HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-27, Page 5G t l( i V xefer Abuocate EX LITER — ONTARIO $100 if paid in trdvan•re, $I a0 a year .1 not so paid. 1 , To Laltod States Subscribere$1 110 a Year Strictly is Advance. SANDERS $ CR1:F-(:11, Publishers. $25.00 Buys a good Second-hand Doherty Organ Stationery A most beautiful line of Station- ery, Bibles. Hymn Books, etc., at Awad Down Prices. Call and see them. S. MARTIN&SON Cook's Cotton Root Compounds Tho great Uterine Tonic, and only safe effectual Monthly rte uula oron which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength—No. 1,1 ; No. 2. 10 degrees stronger #3; No. 3, for special cancan S per bol. Sold by all dru sty or rent repaid on receipt of price. Froe• Aiidro=.: TNI MAO ME0101111CO,.T0e0NTO.ON1. Vormerili Windsor/ LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL In Your Spare Time at Home We want our course to be in ever: borne in Ontario where there are ladies. so have decided to Five, direct to the public our improved $IS course to dressmaking. including our Ladies Tailor System for wholesale price, 55.00 As there are a large number of people. espec- ially dressmakers say you cannot learn by mail we will send system and first lesson (which teaches how to make a perfect fitting waist, registered to any address in Ontario. After you are satisfied you can learn, send $5.00 and we will forward full course of lessons. Please do not send unless you wish to learn dressmaking; we are so sure anyone can learn that we guar- antee to give $500 to anyone we cannot teach. These lessons teach how to cut, fit and put together. any garment from the plainest shirt waist suit to the most elaborate dress. This is the only course in Canada that the whole family can team by one member taking it up. We have been in business for ten hears, have taught over 7,000, Beware of imitations, as some have been known to copy our advs. and even claimed where they were not known to be the inventor of this course. No adv. is genuine without our 5500.00 guarantee. Write for particulars. Address - SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL 31 Eric Street, Stratford. Ontario. Canada. Wanted. 2 reliable to as agents for Exeter and surrounding country to sell our specialties. MAYNARD PLUM, FiTZ- GERALD PEACH, ARCHDUKE C1HERiRY, RiTSON PEAR, CUM- BERLAND RASPBERRY and at gen- eral line of fruit and ornamental trees. You can make money out of our stock where you would fail with common 'to stock. We pay cash weekly, supply outfit free and give exclusive territory Write to PELHAM NURSERY CO., Growers of high grade nursery stock, Toronto, Ont. N.B.—Special term; to suit agents working part time. Seventeen Teachers of wide experience, broad schol- arship and untiring energy, em- ployed by us, have built up a curriculum unsurpassed in Can- ada for thorougness, system and actual business procedure. Titairtt Cor tem ECM —Telegraphy, Stenography and Commercial. Enter any time. individual instruction. Graduates assisted to positions. No vacation. MAIL COURSES in Languag- es, Bookkeeping, Shorthand. Penmanship, etc. Send a postal for information 4 about Canada's Greatest Chain of High Grade Bushmen Col- 4 loges, Clinton Business College George Spotton, Principal. ta Daniel E. Eby, Vice -Principal. artlk,Ia lklkalhala nes sulk NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY TpB 8e1ITc16JflIonc Gouaflij Of Canaila ie *font to publish a new issue of the Official Telephone Di- rectory for the i)istrict of Wes• tern Ontario. including the Town of Exeter. Changes of firm names. changes of street adares!es, or •'r•dera for du tri• t %te entries t+hotild be handed in at once to Ar MARCHAND, i•t)t•.\T, M.\`:\GER Clubbing Rates We can equal any dub- bing rate offered. Call and see. USE WOIIK Thousands of American women in our homes are daily sacrificing their lives to duty. In order to keep the home neat and pretty, the children well dressed and tidy, women overdo. A female Weakness or displacement is often brought on and they suffer in silence, drifting along from bad to worse, knowing well that they ought to have help to overcome the pains and aches which daily make life a burden. It is to these faithful women that LYDIA E. P N KHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND comes as a boon and a blessing, as it (lid to Mrs. W. Barrett, of G02 Moreau St. Montreal, who writes to Mrs. Pinkliam : " For years I was a great sufferer from female weakness, and despite every remedy given me by doctors for this trouble, I grew worse. "One day a friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. I did so, and ata thankful to say that it made me strong and well." FACTS FOR SiCK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has poslitively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency,indiges- tion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. Why don't you try it Y Mrs. Pinkham Invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. The Sower Ras No Second Chance Good scar`s my' maks the wort of the IInL FERRY'S SEEDS have made sod kept F•-rrl..s Syed nnsi- nr„e the Zara:, st ::. .!.e w. r..:—rnerlt trt:e. leery'. Seed Annual for 1908 tela th,• w1:u:•-.S r,1 story -rent FREE. for to aektug. tioa.'t sow s.+ds oat yon get It. 0. M. FERRY & CO., Mints. Ow. Eden Rev. Keys of Eliniville preached here on Sunday last in place of our pastor, who preached missionary ser- mons at Whitten and Zion.—Mr. Mea- nerof Stephen visited his brother here on Sunday last.—Mrs. Tout. Cayes is visiting her mother, Mrs. Sheardown, at Mitchell for a few days.—Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ductile visited at T. Brook's last Sunday.—Mks Tela Bus- well of Lucan spent Sunday under the parental roof. —A number of relatives and friends spent a very pleasant time at the home of Wm. Coates on Thurs- day evening last. Harpley Miss Lila Sberritt entertained a num. ber of friends on Friday evening, but owing to the disagreeable weather there was considerable disappoint- ment. --Dr. McLeish purchased a val- uable, handsome driver from J. Sber- ritt.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Webb, Mrs. T. Perlis. Mr. and Mrs. J. Sberritt and others spent a very enjoyable day last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. .1. L. Amon, of Brinsley.—Harpley can boast of a skating rink these days. Hillsgreen: Hagan Bros. have sold their handsome black team to Charles Jones. of Stratford. They received a very handsome price for the span. The purchaser bought thorn for an un- dertaker's outfit. BEFORE AND AFTER TREATMENT. C�tllauiiall 'i't.?tterino is an absolute certain cure for Hcreme, Acne Rosen, Tetter, Pimples, iltackhe ids, Ringworm, Barbers' Itch Scald stead, Itching i Iles, t'leers, rs Soa, and all cutaneous and taci it blemishes. Ilan been thoroughly and sueeva'Julty tested in hundreds of so called incurable case,. It is entirely unlike any other preparation, mixture or ointment that has been sub' or pre- scribed. A few aplications will convince that Is has wonderful -medical vir•.ae and intrinsic merit. 11 is made in Canada. A good honest Cana. dian prepar.stion. Price one fox Fifty Cents, or fire boxes Two Dollars Mailed to any address on receipt of price. Sohl ani recommended by all leading i ag- gi.t, in Canada. Pamphlet free to any address. Manufactured and aO l try the nese proprie- tors. Tho Tett.rine Chemical Co. Windsor, Ontario. Sold in Exeter by J. W. Browning, %V. S. Cole, (rott- Hensall The furniture and fixtures of the late Sovereign Batik were shipped from here last week --Mr. Maunders received the sad intelligence, last week, of the death of his brother in the old country.—We regret to learn that John Blatchford isnot improving very Much from his serious attack of illness.—Mr. Short of Crediton visited his daughter here last week.—Mrs. Muskalonge is seriously ill with meas- les and inflammation of the lunge.— Miss Myrtle Bengough has secured a good position as assistant milliner in Blyth.—Cooper Forest was taken ser- iously ill last week and his condition caused his family much alarm.—The friends of Mr. Yuill, who was taken with a severe attack resembling para- lysis last week, are glad to hear he is somewhat better.—Garnet Cudiuore who has gone onto the permanent re- lieving staff of the G. T. It. has gone to Port Credit.—The managers of the Methodist church sheti are endeavor- ing to devise a lock which will be suit- able for the doors. They have not as yet struck on the right thing. --Sun- day Rev. Curry of Londeeboro will preach the League anniversary ser- mons. He was formerly junior pastor bore and quite popular. The following interesting descrip- tion of Bengali appears in a Sunday School paper called Pleasant Hours, and is from the pen of a young boy:— Our village is situated on a branch of the G. T. R., about thirty-nine miles north of London, in the fertile County of Huron. It was surveyed in 1875, and corporated in 1897. The corpora- tion now contains 500 acres of land, and has a population of 900. There are two and a half miles of cement sidewalks within its boundaries. The toren is beautifully built. The houses are large, and chiefly of brick; the streets wide, and lined on either side with beautiful trees. A prominent Methodist clergyman stated that he had travelled frorn Halifax to Van- couver and had not seen a prettier vil- lage than this. It is perhaps the chief onion centre of Ontario. Onions and flax are grown here in abundance. These industries give employment to a large number of men, women and children. Besides our two flaxmills, boast of two saw mills, two planing mills, a flour mill, an oatmeal mill, a foundry, an electric plant, and an ev- aporator. Our town has also the dis- tinction of being under Local Option. The by law was carried on Jan. 7tb, 1907, by a vote of almost two to one. Since then the liquor element have been trying to crush it, but so far have been unsuccessful. Yours sincerely, Bert Stoneman. Zurich Mr. and Mrs. John A. Curry of Tux - ford, Sask., were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ebnes.—E. R. Young of London has been appointed accoun- tant of the local branch of the Molsons Bank.—J. P. Rau of the Commercial, visited Berlin and Waterloo, last week.—Mrs.e L. Zeller has returned from a visit with her parents at Mer- lin.—Mrs. D. A. McLaren of Akron, Mich., spent a few days here. -'A grand ball and supper will be held on March 2nd, in Raut's Hall.—Irwin Mot - ter of Dauphin, Man., visited in town, last week.—C. Schrag spent part of this week, in Tavistock and Wood- stock.—Jacob Weld() has rented bis farm near Dashwood to John Rohde for a term of years. Mr. Weido and faunily will likely move to Zurich. -- The Jubilee Band has been reorganiz- ed. This is an institution that all citi- izens are interested in, as a good Bann is a valuable advertisement, for a town as well as a pleasure to its residents and visitors. I awls.—The many friends of George Katzenmeiner, a former resid- ent of Zurich, will learn with regret of his death, which took plaice at his home near Rodney on Sunday. he hav- ing reached the age of 47 years, 7 months and 15 days. Deceased came to Zurich front New Hamburg about twenty-five years ago and worked as a tailor for Mr. E. Appel, for a few years. After leaving town, he went to Port Sanilac, where he ram a gents' furnishing business for several years. and returning to Ontario he located on a farm abont a mile from Rodney, where he resided until his death. -- Mrs. Henry Nile, Sr., departed this life on Feb. 15tb, at the home of her son Ben Pflle, having reached the age of 85 years, 10 months and 21 days. The deceased had been in fairly gond health until September last when she took to ber bed and gradually weaken- ed until the end came. The funeral took place to the Bronson Line and was attended by a large number of friends and relatives of the deceased. Mitchell: A very and and unexpect- ed death took place at nn early hour Monday, when the beloved wife of Wm. Barthel. aged 3:3 years. died sud- denly. Besides her hushend, two children, the eldest a little girl, aged four years, and a baby boy one week old, survive. Save This Anyway. Here is a simple home-made mix- ture as given tiv an eminent au'hority on Kidney diseases, who makes the statement in a New York daily news - wiper, that it will relieve almost any ..sone of Kidney trouble if taken before the stage of Bright's disease. Ile +tares that much t•yrnptonty as lame h.trk. pain in the ride. frequent desire t.. nr.mite, especially at night; pain. ' nl ',.d di+colored 'irivatino, are read- ily overcome. Here is the recipe; try it: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one•half amis.; •; l` p•,rtud K,ugnn. one ounce: C'unponud Syron Mit r!,.p: ri1Is• three souls'.. Tk• . teaspoonfel •tftereneb •noel sod •tr h••d'int.•. \ well kn.1 sr., druggist ti.:..• in town . won •tity .hit the•+'• inutediet.t. ......11 ft a ul.•ss ,nd wts,ly ntix, d at t•nn• tet-h•eki..g %veli in • tr'nttle. This tn'xrn.e h.- t i► cnlir,r he.ellntt . 1 - . •' h. 'g • 11 et tip.. e I he ,emir. Ki lie ... .1 1.''-,n.re 'a 'moor... aryl •, jl rel •'.. r •n.e•- ire, %thirst f trtlts of Rheum .!. -In at jest .. bt►I• while. rnis ries, •• is • r41 to rent. ter •411 •1• 'et d—s.,1 - • ,1 .r,- the !Victim. '.111 • y f.'a. u.tf ' b • K nl"et 'o filter •11t1 .11 41•• 11oot th • 1•I . •ti and sy•'tetn .al uric acrd ,end fou), decomposed waste nutter. which cause these atll ice tionQ. Try it if you aren't well. save the prescription. "TIIIS IS IT— St. George's Baking Powder —the baking powder that makes the best Bread—the nhitest Biscuits —the lightest Cake and Pastry -- you ever saw." "Order a can NOW—so you will be sure to have ST. GEORGE'S for your next baking." li'nte f,. f• rt ropy of out ,tt:v Cook -Cowl. National iii ug & Chemical Co. of Canada ',Muted, Montreal. as McGillivray Wm. Fraser of West McGillivray) has sold bis stock of dry goods, groc- eries, etc., to Wm. Pumfrey of Park- hill, who gets possession in a week or so. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Pum- frey to our midst.—Miss Barbara Mc- Atfrey who has been laid up with the grip is greatly improving.—Mrs. Ellen Fogarty, wife of tbe late John Fogar- ty, of McGillivray Township. died at Mt. Pleasant, Mich., on the 22nd inst. The remains arrived at Lucan on Monday for burial at St. Peter's ceme- tery on the Exeter road. Khiva Sickness is the order of the day around Khiva.—Mr. B. Cunningham's hand continues very sore. Dr. Mc- Laughlin saw fit to operate and one of bis fingers was taken off. His son, Freddie, who has been laid up with inflammation of the lungs, is some- what better.—Miss Mary O'Rourke is on the sick list.—Miss Nora Collins is confined to her bed on account of la grippe.—Tru Collins returned home after spending a few days with his sis- ter, Mrs. B. Mulligan, of Dublin.— Miss Nellie McCaffery, of Dutton. is visiting at Patrick Sullivan's.—Miss Mary McDonald was a visitor at Angus McDonald's the past week.—Miss An- nie Hanover, who has been working in Exeter, has arrived home, Lucan Zack McCormick, who has conduct- ed a general store here for the past fifteen years, is disposing of his entire stock, having last week completed ar- rangements to take possession of the Queen's Hotel on May 1. He has not only purchased the furnishings, but takes over the hotel property. Wm. Fogarty, the present proprietor, goes out of the hotel business for the second time, although his present lease does not expire for two years, Ill -health and a good bargain induced hien to re- linquish his lease on May 1. Mr. Mc- Cormick's genial gcod-nature and pop- ularity will help to make him a model hotel titan. —The death occurred on Friday night of John Thompson of London Township at 77 years of age. His wife who was Rachael Abbott, daughter of the late Wnt. Abbott. of Biddulph, predeceased hint four years.—On Thursday the curlers suff- ered defeat at Exeter, and on Friday lost to Parkhill here by three shots.— At Clandeboye on Feb. 18th the death occurred of Mrs. Patton, mother of Andrew I'attton.—James Brown and bride have returned from their honey- moon trip. A brother of Mrs. W. IL Stanley, David Stamm, died at Dutton Friday. —Jack Foster, of Chicago, was here last week attending the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Fred Foreman, of Granton, who died 1Vednesdayy, after ae illness of ten days.—Miss Margaret Keefe, of Jackson, Neb., who visited relatives here and in Biddulph for five months, left Monday to spend the sumtner in Cleveland and Philadelphia. — Miss Dora Atkinson, of Exeter, is visiting Mrs. Wnt. Haskett.--Prof. Patterson, of London, preached in the Presbyter - inn Church Sunday.---li. Wheatley, of Woodstock, has taken a position with W. P. Stewart. harness maker.—Mrs, (leo. Breen, of London, who is visiting Miss McGrath, will, with her husband, shortly move to the West. They are former residents of Biddulph.—Tho members of holy Trinity Church have decided to erect it new church, to cost abort $10,1111). One rnenaher will pay one-tenth of the cost. ras 'Er 3A, Wri AROUND ABOUT IIS illhallikAlesalsseaa. ahaaa�a Seaforth: The death took place in Seaforth, on Thursday last, of Jane Crown, relict of the late NVilliarn Montgomery, at the age of 71 years. Goderich: Chas. ('ollett, attempted to take his life at the King Edward Hotel here Friday nightby fastening It roller towel athoul his neck and ty- ing it to some fixture in his roots. St. Marys: Mr. and Mr's. Jas. Fin- wiek rind son \Villiatn, of the 111il1 Store, had a narrow escape from asphyxiation by coal gas recently. They were very nearly overcome, tint aroused themselves and are now al- right. Clinton: Mrs. Thos. Shipley receiv- ed wind the i•ther day of the death of her brother, i,Iwerence John Shaw, %t ho died in l)+ikota1, on 1Vc'1nesd ty Ina aged ter years and 5 mon tha. De - copse.) will hr r'rnemlwred as it former Cliutonian. Parkhill: The in lrriage of Mi's `tu'ttt S•tnthern, danghter of Mrs. Rachel Smith ern, Toronto, to George Laves y, of P•erkhill, was solemnized in ti, Gerrard street Methodist church •.n Wedne•dar evening at 8 o'clock, frith Re'. Hoiths olB, St. Marys: B.rrglars broctatingke into the lir and Ti 'ink station on Sundey even- ettg rind waalke i .•ff with the keys and t few trines. They fo,ind no money in the till. Entrance was secured by removing the glass front a window and 'tuning the catch. There is no clue to the identity of the culprits. Tuckerstuith: We regret to learn of the serious illness of Miss Jessie Landsborough. She contracted a sev- ere cold a few weeks ago, which deve- loped into congestion of the. lungs. Other complications have set in and she continues in a very critical condi- tion. Blansbat•d: One of the oldest sett- lers of Blanchard passed away on Feb. 14th, in the person of Mrs. Ann Slack, relict of the late John Slack. Mrs. Slack, whose maiden name was Miss Chittick, carne from the County of Fermanagh, Ireland, about tki years ago, settling in lllansbard. She was possessed of sterling qualities and be- loved by all who knew her. Tuckersmith: On Monday evening, the house of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Pep- per was besiege -11,y about sixty of their friends and neighbors of the Nest End. who assembled with a shower of granite and other valuable presents to their daughter, Mrs. F. Layton, in honor of her recent mar- riage. Seaforth: The annual meeting of the Robert Bell Engine & Thresher Company, Limited, wets held at the company's office on Wednesday, when a very satisfactory statement was pre- sented, showing sales for the year of $183,000, being an increase of over 50% over the previous year. The financial statement of the company was submit- ted, and was highly satisfactory to the shareholders. Fullerton: The Methodists have the material laid down for a brick church which will have basement and all the conveniences of a tnodern build- ing. The site is directly across tbe road, from the present frame struc- ture. The Baptists are prepared to enlarge their present frame church, and will put basement walls under it. They will then have a fine church pro- perty. Their tnanse is one of the fin- est brick buildings in the vicinity. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constt• tutional disease, and in order to cure it you must ake internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces. hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medi- cine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescrip- tion, It is composed of the best tonics knows, com- bined with the beet blood purifiers, acting directly on the nntrotissurface•. The perfect combination of the two ingredients i4 what produces ouch wonder 1u1 re-.iI; in ring Catarrh. pr ad for testttnonials f ree. F. .1. CIIENEY S CO., Props., Toledo, 0, Sold by druggists, prise ; i,• . Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Preacher's Opinions Rev. P. K. McRae, Forks 1laddeck, " C. B.: "I always count it a pleasure to ' recommend the Dr. Slocum Remedies to my parishioners. I believe there is nothing better for throat and lung troubles or weakness or run down syn• tem. Fur speaker's sore throat 1 have found Psychlns very beneficial." Rev. W. H. Stevens, Paisley, Ont.: "Psyching seemed just the stimulant my system needed. I shall add my testimony as to its efficacy at every opportunity." . Rev. R. M. Browne, Amherst Head, N.B., "I have often recommended Psychine since taking it myself, for it is a cure for the troubles you specify." Rev. Chas. Stirli . Bath, N.B.: "I have used Psychinv in my family; the results were marvelous. I have visited people who state that they never used • its equal. I strongly recommend it. 1 Rev. J. S. I. Wilson, Markdale, Ont.: "I have taken two bottles of Psychino and ant pleased to say that I ant greatly improved in bealtb. I was troubled fwith my throat, but now I find it about restored to its normal condition. I find my work very much leu taxing. [ believe Psyching is all claimed for it. ' These are earnest preachers of the gospel of Psychine. They know where- of they speak. Psychiue cures all throat, lung and stomach troubles. It is a great voice strengthener, acting directly on the vocal, respiratory and digestive organs, thus specially adapted to public speakers. At all druggists, 60e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. Clinton: W. W Nimens received word last week of the death of Iris sis- ter. Mrs, Wesley Wilson, which occur- red at Winnigeg, it few days since from pneumonia. She was the footth eldest daughter of the late (George Nimens, and will be remembered by our readers as Miss Rosie Nuncio,. She was only married about. 3 y. at s ago. and leaves a husband, and daugh- ter 4 months old. Russeldale: The Mt. Pleasant church anniversary passed off very success- fully, Rev. F. J. Langford preached very acceptably on Sunday to two large congregations, and on Monday night the oyster supper brought out a large crowd in spite of the recent weather. The speakers were Revs. .1. Veale of Kirkton, A. C. Baker of Full- erton and R. McKay of Cromarty. C. J. Pink, tenor soloist, of Loudon, delighted the audience with it number of well rendered selections. The pro• ceeds amounted to $131.11. Cr 1'5CUITSTo 4•ERRIN1 About 98 to the pound.- Invitingly crisp and 2' _ tasty. Unique and original design. Seeds of this beautiful "Sesta Rosa" NMI/ . sive. abealweh free Seeds Free A large grower of poppies says : " Your ' Santa ltrwis an exceptionally fine min etre of Shirley Poppies, by far the lest we have seen " tt'e wall give abs..lutely free a ineknge of these seeds to every person who will send for our new han'taomely IUuserated 1909 Catalog**. 1f you prefer, you may have a package of our Canadian Gem Turnip or Can.,da's Pride Tomato seed in plate r.1 the poppies. Write to -day and name your choice Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd. London, Ont. 4 owhere Does Strength Count for More In a Savings Company It Nothing is more reasonable than the demand all people make that they be assured of the strength of the Company with which they deposit their money. The Huron & Erie satisfies this demand. It has been a sound financial institution for more than testy years each year gaining in strength, and gaining in the good esteem of the pul.l:c. These figures slow its present Commands Confidence. satisfactory position : Capital sub- scribed, $3,500,000; Capital paid- up, S1,900,000; Reserve Fund, $1,600,000; Assets, over 511,- 000,000. Nearly 510,000,000 are invested in first mortgages on the choicest farm; and other real estate in Western Ontario. Deposit your money here, of buy a Ifuron & Erie Debenture. Correspondence gladly entered into. 0 1 Loan & Savings Co., London, Ont.