HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-20, Page 7MEAL TIME
sraturs OF TIIr I rr1':11 Ain.
end thane sat affections duo to irr.ta-
'1'he growth of ballooning has led to tion of the nn eeus surface, aro quick..
many curious investigations touching ly relieved by
lfu, atmosphere and Ile inhabitants. uy
Indigestion Can bo Cured by the the use of unchored buttons with tett- VIRGIN OIL OF PINE
Tonic Treatment of Dr, Williams lierwlents of deep sea sounding have
regsteriag instruments wulc of the ex -
Pink Pills,
1 bore is only ono way to cure indi-
gestion and that is to give your sys-
km so nlpch good, red blood that the
stomach tit' have strength enough to
At. its nrtral work in• a healthy, vig-
orous way. Many dyspeptics dose the
etiminch with tablets, setups and other
-things alleged to assist in digesting
food. but these things merely give fem-
perary relief --they never cure inditres-
tion--and the trouble grows worse and
worse, until the icor dyspeptic is gradu-
ally starving. in a case of indigestion
I hall dozen boxes of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills are vxirth all the mixtures
and so-called pre-digested foods in the
e.:• nlry. 'These pills curo indigestion
bruise they strengthen and tone the
titirnach, thus enabling it to do the
work nature intends it should do.
\Ir. Paul Charbonncau, St. Jerome.
Que.. says: For months 1 suffered
tortures from indigestion. After every
meal the misery was intense, so that
1 finally ale most stintingly. 1 tried
several so-called indigestion cures. but
they did me no good. My general
health [even lo run down. 1 suffered
from headaches and dizziness and pains
about the heart. Often after the light,
est nen! 1 would Le afflicted wills a
sterhering sensation. Finnlly my mo-
ther ini'uce<l me to try I)r. Williams'
Punk Pills. Under the use of this me-
dieirc the trouble began to disappear.
and in less than n eolrnk of months 1
had completely recovered my health
and can now enjoy a hearty meal as
well ns any one."
11 is because they make new. rich
blood That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills al -
vows cure indlp<'slken, anaemia. dem-
ma hem. hen rt paMita lion . nruralnla,
rlciatica. SI. Vitus dance and the head-
aches. backncbies and other indescrib-
able ills of gttrlt•o";l end womanhood.
Seed by medicine dealers or by mall et
!ill cents a box or sir bogies for 10.5111
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville. Ont.
Quartz died for nenair of Wools Was
Found to he Valuable Ore.
A singular discovery of gold has been
riade at the 'fwyn Ballwm mountain
r;ri e, at Ilenllys, near Newport. '1'lio
lerl on the turn from which specimens
of the quartz were taken is of an ex-
tremely rocky character, and the stones
have from time to Ume been used for
the repair of roa-sd. It is said to have
been found that these stones are very
rich in gold; in fact the assay shows
That al a moderate estimate the gold
been repeated aloft. At Strassburg
Bounding balloons have been sent to n
teight of nearly 26,000 yards, and 19,-
(.(1G to 20.000 yards is not an uncommon
height. One of the astonishing things
said to have resulted is the discovery
al u height of 14.000 yards of an ieollt-
cone! none in which. contrary to ex-
perience up to that height, temperature
does not diminish with recession from
tin earth.
One of the most interesting studies
is that of the flight of birds. The ob-
rervation of aeronauts appears oom-
plelely to dispel the old time notions
that some birds soared to stupenduotle
heights, Humboldt having credited the
condor with over 7,0011 yards, aol
others believing that birds of nnssatre
flew at heights of 3,000 to 5,000 yards
and in exceptional cases 10,000 to 12, -
feel yards. Balloon voyaging, however,
establishes the fact that birds never
rise to anything like these distances
above the earth. Prof. J. Poeschet ot
Frankfort records as altogether unusu-
al the passage of a balloon in which
he was through a hock of birds at night
al a height of 2.200 yards. The birds
dashed against the basket of the bel -
icon and generally acted as if they had
lost their tearinge.
Bird flight at the great elevations for-
merly assumed is now regarded ns phy-
sically impossible. The rorefacl:on of
the air Ls too great to permit of flight
without terrible exhaustion, especially
as breathing would be difficult. Be-
sides, the cold is too extreme at a
height of 10,000 yards, for instance, the
thermometer aropninit to 60 deereee
The observations of balloonists show
that the vast majority of birds keep
within 1.000 yards of the earth, and
the vast majority of these indeed with-
in a couple of hundred yards, even In
tong flights. Crows, however, were
frequently observed at a height of 1,-
400 yards, a lark was once encounter -
et; at 1,900 yards, and an eagle is on
record at 3,000 yares.
Stubborn Case healed by Zam-link.
The most troublesome and obstinale
of all scalp trouble is Ringworm.
Mrs. H. Girdlestone of 106 Rawdon St.,
Brantford, Ont., says: "My daughter
had ringworm very bad, so bnd that I
was compelled to have her hair cut off.
I obtained a preparation from the drug-
gist to paint the sores, but instead of
curing, the Ringworm developed into
nasty sores rnatterating and smelling
badly. 1 saw 'Lam-Buk advertLsed iu
the newspaper and immediately sent
for a Lox. After several applications
yield would be at least 3 dwts. per ten. I could see a great improvement, and
A syndicate is Icing formed, nn:l the ns i kept up the Zarn-Buk treatment
owners of the farm have Leen offered Gaily the disease was soon checked. The
a substantial sum for the properly. It yeasty sores were thoroughly cleaned
lc also slated that tho gold -bearing and healed and all trace ot Ringworm
banished from the child's scalp in a
few weeks after commencing with
%am-Buk. i cannot recommend Zen-
Buk too highly."
Zam-Buk cures cuts, burns, chapped
hands, cold sores, itch, ulcers, eczema,
running sere., catarrh. piles, bad legs.
rheumatism. neuralgia, sciatica. ab-
scesses and all diseasei of the skin. Of
hl! druggists and stores, f,(1.•., or post
paid upon receipt of price. from Zeno
Buk Co., Toronto. 0 boxes $2.50.
strata, which are below the outcrop of
Bic coal and limestone measures, are
not confined to one particular farm, and
negotiations aro in progress for secur-
ik another 50rl i in the immediate
n ighborttood. 'tie is ws of the dis-
covery has created great interest in the
k.cality, find iso forward are Iho nego-
Unrons that it is expected that opera-
tions will be started in the course of a
few weeks.
The mother who, in her gratitude for
w hat Baby's Own Tablets have done
ha her child, said that "There's n senile
1revery dose,'' coined a very happy
very true phrase. The tablets cure
n the minor ailments of babies and
young children. and make bright, smil-
ing, happy little ones. Mrs. John Young,
Auburn, Ont., says: "1 have used Baby's
Own Tablets for more than n year and
1 think they are the hest medicine that
can he given a baby. They are splen -
Mel at teething tune and for stomach
and towel houblcs. You don't nerd
a doctor if you keep Bnhy's Own Tab•
bels in Iho house." That's afoot the
highest praise a mother can give and
Ws true. every word of it. You can
get the Tnhlrls from any medicine den-
te. or by mail at 25 cents n lox from
The Dr. Witlinms' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville. Ont.
A certain bachelor has the reputation
of never icing able to say a plain
"yea" or "no" in reply to a question.
(lite day two ladles of his acquaintance
w e discuing 'hie peculiarity. when
01seof then! announced that she felt
cure That she could nlfike the talkative
individual say "no' flatly. \\hen she
next net the gentleman. she said to
him: "Is t in. ice. Mr. lohin on, you
are n widower, are you noir "As
much a widowers madam," he e nsttr-
cd. oath a polite b('w•, "as it is pos.
SAM 14 r a man to be who has never
Eton n F'' imist can see mere good
in lh<• sic d than the tie rid can sur
.•I hlbn.
tsse LAX ATI%'K BROW) Quinine Tablet*.
Drne{ist-s retort money if it }tile to caro. K. W.
"felt K 5 signature Di ou coch bet. irk.
„'i1:1\O„ !IXI(1!J
";\cr<ss the pond,- they used to say.
But elc.uncn ctrl it .ktvn a tiny,
And e'er < ire brains travel lo fuddle
Weil Is ar 'ern say. "Acres the purl•
There rare a mmnhrr of varleliem of
corns. H: •sway's Conn Curr will r•--
f:101c any VI them. (.all eon voter drug-
gist and put n Icttic ret •ncc.
%V hen n mar diinks lite a f -h it isn't
Ptranee thst tee ted sh<i.i,1 Swint.
A latter of importance t•• all those wb+ gra
the down snot 40h0:taloa N the fait thtt
:err•v:•n" r• the 1•e.f foaie ere: r .mp..audel
ppa Lives strength and 1,41.1ots op the natant.
Still discontent is knocking
Complaint is lout and strong.
The fierce mosquito scarce is gone be-
The grip germ comes along.
"Isn't he a cute little darling?" said
the tond mother, proudly eshiblling
the cherub.
"Yes," answered her bachelor bro-
ther. "It's funnier than one of these
mechanical In. >. 1'ou dont havo to
wind hire up. '
at our
Pa—A scheme, my son. is something
that usually falls through shortly af-
ter pat unv.st money in if.
Willie—Say, pat. what is n
A new
Black sensation.
A real
%Vafch pleasure.
The big
Gives Perfect
FOR SA11 Par
This preparation !assesses all the
medicinal properties of pine, being a
tumpwund of the active principles of
forest trees. Every precaution is taken,
in Its composition, to insure purity and
freshness. Its action on the kidneys
highly beneficial, and usually relieves
a case of ordinary lame back in a day
or two.
Re sure to get Jho genuine Virgin Oil
of Pine compound pure, prepnred only
by Leach Chemical (:o., Cincinnati, 0.,
and put up for dispensing through drug-
gists only in 3 oz. vials, each vial se-
curely sealed in a round wooden case.
Properties, uses and directions with
every vial.
With a elan cm effect must have its
cause; with a woman it has its be-
A bottle of Metric's Anti-Consii nptive
Sy-rup, taken according to directions,
will subdue u cough in n short time.
This assertion can be verified by hun-
dreds who havo tried it and are pleased
to bear testimony to its merits, so that
al: may know what a splendid medi-
cuno it is. It costs you only 25 cents
to join the ranks of the many who
havo been benefited by its use.
Sometimes a wise ratan poses as a
foot for financial reasons.
Pros October to Hay, Colds ire the gist fro -
quest Gauss of Headache. LAXATIVE SRROMO
QUININE removes cause. R. W. Oruro on boa &So
"it's 'cause he doesn't talk back that
th' oyster's given so much sauce.
There is no socia thing as a harmless eouagji
The trouble goes from bad to worse unless cb.ck-
aiimtacures the
15 allys Allen's
inflammation and clears ehpassages
Women who cheapen themselves soon
learn that then do not care for bar-
They aro a Powerful Nervine—Dys-
gcpr4a causes derangement of the nerv-
ous system, and nervous debility
epee engendered is difficult to deal
with. There are many testimonials as
to the efficacy of Parineke's Vegetable
Pills in treating this disorder, showing
that they never fail to produce good
results. Ry giving proper tone to the
digestive organs, they restore equili-
briumn to the nervy centres.
The temnlo matchmaker usually goes
about disguised as a chaperon.
ITCH. Mange, Prairie Scratches and
every forst of contagious Itch in Malian
or animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vol•
ferd'a Sanitary Lotion. It never fails.
Sold by all druggfst9.
Sonia men wear good clothes be-
cause they can't afford not to .
Mild In Their Miters—Parmelee r
Vegetable fills are very mild in their
action. They do not cause griping in
the stomach or entreat disturbances
there tis so many pills do. Therefore,
the most delicate can take them wilt-
uut fear of unpleasant results. l'ficy
can, too, be ndministered to children
without Imposing the penalties which
follow the ase of pills not so carefully
Yet the bunko man's hes gntne is
nn!. skin deep.
Like Ilttle volcanoes of dtsea.e, the eruption,
of ersema poor out dieeharge•. itut htoo.l causer
the trouble 154 local remedy le Weaver'* Cerazq
and weave's syrup will drive the poison from the
"How much can you hold, anyhow?"
asked the woman, in amazement. as
she handed hint his Ihir.1 plateful."
"1 don't know, mum," said Eaton
J•,galong, resuming operations. "1
hain't never been tested up to my full
capacity :11'
�. nA ar your
'.,.*at 4.I I rl--
f.r 15 rte.-.. ad
1 l...lrr e, e- At Ie c.nta each when tn'1 nA u. Ih.
A• an ami we ell I. -I v.... , 5.. Tire %nl.ln Quin
Lt R. reins we t, etyou with the 1. we'll nevi will
..n 1 'e n11 Piero! SAMA Ju.t rend eo your name and
ad trP .
SEAR YF'a. CO., PROVIDENCE, R. 1., L. 1, A.
TML �U��,
ETERB� R NoE 03.1u).
Ont, C.mads,
121 Tonga $t. Torontc
' Fanoy Dohs Dealer,
hat remote,' to m -re eemm:•it.tuspremisit •
16 It•
Is thel12 1 streetstwpe
o blot. worth of King, wednee •'
Yong. 51
t PIU Is8L6
111'1: lel'. " %\I►, ONCE A I11iAl'
14-I'since of Lagan, Once Arbiter of
Paris— Noss in a PiOtul
Ono of the little tragedies of rho high
World lies in the pathetic iato of Bas-
ten, the ex -Prince of Sagan, Duc de
Talleyrand, and who roust not be 0011-
fowlckd wits► his son, the present wearer
of the tide and name.
During the second half of the nine-
teenth century the arbiter of Parisian
elegance --one may even say of Euro-
pean elegance, for besides the Prince of
Wiles, who is now King Edward VII.,
1'e had no rival in this field.
This great lord, who was for thirty
years, at least, the cynosure of all eyes
in lout Paris, is now utterly neglected
and nLundoned. Ile who was once so
active and brilliant, now suffering from
an incurable malady, drags a» a miscr-
atir existence, almost in want.
The Duchess do Talleyrand, his wife,
was able to and dict—we must do her
the justice to say --surround hint during
her lifetime with the utmost care Arid at-
After her death his second son, who
heats the title of Duc de Valencay, and
who was some tune husband of Miss
Helen Morten, was appointed the guar-
dian of his father. Why is it that since
!hie limo life has become more and morn
hard for the poor old maul, who was
once the gay Prince de Sagan? It is a
lnvestigetien shows thnt the Duc db
Talleyrand still has the means to live
.s befits his station in life. The settle-
ment of his affairs left him with $4,000
pee annum.
But apparently the court of settlement
does not trouble itself to see whether
this amount is used for the purpose for
which which it was set nsklo. For a
year or more, the Duke's allowance for
living expenses has been cut down to
lass Than fifty francs per week.
'fhis poor old man, who was one of
the most refined in the world, Ls rele-
gnled to a tiny upstairs room in the big
family mansion, 57 Rue St. Dominique,
which tuns once the scene of so many
fine fetes, among others the (moue hall
of the Beasts, which causal so much ink
to flow in the press of the two ncmi-
sp.heres. Often enough nowadays, as
ono pusses the door of the house, one
hearts people remark, "Yes, yes; what a
lesson it Ls 1"
How small a doctor's pills oro when
compared with his bill.
Groat Medicine—TonU, one of the
pioneers of French Canada, lost a hand
and wore an iron hook as a substitute.
llc was in the habit of boxing the ears
of refrack l y Indians with This iron
hand, and they have remarked that it
was "great medicine." Dr. Phonies'
Ecleclric Oil is great medicine; it takes
hold of pain with an iron hand and
knocks it out of the system.
Braggy—"Yes, sir, 1 am a self-made
Wagger—"I thought there was a touch
of the amateur about you."
Vou need sot Hied any t*an 11 you will ppraise
The I, t 1." Menth.d Plaster on that tame back.
1 r and be co:,.inced.
No Iran has half the Influence that
l•, expects his wife to believe he has.
It is easier to apologize for what you
didn't do than for %'lint you did wrong.
NO. 1I --.s.
rims CI'IIED IN 6 TO 11 DAYS.
PAzo OIVTJ1i:Vr io gotranteel to runs any
eine of itrhine, Blind. Weeding or ',minding
Plies in 0 to la days or in tney refunded. toe.
1A 111 1114V4P .Trnul.tr in ('..,tonics and
F.fppt, Astrologers Predict.
A Prominent Canadian Gives His Expe-
rience With the World -Famous
Remedy for Catarrh.
THE first effect of a oold is a thick-
ening of the mucous menibranes
of the nose and Itirvut.
This gives rise to a dischatgo, or at
least a stoniness of the nasal passages.
S mantles fever acconnpan cs the Ars!
ultack, also a feeling of languor, dull-
ness and aching of the bones.
1f no attention is pard to it, the muc-
ous congestion is liable to spread down
1110 the larynx, producing M,nrsenees
and into the b►'.'nchiul tubes, producing
n cough.
Even when Ili s occurs, many people
ray no ailenl:on to 11.
Under such circumstances, the con-
grest:on is liable lo tecome chronic, pro-
ducing a condition of the mucous mem-
branes kne wn as catarrh. Catarrh lasts
an indefinite
time. Calnrrh
Is essentially a
chronic condi-
tion and does
not leave except something Ls done to
relieve it.
\Vhat should be done when a person
catches cold is to lake a few doses of
Taken at the onset, Peruna would
break up the cold and prevent all the
train of symptoms which usually follow.
But, even in cases where the cold has
been neglected and hoarseness or a
cough has developed, Peruna can he
relied upon to give prompt and per-
manent relief.
The frequency of coughs and colds in
the winter makes Peruna n popular rem-
edy for these ailments.
A numbered the best people of various
countries have given testimonials as to
the value of Peruna in such cases.
i'otlowed Dr. Ilartrnan's Advice — Re-
stored to health. .
Mrs. Samuelle Vigneau, Avre au Peed,
Isle de i.a MagJaltne, Canada, wrtes:
"1 write to telt you that 1 am Ferfcctiy
well. 1 look only three bottles of your
Peruna according to your adtice and
the direclk'ns In your book and it re.
stored any health."
Mr. hiattltew 0'11frc, 145 William Sl ,
Fall River. Moss., writes:
"About four years ago I consulted n
physician to get relief from a cold
which skpged up my head and settled
on my lungs. Ile gave Inc medicine,
but four weeks' use of it did me no
"1 deeded to try Peruna and after
taking Iwo bottles my lungs began to
heal. In six months the cough, catarrh
and throat difficulties were all cured."
C. 11. Parker, Ex -Warden el U inpton
Co., Quebec, has been mayor of Ccols-
town for a number of years. He Is alt
influent:al resident in Sool,stuwn and
widely known.
He writes concerning Peruna. Read
bus letter below:
"I had several at(strks of colds
from time to time and finally a se-
vere attack developed into catarrh.
"1 was advised to use your cele-
brated catarrh remedy, and atter
taking three bottles 1 find myself
completely cured, and 1 no longer
suffer front catarrh or colds.
"1 can cheerfully recommend
Peruna for colds and catarrh."
If Peruna had no other medicinal
value than the promptness with which
it relieves common Bolds, it would no
well worth while far env family to keep
it in the house constantly,
a mast pr<,ntinent figure in It.e admin.s-
Iration of affairs. Saturn will Then be
slntionnry in the horoscope of the pre-
sent Government."
Do not delay in gelling relief for the
little folks. Mother Graves' Worin Ex-
terminator is a pleasant and sura cure.
1f you love your child why do you let
it suffer when o remedy is .so ncnr at
Grunting (;randee [mites Ptivilene
titling in Queen's Presence.
A ceremony character:elie et the court
4.1 Spain took place el the Royal Palace
recently for the first timo in the reign
•J the present King and Queen.
As is well known. the grandees of
Spain have the privilege of keeping
their tints on in the presence of the
monarchs. Grnndto ladles 4,1 $pnin
have the privilege of minnining seated
before the monarchs, and the ceremony
4)1 obtaining Ihir. privilege Is called
"tomer in nimohnda " or laking the
cushion. ns it cousi'ls in silting nn n
cushion of rel dmmnsk'eter, the Queen.
The ceremony toile place at 0 o'c'ock
It astrologers. especially those who
!..retell the happenings of a year before
Its birth, really believe their own pre-
dictions, they must have none but the
gloomiest of oulkoks for the year 190$,
and must, nuked, be miserable men.
Decrease in trade, increaee in the price
.,1 money, wars and rumors of war.-.
sedition and revolt, pollent ups and
downs, enrlhrpiakes, international trou-
bles, disease, and other troubles, are
all predicted for the corning year. The
price of wheat will Le high, says an
arirok,ger, and Uwe will be a failure
of root crops.
"Ss phenol." editor of the "Forecast.'
and a new week -y. "Fu:ure'j," was nsk-
e,l ie enlly in London to calculate a
special horo-cote for the year, and tom.
ot Jho more interesting of the predic-
tions Are given telow.
"The year 190+ is likely to presve one
of the most fateful in the history cot
England. Three najer planets, Nep-
lune, Urnnue. and Saturn, will hold
csrlinal sign!., and be responsible far
the development of great lohticol crises.
On the gra of Jnnunry their will be a
total eclipse of the Fun in the sign of
Capricorn. This falls close to the p•si-
li<;n of Mnrs in the Itovni hoicae ope.
and as Capricorn rules India, we may
1.ok for an culbreak <1 sedition and icy
toll in the penimula.
"Frame reatliltuee in Ib^ sign of Cap-
-.r< rn and in cap,.ition to Neptune In
rawer during the next two years. the
cull being that New Zealand nn -1
Prilish South Airiest. India and Egypt
111 p erhnps be the scenes of ye3ilkon
nd revolt.
"The motion of the Government w !1
e tremendously ailnilei and effedual-
siid' rmined in the S!'rirg • 1 1(.519.
1. s -:ph Chamberlain will effect some
-lg;nal suceestes in July. Anil given a
continuance of the pres<nt improvement
in his beaith. 1 judge That he will be
in the evening. The Qu<en was sur-
r.iunded by !settee who have already
"taken the cushion." As cuelotnnry.
It ()aeon on entering the salon order -
et then to be seated. The ladle swho
arc about to receive Ilse highest honor
the ccurl of Spain are lad by it
sponsor. 'the lady presented courl's-
Its three tatter, and the ()lice') cour-
tesies in return and says, "Sit down,
pk'atee•." The lady then sits down on
a cushion before the Queen ant speaks
to her.
and Colds
Use Shiloh's Cure
for the worst
the sharpest cough
--try it don a guar-
antee of your
Honey tack It it
doesn't actually
CURE rilltrker
than anything you
ever tried Safe to
take,—nothing to
it to hurt even a
baby. 34 years .,1
success commend
Shiluh's Cure-
2.5c..:Ac., $I. 11.1
There /s Only One
"Bronze Quinine"
That Is
Laxative Broglie Quinine
Always remember the full name. Look
for this rignatnre on every box. 25e.
11 Your Horse
Gets HEM ?
If one of the horses should Le
locked—cat a knee—strain a shoulder
—go lame --have you the remedy at
baud to CURE the injury?
Kendall's Spavin Cure
ought to be in every .table and barn in Canada. It recants
little horse troubles frran becoming big ones—and takes assay nl1
signs of lamenes,. With a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Curr handy,
you arc prepared for accidents that may happen at any tune.
r.enearIRt.n, Alta.. Jan is'd,
"'have user) Retdall's Spaeth Cure with great success in many things,
rich as narb Wire Cutsand itaw sores." 51. 3. lft,kkl&oN,
r,on't be without it soother day. Geta Dente N your dealer• 11 or t for IS.
(Mr ' Treatise On the ilcrse " 14114 dust what you ought to know al.o;,t horses, their
diaea.ea, and how to cure them. Write for free co:•y.
Da. t!. J. KCNDALL CO., [NOseunn Pauq, Vrina' NT, U.9.A.
satrt-Yes 5, $o14FItto r•
Wil tfroyitwice t►c7