HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-06, Page 31 1/4 GROWING GIRLS NEED PINK PiLLS This Tonic is Necessary for Their Proper Development and to ,-insure Health and Strength, There are thr••nghout Canada thou - rends and tlwusands of young girls who are in a condition approaching a decline. The eeemplexion is pale or sallow. Appetite fickle. A short walk. cr going upstairs, Leaves them brenth- ics and with a violently palpitating heart. lieu:iacties and dizziness often adds to their misery. Doctors call this anaemia -which, in cenim nt English, means poor blood. There is just one sure and certain cure for this trouble --Dr. Williams' fink Pills. These pills make new, rich, red blood, strengthen every nerve and bring a glow of health to pale faces. Do nut waste time and ►money experimenting with other medi- cines. Do not delay treatment until you are in a hopeless decline. Get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills at once and see how speedily they will restore your health and strength. here is the proof: Mrs. Joseph E. Lepage, St. Jerome, , Que., says: "My daughter Emilia be- gan to lose her health at the age of thirteen years. She suffered from headaches and dizziness. Iter appetite seas poor. She a as pale and apparent- ly bk>odless. She had no strength and cculd neither study nor do any work. Doctors' medicine failed to cure her and I thought she was going into a de. cline. She was in thLs condition for several months when a neighbor ad. viand (ho use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to give them a trial. It was not long until an im- provement was noticed and the con- tinues use of the pills for a month or more completely cured her and she has since enjoyed the best of health. I feel sure that Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills will cure any case of this kind." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills will cure all troubles due to poor and watery Mood, such as rhetimat°sm, sciatica. indiges- tion, partial pnralysis, St. Vitus dance. end the ailments that rnake the fives or so many women miserable. Sold by all medicine dealers or by avail at 5e cents n box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ODD JOTTINGS. Much so-called patience Is merely laziness. Advice is cheap until we begin to fol- low it. No alarm -clock Is required to arouse a man's suspic"ons. The most influential woman's club Is the rolling -pin. Woatth niay not bring happiness, tut it cer'ainly helps, The efforts of a plain girl to look pretty are very often vain. Good fortune nearly always finds then in a receptive mood. Cupid shoots his arrow, but his vic- tim on , eels tate quiver. Expert ce is the cream of life, which age loo frequently sours. Waste.' opportunities are those which ge to the wrong people. The more a man wants to borrow, the more he shales your hand. The man who real:zcs les foolishness has a certain amount of wisdom. "All the worlj's u stage," and most o; the people on it are bad actors. \Vhl'e some men outlive their useful- ness, others are horn wiliout any. THE TRADERS' BANK OF CANADA. • Annual Statement Shows Solid Posieon. J 4' The annual statement of the Traders' (tank just ieeued shows a year of suc- cessful operations and the strong post• tion 111 whit^h this Bank stands. The net milts for the year, after making the usual allowances, amount to 02.2.t,22; le. the shareholders a yearly dividend at the rate of 7% has been paid, whilst ere rest account of the hank has been in- creased by 8100,000. In the midst of prosperous times the Rank's directorate has not been unmindful of the interacps e ! its Officers, having donated $5.0U1) to the Guarantee Fund and like amount to the Pension Fidel. The balance of 8e5,364 has been carried forward to !text year. The Capital Sleek of this Bank new stands at 31,352,310 and tie iteel Account amounts to $2,(10,000. The ea of hence of the public In the 'Traders•" Is altesled by $223,372,760.69. the amount of deposlte. The Immediately available neeete of this strong institution amounts In between six and seven million donate. The whole statement of the Traders' Rank is welt calculated to extend the confidence of the people of Canada in 1h( institution and n•fleeLs the greatest reedit in the management. It is plainly evident that the recently appointed gen• oral u►anngcr is adhering to the sound conservative principles which have char- acterized this Bank eine(' it was estate 1:shed years ago. ---44---- HAPPY FAMILY. Jes'4.1 by, Mistah Trubble, Lt,us.. in n hurry- Dars, one !Keith dal wants ye, lou dean nerd 1' worry' ik'ys no one needs n doctah- Ailin' hasn't de queslahun- \\'e hain't n<> •ort of sickness I:xcep'n 'rule digesLthun, 1s there anything more annoying than having your cern stepped upon? 1s there nay th:ng mere delightful than gelling rid of it Holloway s Corn Cure will do Il. Try it and be convinced. A GRACEFUL WITHDRAWAL. "he you know who that old man is talking to our hostess?" asked Mrs. Itun,k'rer of the fatly sitting bes.de her. "Thal." answered the woman coldly, "ix my son." "Oh," gespe.l Mrs. 131underet, in er.n- tuition, "he's a geed deal older than you are. is he not?" Weak and Pale Women t.00ll.hl' keep th1 way when by the use et ^ 1. r^nu1. '• the A.,t kiemir, they ,• .111.1 very quickly recover their health nd strength. Try 1t 1 OLD FOX Ulit\TING EXPERIENCES. Markelnen Take (!p a Chase -Refuge ou House Tops. During the recent run of the Essex end Suffolk foxhounds the good {people of Wivenhoo had the novel experience of seeing their town invaded by hounds and huntsmen ani of looking on at the death of regnant in one of their streets, says the Westminster Gazette it i; not long since the New Cut was the scene of an even dere startling in- cident, when a full grown fix sudden- ly appeared netting eking the middle of the street when marketing was at 1!r busiest. To n man every costcr de- serted his barrow and with cries of "Tally -Io" joined In the Chase. Dash- ing toward Bluckfriars road the for soon doubted, and darting under n irllitereee barrow sought refuge in a wheelwrights yard, where he was found firmly wedged in the spokes of a cartwheel and carried off in triumph hey u second hand furniture dealer. A fox was recently chased by the Relvoie hounds into Aslacky village and went to ground in the churchyard; another sought refuge on the house- b:ps in Ilullavington village and was dislodged by nneanc of a ladder, while still another was killed in the dining rcorn of Gayhurst House. the residence of \V. W. Carlile, formerly M. P. tor North Bucks. WOODEN LEGGED OX. Bullock's Limb Was Amputated -Artifi- cial One Affixed. There Ls to be seen at present on the farm of the (lope, on Berwick Corpora- tion Estate, Scotland (tenanted by Mr. Richardson), n bullock feeding for the rr,nrket, which has a wooden leg. It appears that while the bullock, which belonged to Moll. Dowson, was betng taken from Newcastle to Berwick, he leg was broken in the railway wa- gon. On arrival at Renwick the broken limb was set, but as it showed no signs of healing the veterinary surgeon arnpu- tated the leg and substiti.ted a wooden one. The leg was made by efr, J, Cockburn, joiner, Berwick, and the leather by which the substitute is fixed, by Mr. T. Cock - rime, Bewick. The experiment has proved successful, and the animal is now being fattened on the farm. GRATIS. inquisitive Visitor: "What did your father thrash you for just now?" Dejected Boy : "Ile tht'.tst►ed rue for nclhin'. Did you think 1 puid him for doin' it?" A WI MEDICINE FCB LLL CHILDBBN. A11 so-called ": oothing" syrups and most of the powders advertise, to cure the ailments of babies and young chil- dren contain poisonous opiates, andel] overdose may kill the child. Baby's Own Tablets are absolutely safe. You have the guarantee of n government analyst to the truth of this statement. Good for the new Lorn bale and the welt grown child. The Tablets posi- tively cure such ailments as colic, sour stomach, indigestion, constipation. dinr. rhoea and teething troubles. They also cure simple fever. break up colds, pro- vont croup and destroy worms. Every mother who has used this medicine praises ft highly. Sold by meelcino dea'ers or by mail nl 25 cent; n box from The Dr. Williams' el dlcine Co„ Brockville, Ont. INDUSt'RIAi. NOTE. "Oo-ooh►!" shudders the fair young thing wino is going through the iron works. "What makes that awful squeal every lime they start the metal through those monster rens?' "That," explains tier guide, "b the pig iron!" Iligh-s-haat gra•luates who start out to set the world on flre soon discover that there are a lot of Ire engines on duty. Worm,' cause tevere:11ncst, rr.oaning. and reellessness during skep. Mother Graves' Worm Externitator t3 pleas- ant, sure and effectual. 1f your drug- gist has Ilene in stock, get him to pro. cure it for you. Cii \NCL, TO SHOW IT, Mrs. Bigg; --"1 hear Mrs. Itknv Lt going to move again?' Mrs. Dtggs-"lee, she moves every month since she got her new furni- ture.' 1 Scratching 1. teellah ; It enty rnzkeo :t ts►Qt ,mstt.r war.-.. 1%r•%roi. rotate allays the pun, r)tana the skin .d eruptions and other acres. 1t<by out buy a Doltl• t" -lar 1 After a shnrl meeting a 11111e sewing was initilged in by some sof the mem- bers c.1 a social gathering, and half. way down the programme 11>e name of Mist Augusta proven figure 1, Alas! however. utter) the Ilene cline far her to appear n mcsreylger arrived to say that Ibe I1dy was suffering from n very brut cold. and herefore the eliairman had to excuse her to the audience. "l.ndics and gentlemen." ho raid. "1 have to ann0Onee that Mks Ilr)w•n will to unable td) sing. ne nnteeit •CJ, and herefore Air. Green will give us 'e $.mgr r ! Thank. g v ng' !" Men should I(;oi; for this Iag on (,hewn).^ 'I -t)6 z. (. I guar ant cc ,tile �.il;,El (;u.liity cf Black Watch 1 1 The Ria B1 ell ►I !VIIUIIN OIL OF PINE it \\'Illi. BREAK UP A (0I.D IN 24 !HOURS AND CURE ANY COUGH THAT IS CURABLE. It is the Otey preparation of pine con - rounded from the active principles of for. est tars that is intended for internal use. It { er•meatet the whole system with the wholesome, healthful 811110s- pliere of the pine woods, heating any irritation of the Iltncuous surface teat tray be present. 1's action on the kid- eeys is most beneficial, affording sp)eeely relief in cases of rheumatism due to ori; ac!d in the s)•stem, Put up for dispensing through drug- gists only in 3 oz. vials. each vial se- curely sealed in a round wooden case. Re• auro to get the genuine Virgin Oil of Pine oompoun:l pure, prepared only by Leach Chemical Go., Cincinnati, O. Properties, uses and directions with every vial. A DIPLO-\CAT'S RI:1'l.Y. "Some penplo," said the earnest citi- zen, "are saying that you made most of your mousy on politics." "1 know It," replied the boss, "but there are others who say 1 made all niy tnoney out of politics; so who aro you going to believe.' ZAJI-Bi;K CURES P1L1:9. This distressing complaint is succees- ftlly dealt with by IlseZum-Buk treat - wine The sgeny of Piles is as excru- ciating a.; floe disease itself is weaken- ing, and every sufferer seined lose no 4:ne in giving Zam,l3uk a thorough Irtal. "leant-t3uk subdues the paint, al- lays the inflammation and enables rest and conifort to come to the worn-out ttlffer•cr. Mrs. E. Boxall of 75 Scott St., St. !Moines, Ont., writes: "I consider it my duty to write of the benefits derived teem using 7.am-Buk. For some months 1 was a constant sufferer from bleed- ing piles. I had used a great tnany ointments. but got no relief until 1 had tried Zara-Buk. It cured mo and I have had no return of the trouble. Since my cure, 1 have advised others suffering with a similar complaint to nee Zant-Ruk, and in each inslanee Noe heard satisfactory reports." 'Lam-Ouk also cures cuts, burns, Scalds. ulcers, ringworm. itch. barber's rash, b'o`t poison, bad leg. salt rheum, abrreeons, abscesses and all skin !n- jc•rte§ and diseases. Of all stores and druggists 5n cents box or from Zarin Buk Co.. Toronto, post-paid for price. 3 boxes for $I.25. A FANCY WORK FIEND. 'ik>es )•cur wife do much fancy werkr "Fancy work? She won't even let a porous plaster come into the house without crocheting a red border round it and running a yellow ribbon through the holes!' BETTER FIFTEEN= MINUTES ON t1 BIKE TIIAN A CYCLE OF CATHAY. A few years ago tsomo krovving pro. phets predicted rho oo.lapse of what they claimed had previously teen little better than n fad, and. was now, no- thing less Than a boom of a great healib ,producer -the bicycle. Might just al well talk of a steamboat or trolley cal bourn, them would be about as rnuct room for argument. This will undoubtedly scent a pretty broad statement to many readers, but ft is none the less true. in theao pro- gressive days of rapid transportation, the newspapere continually chronicle the new records cstablLsher1 by the fast ocean steamships and overland express trains. The bicycle has been dubbed "The poor man's Automobile," and this phrase puts the whole story in a nut- shell. When the wheel first scored its popularity, it was taken up largely by n pleasure -seeking public, wt•o. atter tering amused, tossed the toy ssAe and turned their attention to some other term of Indulgence. On the other hand. the steady and econornieel working man bought the wheel as an investment --It was something to bank on. and it Cheeked the heavy ear fere expen,liture that was always a drain on the family p'.cket-bank. (empanel with tis' strcel car, the bicycle was just as quick In getting to the office in the morning and tack hone again at night. Appreciating an n:set of this kind. oouunereial men, laboring mien. and even women in the weeders walks of mercantile !if'. have adopted the wheel as nn eerntil . nec<'asity. Transp arta. ten Is the keynoleof both personal and national true^es,--tike great pr•,b'ern line always been "lo conquer dLttance.' The wheel. therefore. Ls a alapte and dependel l•e quantly. it has preyed' its value bolt; to regard to rolucing do^- tor'a MIs and street railway dividends. The Serena of 11.11A will. no doubt. Ace o tremendous revival et the bicycle Cray... "lla,1 the ree:e been The Thing, inch red 111., leen Eng:and'' K n?. \Vnui•l have cried 'he retie -bet single My Kingdom for n Wheel." NOT LUCK 011 '.lCII)E`T. Surcosi 14 slot a twitter . f tick er nem fedetit. it k the re'. ilt et eeil direct,({ cffurt. Have a dttu•ac and reasonable pure see, end stick to it. 11.E detertnet- e,l 1.1 su•xecd, awl spat w ill su<'cded. .1 theroughly cultivated d w ill elinlT gee you strength of puiedie • aid t'Ii••rg•t•: en, rgy to wo:k. teraliee no suc(c-, p..'sib'•e with. ut the hnntest eo•k; en- ergy L. t: a :! , 'grains1 difllr't:tIi. s :•n.l I. I IIp.rsl y w' ur v. ''t eenlrot an] e e • ! .'It. - -: en.r_viu slu(ly your wcai. teerit. :+:t•1 rdedece thein ey de. !rntee gentile Itsl eeergy vveedell m •lh••d is •t' ..II treeredled n -menet latent- e • , ..:1 fere'. .• ill ter- . ;t :•tvr 10. . Itu►i•'• 11 }o.I rill: reganl 4: i -. fol 1' • SENTF:NC,l; SERMONS. Nothing is built by hammering alone. livery li:e t, worti, the love we put into it. I Things divine ate not defended by l afodgtng. The door of Meth never opens to the key of prejudn.c. Love never knows how much it gives nor what it costs. Its folly trying to hide a false life behind rt tl; ht for troth. A lot of neglect of Wren hides behind enthusiasm for the masses. '1'les world is none the brighter for those who have money to burn. Folks who pride tte,seleets on be- ing smOnth are fur !reit being poi stied. It's hard for a man to be bored with his neighbor who is not honest with himself. Carrying n bible under the nrm does not prevent carrying poison under the tongue. Many a mar busy driving others to heaven is walking backward on the road himself. 1t will take more than faith in the miracles of the past 10 heal the mis- eries of tate present. There's a iot of difference between slaving faith in your works and work- ing your faith. Poople who have no love to spare al- ways heye plenty of surplus sorrow k distribute. if you have large reserves of retie - ler. you will not be without the small change of kindness. SMAItT DOG, THAT. Tho conversation had veered roued to dogs. "Well," said Bumpus. "hero Is a dog story that wilt take some beating. My friend Johnson hai n most intelligent retriever. One night Johnsson's house caught Ore. All was instant confusion. Old Johnson and his wife flew for the children, and bundled out with them patty sharp. Alas! one of than lied been left behind; but up jumped the dog, rushed into the house, and soon re -appeared with the missing child. "Everyone was saved; but Plover dashed through the flames again. Whet did the .dog want? No one knew. Pre- sently the noble auintn' re -appeared, soorcl)ed and burnt, with -with Mine do you think?' "Give it up!" chorused the eager list- eners. "With the fire insurance pollry, wrapped in a damp towel, gentlemen!" Wies- DON'T OVERDRAW YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. To overdraw your hank account, whether mentally or physically, is more suicidal even than to overdraw materially. Repair wasted by=nen, strengthen shattered nerves and rejureo:.te your rheumatin system by •isitini the famous Mineral nail Springs of the "Rt. Catharines Well" of IN.. Cathar- ines, Ont. A postal card to J. D. McDon- ald; District PaPeenaer Agent, Orend Trunk Railway Rye'em, Toronto. will bring illustrated descriptive matter. We would never suspect love smart some people were if they didn't tell us. Rickte's Anti -Consumptive Syrup is the; resell of export chemical experi- ments, undertaken to discover a pies venlive of inflammation of the lungs and consumption, by destroying Il:n germ, that develop these diseases, and (iii the world with pitiable subjects Hopelessly stricken. Tho use of this Syrup will prevent the dire consequenc- es of neglected Colds. A trial, which costs only 25 tants, will convince you that this Le correct. Shop assistant--"Ikl you prefer a shirt that opens in front( or at the back?" Hodge -"l mostly wears them as has an opening tit the bottvin and another al the tope' wit make the Rm hstie Statement that "•I•h' n h 1.'• Month •1 fluter will do rn••ro t ta'I••ve neuralgia, lame Ia. k ham'spi an.l kimlreh, trwhlna than any r.ther plstter. "_:a tins and $1, Ott. Hila. ,all dtugtt.'t Young Wife Ito b.•gg;nrl--"Well, how slid you like It? I made It myself." Biggar -"Oh, that wouldn't natter to me, ma'am. 1 used to be a glass eater in n circus." Tis a Marvellous Thing, --\\'hen the cur.s effected by Dr. Thomas' Eclectr'c Oil are considered, the speedy and per. ferment relief it has brought to the suf- fering wherever it has been used, It must be regarded ns a marvellous thing tt;at so potent a medicine should result from the six /dimple ineredienta which enter into its (*imposition. A trial will oonvince the most skeptical of Ile heal- ing virtues. MARY'S RF rs. \thy had a swarm of tees. And, oh, they loved her so; For everywhere that Mary went The bees were sure to go. Gf course, dear sir. you wonder why! The answer Mow noires: \Vepool Iver• they would freeze to death, Fur efary had the fives. Fortunately for a mnrri,sl man. the rids•i(e his Wife hands hint doesn't Dost anything. i \ U ISSUE NO. 6 - CS. CHRONIC CATAAIIII fiELIEVEll BY PE -RU NA. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. J. OVENS 1 121 Ventre St. Tenant, I Panay awes ae.tlar, has tensed to mire on , a.diJaa preailws N 1) and it '1'.mperu,ce sirs'. •remp.eau.. 'tree le !3.'1-1011 two block' north of Klna, wawa s1A Yong, at. RAW FURS .NIP TO U$. W• pay hiabosl Now Yutt p,lc.s. W• pay .:press. No commission. Yale anortdoeet. Prompt 11 erns. D. H. BAST-EDO & CO. 51 King St., Sac!, Toeontm WniTB FOR MONTHLY 1'iti(J4 1.15?. MRS. P. CARR. MRS. F. CARR, Vineland, Ont., Can., writes: "For several years 1 was afflict- ed with catarrh, which made life a bur- den. The coughing and hacking which accompanied the disease was terrible. "The complaint finally extended to the stomach and 1 was in a wretched condition. .."1 tried different remedies and the best professional treatment all in vain. "Finally, as a last revert, 1 tried Pe - rune upon the recommendation of my sister in Hamilton. "I could see steady Improvement and after using four tot'Ies of that precious medicine 1 was feeling well agaein, my okl trouble being comjplo`tely a tbing of the past. "Today 1 would not take one thou - send dollars for what this grand made cine has done for me." Peruna is a universally recognized catarrh remedy. it will relieve catarrh in its most obstinate Corm. QUANTITY NOT QUALITY, "Thal young woman next door to us got a piano recently." "Does she play much?" "No, not much, but a great deal-' They Advertise Themselves. -lime. d'ately they were offered to the public, Parmelee's Vegetable fills bcame popu- lar 1ecauso of Ile good report they made for themselves. Thal reputation has grown, tine they now rank among; the fist medicines for use in attacks of dys:>eesia and biliousness, complaints or the liver and kidneys, rheumatism, fever and agile and the innumerable c.'inplications to which these ailments give rise. Mrs. Jones -"What would you give a slog to prevent its barking at right?" Mr. Smith -"Give it awayl" ITCH. Mange Prairie Scratches and every form of contagious Itch on human Ad animals cured in 30 minutes by \Vel• ford's Sanitary 1 'tion. It never halls. Sold by all druggists. Fond Mnlher-"l wonder what hahy is thinking of?" Fond Father -"Ile is not thinking; he L; listening to hear it his first tooth is corning.' That Tormenting Cold that ,,a4. jou wretrh• od will ri,,t come back it you take Allen's Ling nal.ltn when your throat 1. raw and anre. Thl. admirable rcniu.iy is Ire. (run) opium. Take it la, me. TO .\\'r)ID) INFRINGEMENT. "Yes, sir," said the pompous Indi- vidual wills the noisy lie, "1 am a telt- made man." "You ought to lake out a potent on yo:me-elf," rej•dne.1 the ordinary mortal. "Why?" queried the other. 'Pro prevent the possibility of there being another like you," answered the C tn. with en open -face(' smile. SAME Iieneee1). Giles --Doctors are a good deal like highwaymen. Mlk a-Ik.w do you make that out? Gib,t.-- lk•eailse with than it's either your stoney or your life. FREE S.ad u. yoar mase Rua address kw 1t pl.ra, .1 JMeirp to veil at le••.Y aaet. Whoa .0.1nd u. •Fe S. 70 aft. vswlll..nl loo !leen TWO 'tonere IX. }It.T.rp Rffinn we taut .on with tb•J.we1;7 and .111 sena n .11 eharges pard. Jaw end u. your Skala aaA add'.... STAB are. CO.. PROVIDENCE, 1. 1., U. 5. A. C11r:s Stf:rlfts The sverld ells if sl rt era CCR,tsr I.Arn ti11ie rikaai14y n( ean-4doe, --cum 111.4ag1 Dene nasi' qv, •tag+�rrl, Venetians, nosy OswwY:ls tl fe1tl140 eve e,aaa:�,a ii, on k 1 a1T.,Mayatat Mkt ,, A venreou tett*1--d r It1. Anypt aeoaGalltate. 'r • aiyar bank---Trtst3s. at th. Dere*" •-Ilei Trunk deo lord or De, 13 MULL CO., tailors rs Pdt. th,rtat, ILL QUEEN CITY WATER WHiTE I L Gives Perfect Light. w.tw..l.wms� FOR SALE CY DEALERS EVERYWHERE. DONT KNOCK! Dont knock your cols unreasonabiy, it's a mighty handy thing to prevent your going places you doti t want to. They Cleanse the System Thoroughly. -l'arinelee's Vegetable fills clear the stomach and bowels of bilious matter, cruse the excretory vessels to throwoff impurities from the blood into the bowels and expel the deleterious mass from the body. They do this without pain or inconvenience to the patent, who speedily realizes their good offices as soon ns they login to take effect. They have strong recommendations horn all kinds of people. A minister in one of the Southern States was recently asked to perform the marriage ceremony by a young ne- gro ooupte. As he bad employed the groom for a year or two he consented knowing what prestige would come to the couple by reason of having been married by a while minister. Al the appointed time the happy pair arrived, and the ceremony proccedoi. "Do you Inks this man for letter, for worse?" the minister asked. "No, sah; Ah don't," said the dusky bride. "Alen take him jest tike he is. If he was to get any better, t'se fraid he'd die; an' I{ he was to get any wogs, Aitell him mys+lt.' Shiloh Cure Cures Coughs and Colds QUICKLY r 1 Use Shiloh's Cure Slor the worst cold. thesharpest cough --try it on a guar- antee of your money back if it doesn't actually CURE quicker than anything you ever tried. Safe to take. -nothing in It to hurt even a baby. 34 years of success commend Shiloh's Cure --- 25c.. LOP ., $1. sJ S►�i�r�lNT� 'O�.tto '.1.- ura,tF,tri7n pat, •-r - JOHN HALLAM _r c->L4,to 01_ w.. HOTEL TRAYMORE (i` 1711: til:1.AN FRONT. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. ih tl a,.r,i,• elso •t Irl j g_w. e ee!e`r • `•1:a•;,,.. t+,ri' t•• A rsa;nl$reot tea -story firs p-e•.i ad•tltioa 1. last h.innga eospl.tad, mate( ho(telry the .ewe,t and m.•t np ts..1at1.1 Atlantis City Raton A saw lost a..4, till QUO so ,12, of 1!1. W 1 rooms. atetaa'n,( it feat.quar• rues peen Commands an ocean vine, hath alta 'ie.l with tow ant froth eater ('heti: •last la .rerycha•ai•' T.00perate-S regulateI by Tn.rsasdvlt, the Iateit 1.re1 p,a.t1 •1 steam be ails/. I•..pb .es in ones roes. Dolt prietleg$w. Capast., to Write f..r 1 ...irat.J e„»Bolt. CI,ARJ.EB O. MARQUETTE, TiZAYMOltf' NOTAL CD1PANY, Alategcr. D. S. \VIIITE, Prsa.G:^1