedding dcj.•uner w•;
held at the ',reit) home t,f Mt-. F.
Kaulprnann, whn it a sister of the
gi(,oni, and later in the day the t.tppv
auung couple left for their tutute
bonne nn the groom's splendid feral
near Blake.
Children Enjoy It
"I have used Colt.sfoote Expectorant
with the greatest satisfaction with my
children. It is a wonderful euro fur
colds and sero throat. 1 believe it sav-
ed the life of my little son, who was
very sick from a protracted cold on his
Orangeville, March 15, 1997.
"I am greatly pleased with the good
results we got from Coltsfoote Expec-
torant. I get great comfort with it for
my children."
171 Argyle St., Toronto.
Celtafoote Expectorant is tho great-
est horse prescription for all throat and
chest troubles in the world. No home
should be one hour without it. You
can have free sample by sending name
to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. All
good druggists keep it. Price, 25c.
Send for Free Sample To -day.
HOOPER-SQUIRE-A very pleasant
and pretty event took place at the
hotne of Mr. and Mrs. George fiquire,
Whalen, on Wednesday, Feb. 20th,
when their daughter Miss Ettie E..
was united in the holy bonds of metro
ncony to Mr. Edgar J. Hooper, son of
Mr. John Hooper of Metropolitan.
Rev. L. Bartlett of Woodham officiat-
ed. Precisely at 5 o'clock as the wed-
ding march was played by Miss Ade-
laide Parkinson, the bride entered the
parlor leaning on the arm of her fath-
er beautifully gowned in white silk
with the bridal veil and carried a
shower bouquet of white carnations.
Miss Edythe Hooper. sister of the
groom, acted as bridesmaid and look-
ed charming in a gown of white mulle
and carried pink carnations. Mr.
Frank Squire, brother of the bride,
ably supported the groom. After con-
gratulations the guests numbering 180
all partook of the sumptuous supper
prepared in the dining room which
was prettily decorated for the occasion
after which the evening was spent in
speeches and music by the Woodham
choir and others. The wedding pre-
sents were numerous and costly show-
ing the esteem in which the young
couple are held. Mr. and Mrs. Hoop -
will reside on Mr. Hooper's beautiful
farm on the Sth line of Blanshard.
They have the beat wishes of a host of
friends for a long and happy wedded
John Cluff spent Sunday with
friends on Thames Road. -Owing to
the storm on Sunday the congrega-
tions at both churches were small. -
John and Dick Kinsman attended the
wedding of Mies Squires of Whalen cn
Wednesday of last week.-Mias Alice
Ryckman has gone on a visit to her
sister Mrs. G. Vanborn at Wanstead.
-The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
church here are holding an oyster sup-
per on the evening of March 11th,
The speakers for the occasion will be
the Revs. Wilson of Staffa, Smith and
Toll of Hensall. Music will be furnish-
ed by the Staffa Methodist choir. The
Hibbert orchestra will also be in at-
tendance. Admission 25c. and 15c.
The committee are sparing no pains
to make it a success. Come and have
a good time.
Mr. Jos. Hawkins spent a couple of
days of this week at Clinton, attend-
ing to County Council matters per-
taining to the !louse of Refuge. -Will
Hunter spent a few days the past week
visiting relatives in Toronto. -The
new choir made their initial appear-
ance on Sunday last, under the moan -
agement of Mr. A. Andrew. The
choir is about 20 strong and are doing
very nicely. -Mr. %Vm. Coultis and
family moved to Exeter on Tuesday
last. --Mr. Thos. Hodgson, after spend-
ing several weeks with his sister, Mrs.
it. Skinner, left for the West on Fri-
day last.
FOUND DEAD IN 1101•:ar.
Clinton, Feb. 20. --Mrs. W. J. Big-
gins, a widow, who lives alone on Jos-
eph street, was found dead in her
house at noon to -day. Master Milton
Cook, a neighbor boy, who carried
water for her, went as usual this
morning, but could not get in, and, at
noon, thinking something might be
wrong, he and his farther forced an en-
trance -to the house and found her
dead on the floor. She was 83 years
of age, and the doctor attributes her
death to heart failure. Her son, \Vit•
Ilam, lives on the London road. near
Other deaths recorded to -day are:
Rohe. Raney, aged 53, a farmer, on the
London road and son-in-law of A. i).
\Viltee; .Mrs. Canleton, of (ioderich
Township, aged 82, wife of Adam Can -
!curt'. the late treasurer of the town-
ship; T. J. Blacker, of town, itt the age
of 011, a highly respected citizen and
an old resident.
Si f?J f orile's
Usti to it 4ti.1
. for
e"Orc cin t•, t -t•, \t ; always
make you buy Vit. George's."
ilave you a cry . f out new Cook
Rook? Sent free if you write
Natrona Drug R Chenti^aI Co. of
Eased', Limited, Montreal,
Mitchell: The funeral of Mi s. Wut.
C. Bat tha•l on the _lith had fully 13i1
rigs in the cortege. She was a very
esti►uable lady.
Clubbing Rates
We can equal any club-
bing rate offered. Call
and see.
STs* rronD, ONT.
Im'estigatd into thA Merits of the
Itis the most e.r • --to! business train r:,; -hoe!
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tering each week. Enter now.
Wood's Phosphodiae,
The Grfcf l'•,aliah R• toed).
Tones cud : • -.orates the a holo
nervous • n, nutkce new
Blood In cad \'dies. Cures :cern-
rranrr.t Debility, Mental and Basten Worry, Des-
,nncknry, Sexual JI eakne.ss, Ernis.seonv, 3Jxn
,turrhaa, and Effects of Abuse or F:rcesees.
'.'coil per box. slxfor Vs Onatvillplea,►c six
will cure. Sold b1 all drtggista or InAlle,l in
plain pkgg. on nctupt of price. Aero pamphlet
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(Dormer y )Vintlsor) Toronto, Ont.
Everyone needs something
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strength for the gaily
round of duties.
There is nothing better
than an Ale or Porter. the
purity and merit of which
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experts at the great exhib-
(incorporated by Act of Parliament 1555)
Head Office, Montreal
Capital Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE HOURS 10 a m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. 10 1 p. •,
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
wing Bank Departments Until further notice interest on Savings account* wuI be
credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly.
Deposita of •1 and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Drs. Kennedy & Ker
Owing to Dr. Ker-
gaa being deceased,
Dr. J. D. Kennedy,
Medical Director,
has associated with
him Dr.KennedYir.
who has teen with
the firm for several
year., so hereafter
business will con-
ducted under the
name of
ny-te.n may :.n. rt t....
symptnna—e,UR Ni.\v
Thou'ands of young and middle acrd men are annually swept
Pr a premature grave through KAKI,V INW5CItRTIONS,
EXCI4SSI.5 AND Bi.00D DIaRASES. If you have any of the
following symptoms consult us before it is too late. Are you
nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, `pecks before the
eyes, with dark circles under them. weak back, kidneys irrita-
ble, palpitation of the heart, bashful, dreams and hoses. sedi-
talent in urine, pimples on the face, eyes sunken. hollow chef ks
careworn expression. poor memory. iHeirss. distrustful, lack
energy and strength, tired mornings. restless nights, change-
ehle moods. weak manhood, premature decay, bone pains, hair
loose. sore throat etc.
Blood Poisons
are the sin -t
Mevalenlan<l ra•.-tsc:ions ,I -e:.s-n. They sip the very life
ood of the victirn, and unless entirety eradicated from the
rare generation. Beware of Mercury. ltonly suppresses tbe
M13rHO1) cures them.
OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT atone can care you, and make
o you. oder its influence the brain comes active, the blood purified so that all
t.inti•tes. I•Intchta, and ulcers disappear. the nctves become strong as st'ci, so that her-
ness, is..hiutoess and desponden:y vanish. the eve becomes bad) .t, the face full and
r, energy r•tivns to the body. sem the moral, phyi rd. and vital aystemc are ewe -
,t -d; alt drains cease—no more vitnl was?. fon thr Fs •rr n Dont let quacks and fakirs
r,.b you of your hard earned dollars. We will ours Noel •r nit day,
/� D No natter who its treated you. write for an honest opinion lyres
R E/� {� ut Claar;y. ia`. r1: , Yltl?C--"'fhc 4uldcn idonitor" Qrlrtst•ated)
Quast!•n List for Homs Trealmaal Sent ea Request.
Cor, Michigan Aver and Griswold St, - DETROIT, MICH
01'11 NF:\1' s'I•tlt 1: (11
Watcltes, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
has just been opened up and we may
safely say that this is the finest stock
that has ever been shown in Exet'�r.
Our Coods are at Prices
They WAl Suit You
Call and Examine Early
Exeter, Ont.