HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-20, Page 4ORDER A SUITold order of things tailed us ever y easel iai anniversary set vice!, which were I Sunday wets• lei gely attended. Rev. J. 1'. Hauch, the utiasi(aaat•y super in. ten lent of the church in 'Coki.., Japan, preached threes eloquent and powerful sermons during the day. The morn- ing service was held in the (it-tInan and the afteri.00n anal evening in the prevailed here only t wo places in Ont-; English language. Outing the slay aria would hive secured local option. • special anthems were rendered by the The signs of the times point to an choir and solos were sung by Miss early Juwiniuu election. 1'he,govcm. ClaraHHist anti Miss Chrissy Brown. tient is sending out campaign 'item- About S70 was collected which will be lure, distributing a book on the life of used by the 'Trustee Board for defray - Sir 11'illred !.airier, promise are lug expenses in connection with the clutch. On Monday evening, Rev. Hauch gave a very interesting lecture on Japan, using stereoptisse views during his discourse, to assist hint to west win l,r used s, ae c-trnpaign ur•gu- explain the runny interesting scenes in merle Sic 1Vilfr••d Id likely to make the flower kingdom. Rt -v. Mauch is at a tour of the west in the fall, and if Very fluent speaker end keeps tip the the harvest is a good one. we can test interest of the listener throughout his assured the el• ctian will immediately address. Al!, who attended, were follow, well pleased and the church trustees During the twelve ntunlhi of 1907 are to he congratulated in securing the Caareel e' total trade amounted to $635- services of Rev. Hauch. 810,031, an iota ease of $45,S9.),f+77 as compared with 1900. The total im- ports trete $302,515,207, an increase of $1.2,048,067, or about 12 per cent. The total exports were $273,32.5,111, amu in- crease of $3,817,810, or less than 2 per cent. Of the total increase in imports. $17,418,911 was in imports front Great Britain, $10,121,98:1 from the United States, $1,281,508 from France, and $981,S$1 from Germany. On the other hand oat exports to Great Britian de- creased $:;,713,S19, exports to the Unit- ed States increased $10,119,517, exports to France decreased $13,920 and ex- ports to Germany increased $375,556. Canada', total imports during the 1(•ar front Great Britian were $95,091. 188, and the exports to Great Britain were $126,317,931; imports from the United States were $215,215,000, and exports $117,530,908; imports front France were $9,501,05.2 and exports $1,872.421; imparts from Germany were $8,019,874 and exports 81.872,659. I ed on repeal the effort to revert to the I ANNIVERSARY SERvi •es -The spec - n'by not stake yourself a present One That Will Look Well Wear Woll and Last Well A suit of Clothes Or an Overcoat would be just the thing and some- thing that would afford the weati r comfort as well as the pleasure of know- ing thatite i; well t. We Have the Very Latest Cictllcs Patte:•ns. J. 11. rios uamaun (IItEDITON ! +ter '\itiUiict'ite, Sanders & Creech. Prop,. THURSDAY, Fob. 20, 1908 FishingLMonopolies. It is not only on land that the pub- lic wealth of Canada has been divided among favoured persons. Exclusive ft hing rights on the rivers. l:ekes and bays in the Canadian North and North- west have been parcelled out in the same way ars the land and the timber and the minerals. Mr. Herron of Al- berta questioned the Minister of Mar- ine on this subject the other day and ascertained that the following grants bad been made: To Coffey and Merritt exclusive right of fishing in Cutnberland and Nawew Lakes and Whitney's Nar- rows. The area of Cumberland Lake is 186 square utiles while that of Nam- ew is W. The price paid is $200 a year. The sante concern has exclusive privi- leges in Cedar Lake (285 square miles) Moose (552 square miles) Cormorant Lake (141 square miles) and at Atikan- eg Like (90 square miles) all for $100 la year. F. W. Markey of Montreal bas ob- tained exclusive privileges in the great Nelson River and all its tributaries from West River to its mouth in Hud- son Bay; also of the hay or estuary of Nelson from Cape Tatham to Owl River, a distance of more than 100 miles extending 3 utiles from shore; also of the Hays and Pigeon rivers in Keewatin, lava t ery large tidal streams emptying into Hudson 13.ty; also of the whole Great Slave Lake, which has an area of 10,719 square miles, and is larger than either Lake Erie or Ont- ario. For all this he pays $10 a year and his lease runs for 21 years from 1901. J. K. Mackenzie of Selkirk has ob- tained exclusive fishing rights on the whole of Lake Athabaska, 2,812 square miles, and also of Lesser Slave Lakes, 480 square miles. His lease runs till 191'3 and be pays $10 per annette Arch Mac. ee, whose regular busi- ness is connected with the Government newspaper in Windsor, Ont trio, has been granted the exclusive tight of fishing atoaasd James Ba) from North Bluff to Moer's island a distance of more than 100 miles by the shore line. His right rens out 3 miles from the shore and includes the tidal waters of a large number of etreautsdischarging into James Ilay. Mr. MacNec will en- joy these exclusive rights until thei year 1921, and will p ty $10 it yeas. Altogether for the price of $330 year these favoured p.'reon+ Ilave .art- guired the monopoly of fishing on the best rjt it t of the coast of I1luds ' I Bay and Ja like Illy and in all tt.• I u•ge rivers in that region, and of all the fishing of nine lakes having an exlent' of over 15,00X/ square utiles, They have hundreds of miles of see coast. thousand4 of miler of river, and some 2,000 miles of like coast under their excltt,ice eontrol. They seem to hate captured nearly all the sources of fish supply bet t•e-n Lake Superior and the Rocky Mount,unv in 11n• North Come try. except one --that of 'I'h: inveville. held in the Evangelical church Inst 51anitoba has Ieg,e:sled the Liltet-- fifthsclause its local option 1equire- menta, but it must l;e remembered that the M eurtoba law rtquited tbree fifths of the number ;:f names on the voter's list, not of the votes polled, as in Outerio. Had the Manitoba law made of laarg:• expenditure of stoney on lean t: works, among which is the completiou of the Trent \'allcy ('aural. The distribution of seed gratin in the Crediton Rev. E. H. Bean took charge of the Special Quarterly Services of the Evan- gelical Church in Rodney last Satur- day and Sunday. -Owing to the dis- agreeable weather the Festival Chorus Entertainment, which was to have been given in the Town Hall last Fri- day evening, was postponed until some future date. The singers from here took part in the entertainment given in Centralia last Thursday ev- ening. We understand the program was of a high order and all were well pleased with the choruses and select - tons rendered by the Imperial Quar- tette. -Mrs. Daniel Oestreicher is on the sick list. Her nanyefriends hope she will have a speedy recovery. -Mrs. Dora Link leftifor Toronto Wednes• day to attend the Spring Millinery Openings. -Chris. Eilber and daughter Roxie, of Zurich, spent Sunday in town, the guests 01 Mi. and Mrs. \Vw. Wenzel -The thaw last week pet our open air rink out of business. We do not know whether the manager in- tends reconstructing it or not. -Mrs. 1Vhitwans and son and Miss Etnnla Mot -lock, of Benton Harbor, Mich., are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Morlock.--Ed. A. Ratz, of the Standard Bank staff, Parkhill, spent last Sunday in town, the guest of Mr. and Mre. Chas. Zwicker.-Mrs. George Hohrneyet•, of Hanover, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Winer, for a few days. -Wan. Mills, who has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Wtn. Lambronk, for some weeks, has re- turned to his home in Woodhatn.- 1Vin. T. Englund and wife have i e• turned to their home in Sarnia after a short visit here with friends. -Mr. Mittleholtz, of the firm of 'Iittlt•lioltz & Nicholson. of Zurich, who bought out the meat mai ket in town, was here on Tuesday looking after bis b:tsiness interests. We understand that Mr. Nicholson and family will • Winoltelsea Frank Uurille and wife have return- ed to their home after a visit with friends around Eckfotd.- Elinor Cow- ard of London is visiting his parents here. -Geo. Easson of Red Willow, Alta.. is renewing acquaintances here. -Thomas Coward spent Hart of last week in London, returning Monday. Dashwood LEG BRoI EN. -Mr. Peter Kraft met with an unfortun•Lte accident on Sat- urday last which will confine him to the house for some time to come. He was engaged in the barn yard doing chores when a pig frightened by aI dog ran against hint with the result that his right leg was broken just above the ankle. , Medical assistance was procured and the injured member dressed and the patient is doing as well as can be expected. Mr. Kraft's many friends will wish for him a speedy recovery. Kirkton Mr. and Mrs. % ui. Bal man and son Tom are visiting at Mr. John Shute's. -Mr. Atmos Doupe is attending the Convention of Association of Fairs and Exhibitions held in Toronto this weeli.-The Farmers' Institute meet- ing held on Friday last was well at- tended. The subjects discussed prov- ed interesting and many hints of a practical nature were carried away by the farmers present. Miss Maddock, on the subjects of "Bread making" and "A Girl's ossibilities" were particu- larly good and was listened too with great interest by the ladies. Greenway .las. Brophy called on friends at Grand Bend. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchinson and Mrs. Thos. Steward - son visited at W. J. Wilson's on Wed- nesday. -Mr. Humble visited bis daughter Mrs. V. Young for a few days. -Mr. and Mrs. A. McIntosh spent Wednesday evening at Robert English's, -J. R. Nilson was in Sar- nia one day last week. -Miss Eva Nehrind of Arkona is visiting at Thos. Bullock's.-Itobt. English bad a wood lee on \Vednesday and got home a good supply. -Mr. and Mrs. Jos. L. Foster visited at W. .1. 'Wil- son's. -Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Pollock spent Friday at C. H. Wilson's. -Miss Milly Foster visited her friend Miss Mae Mc- Lean of Corbett on Monday. -Hugh McEachen of Detroit is visiting at her father's P. Gnrding,-A latgely attend- ed and very enthusiastic missionary concert ander the an.piees of the W. M. S. was held in the Methodist church on Monday [night. Rev. Sutcliffe its usual all}' filled the chair. Mrs. (Rev.) Gould, ,► returned missionary from Formosa, was the speaker of the even- ing and held the audience spell bound as she described her experience among move herr. in the neat futurr-and that the Chinese in that far off land. She he will take charge of the business at illustrated her address with curios of t hi+end.-The South Huron Farmers' very many kinds and showed several feet trete held meetings in the 'town Hail ••0 1londay afternoon and even- ing. Very interesting addresses were grit.• 1 :.t each meeting pertaining toisiste(' with three pieces which did mg! aeliltere and live stock. -Claude I credit to themselves and their trainer, Bluets and Henry Mwt•itzer, the town- Urs, Rev, Sutcliffe. Musk by the sin p's auditors, are busy this week choir and quartette brought to it close iwtliting the CollectorsRoll and the I one of our hest missionary ennr er ts. Treasurer's Books for the pie. Yeats! Proceeds $13. basiness.-Daniel Coughlin, of Cert. - - trade', was in the village Tuesday vis- iting hi d.urgliter, MIs. (Dr.) McCue-- ' t Host ('hest nut, of the Royal Hotel, We are sorry to hear that \11:s. Pat - tree in Port Hop" 'met week on Ins(- tor, sit., is fit a very 11)$ state. of nes.,---Jo..•ph Heist shipped a cuhieu1 health, --Mr. and Mts. t•&t.ali ('nnnnK- •t tile from Centralia to Hesnaaille ham. after it two months' visit with friends here, left 11ouday for their home in Cameos... Alta. -Last week our station agent, Mr. Jell, received word that his position as elation agent would be h:andrd over to 11r. Case of St. Marys and he would become one of the petitioned men of the G. T. R. intends !entitle, a8 she hats been found for tate teuaainter of itis life. We un- to be a very efficient teacher and one tlerstaand Mr. Jell ,and family will move who is untiring in her efforts with the to (!alt in the near flame. %%'e are pieces of beautiful fancy wm k done by the Chinese woolen, itev. ('arriere of Grand Bend was present and spike a few inspiring words. The children are NOTE; A NDS COMM K'it %;ti last Thur.,ley.-Our hitchers fliiislied ruekingg in the sepsis's supply of ice Returns prep it •.1 by the Provincial Fast Friday. - We understand Miss licensing depertnu•nt show that in Lilian Robinson, one of the teachers the recent local option campaign the of the school, has tendered her resig- by-law was carried in 31 places by the nation to the School Trustee Board. required three-fifths majority. in 27 We regret to learn that Miss Robinson municipalities local option received a majority of the total totes cast, but failed to become o erative because the intjority wai under the requisitepupils.- Our t,.wn acetylene gas got indeed sari to lose Mr. Jell as he was three-flfthe. The by-law was defeated' low in the ga»ontetet one night (last at valued citizen and will he missed in outright in 27 other places, but in the tvet'k and the lights got vet y dim. St. James church and Sirnda►y e:chool, seven instrtnces where the electors vat- F"'tunate•ly a new -.apply of carbide at which plaees he was a faithful work• carne in next morning and now the er and attender. While we regret to lights are ,,. bright 118 ewer. -Tho loose Mr. Jell rte welcome Mr. and Leap I eat Club entertained their gen• Mrs. ('ase to the village. -Miss Tilly Il•en fat as ,tthe home of Mr. and l, tleftt lest yt•t k tovIsis friendsn !s in Mrs. Dan. yaeitzet• on Wednesday Stratluoy. paia,t ti' leaving fut Dutton, evening, All bad a goal time and the . s here she tt i11 take her position as o i cl u-ctiou, Men's nn,t children's suits boys think a whole lot moreof the milliner. -The yonog peunle of St. often become failed 011,1 Phabl.y looking girls since the hippy event took place. ,lames chug eh pan p a.e holding an old IKfu;e they a -e badly [worn. One or two e• , e ell to r , couple e' V a r n 1 a c Iple in town time .n ial in the Hnll nn Tuesday, packages of Diamond Dyes sill freshen Is It Your Own Hair? 1)o you pin your hat to your own hair? Can't do if? Haven't enough hair? it must he you do not know Ayer's Hair Vigor! Her's an intro- duction ! May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich, thick, glossy hair! L'sc this splendid hair -food, step your falling hair, and get :'id of your dandruff. j The blest kind of a t•stieacntal- "eoi.i for over s:a p years," immarouinarmeamemmanopnommowssmal nada^y J.0 Ar,r r-,t..+well,Ywa, 11.0 m.3ara1 r.r. or %Alg4P48IL1.A. nus. CiIEftY PeCTO*AL. hers When " sweets " lose their sweetne ;-- and " substantials," their charm --there are always MONEY'S PERFECTION CREAM SODAS to coax back the appetite. 11111���I�l• ,..rel' Do YOU know how good they are? 105 Weed's Ph06pholiino, The Grrnt. t nq:L•h Remedy. Tunesr the whole nervous . , wake+ new Mood in .. . : a:,. (.'ure.•r Nerv- ous Debilit y, .11fental t'n ? lar i e if'ony, Iks- :asvienry, Sema! Week 4 ..,•, 1:•,ni.:5ion5, Spe•r- u••rh.ra, and F,Jrcta of.ta,u;e or P.iccssev. Il per box, MI for $5. One 'will plcase siz o,•; l euro. Sold by all druggist.; or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price. New parnphkt moiled free. The Mood Medicine Co. (formerly 4Virudsor) Ter'entO, Ont. Sodom A very successful shooting match for a supper was held at the home of Chester Stanlake on Feb. 10th. There were 15 on a side, the losing side pay- ing for the supper. Some good shoot- ing was done, F. Triebner making a straight score of 15. The match re- sulted 129 and 114.-MIss Ethel Isaac, of Grand Bend, visited friends around here last week. -A load of young folks went to Zurich to a party last week and report a very pleasant time. Rodgerville. Mr. and Mrs. John Rowcliffe enter. tained a large number of the young people of the section on Friday night last and all spoke in high praise of their hospitality. The evening was disagreeable and it is said a number in attendance had difficult). in getting there and retutuing.-The sale of Mr. Thos. Case on Thursday last was very largely attended and the prices rea- lized were good, cows selling as high as $63, yearlings as high as $25, while three two -year-olds brought $159. This speaks touch for Mr. Case as a stock raiser and feeder. -Mr. and Mrs. Nel- son Case visited the former's parents last week. Mr. Case was recently ap- pointed station piaster at Clandeboye and left Monday to take charge of his duties. Mrs. Case will remain for a few days. -The roads are again opened up rafter the storm. -Mr. Norman Jar- rott has a number of sten employed cutting and clearing up a piece of his hush. - - — THE OVERCOAT That Mother Renewed By Using DIAMOND DYES. . i a et a coustaet user of the wonder. . 1 i,..ntocd Dyes, anti Gnal there of in our home, last autumn .:,.t ..t : cm had a •cavy blue overcoat a e as faded badly on back and . I dyer! this (-nett a (l)ep rich • et .l:a :our Black Diamond Dyes • . • ..1, leaking it look like a new 3at.., :bra. Albert lteioon, Toronto, Ont. t a trifling cost any faded or disco - r oat .. 1• matte to look fresh . • c tt a^n c c r 1 rt .1. 1 rt•w; Diamond Dyes do this work hIvo decided to enter their hark on March :31 d. -Mrs. Ltumor is visiting the t i 1 1 f Marii 1 11 i the' h t U i 11 itave•n i Ex• seal renew hays garment, making it as • run ,eta 501 o e(ie n et patients . r. aner+. good as new fur Sunday or everyday near Nilo e. Ierticnlaisstill follow. 1eterthis week. -\lists%IIik0n, tiller wear, -- Harold Young, $h1) has been visit- visit with friends heir•, returned to ger fug his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. ; home in L'.ndon on 5.eturdny.-M3•s. To Obtain the Best Results John G. Y.ing, for some time, has re- ; Theo. Connor, after spending two And to make the nark of home dyeing tutned to his horse in London. Harold' months here, has rrinrneal to hi', toil+ at.suluhly perfect, Diamond Dyes tar - Silk has man) friends here and rte are al- in Cleveland, Ohio. -\its. T. 1lodgiris an•la 'Vo(the �1(lanins,.1 ,l, teri da)k, vith special yr,nd ses r tial ways glad to see hire.-- We are pleased; is visiting her daughter. Mrs, Deacon ,lar. for Cotton and Linen (vegetable to see Mra, Chat.. Z sicker around' of London. - Tse Saeta1un•nt o1 the dyes ads). again since her recent illness. -Nana' L•,id'r Suppe staa•• h••Irl In the \loth°. itriton is still , olillned to his [nom by dist church on Sunday stet,-- 11.1 litre Do Not Trurt to Chance an attack of 1•+ grippe. -- Sonne of our of Lnndoti is t isit ing ftietuJs 10 tons. Or be persuaded I,v a::yy 0 t rt limit to leer) ate getting quite handy with the ---Mil. Flence%Jell is visiting in Galt. use the one dye for all kinds of meter - gloves. Considerable science is be•iug! --Miss Scott a Morayi4 visiting ials. For 1]�erftct c..1:i•1g work ask for well Ind no doubt some of the amt- friend.' in town. -Mr.. lien Neale luta Diamond Dyes Ft 1' Wool if lou are 13•.13•, will 'leve lop into followers of the gone to London for a few flays. -Mr. dyeing VI (•01 ( r t;a:k. If y on tr 1.11 to dye W..,1.1 Champion Bern. -One of ,T1), ! and Mr• N G L •neport entertained a Cotton or Lime f.J,r„ -, a.•: for Diamond It use's bronchos ran sway from the, number of their friends Monday night, Dyes FOP Cotton. itc(u c a11 substi Post ()Mee en Tuesday evening and -Mr. Mi.,tin spent Sunday at his uses anti imit,ttiur:s, made a wile•a-minute run for home. home in Perkhill,-Mr. Chown has be- Sent free to any :.dilrces. On the nay south he ran into a ratter gun his d1)1i,"' in the mill of leecan,-- Kindly scud is w, er name and fell in 1hich ;artier from :dcOillivI at Mts. Fred Brown spent n few days, address and we will mail to you frac a sere riding and badly ..mashed it, Int with Mrs. W. W. Kilmer last week.- cost the Limo". Liam( nil 1)ye Anneal, fortinntely neither 0 the occupants We ere pleased to see Mre. Dr. Jones New Tcdd)• Tear Booklet and T►(atn.na were injured. -- Mr, McIntyre, of able to be Around again after being Dye Cook 11,ok. rh.kespeare. W85 the guest of Mr, Geo.; confined to the house ter at few weeks WPLT.S & Pik 11AR1)SOMCo., LtiontD Hu ..7._1 un Monday. ' with IA grippe. MMuNTaltAt., P.Q. Indio Fdie Ale cost ; r.,n,31;11C Brewed from se- lected haps, choice barley malt and pure spring water, nilh the utmost rare. Bottled at the brewery depots to emir,' proper handling. That 1, e•hy Lagar, Nig is rt;:: al 1.. 3 ' tin' . .i• 1 by t hough it . a' about half as much as imp.•. t • t l wds. re•ssr:sa -'K• .._).r4i , sino i}L:: r 'S' a1 f.r� ` . 1 WAREHOUSES EXETER, CENTRALIA AND CLANDEBOYE Highest Price paid for Grain RICH. SELDON (Successor to Joseph ('obhledick) 'CENTRAL idle STRATFORD, ONT. In1'cstiglite intii the Merits of tilt: it is the 3,05( succisntul business traits,_., : in R•esten, Ontario. Our Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments are In charge of able instructors of experience. All our courses are•tLor- ough up-to-date and practical. We have become one of the largest business training schools in the I'rovihce•. Get our free catalogue and learn what we are doing Commercial scnools as well as busi- ness ...ea employ our graduates. Students are eu• teringu ec. 13 n-tek. Enter now. ELLIOTT & \IcLACHLAN, Principals THE MOLSONS BANK (Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1.355) Head Office, Capital Paid Up Reserve Fund Assets Over • Montreal $3,200,000 3,000,000 33,000,000 IXTY-TWO BRANCHES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA ▪ EXETER BRANCH al OFFICE HOURS 10 a. In. to 3 p.'tn. SATURDAYS, 10 a. m. to 1 p. o, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed acing Bank Department, t ed t further notice Interest on Savings account+ .rill be credited quarterly instead of half yearly a formerly. Deposits of $t and upwards received. Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government. DICKSON & CARLINO, Solicitors-. N. D. HURDON, Manager, EXETER DIAMOND HALL FIJEST JEWELLERY OI"lt NEW STOCK OF Watches, Jewellery, Silverware, Sets, Etc., Etc., 4 Toilet has just been opened up and we may safely say that this is the finest stock' that has ever been shown in Exeter. Our Coods are at Prices To Suit EVERYBODY • Thep Will Suit You Call and Examine Early A. MARCHAND, Exeter, Ont. 1 • KILLED BY TRAiN. Farquhar. Guns uteri. Feb. 15. -Charles Ross, The funeral took place on Mondayeldest 81)11 o1 Jnrues (toss, of Godes ic•h of Mrs. John Gardiner of Hibbert; Township, wary Pt ruck Lythe inconung Township. Several years ago Mrs. afternoon train 10 day. about four m11(8 from town, inti Was in�tnntly Gardiner lived near here. but for a killed. Thr yrntng roan was 'rt ) t Hrs nunberof years she has resided with of age tied 44 a% 4' ilking along 113.• i ail - her brother Mr. Morgan in the Town- wary t reek in cnrnpeny ta•ith a y(,nr,ger ship of Hibbert. The t+ma101 her, Eddie, and a friend, E. .Iohn- iutetre(1 in Roy's cemetery.- s were tiniO �.1Vut, stone The wind was blowing strongly and they did not hear the apprnnelting from , Bray has returned froondon, lints,.,,,iiiuntil it was close upon them. been there with her mother, Mrs. Y)utnger Roe! rind Johnston jumped A. Hodgert of Exeter, who consulted to the side, but (Intles was struck. isa (•' r noted r•ciall t in the Irv. 11 e a n t 1 spare Ile w•.P touch cut about the heat! and sorry to here that hone r f ultimate re. is W and h(. right leg was !ruler!, eove',y is not entertained, the trouble (y,,id11(111 Dunbar and 1•;ngrineer Fn ti• being; tau ti+ep seale'<I. —A nun,he' were 11. a i1H1g(P of the train, lair slid e n a ed t 'v from her tt nti e a h not a rsar services of Thames 1(034 Presbyterian terian not noire the toy! on acct. t of the church on Sunday. The preacher drifting sooty, both too • g and evening w i iter, Burnside Russell of Ilarnillon, and his Valuable Samples Free dioors+s were well rived bthe lars(ge number present nteceIs,th Pelyvic+ "1 hate used your Coltsfoote Expect +os by Mies au of find it satisfactory in cases +lerrhbolWCre rend+redAnna in R(u,\Id vrtioice arid of croup, colas or coughs. i have used torant and added ranch to the enjoyment of threw it ever since i got a trial bottle, and present. e oialsu rt gond •ei• have recommended it to everyone in vire. TheThpr,•ceechdrs autnundited to $11J, 11++41 of it. You may use my name and whit 11 is encouraging to the officials.- address for testimonials if you wish. The Fittuter8 institute neetii g- is. (loping it will benefit others as it bas i the hell here on Set nrdsy "ere eel! done my children, i remain. attended of ei noon duel eret,ing. The 31164. A(IN Eel re iSI II •;n." laddiesaes by 1{. S,e•phenlon Ar"" -of An.. 1069 F'rar.ccs Pt. Lnnrlon, Ont. ler on "Beef (:tittle" and "TI. fat rrt ' 1 Coltefoote Expe=torant 18 the gr(•at- teater Pupply", =alai Its• A. G, M, Ken• est cough and throat euro in the world. rte of F•ui view on 1, tying out of tie* I (:arts and planning of building.'for ut• t ie the prescription of a renowned Mt? pnrpn es"and ' The principles of specialist. In order that every family I ticarinn anal 1otati„1.” we•le etcrll• mai- prove its unparalleled merits we est "ndi thumuafhlyenjoyed. Nu little will send a sample bottle free to et•erj• tame had been Kit en fel the pretara- one who geniis us their name and ad - droll and rnentinne this paper. Finn of a program for the evening that(':an be i• was short, hut the Tongs by the Lad at ail druggists at 25e. Rood tour 11a!!os iTsrri. and the recitation by name to -day to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., 31(88 Ada Terker Trete good. 'C,.rnra+•, &end for Free Sample To day.