HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-06, Page 8i • le ate Mrs. \\'tight, of Exeter North. is
i+ 4 very ill of grip.
gji.1licrillctioll LOCAL I)OINUS. !
1►,, things rather than people.
1t.nt't shake hands with a man as if
IN SUITS is I:etrt.
Even a pin has head enough to keep
it from going too far.
D. S. Perrin, the biscuit tuanufactur•-
n r 11 d V C e r of d
I,unun, died on Friday lust,
In talking otti of the other fellow ee-
tttt•nsler that you are the other fellow
to him.
A meeting of the shareholders of
the Sovetelgn Bank is to be held on
March Itlth.
Rev. F. E. Alallutt of the Colborne
street Methodist church has been ask-
ed to remain another year.
Mr. Harold Bissett of the Molsons
Bank, Sitneoe, formerly of Exeter, has
been transferred to Toronto.
It is better to make mistakes doing
things than to make the mistake of
doing nothing -dead Wren never tuakc
Rev. Alfred Brown of St. Thomas
and Hey. win. G. Howson of Wing -
ham will prearh missionary sermons
in the James street church on Sunday,
Feb. Itith.
\\'e are sorry to learn that Mrs.
Thos. Case, of the London Road North,
is still confined to her roost through
illness. We hope soon to hear of her
speedy recovery.
The jury in the Harry Thaw case for
the murder of Stanford White has
decided that be is "insane, and not
guilty." Consequently Thaw has
been sent to the madhouse.
Mrs. Geo. O'Brien, and little son,
and Miss Idelia Neugent who have
been visiting the former's parents, Mr.
Rich. Glanville, in Stephen, returned
to their homes in Park River, N. Dak.
on Wednesday.
As the result of a recount held in
Goderich before Judge Doyle, Hobert
Thompson is now mayor of Godericb,
with five of a majority, in place of Dr.
A. H. Macklin, who was previously
elected by five of a majority.
The Horse Show will be held in Tor-
onto on February 12 to 14. Single
fare railway rates have been arranged.
The arena will be well lighted and
heated while good seating accotnoda-
tion and good music have been arrang-
ed for.
The city of Toronto is providing for
its poor in Shackdown by a subscrip-
tion from all over the province. Sev-
eral thousand dollars have been col-
lected and $2.50 are being expended
daily in food and clothing. A number
of Exeter people are preparing a pack•
age of clothing to send to the city.
Mr. Geo. Keys, of Snowflake, Man.,
formerly of Stephen, in writing to the
Advowtte, says: -"We ate having it
lovely winter, no snow yet. The cattle
and horses are all out hunting their
living through the fields, and some
people have started to harrow. It is
reported that one man sawed wheat
last week. We get the Advocate re-
t+ularly and it is read with a great deal
of interest l.v all of us."
The Oriental Lecture given by 1i. A.
Ben•Oliel under the auspices of the
Ladies' Guild of The Trivrtt Memorial
church in the Opera Howe on Friday
evening. in spite of the very stormy
weather drew a good crowd of people,
who wet e well pleased with the lecture
and the chat actors costume. The lec-
turer's description of the people of the
Holy Land, their customs, manners,
costumes and methods of architecture
and farming was good and given in
excellent English. while the young
ladies and gentlemen dressed in east-
ern cost limes aided considerably in the
lecture. A pat Ocularly interesting
featioe of the lecture was 1he mat iiage
ceremony illustrated by the costume
King Storni had this district in his
power on Friday, Saturday and Sun-
day last, with the result that the
r•o,tde were rendered almost impass•
able, lusiness was paralysed and only
a few townspeople ventured out to
church on Sunday. The trains got
through on Friday and Saturday
morning slightly late, but Saturday
evening they were three or four hours
late. The stores closed about 8:30
Saturday night, a thing never before
known in Exeter on a Saturday. The
G. T. R. had their snow plows running
on Sunday and they cleared the track
so that the trains got. through Mote
:lay morning. although an hour bite.
Several of the teachers of rural schools
who reside in town had diflleulty in
getting; tett to their schools Atonday,
and some If thein failed ro (lo s.t.
shovel la ignites in town and (-01;101y
wooke(1 with a will on, S lndlty ((ILII
Alonday and soon had the highway
$18 Sills tor$9, SIO, 312
For t he 'text 30 days we are offer-
ing; soul- of the best bat gains in
6110 s that were ever offered in
Huron County.
Don't miss the Opportunity
Merchant Tailor,
Business Locals -- Read Them
Clubbing Rates.
There is no clubbing rate too good
for Aoyuc.tTR, subscrit.et•s. \Ve have
the best Co(•cheapest list that can he
secured, pod all you have to do is call
and take ..,tvantage of it.
i1edpnth'. Sugar has t•,o,1 the ttst •-
years, S', ',art sells it.
Farm for S]!e,
31 acre t.,rm, situate west of the G.
T. 11. and smith of the salt block, Exe-
ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bobi('t.
If !pm want to s,e the New Spring
Waist, .st, ,art ha., them. "They air
J1 ennui,."
Narriege Licenses issued at the Ad -
woe tte office.
.1 lunge marts of Men's and Buys'
Shirts, in .711 the leading shades, nrrired
at Strwar(.t,
Nouse to Rcnt.
Oo 1ViII ..in street, brick story and
heti dwell,,.a;, in good state of repair.
Ag,ply t„ tars. Perkins.
7'hr rh,.,••r.d lot u( 3/en's and Ladies'
''/u', ju+t 'irked. They are !,e((rttir,
i'„n want t•, call and sic theta at .Steu'-
n, l'N.
votetzesonsa, Remedies'.
For c(ouglts, headache, grip, pneu-
monia, asthma, fits, fevers and all
chronic trunbies,
W>1. M, 13t.a.reti1 OR1),
Agent for Canada.
Farm Band !%anted.
A wooing man that can make himself
t• tntfy oli.'ond a faro!. Apply at this
if y4•11 IIalit lu:+ at a great redu'tion
you (runt to .'al! at Stewart's.
Mr. Thee. Cameron will hold an auc-
tion) sale at the Afetropoditan Hotel,
Exeter, on Eridlty, Fe '. 7. Parties
hat inK erlicles for sale may have same
eotel••.1 at this office on or before Jan.
30t h.
So'woo t'.t t11,' ),i,7.', to flu Olt?' .l1„1 -
Ping I...free gain,) II'r.tt. .1 large 11't.
woman.% tnrtitute.
Tn• r es;'rl or Meet lug; of the \Will:lrl's
institute .till be held 00 Friday, Feb.
7th, at ,t o'eluck in Senior's Anil. Slob.
jer't : " Home Nursing and 'Tempting
1)i-'. - lot I•,vali.ls," b'' Moos L. felt.
Eve• y per.• n tvPl•`otnt'.
MIt..:\\tt):, AII(S. IIASTIN(iS,
"1 nm going into The PURITY for
)) • ••f ill 'Tooth Paste with a Free
ill Ash. It's (only ':. e,
\\'lialore AIr. and Aire. S. Ogden
vett. ideas (holy entertained a nnIniter
Pf In.n f' ie• Is to an oyster supper on
Tliesdey ni,,ht, after which followed it
most pie te•.ntly spent evening.
iit1\'EY'S SYRUP
WHITE I'INi•; and '1':\It
Id only at Ilowey'e Drug
erre. ilig hotly for '2J ,
Mr. Jos. Davis, who has been under
the weather is again able to be out
Miss Millie Oke has been Wider the
doctor's care the past few days. suffer-
ing from neuralgia.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Atkinson eery
pleasantly entertained a number of
their most intimate friends on Tues-
day last.
Mr. Jos. Snell, Manager of the Bank
of Commerce, was compelled to cease
duties at the Bank 'Tuesday and is new
confined to his lied.
Sunday being cold :old stormy, the
set•vices.both morning and evening,
in the Presbyterian and Main Street
churches, were held in the basements.
Old timers say that the storm of
Saturday was the worst they had ever
seen in the country, considering the
high wind and the amount of snow
that fell.
The ground -hog had no diftfkulty- in
seeing his shadow on Sunday, if he
carte out in the right time, but be-
tween the hours of 11 and 12 the sun
did not appear. The tradition seems
to be one brought from the Old Land
by our forefathers, that if the weather
is fair oti Candlemas, Feb. 2nd, the
winter will be a severe one. Sunday
here was anything but a fair weather
day, and if there is anything in the
tradition our winter should not be
long or severe.
The beautiful should exist in the
school life of the child. The school
building and grounds should portray
the artistic and beautiful. Those
things which •morn the tasty home
should embellish the school property.
-the I:;wn, terraces, walks, trees and
flowers. Within should be neatness
and refinement. A neglected school
house is a terrible demoralizer. Place
a child at a mutilated desk, put in his
hands torn and soiled books and we
find an almost irresistible temptation
to continue the destruction with knife
and pencil. Place the same child on
a neat, clean room with suitable and
beautiful furniture and we immediate-
ly remove the temptation for destruc-
A Baceetor'a solilogny.
Over a pipe of good tobacco a bache-
lor often dreams of things " to be or
not to he," and he wonders whether it
is wise to stay single and disappoint a
few for a time, or get married and dis-
appoint one for life.
Harrah for The PURITY, a Tooth
Brush and Paste for 2.5e.
George Armstrong has returned to
i1r. J W. Creech of near Iluffel,, is
visiting here.
Fred Gould, after a visit here, has
re'turnett to Michigan.
Airs. Jas. Willis, of London, is visit-
ing with friends here.
Mr. James Creech is confined to his
room owing to illness,
Miss Asteria Seldon, of Ingersoll, is
visiting Mrs. Richard Seldon,
Miss Emily Brooks visited her sister,
Mrs. (fault], of Hensen, over Sunday.
Mrs. \1'. Weir (nee I•':Mese. Senior)
of Preston, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. .1.
Mts. Robt. ('hat tet F. of Egncond-
ville, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Geo. McLeod.
Mrs. Win. Lindsay, of Clinton, vis-
ited Mrs. 1f. Parsons the former part
of the week.
Airs. D. 1:. Spencer, of Port Huron,
is vi,.itii.g G. 1', Connor and family,
of William street,
Alt'. S. Al. Sanders at'eto to Cincin-
nati, Ohio, Monday, to attend the can-
Ilel8' e('1, \•erltl.ln.
\f1. anti Mrs. l , 1V. Solos 1(1,41 Mrs.
Sifton, of Sparta, visited Rev. 1). W.
and Mrs. Collins this week.
Mt•. and Alin. Jos. f.atut,ru ,k left
Sattirdtty for Fort Wayne. Ind., where
they will visit their son for it short
Airs. Robinson. of St. \!drys, who
has been visiting; Atrs. John 11. Scott
for It few weeks, returned to her home
on Tuesday.
Mrs, (leu. Fliutolf and two sour,
after a six weeks' visit w ith Mr, and
Airs. J. C. Snell, l'shorne, returned to
Otter home in Strolled Monday.
Alt'.srs. Frank and Pled Walters of
Detroit and Ilatth• (reek, respectit•ely,
arrived bete Saturday owing to the
illness of their father, Air. James
Rev. A. if. Going wee in London
hest. wet k assisting in the arranging of
a pros;rein for the Methodist confer -
in a passal,Ie condition. PION., to 1,. held 111 the .g.tn)es street
t1n'I':testlay night mei \\'evinOsd(ly rh,u'•h hot. in ,1one,
.:f this week a heats win 1 storm from Aft. Fred Gillespie left Friday for
' the east swept over Exeter and drift- lied Willow, Alta.. where ti'' intends p m
ing the fallen snow into the shu+al.11 81)11remaining.-iFred's friends here are' w �• H4wEY !hili B
pati:- again tooting thingsinactippla) sol! y t t see loin' I.dve toot 11 bat wish
state. It w;a ltft(r (limier before ttu• lila, ••tt'r)• soccPss in th•• \V.•�t. ,
„1 0. o ., ('hernia .U..11)itl,ci.,r,
in)p(essible. Y.. to -pond two mato he. I They will j _
CrackinaChes site.
return in April when M r. Seawright!
To' (1.tyN cracking cheap sial. at the
will il''un'' his isisit ion ns pra('.esor �►�FAle ,e,,e„cklriti3F�IIF V
Exeter Bargain Store of readytnade
+•lothing, overcoats and cloths and
.is Your Tailor 1
shops. J. W. Brv,derirk.
Barley '.!t
Peas 7.;
Potatoes, per lag alt
Hay, per ton 12 110
Flour, per cwt., fancily
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 40
Butter 22
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Turkeys ...... .... ... 1i)
Geese 7
Ducks 7
Chicken I;
Ilens 5
Cloyer R ($)
Timothy 9 00
14 00
2 75
1 45
5 t ill
24 00
10 00
_' 75
It's a guaranteed egg producer,
unitise' tonic and a sure cure for
chicken cholera, roup, gapes, and
all poultry diseases. Thoroughly
reliable and effective. Highly
recommended by leading poultry
rnen everywhere and guaranteed
by the manufactnrers.
Ask for Pratt's
and try it. The result will more
than pay you.
25 Cents a Package
W.S. Cole, Phm.B1
Mr, A. M. Todd of the Goderich Star
was a pleasant caller at the Advocate
office Tuesday. Mr. Todd was in at-
tendance at the! County tneeting of the
L. O. L. of which he is a most enthus-
iastic member, scarcely ever missing a
meeting of this kind.
Airs. Susie Egan returned on Mon-
day from Clinton, where she visited
relatives and friends for :t few days.
She was accompanied by her brother.
Mr. R. N. Sweet, wife and child, who
will visit here for a time. Bob reports
the smallpox epidemic in Clinton as
being very mild, but three C14See being
under treatment. These are sheltered
in t► teut in an open field tteltr the
town, and much doubt exists as to it
being the genuine small pox. But it
is much better to take good care of the
doubtful cases at the start, than to
be sorry /afterwards.
would give everything on earth for
sight, ft is tllan'N most precious pos-
session. Yet many abuse and nvgl.' t
it. Stop and think if you are
'Then come and have ua examine them
to learn how they should be treated
in the future. Our examination emits
you northing. The glasses t l' supply,
if noressary, will roost you as little its
honest issues and frames can he sold
1 • e
+ii L• r>-s•++•fh•fl••F++.11.4.44 .1.4•#• south train went op \Vs -1i o -.lay nod M r. am! Mrs. Chas. Seawricbt left
3 '
travel in the (smolt.). is ,a•• urn ,►tui ' ! (said tv m r lug K ( 1 .. t!i. I,l N.
I Who
tweeds: all go for half price. We want
to stake roost for a stock of ,outs and
! tetinl Indy toe' the
! no. '•t.tett theta' Duey
toot he right. :\l
ways the latest and
1 greet fabrics of the
tne•tnent ate here.
Oar tail.,! ing is first •
I el o•• end .1•ir pr ire•w
Within re:erh of all,
1'., i..• hest tl, I'Pbl`d
d(oe•sn't Ire( art to pay
most. Just be'reuee
3 11,.(14 p,lys it big
otiose for his clothes
doesn't nick. them
1." k good. The to t•
?lerchon• Tao..- - l'oo:tcr
also Paso For Your Advertl8ingtr
Who pay. the cost of advertising?
At first sight this question looks easy.
One is apt to say off -hand that the
edve•rtiser pays it. Ilnt upon closer
investigation, it becontes apparent
that lin advertiser. who advertises
properly, gets hack all the money tie
spends in advertising. and a good dee%
more-- else w hat would be the use of
his advertising? Theperehaserdoet'nt
pty 0. because he gets the goods as
cheaply from an advertising firm as
he raid from s non -adept -tieing firm.
to tunny Casey he boys cheaper. 'then
who pays the cost of advertising's The
nonetdvertiser does! By the lark of
enterprise in bringing his goods before
the attention of the p.ihlir he loses
rnsturuer!, who hely ft011) advertising
people. The profits Whirl) me lost by
nun -advertisers Igo l their wry into
the coffers of those who do Advertise.
As an example: if *_'0 spent in sdv'er
tis.lg brings Nott in $ai nd(Ltitnal
profit. your lt,lve•iti'ing is tt.14id for and
% 'ii are $10 in pocket - F. - rn The
ilt••kselt,r and Mt ,. nn.r, rub airy.
at he canning factory.
Meteors. John liawkins, Peter (`aNe
and Airs. Peter Atn1'aggart, London
Road North, attended the funeral Set -
(inlay of their cousin, Alias Sarah
Case, who died at Victoria Hospital,
i.ondon, on Thursday boat.
Spent Eighteen Dollars I
' e (gentlemen,---] hate totemic in
Hardare Stock is CoMMete
Even between seasons, such as the months
of January and February are, we always
keep our stock up to the mark.
Stores, Hardware, Tinware, Builders' Supplies,
Oils, Paints etc., are always looking up well In
this store.
You can not find us unready for
business in any line of Hardware.
Is what the people want and this is just the quality of
furniture we handle. Some people are willing to pay lav-
ish sums for exceedingly elaborate designs, but most peo-
ple want style, combined with serviceability at a moderate
outlay. Our lines f111 the bill exactly, being rich in design
and reasonably priced. Our extensive lines include SIDE-
are a line which we are introducing and we are showing
a specially fine selection in elegant designs.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors.
ootiNcws [or ElrlySimpors
We believe in being ready for the early buyer. Our new
Spring Stork is now on our counter and more arriving every
day. Croute and see thein and let us help you to choose your
new dress or suit.
New Dress Goods
All the new fabrics in the fashionable colors are now open for
your inspection. Y on will find oar stock right np•to•date.
New Panama, Srccamoose, Taffeta, Lustre, Serge, Venetian
and Ilioadcloths are the new goods for spring.
New Prints and Ginghams
All new for Spring. \Ve have a big selection to show you
in i'h(•cke, plain and fancy, all at old prices.
New Laces and Embroideries
Will be a' -ed very to tr,h this feasor for trimmings. We are
well sltpplied with them and can show you a large assortment.
Men's Tailored Suits
Don't forget loll' tailor nettle suits. We have some extra new'
patterns for spring al the lowest prices.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford Clothing
Our New English Prints
mooting that 1 ha) a used tIS.00 worth of Will Kmdly Take Notice
Paychine, and as a result was cured of
very serious threat and lung trouble.
My care was a most difficult one, and
the doctors had practically said that I
could not get well. I tried Paychine,
and it did me so notch goo,! that 1 con-
tinued its nm" until I had taken Us 00
worth, with the result that 1 am now
a new man physically. 1 have gained
thirty five pounds
"It is with the erratest ronfidenee
that I recommend Paychine to all who
are Afllletr•1 %Oh throat or 'ling tr.•ub',•.
Yours truly, C. A. i iNKIIAM.
SeOtmtown, Qua . Sept., '07.
This man si caks from experience.
Psychine cures al! throat. chest, lung
and Stomach troubles and give renewed
Strsegtth A,'•1 t•itAtity to run down pco-
g•lP At all Thr)i,;,:.ts. -' 1' 8411 11,00, or
Dr. T. A. 1' , .nn. 1.1e,1;cd, Toronto.
that, after March 1st, w•. will
1 o oar linin. •.. • oU 11
Spot Cash Basis
\\'P would like to hay. nor out•
standing accounts f,{nstP'I np
this dntr.
N. II. ('base do not t'k for
GRAFTON'S MAKE- Same old prier.
-12 1 cents.
A brand new lot of English Prints
jest opened up. The hest assort-
ment we have ever show)). We
want you to see them sad try the
washing quality. We vnsrantee
et et y piece, on can't fade theta,
the cloth is of a tine, even texture,
' dull finish, flee horn dressing. in
all the different rolorit: large or
small patterns, We would advise
you to get your supply now while
the assorttlient is new and cotn-
`)`` tP � Embroideries Insertions
To match
41 Table Linen & Towling
4 ,,n.l ,1 '1.1%41,1 41
New Cottons for Spring
Trade at sante old Iikice
Yon will want to hay your cot-
tons soon. Why not buy now.
We have a rhoire stock of sheet-
('.nabs" and Amylin Embroideries
and itlm.rtiuns tety fine neat pat-
e,. n tt I Ntgains in 't.lIle Litt,t1 tuns, all widths.
i'rire front be. to 2i)c.
ttt.,���,� ��a�A4 N E l , I, & R()WE