HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-20, Page 5, ;1 Seventeen 714 1 Teachers 1 of wide experience, broad Pchol• arship and untiring energy. ein• played by n+, have built tip a curriculum unsurpassed in C:tn- n(la for thnrnngnese. system and actual htisiness procedure III COritsss-Telegraphy, Stenography and Commercial. Tf Enter any time. Individual instruction. Graduates nssisted to positions. Nu vacation. MA11. COURSES in L•angnag- ea, Bookkeeping, Mhnrthaind, Penmanship, etc. 10Send a postal for information .1limit Canada's Greatest Chaln of High tirade Business Col- leges. i Clinton Business College George Spotton, Principal. Daniel E. Eby, Vice -Principal. teasisetAt_� u_alluelueltantALet NEW TELEPHONE DIRECTORY ezeter Abttarttte ENL'ILIt - - ()NT. 111u 1100 it paid is adwrice, $1•110 a year it nut w paid. ' ToUnited State%SuMacribera$l SO a Year Stri.;tly is Advau..e SANDERS & CREECH, Publisher,. $25.00 Buys a good , Second-hand Doherty Organ � ** Stationery A most beautiful line of Station- ery, Bibles. Hymn Books, etc., at Awad Down Prices. Call and see them. S. MARTIN &SON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. The great Uterine Tonle. and only safe effectual Monthly Itegul:ttoron which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength -No. 1, it ; No. 2, 10 degree stronger g3; No. 3. tor special cases, -per box. Bold by all dru sts, or sent prepaid on recep t of price. COOK MEDICINE CO..ToaoNro.OMT. Uurmcri1 li'i Free pamphlet. Address -rtdaoTM4 LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL e°tat � Homs We want our course to be in every 1. in Ona.... when: them are ladles. so have d•..:ded to gore , direct to the pubic our improved $15 course in dressmaking. including our Ladies Taao r System for wholesale price, $5.00 • As there are a large number of people. espec- ially dressmakers say you cannot learn b • mail we will send system and first lesson (which ,ka he; how to make a perfect fitting waist, re.date to, dr red anya l co in bOntario.After you are •.i isfi.d t you can learn. send $,i.el► and we •••i''1 fvrwa:1 full course of lesrr,ns. Please do send utiles; you wish to learn dressmaking; we u.r s., sore anyone can learn that we guar- antee to give $:•00 to anyone we canv'.t teach. These le ,ns teach how to cut, fit and put tom :her, any garment from the plainest shirt w-...: t suit to the most elaborate dress. This is the cal,/ course in Canada that the whole family can tem by one mcntbrr taking it u;•. We have been in business for ten years. have taught over 7.010. Beware cf imitations. a: , have trio t nuwn to copy our advs. and evert r;auncd tvhc ' they were not known to it the inventor cf •hoc course. No adv. is gtnuine with. -it t:ur $..00.00 guarantee. for particulars. .1.1d•, . SANDERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL Street. Stratford. Ontario. Canada. _anted. • 2 relial►le Linn as agents for Exeter and surrounding country to sell our specialties, MAYNARD E'LUM, FITZ. GERALD PEACH, ARCHDUKE CHERRY. RiTSON PEAII, CUM- BERLAND RASPBERRY and it gen- eral line of fruit and ornamental trees. You c ui make money out of our stock where you world fail with common stock. We pay cash weekly, supply o;rtfit free and give exclusive territory Write to PELHAM NURSERY CO., (rowers of high grade nursery stock, Toronto, Ont. N.B.-Special terms to suit agents working part time. rivr IfT 1 1 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 ipe ilell 4TeJepoe G011aiiij Ot O3HaIa e/ i+ shoat to pltl,lish .1 new iesate of the Ofllcial 'telephone i)i- t•eetory for the District of \Vee. tern Ont. trio. including the Ton•tt of Exeter. l•hnnges nt firm dame-, ehl►tt(ee of street nd (res'es, or ',lobos for dotL►li- c ttt' entries Oro he heel IPII in at unlet• 11. A. MARCHAND, I.a1• \1. \i.\N.\(il:It Clubbing :dates Wo can equal any club- bing rate offered. Call and see. 'I his tali •(11 says 1hat Lydia 11 ire' `: • ;. cable Cornpotttoel la.: at tet' cvera tiling c1' o 11 • Barrett, RO2 \loreau tit,, .•.tl, writes -to Mrs. l'inkhani: ar years 1 was a great sufferer female weakness. and despite • remedy given ane by doctors for 'r..nide. 1 grew worse iustead of 1 was fast failing in health, .a.: - .was completely discouraged. " a are day a friend advised ole to try I.,.: is l:. I'inkham's Vegetable Com- , -1. I diel so, and ant thankful to •, 17. • reed the f.'inalte weai:ness, an•• strong and well. • a.v.•ry w '.n o1 •.who suffers front fe- La•.: • _ r,tt,i,r, •:l:0•11.1 try Lydia E. Pink- ,• . ; Vogt' t:,':! ',.ntp0tind." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lplia E. Pink - 'i ttii.s \'egt'1atl,it' Compound, Inade from roots and. herips,, has been the standard remedy for female i1Ls and has positively cured thousands of women who have beenL1O1tewith displacements, inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, Mat bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, itdiges- 1ion,dizzinessor nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? 31rs. Pinkhain invites all sick women to write her for advice. she has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. Hensall Miss Vera Murdock is visiting friends in Norwich. -Miss Annie Beek of Peterboro is the guest of her moth- er. -Billy Fulton leaves in a few days for Sioux City,;Iowa.-Mrs. F. McDon- ell sprained her wrist at the rink on last week. -Jack McDonell and George McEwen were in Toronto last week. - Rev. Gauld, returned missionary from Formosa pi•eaebed in Carmel church on Sunday.-Chrie. Rau, who bats been at his hone Crediton for some weeks, has resumed his position at John Zuetle's.--Mr. and Mrs. M. ti. Dent of Renfrew are visiting Mrs. Dent's sister, Mrs. James Sutherland, - Will ICewp has taken a goodosi- tion in a harness shop in Oil Springs and moved there with Mrs. Keau,►.- On Friday last the branches of the Sovereign Bank here and iu Z'ariclr were taken over by the Molsons Bank ft•oni the Bank of Oonnuerce. The Sovereign will be closed here altogeth- er,because we have a branch of the Molsons, but the branch in Zurich will be kept open by the Molsons.-On Saturday Miss Hunter arrived horse from Toronto with \Vm. f.'turntie's little son who has been in the Sick Children's Hospital for treatment. Ile is slowly improving. -Dr. Sellery, wife and children are in Toronto this week where the Dr. will attend the Dentist,' Convention. -Andrew Blair of Algoma is visiting friends in town. -On Tuesday evening at grand carni- val was given. There was a large crated present. L. Richardson got the prize for the lau•gest ilat. Bob Cam- eron and Miss Welsh won tine race. Good prize.; were given to the winners. Erne Stacy won the boys race. The Indies' costumes were beautiful, Miss L. Ortwein getting the prize for the nicest costume. -On Sunday Rev. Toll preached a sermon to the young ladies. A choir and quartette of young ladies conducted the singing. The eintu•tette is highly spoken of as being the (test ever heard in He•nsall. They were asked to repeat the singing in the near future. --The ladies of St. Paul's church gave a splendid entertainment in the Opera house on Wednesday evening, 19th. A good supper was served after which is splendid musical program was given. it was n splendid entertainment front beginning to the end. -Mrs. B. Berry ':f Mitchell visited her sister. Mrs. Win. Ilodgint, last week, -Mrs. J. McArthur entcttained a number of friends on Tuesday even• ing. -Mr. and Mrs. H• Arundel left on Tne.d ty evening for London where they will visit friends. -Mr. Yuill was taken very ill on Snndnv. His many fri••nils hope for s ape»sly recovery. Hibbert: Mrs. George Watson, nee Miss ida Mary Burt itt, died at her home, lot 6. con 6, on Saturday night. She hall only been married about two months. and her death is a very sad blow to the husband. Canadian Hair Restorer Before •tri ,�I�„ Atf t e r Will restore gray hair to Its natural color. stop.' Lalling Lair, enu,es to grow on bald Leads. ('urc•tdandnafe itching, scalp diseases. Ily its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. ('ontains no oily or greasy ingredient& is entirely unlike any other hair prepara- tion ever oTer -4 for sale. A good, reliable ('atnalien preperatlon. inselletled Testimonials. Edith A. Burke, Missionary 11. M. Church AI,hiutinl. Egypt, anti friend s, greatly plensed with results after two years' using. 1.. A. itope,a \wilner, Montana. My hair and whhkr14 restored to nitnrat color. nark brown. by using (. tnndian hair Restorer M. Oram, llugettis ille. (pnt. Canadian Hair Ttettorer is the be -d 1 hate ever a-ril. John O. hall, New Aberdeen. ('n Breton. Canadian ilair lb -stover has worked wander& My ti. --:.d It neatly all cot turd with thick gn,wth black hair, original color. Sold by all wholesale ar.d retail drtiggi=ts. Mailed to any address In the cis -nivel world nn reeript of juice„Yk•. Manufactured by TiTE:'mann to.. Windsor. Ont., Canada. sold 10 j, , tet a v J. \V. Browning. W. S. ll(t,tw•). and W. V. (!ol• , De og• gleis Whalen Our little town is booming. -Our genial store -keeper is making weekly trips to town, realizing good tenths on farm produce, and bringing home fresh supplies of merchandise. He so. licits your patronage. -Our blacksmith was in town on Thursday of last week and hada hard t►ip, but was amply repaid by good ,rices on his chickens, realizing 11c at Ib., live weight. -Fran - cls Morley was in London on Tuesday, -Several farmers around here deliv- ered Targe loads of hogs in Granton ou R'ednesday.-A number of the young people spent an enjoyable time at Mr. rank (1unning's on Monday evening. -Thomas Gunning has sold bis farm to George Squires. We are sorry to miss Tom's smiling face from our midst. --John Wright and wife at visiting at Jabez Millson's and t•ur- t•ounding neighborhood, -Hector 31ill- son and sister Ethel visited at Russel - dale on Sunday, at their uncle's, Sawn Millson's.-A choir has been organized at the Union Church. We wish thein every success. -If you want to talk to -Will now, he has a phone in. -Wed- ding bells will be ringing in the near future. -Oscar Morley is engaged to work with Samuel Mills, of Wood- ham, for one year. -The ice harvest has started, but our recent thaw has spoiled it for a time. Edell The weather seems settled again after the storms of late, -Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawkins of Elimville visited at Rich. Coates' Sunday, -Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Caves spent last week with the Tatter's sister at Shipka.-Mrs. Rooke of Exeter spent a few days at Tom Brooks'. -Mr, and Mrs. J. Peart of Zion spent Sunday at Sam'1 Skinner's. -Mrs, R. Coates and the Misses West- cott spent last week with relatives at Exeter. -Misses Alia Hicks and Laura Butt of Centralia spent est Mo dayy withh Rettie Essery.-Mr. and Mrs. Welling - ton e lin - ton Amy returned last week from Brantford where they spent their honeymoon. The anniversary and oyster supper of Eden church was very successful on Sunday and Monday. Owing to the bad state of the roads the anniversary was postponed one week. The Sun- day services were well attended. Rev. Butt of Centralia delivered excellent sermons. while the music was fine. Besides a liberal supply of fine oysters, well cooked and served. the Monday evening program was a good one. Addresses by Rev. Fair of Elimville and Rev. Going of Exeter. readings by Miss Howey and Miss Butt, solos and duets by Messrs. Andrew and Nel- son Hicks and the music by the choir wereu enjoyed. m ch Proceeds $82. Mooresville John T. Simpson visited in Dorches- ter last week. -Quite a number of ac- cidents happened last week owing to the bad condition of the roads. -Miss Flossie Morgan is visiting Mrs. John Gilmour.-Robt. Grundy is on the sick list. -Mrs. Marshal h 1 '.Hiller enter- tained a few friends on Wednesday evening last. -Mr. and Mrs. James Neil visited in London last week. - Mrs. Wm. Smith has moved to Leman for a short time. Tells How To Mix H. A well-known authority on Rheu- matism gives the readers of a large New York daily paper the following valuable, yet simple and harmless prescription, which any one can easily prepare at home: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take a teaspoonful after each steal and at bedtime. He states that the ingredients can be obtained from any good prescrip- tion pharmacy at small cost, and, be- ing of vegetable extraction, are harm- less to take. This pleasant mixture, if taken reg- ularly for et few days, is said to over- come almost any case of Rheumatism. The pain and swelling, if any, dimin• ishes with each dose, until permanent results are obtained, and without in- juring the stomach. While there are many so-called Rheumatism remedies patent medicines, etc., some of which do give relief, few really give permit. nent results, and the above will, no doubt, be greatly appreciated by ninny sufferers here at this time. Inquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that these drags are harmless and can he bought separately, or the druggists here will mix the prescription for our readers if asked to. Usborlle Council, The postponed tweeting of the L's - borne Council was held on Saturday, Feb. 15th. All the members were present except J. Moir. The minutes of the last meeting were read and ate proved. Ily-law No. 1, 1808, confirming the appointment of ntunicipnt officers and fixing their salaries, was passed, sign- ed by the reeve and clerk and the cot, ',urate Seal afllxed. A petition for the repeal of Sec. 610 of the Consolidated llnnieipnl Act erne ,approved, signed Fry the reeve and clerk on behalf of the municipality, end forwarded for pre agitation to the Leg A grant of $U') was voted the Kirk• ton Cemetery Co., on condition that illenshatrd Township give an equiva- lent. The County Ily•law, for it scheme of county mead improvement, wee con• sidered and the fnll•awiog resolut' passed: ltuntlev-Atkinann - "That owing to the eflicient i"'nl]itiun of lie roads Nod bridges, obit Townshin of lisboone 1+ not lik•'Is to he egi,►Ils te•nellite,l by a count eyst.•n, of r•,Nd improvement, that the -i d Ttetvnahip ,.f l'.leti r).• be tl••d front Noy D ..howl•• of count y I) itf. t hat nt 1r 1,-- ,dn[[Ned by the ('-.n .t' 1 t • he• 1' nt of Moron and fitly r,•nna s .t r .. • t 111 •,11••u •,t 1 he !own/milt„. .. t:•• '.• ,a,,. nip • ,•••. I.'ol Food 1.. , ...n•.•. 1. Seaforth: Thos, lluigly, who has conducted a toot and sloe repair• shop in town for a number of tears, has • sold out to Mr. Consigney. We un. derstand that Mr. Quigly intends leav- ing town and i5 thinking of going to California. Ifayfield: The town clerk has re- ceived word from %lr. Edison, the great electrician, asking about proper- ty which he abandoned here many years ago, and many people will be surprised to know that the great in- ventor's first home was in Hayfield. 4Z • Nk "I tell you. 1.1a'am, yp.0 ought t-, use S. George's Baking Powder if only for the rea=oit t::at it is v.:•. • - some and healthful.” "The knowledge that ,ou ate NOT eating alum, lime, ammonia and acid in your food -should count for a great deal." "ST. CHOrtCE'S is made of 99.9o5 pure Create of Tartar." Try it. 11'rilefos Act re, c f our nru Cuoh-/look. National Ding & Chemical Co. of Canada Limited, Montreal. an Zurich Mr, and Mrs. Louie Durand, left for their new horse out West, on Tues. day. -John Brown, of near Pigeon, Mich.. has returned to his home at the Goshen Line. --Miss Ethel Williams who was attending Alma College was called away to Keruptville owing to the illness of her sister, Mrs. R. H. iVhiteside.a-Mr. Stephenson of Lon- don. succeeded in organizing at C.U.F. lodge here and the initial meeting was held at the Dominion House, last week. -Miss Melviva Koehler left for Tavistock last week, to visit her sister, Mrs. Studer, who is reported to be very ill. -Isaac Hudson of the Parr Line, and family will leave for the Canadian West shortly and expect to locate near Edmonton. -The members and friends of the Ladies' Aid of the Evangelical church, had the pleasure of listening to an inspired address, by Mrs. (Rev.) J. P. Hauch of Tokio Jap- an, on Tuesday last ---Mr. and Mrs. William Rader of the 14th con., have the sincere sympathy of a large circle of relatives, friends and neighbors in the loss of their only daughter, a bright little girl of four years of age. The child's death occurred on Feb. 6, and the remains were interred in the Lutheran cemetery on Sunday after- noon. and were followed by a large number of sorrowing friends. -The Bank of Commerce here, formerly the Sovereign Bank, bas been taken over by the Molsons Bank and opened for business last Friday. -A. Mittelholtz and Godfrey Nicholson, have purchas- ed a butcher business in Orediton and expect to start business shortly.- Abolit a dozen young people from Ex- eter were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witwer, on Wednesday evening and a most enjoyable evening was spent. McGillivray Wm. McRann, of the 8th con. of McGillivray, had the misfortune to have his barn and stables burned re- cently. Five head of cattle were burn- ed as well as a total loss of all his feed. The water pipes in the stables had be- come frozen and he took out a pail of coals to thaw them out. and by some means the straw caught on fire with the above result. Lumley Mr. and Mrs. Albert Searnore, of Pollock, North Dakota, after spending three months with the latter's mother, Mrs. T. Rychnan, have returned to their horse. -Mr. and .Mrs. Franklin Morton very pleasantly entertained their friends at a euchre party Friday evening. --Mrs. John McQueen is on the sick list. -Miss Nan. (Horton, of Seaforlh, is the guest of Mrs. James Horton. --Dame Rumor says we arc likely to have a phone line from Hen - sail to Farquhar, which we hope to see carried into force in the near fut- ure. -Mrs. John Glenn is in London visiting relatives.- Miss Alice Barber and brother Jack, of Staffs, visited Miss Tillie Simmons on Sunday last. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Green and family. of Zurich, ae'companied by Mr. and Mrs. N. Dammond, of Whitewood, Sask., visited at W. Glenn's the first of the week. ;ler 'Ur low tam 'WV' 11011 AROUND ABOUT US ikAkiapat afkiaa Audit alk atll (lrantou: On Thursday last Rev. David J. Cornish was inducted rector of St. Thomas church. Ven. J. B. Richardson. Archdeacon of London, conducted the ceremony and the keys of the church were presented by the wardens, Messrs. Clathworthy and Webb. Clinton: A. M Burchill, a former resident of Clinton, died at his home in Weston on Feb. 10th. Mr. Burchill wog principal of Western Public School and was a young than of stet. - character. ilia wife, formerly Miss Struthers, of Clinton. and one son survive hint. seaforth: On Feb. 10, St. James' chltrch, Seef,.rth, wet the scene of a quiet wedding, when Joseph Malady, N,1 Hibbert. wee united In mar(iagt' to Miss Mary Mulcahy, of this town. The Imide was assisted by her sister, Miss Alieo• \linen)', while i tiw,tr 1 Natia.iv, brother of t he groom, per• formed the duties of ,rroumsman. Clinton: The Doherty Organ ('nor - patty have beer) trr.nted ,a Dominion ehsrter and pini lomat directors are ermetinted I•aokiirr to the rot :nation of a •l tong joint st..rk e party, w•hteh will gap more 1 itg.•Iv into the nt Net owe of fearing and nrlea ns in order to meet the Neve dement' for the rty instrument. St Morro: A quiet wedding to•k ie. lately it th•• home .1 the brute \Velhngton et reef south, when Mr. ,-.yp) Iie.tvet e ma.. unit .'d in marriaare it h Mrs. ‘\'m. Stone. Rev. ii. A. ,•ahem, 011l••i amt. Only immediate lends were present. A tasty wed• ng dinner followed. They will in a onth's time reside on Water street nth in Mr. Beaver's own dwelling. 4,11.•,11. +.•.11611.1..••1. A few "mill 1,r'.,in.ts '.•r pt.sed ,Int 11).. council ad j ..trnerl t meet on y tturday, March 7• h, ,t on.• o'clock. F. MOBi.1{Y, Clerk. The clerk has put in a telephone, It fr di In so Fullerton: On Monday of last week Gordon, the 1l -year-old son of Alex. Dow, of the town line, Fullerton, and Ilibbert, while at Mount Pleasant school accidentnily broke his leg above the knee. During recess he and some of the other boys were sliding down the chut•ch shed, and it was while they wet,. doing this that the accident hap- pened. Drysdale: John A. Talbot of Bosse. vain, .Mtn., is house for a visit. It is twenty-one yeat•s since he left here, and eleven years since he last visited Ontario. \1r. Alfred Talbot of ICenora is also visiting relatives in this section and paid a visit to his sister, Mt's, (Rev.) F. D. Ling at Port Huron, whom he had not seen in 2.1 years. 1t is 16 year's since he was home. Blanshard: Fred Lane, Blanshard, shot a meadow lark in his barnyard recently. The bird from appearances is about one year old, Mr. Lane in- formed The Herald reporter that sev- eral more are hovering around the barnyard at present. Weather pro- phets claim that it is a forerunner of much milder weather for the remain- der of the winter or else the birds have lost their bearings and have been unable to go south. Parkhill: John Cluness died on Feb. Oth, aged 75 years. He. was a native of Scotland and cane to Cana- da when 11 small child. d He married re d Elizabeth Wells. She with four daughters, Mrs. Graham of Wanstead, Mrs. A. Hellion of Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Althouse of London and Mrs. Russell of Parkhill survive. He was mayor and county councillor for several years and was very highly respected. The immediate cause of death was a paralytic stroke. Clinton: There passed away- on Feb. 8th, in Clinton, a well-known and highly respected roan, John Hardy, in his eightieth year. Born in Yorkshire, Eng., be came to this country in 1851 and settled at Whitby. He lived there until 187.4 when be moved to Summer- hill, subsequently buying the John Archer farm on the Base Line. Four years ago he moved to Clinton, where he has since resided. One year ago Mr. and Mrs. Hardy celebrated their golden wedding. He leaves his aged partner and three children; Mrs. A. Neal, of Hullett. Thomas in Hullett and William in Tuckersnrith. Not a Miracle But Medical Science Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen: - "Some time ago I began to lose flesh and failed every day until I had to quit work. My physicians and all toy friends said I had contracted consump- tion. I failed front 165 pounds down to 119. I was advised to go to tho Rockies or to the coast. I went to both places under !heavy expense. I een- tinued to fail, and was advised by tiro doctors to conte home as nothing more could bo done for me. hope seemed to have left me. "I tried Psychino and since starting its use I have gained from 119 to 1-11 pounds. 1 have used $10.00 worth of the medicine. I am a well man and I satinet saw too much in praise of Psy- :hine. The strongest recommendation would be weak in view of the fact that 1 believe it has saved lay life. It is without doubt the best rentely for run-down conditions and weak lungs. "I sincerely hope and trust that you will continue your good work of saving run down people and consumptive from tho grave. Wishing you and Psychino continued success, I remain, one of Psychine's best friends." ALEX. McRAE, :twit Ste. Marie, Ont. Almost every mail brings us letters like the above. Psychino will repeat this record in every case. It is the greatest medicine known. At all diug- gists, 50c and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slo- cum, Limited, Toronto. Tuckorsmith: Death has agitin vis- ited our community and taken away this time Mrs. John H. Taylor, at the age of 73 years. MES. 'ray Tor was born in the township of Nassagn.veya, andw' with her husband rented here 1 Rfty-four years ago, celel.ratiny the flftbieth anniversary of their wedding 7 years ago. Mrs. Taylor has altvevs been most highly respected and (;re:tt- ly esteemed as a kind and obliging neighbor. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or consul. tutionaldisease, and in order to cure it you must ake internal remedies. 11a11's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and nnuous surfaces. Ball's Catarrh Cure is riot a quack medi- cine. it was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country tor years and is a regular prestrrip• tion, It is composed of the best tonics know,., com- bined with the beet blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonder lul results in curing Catarrh. Send fur testimonials free. - F. J. CHENEY & CO., Prop,.., Toledo, 0, Sold by druggists, price 7&c. Take Iia11's Family Pills for constipation. Perrins iscuit Have that delicious home-made flavor, with that snappy crisp- ness, so hard to obtain in cheap goods. About 44 to the pound. SEEDS FREE To introduce our New Swede Turnip, the " Canadian Gem," we will give to every inquirer for our New 1908 Catalogue a package of these seeds absolutely free. The great turnip growing district near Guelph shipped goo cars of these turnips to the United States last Season. " Cana. dian•Gern" never grows long or narrow, is free from side shoots, and is of unsurpassed quality. If you prefer, we will send a package of our " Santa Rosa" poppy or " Canada's Pride " tomato instead of the turnip sect. Write to -day and name your choice. S«ds of this New Swede Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd., London, Ont. Turnip Free 1 Ihis Company is chartered by 1.1w to accept the management of the estate of a person dying with- out a will. It is a carefully -managed, finan- cielly-respon'ible Company, with ye .113 of experience in such matters. If appointed to act as adminis- trator it will assume the manage- ment of the estate, collect and pay debts, distribute legacies and pro. perty among the heirs. It will prove an honest, able administrator of the estate. Every interested person will be alloted his or her lawful share. The charges, in every case fixed by a judge, will be no greater, more likely less, than the re- muneration allowed the individual administrator. Services of Family Solicitor always retained by Company. Correspondence invited and answered promptly. LONDON, CANADA. r