HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-03-05, Page 3TRE COST OF ing of admittance to these pauper re- fuges. It has been shown over and over again that when once a family has been helped by the workhouse au - GOOD HEA LTH i ttr,rit:es it acquires the wOrkhouso tai tot an.l again tbes to them al the first sign of ',rouble. In the 'sou so of time, the habit t.e• oornes a family !rad:tion, an instance of which is protided by Hackney. There dial there a few days ago un old Woman whose !eerily was repre- sented in the workhouse by Mur gen- erations. The woulan's daughter and her husband, her grandchildren and great-grandchildren were likewise in tet. w<rrk'rouse. West Ilam, In the East -end of Lon- don, has the doubtful honor of own. Mg the largest workhouse in England: It is like a small walled city and CONTAINS 2,600 paupers, which is 800 more than it is supposed to be able to accommodate. Four branch workhouses give shel- ter to another x00, and fifty women are sleeping In a schoolroom whence tea- chers and pupils have been evicted. Seven hundred children are being boarded out with foster mothers scat- tered over the district. \Vest Ilam's difficulties are to a cer- tain extent due to the crowds of able- todicd who have developed the work- house habit. There are 200 able-bodied wornen In the prime of life. In the Workhouse, and over a hundred ab',e- bodied men betwen the ages of 16 ani 30. The latter are strong young fellows, most of wham made their acquaintance with the interior of the workhouse in their childhood. By going out. In the morning after breakfast and picking up a dinner where they can they are able to escape the labor, such os wood chopping, stone breaking or corn u•rind- Ing. which would be their lot if they remained inside all day. \Vest Ilam has the best dietary of tiny workhorse in the Kingdom. Week - fast consists of four ounces of breva and n pint and a halt of porridge. Din- ner may be torr and a half ounces of meat w'Ih twelve ounces of pens pud- ding or the same amount of men( with Iwo yerefahles. For supper, elght oun- ces cf bread and one pint of broth are given out. infirm men live better. They have a lunch 1 &•ren brenkfest rout dtnnee. enna ling of bread Anil butter. and a piece of plum cake. They ere allowed lehne"". end in the evenings can play draughts. bnpatelle or dominoes No task Is set Them. Will Be Lessened By the Timely Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, • 1k w u:ul h rnoney s ivast(*1 on use- lasa medicines. }tow much Brno 's lost; how much pain endured simply because you do not !Lod the right medi- cine to start with. 'Take the earnest adt•ioe of t11ontsitnds who speak from experience in favor of Dr. Williams' Peak Pills and you wilt save lime, inott_ey, tael above all, will find perfect health. Proof of this Is fount in the statement of Mr. J. A. Roberge, a well- known resident of Lachine, Que., who says: "l am a boatman, and conse- quently exposed to all conditions of weather'. This exposure began to tell on my health. The cold lead to weak- ness, loss of appetite, pains in the Teniae and side. 1 tried several mode 'eines, but they did not help me. My b(,rldition was growing worse and a general breakdown threatened. 1 slept poorly at night and lost much In weight, and began to fear that 1 was ,drifting into chronic invalid -ism. One day while reading a newspaper 1 was attracted by the statement of a fellow 'utterer who had been cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 had spent much money without get- ting relief, and I haled to spend more, but the curo was so convincing that. 1 decided to give (hese a trial. 1 am now more than thankful that I did aro. Af- ter the first couple of Weeks they be- gan to help me, and in seven weeks 'after 1 began the pills 1 was as well Its ever t had teen. 1 am now convinc- ed that had 1 tried Dr. Williams' Pink Fills at the outset 1 would not only have been spared much suffering, but would have sated money as well." Rich, red blood L% the core for most of the aitduer.ls that afflict mankind. 1)r Williams' Pink PilL' actually make new rich blood. That is why they cure such mmnion aihnents as anaemia, in- dignste n, rheumatism, neuralgia, heart palpitation, erysipelas, skin troubles, arul the headaches, backaches, side - aches and other ills of girlhood and womanhood. The pills aro sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six Loxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Sr �� .•• WORKHOUSES ARE FULL $DIOSE OF .GREATER LONDON ARE OVERFLOWING. Alas-) Infirm Paupers arc Boarding at Su►irarlunis at Seaside Resorts. Fineroo es throughout Great • Britain & hew, iffiest lack of employment is re- swibible for acute distress in many towns, the trndes most affected being bullJing, engineering and shipbuild- ing. Owing, apparently, 10 the slackne s r f trade, the forty workhouses of Great- cr London are filled to overflowing. The lalest returns show Mat In these work- houses there are 80,183 boarders, and that 45,821 people are receiving out- door reiief. Thts gives a ratio of 26.5 pourers to the thousand of the popula- tlan. it 1s' impossible to grant all the ap- plications for adm:ttanoc to these Irt- e tituLi.ns. and the authorlltes, in their 'efforts to grapple with the situation, have retorted to the novel plan of ac- cepting the tele of professional board- ing-house keepers. The managements of seaside sanitariums have sent cir:u- iars to the n'orkhouse nutherities which say In etft et: "Our staffs are idle; yours are everweerked. Cannot we help each other?" Tat otters have been accepted in see. eral instances and many infirm pau- pers have been sent to fashionable re- sorts to be nursed back to health amid surround:nga luxurious beyond their dreams. And. ilnllkely, though it may seem. the workhoese authorities in nd•-pt,ng this ><c.lut4 n of the d.fllculty are ACTUALLY S:\\'iNG \IOXEY. It costs 20 shillings a head n week for infirmary inmates in p•crh'.user. nh. rt tot the sanitariums are !alon 1- nrJers et the reduced terms .1 13 toe legs a nark. The loverty in the 11; . ' of London is such that il. a<; (h. are 1. not Duly accommodating too Iv r- r..ns more than it is certified f<,r. lot pagers from that dLetriet are toard- ing cut In eighty-five different tnstitu- tona, not inducing lunatics in es toms. E'. n tt:e chapel connected with Itacknee werkheloc s beingt used as a do;u,i- k ry 1< r some et Lfe'ft failures. Among the 1.661 paupers in the ensue ten there are t<. ha me who Noe 1 (<n,rriatots for between 'tidily and k.rty )cars. Seven e:f the inmates say lacy fought to their country in the Crimea. Several whole families ere in the house. and their turn:lure is stored in the outbu ltl,ngs tint l perch time as the men can make a ere -h stare. Many fat: • es arc a;ttrr'y undoserv- rye Black Watch USE OF LIQUOR. In the l'nked Kingdom Appears 10 he Decreasing. Temperance advocates have rea-on for congratulation over the figures in the returns. Last. year in the Untied Kingdom 33.731,344 barre's were con- sumed as against. 33,504,110 barrels in the previous year. But th:iugh the aggregate amount consumed was great- er the amount per head is smaller, es the Mllowing table shows: Year ending Gallons March 31. Barrels. Population. Per heat!. 1903...3a 30,719...41,961.000...30.34 I9)(.. 34,738,037... 42.371.000...29.51 1905...33.810.12.4...42.793.000...28.44 19t4i... 33, 504.11n... 43121,000...27.90 1907...33.731,314...43.659.000_27.81 These Rpm s do not include imiort- eJ het'', which was 57,829 barrels in 1906-7 Spirits short' the same decrease. Not only Las the eon-tlrnpll-n per heart de- clined, but the total qunnttly retained for sale at hone has actually de -lined M- comparison with ten years ago. in 1596.7, 40.300100 proof gal'ons cf spirit paid duly in th's cnun'ry--32.100.000 drsUlled at home and 8.200.000 tmporr- ed. Lest year the quantity was only 39.800,000-32,500,000 (Whiled at home tool 7,34 0,0(0 Imported. The disappearance of email Trewerirw has led to a continuous decrees:. in the number of licenses is -tied. in let'6 Utero were 8.305 lienee; gr'ni'ted, but the'c figures have now dropped to 4,-985. Patent medic:nrs continue to grow in popularity. The slump duty pnkl on the:' sale in 1806.7 was £251.726. and In 1906-7 .£327,1CG. irl Scotland. appar- ently, pnlent mrd:e nes make little head- way. The duly paid upon Them ten years ago fns just unacr £2,(0), and last par it ' t1 not yd risen to .03.000. BABY'S WELFARE MOTHER'S CHIEF CARE The one . ' • 1 desire of the mother is Mal her i,Uie OOPS :;hall he healthy 41rieht rend good natured. Every !no - flier can kr',, her children in this con - (Mien rf she will give therm an occa- s s cnal d'se of Baby s Own Tnhlels. Tlh se Tablet% cure colic, indigestion, c• n•tipalson, diarrhoon, teething troll- ! toes and the other little il!% cf chil<t- ihe,',d. \Ira. E. Lefrun. Carl'len, Que., says:-- "Ruby's Own Tablets Late tern of great value to my baby. i have used them to regulate her stomach and 1e we:%. and tor teething and always tt•ah the best of results?' old by me- d.cue dealers nr by mail at 25c a box team 1 he Dr. Williams' Me licino Co., Brookville, Ont. I! n man he. n:cney to burn tits Wends will g'nd'y furnish the matches. No man can tel what his wife is go- ing to do ty what he tells her to do. If n man Isn't capable of governing h'mself It's up to him to get married. The tricky mon mry au:eyed, but his <t:c e<s sc!dt m sacks. A Mncclrn'e le a mol thing net le gave If yeti are In hurry to get r!_h. 4 n cro►r r'flnilles ere the kind Ile ' n•,'e to the other fellow on a silver t lr1'e^. •'('ne she keen n Freer -1r "Ne. but ' s :n keel n eo, k. and that's Kane - ng to brag abeutT' • %AS'I t U[MMLAI. l'OS';F.SSIONS, k VAIN 11EPETI1 ION. SCIENCE KNOCKS AT YOUR DOOR Portuguese '1'en•Itor) in Africa is Quite E x te'ttahe. 'the I'ur'uguese (o4 sial p , sesstons eons-st oI Augola, or Portuguese !.ower Guinea, in South-w.st Africa. It hes an urea of 517,000 :quare miles, and a population of 5,000,003. The Cape Verde islands, 1,48e square mites. Pol.ulation 147.424. i'ortugut': a East Afr.ca, ocmlprlsing two districts of Lorenzo Marlines and "1 owe home, bordering on German East Africa. Area 300,000 square tulles. 1'opulat_on 3.000,000. Guinea. on the west coast of Africa. Area 4,400 septum mites. Population 820,000. St. Thome and Principe islands, in Gulf of Guinen. Area 451 square miles. Population 42.103. Goa, port town b4 -ween boundaries Madras and Bombay. India; else Da - rano and Din, small island, totalling In area 1,638 square miles. Population 531.890. Macao, an Island in mouth of Canton River. In China. Area 5 square miles. Population 80.000. Tltnnr is an island In Malay pelago, half of which with Pub tag, is Portugues'. Area 7,290 miles. Population 300,000. Archt- Camb- square FATHER'S ECZEMA AFFLICTED CHILDREN. Mr. Chas. Noble, u1 375 Colonial Avenue, Montreal, the assistant chief elevator of the G. N. W. 'Telegraph Co. and several of his family have lien cured of eczema by Zarn-Buk, the great herbal balm. Be states tho facts as knows: 'el'he diseaoa started In the back of my !rands in the form of small sons and eruptions. These were very irritating and when rubbed and scratched turned into very painful acres. I tried waters, lotions and salves, but the diseases oontlnued to spread and so 1 consulted a doctor. He treated me for a time, but still the d:s- case spread and 1 got no relief. Then to my alarm the eczema spread to sev- eral of the children. The pain and ir- ritation In all our cases was very great, and we were very much disheartened, as all we trod proved unavailing. 'Lam- fBuk was rcoornmendcd and 1 obtained a supply. i tries it first on a small patch of the eczema, and this showed re much improvement that I was con- vinced Zam-Buk would do good 1f per. revered with, and (herefore obtained a erppiy. Each appl!cutlon greatly re- lieved the Itching, pain and soreness, and it was not long before tho erup- tions and sores dried up and disap- peerel. in a few weeks from oornnncnc- Into with Lam-Buk every spot was re- newed. The children who had also and brings to you io your own home 1 the healing, health -giving properties of the giant pines. All the therapeutic virtue of the forest trees are contained in Virgin Oil of P,ue (pure). 1t Loafs the lungs and bronchial tubes, gives almost Institut re- lief to thu irritating cough. and will break up a cold to 24 hours'. The action of Virgin Oil of Pine ou the kidneys is also most beneficial. It is a perfect neutralizing aguut fur uric acid. and promptly relieves rheumatism, lame - back and other ailments due to disordered kidneys. In the preparation of S'irglu Oil of Pine every procautinu is taken to insure fresh- ness and purity. It la put up. for dispen- sing through druggists, in nne-halt ounce vialsround Duwly.'. leac,.i .h .vial •eIle eurolysure sealedto totha .e. get e genuine -Virgin Oil of Pine compound pure, prepared only by Leach Chemtoal Co., CIa- einuati, 0. sr rewil1WmWNINNIWIIINW A BLESSING. "Your wife used to like to sing, and shot played the piano a lot. Now, we tie,n't hear her at all. bow's that?" "She hasn't the time. We have two ohit(lren." "\\'ell, well! Atter all, children are a blessing!'' \Ve All Have Missions in the World. -- There Is a work to do tor every man on earth, there is a function to per- form for everything on earth, animate and inanimate. Everything has a nits- sien, and the mission of Dr. Thomas' Eclectr-le Oil is to heal burns and .rounds of every description and cure coughs, colds, croup and alt affections of the respiratory organs. THE FESTIVE SEASON. \Vete-"Then you won't cone to the Jones' with ale?" Ifubby-"Certainly not. I'm bored to death of visiting. I'd rather go to a lunatic asylum" \Vile -"!tum! Feel more at tome dhere, I suppose?" PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OIYTMR'r'r is guaranteed t1 cure any twit of Itobtng, Blind, Bleeding or Prutudiag Plies In a to 14 days or m Jim refunded. tido. GOOD AS T1IE BEST. "Is yer fader well to do, lkeyt" "No, he ain't; he's hard to do." • Give Holloway's Corn Cure a veal. I1 removed ten oorns from one pair of feet without any pain. \Vhat 1t has dono once it will do again. KEEP IN DEBT. Keep in debt to your appetite end every meal will seem a banquet. taken this disease were treated in the A Nat�leg t:eogh delves mleep.and oomrnrt Same way and have each been cured." away. J� len'' Lung Bsleam relieve• Hard breath - Of all druggists and stores 50c. box Mg, pain In the chest and laritation of the throat. or postpaid from the 'Lam-Buk Co., To- afve It freely to the children. ronto. I.i:AP ll•;Ail ETHICS. "A young lady should not waste a gentleman's time." "As to how," "By letting him call when s':e does not mean to propose." TO CURE A COLDLIN ONT. DAY 'takpros tots refund mo ey i( It (sells to cureine . E. eW GROVE'S signature 1. ou each box. xbo. The Parsengcr--"(tory dare you use such terrible language to the poor horael" Tho Cabman -"Can't help 11. mesal. But if you was n mal Indy eoa %vuldn't tin ttrstnnd ill" The Wretched Coaditlon of thousands 1s' due to ILD fact that they reit= art the simplest Care 01 their hearth. When In this condition "Yerrorim" will build you up a:1d etre you strength. Mind your own business and let other people ei'smanago theirs It Ihoy want lo. Ir:.ptlrt!Ia In the Rktod,-When tho a'tton of the k duets I ccornea impair 11, impurities in Cie Melo! are almost -urs lc follow. ant general dernngement of the system ensues. I'anneee's Veise- table Pills veal regulate the kltineys. so that they will maintain healthy ac- tion and prevent the complications which certainly come wizen there is de- rangement of these delicate organ.. ,\s a re'tornnvc (hese Pills are in the first rank. Iirnry-'And shall we meet again to•merrew, dear? To -morrow shall 1 again cusp y, .0 in my nris? Teenor- ruw shall we renew---?" Eiith enter- r'urting hire) -"Not la-n:or:ow, Henry; lo morrow is our washingday.' ITC1!, Mange, Prairie Scratches emu every form of centagtous Itch in human cr animals cured In 30 minutes by Wol. frrd's Sanitary Lotion. It never faits. Sold by all druggists. Most people who are to love act ns theugh they were delightfully miser- able. • What 1s the nest Thing t, ,treeethen week backs! "The U .t I.' Me -,tet. l Plaster. It will cure lnmhago ant rheumatlrrn 5, rolls mates se•eu tee plesten. Davis a Lawrence Co. Montreal. NOT IN CE f1Es I ED. Agent ,at the d:or)--'Tell your mo- ther. little furl, 1h91 1 have here a won- derful washing soap. It cleans every- thing; enves laps. Every housewife Is tr.terestei in our preparation.' Little Girl -"Ma isn't. She isn't a heu<ew.fe; she's a club women." INTELLIGENT ADVICE. Intelligent Rescuer no skater who Me fallen through) -"Steady, old man, steady! Keep coAr F.ASI ION iii` r. Gr, e,v ' i'.s unverlably lock o sU In lawn dr•xs s during the erim,er. If :n,'1 llnten'l the right of way you tave a r ght to get out . f tae a Sy. can't ';tat: get the true mea - Ma* at a tato b) consultirl* Me 4'13 t. 'COO SUGGESTIVE. Mr. McGuire (fo hospital at'endant)-- Phwat did ye say the doctor's name alas? Attendants -Dr. Kilpatrick. Mr. Mc(tl1ro-Toot settles it. No doctor veld thot cognomen will git a chance to operate on me -not it 1 knew it. Attendant -Why not? Mr. McGuire -Well, ye see, my is Patrick. Young Jack- -" etamn,a, is dinner nearly ready? What are rel• gt..ing k !rave?" Mamma -"It's ready, dear, and ino• leer Ls going tc give you aorne of that nice soup she made yesterday. Come, ask the blessing.' Young Jack --"I said it yesterday-. 1 don't huve to ask a blessing kr warmed ever soup, do l?' COALS OF FiI1E. "Beresford," sad his Letter halt gen- tly. as she watched his ineffectual en- steavors to do justice to the motutinal repast, "1 am afraid that t told you o y'estcrelay, and I want you to for- Itiv-e ate, dear." "A lief" he asked wonderingly. "Yes; as you left the hbuse you will remember 1 said to you, 'You'll be time early, darling!' Well, it wasn't true!'' name' "\Vhat makes factory whistles blots so early in the morning, dad?" The eligincer wants to wake up everybody who doesn't have to go to work as soon 04 lie does." It Ls easier to prevent than 1l Ls M cure. inflammation of the lungs is the (ornpanlon of neglected colds, and once it finds a lodgment In the system 1t is .litdle•ult to deal with. 1'reatn•ent with ll;ckle:s Anti -Consumptive Syrup will eradicate the cold and prer:ent inllam• nnattcn from setting tn. 1t costs little, and is ea satisfactory as it is surpris- ing in its results. A woman hopes her children will l.^ok like her -and sho hopes her photo. graphs w:n't. Comfort by day and snwnd sleep by night fel- low t1"- u•e of tt'et.er's Comte, for skin troubles, n . uiattor h .w tormentlag they be. Thhr ulap omit ',otters and cleaataa A man is foolish to borrow trouble If he can find another man foolish enough to lend him looney. Pkaennt as syrup; nothing equals '1 Si a worm tnedteino; the name is Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exterminator. The greatest worm destroyer of the age. NO DIFFERENCE. "Mamma, may 1 get on the donkey's bacar "No, dear. But if you are Bend pnpa wit! take you on his back. That tv;ll to just the sante," lima t TIIAN ANYTHING. "I hear Dr. J- nes is mak:ng his for- e nit just now." "Why, has he diseovcred a new curet' "No, but he's found out a new dis• ease.' TNU ISSLE NO. f- $. REST AND RECUPERATION. To provide a restful environment without sanatorium restrictions, to enable tired hie Inanity to recuperate naturally. to aeeur to the average man or woman the needed change from worry and care, and to do these at moderate poet. 1s the mission of "The Welland," the home of "The Et. Cath- arines Well." Apply the manager. 8t. Catharines. or any Agent of Grand Trunk Railway System. TRUE GENEROSITY. "They say v(ry few nuthors sleep more than seven hours a clary." "But think how much slumber they e'urnish other people.'" A Cure for Rheumatism -1h° intru- sion of uric acid into the blood vessel% is a fruitful cause of rheumatic pains. This irregularity is owing to a deranged and unhealthy condition of the livor. Anyone subjected to this painful affer- ton will find a remedy in Parmelees Vegetable Pills. Their action upon the kidneys is pronounced and most ben Acta!, and by restoring healthy action. they correct Impurities in tho blood. BRAGGING. "Our church is getting on wonderful- te well. \Ve've just lifted the mete gage." "That's nothing. \Veve actually set- tled the church row." WHAT CAUSES 'MADAMS. Prom October to May. Colds are the most fre- quintcawse of Headaohe. LAXA'rttg ER0M0 QUININE removes cause. It. W. Greve on box 551 SWISH itOMAN CATHOLICS). Five Million in Great Rrltatk) - Twelve in Empire. An estimate has recently been m:de or the Catholic porulatlon in the Brit- lah fetes. 'Chis is returned es 5y, rail- 1lon-t-2,180,000 for Great Britain and 3.320,000 for Ireland. in the directory for 1907 the estimate was stated to be SHILOH'S Quick ease for the worst cough -quick relief to the heaviest cold -and SAFE to take, even for a child. Cu1'Cs That is Shilob's Cure. ,t Hold under a guarantee Coudb3 to cure colds and coughs jig, Coeds quicker than any other medicine -or your money rack 34 years pf aurcess commend Sh:iloh's Cure. Y.ic , 60c,$1. 316 QUICI{LY! 'WANTED AsTms Made -to -Measure Clothing litaeet line IaIkinion (ate Commission, lull 'Crown Tailoring Co., • 'Toronto CANADA tl *RUT TAILO*• l SIGNET' RIN' To intro:nae 0,t'� goods sad that .e way seed you our eat.b;. .bleb curts,ns bund'• 1s of Lor writ 1 ever, line of eu,i• W• r .: .•u you this haradwu.• aunt 051 Signet Mac yid' raised •,rea•on.,.2,.. •.o:-u.e t wen, r owes .4,hlldr e ; ars .1. tn• tap •t :0. 1' ewa time rustps:d who our oatwer' for 14 t•uta II eoe,a•e,l loud*. 4 yenta silt:a catr� ) IttlUUkVUM Cu., Dept u-3, brl4,lrport,Cuw. Send ad your nam.. d add r•�. ,or it pieces of eg177 t•, ..12.110c•nta°ich When add .end u• th 1 Qp0.m1 s..JLrn4 you thew TWO An111t COU 6y.1D RiNf',a the trust fou ath the Je•.try and all •en.I ft alt tt&tgt. paid. Just seal us your namo an. add•, as. STAR 1150. 00„ PROVIDENCE. S, I., U. 2.A. s 1 T9TERBORoutioEo� pETERDOROUG/I cols, Ond Censde. srwin . S END fORCATALOGUE Why Go South ? Try a Visit to the Famous Springs of the "81. Coldorines Well" CANADA'S HEALTH RESORT In the Niagara Peninsula. The treatment of Nerveosaeu sad Rbeualatlsm a Specialty. APPLY TNI WELLAND, WT. OAtzaataaa "from five millions and a halt to five and three-quarters." On this showing, taking the outs:de figure, there is a dif- ference of a quarter of a million be bocce the estimates for 1906 and 1907. Whether this Is a loss or a mistcke In previous estimates is not shown. The Catholics in the British Emplee are returned as follows:- United ollows:United Kingdom .. ... .... 5.500,000 Gibraltar, Malta and Gozo ... 215,000 As'n .... .. 2,085.000 Africa .... .... .... 350.500 America .. ..... • .... 2.810.000 Australasia .... .... .... ..... 1,092,500 12.053.000 In last year's directory it was stat- ed that the "total Catheter populat'•.o (f the British Empire is probably about ten millions and a halt." it must. ba emphasized that the 10. t.als of "Cathoiic popuiat!on" are "Al. mate% pure and simple, and that the compilers of the directory state thl. tact most explicitly. Great Western Railway OF ENGLAND. MB. E. \V. BURCH, the reoently appointed OiliN tRAL AGENT for the G. W. R.. at 428 TRADERS RANK BUILDING, TOR )N TO, will t eve every Ins rmation in regard to WILLS for PA8SENOIR'8 an/ FREIGHT hoar and to CANADA. JAMES C. (NOUS. Pttdtingten tl1 2km, GeE,esel Manage. Loudon, W. CLIFTON SPRINGS SANITARIUM CLIFTON S'fRINGSy N. o N Y THIS PAr10US HEALTH • h me -RESORT ony ys • world -.vide tepntati.n for It, 1 me•like r -:n• torts and the excellency of the saniCs rendered to seekers after health or red. by 1t. stall 01 phy•iclans. trained nu•.e,1 and at twirl trite end the inc•eating patroness from Canada,n"I the Provinces is very app.eciathe in its e. mmrnd- ellen of our work. WItfl FIITY-FIVP, YEARS' PXPPRirN:F. In the rue "1 the best in Medical surgical. » Electrietl and 1l,dr.dhe•apeutie Medical, 1. and the fiae.t treatment rooms In the o. uutry we Dan &ate our patrons of tqe se:ectlon of .s that w511: h will prose must helpfnl and muted to Meir lndivldual needs. Tu th nit seeking A HAVCN OP RPS1 we extend special fcatero. that will n.•t be f..ur. elsewhere, and we invite your corn, rp• +dent and Inspection. Onr Weser* in .et liberal and our service 1s unegn.vlted. No totercular or Insane er►ee' received. Welt* for b'ollet X and psrticnlate. 1850 - 190(i HOTEL TRAYMORE (.N 1 HI? (WEAN FRONT. ATLANTIC CiTY, N. J. A magelleeat ten -story Sr. pr.mf .14ltiea is )e 1 betsg e,sy'ets 1, mating %h4 f.asjs hostelry tie newest sat e'•/ up t.; date •r & inslie cif fl.te.e A sew fe.ter. 111 the wsassal ,las of We be4 r•nmv a•eragtng 1. feet Beare Seery r,ov e,wiusn4s an °leen view, bath stt•rkel with se• and froth water Ch••.1- e!ase is ere -y ebseiher Temperature regaleeed b7 i)er,oeds.11 the latent de'el1;2011 ss' stem b..ttag. 1e:gbone 1. slot, room Uo;f p;nt;egee. e•apee157 N)). Write for 1sestratad baektet CHARLES O. MARQUI:TTP., TRAYMORE f10TP.1. CO.'i1'A'sY. ,1lanager. D. S. Will E, Pro-AgnL VIIIIIII=1104=NIMAIMI.0..1.10••••• MOW somw.mm..r■1a