Exeter Advocate, 1908-02-27, Page 8EXETER MARKETS.
r e 'P'gi1.`"Vrg'IF411WMP 'I, Over eighty people take part in the
LOCAL DOI1� C S. ' Opera
grclIiiiiii01111, 1 ' 1 eel{+It ut Faure House
Lk ik AL aft agla Afla-ila Ake& 4:4k Norman Hodgen, who has been off Wheat
+bet) at llass'kiu's Hardware owing to Barley 55
Her h. Southcutt ss to hue been ill is illness, is again able to return to bis Oats 48
1 able to be nut again. work. Peas 75
1'leut., i+y, March lith. ' CHANGED EACH WEDNESDAY
6l 1
14 (hl
2 75
24 25
4 80
25 00
For 30 DAYS
$18 Suis tor$9, 310, 312
Fur ' it :..i days we are offer-
ing - t the best bargains in
suits l., 1 were ever offered in
Huron C, unty.
Don't miss the Opportunity
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
Clabbing Rates.
There is ne clubbing rate too good
for Anvur.s-re subscribers. We have
the best ae 1 cheapest list that can be
secured, and all you have to do is call
and take advantage of it.
Bargains in 10.3 piece dinner sets at
Farm for Sate.
53A acre 1..1rn, situate west of the G.
T. It. and r: •rth of the salt block, Exe-
ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bobier.
Do you a,<nt a lady' coon fur ;,tri; -
et! Ste,ra,t has a beauty on sale et ru
Marriage Licenses 3satted at the Ad-
vocate office.
Three swell Ladies' sample fur tined
Coats. lily ra1rtes. Stewart's.
IOU%C to Rcnt.
On William street, brick story and
half dwelling, in good state of repair.
.Apply to Sits. Perkins.
L rills' ,r • .1 lined rubbers. 1st qual-
ity. 1::9t(:•er value 65e. Clearing at
50.•. Stea,r,t',,
Voa.etaesseue Retnedtee.
Have vim tried Vogelgesang's Kid-
ney Cur, ? Yes, its a wondetful rem-
edy. The heart cure is just as good.
Try it onee and you will be satisfied.
&aye half price.
Wm. M. Btooren'onte
Agent for Canada.
Dr. Ovens Coming.
Dr. Oven, London, Eye and Ear
urgeon, will be at the Commercial
II ,tel, Exeter, on Friday, February S.
Glasses properly fitted and diseases of
Eve, E tr a::d Nose treated.
Aeverstice Wasted.
T1 learn the art of barbering. Good
t•m eta hr•y. F. E. \Vtt.Lls, Exeter.
drip Lost.
I3 •t ween Seaforth and Exeter, en
Thai tI ,y. Fels 20th, a small grip. con-
taining .e scotch capand other article!.
Htet'ru to this office.
Sn,•11 & Rowe are moving inti Mrs.
John.' stet a this week.
Mrs. It 11. Collins and Miss 13on-
tlpon received word last week that
their .inter, Mrs. ltoss, w•he visited
here ,1 few weeks ago, is dang,•ro•tsly
ill ,et h••r home in Montane,
The Cantata, "The Temple of F:enie.'.
ender rhe auspices of the Main Street
Elim "1 t h League, will be given in the
Opel i house, on Thursday evening.
Mai ch ..eh. Plan of Hall at 1lowey's
Drag Store.
(Tinton: The death occutaed en
Feb. 111th of ,► well known and highly
respected young lady of Clinton, Miss
Mary A. Wasrnan, in her 2Ist year.
THAT (4)1'(ill
\\'HITT•: ['INF, and '1':\I:
Sold only at How•.y's Drug
Store. Ilig bottle for 25c.
A good es owd enjoyed the dance Iles. Wiguup a of London and son, Potatoes, per bag
given by the Bachelors and Benedict., H. ('. of Dawson City were the guests !lay, per ton 12 00
un Monday evening. for a few days of the former'sbrother, Flour, ner cwt., family
Mi. L. Hardy. 1 40
Flour, low grade per cwt
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Turkeys ... .. .... . . .
Mrs. I'h°s. Hawkins is on the sick
list this week. Miss Bella Hawkins
has ala° been unable to attend to her
duties at the store owing to illness.
Mts. Robert Dinney entertained a
number of her lady friends at a quilt-
ing party Monday afternoon and ev-
ening. The ladies report a very pleas-
ant time.
The oldest Canadian, an Indian
woman, Mrs. Elizabeth Flinn of near
Hamilton, died last week at the age of
11(1 years. She had been drawing an
Indian allowance for 100 years.
Messrs, Itobt. Sanders and N. Dyer
Horden have received invitations to
attend the Conference of the National
San itarhim Association, to be presided
over by His Excellency Earl Grey, and
a luncheon to be given by the Mayor
and Council of Toronto, on March Ith.
Mrs. William Hawkshaw received
the sad intelligence last week of the
death of her brother, Mr. John Thomp-
son of London Township, who died on
Friday last aged 77 years. Mrs. Hawk-
shaw and daughter, Miss Jean, left
that evening to attend the funeral.
The Exeter curlers who took part in
the bonspiel in Seaforth last week
made a good record, having reached
the semi-finals in the trophy and con-
solation events. They defeated Fer-
gus 20.13, Seaforth 21-14, and were
beaten by Lucknow '.}.1.-10, and by an-
other Seaforth rink 1.4-12.
"A most successful series of meet-
ings" is how Mr. %V. D. Sanders, Pres-
ident of the South Huron Farmers' In-
stitute, describes the meetings held in
the various places in the riding last
week, all of which, with the exception
cf Varna, he presided over. The at-
tendance was very good in every case,
the addressee were very profitable, the
evening programs were entertaining,
and the meetings were a financial suc-
Franklin Nelson, the infant son of
Mr. Daniel McCurdy, died at the home
of Mr. Nelson Baker of the 3rd conces-
sion of Stephen, on Wednesday of last
week, at the age of 6 months and 2
days, convulsions being the cause of
death. This is the second bereave-
nrentin the fancily within a short time,
Mrs. McCurdy having passed away
just a few months ago. The family
has the sympathy of a large circle of
"Didje know," inquired the reran
who figures out such things, "that we
are to have five pay days in February
for the first time in thirty-two years?
Yep. February began on Saturday,
another pay day, five of 'em in all.
To get Live in the month of February
it's got to be leap year and Saturday
the first day. That happens every
twenty-eight years ordinarily, but as
we jumped a leap year in 11$)0 it will
be the first time we had so many pay
envelopes for 32 years."
Gordon Brown the young lad who
was sent to Goderich two weeks ago
for breaking into the store of Beaver
Bros. at Farquhar, canoe up before
Judge Doyle on Thursday last and
pleaded guilty of the offence on three
counts, and after the judge had given
hint a thorough lecture on the effects
of wrong doing he sentenced Brown
to four months' imprisonment at hard
labor at Goderich, the light sentence
being given owing to his previously
good character. L. II. Dickson of Ex-
eter appeared on behalf of the young
The average merchant chant usually gives
advertising too much or too little
credit. if the store management and
service are bad --if the stock is poor
and the sales force inefficient and dis-
courteous —he is likely to have a poor
opinion of the efficacy of advertising,
for advertising can do very little for a
store of that sort. On the other hand,
the merchant who has a fine store
with a good stock of merchandise and
excellent service is apt to think that it
is not necessary to advertise. He
thinks he can get along without it on
the presumption that the store wi11
advertise itself. That's where he is
wrong. The better the store is the
more this fact should he advertised.—
From Hardware and Metal.
• By Express'• was the Order.
As you are all aware The Advocates
were late in appearing last week, but
it was throng t no fault of ones. We
wet e reads to go to press at 3 p. ui. on
Wednesday and were forced to trait
Rev. Ernest Grigg, who has been so-
juurning here from 13urinal], India,
and lectured in Seafotth on
Sunday and Monday.
Hear Barry L;utder, the Scott' com-
edian, and other artists in the Town
Hall, Friday fright, at ti o'clock. Ad-
mission free. Everybody welcome.
At the Durham Portland Cement
meeting at Toronto last week the old
directors and officer's were reelected,
although they met with strong oppos-
A shooting match took place be-
tween two sides chosen by 5. Fitton
and W. N. Sanders on Friday last, the:
latter's side winning an oyster supper.
Each side consisted of four shooters.
Mrs. S. Baskerville received word
from her sister, Mrs. L. Meakins, of
the death of her little grandson, Rob-
bie, at the age of 8 months and 22
days. He was a bright little fellow
and his death has cast a gloom over
the household. His death was caused
by teething and measles.
The Trustee Board of Galt, has
shown its appreciation of the services
of one of their teachers, by increasing
the salary of Mr. Chas. Tebbutt, son
of Mr. Fred Tal,butt, Goderich Tp.,
from $000 to $700. This is a substan-
tial increase in view of the fact that
he has only been there 5 months. Mr.
Tebbutt formerly taught in Exeter.
We are in receipt of a copy of the
Lethbridge (Alta.) Daily Herald, con-
taining the portrait of Dr. J. H. Riv-
ers, a former well-known resident and
professional man of Crediton. The
Doctor has evidently became a popu-
lar and useful citizen of the town of
Raymond where be has resided and
practised medicine since bis removal
from Ontario to the great west. The
good people of Raymond recognizing
his worth and abilities as a municipal
officer, at the recent municipal elec-
tions elected him mayor of the town
by a handsome majority. That the
Doctor is decidedly popular goes with-
out saying when the fact is known
that the town of Raymond is compos-
ed of nearly all Mormans and that his
opponent in the mayoralty contest
was a Merman of more or less note in
the town. A foot note to the portrait
says:—"Dr. J. 11. Rivers, one of the
foremost citizens of Southern Alberta.
He is a successful practitioner, a hust-
ling mayor and an enthusiastic advo-
cate of ever) thing that will advance
Raytnon 1."
Oot'Em Again at the Exeter Bargain Store
A brand new stock of Boots and
Shoes. This Cracking Big Bargain
Sale will continue all this week. We
mean business, and all the goods in
the store go at Rattling Big Bargains.
Terms Cash—that means No Credit.
\Ve certainly sell goods very cheep.
its the cash that does it. No trouble
to show goods. Also for sale cheap,
one new National cash register, one
new steel safe, and two pair of counter
scales. The store is also for sale or to
J. W. BItonetti •K, Exeter.
A Real Politician.
An exchange tells its of an old Ger-
man who had it boy of whoa] he was
very proud, and decided to find out
the trend of his mind. Ile adopted a
novel method by which to test hint.
He slipped into the boy's room one
horning and placed on his table a bot•
tle of whiskey. a Bible aria it silver•
dollar. Now, said he, when dot boy
conies in if he takes (int dollar he's
going to be a beezeis in in: if he takes
dot Ilihle he's going to be a preacher:
if he takes dot whiskey he's no gond
and going to be a drunkard. Then he
hid behind a door and waited to see
which his son would choose. in came
the boy whistling. Ile torn to the tab-
le, picked up the Bible and put it un-
der his arm, then snatched up the
bottle, took two or three drinks, pick-
ed rep the dollar and put it into his
pocket, and then went out smacking
his lips. The father poked his head
out from behind the door and exclaim-
ed: •'Mein Got. he is geeing to be a 1)01 -
Hicks' Forecast for February.
A Reactionary Storm Period is in
progress at the opening of the 0100th.
On the 1st the Moon is in perigee and
New Moon falls on the 2nd. A crisis
of low barometer, and s'orms of wind,
rain and snow will he leached on and
touchinv these dates. At this time
Anti! Friday night before our kindle the vernaleiplinux will he strongly in
attired fecal Toronto, althuug}t we forte, making violent tropical storms
had ord,.r,.d there to corn,. by ex ptt'ss, ones than probable in the smith, with
For some reason however th,•v were I hli,jtrds to enunter• eilance over
sent by freight and a- no fneight train notthern to central parts of the coup.
canoe up from L•.ndon from Monday try. Thee,. .,turn].,, with little or no
to Friday they were lying in the ear intermission, will most likely be con -
in that city ill that time. \\'c sent tinned int" the storm ))"'rind ""14 fol -
word three times to London to have 1"wing. The 2pd ie the renter of a
44+44++++44444 414-11444"1144" theta taken wit of the car and express- Seismic peiiod of tive days: reports of
£ Who
ed to Exeter, but that was not done, sect] phe°omtem+ tun) reasonably be
consequently touch against nor desire looked for within sixty hours of noon
we had to wait. We dislike very. on the'2nd. A regular .,term perind
much the inconvenience tine- given runs fren1 the lib to the lett,. It is AP"Ii'plif4,IF'gqler11/0411,
our pittons, and also do not approve eentral on the 6t11. The Moon is en
4. of the '•topsy-turvy" condition it the celestial equator en the 4t h. and at Customers
+ • �or places A. in in th,.office. The• patrons first quarter nn theUth. \'1il<vve,w•ho �••tlled at the office, however, hap. miry artd Etrth unite their perturbing
' YourTai oily took it all gn<•d•natnredly ter
at this period. Storm condi-
8 <,
8 00
2 00
10 00
2 75
A OoodSuggestion
Why experiment when you
get instant relief from
Cole's Cough Cure
%Vhich is scientifically prepared
and absolutely harmless to even
the smallest child, and every bot-
tle of which is guaranteed or the
money refunded.
Cole's Cure-a.Cold
Cure a Cold in a day.
W.S. Cole, Phm.B1
A quiet wedding took place on Wed-
nesday afternoon, Feb. 26th, at 2 p.m.
at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Sarah Newcombe, when her
daughter, Miss Mary Elizabeth, be-
came the bride of Mr. Ed. Ilowald of
Zurich. The eeremony was performed
by Rev. A. H. Going. The bride was
assisted by Miss Mabel Flintoff of
Stratford, while Mr. John Welsh of
'lensed! acted 118 best pian. The bride's
dress was of cream crepe de chene
trimmed with taffeta silk, and her go-
ing away gown was of navy blue chif-
fon broad cloth with white silk waist.
They left on the five o'clock train for
Stratford to visit the bride's brother,
Mr. John Newcombe. The best wish-
es of their friends are extended to the
young couple.
Peptonized Beef,
Iron & Wine
A Nutritive Stimulating Tonic
An efficient combination
in which are united the
Nutriments of Beef
Tonic Powers of Iron
and the Stimulating
Properties of Wine
In ease of sudden exhaus-
tion arising from acutechron-
ic diseases its use will be fol-
lowed by prompt results.
to If you are just recovering
from the effects of "grippe"
you'll find this an excellent
help to regain strength.
Sold only by
W. S. HOMEY, Phm.B.
Chemist and Optician
•' f
1'., 1.e best dressed
,1•e.il t mean to ply
most. Just because
a plan pays a big
pt ice fur his clothes
d.•• an't make 110 111
I..,,k good. The 11) 1•
tetia1 niat• be the
flne.t,htit the fl' In ty
not be tight.
wa)s the latest and
two fabrics of the
rn•,neent Ste hire.
4)n 'ailorinit is erst-
/Mil MIT pt lees
within reach of all.
which they all hive our •iOcer.e, tions will heroui,. nr:irked on the Ith,
thanks. with electrical (listenbences general in
the south, and unsettled, stormy
weather may be expected genet ally,
with rains turning to sleet and snow
northward from ahem the 5th to the
8th. Wintery weather will cense with
the closing stages of this period. reach•
ing most parts of the country in its
progress southward and eastward,
%arroslt Escaped Deetractios
The home of Mr. ,las. Gould, Huron
street, narrowly escaped being horned
Ion Sunday morning last. On Satur•
day it appears that one of the mem•
►•et•s of the family took the ashes from
the stove and putting there in a tin
pail with a wooden bottom in it set the
•`call in a coiner in the wood Abed.
There had evidently been live roads
em<,ng the ashes for on Sunday mottl-
ing between @even and eight o'clock
Mr. Kellett, who resides with Mr.
Gould, happened to get up a little earl-
ier than nste1 Snndav mornings and
disc„sexed the woodshed full of smoke.
The bottom had burned nut of the pail
and communicating with the beilding
had gained considerable headway and cines nn the market, and for all throat
it was with considereblediRicnitythat and lana troubles is unexcellrvl."—A 1
Mr. Kellett snereded in eiibeiuing the word from a man who has tested it.
whenahe di lkily for \ten hmlinuteRe1moree Pneumonia, Itrnnrhiti@, Coughs, Colds )
tleineucr.would have seen the a he le place in and all throat, lung and stomach 1
flames, and it is hind l” s,y whit the• - troubles 'jell to Psychine. At all drug -
Merchant Tailor - Exeter
Cure for Weak Lungs
' • 1 have used your Psycbine for about
six months, and have found it an ex- b
cellent remedy for pneumonia and weak
Li -
lungs. •' Ronald Johnson, Farewell,
Ont.. April 1.5, 10•:!7. ,
' • Psychtne is inc et the best medi
result weml,1 have been N: nil night 'stn• 50e, and $1.e6 1, or Or. T. A.
r+444.4++++++4444.++d•+++44F 1 hate Leen intrued in their bed .locum, Limited. Turont ..
We weidd like to announce
that we are in a position to ex-
for wheat, oats and barley,
WTI went about 2'5,4100 bush-
els of wheat fur ahn•h we shell
he pleased to pay the highest
prevailing mat Bet price.
RemenOe t y•••er fl .ur wen.4
will he ,+ppreciar•d AT THE
M11.1, and piomletly attend•d
(':\Stf il,\Sly ,etre, M h 1•r 4
l•:\EIh:h •1\TARi)
BAR/!J/la." n.Aant ,!lJekAmai
Harare Siock lS CoM1ete
Even between seasons, such as the months
of January and February are, we always
keep our stock up to the mark.
Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Builders' Supplies,
Oils, Paints etc., are always looking up well in
this store.
You can not find us unready for
business in any line of Hardware.
Is what the people want and this is just the quality of
furniture we handle. Some people are willing to pay lav-
ish sums for exceedingly elaborate designs, but most peo-
ple want style, combined with serviceability at a moderate
outlay. Our lines 1111 the bill exactly, being rich in design
and reasonably priced. Our extensive lines include SIDE-
are a line which we are introducing and we are showing
a specially fine selection in elegant designs.
'rha 'Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
A Magnificent Showing of
NEW WRITE 1100115
We are showing the Swellest Line of'
White Waists this Season that we have ever
put before Our Customers. EV 3ry Waist
bought in the Latest Style and trimmed with
the Daintiest of Laces and Embroideries.
For $1
The best ever shown in
Exetr;r for the price.
Trimmed with Valen-
cies Lace or Embroidery
For $2
This is a Swell Waist
and good for the money.
With Lace or Embroidery
For $3
Wegive you something
extra good for this price.
They are real smart and
stylish looking.
For $4
You get the Best Waist
you ever bought for the
price. Allover Embroid-
ered Fronts and Sleeves.
::: OUR ...
New Spring Coats
are now arrayed for your inspection.
The tailoring is absolutely perfect and the styles
decidedly- smart. '['hese Spring Modes ('oats FiT----
yes, better than the majority of made-to-order garments.
Made of New Shadow Stripe and Plain Fawn Coverts,
in tight -fitting, box and semi -fitting hacks, also Black
in same styles. Every coat a stylish garment. and dust
what will rilake any lady look smartly dre,,sed,
Rugs, Squares and Carpets
If you have a room to carpet or a house to ftirnish
(lo not fail to see us. We are exceptionally well pre•
pared to meet your demands and will help you to make
your choice. Our stock of 'Tapestry, Brussels, Wilton
and Velvet Rugs are not equalled in Exeter, while our
Carpet stock is up-t0•date,
Gents' Furnishings
Now, (Tents, you know we are headquarters for
your line of wear. Ilere you will find us right up-to-
date with the New Spring flats, ('aps, Shirts, Ties, Suits.
Gloves and Fancy Sox. No trouble to show you
through our stock.
Ho 1,t,rtarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing