HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-27, Page 40.11010 Why not make yourself a present One That Will Look Well Wear Well and Last Well A suit of Clothes or an Overcoat would be just the thing and some- thing that would afford the wearer eutnfort as well as the pleasure of know- ing that he is well dressed. We Have the Very Latest Collies and Patterns. J. H. Holtzmann CRE1)iTON (5zet.et p buoi ate, Sanders & Creech, Props. THURSDAY, Feb. 27, 1908 NOTE AND COMMENTS Hon. Nelson Monteith proposes to restrict the employment of children in shops and factories to twelve years of age and ten hours ' day. Hon. G. P. Graham proposes to add three members to the Dominion Board of Railway Commissioners, one at $9000 per annum and two at $8000 per annUM. In a little more than a hundred years, according to government figur- es, the population of the world has grown from 010,000,000 to 1,000.000,000 an increase of 150 per cent. At the end of so many hundreds of centuries, in other words, there were in the world in 1800 only 040,000,000 of per- sons, and in one hundred years from 1800 to 1900 to this number had been added 9110,000.000. An important law bill before the legislature is one to make London an Important trial centre, and provides that all proceedings of any action which may tie heard and disposed of before a judge in court or by a justice in chambers 'nay be heard at weekly sittings in London if solicitors of ah parties reside in Essex, Kent. Lamb - ton, Hnron, Middlesex, Elgin. Perth or Oxford. At present the motions coating front these counties are almost invariably made in Toronto. J. W. Pearce, M. P. P. for North Hastings, in the Legislature is desirous of amending the Assessment Act with a view to assisting the small grist stills which at present pay a business tax cn 00 per cent. of their value, while tnerchants are assessed at 25 per cent,. He claims that the small mills of 100 barrels capacity perilty, or less, should have their assessment fixed at 25 per cent. in order not to have the big mills crowd them out of business. Many a hamlet and village in Ontario is very largely dependent for their business on the small mill that twinge in the farmers. i'ItIEST 51 CST OFFICIATE. Tho question of mixed marriages has been receiving considerable attention from prelates of the Roman Catholic church of late, and several new le- stricticns have been made with regard to such marriages. This will mean that any Catholic who is married by a clergyman of another faith, by n mag- istrate, or any other public offish!. will be refused the sacraments of the church, and the Marriage will be con- sidered invalid by the church author- ities. Heretofore a member et the Roman Catholic church was granted the right to contract a marriage with A member of a different belie.( and the ceremony could b.' performed by a priest of any other authorized person. Goshen Line Stephen Miss Annie Yearly bee returned to her home here from London, where she has been visitinat since New Year's. —Mrs. John Dinney, of Oshawa, visit- ed at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dinney'e for a couple of days last week.—Mrs. Johns, who is keeping house for her brothers. R. and W. Daveyy, had a successful quilting bee on Friday last. in the evening a number of friends gathered, and at good time was spent in games anti other amusements. --On Monday evening a sleigh load of our young people drove to Thos. Keys,' on the loth concession, where everybody enjoyed themselves to their heart's content. A Doctor's Medicine Ai, er's Cherry Pectoral is not a simple cough syrup. it is a strong medicine, a doctor's medicine. it cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases, chronic cases of asthma, pleu- risy, bronchitis, consumption. Ask your doctor about this. Tho h."st kind of a testimonial — "Bold for over sixty ',soars." ...sasrsasi 4. Wadies. J. f A t.•r t, , r.ews11. }rasa. Aso a.a,.u:.ctarsrs or c. lL1 aRc4R4Rr. ' rats. .10 ..'• Se, sASIR 1100$. Ws bate ao eeer•4.1 W pwbllab rho tcr.-,ulas of all our s•ad*eiae•. You well hasten recovery by tale. Ins one of Ayer's P91e at bedtime. I AUDITORS' ABSTRACT. 1 Abalraet of receipts and expenditure for t ase o1 Exeter for the .ear lta07 alcEIITs Balance from 19u6 w per Auditors' report Arrears of taxes j Interest on arrears of taxes Taxes collected for municipal purposes License fund Fines and fees streets, bridge* and publk property Pon tax 800 Rents of tillage property 47 60 hhare of Railway taxation 14336 Legislative grant to schools 174 00 Public school board 2644 90 Moneys farrowed on bill. payable 406000 Interest cu lmsetmeeds and deposits 43 40 Street watering 27100 Cemetery 807 03 Miscellaneous b4 98 Special rate re Canning Company • 950900 4 33360 63 Paulin he Vit- Adair Grieves Baird "0731". Ellis skip 11 1931 Fenn 1070063 McLeod 8°8 OU Dawson 7500 Mitchell skip 10 11.1. EXETER seising games Pym Taman Huston S. Sweet skip b Bawden J. Taylor Jones A. Taylor skip 8 EXPENDITURE County rate Streets, drains, etc. Legg fees Town hall account Salaries and commissions Board of health Printing, stationery and postage Water supply and fire protection Charities Re8biatration itil►s payable and redeemed Interest other than debenture interest Street lighting l'ublic Library Street watering Refund error in assessment Fine. and fees u ranolithic pavement debenture debt Railway debenture debt Fire engine Exeter Canning Co. debenture debt Election expenses Cemetery Misr ellaneous Public school Public school board fuel '• Secretary and Janitor • • " miscellaneous $ 507 3.1 3338 2(1 67 10 100 10 742 00 1000 144 22 45691 2920 12 20 406010 6400 1194 40 135 00 25650 300 1000 810 33 789 10 63668 967812 2200 1418 37 36657 397201 82 12 335 83 463 13 $ 29962 37 Statement of Assets and Liabilities Dec. 31st, 1907 Cash in Treasury 0 3401 26 Taxes Inarrear, 11943 Land, including parks 16,10 00 Buildings and furniture, exclusive of school 650000 Water works 2800 00 Fire hall and appliances MAX) 00 Public Library books in same 1500 00 School property,land buildings and contents 1000000 Market buildings and weigh scales 40000 Band inetruments and uniforms 250 00 Stortgage on Canning Factory and plant 950000 $ 40073 71 LIABILITIRI Local a( hoot rate, due and unpaid; Local improvement work Aid to railways Ronald Engine debenture debt Canning Factory debenture " Total receipts brought down By expenditure $ 3356 86 3874 26 4072 84 75000 1000000 $ 22253396 $ 33366 63 99969 37 Balance d 310126 This is to certify that we the undemrentioned auditors hate examined the deeds and mortgage of the Exeter Canning A Preservin Co.; also the lnsur- anee policies from the different Companies, the same being made over to the Corporation of the tillage of Exeter as per requirement. James Beer Auditors Christie Exeter Council The council of the Village of Exeter suet in the Town Hall on Feb. 21st. Members all present. Minutes of the pees boas :acetic—a; read and approved. A communication from the Hobbs Manufacturing Co., London, re Fire Alarm bell was read. Af ter discussion the clerk was advised to secure prices for a 30 in. bell. The report of the Good Roads By- law as laid over from last tneeting was reopened and discussed. Johns-- Fuke—that whereas the amount of $100,000 has already been expended on county roads within the County of Huron, and as theprincipatl roads in the county are in first-class condition that our reeve be instructed to oppose the present county roads by-law now under consideration, and to support the action already taken asking the Legislature to grant their proportion for the building of county bridges.— Carried. Mr. N. D. liardon, secretary of the local branch of the Sanatorium Associ- ittioo, laid on the table communica- tions as received, regarding a confer- ence of municipal representatives to be held in the city of Toronto on Mar. let —Filed. The commissioner reported Laving r•eee•ived front Harvey tiros. $10), and 11r,:+T ayfor Co. $2:3.12 for water sup- plied during 1907. Johns-- Knight—that James Wilson be paid $2.I0 being an error in assess- ment of 1:107.—Carried. Fuke—Knight—that the Village of Exeter be omitted from any scheme of county roads that may be adopted by the County Council, and be fully re- imhursed for any amount the village may pay to the county roads fund In case a county scheme is established. and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the county clerk. Carried The report of the municipal auditors was received and accepted. and on motion of A. E. Fuke and %V. J. Bea- man the auditors he paid $12 ench for their services.—Carried. The following '4ccounte were read and orders drawn on the treasurer for the sante—Tithes I'rintingCo.,acconnt to Feb. 20, $59.60, W Gillespie labor 81.4, 0 Cud more $2.75, T Brock $2.00, F Mellott 75c, M Sanders 1.12, A Biss- ett 4.12, T Cookson 75e, A Taylor 1.50, W J Bissett meals for tramps 75e, T Manders 1.50, T Elliott 75e, D Gillis 1.25. W Jacobi 75c, R Qmance 6.3n, W Sweet 1.50. C Clarke 1.12; amounting to $113.70, prssed on motion of Fuke-- Johns. Mike—Ad ournnlent. J. Senior, Clerk. Lucan & Parkhill Curlers Here Two rinks of Lucan and two rinks of Pat khill curler+, all good fellows, welt. herr: on Thursday last and play- ed gamma with the Exeter boys. The l,nc.+1) rinks were beaten by the Exe- ter rinks both morning and afternoon. while the evening game. with Park• hill resulted in favor of the visitors. The scores: LtucAN Ex i.TvI: Morning games. Rev. ('arliele Mutton Ward Tay for McEcaen Tainan ('nuraey skip 10 Rev. Collins skip 16 Lags Farmer Iles kshaw flaw Glen Bowden y Mttett Hodgins skip 15 Mist ecu -kip 20 Afternoon games %Va rd ('raw Icy �+nlfth ('oureey skip lo 1•nyc Hawk shags Iliwden Ili ilgins :kap 12 Senior Taylor Rev. Collins 7 atnatt skip l:i F. SR !Vt. Pyin Huston S. Mneet skip 15 Greenway MIS. ltoht. English spent a few days the past week with her sister, Mrs. A. Smithers.—Mi. and Mrs. Thos. Stew- ardson spent a few days with friends in Exeter.—Miss Mary Amos of Bring - ley called on Greenway friends.—Jas. Brophy and Mrs. E. Stinson visited friends at Corbett.—Mise Marie Wood of McComb is visiting at J. Turner's "Sundown".—Jets. Brophy called on friends at the Bend.—Mrs. Jas. Eagle- son of Craig is spending a few days at W. England's.—Mr. and Mrs. Win. Brown visited relatives in Kirkton for a few days. —Mrs. W. J. Wilson spent Monday at Ed. Mason's.—A. M. Wil- son and wife spent Sunday with Bev. R. L. Wilson, Staffa.—A nulnberof the young people of this vicinity spent a very pleasant evening on 1'riday last at the hotue of John Gill, Grand Bend. —Miss Mattie Stewardson is visiting friends in Forest.—A. Webb, R. Mer- ritt. and Misses E. Sherritt, M. Foster, M. Stinson, and Miss 0. Patrick of Lucan were guests of Miss Mae Wil- son on Sunday last.—Thos. Bullock and wife spent Monday with their daughter Mrs. J. Prance, Hutchinson. —Chas. Cults and wife spent a pleas- ant evening at the botne of W. J. Wil- son.—Miss Zillah English entertained a number of her friends one evening last week. Crediton The friends of Miss Lillian Gaiser will be pleased to hear that she has been successful in securing honors in primary piano at the recent Examina- tions of the London Conservatory of Music. Miss Geiser is a pupil of Miss Doyle of Parkhill.—Miss Rose Fink- beiner of Berlin visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Finkbeiner last week.—Special revival meetings are being held in the Evangelical church this week. Rev. L. H. Wagner, Pre- siding Elder of Berlin, is assisting in the services. We trust they will be of great spiritual benefit.—Gabriel Holtz- man of 'Zurich was in the village Mon- day.—We are pleased to state that Misses Lena Wilhelm and Laving Klumpp, who have been quite ill the past week, are recovering.—Freeman Heist of Pelhelin is visiting his -uncle, August Hoist for a few weeks.—Sam- uel Kuhn purchased a handsome par- lor organ from S. Martin & Son of Ex- eter, a few days ago.—Miss Ella Link is spending at few days In Exeter the guest of her aunt Mrs. Wm. Kunz.— Mrs. Geo. Hohnlever and Mrs. Eli Link and family, who have been visit- ing their parents Mr. and MIs. Mathew Winer, returned to their respective homes in Hanover and Winnipeg on Tuesday.— Special quarterly services will be held In the Evangelical church, next Saturday and Sunday. The Rev. L. H. %Vaguer. P. E., will officiate.— II. Either. M.Y.P., of Toronto spent hist Sunday at home.—Mrs. Christian Falmer is vision her sister sisterMrs. Miss Della Brown was in Dashwood last Sunday visiting her cousin Miss Ada Siebert. -- Wm. Schrader and Miss Laura Jory of Exeter visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Homier last Sunday.—Mrs. Charles 7wicker is spending a few days in Lon- don with friends.—The Hoole of Mat- thew Morlock was the scene of it -jolly gathering last Friday night when bis family and grandchildren gathered to celebrate his ftlith birthday. Speeches were delivered and the evening spent with singing and partaking of an ele- gant supder. We join in congratulat- ing Mr. Morlock on having attained his advanced age and we trust he will be spared for many years nmongst us. a Dashwood Miss Aldo Ilartlieb was visiting her friends at Exeter last week. --Cyrus Lucas, of Elnno Township. visited her friends in this community a few days during the week. -0. W. Shore, our Public School Teacher, made a busi- ness trip to Vatna Friday evening, re- turning here on Sunday.—Miss Emma °allies leaves this week for London, where she has secured a good situs. tion.—John Hoffman has been en- gaged by the Pinning Co. here for the ensuing year.—Messrs. Oliver Gray- biel and Albert Weltln were in Exeter on hnsiness Monday last. %VKDInw.—On %Vednesday. at 4 p. m., at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. John Schlundt war united in holy wedlock to Miss Annie Bender, of this place. The contracting patties are well and favorably known in this community, and the best wishes of their many friends at -e extended to thein. (Fein another S.,ur.e) While Mr. P. Mcisaac, our tinder - taker, was nn his way to conduct a funeral near West ,McGillivray on Tuesday afternoon in the storm, be got in a rut and his hearse was turned over, but, luckily, no damage was done. A Water Number of "Rod sad Gra". When Winter is King in Canada the delights of the Dominion come out in manifold force. The woods put on new beauties anti aportstnen turn to the open, sure of fresh pleasmres and increased enjoyments. Whlteracenes are so characteristic of Canada, so much misunderstood abroad, and so heartily enjoyed within the borders of our own wide rntintr•y, that Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada, pub- lished by %V. J. 7avlor at Woodstock, Ont., in isrriing a Winter Ntui►her NMI directing 1,11(0tion to the wonders of that season in Canada. is doing good service. The delights of it snowshoe tramp tire not exceeded by any other form of matinee plea.ure ann experts tell of experiences which mike the blood tingle and the longing tome again with ten -fold forty to again find ones self on the 'shoes. While %Vin• ter is prominent throughout for the' nnenhet• there i. plenty of other fare' for the sportsman who may be ()Artie' Wally recommended to the. valuable paper on the Woodcock, by Mr. John Arthur llopt•, and the fine story of Crossing the Waterway-', by Martin limiter. The whole number is such Al could only he produced by a magas.. ine having Canada ns its field. K@CDKIMM R �.MCo PERFECTION Eq M ,!►,aar.ti��. OOMEY BISCUIT & CANDY STNAliOgO CANADA Sodas The perpetual charm of freshness and crispness —of daintiness and dell- ciousness — is in every box of Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas —held captive by the air -tight, moisture -proof packages. There is a best in everything. In Biscuits, it's MOONEY s. 10e Woob'8 T osyleU , The Great lingliS4 Remedy. 1011e201 nod i n t .:or.sten the whole nervous e7 ':...,, tuakos now loodin old Vvine. Cures Nero- ous Debilit Menta! and (train Worry, Des- i'on•leru•y, Sexual JVeaknewr lirni3xionv, Sper. n•rtorrhma, and Elide of Abuse or En -eases. Trico 31 per box, six for SS One will pleaso six will curd. Sold by all ddruggista or trailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. Acta pamphlet mailed Jrce. The Wood Medicine Co. (formerly )Vinthror) Toronto, Ont, Grand Bend Rev. J. F. Sutcliffe of the Grand Bend Circuit has received and accept- ed an invitation from the Talhotville Quarterly Board to become their pas- tor for the coming term. Mr. Sutcliffe has served four years on the Grand Bend Circuit and even now his parish- ioners are loath to let him go. %Vm, Nickel, who has been in Lon- don Hospital, arrived home last Wed- nesday, much Improved.—Mise Mills left for her home in Stratford Friday for a few days.—Mrs. Syrus Green held a rag bee lust Wednesday,— Messrs. Kellerman and Tiernan, of Dashwood, were in our burg Monday. —Will Beer of Exeter spent Sunday and Monday with friends aground here. —Robert Pollock, of the 21st con., re- ceived the sad news of the death of his mother last week in the West.— The concert on Tuesday evening was well attended.—Mr. and Mrs. Gravelle visited for a few days in Thedford and Port Frank.—Mrs. George Weeb, who has been sick, is improving.—Miss Jennie Disjardine visited at Port Frank for r► few days last week.—Mr. and Mrs. It. Hamilton, from the 5th concession, were visitors here Sunday. —It is reported that Mr. Willert, of the lith concession of Stephen, in- tends starting butchering some time after 1st of Apt i1. He has rented J. Disjardine's house. Success! inehelsea On %Vednesday evening of last week at few ft lends gathered at the home of Thomas Coward and spent at very en- joyable evening.—Ebner Coward re- turned to London Saturday-, after a week's vacation at his home here.— lliiss Linda Hunter, of Eliulville, and her cousin. Miss Bowerman, of Wil- low City, N. D. were the guests of Miss Elia Robinson on Saturday and Sunday.—Mrs. Elliott, of Thedford, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Thos. Coward, part of holt week, returning house on Saturday. Goderich: Chas. oss, eldest eon of Jas. Ross, Goderich tp., while work- ing on the track was instantly killed by the engine striking hire. DIAMOND DYES Give the Richest and Fastest BIaoka. " I have used your Dia- mond Dyes for many years with the greatest satisfac- tion. Your Diamond Dye 1$iacks for Wool and for Cotton are the best I have ever used. I have ;list colored a brown all wool serge dress which ltd become very faded. I used Black Dia- mond Dye for Wool, and it gives me great,leasure to say that I have now a glad dress equal to anything newts. !s tight " Mrs. J. Y. Cardin, Quebec, P.Q. Blacks are Fashionable. Black is the most useful of all colors and is more conspicuous in the general dress of women than ever before. Wo. nun of royalty, nobility and wealth, anti those in the humbler walks of life have a preference for black. Black can be worn at any season of the year. It is becoming for the young, middle-aged or old, awl c.in he worn by the blonde or brunette. Fashion from season to season wisely decrees that black is always stylish and in good taste. Diamond Dyes Will Do It. Dyeing a faded and spotted dress a rich Black, practically means a New Garment, because nine units in ten the cloth ie at goo l as new, To get a hill anti rich !clack is an easy and delightful task, if you use the Dia- mond Dyes. Get The Right Black, Diamond Dyes furnish nue class of .lyes for \%'nal anti Silk, and combi• :anon+ of Wool noel Silk, and another .:la811 t,f dyes for C..tlon, Linen, all 1 those combinations in which t.:o11nt1 or lien goner all; l.n clotlittat' . flew trc d iul.trtit.n r ml i'tele dyes which 1»etenrl to color all materials with one ye. Such dyes are dere rhino. All Ladies Cin Have Them. Send rat 3 Crlr name gnrl a,l !re.s anal v • ,:I snail lo you free of cast the fano,' . mond i'te Anneal, New Tedd'.-iic..r .'.It t an I Diamond 1)ye Cook Book. & RiC11.\Ri'FONCo., Ltistret ►ros1TRr.a7„ P.!l. ASK FOR (LONDON) India Pale Ale Prejudiced and unscrupulous veo.ars may suggest others• bat compare it oar war you will—purity. freedom from scidi:y. palatableness—Labatt's Ale is surpass- ed by noar. equalled by few—at a' oct laa:1 the price of best imported brands WAREHOUSES —AT— EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEROYE !n%'estigte int* the MBrits of the CENTRAL W* STBATFORD, ONT. Itis the most successful business training school in Western Ontario. Our Commercial, Shorthand f' and Telegraphy Departments are in charge of able G Highest Price paid for rain instructors of experience. Alt our courses are -thor- ough up•tadate and practical. We have become one of the largest business training schools in the Provihce. Uet our free catalogue and learn what we are doing Commercial sc•nools se well as buse- nese glen employ our e.. Students are en- RICH. n- R1CH. S E L D O N tering each week. Enter now. ELLIOTT & McLACHLAN, (Successor to Joseph (.'obbledick) Principals THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1x55) Head Mee, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over ▪ Montreal $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 IXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA - EXETER BRANCH - OFFICE (HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. -, k GENERA[. BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed acing Bank Department Until further notice interest on Savings accounts will be credited quarterly instead of half yeatlFF as tormerll. Deposit. of $I and upwards recelsad. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager, EXETER DIAMOND HALL FINEST JEVIELLERY OUR N1:\V STOCK OF Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Toilet Sets, Etc., Etc., has just been opened up and we may safely say that this is the finest stock that has ever been shown in Exeter. Our Coods are at Prices To Suit EVERYBODY They Will Suit You Cali and Examine Early A. MARCHANT, Exeter, Ont. Kirkton Geo. Vickers anti wife of ('hesley, are visiting at Silas Shire's.- James Hardy, of Chiliwhack, 11. C., is spend- ing at few days with his aunt Mrs. Jae. Kemp.— Robt. Robinson is away at- tending the funeral of bis brother. — Miss Stinson, of Dakota+, who has been visiting her relatives and other friends around here, was called home at the sudden death of her father.—The party given in Aberdeen Hell by the young 111011 of the neighborhood w•aa a decid- ed success. One of the main features of it was the presentation to Norman Balfour who intends going West in the near future.—Thos. Brock of Exe- ter was the guest at R. H. ('opeland's on Sunday Inst.—Mrs. John Avery, of Mitchell, is visiting her sister, Mrs. %V. J. Tufts.—Mrs. Win. Nazlewood is not improving and we ate sorry to h .0 1 f her illne+•'. While Mr. Edward Kennedy, asses- sor of the township of Illansherd for a ate•at. number of yeaus, was driving from his residence, 5th con. of flt:ui- shard, to Kirkton, and wan about half n mile on his journey. hP was soddenly o 'izetl with it p:iralvtic P11oke t►Inch rendered him unconscious in hie cot - 1'r. The horse, fortunately, of its own record, turned into Mr. David Kemp'+ f,rnl tesidencr, if :, mile front 11r. Ketinedf's home nil the FatltP Cnn(•t'g- ion. Medical aid was sunlri oned and no to a late hone Mr. Kennedy Was uoal.IP to take ant- malti-hno'nt lir medicine and his earp at that time was + .Prima one Jlrs. %Vru. Yule, of the lawn line 1'rhll•+r ton, fell di Wn cellar on Fr i.1 ty I ,-t and broke a number of rib. AP ,- t, ell as injttrinv her leo k. She ;s ,•onllried to her bed in cons - 1'n nee. -- a...tree Curt -t•, the vntrng Engli.hrrlan lit itlg with John Shiite, is alet• l •pirg I into as flrst•class farts hand.—Mrs. A. A. Spencer hag gone to the borne of her mother Mrs. Homey, in Exeter, to spent a few weeks while tecoving ' from an illness. -- Mrs. (leo. Leary is on at visit to her mother, Mrs. ('hap. pet. in !libber 1. She is also recover- ing from an Illness.—Wan. IBow11180, wife and son have returned to Exeter after visiting at John Shute's for a week. St, Marys: On Tuesday Mr. Jacob (1. Robinson had a fall in the new Car- ter elevator building which resulted rather seriously. Ile fell some 12 feet backwards, a+ scantling falling with hint and striking hint en the breast, inflicting n fray tore of the 1,tca'.t hone. -- Permanent Results "I had been suffering for over two months with an obstinate cough, as bad also my little girl. We tried several remedies common to any drug store without obtaining any apparent relief, in fact we were growing worse. I got a bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant from my druggist and inside of two days the cough was stripiest, and the results SO permanent and rapid that we deckled to keep it in our home continually. It011E:HT PALEN. itati• e. flttawa. Coltsfoote Expectorant is recognizes] the world ever as the best prescription ever used by the medical profession for Coughs, Colds, ('roup, llronehitis and Tightness of the Chest. Children like it. To introduce it into every home we will send a free sample to every person sending their name and address to Dr. T. A. `;locum, Limited, Toronto. Sold by all up to•dato druggists at 25e. Bead for Free 13atnple T041y. t1 1 ',