HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 8GM Reditelion
For 50 DAYS
$18 81116 fOf 39, SIO, ill
For t he next 30 days we are offer-
ing son,- of the hest bargains in
suis that Were ever 'flered i n
Huron C ends..
Don't miss the Opportunity
Merchant Tailor,
Exeter, - Ontario
Business Locals -- Read Them
C1nbbirg Rates.
There is no clubbing rate too good
for Ativo.• 4TY: subscribers. We have
the hest lend cheapest list that can he
secured, aid all you have to do is call
and take advantage of it.
Farm for Sale.
53t. acre farm, situate west of the G.
T. R. and north of the salt block, Exe-
ter. Terms easy. Apply A. Q. Bonier.
Marriag•' Licenses issued at the Ad-
•ocate office.
House to Rent.
On \Vill:am street, brick story and
half dwe•II,Fig, in good state of repair.
Apply to Mrs. Perkins.
Dr. Ovens conies.
Dr. Ovens, London, Eye and Ear
Surgeon, will he at the Commercial
Hotel, Exeter, on Friday, January 31.
(classes properly fitted And diseases of
Eye, Ear anu Nose treated.
votehresang. Remedies.
Forcouighs, headache, grip, pneu-
u„ )nix, est boa, fits, fevers and all
chronic r ''Ibles.
\V t. M. Bi..\Tctil••otti),
Agent for Canada.
Farm Hand warted.
A younit man that can make himself
bandy around a farm. Apply at this
( ttice,
Mr. Wen. Barrows, who has been
suffer ing from rheumatism, is improv-
The County Council is in session at
Goderich t his week. Hoot. McLean
f Gude, I, n was elected Warden.
Hev. I1.:\. Ben•Oliel will deliver one
of hie O,iental i.eeturesentirely differ-
ent to the one given two years ago, in
Opera Hoarse, Exeter, Friday Jan. 31.
'i'earosters .tie busy bringing the
supplies of ice for the b, Mels and b Itch-
• r sleeps. Much Of it is taken from the
fresh water pond of JL. Tho-. Bissett
and is of good quality.
M'. Thus. Cameron will hold at. au,• -
tion sale at the Metropolitan Hotel,
F.xet.'l, on Friday, Fen. 7. Parties
has we articles for sale may have sauee
ent'•1,•d at this of I' a on or before Jan.
:ttit h.
A little mishap occurred to two pro-
minent Stephenites on Thursday night
as they aver.• eturning from Seaif,rth.
whet her t h••)• had been delivei ing
hallol box to the Returning ltaker.
lig tipped over in the high snow
hank hetw••en M1. Sid. Davis' and the
tiao k on :111. Crediton road and threw
• h.•ai, out. The horse got away but
w ascant .11 ed at Crediton and brought
hack to the home of Mr. Davis where
th•• i nf• i tu•,ate ones were being made
romfot!oil- after tine accident. \o
hurt et damage was done.
'I'11 A'1' ('ut'(i}f
111►\\'}:V s Sl'H1 I'
t\'ill-rF; PiNE and T:1T?
it Howe•y's Drug
,tore. ilig bottle for 2. -es.
i-4.44+++-1- +++++++++6+++4-1-++-
$ Who
..i +Is Your Tailor
}t ?
+ s
. .
To bestdr0s•nd
doesn't mean to pay
most. Just irfra11•e
a tu.•en pays a big
pi lee for his clothes •
do. sn't make them e••
look go.'d. The 111.4- •
tenet may ts• the 4
6ne•t.h,it theft' 111:1y t
not be tight. Al.
way•the latest and
best fabrics of the
i moment are here.
I Our tailoring is tiro.
else. stid our prices
within reach of all.
WV' ifIFNI, INF NI' IFlir NirNVNY. Miss Howard. tee.cher,isill this week. EXETER MARKETS.
LOCAL I OING'4 A complete change of lecture and CHANGED EACH \NEONESDa�'
c•haract0ls at the Ben -Olid entertain-
ment friday night. 25 and 15 cents. \Vheat
V 1 . Hugh Oke is still quite ill.
\l .. \\ hitt', Exeter \ort h. is ill.
Mr. James Snell, Main street, is con-
fined to the house owing to illness.
Mrs. Delve has moved in the house
of Mrs. John Sanders, William street
The telephone instruments are being
placed in the houses along the Thames
road this week.
The Junior Hockey Team here was
defeated at ifensall on Saturday by a
score of 5-1.
A quite heavy snow fall prevailed on
Sunday turning into a blizzard of seine
proportions on Monday.
Hev. Holmes of Lucan and Rev. E.
A. Fear of the Main street church ex-
changed pulpits on Sunday.
A complete change of lecture and
characters at the Ben-Oliel entertain-
ment Eriday night. 25 and 15 cents.
11r. Jas. Ford of Stephen is recover-
ing from his recent illness, hitt it will
be some time before he will be himself
Mrs. James Walters has been laid
up with a severe attack of grip. We
are pleased to learn that she is recov-
Sittings of the Division Court will
be held in Zurich on Tuesday, Feb. 4,
in Exeter on Feb. 5, and in Crediton
on Feb. 6.
Master Joe Brandt, Exeter North,
entertained a few of his little play-
mates to a birthday party on Wednes-
day of last week.
Weare pleased to not that the
salary of our esteemed friend, Hev.
Dr. Ramsay of Ottawa, has been in-
creased by $300, and the missionary
givings by $500.
Word was received here of the
death of Mrs. Arnold of Parkhill, sis-
ter of M►•, Hugh Oke, on Sunday.
Mrs. Miller, a niece of the deceased,
attended the funeral on Tuesday.
We are in receipt of a booklet con-
taining the proceedings of the sessions
of the Public and High School Trus-
tees' Department of the Ontario Edu-
cational Association. It contains much
valuable information and is to be dis-
tributed among the trustees of the
On Saturday morning: Mr. R. N.
Treble toot with an accident at Exeter
North when going for a load of wood,
as a result of which he has been con-
fined to the house for a few days. He
slipped on a piece of ice on the road
and fell injuring his knee cap.
A first principal in investment, which
is often forgotten but is very essential,
is: "Place your money where the safe-
ty of the principal is assured." You
should always be able to exercise con-
trol over your principal, that is, to
convert it, or at least part of it, into
cash with readiness, should occasion
Its about time they stopped playing
hockey in Goderich. Last year the
rowdyism they exhibited was a dis•
grace to the town and last Friday
night they outdid themselves at (lin-
ton when they attacked referee, play-
ers and Jos. Wheatley, the chief of
police, with the result that the chief is
confined to the house allowing his
injuries to heal. The O. H, A. has
suspended the Goderich team and one
of the players, named Wiggins, has
been suspended for life.
The H. Wilmot Young and \1ar.jie
Adams Opera Company played to Ex-
eter audiences in the Opera House on
'i'h 1rsday,F'riday and Saturday nights.
The perfot•mences were well attended
each night and the plays and special-
ties were very good. The company
invariably appears here once a year
and Mr. Young has no fault to find
with the patronage accorded the com-
pany. nor have the people any fault
to find wish the company. The plays
ate always clean, interesting anal in-
strirctive. The return of Young and
his company is always looked forward
to in Exeter.
(Nur hockey boys drove through the
storm Tuesday night to Ileusall and
played a one-sided game with the team
of that village. The Visitors were lack-
ing in practice and the result was a
defeat by a wide margin. Beattie
Mai tin got a sptaio.11 wrist which
will necessitate a lay off for a few
The anneal Congregational meeting
of the Caven Presbyterian church was
held on Monday, January 27th. Re-
ports of officers and other branches of
church work were teed and approved.
The usual vote of thanks was extend-
ed to all the officers. Messrs. I. G.
Stanbury, 1). C. McInnes and W. D.
Weekes were elected to the Board of
Managers; J. Senior, Sec'y'Treas.; Dr.
Athos and H. McKay, Auditors; 'Trus.
tees for the next five years, \V. Baw-
den, J. A. Stewart, 11. Smith. After
general discussion, good and welfare,
the meeting adjourned. The ladies of
the congregation served a dainty
luncheon and those present spent a
pleasant hour together.
Died iu Edmonton.
The desalt occurred in Edmonton
on January 17th of a former resident
of Lake Road, Hay, in the person of
James Ching, son of the late Thomas
Ching of Hay. Mr. Ching had been
ill about three weeks of typhoid fever.
Ile was thought to have been getting
better but pneumonia set in and the
end came very quickly. He bad been
in the West 25 years. Mr. Ching was
a man, highly respected by all who
knew him. Ile married Miss Load -
man, daughter of the late James
Loadman of Hay Township, and she,
with one daughter and one son, sur-
Presbytery of Huron.
The Presbytery of Huron met in
Clinton, Jan. 21, with a large number
of ministers present. The record of
sessions were examined and attested,
the commissioners of elders were pre-
sented and the roll for the year was
made up. Applications on behalf of
the Aid receiving congregations were
made as usual, in the case of Varna
and Blake, which, the Presbytery were
pleased to hear, are now self-sustain-
ing. Mr. Shaw, treasurer, presented
his annual report and Messrs. Ander-
son and Strang who were appointed
to audit the books reported the same
as carefully and correctly kept. The
next meeting of Presbytery will he
held in Clinton Tuesday, March 3rd,
at 10.30 a.m.
Board of Health.
The first meeting of the local Board
of Health was held in the office of the
Secretary , on Monday, 27th at one
o'clock. Members present, Dr. Sweet,
Reeve Bobier•, S. Sanders, Dr. Brown-
ing and Inspector Bissett. Per Dr.
Browning, sec'd by S. Sanpers that
Dr. Sweet he chairman. -Carried.
The minutes of last meeting were read
and approved. The matter of restric-
tions regarding chicken pox was dis-
ctssed, per A. Q. Bottler, sec'd by S.
Sanders. That the instructions as
given in the Public Health Manual re-
garding children attending school
when chicken pox is in the family be
carried out by the Board. Children
must not attend school until they se-
cure :t certificate from the medical
doctor that they are free of disease,
per A. Q. Dobler, sec'd by C. Christie.
-Parried. in view of the fact
of the presence of smallpox in the
neighboring towns the Board would
urge that all of the children at-
tending the school to be vaccinated at
00ce: and as an inducement would re-
commend that the Council of the Vil-
lage hear the expense of sante for the
next 20dats Ito the 17th of Feb.) of all
pupil and children resident in the
niunirip+lit : also ahold ergo that all
citizens who have not leen successful-
ly vereinate•d doting the last seven
years to he re•%aeci hated as 1a ptntec-
tinn against this loathsome disease.-
('a1ried. Jos. Senior, Secy.
The fancy dress and tracing carnival PERSONA},.
on Monday night in the rink was well
attended by skaters and spectators, edleadallisammagmumallalume
The costumes were good and in con- Mr. I. R. Carling was in London
siderable number, while the races Monday.
were close and interesting. The prize \Liss Lyda Oke is home from Torino
winners were: -Fancy dressed gent, to on a Visit.
('ase Howard: Fancy dressed lady, Mrs. Ronson of Lmulon visited Mrs.
Miss Nettie Sweet; ('omit' character, Marshall this week.
H. 1)ayntan: Local take -orf, George Miss Mara .1f Lucan is visiting her
Hockey, tepresenling a fat roan: the sister, Mrs, W. S. ('ole.
stuallest boy and girl in eostnnu', Ds. Mr. 1.. H. Dickson was in Stratford
lens ('harIton and Vert Marshall: one on business Wednesday.
toile rat",', 0. Acheson; Boys' half mile, Mr. ,tonna ruf Varna is visiting his
Hertra 11 Elliott. The judge,: were brother. Ji r. 'Thos. Johns. Then come and have us examine' them
Messrs. Samuel Sweet and Geo. And- Mr. ('his. Dogwood ref St. Marys vis. ( to leers how they should be treated
erson. Tho band furnished excellent ited in town this week. in the future. (Nur exantinetinn coats
mesh-. .yi-s Lille Johns went to tial nix Inst I you nothing. 1'140 gb►ases we supply,
Hick.' Forecast for February week to Visit fo1 t wo wee•ks, if necessary, will cost you /IS little as
A regular storm pet Mil ,'onees over lir. Fred I'••rth:de of ie,ndon is vis' I honest lens0m and (Anne's ran be mild
from JO11 I try into the 1st and 2nd of iting here. Ile is on the sick list. for'
February. A 11101c111 4)011.51 1113o COC- Mts. John 1{owcliffe of Clinton Vis- 1
errs the first week in F'ebtnarv. The ited ft lends in and arnlnd Exeter this W ili
hmoan IS in perigee :•n the 1st and in ,geek. •HO ll EY Pllaal
conjunction 4vitheat tb o
and son on the• Mi . John llnan•e word N(ie Illlie. ' ' �
2nd. This period will be 11-1..1 ed in xis Quince visited irl ail=a l'rlig this
Jam mil v goes out with vet v low b•1. week. I Chemist and optician
rorneter and the advance of lain and 1fise Edith Robinson r•ct'.rniel last -- -.
snow skit pis trout western section", week from a visit with New York
During the 1st to 3rd of Ft -binary friends.�,a���gr+p�►��
he little (laughter of Mrs. Delve,
who went \Vest a year ago. Inas re-
turned to her home h0:.'.
Yeas 7:t'
Potatoes, per bag 544
Hay, per ton 12 on
Flour, per cwt., family
Flour, low grade per cwt 1 411
Butter 22
Dried apples
Livehogs, per cwt
Shorts per ton
Bran per ton
Turkeys . . .. .... 10
Geese 7
Ducks 7
Chicken 8
}lens 5
Clover 8 00
Timothy 2 00
14 00
2 75
1 15
,i IMI
21 00
22 00
10 01)
�clissa Balm
An invaluable article for the toilet
makes the face and hands
as soft as velvet, prevents
chapping, cures roughness
redness and any irritation
of the skin.
as well as
If you have never tried
don't accept any other be-
fore you have tested its
Price : 25 Cents a Bottle
Prepared by
W.S. Cole, Phm.B.
Where every toilet necessity is stocked
Mrs. Ed. Graham of Goderich and
Mrs. (Capt.) Willoughby of Windsor
are visiting Mrs. Chas. Lindenfelt.
Miss Ida Jory of town and Miss Net-
tie Keddy of l'sborne are visiting
ft lends in London and St. Thomas.
Miss Fletcher of Kirkton and Mrs.
David Golding of Sunshine, visited
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fletcher this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Taylor left
Tuesday to visit at the home of Mr.
James Bell in Tuckersmith for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Holmes of Saska-
toon, Sask., who have Leen visiting
relatives in Blenheim and Londotn for
some weeks, spent part of the week
the guest of ,.1r. and Mrs. John Pedlar.
Mr. Holmes was a pleasant caller at
the Advocate Office. Ile is a firm be-
liever in the future of the \Vest and
particularly his own town, Saskatoon,
which has increased in population in
three years frotn 1500 to 5000.
would iris a everything on earth for
sight. it is nlati's Inost precious pos.
session. Yet many abuse and neglect
it. Stop end think if you are
TREATING YOU'it E i F:S 1(i(111T.
• L•
these storms will pass eastwardly over
the country. On the rear tangents of
storm areas rain will turn into furious
blizzards of sleet and snow, especially
over all sections in central and north-
ern states. The culminating crisis of
this period will be within forty-eight
hours of sunrise on the 2nd. `\'ithin
seventy hours of sunrise on the 20(1
will fallsenother:marked seismic period.
A cold wave, broad and far reaching,
will follow from the northwest pro-
gressively from ahont the 2nd to the
5th. one of the destructive sleet
stotme of the winter will occur at this
period. :\ reactionary storm period
falls on the 5th to 8th. The prevail-
ing Mercury period will cause much
cloudiness and continued threatening
eouditions, throughout the first week
± in i'ebar
rny; bot these conditions will
rise to the "dignity" of decided storms
of rain and snow central on and touch•
ing the 0th and 7th. A sudden rise of
temperature, with probable lightning
and thunder southward. will 15• natur-
Mt. Ja..Morrow, of Lariviere, Man,,
gave the Advocate a pleasant call on
Friday. ile is visiting fl lends near
K ipperr.
Mr. %VIII. Welsh. who has been here
and elsewhere Visiting (bit,rio friends
for several weeks tetnrned to his horse
in Kansas \Vednerelay.
George Armstrong, who has been
learning the operating et London. was
compelled to 1.'turn to his )1on),. here
1Ve(dnesday awing to illness.
Psychine Missionaries
Will Kindly Take Notice
that, after Match 1st, we will
run our business nn :4
A friend of Pr. Slocum Remedies p Spot Cash Basis
writes: " of Paychine
to Mrs. \t;Send , .. Thacybottle havets(
e a .laughter \V0 would like to h (V(' our not
in decline, and I believe it would standing ii(counts s.luared lip
help her. I have mentioned your this date.
remedies to the family, and also cited
al on and next to the lith. Another some of the miraculous cure. a''om N. 13. l'1. ,"' •1 . not ark for
sevete revulsion to high h.ronleter pliehe•i inside the last 15 years, of 10 credit.
whieh 1 have knowledge, • • '
and cold wave will set in in the north- See our i.arg lin- in
W. JOHNS west about the lith and spread (.,1st T. IRWIN, Little Britain, Ont. lb HARVEY BROSe. 14 aett.l Janet, Tool i I•K
ward -southward by the loth. Rua down renditions from lung. atom• a
Merchant Tailor - Etcter I R ach or ..thee constituti..nal trouble cur- 1'XETF:1t ONT.\1{ir1
+ A complete chars a of lecture and '
t rhar,icter• at the Ren•Oliel ea to t ' rd by Psychine \t II
Haraai'e SiocK 1S CoMplele
Even between seasons. such as the months
of January and February are, we always
keep our stock up to the mark.
Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Builders' Supplies,
Oils, Paints etc., are always looking up well in
this store.
You can not find us unready for
business in any line of Hardware.
Is what the people want and this is just the quality of
furniture we handle. Some people are willing to pay lav-
ish sums for exceedingly elaborate designs, but most peo-
ple want style, combined with serviceability at a moderate
outlay. Our lines fill the bill exactly, being rich in design
and reasonably priced. Our extensive lines include SIDE-
are a line which we are introducing and we are showing
a specially fine selection in elegant designs.
The Leading Home Furnishers and Funeral Directors,
niNewsiorEuly Slows
believe in being ready for the early buyer. inn- new
Spring Stock is now on our counter and more arriving every
day. Conte and see them and let us help you to choose your
new dress o' suit.
New Dress Goods
All the new fabrics in the fashionable colors are now open for
vour inspection. Yon will find our stock right up-to•date.
`NewP:anam a, Seccamoose. 'Taffeta, Lustre, Serge, Venetian
and l31 oadclotlis are the new goods for spring.
New Prints and Ginghams
All new for Spring. We have a big selection to show you
in Checks, plain and fancy, all at old prices.
New Laces and Embroideries
\Vit) he used very much this season for trimmings. \\'e are
well supplied with then) and can show you a large assotmenl,
Men's Tailored Suits
o't forget 0111' tidbit. made suits. We have some extra now
pat terns for spring at the lowest prices.
Headquarters for the celebrated W. E. Sanford (Clothing
New English Prints
(1l{AFTON'S MAKE Same old price
-- 12 1.2 cont".
A brand new Int of English Print
j'ist opened lip. The best assort-
ment we have ever shown. We
want you to see them end try the
washing quality. We guarantee
every piece. \ on can't fade them,
the cloth it, of a fine, even texture.
dull finish. free (runt dressing. In
all the different colors; large or
small patterns. We wnnld advise
you to get your supply now while
the amw)rtnlent is new and corn•
Table Linen & Towling
+ ) tau, . a , ,•
rugge•t. Sic and
e+-i++++++•F+•1"•t 1+I•-F4tt•}t•Ft,.- tn••nt F1 achy .tight. 25 and 15 cent., !Lon, ct Dr. T .\ Sleeum. Ltd.. Toronto
��saaAft Atilk sdaaw,d
')'able Linen
New Cottons for Spring
'clad,- it same old Pr
You will want to hay your cot-
tons soon. Why not buy now.
We have a choice stock of sheet-
Embroideries Insertions
T. match
Cambric and Muslin Embroideries
and insertions ►cry fine neat pat-
terne, all widths.
Price from 5c. to 20e.
N!!1. & ROWE