HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-20, Page 1NOW IS THE TIME to
subscribe for the ADVO-
CATE and get a bargain
as above stated; or else
take advantage of our
Low Club Rates
it et
Sale Bills
I;'.11 .:IS who want a
d at their sale.
;Lae hill, at
,11u \1'N. old ad.
It Means Money to Yon
The Old Reliable
20 per cent.
A Special Cash Discount of 20 per cent. will be
given for two weeks only in order to make room
for our Spring Goods. In Dry Goods, Clothing,
Furs, Boots & Shoes, and Crockery.
Here below we give a few of our sample prices:
Men's FUR COATS, Regular $35 for $28
25 for 20
22 for 17.60
20 for 16.00
FUR RUFFS, Reg. 22.00, for 17.60
46 15.00, for 12.00
46 12.00, for 9.60
44 11.00, for 8.80
No is your opportunity to get some cheap
goods at rock bottom prices. Come early and get
your choice.
rr.PoMleaat Cards.
qDa. o. r. ROLI STON, 1.. D. 8., D. D.'S.
Member of the 11 C. D. S. of Ontario and Ilonor
Graduate of Toronto University.
orrice: Over Dickson t ('arling's Law Office, to
Dr. Anderson's former Dental Parton,.
ahDR. A. R. KINSMAN, i.. D. &, D. D. 8.•
llonor graduate of Toronto Univerlety.
Talmo afkAkatikalkark Als
Giving 'Em Away
A good brush with En-
joyme Tooth Cream
for 2.)c.
People have told us they can't
see how we do it -BUT AVE DO.
TWA attracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Ogee oyer Madman A Stanhury'sotflce• Pair, street
Ilea resumed practice after spending • yearr (Col-
lege) at British and Continental Hospitals. General
practice with epe, ia1 attention to Eye. (with refrac-
tion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
Office: Dashwood, Ont.
Dia1t8ON k CARI•tSO, RARRIBTF.R., sotJcl•
lots, Notaries, Conveyancer*, Commiwionen.
Iloaotton for Mohan. dank, etc.
*Otey to Lose st lowest rates of Int t.
Offices, Main street, Eseter,
1. a. Caswsa, Q.A., L ll. Dresses
We have a large amount of private funds to teen
a farm and village properties at low rates of Inter
Barristers, Solicitors,Main at.. Exeter On
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Royal Incorporated Society of
Musicians, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial
Church,Esetee. an. harmony and Theory
of Music, Terms application. Exeter, Ont,
50 scree, more or lea., N K 1�rt 3, Concession
McGillivray, cheap if wid at once. Apply to
Royal Hotel, Centralia, Ont.
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
.Cotnpany, also Fire insurance in lead•
log Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
Brick and Tile for Sale
The undersigned has a large quantity of ilret.•tass ,
brick and tile far ale on his yard., situated opposite
the grist mill at Crediton East. Satisfaction guar.
anteed. It will he to your Int.rest to call and mate
an inspection before.ut in`` elsewhere.
.JOSEPH iIAIST. Crediton East
g1.Otrloai trPnttna• t •. •..see u/
W0" rn n
We hate 2 used Gramaphones
I used Graphophone
;AI used records at her•
gain prices.
A number Of Edison's latest
improved machine' and records
in stork. No trouble to show
Wat-h Window, ('an.Exp.I3Idg.
'P'¢'vlir V'11,Y'sar'VIVIv
Auction Sale
Faris Stock and Implements
Theua;• r• ::,, 1 a.r tioneer has It, n inathlctot to
sell by public auction on
The following property:
IIoRSES- 1 driver rising four }}ears: 1 filly rising
2,sired by Lord Itowatson; 1 gelding, rising 2 year.
ared by Milo: 1 lost, f month. old, sired by- Lord
CATTLE -2 cow., due to rape in April; 3 rows
calved In November; 1 farrow row; S steers rising 3
years; 4 sten ri.ing 2 yrs.; 1 heifer rising 2 year.;
1 ergs, rising 1 yr; 1 heifer rising 1 year; 2 calves.
1100'-- 2 i root sows, one with litter at foot, one
due to litter at time of ale, c More hops.
IMPLEMENTF.-Maawell Binder, Champion rnit•
ivator: Prost R wood mower and hav rake, diet har-
row, atdiamnnd harrows, read girt, gang plow,
Part tern silky plow, walking plow fanning mill,
pig rr•k, land roller, ltay rack, wood ruck. set pea -
her (*tint guard.. My forks rope, car and pulleys,
"_ ladders, water trough, a quantity of hay to be
sold for ‘-uh, gravel boy, ! root pulpen, and some
roots, 1 ,.sok stove one heater, about 2b hens, forks
hoes, slim el. and menemusother articles.
TERM` -LS and under rash; over that amount s
months credit will be given on furnishing approved
Joint notes. 4 per rent off for cash on credit amounts,
Jas. Stanley John ileaman.
Aurtioneer. Proprietor
The Chosen Friends hold an enter.
tainment in the l.xlge room n0 Friday
night next after the regular busing..
has been transacted. A good programs
of in^al talent has been provided.
The lambrook Fatality.
On Friday evening Mr. Jos. Lane
brook turd two sons arrived from fort
Wayne, Ind., bringing with there the
body of the late Mrs. Lamb' oak.
Fuller particulars of the sad affair
have been received and are given be-
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Latebt•ook, who
had intended returning to Exeter Sat-
urday, togetherwith the sons, Wilber
and Eddie, and Mrs. %Vilber Lanibrook
started out. on Sunday afternoon for a
pleasure drive in a two -seated sleigh
drawn by a horse belonging to Eddie,
the three then being in the front seat
and the two ladies behind. All pro-
gressed favorably until meeting an
automobile running at slow speed and
the horse which was running fast at
the time, shied slightly and the sleigh
slipping over the ice the back bob
struck the curb stone with appalling
"The impact must have been terrific,
for everyone in the cutter was thrown
out and the rear seat was snapped off.
Mrs. J. H. Lambrook pitched head-
long, her head striking against a tele-
phone pole on the corner and her chest
been broken in, both collar bones and
several ribs being broken. She fell to
the edge of the sidewalk, the blood,
which poured from her nose and ears,
staining the snow all about her.
Mrs. Wilbert Larihrook, when hurl-
ed from the sleigh, struck against a
guy wire which extended from the
pole to the ground. She also alighted
with great force and, litre her mother-
in-law, she fell unconscious to the
ground, bleeding freely. Mt'. J. H.
Lambrook and his sons struck the
frozen ground between the sidewalk
and cunt. The father was rendered
wholly unconscious and the sons were
so badly dazed for a few moments that
they could not rise. They soon recov-
ed, however, and heroically assisted
'nearing for their loved ones."
The horse continued its mad run
only a short distance when the sleigh
was dashed against a pole, freeing the
anintal which was shortly afterwards
The noise made by the accident soon
caused a large number of people to
gather and they with the five medical
men who were summoned took care of
the wounded.
Those seriously injured were immed-
iately taken to neighboring houses
and later to the hospital where Mrs.
Lambrook died a half hour after the
The fact of the death of Mr's. Lam -
brook was not made known to the
husband until Rev. Collins who was
sent from Exeter broke the news.
For many hours Mr. Lambrook was
unconscious from the shock. He was
severely bruised bodily as well as sus-
taining bead wounds, one deep one on
the forehead, ani the right side of his
face was badly bruised. But he is
gradually recovering from the injuries
and shock. Mrs. Wilber Lambrook
was so severely cut and bruised that
she was unable to come to Exeter al-
though she is progressing nicely. The
young men although shaken up con-
siderably are now quite well.
On the arrival of the body of deceas-
ed and relatives the greatest of sym-
pathy and assistance was given then)
by their ninny friends in town. The
floral tributes were very beautiful.
The funeral was held to the Exeter
cernetery on Monday afternoon and
was largely attended by sorrowing
and sympathizing friends, who feel
the greatest regret at. the deplorable
St. Joseph Hospital, London.
Feb. 11th, 11108
Dear Editor: -If you will be so kind
as to give me space in your valuable
columns once more to speak to niy
numerors friends, as it is some titne
since i wrote concerning my health,a1-
so the improvement in my broken
limb -it you will do this 1 will feel
grateful to you for the furors bestow-
ed on one who merits so little.
Friends, i must confess I have been
some what, under the weather for the
Last nine day'. A severe attack of
grippe 1 think was the trouble but
thank goodness i feel there is a decid-
ed improvement to -day and i hope to
recover almost immediately.
As to the condition of my broken
lirnb it is doing as well as can he ex-
pected. 1 don't like to n)urtnur, but
It is five weeks to -day since i carne in
here and I are still on my back. Can't
say when i will be released owing to
the rature of the brake is compound
fracture and the material broken) it
will be some time before i recover
enough to he able to wheel around in
an invalid's chair. My Doctor says
they have one for Inc as soon as f am
ready for it.
Just a word to my many friends
who have written nn' lately- kind
words of encouragement, which go 1►
long way with a fellow when sick. i
in closing allow inc to thank you from
my heart for the kind remembrances.
To the schoolboys who have written
me lately, your innocent kindness
goes a long way towards comforting
me in my hour of trial. Coles' corn•
plications set in. that we hate no sight
of, i am hopeful of returning to my
old time ft iends before very many
week', it care and good tnanagetnent
are worth anything, something i am
getting abundance of.
At the time of writing Mi. and Mrs.
Robert Wilson of Lobo Tp.. formerly
of Stephen Tp„ also Miss E. Johns of
city and Mrs. i)avid Manning of Van-
couver, B. ('., gave me a friendly call.
With kindest regards to all i will say
gorxl•bye for this time.
Sours truly,
%Vet. ANIEitcoN.
A circular has been received by the
Hank of ('ommeree at Exeter, stating
that a branch of the Lank will be
opened at Crediton 00 Marrh 1st. Mr.
Jos. Snell, manager at Exeter, will
also be the manager of the Creditor'
atm atlsa& at3kArk.A alk ells ALI
United States Subscribers
Take Notice.
The t'uited States Soil:scribers
to the ADVOCATE are now
aware of the fact that we have
to pay lc. postage on each paper
going into United States. This
means 52c. in a year. Conse-
quently the price to subscribers
iu Cnited States is $1.50 a year,
and :as we must pay the postage
in advance, so we Must ask our
subscriber's to pay in advance.
Many subscribers have already
renewed for next year, saying
they cannot do without the
ADVOCATE, even if they do pay
postage. Kindly remit at once.
We are sending the Advocate
for February that those who are
late in remitting may not miss a
copy. After this month all sub-
scriptions not paid in advance
will be stopped and all accounts
in arrears will be banded in for
P. O. Order or Express Order
is the best way to remit.
Miss Tillie White is visiting in De-
Miss Maria Seldon, of Ingersoll, is
visiting here.
Mrs. It. G. Seldon visited relatives
in Clinton on Monday.
Mr. Alex. Martin, of Toronto, is Vis-
iting at his home here.
John Trott of Beamsville is visiting
with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolphus Evans, of
London, are visiting here.
Mrs. W. Arscott of Killarney, form-
erly Mies Susan Kellaway, is visiting
Mr. Russell Southcott went. to St.
Thomas to spend a few days on Fri-
Mr. and Mrs. Billiton and son Thom-
as are visiting with Mr. John Shute,
Kirk ton.
Mr. Ed. BAi'rOWS of London spent
Saturday and Sunday with his par-
ents bere.
Mrs. 1t. Elliott of Thedford is spend-
ing a few days with her brother John
Bell of town.
Mise 3. Murray, of Bengali, was a
visitor ' the borne of her brother, Mr.
Jas. Murray, last week.
Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Martin have
gone to Battle Creek, Mich., in the in-
terest of the latter's health.
Mr. Will Taylor, of Exeter North,
has gone to Buffalo, where he is en-
gaged in the shipping business.
Mrs. Samuel Lamport, of Clande-
boye, is visiting her- parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Rowe. and other relatives
ere:Mies Ethel issae. of Grand Bend, is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Wm. Sweet,
Mill street, and other friends, for a
few days.
Mrs. WVnt. 'treble, who has been vis-
iting relatives here the past six weeks,
Left Monday evening for her home at
Fillmore, Sask.
Mr. Witt. J. Thomas and son, Earl,
of Saskatoon, Sask., arrived here on
Saturday and will spend a short time
with friends here.
Mr. W. R. Alger of the Bank of
Commerce is in `Vallaceburg this week
attending the marriage of his brother,
D. H. Alger, to Miss Chubb of Wallace -
A branch of the Home Bank has
been opened in London, with Mr. F.
F:. Karn, late of the Sovereign Bank,
as manager, and Mr. Wallace Fisher
as teller.
Dr. Kinsman and Dr. Roulston are
attending the meeting of the Ontario
Dental Association in Toronto this
week. Mrs. Itoulston accompanied
Dr. Itoulston to Toronto.
Miss Lida Qnance, Miss 011ie Qu,ance,
Miss Addie Mot•lnek, Miss Elston, Miss
Carrie Dyer and Miss Minnie Sanders,
milliners, are attending the openings
in Toronto and Laindon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Iialloran and
son of Brantford, Mrs. John Dinney
of Osliaiwn. and Mr, Wes. Fannon of
St. Thomas attended the f 'rel of
Mrs. Joseph Lambrook on Monday.
Miss inc.' Finkbeiorr, of ik'rlin, nr•
rived here on Saturday night to visit
her sister. Mrs. Esti Haywood. She
will also visit for some time with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. Fiukbeiner,
at Creditor).
the modern JENNIE LiND,
Miss Enid Newcombe
A. R. C. M..
Cellist and Accompanist,
4 Mr. Galvin Spence
Tennor and Entertainer.
Under a rspiees of
Exeter, Monday March 9,
USN, in the OPERA 11O1•SE,
Mr. and Mrs. t'i LsI1 (•unuingh+un,
who were visiting their brother, Ber-
nard, for the last week have ret owned
to their home in Carorose, Alta. We
wish theta good luck on their return
trip. -Leri M1cCttnn, who has been
home all winter returned to Detroit
last week. -We are sorry to state that
B. Cunningham is laid up this last
week suffering all kinds of agony and
pain, but we hope under the skillful
treatment of Dr. Mel. titghlin that he
will soon recover, -Mr. and Mre. Al-
bert Cunningham of Crediton are vis-
itors at B. Cunningham's. Albert is
helping his brother. -The young peo-
ple spent an enjoyable time at John
Ratz s one night last week.
D1i.tTH-it is our stat dutyto report
the death of Mary McDonal` d. daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McDonald.
She was loved by young and old. It
was 0 pleasure to sleet her as she al-
ways had a loving and kind word for
everyone. We extend our sympathy
to her father and mother in their
time of trouble.
Like the stars of the morning
Her bright crown adorning,
They shall shine in their beauty,
Bright germs of her crown.
NELSON E. HICKS -Voice Production and Sing -
Ing -Pupil of London Conservatory of Music,
11. Ruthven McDonald, Charlesltihite,London Eng.
Ernest P.ardlec, London, Eng. A limited number of
pupils will be aeeeoted
The sacs- uuer . of the Lord's Supper
was administered in the Methodist
church on Sunday morning. -Miss
Botterill has returned to take charge
of her school after attending the fon-
eral of her father. -Mrs. Nelson Hicks
received word of the serious illness of
her father, Mr. Byron Addison, at
Norwich and has left to visit him. -
The W. M. S. met Tuesday afternoon
at the residence of Mrs. T. Oliver and
began work for the poor. Arrange-
ments were made for their anniversary
on Mar. 15t11 and 16th. -Mrs. W. R.
Elliott tnteitained a number of her
friends Wednesday evening. - Our
choir furnished music at the Eden An-
niversary Sunday and Monday.
CONCERT -Notwithstanding the un-
favorable weather and bad roads a
fairly gond audience was present at
the Choral Festival on Thursday ev'g.
The concert was a high•class one. The
Imperial Quartette of London delight-
ed all, while the choruses by the choir
were exceptionally fine and well "rend-
ered. Mr.Nelson flicks welded tete ba-
ton with skill, and deserves great.
credit for the training of the choir.
It is reported that he intends repeat-
ing tha program at an early date.
Grand Bend
James Brophy, of Greenway, visited
Ed. Gill on Tuesday. -%Vin. Wilson,
of Petrolea, visited a few days around
here last week. -Mrs. Robert Pollock
Chronic Coughs Cured
Mrs. Joseph Eccles of Drornore, says:
"I took 4 or 5 bottles of Psychine,
and a cough I had continually for nine
months disappeared. It is the best
remedy for chronic coughs that I ever
Thousands of living witnesses pro-
nounce PsychIne the greatest medicine
in tho world. 1t is not a patent medi-
cine, but a prescription of a great phy-
sician. I'ut it to tho test in any
case of throat, lung or stomach troublo
or any run down or weak condition. At
all druggists, 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T.
A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto.
is on the sick list. -David Nilson vis-
ited his brother in Sarnia Friday. -
Mrs. Henry Bossenberry has gone to
visit in Galt. -Mrs. Augusta Latta, on
the B Line, is at present on the sick
list. -James Stubbs was married at the
Presbyterian Manse on Wednesday,
the 12th of February, to Miss Rosa,
both front near Thedford.-Mr. Bos-
senberry has returned front visiting
his son at Brucefleld.-Mr. and Mrs.
Walt. England, from Greenway, visit-
ed in our burg Thuredrty.-Soule of the
children around hero are laid up with
the mumps. -Messrs. Grieves and Les-
lie, from Parkhill, were hi our burg
Thursday. -Mr. Newel, Canada Com-
pany Agent, was around here looking
after tits interests. -Messrs. Tiernan
and Holt., from Dashwood, were here
Monday. -Miss Ethel Isaac is visiting
relatives and friends in and around
GI1tSON-In Stanley Tp., on Feb. 8th,
to Mr. and Mrs. E. Gibson, a daugh-
YRI.Low-At Mount Pleasant Farm.
on Feb. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Yellow, a daughter, still born.
LINnieNFRLT.-In Exeter, on Feb. 17,
to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lindenfelt, a
T1I03IPsoN. -In Ushorne, Con. 3, on
Feb. 18tb, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Thompson, a son.
STctlns-Ross-In Grand Bend, by
Rev, Carriere, on the 12th inst.,
James Stubbs to Essie Russ, both of
t ..-
CLCNEtiti-At Parkhill, on Sunday,
Feb. 9th, John Cluness, in his 75tb
McDoNALtr-In Stephen, Feb. 17th,
Miss Mary McDonald.
HARDY -In Clinton, on Feb. 8th, John
Hardy, in his 80th year.
SWAN-ln Goderich tp., on Feb. lltb,
Wm. II, Swan, aged 88 years.
Woman's $50.00 Women's $12.00
Fur Lined Coat
for $39.00
Cloth Coats
for $7.50
Sable Scarfs
for $8.75
Men's $10.00
for $7.00
Auto Strop Safety Razor
A Common Sense Sell' Stropping Safety Razor.
R CriZR Safety Razor, twelve Certified
blades, one first-class horsehide
strom-•all in handsome leather
case. Complete outfit $T
$TnOepcR COiAB».to 115 OM[ ♦ISC4
Wade & Butcher's, Boker's
and Clauss' Razors
from 75c to x+1.50
Special for one week
With every- razor sold between
Feb. 13 and 20 we will give a
good shaving brush +ted a cake
of William's Soap.
Remember for one week only.