HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-20, Page 8, I &reat
Y V WV 'V ler V' r NV NI' V •
t►A Q,BaAAdl>dtA_!A�.A!
I Mis3 no,.. Swett is recovering free)
an attack of the gi ippe.
Luca') and 1'.11 k• hill cutlers are here
to -day to play games with the Exeter
Rev. Gauld, a returned missionary,
preached in the Presbyterian church
Sunday morning.
A special vestry tweeting of the
Trivitt Memorial Church will be held
to -night t'I'bureday).
Mr. Hobert Lea thorn has ren ted$ his
Tartu on the 2nd of Stephen to Mr.
18 Su l Is poi89,810,812 (•oaircng of fworest.four years. \1r. Heilman is
gMr. Wm. Ceultie, of E;liulville, hav-
ing rented Mr. William Blatchford's
osiksolYNisseVilhaelWielo house on Hain street, is preparing to
For the next :;tdays we are offer-
ing some .f the hest bargains in
suis th 1• were ever offered :n
lliii '11 (' unty.
Don't miss the Opportunity
Merchant Tailor,
Business Locals -- Read Them
Gabbing Rates.
There is no clubbing rate too good
for Anvot.t•re subscribers. We have
the best ao'I cheapest list that can he
secured, Red all you have to do is call
and take advantage of it.
Bargains in 108 E,iecc dinner sets at
Farm for sale.
5:31 acre t•,. m, situate west of the G.
T. It. and it •t th of the salt block, Exe-
ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bohier.
11.. 1011 to'itt a ladies' coon fur ja(•%:-
et! Stearn t has a beauty on salt rrry
Marriage Licenses issued at the Ad-
vocate office.
/'cess Melt Ladle ..' .'a,lrpl, cur
cO,rr.•. Big r,1l110. �teer,ut's.
Bone to Rent
Uu Willittnc street, brick story and
tali dwellint„ in good state of repair.
Apply to \Its. Perkins.
Ladies' Ir. ,1 lined rubbers. 1st qual-
ity. Bout's,. value 85c. l'1.•arinq at
,5(}.. stew:, res.
Voaclgesaues Remedies.
!rave von tried Vogelgesang's Kid-
ney (:-'ort ? Yes, its a wonderful rem-
e,ty. 'rhe heart is just as good. Try
.t once and you will be satisfied.
,V't. M. BL.tT(•ileoitn,
Agent for Canada.
pr. Ovens comfits.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
.rgeon, et ill be at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, February 2 .
t;';ts'es pro,.erly fitted snd diseases of
:ve, Ear and Nose treated.
ere -entice wasted
'1'., learn the art of barbering. Good
.nert boy. F. E. %Vii.Lis, Exeter.
W. \V. Taman was in Underirh Mon•
Rev. E. A. Fear has been invited to
OW ctin ., Ibird year at the Main street
. hutch.
Mesut•. P.tul Madge and A. E. Hod -
gout :u. it,'Ferenc() rept esenting beet!
shareholders at t he N.ttionel Port1ind
remelt! meeting.
Nits. John Rendle entertain4.1 a
outni. •r of her toast intimate f1 feuds
'o ;t very pleasant social evening on
Wednesday week.
\l, E lith `,orders left That -day
to attend tete millinery opening-. in
'relent.) of et• which she goes to Ein-
e.id 1P 10 (Ake 3 position.
'1'h.• I. .n.ton Advertiser states that
!tits. \Vtll Abbot, whose husband was
c.'ently kill...1 by an :uitomobile in
1. is angel.•-. hits entered a suit
sg .itt-• E iw tri R. Maier to recover
date lees fo the killing of her bus•
Iltttvta"s `YRUi'
\'HIT1: t'INE and TAIL
'.,Id only at Howey', I)rtg
',gore. Big bottle for 2.i..
+++++ i-++++++++++++++++'+$1•
+ Who+
Is Your Tailor
+ A
r., i•r ),est dressed
.1 ••at)'t mean to pay
rhea. .1/1St because
it swan pale a big
price for his Plot hes
dee•' l't tu.tke them
leek good. The n; . -
tetisl may be the
flne•elett the may
not b.• right. A).
ways the tatted and
}teat fabrics of the
10 itient at e het e.
O1r 1 tilonng is Hrat-
Pl.t.a Anil „•tr prirea
within re:c••h of All.
Merck t it iai'or • Exeter
The Main Street League visited the
Jame, Street Society eu 'Tuesday ev•
ming, furnishing a progr;uo, tthilt• CHANGEI) EACH WEDNESDAY
tet•• James street young pie la,. fel t:•
jetted a lunch.
The Exeter Berstein store is the Place tor
Bargain•: Just Received a Nes stock of
l uote and shoes.
Ever y pair is brand new and op-tu-
d.tt.' weals. Of course all go itt bar-
gain prices. Also in stock, a little lot
of cloths and tweeds and ready-inade
clothint'. This lot of cloths, tweeds
and clothing go at Just Half Price.
No humbug. We Mean half price.
This rattling cheap sale will commence
to -day (Thursday) 20th February.
J. W. Bttotnettic e, Exeter.
Brussels is agitating for a ('anning
Mr. Jos. Snell was able to resume
his duties in the Bank of Commerce
mote to town. The bachelors and henedicts hold
Mr. Lloyd Pryce Jones, who former-
their postponed assembly next Mon-
ly was organist in the Trivitt Mentor- day night.
ia1 church here and tater of Mitchell, A down pour of rain all Friday after -
has accepted the position of organist
and choirmaster in St. Paul's church,
Ingersoll. The salary is in the neigh•
tlorhood of 8575.
A rink of Exeter curlers consisting
of Messrs. Geo. Anderson. R. N. Tay-
lor, Alfred Taylor and Fred Bawden,
drove over to Seaforth Tuesday morn-
ing to take part in a bonspiel in that
town. In the first round Tuesday the
Exeter rink won from Fergus 20-13.
The boys also won the second round
from Seaforth 21-11, but were beaten
in the septi -finals by another Seaforth
rink 22-10.
Sovereign Bank notes or bills are
good for one hundred cents on the
dollar. The fact that the Sovereign
has banded over its business to the
other banks does not discount the
valve of the bills of the Sovereign var-
iety. People need have no hesitation
in accepting the hills as legal tender.
Any bank will take then on deposit
or change them for others. Once they
t each the banks however, they will no
longer see the light of circulation. As
they are gathered in the Sovereign
Bank bills will be forwarded to Otta-
wa, and credited to the bank's account
with the Dominion government.
The "big head" is a popular way of
expressing a common and very fre-
quent ailment. It arises from various
sources, but the real foundation ' is a
lack of sense. A little money develops
it in some people; a few good clothes
give it to others; a little office, where
a chance is given to exercise a little
authority, is often the cause of it.
while others get it having :t little bet-
ter job than their associates. The
truth is no sensible person gets the
"big head." The ones who become
stuck tip and stiff-necked from sources
of any kind, are weak in the intellec-
tual calibre.
The following has reference to the
grandfather of Mrs. J. C. Snell. Us -
borne, short mention of which we
made mention last week. "One of
the oldest residents of the Ittth con.,
Goderich tp., died on Feb. 11th, Mr.
William H. Swan, tit the ripe age of
SS years. He suffered paralysis some
time ago, and has been in poor health
since. He WAS horn in Cambridge,
Eng., he carne over to America and
settled in the United States hitt after
a few years came to Canada some fifty
years ttgo. Ile came to this part of
the country and settled on the lf3th of
Godetich tp. on which he has resided
for over -Itlyeats. Ile was well-known
.tnd highly respected. Ile leaves his
aged partner and a family of font-
ourdaughters and three sons.
Riche' Forecast for February.
A Heactionat y Storni Period will be
in progress :ts we pass from February
into March, the culminating stages of
whi •h will fall on March the 1st and
2nd. faking a se►newhat longer look
ahead, tv.• do not hesitate to say that
we expect 1111101 Cold. unpleasant
weather in February. March. and even
up to the end of April. especially in
central to northern esti eines of the
count) y.
Praic Meetisrt
At a meeting of the business raven
and others Tuesday afternoon it was
decided to call a meeting of the rate-
payers of the village on Monday eft;.,
Feb. 24th. at the Town Hall, for the
pitp:oe of disrnssing the advisability
of again submitting a by-law to the
ratepayers to grant a free site to the
filhhs Company for the evaporator,
the feeling being that the by-law was
not, understood when submitted 1e•
fore. Evet y ratepayer is teglested to
be present. It is practically certain
that the Company will withdraw• from
town if the site he not granted.
A. Q. 11.n:tt:it. Reeve.
eockes Match
The first game of hockey on Exeter
ice was played bet wet -n lien -all arid
Exeter teams on %Ve•dne-d y night of coiutr•il nn Monday ece')ing itt the
last week. being .1 r.•torn gantt'. A council chamber. A fair number .•f
fair attendance et••')ihusiests it ,,s pre- cow owners an:I 0111t•t- tt,-r.' present.
sent although the Light was far front Menit ors of the r•nuocil gate a teswnlp
pleasant, it di,..1y lain f.tlliag ell even- of the p••'ili.•r. 1,1 ti.• t••et a irt teg.tr(1
nag. The ice, however, was ut excel- to the matter of ratty• running at
lent ' •,nditirnl ane) 1he Bane•1teved a large. showingwhat the lawwas in
good one from eve)y point of view. regard to the matter• the liability of
The visitors were the victors by a
the tew1, •h1,10d any amid, lit happen
t n;P f 2, although the seers does
not liesessary indicate that the gang' 1•.tltc ev by ven ..f the
w:ts one-sided. The tirst half was
much in favor of the homesters, the
Hensall goal being continually bom-
barded. but not effectively, combina-
tion work not being it strong feature
of the home team. Some excellent in-
dividual work wits indulged in by the
boys. but each play never is effective.
Hensall boys were a unit As to their
playing, every roan doing his best to
play the cornliination, and the result
is proof of the fact. Irensall made the
first score after several minutes of
hard play. bat it was evened up )a'
fort` half time was called. in the se-
cnn,l half the referee allowed three for
ttenatll. although Exeter was positive
that one did not enter the nets, anti
Exeter secured one. %Vhitesid'tt of
Hen -all refereed and imposed sever
short penalties. an raid feature of
which was that Exeter men were al
ways those sent to the fence. except
in one instance when one from pitch
team took a rest. ('udmore for }len
sail and Creech for Exeter were gent
timpirf•s. The teams were: Bengali: -
Goal, Hemphill; point, Cameron; ('ev-
er point. Rickert: rover. ne•ngough:
forw.trds• Shepherd, Whit... Bitch ire
an. Exeter (coal. Aleer; point, Pal.
min? : ")CfT' 1• •int. 11 ttvltahae, • rover•
• w tot- 4 tr,in. St it Ilene
11 • 1
noon made the depth of snow dert'ease
The "Teruple of Fame" is to he pre-
sented in the Opera House shortly by
local talent.
A shooting match will take place on
Friday afternoon between picked sides
of local shooters.
Miss Ethel Armstrong, who has
been quite ill for some titne, is note
able to leave her bed.
Frederick Henry Down of Wood-
stock, a former Exeter boy, has been
appointed a license commissioner for
North Oxford.
Mr. W. R. Taft, of Toledo, who is
spending a week with friends at Cen-
tralia, was a pleasant caller at the
Advocate office Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Rowtcliftfe are
now comfortably situated in their new
home on Andrew street, having re-
turned to town from London.
Mrs. McDonell, who has been in a
rather low state of health, does not
show any signs of improvement. and
beim over 80 years of age, her recov-
ery 1s doubtful.
Those present at the home of Mrs.
W. J. Neaman on Friday last, at the
invitation of Mesdames Stewart, Sea-
man, Malloy and Clarke, enjoyed a
very pleasant evening.
Mr. Robt. Birmingham of Toronto
late organizer for the Conservative
party and a most enthusiastic Orange-
man, gave the Advocate a pleasant
call on Tuesday. Mr. Birmingham
will remain in the locality for a time
for the purpose of reviving the Orange
Lodge here and surrounding places.
The meanest man the printer has to
deal with is the fellow who gets be-
hind with his newspaper and then
sends in word to stop it. Ile should
remember also that the law allows the
printer to continue to send the papet
until all arrearages are paid, and to
collect for the same. The newspaper
man is usually easy to deal with if
dealt with in fair manner.
Miss Weiet•sheiser, of Buffalo, N.Y.,
arrived here last week to visit with
her sister, Mrs. Marchand. The lady
was among the passengers who sus -
stained injuries in the railway wreck
near Port Oolborne, while on her way
here. The injuries were not serious,
but she received painful wounds on
the face, and she was also considerably
shaken tip.
Our subscribers may feel mad
because we have not the paper
out on the usual time again
this week but we assure you
that you are not halt as mad
as we are. The storm and train
service are again responsible
for the delay, and we regret
It but cannot help it.
Mr. 11 on, of the Gibbs Evaporator
inet a number of the ratepayers
of the village in the Town Hall on
Tuesday +tfternot,n last and explained
that it was practically vet tai It that the
company would withdraw from town
unless the free site weir granted. The
building was erected on the promise
of a free site, but the by-law was de -
fretted and they feel that they were
not used well in the matter. The
Reeve presided at the meeting and
called upon a number of those pres-
ent, among when) were 1.. 11. Dick-
son, E. A. Fnllick, T. 13. Carling, A. E.
Fuk••, N. 1). }Ewrdon aril others, all of
whom expressed the opinion that the
hy•lew was not trail' rstood, or would
not hate been defeated. A nu,tion
wets passed to call A meeting fey Men -
day night next to discuss the in titer,
notice of which will be found else-
where itt this issue.
The -('ow Question" toile again
leettgt,t ht tore t he public, p:erticulat ly
the ow tots cif cows, by the Exeter
being ati.,ned 10 rno. and the damage
dttnp 10 ,rnpetty in town. The other
side of 1be question w -a' also ably up-
held by tet tarn of 1 hose present, hitt
all iecognized that in fere of the vote
taken at the recent utunieipal election
and of the kitty in the hatter the old
order roust by dune away with and
that the cotes most either be stmt up
altogether or herded. A motion WWI
finally passed that the retitled Amend
the 1,1.1 hy.law or prepare a new one
Allowing cattle to run only ata stated
time in the daytime in snnuner, and
then •,nlv when ecroutpenitel by one
of tn'•rp capable herder.
"Life in Every Dose"
"I cannot speak too highly of Pei•
chine, for it is the greatest medicine I
ever titled. 1 was just about 'all in'
when I began the treatment, and in 3
months I was as well as ever. it is a
great tonic ter weak and run down per,
pie. There is new life in eters dope."
Rbleetown, Ont., Pec. 19. )90.3.
it is a ain not to tell your pick friends
about th wondcrfid prescription.
Throat, lung an.l stomach troubles. ani
all run down conditions quickly cure!
by its ape. At ati drug •'s, 511e and
f 1.ea, or Dr. T. A. Slocum. ;.;.1 . T ,: ont.
Batley 5:,
Oats 46
Peas 75
Potatoes, per bag 50
Hay, per ton 12 00
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40
flutter 23
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Turkeys 10
Geese 7
Ducks 7
Chicken 8 9
Hens. 5 0
Clover 8 00 10 00
Timothy 2 00 2 75
14 00
2 75
1 15
5 00
23 00
23 00
Let US Fill
Prescriptions !
No platter where or by
whom your prescription is
written, we compound it.
and are equipped to give
service of an ideal charact-
er. We have in stock a
including all the new rem-
edies. IAll work in this
department w i 11 receive,
and alike to all.
W.S. Cole, Phm.B.
The missionary services of the two
Methodist churches here were held on
Sunday last. The preachers for the
occasion were Rev. Alfred Brown of
St. Thomas who occupied the James
street pulpit in the morning and the
Main street in the evening, while Rev.
%Vm. G. Howson of Winghattt occup•
ied the pulpits vice versa. Both min-
isters are excellent speakers and hand-
led their subjects well. The congrega-
tions were large and the contributions
to the missionary cause were liberal.
.9n the
of °Ca qripper-1
This tem:tkably changeable
weather has made La Grippe
espeeiitlly dangerous. The (lis -
ease has many in its clutches
itnd will claire many mere.
Don't be one of them.
/osiPey 's
Cure - a -Cold
will ekeke off any case of grippe
and cute a cold, "its forerunner'
in 21 boort,.
25 Cents a box
A srrlall sunt to pay for a guatd-
can to your health.
W. S. HOWEY, Pbm. B,
('henti't ,end 1)p;ici.ut
We would like to at.nonnce 4
IThat we are in a position to ex-
fnr wheat, oats and barley.
„'e want Rhea •2i,1%)) hash•
' els if wheat for which we shall
he pleased to ,Ay the highest
prevailing market price.
Rpnlptrlhe'r year flour went.
will be apltreeIA1ell AT Til }-
M11.1.. and promptly attended
('ASH BASIS after Mete Ise
Eel•: -('Flt ONTAmo j
1141. tela A A e A- Al! AL A r6 A at i
NOE Stock is Complcic
Even between seasons, such as the months
of January and February are, we always
keep our stock up to the mark.
Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Builders' Supplies,
Oils, Paints etc., are always looking up well in
this store.
You can not find us unready for
business in any line of Hardware.
Is what the people want and this is just the quality of
furniture we handle. Some people are willing to pay lav-
ish sums for exceedingly elaborate designs, but most peo-
ple want style, combined with serviceability at a moderate
outlay. Our lines fill the bill exactly, being rich in design
and reasonably priced. Our extensive lines include SIDE-
at•e a line which we are introducing and we are showing
a specially tine selection in elegant designs.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
New Spriug Dress Goods
The new colorings in all staple shades are
now in stock — Broadcloths, Venetians, Pana-
mas, Voiles, Taffetas, Satin Cloths, Cashmeres.
The Season's Values Have
Never Been Approached !
Voiles and Pajamas
Two fabrics that will
beextremely popular this
season. We are showing
all the new colors, :111(1
are pinning. our faith to a
large sale of them. as they
are ,'ery ('Ol'1'ect /end the
proper weights for a very
swell Spring Dress.
50c 75c $1
All Wool Venetians
The correct goods for a
tony Spring Suit. All the
new shades on our count-
50c 76c $1
Fine Silky Lusters
Beautiful. fine lustln'es.
rich, high finish. almost
like taffeta silk. At any
price from
25c to $ 1.25
New Embroideries and Laces
Every thing \Will be trimmed with lace orembroid-
ery this season. You cannot do better than make your
choice here. We have all the new, dainty designs and
our stock cannot help but please you.
Corset Cover Embroideries
25 different pieces to choose nom. Every pi(ce
new. 20c, 25c and 30c per yard.
White Wash Goods
This will surpass all past seasons for Whitt Waists
and Dresses. Nothing left out. Everything new shown
BATISTE and DIMITIES are all the leading goods.
Boys, Our Spring Shirts Are Here
We sell the reliable W. 0-. & R. SHIRTS, the
list on the mat'kct. All the new patterns and styles
are now here and 1 -on will find there the best we have
ever shown Ike not wait until they are picked over.
1I.-td.inarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing