HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-27, Page 7PRESERVE BATTLE FIELD 5 Premier G-ives Notice of Motion in douse of Commons. A despatch from Ottawa says: Sir \Viltrkt Lcursor has given the (elbowing notice of motion: '"That it is exptdkvtt la provide that the sum of $300,000 be appropriated towards the preservation in a suitable mauner of the historic bal- l:(fleld of Quebec in connection with the tercentenary of the said city of Quebec.' This amount will be handed to a commission of four .;r five Wren, who t) will have authority to devote a por- tion which They dec'de upon to the ter- centenary fund and a portion to the battlefields park scheme. The Province of Quebec wet contribute $100,000 and the city of Quebec $50,000. In addition ether Provinces have promised grants, teas as private subscriptions already amount to a large sunt, there is little reason to doubt that eventually the ag- gregate amount will be sufficient to carry out the project on a scale worthy of the events it is intended to celebrate and worthy of the Canadian people. The oonuuieslon t,o handle the Govern- ment Portion, it is understood, will in- clude Sir George Drummond, Mont- real; Byron F. Walker and Colonel G. 1'. Denison, Toronto. Ilon Adela'd Turgeon and Mayor Garneau of Quebec have teen mentioned as possible addi- tional members. DISEASE 1\ 77U•: MONEY. Cashier of Cheap Lo,lging Hotel Dies of Malignant Scarlatina. A despatch from New York says: John M;1). Ilopkirk Is dead as the re- sult of handling poisoned money. Mr. tor iicpkirk was manager of Mills hotel, No. 2, and from the money which he handled loo contracted malignant scar- latina. a disease which is usually fatal. Ifs was cashier of the hotel, in which cheap lodgings are given to the poor, and•in that capacity handled hundreds of dirty, germ -laden L-ilLs coining from the slums of the city. The physicians say teem is no doubt that tho disease was cum/tunic/lied through these bills. 4* LET t%.tlts1111' PASS. 'Allotted to Use Canadian Canals en Route to Late Michigan. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Canadian Government has granted the request of tho United Stales Govern- ment for the passage of another United States war vessel through the Canadian canals, to be used on the great lakes. Tho latest addition to the United Stales • naval flotilla on the lakes is tit' Nash- ville, of some thirteen hundred tons. She Is to to used in the training of the • Michigan naval Nerve. This is the •fourth naval vessel which has teen al - :lowed to pass the Canadian canals. FEWER LOANS AND DEPOSITS. f January Rank Returns Indicate a Gen- eral Curtailment. A despatch from Ottawa says: The Jantiary statement of Canadian charter- ed batiks was issued by the Department cf Finance on Thursday. iL indicates that the process of shortening sail was persisted 1n during the month. Thus, as compare,' with December, the banks deet'eaeed their note circulation from $77,5 to $66,871,37i1: current loans frons 556,588.451 to 85.56,957.658; saving deposits decreased from $102,- f26,076 to $399.407,291. and deposits on demand fell from $157,185,414 to $146.- 757,963. Thus the liabilities of the banks wero reduced in all by about nine ma- idens. SLIPi'I•:D IN 1O HOT VAT. Ketch .trrivcd I:nulishman Meets Ter- rible Death at 'Soo." A despatch from Sault Ste. Mark. Ont., says: William Goddard, employed lit Iho veneer mill of the !.oke Superior Corporation, was so severely scalded on Tuesday that ho died from Injuries in the hospital the same night. God- dard went out into the yard, where vats a.ntaining scalding steam and wood alcohol vapor heated to great intensity aro located. in some manner unknown be slipped into the entrance to one of the vnts, through a hob 24 le* 26 Inches'. Ile was in the vat 30 scoonds, hle screams bringing as -!stance. Goddard. who was 22 years of ago, was an Eng- lishman and had been in Canada about six %leeks. • TOWN SITES FOit SALE. Grand Trunk Pacific Will Offer Some Bargains. A despatch from Montreal says: The Grand Trunk Pacillc will put sixty-two town sites west of Winnipeg on sale simultaneously In the spring. Already three of those town situ are ready for sale, namely, Rivers, a divisional point, 142 miles %vest of Winnipeg; Nokomi, 381 miles west of Winnipeg. and To - field, on Beaver Lake. fifty miles east of Edmonton. At the divisional points the prices of town lots will range front $100 to $500, while in smaller places they will run much lower, although the rates for the latter places have .not yet teen fixed. Lots win not be auctioned cff at the ordinary town sites, but will be sold al fixed prices, and will be al- lotted in the order of precedence of the application. Ahrady a gloat number of purchasers have sent in requisitions to the oflice in charge of the sale. This, of course, will not apply to Prince Ru- pert, the Pacific terminal, where there will be a historic sale of building lots for the future city when the road Is ready to oxn the mitten sale. SEED iS NOT St %f(E. Enough Wheat in the West For Alt - Oats eh's, be Imported. :► despatch from Ottawa says: G. II. Clark. fkimtni.,n Seed Commissioner, bed the Agricultural Committee on \Ved- neslay morning that Iho losses in the west through the bad season last year were practically cenflned to twelve per cent. of the farmer's between !'ort er- Blur and tho llocky elo ttains. The majority of That per cent. had put all their eggs into n basket; in other werds, had followed the idea of grain raising to the exclusion of everything else. There was enough seed wheat in the west to enable the purchasing there of ali that was required for the sections In need of O. Seed oats would have to tie imp erte 1 in Ninsiderahlo quanti- ties, rad he mentioned Britain and Prince Edward (eland ns the places whence the most of it would come. Ile predicted that It svould be found to be cf excellent quality. Mr. Clark. how- ever, Sugg: steel the advisability of every farmer in the west testing barley and oat seed before planting. 1.111ti1.17'Y FOIL FINIS. Mr. Kraned)'. Rill to Make Rallnays Responsible. A despatch from Ottawa sey.c: Mr. Kennedy's bill to amend the railway act by rendering the companies !tattle for all damage done by fires caused by sparks horn locomotives was discu.sed lea the Hallway iS•mmltlec of tho Com- n.ons on Tin slay morning. Mr. Ilal McGiverin, on behalf of the railways, sut:g.es'od an amendment that if a com- pany ccm{:onsated an owner of proper- ty whiich was insured. the amount of the insurance should be paid to the rail. way company. The committee stented to favorably receive the idea, and held the bill over for consideration. WOULD RUIN THE FALLS To Grant Franchise of the Ontario Power Company. A despatch from \Washington says: Dr. J. W. Spenoer, the British ses,itist, otimnhissioned by the Geological Survey e! (:anaia to investigate the Niagara Falls problem, discussed on Wednes- day the effect, of the utilization of its asters by p'• 'r plants upon its scent: beauty. et the instance of the American Civic Federation, Dr. Spencer has ap- peared before the 11o114e Rivers and Ilarbor (:onimissiun. and presented data concerning the request of the Ontario Power Co. for a power franchise. To develop this power would require forty thousand cubic feet of water per see: end, which Dr. Spencer contended is from twenty to twenty-five per cent. of the discharge of Niagara illver, and would greatly :repair the cheracteesties of the \Whirlpool raped.; lower thc river - Led up to the falls, break up the sure ince rock at the font of the American falls and Goat Island. and thereby cause a more rapid recession of the iferse=hoe. "As the I ginnhtp.! of these rapids .' marked by a rim over whieh the new n' water is already thin." said Dr. Spencer, "the di.ersion of the water would destroy about 900 feet of the now on the eastern side of th•' great Horseshoe and break up the American falls into separated' streams. The total length of both falls would be c•mtrect- cu, roughly. from 4.(00 feet to 1.600 feel, nn I the diameter of the great falls from ',eat) to MO test, '1 bus diver -lien of the water will produce n ahrtnkage of the Ibcr.wshoe so that what remains will be entirely en the Canadian sato of the boundary line." Ile argued that the lowering of the wafer in the basin above the upper rapids would tocre.ise the slope of the river so that the sttrface of Cake Erie will be lowered three Icel. a hich n turn would lower l.nke Chiron an.) Labe Michigan. Already, with n par- tial use. lake le le has been lowered len inches. This amount of lowertng includes that of Ibe (:hicagi Canal. which at present is tnk:ng five ihon- sntkl et,bie feet of water a sevnd. In (ofnnctkn %til!% PIC colcreatiers for re- prIr'ng the harbors and cannot !!eras Om itnCe'd. the 1!ni'e.i Settee engineers calculated (hat In increase the depth • f the Chien*' Cnnai coca one fix)t world Cost over $12.Ou0,i00. THE WORLD'S MARKETS REVOLTS FROM TIIE LEADING 1 RADE CENTI1E . Prices el Cattle, Grain, t ..cess Other Dairy Produce at Home and Abroad. Toronto, Feb. 25. -Flour -Ontario wheat 90 per cont. patents shady at *3.60 in buyers' sacks outside for ex- port. Manitoba four unchanged; first Latents, 85.80 k) Se; second patents, $5.- 25 to 85.35, and si:•w►g buyers , $5.15 to $5.20. Wheat -Manitoba grades were dull, with prices un^hanged. No. 1 Northern is quoted et $1.16%, lake porta; No. 2 et $1.13, lake ports. and No, 3 at $1.09, lake purls. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white and red quoted at 95 to 95%c outside, and No. 2 mixed at 94)Se outside. Oats -No. 2 while n track, Toronto, Sic, and outside at 52c. Corn -No. 3 Anier'ctuh new yellow is gt:oted'at 63%e, 'Toronto, and No. 3 mix- ed at 63c, Toronto. Rye -No. 2 quuted at 81 to 82c out- side. Buckwheat -65e outside. Peas -No. 2 quoted at 85 to Sec out- side, Barley -No. 2 quoted - L 71 to 72c out- side; No. 3 extra at 70c outside, and Ne. 3 at 69s, outside. Bran -$22 to 823 in bulk outside.. Shorts, 824 to $25 outside. ares COUNTRY PiRODUCE. Apples -Winter 82.50 to 83.50 per barrel. Beans -Prime, $1.G5 10 81.70, and hand-picked, 81.80 to $1.85. ' honey -12 to 13c per pound for strained, and $1.755 to $2.50 for combs. Ilay-No. 1 timothy quoted at 81G to 817 here in car lots. Straw -$10 to 810.50 a ton on track here. Potatoes -Car lots are quoted at t() to 93c per bag on track. Poultry -Turkeys, dressed. 13 to 14c rer found for choice; chickens, alive. 6 t.• 7c per pound; dressed, 9 to IOc; ducks, dressed, 10 to 11c per pound; geese, dressed, 9 to 1Oc. THE DAIRY MAIIKETS. BuHcr-Pound prints, 25 to 26c, and large rolls, 23 to 24e; do., inferior, 21 1c 23c. Creamery rules at 30 In 31c, and solids at 28 to 29c. Eggs -New laid are quoted at 28 to 21k i er dozen in case lots. Cheese -13% to 13%o per pound in 1 jobbing way. 1100 PRODUCTS. Bac^n-Long clear, 9%c per pound in ease lots; mess ports, 818 to 818.50; short cut, $22 In $22.30. Hams -Light to medium, 14 to 11%e; do„ heavy, 12 to Jac; rolls, 10 to I0%e; shoulders, 9% 10 9%c; backs, 101; break- fast bacon. 15c. Lard --Tierces, 11/,c; tubs, 12c; palls, 12%c. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL.. Menlreal, Feb. 25. --pastern Canada No. 2 white oats et 53e, No. 3 at 50c, No. 4 at 48c. tejeetel at 47c, and Mani- toba rejected at 49 to 49%e per bushel e.% Mere. Flour -Spring wheat patents, $0.10; seconds, $5.YA Winter wheat pat ents, $5.50; straight roller?, 33 to 85.25; do., in bags, 82.35 to 82.50; extras, $1.- 80 1-80 to 81.90. Ford -Manitoba 1 ran, 822 to $23; sleets, 823 1(1 821; Ontario bran, $22 to $22.50: middlings. $21 to 525; shorts, $22.50 1•) 823 per tin, inchs lieg 1 ags; pure brain 11)0111114', $32 In 834. Provsiens-ilarrels short cut mesa, $22.5') to $23; halt bola, $11.75 to $12.25; c:ear tat backs, $23.20 to $24.50; long cut heavy mese, $21 to $24; half bbl.;. do., 310.50 to $11.25; dry salt tong clear becks, 10X to 11%c; barrels plate beef, $13.50 to 815; !half bbls. do., 87.25 to 87.75; barrels heavy mesa beef, 810 to 811; halt bbLs. do., $5.50 to $6; com- pound lard, 10 to 11c; pure lard, 125 le 13c; kettle rendered. (eyes tet 13c; hams, 12 to 13Xe; breakfast Macon. 14 M 15^; Windsor bacon, l%y, 10 15!;c; fresh klllet abattoir dresses hogs. $8.25 le $8.50; alive, $5.85 to $6. Butter - Fall grade:, 30 to 31e; fresh receipts, 28 to 29c; dairy. 21 to 26c. Cheo-e- 12,'; to 13%c. Eggs --American selects e0 new Ind are selling at 30c; ordLn- nry at 27 to 28c: Montreal limed at 21 to 22c per dozen. UNITED STATE.' \I \ItKETS. Minneopolia, Feb. 25. -Wheat - May, GLOP!;;; July. $1.00%; No. I bard, 111.• 05% In 81.06; No. 1 N.erthern, $1.02'4 to $1.03: No. 2 Northern, $1.005 to $1.01: No. 3 Northern, 933' to 98%r, Flour- Fret patents, $5.15 10 83.30; ser.- ond patents. 85.05 to $5.20; first clown;, $4.15 to 81.25: seoand clears, 83.20 to 83.30. Bran -1n hulk, *20. Duluth, Feb. 25. -Wheal- No. 1 hard, (.+i.03%; No. 1 Northern, $1.01'/,; No. 2 Northern, 98%c; May, 81.00%; July, $1.01X. i.IVE STOCK MARKETS. Toronto, Feb. 25. --Tho export trade it very sleet from task of the proper kind of cattle. Choice butchers' 'i(tl.e wore in good demand and a few peeve! brought as high ns $5.15. Strtight Slots of ch:d'o sold for $1.60 to 85, and the common and Medium grades were stronger at $3.50 In 85.50. As much as 8E45 was paid In several instances for the hest cow•, and prices of choice ranged frost $3.60 up. Common and medium cows sett free 82.50 to $3.50. A numhrr of heavy bulls erre ..ffered, \shish were stronger nt 3?.:,0 to SM. The demand for good ini'k cows con - finites s!eml\. Choice metiers sell from 841 to 85ti. and medium at $S5 to $35. !logs o'c hu:chang 1 and ll:e nierkst meet. h�fs'r; ewes were alrong.'r nn 1 brnrght te. sten. ere 'e'.,t.' Pose; $3 is 1 s- i' -r torero:! -.n of grain - eine .t, h re t•arti'ufarly sought :die. ci•o:,I 'lehry ier•ro%•eI preen. Calve. ,'r • •r :! ,• 1 ,' mond. 1 al were not ans r in {rico. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS 11.t1i'E\1\GS F1t0\1 A1.L O\..: T1111 GLOBE. Telegraph Q,irt% (Tom our O‘tn and Olhar Countries of Recent Loads. CANADA. Berlin public library has 9,231 vol- umes. Brunt oounty jail has twenty pris- oner.s. The C. 1'. 11. will build a new bridge at Keewatin. Hastings House of Refuge at Belle- ville has 21 inmates. Montreal refinery have roducel su- gar 10 cents per 100 founds. Prince Edward county doctors have decided to increase their fees. Guelph I1o,Lcullural Sec ely offers prizes for the best -kept limns. 'The populat on of Guelph is 13,700, according to the assessment rolls. Canada collected in duly last month 83,930.911, a decrease of $105,817. ' Canada's imports for January total- led $:3,084,563, a decrees) of 33,355,- 684. Canadian exports last month total- led $21,676,782, an increase of 84,031,- 517. Immigrant inspectors find that im- migrants with families are hardest to place. Branford Ls clearing out Its cellars in enti:ipation of the freshet of the Grand River. The Alontreat Shipping Federation + as deeded to cut down 'ongsliora-i en s wages this spring. 'ffke Minister of Marine proposes a subsidy of 8100.000 per year for it di- rect lino to France. Tho Montreal Board of Trade is peti- tuning the Government to make the new Quebec bridge 190 foot above tide- wa ter. Ilamilton foundrytnen claim their n:oukkrs are paid a rate higher than La paid elsewhere and propose a reluc- lion. Obstruction tactics in the Montreal Council have prevented the payment of sten who reproved snow frons the streets. For the first ten months of the pea sent fiscal year Canada's customs col- lections were $49,251,135, an increase of 80,451,816. The animal report of the T.emiskam- ing & Northern ()uteri) Railway showed ars increase of 816,581.45 in net earn- ings over the previous year. Alaniloba proposes to lino members of municipal councils for the failure of any inunicipeitty to check the growth nt noxiou.-i weeds. Mr. John Penman of Paris, Ont.. hos offered to contribute fifteen Thousand &liars towards a new school if the (Seemeit will raise the other 840.000. Joseph Gilheaull died in Cobalt Hos- pital from tnJurkte received by a tree falling upon hint. ile lay h.Iptess in the snow for six hours, and had hands and feet frozen. Pigeon, the St. Vincent de Paul con- vict, tells tho story of the Montreal Court !louse robbery, and says his eon- ftssion Is made for the purpose of free- ing lloh^.ika, who Is innecont. Allegations of the Montreal Street Railway Company that the civic pay list for removing snow was padded will probably result in an invesbga- ton of civic pita rs at Montreal. Longshoremen al Quctec are reported to have determined on an increase of five cents an hour when navigation opens, and the demand may cause the C. P. It. to make Throe Rivers the ter- minus for its Atlantic steamers. Mr. Daniel Jackson of Guelph received word from New York of his son's death. with a request from a Orin of undertak- er's to send $155 for funeral expenses. After the in ntey was sent it message was received from the son, saying he was all right. GREAT BRITAIN. It is runxired in Landon that The Tones may be offered for sale at pub c auction. Tho British Government will probob ty carry through wit:tout alteration lila naval erogiamine presented by the Ad- miralty. UNITED STATES. Three men were killed In an cxplesion in a powder mill at Wharton, N. J. The question of giving voles to wo- nio i is now Lefsro the New York Stale Assembly. An Ohio leacher punished a boy for PORT ARTIIIIR'S DEFENDER Court -Martial Sentenced Gen. Stoessel to Die for Surrender. A desnalch from St. Pekrs:mrg says: This court -null -tire trying the generals for Iho surrender of fort Arthur de- livered its judgment on Thursday. Gen. St,es_o: was condemned t•o be shot, and Goa. Fork was reprimanded, Gest. Reuss and Gen. Smlriwff were acquakd. At 8.30 the court entered, headed by its prtYiden!, Gen. Vodar. The judges walked to tho centre of a dais, and stoat beneath the portrait of the Cze• while Gen. 1'odar real the decisi aloud. During ti:e delivery of the sen- tence, which was brie(, there was tense silence in the court 'eon', except for a suppreS'ed gasp when Gen. Stoessel was condemned ht death for surrender- ing Port Arthur !sclera all means of defending tho fortress had been ex- hausted and against the protest 'ef his fellow-atlicers and wahout the knowledge of its contmandunt, Gen. Smirnoff. 1'EN YEARS- IMPRISONMENT. The court had, however, Gen. Vodar annututred, decided to petition the Czar to grac:ously commute the sentence to len years' o)nflnement in a fortress in oons:deraton of the fact that Port Ar- thur, beset by overwhelming forces, de- fended itself under Gen. Stoesscl'a leadership with a stubbornness which astonished the world at the garrison heroic courage, that several assaul %sere repulsed with the infliclvn of tre mendous losses en the enemy, that (',an. Stoesssl throughout the sego sustxtned the courage of the defenders, and filet he bad energetically participated in 'hree campaigns. AL the d'ku'ation that he was ad.; edged wsethy of death. Gen. Stco5sel'l lace betrayed momentary uneasiness. Lut otherwise he was outwardly unaf- fected, and he shod with soldierly rig- idity, Atilt' his eyes fixed on the prose dent of the court. Gen. Fuck, tvhese rep rimantt was for -offences against discipline, was grimly unmoved. Gen. Smirnoff looked quietly; pleased, and Gen. Reuss' eyes filled with tears. Immediately the sentences were de- livered, Gen. Stoessel received sysnpa. thetic embrace; and liand.shak.•s from nu►nerous friends. Ile left the court room leaning on the shoulder of lea son, who was also a military Meer at Port Arthur. CANADA'S OLDEST WOMAN. Death of Mrs. Fume Near Waterford - An Aged Indian. A despatch from llamilt.:m says: Word was received here on Wefne-day of the death near Waterford of Mrs. Eitzabeth Funn, the oldest woman in Caimea. Mrs. Funn was an Indian woman and claimed to be 119 years of age. She had many children, but they all p-re- drecased her, and she resided for the past few years with her granddaugh- ter, Mrs. henry Mike, who is now an olu wernan. For over 100 years deceas- ed had been drawing an Indian allow- ance. SCARCITY OF ARMY HORSES. Gen. Dutton Recommends Purchaslrne Agencies in Colonies. A dcspateh from London says: The United Service Institution on Thursday discussed the serious shortage in the horse supply from the military stand. point. General Sir E. Mutton spdo of the deteriornlion noticeable in Cun- eda and Australia, and sate he had done all in hls power to draw atten- tion to tie Importance of developing the class of horse most required. In the case of bosh countries a horse -pur- chasing agency should be formed by the War Office. 1M\I1GR.t'1'ION PROSPECTS. Shipping Men Relieve Business W'UI be Greater Than Ever. A despatch from Alontreat says: Ship- ping mon have received word that the caning immigration season will be as heavy as the past year has been. Pas- senger agents of the C. 1'. R. In Eng- lund stuto that every vessel will have Mt the business tt can handle during busy months. A cable was reseivod on Wednesday stating that all C. P. R. ata soiling 17 St, John during March Lave boon heavily becked in second and third classes. SUNDERLAND LABOR TROUBLE. Artilleryman Dratted in to Assist the Local Police. A despatch from Sunderland, Eng- land, says: In view of the recent de• mnnstrati )ns by the unemployed here, whose ranks are being augmented daily by the engineers allied to the shipbuil3- ing trades, 300 men from the Royal Artillery garrison have been drafted lo assist the police should occasion i:rse. Tho engineers went on strike %two days ago, after voting by an overwhelming majority not to accept a raluction in wages. Russia's programme of naval recon- struction involves an expenditure of $1,078,0)),000. TERROR1ST PLOT FRUSTRATED Desperate Men and Women Arrested at St. Petersburg. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: Attempts that had been planned against the lives of exalted personages were Irustrate.l by the police nn 'Thursday night by a succession of arrests in vari- ous parts of the city, aggregating fifty then and women. This is the greatest number of terrorises et•^r taken by thn police in the capital. The majority of thein were heavily armed, some with bombs, and they made desperate re- sistance against the police. During the ec,urse of the arrests ten policemen were wounde(i ani one tva4 killed. BAGGED FIITY 'fEi IIO111STS. Tho operallons centred nround the palace of (!rand Duke Nicholas N!chola- ievitch, who, it La surmised, was the immediate obJect et the plot. Lata on i'hursday several hundred gendarmes drew a cordon around an entit city bock in the vicinity of the Grand Mike's palace, Comprising six hundred o-cupind apartments. Agent.( of the police searched these aparhnmt!s from top to bottom ani unearthed sores of explosives and firearni.s. DYNAMITE IN :\ MUFF. A fashionably dressed woman was arrested on the street. She carried a muff in which way concealed a quan- tity of dynamite, and was escorted by a man who woe,; flat under hs bell an infernal machine of a new type. Both opened fire when the police approached them, wounding throe of Its'ni. Another woman who was ar.-e.•ted at the entrance to Ussapoff Pork killed a policeman during the struggle. Two men were arrcated in the Grando More skein, one of whom is a notorious !tali- nt. Anarchist. While the police were arresting a terrorist on tlahi:v Island he dangerously wounded two of thern. It is expected that the police will make ft:rther eff.)rPi to round up other mem. Ii rs of the terrorials who have been rganizing vigorously and planning outrages on a largo scale. vio'.ating her rules by driving a tack GOVERNMENT ANNuffius through his tongue. D:an>,nkl sings valued at 815,000 were stokn in broad daylight frons a New Orleans jewellery elem. Lewis S. (ox, it Philadelphia broker charged with forgery, f slit the de- tectives who cant2 to arr:st hint era attentptecd auicele. Can Peterson, a girl of eighteen. ale reeded at Chicago, Told the pxdice she had taken part to fifty burglaries. Emir while Hien and over twenty -Ove Chinamen were killed in an explosion do a pow ler mill at Iterk'ey, Cal. Th French I t nt Casablanca .e rens out Ps ; s have been routed by the \Imes an 1 Gen- eral D ,Wades communications cut. The Menti! (Mich.) (louse of Correc- tion cleared last year $3S,000, which will be turned into the city Lrnnsurr. The commerce of the great lakes for the year 1907 was 93.347.919 ton.., an Incrensl. el 10 per •_eat, on the commerce of 1900. Cn1, Th•)mas r. 1( 11/, a no'01 Fenian Slider, who es'a;ied from the British pollee al Manchester in 1467, is dead at New fork. During n dinner party at Iho home et Frank 0. Jones, of Memphis, Tenn.. Garret E. Lamb and wife. guest, of r;aeon. Iowa, were robbed of Jewels nth 8i!0 000 Mr, Fielding Gives Notice of Measure in the Commons. A despatch front Ottawa says: Ilan. Mr. F.e!ding has given notice of a reso• 1u14 n providing for the eslabl sh`.ng of a system of Government annuities. the resolution states that it is advr•able to r.ulheriz.e the Sale of Geternhtteet online Des "to the end that habits of thrift be prem,eted, and that thereby opportunity be given to the people of Canada to provide for 0141 age by means nt mantle hes of not less than flfly /totters nor erose Than Mx hundred dollars per year. the annuities to he purchasable either by paying n single sum or by the pay- ment of a sUpuleteJ sum periodically at floe' nml definite% p-rn•L-: the Gov- ernor In Council by regu!ab•on to fin the rate of infeere:st 4) be all',\%cd in computation of values in the telese which aro the bass of such purchases; such annuittes to be payable after the annuitant has reached the age of fifty five years or hni beeemo disable!; Mould he die before the annuities aro payable, the moneys paid in by an an- nuitant le be repayable l•, his theirs, %vith three per cent. conreroute interest. ifs. property and tittered of an rinntd- Io•n! to be un.se gttnhle and 1.1 be eC• erupt fr.xn legal process. eseept contract le entered into and eonselernhrnh there. I,•r paid. with intent to delay. hinder se (tetrntrl creditors. who, upon such intent being a etablished, shall hate the fsght to ter.eivo the presot:t worth e,1 !tx• annuity.'