HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-02-06, Page 1•
NOW 1S THE TIME to h 1
subscribe for the ADVO-
and get a bargain
as above stated; ov else
take ad \•,ant:+ge of our tter
Low Club Rates
-1 -
Sale Bills
F-111 ERS ttho want a
big eitowd nt t sales
t•hould e, t t heir hills at
theADVot'.11'E and ad -
vet rise in the .11t\•Oc'ATE
It Means Money to You
The Old Reliable
Exeter School Report.
Following is the report for January:
Form 111.--M Pfatl 65, E Willis 61.
No on roll 20. !average 19.
L. C. Fleming. teacher.
11 ere on an o es .iForm II., Sr. -Honors, K Collins 75.
T Oestreicber e10, L Amos 01, Jr. -A
t McMahon 71, 1 Marchand 09, W Bir-
ney (1:3, A Dow 00, D Stewart (30. \o.
on roll 3U, average
L Gregory, Teacher.
But by all means its best to consider this store first. WHY
BECAUSE we sell the best, goods at. the lowest possible prices.
BECAUSE we have built our business by honest goods and hon-
est prices.
BECAUSE our reputation depends upon the goods we sell and
we vuard our reputation zealously.
BECAUSE we not only think of your needs but wa are ever
ready to meet them with goods that are up-to-date.
BECAUSE our business methods have met with the approval of
the discriminating public for over 40 years, which is proof that
this store is what an up-to-date store should be.
We beg to announce to our many patrons from this time for-
ward, that we purpose rendering our accounts quarterly, viz:
April 1st, July 1st. Oct. 1st, and Jan. 1. We find that the way
business is done today that 12 months' credit is a thing of the
past. Thanking our many customers for past favors and hop-
ing for a:continuance of same for the future.
Professional Cards.
DR. 0. F. ROULSTON, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.
Member of the R. C. D. 8. of Ontario and Honor
Graduate of Toronto University.
01710E: Over Dickson & Carling's Law Office, in
Da Anderson's former Dental Parlors.
gibDit. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 8., D. D. 8.,
Honor graduate of Toronto Unlveristy.
Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects
Office c; cr Gla•tmaa S Staabury's office, Main street
DR. T 1'. MCL.kUG111,IN
Has returned practice after spending a year (Col.
lege) at British and Continental !Hospitals. General
practice with •pedal attentcmn to Eye, (with refs'
tion) Ear, Nose and Throat.
OMce: Dashwood, Ont.
tors, Noteries, ('onseyancers, Commissioner*.
Solicitors for Molsens (tank, etc.
Money to Loan at lowest rates of Interest.
Offices, Ilairr street, Exeter.
1. B. Oast's°, B.A., L. II. DICKSON
Ws bare a large amount of private funds to loan
• farm and tillage properties at low rates of Inter
Barristers, So'icitors,Main 31., Exeter On
William Brown
Prof. Diploma of Itoyal In orporated Society of
Musicians, England; Organist of Trivitt Memorial
Church,Exeter. Piano, Organ, iHarmony and Theory
of Music, Terms on application. Exeter, Ont,
10 acres, more or Iens N !i int 3, Concession :t,
McOilllvny, cheap if sold at once. Apply to
Royal Hotel, Centralia, Ont.
Agent Confederation Life Assurance
Company, also Fire 1tt1rtt•ance in lead-
ing Canadian and British Companies.
Main -St., Exeter.
Brick and Tile for Sale
The undersigned has a large quantity of first-class
brick and Ole for rale on his pants, situated opposite
lbs grist mill at Crediton Fast. Satisfaction guar-
anteed. It will be toy our interest to call and make
an Inspection before iupingg elsewhere.
JOSFI'it 11.\IST, Crediton Ea.t.
Ilactrlcal trait' rne. t ,,, ., •+-•aeels of
women er nr,eclalty.
Auction Sale
Farm Stock and Implements
Theuedersigned sup Collect has been instructed Ito
arllhp public auction on
T(Il'RSDAY FEIIIIU_►R.' 1:3, Wits
The lowing property:
HOMER 1 spans aged work horses, 1 Arabian
iricer, 1 driver 12 years old: .lgricultunl gelding,
rising_i1 years.
CATTLE -1 newly salted cow. rising 3 yrs; 1 cow,
due to cals. in February•; 2 due in March, 4 due In
April; 4 fat steep rising 3 years; 1 steers riving 2 yrs
1 heifer rising 2 y'ean: 4 spring calves. 1 calf a
weeks old. IIOJ. -1 Berkshire brood sow. About
'.4 hen.
IMI'LEkI1;NT+- U,Cormlck Binder, mower an.1
cultivator: sharp hay rake, land roller, Massey-liar-
tt. seed drill 13 hoes; s set diamond ha►rowr, 2
Maple Leaf twin plows. ?Fleury hand plows, No. 21;
Verity plow. No. 13; ging plow. 2 farm wagons,
light wagon, wagon bo•, snoel t.os. hay and stock
rack combined, pair bobsleighs, set byt hunk., goal
rack ,nttter,buggy. Thnmpann A Williams straw
cutter, roa•l cart, 2 root pulr*. Clinton tanning
mill, 4 ret heavy Vileness, set light dauble harness,
.et single harness, Dain churn. number sap buck-
ets: chains, whielletrees, ntckyokes, forks. tr�tlaeel
rakes and numerous other articles. ,
Positively no reserve a. proprietors have rented
the farm.
TERMS- $.t and under cash; over that amount 9
months credit will be given on herniahing approved .
joint notes 5 per cent off for cash or credit amounts, !
- Auctioneer. Proprietors
P.atkhill: i),ttid, eon of l'etet• Recd.!
er. while plvying with •otme other buys
on the ice near the salt block on Sat.
urd ty, had the ri•fortnr,e to fall and
bre4 k hi. leg. u $
Supplementary Meetings of the
South Huron
Farmers' Institute
will be held as follows:
at 2 o'clock and at 7:30 o'clock
Afternoon: R Stephenson of Ancast-
er, on "The Growing of Root Crops";
A. G. McKenzie of Fairview, on "Lay-
ing out of the farttf and planning of
buildings for utility purposes"; W.
Lewis, selected subject. Evening: R
Stephenson "The farm water supply"
A. G. McKenzie "The principles of
cultivation and rotation"
CREDITON Feb. 17th
Afternoon: A. G. McKenzie, "The
Principles of Cultivation and Rota-
tion"; W. S. Fraser, of Bradford.
"Noxious %Veeds and How to Combat
Them"; I'. Madge and R. Gardiner,
selected subject. Evening : A. G. Mc-
Kenzie, " Heavy liorses "; 'V. S. Fra-
ser, "20th Century Agriculture."
GRAND BEND, Feb. 18th.
Afternoon : A. (1. McKenzie, " The
Principles of Cultivation and Rota-
tion"; W. S. Fraser, "Noxious Weeds
and How to Combat Them'; W. Lewis
and R. B. McLean, selected subject.
Evening : A. G. McKenzie, " Heavy
Horses"; W. S. Fraser. "20th Century
ZURICH, Feb. 19th,
Afternoon: A. G. McKenzie,"Heavy
Horses"; W. S. Fraser, " Weeds and
How to Combat Them "; T. Fraser and
W. Lewis, selected subject. Evening:
A. G. McKenzie, "The Principles of
Cultivation and Itotation'; 'V, S.
Fraser, " Eastern and Western Can-
(IENSALL, Eeb. 20th.
Afternoon : A. G. McKenzie,"Heavy
Horses "; 'V, 'i. Fraser, " Noxious
Weeds and How to Combat Thetas ";
T. Carling, "Poultry ": Jno. McNaugh-
ton, selected subject. Evening : A. (1.
McKenzie, " Laying out of the Farm
and Planning Buildings for Utility
Purposes"; 'V, 8. Fraser, " 20th Cen-
tury Agricultote,
Commercial, -B Mack 82, L Birney
80 (honors); II Duplan 07. Form I. -
A Surerus 84, G Kestle 81, 11 Horton
77 (honors); H Triebner 7.2, %V Monteith
72, L Hern 71 E Case 70, N Amy 69, H
Jones 68, T Penhale 67, A Coleman 01,
G Acheson 63, W McLean 62. W
Bradt 02, W Sillery 61. No on roll 41,
average 37.65.
A. M. Johnston, Teacher.
Sr. IV. -L Grieve 75 (honors); H
Fuke 70, E Howey 09, H Sweet 61, A
Jackson 02. Jr. IV -0 Wood 83 (hon-
ors); L M Frayne 73, 0 Pickard 71, R
Dearing 67. No. on roll 33, average 29.
C. Vosper, Teacher.
Sr. I11. --W Heideman 85, M Carling
81, R Wood 81, I Rivers 79, I Hardy
78, V Rowe 75 (honors); R Fleming
74, L Snell 73, R Balkwill 72, N Jones
71, J Seldom 09, L Treble 97, A Jack-
son 65, H Snell 63. Jr. III. -L Harvey
80, J Welker 83, B Walker 75 (honors);
E Harvey 74. B Quante 74, S Hector
07, M Jones 07, T Fear 03, 0 Anderson
60. No. on roll 49, average 43.
Elsie A McCallum, Teacher.
Sr. II. --W Manson 82, M Case 81, H
Rivers 80, J Follick 78, F Rowe 78, E
Davis 77, E Day 70 (honors); E Bowey
74, W Mitchell 73, A Day 73. B Hod-
ge, t 72, A Knight 71, J Brickwood 70,
I} Rowcliffe 70, A Mack 70. V Knott,
A Bell 00, M Knott (13. Jr. 11.--F
Bowey 73, E Horsey 71, H Pomona
07, G Richardson 05. No. on roll 40,
average 35.5.5.
H. M. Kinsman, Teacher
Mid. I1.- M Seldon 88, F Wood 87,
P Jackson 80, I Delve 85, G Ortwein
71. Jr. IL --B Horsey 91, A Johns 85,
D Kunz 81, 0 Wells 79, 0 Ford 75, A
Carter 73. Mid. Pt IL -J Bagshaw
70, M Gillies 70, M Russell 08, F Danson
01. Jr. Part 11.-%VJscobi90, M Wal-
ker 88, L Walker 87, M 'Warlock 83, V
Welsh 73, W Harness 70, M Neil 68.
Pt.1.-L Dearing 89, C Harness 89, C
Mallot 85, G Carter 80, V Sweet 73. M
Bedford 05. No. on roll 48. average
32.-M. V. Martin, teacher
Sr. 11.-M Huston 88, F Neil 87, J Fer-
guson 85. Jr. IL -M Gladnian 89 L
Zuefle 89, M Harness 88, M Vincent
83, D White 80. M Elliott (D. No, en
roll 41, average 31.
F. W. Howard, Teacher.
School Reports
The following is the correct report
for S.S. No. 3, Stephen, for the month
of January: V -F. Heaman. IV -A.
Willis, G. Sanders, G. Dearing, F.
Triebner, 8. Willis, R. Willis, E. Trieb-
ner. P. Dearing. E. Shapton, W. Shap -
ton, F. Preszcator. iII-J. Willis, A.
Willis, C. Parsons, G. I'enbale, O.
Preszcator. Ii -R. Parsons, M. Willis,
G. Ileatnan, L. Sanders, C. Triebner,
G. Stanlake. 1"r. 11- C. Parsons, T.
Willis, C. Dearing, L. Sanders, V.
Preszcator. 80. I'T. 1-L. Hill, M.
Triebner, V. Box, 0. Sanders. JR. I'T.
I -P. Sanders, 'V, Heitman. C. Hamil-
ton, O. ilamilton, E. Preszcator. Best
Spellers. in order -F. Heitman. J. Wil-
lie, R. Parsons, C. Dearing. Number
on roll, 38; average;atendance. 33.
Wat. L. TlttoitNlsu, Teacher.
The following is the report of 8.8.
No. I, Stephen. for January based on
good conduct and general proficiency.
Class V. -M Hepburn, L Robinson, A
Robinson, E Sims, H Hicks, G Wilson,
J White. Sr.IV.-J Hogarth, G Hog-
arth, M Elliott. Jr. IV. -E Baker, E
ihavey, H White, E Cr.11fae, J Davis, 1
Davey, G flicks, Roy Callfas. Sr. i11.
-A '`'bite. .Jr. 111.--V Hogarth, M
Callfas, E Callfas, W Baker, It Mc-
Curdy, M Heist. S,'. IL -M Elliott,
STRONG'S HALL, Eeb. 21st. E Bowden, H Neil. Jr. �IL-C Davey,
0 Davis. i McCurdy. I t. ii. -A Role
Afternoon : A. G. McKenzie. " The I inson, M Hogarth. M Smith, E Milson.
Principles of Rotation and Cultiva• i't. L -- L Hoist, N Brokenshire, J
tion "; W. S. Fraser, "Sheep Breed- White, E iiowden, .1 Whittington.
Ing vnd Management ": Alex. Must- M. Butte: ill, teacher.
and selected subject. Evening : A. (3, The following is the t epee t of Cen-
McKenzie Dairy Cattle "• W S
train' Public School for J enu.rry 1908,
Fr+t,er, "�"Uth "gurney Agriculture."
h;ase(1 on examination,, general ptro-
''A1{NA, Feb. end. I flcie'ney and gond conduct. -Class V. -
Afternoon : A. G. McKenzie,"Heavy M Elston. Vt' Hedgens. J Dempsey
Horses "; 'V, S. Fraser, " Improve- I Sr. iV.-i E++try. M Baynhani, 11
ment of Seed"; R. II. McLean and 1i4nlnn, 1' 11uulferd, A Coughlin.
John Sparrow, subject selected. Even. •I r. I'.- i. Butt. 11 Anderson. Sr. i1i
ing : A. G. McKenzie, " Beef Cattle' --h Essery, 1: Brooks, M Hanlon:F
IV. S. Fraser. "20th Century Agricul• Feland!. Jr. i11. -Stella Neil. Sr.
ture." I Ii.- M Heitman, It Hanlon. M Cul-
EVi:NiN(p MF:EriNG`3. Ise 1. Jr. 11.--'i McFall., E Colbert,
E Alexander, W ('.rite, t. Pt. 11.--D
A )I1CPFt will also be given at each [hooks, I. Abbott, 1. B.rynhatn, H El -
of the evening meetings. 'sten,0 Hanlon. Sr. Pt. I. -V Davie,
A Hackney. I't. 1.-11 Essery, L
Hicks, It Mill., M Drown. It Coughlin.
(1 Culbert, F Hnxtatle. I Alexander,
A !ticket, D Hackney. E McGee, i Tay-
lor, W Huxtable, C Culhert. Number
on roll 45, average attendance 35.
Annabel Swann. Teacher.
The following is the "chord report
for J•\nnary, of No. 6. Stephen. -IV.
('has. (lower 80, Milton Ratz 1{3, Jacob
Qnet in 64.5, ('has. Regier 50, Harry
Yearley 43, Georgina Hartman :35.5,
Edmund Kraft :113.5. 111.- Harold
Gower 71.5. Emma Cunningham Ott 5.
Tho". Yeauley 61.5, James Mawhinney
57, Maggie Hanover 50.5, John Wil-
helm 5R, Roy Johns 55 5, Lewis Johns
48.5, Ella Wilhelm) 41.5. Roy Ratz 11.5,
Jos. Regier 325. ii. --John Cunning-
ham 76. %Vilhert Hart roan 72. I't. 11.
-Peter Regier 31st, Irene Mawhinney
81, Gordon Ratz S1. i't. i -Fred ('un•
ningham 9(1. The following were un-
able to write nn the exams. -('lata
Jacob. Leona Ftnkheiner, Edna Mit•
zel, ('lassie Hartman. Gladys Mawhin•
n'•y, Francis Flynn, Veronica ilan•
over. Arthur Hanover, Milton Jaenh,
Edith Flynn. Erwin Jacob, John Ilan.
over. E. Rett Key.. Teacher.
President. Exeter.
B. 8. I'll I LLl Py,
See.-Treas., Hensall.
Portugal's King and Heir Shot.
On February tat King Carlos I. and
his eldest son. Luiz Philippe, were shot
and killed while driving with Queen
Anielie itnd Prince Manuel through the
street, of Lisbon, the enpital. Six
men rushed up to the carriage and
fired many shots into it. The Queen
heroically tied to ward off the bullets
but escaped het,elf. Prince Manuel
was immediately proclaimed king.
it is said the object was to assassin-
ate the whole f unify and establish a
Seaforth: W. Winter, who is em-
ployed fish Kennedy Boos., butchers.
met with en tlnpletsaut accident it few
days ago. Ste was taking down a
quarter of beef, when it fell on him.
dislocating hie shoulder.
Following is the report for S. E. No.
2, Steeben, for the mouth of .lanmat•y:
Sit. 1''.--Philoniene Coughlin, Lillian
Haist. Jit. 1V -Lillian Stehle, Eli
Sims. Sit. 111 -Lloyd England, John
Coughlin. Jit. 111- Melvin England,
liertie King. Vioin Cornish, Irving
Stahls, Andrew Flanagan. Sit. II -
Cornelius Coughlin, Myrtle Sims. Liz-
zie Sims, Herbert flatten, Ceeil Jones.
Sit. PART Ii -Geo. Carter, Sylvin Jones.
Miss H A•rTte Cilaem,x,Teacher.
The following is the report of S.S.
No. 10, Stephen, for January. Sr. IV.
-A Hicky 74, E Love 09, It Wickert
65, D Isaac 62, It Ilicky 60, H Sherritt
00, E Hayter 48, S English 45. S Lovey
absent. Jr. 1V. -A Turner 70, J
Cronyn 50, G McLinchey 41. L Ridley
38, W Hicks 37, J Carruthers 30, II
Gamble 30, A Mellin 31. fir,1IL-A
!Merritt 00, le Turner 00, L Mellin 39,
0 Isaac, R Eagleson and %V McGregor
absent. Jr. 111.-M Ridley 34, L
Eagleson :31, C Cronyn 30, P Hayter
25. IL -W McGregor 82, M Bullock 81,
W Love 01, A Mellin 62, E Cronyn 01,
G Lovey 17. Part 1i. -T Ridley, R
Tutner, 0 Green, W Green.
V. M. Hodgins, Teacher.
Flowing is the report of the stand-
ing cif the pupils of 8. S. No. 1, Us-
bort*, for Januaty, Nantes in order
of iu$rit:-IV Clan+. -Ir' Rowcliffe, V
RowClilTe, J Strang, 11 Dougall, A
RowClilTe, L Harvey, G Oke, G
Blatebford, C Down. Sr. III. -J
Strang, J Dougall, R Down, T Dougall,
Ira Moir, A Moir, W Driver. Jr.
111- E Bell, L Moir, I{ White.
Sr. II. -H Down, W Strang, W
Dougall, 0 Rowcliffe, E Harvey. Jr.
11-0 Harris, G Moir. Gladys Moir.
Pt. 11.-E Rowcliffe, F Jarrett, Sr.
Pt. 1-11 Moir, J Dougall, V Dell. Jr.
Pt. 1-M Dew, M Strang, L Oke.
J. A.Brintnell, Teacher.
.The following is a report of the stand-
ing of the pupils in S. S. No.4. Stephen,
for January: Sr. IV. -H Schwarz, H
Wein, C Either, L Schroeder, A Cor-
nish, A Brokenshire, M Either, L Mor -
lock, B Smith. Ir. iV-E Wein, 0
Cornish, ()Brown, W Schwartz and
M Coxworth equal, 0 Brown, E
Schroeder, M Klumpp, G Cornish, M
Brokenshire. Jr. Iii. -I Filter. E
Atny, E Roeszler, C Wein, L Smith.
Jr. II. -E Cornish, J Schwartz, J Brok-
enshire, E Wein, M Coxworth, A
Aubin, C Morlock. Part I. -A
Welu, C Schroeder, 0 Cornish, C Mor -
lock, H Preszcator.
M. C. Jennison, Teacher.
Mrs. Ed. Graham and Mrs. (Capt)
Willoughby have returned to their
homes after spending a few days with
Mrs. Lindenfelt.
The C. P. It. surveyors ate now at
work at the south of the town. The
line thus far surveyed crosses the
London I{oad just to the north of the
site of the old Elm Tree, running
straight east and west,
Mt'. Ray L. Fanson, writing from
Abernethy, Alta., says "We are now
having a rather cold snap, 21 below
zero this afternoon in the sunshine; 15
below last night and it looks as though
it might be even worse than that to-
night. That's cold isn't it, but to show
you thnt we don't need our earlaps
drawn as we sit beside the stove or
that we have to eat our meals from
the frying pan for fear of frost, the
ladies were out for their usual after-
noon stroll with their babies in car-
riages not thinking of the cold."
Storm Stayed.
A few of our budgets from the neigh-
boring villages got storm stayed on
Wednesday moaning, but in unusual
times like these 'muslin! things must
be expected -or unexpected.
Hicks' Forecast tor February.
A Reactionary Storm Period is cen•
tral on the 17th, 18th and 19th. Full
Moon on the lith, and the entrance
into the iau•tb'a veinal equinoctial
period about the sante time, will in-
tensify storm and seismic possibilities
during this period. The Moon being
en the celestial equator on the 2f' Ith,
threatening conditions, with high ten►•
perature and possibly lightning and
thunder, will naturally tend to pro-
long the reactionary disturbances cen•
trnl on the 17th, 18th lona 19th, posh-
ing unsettled to stormy weather quite
into the store) period following.
L. 0. L. Annual Meeting.
The annual meeting of South Huron
E. O. L wits held here on Tuesday
last. Owing to the unfavorable con-
dition of the roads the representation
was not large but the meeting was a
most eat husiastic one. it was decidad
ttott the celebration this year will he
held nt Goderich. A resolution of con-
dolence and sympathy was pissed on
behalf of widow rand family of the late
James Wille, of Goderich; also to
Brother William Anderson, of Step-
hen, who was .o unfortunate to have
his leg broken in an accident some
weeks a o and is now being cared for
at the Ilospitel, L•rndon. The follow-
ing officers were elected: W. M.,
Frank Davie, Centralia; D. M., 'Val -
ter Conrsey. falcon: chaplain. Rohl.
Hutchins. Hutchins: F. Sec., 'V. O.
D. is, Saintsbury; It. Sec., Peter C'an-
telon: Toea'., Adam Cant elfin, Clinton:
D. of C., 1). C. Gaitbraith, Bayfleld:
Lecturers, E. O. Elliott, Goderich;
Roht. McMurray. Hayfield. The next
Semi -Annual meeting will be held at
the cull of the Mater.
- -- asps ---
Seafort h: Mr..laroh Morden is suf-
fering from it very sots hind, caused
from a prick of a pin. lie ha. been
Inid rip with it for several weeks, and
it will likely LP some weeks yet before
he can use
County Council Doings.
The standing committees of Huron
county council for 1008 are
Executive- Messrs. Leckie, D,Smith
Gibl.iugs, Ileinstock and Petty.
Special -Messrs. Shearer, McKay,G.
M. Elliot, Webb and McEwen.
Finance -Messrs. Milne, Watson,
Musgrove, Salkeld and Kellerman.
Education --Messrs. Irwin, Milne,
Parks. Bobier and Govenlock. p
Road and bridge -Messrs. 'McMillan,
Laminae, Strollers, Fraser and Mus-
County property-Messt•s.Govenlock
Kellerman, Hunter, McDiartnid and
E ualization-The whole council.
Warden's committee -Messrs. Ln-
monte, Taylor, Bailie, Stvothers and
House of Refuge -Messrs. Bailie,
Harris, Hawkins and Taylor.
Messrs. McMillan and McKercher
were appointed auditors.
The council completed their January
session on Friday night, adjourning
to meet again atSeatorth on February
25, to discuss the toads to be named as
county roads in connection with the
proposal to participate in the Good
Roads apportionment.
It was decided to make a grant of
$400 each to Wingham, Goderich and
Clinton hospitals on condition that be-
fore the grants are paid the managers
or owners enter into an agreement
that the institutions are public insti-
tutions and subject to Government in-
spection, and that the hospitals each
agree to provide accommodation equiv.
nicht to thirty-five weeks for one pat-
ient during the year free of charge for
such patients as have no means to pay
for board and attendance which the
municipalities may send in from time
to time.
The following grants were made: $20
to each of the agricultural and horti-
cultural societies in the county, $20 to
the Sick Children's Hospital, $25 to
each farmers' institute, 810 to buy
flowers for the court house square.
D. Wetherapoon of Ailsa Craig was
awarded the contract for the concrete
work at Warren's bridge, Hensel]; a
bridge north of Bayfield; and a bridge
north of Wio ham, for $500. Hill &
Co. of Mitchell were given the contract
for the superstt acture on the Wing -
ham bridge at $6,585.
The county treasurer's statement
showed $0,808.79 levied last year more
than expended.
J. H. Cameron of Brussels and R. J.
Fleming of Exeter were appointed on
the board of county examiners.
R. 8. Hays was appointed trustee. of
Seaforth Collegiate Institute. J. Mins -
ford for Clinton, 'V. F'. Vanstone for
Wingham, Judge Holt and W. L.
Elliot for Goderich.
Dashwood Union school was trade
an entrance examination centre.
Bram Rowcliffe Is Honorably
The charge of theft of grain, prefer-
red by John Sawyer, of Blanshard
Township, against I3yain Itowcliffe, of
Ueboi•ne Township, was tried at Strat-
ford on Wednesday last before Judge
Barron. The trial occupied the whole
day and at the close of the evidence
for the defence., Judge Barron dis-
missed the charge. holding that there
was no evidence whatever to substan-
tiate the accusation of the prosecutor.
Mr. Rowcliffe was thereupon honor-
ably acquitted. Much interest was
taken in the case owing to the large
and respectable fancily connections of
both Sawyer and Rowcliffe. The end
of the trouble is not yet in sight. Mr.
i{owellffe has already issued a writ
ngain,t Mr. Sawyer fur $2,M0 dant,tg-
es for slander and trespass and is pro-
ceeding in another nctton against Mr.
Sawyer and the magistrate for $5,000
for malicious prosecution and false ar-
rest. At the trial in Stratford Mr.
Sawyer was represented by Mr. G.
McPherson, K.O., of Stretford, and
J. 'V, Graham, of St. Merys. while
Mr. Rowcliffe was defended by Mr. 1 .
H. Dickson. of Exeter.
Children Enjoy It
"I have used Coltsfoote Expectorant
With the greatest satisfaction with my
children. It is a wonderful cure for
colds and sore throat. I believe it sav-
awed the life of my little son, who was
very sick from a protracted cold on his
Orangeville, March 15, 1907.
"I ant greatly pleased with the good
results we got from Coltsfoote Expec-
torant. I get great comfort with it for
my children."
171 Argyle St., Toronto.
Ooltsfoote Expectorant is the great-
est home prescription for all throat and
chest troubles in the world. No home
should be one hour without it. You
can have free sample by sending name
to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., Toronto. All
good druggists keep it. Price, 25c.
Send for Free Sample To -day,
and Weekly
Mail and Empire
Weekly Globe
to Jan.'09 ... $1.35
and all other papers
at lowest rates.
Parkhill: Wm. Leary has rented
his farm on the 18th con. to Thomas
Alderson of Sylvan. for a term of
years and intends moving into Parks
hill shortly. Mr. Alderson gets poss-
ession early in March.
D16'rnicit-At Zurich, Jan, 25, to Si-
mon Dietrich and wife, a son.
DiS.iARDINS-At Grand Bend, on Jan.
28th, to E. Disjardine and wife, a
FosTlsit--At Blind Line, Hay, Jan.: 30,
to Louis Foster and wife a daughter.
Mit.t.lsit-At St. Joseph, Jan. 27, to
Wm. Miller and wife, a son.
PFAI•'x—In Hay, Con. 25, Jan. 21, to
John Pfaff and wife, a son.
ROLLINH-In Stephen, Con. 5, to Mr.
and Mrs. Simi' Rollins, a daughter.
WBIN-At Goshen Line, Hay. Jan. 25,
to John Wein and wife, a son.
WIIITB-in Exeter, on Feb. 2nd, to J.
J. White and wife, n son.
Siaxistm-1n Lansing, Mich., on Jan.
28tb, to Aquilla Sheere and wife, a
a --
('ouch-DODNAN--At the home of the
bride's parents, on Jan. 29, Harry
Couch of Chiselhurst, to Miss Mary
E., daughter of FA. Dodman of St.
At1y.-CAyl{M.--in Usborne, on Feb.
5th, by Rev. W. N, Butt, Welling-
ton J. Amy, of Hamiota, Man„ to
Mies Addle, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Wnt, J. Caves, of Con. 4, Us.
C.\ltnvt.--STo\wAirr-At London, Jan.
30, by Rev. Livingston, 1{obt..Carroll
to Miss Lorena Stewart, both of 8t,
Blur \vN-}n London, oar Feb. 3rd,
Sarah }frown. beloved wife of Thos.
Brown, formerly of Ailsa Craig, in
her 77th year.
3avins in Hardware
All Stoves and Ranges
10 Per Cent Off
This is what 10 per cent off means:
A GARLAND Range, 3420
Regular $38.00--- THIS WEEK •
Remember—any stove in store at 10 per cent Reduction.
Skates, 50c to $2.25 Hockey Sticks,, 10e, 15c, 25c, 45c, 50c
Ankle Supports, 25c Carvers. in eases, 10 per cent off
Scissors, in eases. 10 per cent off'
Lanterns, heavy cold blast, 65e
Nickle-Plated Copper Tea Kettles, $1.35
Dr. Scott's Stock Poultry Food, 25c, 50c. and 81.00
international Stock Poultry Food. 25e and 50e
A few tons of COIL SPRING WIRE left at
$2.85 per 100 lbs.