HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 6•• E THE NEW INSURANCE BILL?LADING_NARKETS BREADS! L'FFS. Mr. Fielding Drops Sections of Fraternal Insurance. A despatch from Ottawa eny's: In the (.munons on Thursday ufleru'on lion. Mr. Fielding, on motion for the second reeding of the insurance bill, reiterated his suggestion, made when the 'twe- eter was int. 1uced, that it bo form- ally read a second time, then referred to the Banking and Commerce Cone ntillec on the understanding that it pould be a mailer for full discussion in the (louse when it came back from the r>r:mnnittce. Proceeding, ho said that among other Important matters the hill proposed to deal with the question of assessment or fraternal Insuranco. In regard to that urgent representa- tions had been made to the Govern- taent, including those of n deputation representing Rte great fraternal order rt the Independent Order of Foresters. While only that body was represented en the occasion referred to, lie had no doubt they expressed stews that would generally be agreed to by fraternal or- ders. The leaders of that very influen- tial order had quite frankly acknow- kdgel that their system was undergo- ing consideration. While they had nrnpte reserves for present obligations and for the early future, they telt that lite limo had arrived when sonto steps should be taken to put it on a still more solid and permanent basis. For that purpose the Supreme Court had been summoned to meet in June next, ono year earlier than usual, to consider some steps. Other bodies will likewise meet during the year, and it seemed tut right that their officials should have an opportunity to consult with the sang end in view. lion. Mr. Fielding there- fore proposed to strike from the mea- sure all the clauses dealing with the as- sessment and fraternal insurance, which If necessary, night Leconte the subject of a second bill at another session. Mr. Morden concurred, and the bill was read a second time. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS UAFI'E,NE\GS FROM ALL O\. --t THE GLOBE. Telegraph Briefs From Otte Own and Other Countries of Recent Events. (:ANADA. Ilespeler in 1907 had 32 marriages, 52 births and 30 deattts, The next new building for Queen's University is to be a library. The Quebec. Board of Trade will cele - trate its evidentiary In 1909. Dr. Sprague, a well-known physician of Belleville, dropped dead on Satur.lay. Two Kingston tobacconists were fined for keeping slot machines in their stores. Tho Toronto City Council win proba- bly ask the Legislature to fix a stand- ard for milk. 'Fhieve5 have damaged 13 sleainers laid up at Montreal to the extent of $5,000. The Hamilton Board of Health is tak- ing vigorous measures to tight tato smalliox epidemic. Canadian steamship lines report a lerge Increase in tho Atlantic passen- ger trade last year. Guelph retail merchants will not grant hall holidays on Thursdays during July and August. Between Iwo and three thousand men are wanted on Grand Trunk Pa- cific contracts west of Edmonton. The Department of Mines received in royalties from the O'Brien mine in De- cember $7,327.75. The New Brunswick Legislature hues teen dissolve.) and the general election will to held on Starch 3. New York capitalists are said to have a project welt under way le build a canal from Montreal to New York. Arthur Leger, chief accountant of the C.(,rlicelli Silk Company, committed sui- cide at St. John's. Quebec, on Friday. Canadian steamship lines have reduc- es] rates on steerage tickets front Euro- pean pearls lo Canada to meet the New York cut. The Itnr►kers' Association of Winni- peg has agreed to advance the city 2.5(0,000 to tide over the present strin- gency. For as.saulling nn officer, Private Power at London has been sentenced to s'x menthe in the Central Prison rind to be degraded. 1•uronta Board of Trade Council pass- es a resolution opposing any further reduction in the number of hotel licen- Fes in Toronto. The foreign trade of the Dominion last year, autountel to $658,599,971, an Increase of over $61,000,000 over the pre - Ceding year. In its presentment the Grand Jury at Toronto, .old nanny swindling Mutations owed (heir success lo their advertise- ments in (he newspapers TWO lIallnns, w anted in Phtlndelphin for nurd••r, tele wed to be members of a Rinck (Rand gang, were arrested at Toronto on Thur -day. Frank i'. Titus unit his u.n Rinke ae re drowned eft \Veslport, N. S., their hent swamping while returning from Beer lobster Imps. A report of the Provincial Board of Dealt' slates that Torenlo:s milk is of n lower standard 11►:►u thea of Mose and %t. ntrent. John Mcleod was fatally injured and Isaac Brown lost both eyes in an ex- plosion at Eagle Swamp quarry, near Windsor, N. S. Gun-a-Noot, who shot two men in July, in Northern British Columbia. has been tracked unsuccessfully. The pursuit has cost over $30,000. The C. P. R. steamer Montrose ar- rived at St. John on Sunday with three hundred immigrants who were on board the Mount Royal when she was compell- ed to return to Queenstown. GREAT BRITAIN. The British labor party has refused to bind itself to Socialism. Lord Curzon of Kedleston has keen elected a representative Peer of ireland. Sir Henry Campbell -Bannerman, the British Premier, will probably retire shortly on account of ill -health. The Lancashire cotton operatives have accepted the terns of the employers. Consequently, there will be no lock -out. Britain will not undertake the con- struction of ar:y battleships this year, except those already on her pro- graninne. UNITED STATES. Two navvies at Salamanacn, N. Y., murdered a companion to secure his money, $40. ltuymond Taykhr of Rogers Park, 111., is dead ns the result of being hazed by schoolmates. Women will not be smoke in restaurants in aldermen have decided. Percy itoyne of Woodville, Ont.. is being held by the police at Detroit in connection with tho murder of Mrs. Welch there. A bomb wrecked the front of an Ital- ian bank in New Yurk, on Thursday, exposing $40,000 in coin used as a window display. New York police have seized Inrge quantilies of arms and ammunition and $8(0,000 in counterfeit money in- tended for the rebels in Ilayli. Mrs. Mary It. Clark shot and killer! Frank Brady, un ndverlising solicitor, ie n New York department store res. Laurent on Tuesday, and then commit- ted suicide. President Roosevelt's act:on in nege- Itatina and pm/limning the trade freely with Germany wilh(.ut any reference to (A ogres was severely criticized in the Senate at Washington. permitted to New York the GENERAL. Many wete injured in Berlin on Tues- day in conflicts between the police and todies of unemployed. The Portuguese Government has un- cnrlhcd n plat to overthrow the :non- archy and t.,und n republic. An Italian chauffeur tried to kill him- self. his master and mistress. by run- ning his nulometele Into a river. The Itussian Uniwetsity Congress has started a movement to celebrate Tol- slot's 80th birthday. The Japanese Government, will in- vesligale the standing of all persons professing to emigrate to America as students. Abd -el -Aziz. the deposed Sultan of Mot'occe►. has announced Ihnt he is go- ing to Fez le put down the rebellion under his brother. The refusal of Chancellor Von Rue - low to discuss the Prussinn sullrnge quest'on in the Reichstag led to violent speec•hee on the part of Socialist Depu- ro. DECEMBER WAS BIG VONT Gain of Nearly Seven Million Dollars in Foreign Trade. \ de-rpnl_h trent Ottawa says: The '• fel trade of the Ik;nunion for the ca,en,lar yenr 1907 was $858.599.974. as con\pnre(1 with !(:est.:119.289 for 190i, an increase elf 5.1n1.2`0.6'i5. Total im- ports last year were $314.5.275,:leo, an increase of $; tetra exports were $273.3:t.611. nn increase of 83; 8Ii.0I0. Tol.e1 expe.rls 0f demestie p ss• (nice last tear cc. t. $2381115,557, a de- cree -es el $73e.7es. Te.tal exports of foreign pmdhice nee:unled to $35.309,- 0^. an inrrense of $077,775. • !'e et.,kii ent of hnl>:,rLs and ex - 4., ;s for 'he Inst month shows n tery ee wider .tit: 5etterntvnl over the cor- responding month of 1906. Tine fall- ing off in Loth imports and experts noted in Ile, figures for the preceding month Is replace! by Targe increases in the figures for the Inst nienth. Total imports for the iuonlh were *21,007.- %$, an increase of $1.582.822 over De- cember, 1906: total exports of domestic products were $21.479.667. an increase o' 8218,651, nnel exicrls of foreign pro - duels kota:le l $3.040.514. nn Increase of $1.479.169, making a total gain of 822,- 10.fr20 f$1 exports. 'faking loth itte torte and experts, exclusive of coin and bullion, the gain for the month was $6,710,642. 'Drente, Jan. 28. -Manitoba \Vheat- No. 1 northern, $1.21; No. 2 northern, $1.16; feed wheat, fife; No. 2 feed, 61c, all rail. Ontario Wheat -No. 2 white, 09c; No. 2 red, JS,.: to 98Xe; No. 2 mixed, 9rc. Barley -No. 2, 7Gc to 78c outside; No. 3 extra, 75c to 76c. Flour --Winter wheal patents, for ex- port, selling at $3.75; Stettin -AA patents, seeecinl brand, $5.80 to $6; et :olds, 85.20 to $5.40; strong bakers', $5.10 to $5.30. Peas --8%c 1n 85c outside. Itye-No. 2, 81s. • Corn -No. 2 yellow American, 64c to G4%c, Toronto freights. Quotetions on Canndinn corn about nominal at 57c. Oats -No. 2 white, 495 c to 50e out- side, 53c track. Toronto; No. 2 mixed, 47c to 48c outside. Buckwheat -No. 2, GGc outsi:le. Bran --$22 outside; shorts, $.'4. Bran sold at $24 Toronto, to arrive. (:all board quotallons: Bran -Sold at $24 track, Toronto, to arrive, bags included. Sold at $24 March shipment. Sante price bid for more. Winter Wheat -Ontario, No. 2 mixed, 98c asked, outside. Manitoba Wheat -No. 2 northern, $15 asked, trace, Midland; No. 3 nor•tlt- ern, $1.15 asked, en route to North Bay, 8145 bid spot Nerttt Bay. COU\TItY PRODUCE. Poultry -"There is an easier tone to prices, 15c per pound being the top price obtainahk. ' Ycung turkeys, extra choice. 13c to 15c do choice .... .... .... .. tic to lesc Young geese .... .... .. .... th to Ile Young ducks .. 9r Valle Chickens, choice .... .... .. t(C to 11e Ohl fowl Gclo Sc Inferior chicks and fowls ... 5c to 7c Butler -Market holds steady. Receipts are moderate and the demand steady. Creamery prints .... .... .. 28c to 30c do solids .... .... .... .. 27c to 2•Qc Dairy prints .... .... ...... 21c to 26c do solids .... .... .... .... 22c to 230 Ira( tier ---- .. .. ---- .. 20cto21c Cheese-13jSc for large and 13Xc for twins, in job tots here. Fetus -Storage, 21: to 22c per doz- en in case lots; selects. 25c to 26c. Iloney Strained steady at Ile to 120 per pound for 60 -pound pails, and 12c 1.^ 13c for 5 to 10 -pound pails. Combs nt $1.75 to 82.50 per down. Rcnns-$( i0 to $1.75 for primes and $1.80 to $1.85 for hand-p'cked. Potatoes -70c to 75c per bag in ear lets on tracks here. Baled Straw -$0.50 to $10.50 per ton on (rack here. Baled flay-Tinothy is quoted rut 816.50 to $17.50 in car lots on track here. ienovi.SIONe,. Pork -Short cut, 822.75 to $23 per barrel; mess, *18 te, 819. Lard -Tierces, 11%c; lutes, 12c; pails, 1OXc. Smoked and Dry Salted Meats -Dong clear bacon, 9Xe for tons and eases; hails, large. medium and light, 14c to 15c; harm, I2Xe to I3c; bucks, 16e to 16Xe; sheuklcrs, ilk; rolls, l0c to 10Xee; Luenkfast !moon, 151•; green :Heats out of pickle, lc less titan smoked. MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Jan. 28 -There Is no change in the I ocal Deur market. Choice spring wheat potents, $6.10; seconds, $5.50; winter wheat patents, $5.75; straight r.l.ers, $5.50; do. in bags, 52.60 to 52.- 115; 2:115; extra $2.05 to $2.10. Millled-Manitoba bran, $23.50 to 824; middlings, *27 to $29 per ton, in- ciuding bags; milled nouille, $28 to $32, and pure grain ntouille, $35 to 537 i:er ton. Polled oats, $2.75; corn. $1.70 per Lag. There are no new developments 'n the local cheese situation. Nov. tail end:. 12Xe. to 12%e; Octobcrs, 12%c to 1'Xe; Septembers, 13Xc to 13%c. Itencipts of fresh butler are practical- ly nil. Grass goods 27c to 29c; current receipts, 25c to 27c. Newly-Inid eggs. 35c to 38c; soleets, 24c to 27e; No. t limed, 20c to 22c; No. 2, 15c to 17c. Provisions-Ilarre!s. short cut mess. 822.50 to $23; quarter -barrel', 111.75 to 8 (2.25; clear fat backs. 823.50 to 821.50; long cut heavy anon, 8.21 to $21; half- bnrrels do.. $10.50 to $11.25; dry salt Ing clear back'. 10Xc to !tree; barrels plate beef. $13.50 lo $15; half -barrels des. $7.25 to $7.75; linnets heavy mess leer, $10 to $11; half -barrels do., *5.50 10 $6; centround lard. 10e to ile; pure Inn!, 123 a to 13e; kettle rendered, 123 c lo 13c; hams. 12c to 13'Xc, according In size; brenkfenst bacon, 14c to 15e: \Vin.lsnr bacon. 14Xr to 15';e; fresh killed nhnttoir dressed, $3.75 to $9. itt'FFAi.O MARKET. Buffalo. Jan. 28. -Wheat - Spring. firmer; No. 1 Northern, $1.15: Ne. v red. SIMS; Winter. easier. Cort - Unsettlal; Ne. 2 white, 59c: No. 2 yel- few, 59Xe. Onls---,Steady: No. 2 mixed. 50Xc; No. 2 while 55e. Barley -$1 le $1.15. fl a 90c on (rack. S2.75 M 13.25; and feeders, ine .'iuni, 53.40 to $3.75 per cwt. Choice milch cows were lower at $40 le $45 each. Choice calves were worth 5X to 63 cents per pound. Heavier ones were worth $3 to $1.40 per cwt. Expert ewes $1.25 to $4.50; bucks and culls, $3 to $3.75; Wain -fed lanais. 15.75 to $6.25; ordinury Iambs, $4.50 to 85.50 per cwt. (logs were weak at 85.50 for selects, and $5.25 per cwt. fur lights and fats. IMIGS IN FOODSTUFFS. Said to Slu'>rlen Lives of People In America. A despatch front Washington says: Ur. 11. W. \Wiley, chief e l the bureau of ctu•nuislt•y of the Depa:•tee of of Ag - i cultur., reported on Friday to the Itouse Committee on Agriculture the results of exhaustive experiments lo de - leonine the poisonous effects on the bunion system of such drugs as borax, benzoic acid, Lenzoa:e of soda, sulphate et copper, sulphur dioxide, formalde- hyde and salicylic acid when containexl in foodstuffs. Dr. Wiley said that the expulsion of those arid kindred drugs front the body is perforated almost en- tirely by ttae kidneys, and that he is satisfied the term of American life would be lengthened if the use of such drugs in foods were wholly discontinued. Ile stint he was convinced that kidney dis- esse, so prevalent in America, is partly the result of the constant introduction into the system of such preservative substances as benzoate of soda carried In foods. 1)r. Wiley has a plan to tench the farmers of the country to make dena- tured alcohol, which, he says, can be cheaply manufactured from damaged fruit and vegetables and other farts waste. d' rini:Mies ruins!' IN It1.A7.E. Their Lives at a Fire in italtimore. A despatch from Delt ,store, Md., says: Fire early on Friday look heavy tells of the members of the fire depart- ment of this c.ty. three being dead rind sixteen others more or less seriously injured, including George Heston, chief of the (ire department. The financial damage is estimated at $41!0,000. The blaze. which is the worst that has oc- curred in Ibis city since the calamity of 1904, started on the third floor of the building on the southeast. owner of Iloliday and Saratoga streets. In an incredibly short tinte dyer lite blaze broke out on the Saratoga street side of the Regester Building, and without warning. a large section of the north wall of the building fell. It was this that scattered death and injuries among the firemen. \While responding to the alarm, n hose carriage and fire engine collided. and five of the men on the en- gine were Injured, one of them seri- ously. LIEUT. nnol%%I-:s St7ClII. \CW YORK \VIIEAT \IARKET. New fork. Jan. 28.-Whent-Spot easy; N. 2 red. $1.013; elevator; No. 2 real. $l.(il','/e Loo.h. afloat: No. 1 north- ern Duluth. 81.20X Lo.h. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, $1.11'; f.o.b. nfbnt, !AT. STOCK MARKET. TcMnto, Jan. 2A. -Lillie business ons trnnsacle.1 In export Cattle. The sales ameunt.' l to n few lots el mixed heavy steers and geed export cattle, which were sold around $1.90 per cwt. ileavy lulls were selling at $4.10 to $1.40 per cwt. The felkwing were the geotatlone: P.M,icc load. $4.25 10 $4.60; select steers, 4.75 4e. 81.85: nealiurtt to good eteers. S'.75 le $4.75; choice cows. 83.46 to 83.15: medium te fair eows. $3 to 83.25: rough cows. $1.50 to 52.60; canners. 75c 10 $1.40 per cwt. Light to medium stockers mere Werth Three Lose \\ell-Knonn Young Mordecai \than Shoots ilimself. A despatch from Montreal says: A sen,attott was caused on Thursiney when the news spread that Lieutenant 11. Gordon Browne had cornmit4,'d su'cide. Ile we.s an officer in the Vic- lcria bilks and confidential sectelary to Lieut. -Cul. Whitehead. Lieut. Browne had been chatting and smoking with two friends. Ile passed n casual remark and rose from the easy chair in which he was silting and walked upstairs Nobody suspected that anything was wrong until a mated report was heard coming front the dirertienr of tine lop story. Ills friends Immediately made a dach for the stairway and up to Browne's mom. There they found Lieut. Browne lying 0n his face, his mals out- stretched, diol in the head, and lite resolver lying close to his right hand. Ire had evidently died instantly. Lieut. Browne hal been in poor health for some time. CITY II\I.1. Rt [MED. BUSINESS WILL SOON 8006 The Views of Sir William Van Horne Are Optimistic. A despatch Iran New York says: Sir William C. 1'aultorn', .ltnirmon of the Canadian Pacific. who arrived hero from Cuba on Tuesday, is optimistic on lite t Usi nes...4 outrfook. Ile expressed lite belief that the wheels of business would seen revolve at their normal speed. "Phis has been a very severe depres- sion,' he said, "and in my judgment Ilio rebound will be speedy. One can see why steel and copper iiiduslr:cs have Leen paralyzed, so that not 50 per cent. of the normal p °n or inunufacture is the rase. La '• oor- perations could not get money l ecause they could not sell their securities ex- cept at ruinous prices -now money is tea.rning easy. The secur,lies market, especially in fonds, is better, and seen corporations will be able to sell their securities again. When securities are being sold one will Mid an immediate response in industrial circles. Mist- ress will immediately improve." KITCHEN WAS WRECKED. Three Persons Injured by Explosion ,of Natural Gas. A despatch from Blenheim says: Thee persons were injured and a house bad - it wrecked by an explosion of natural gas al the residence of Mrs. Thos. Coale - worth, two miles east of here, at 10 o clock on Sunday morning. The in- jured were: Mrs. Coatsworth, her sot. Mr. )herb Lot, and a young mon name] David Itantitton, all of whom were bad ly burned. Mr, lot some lime prey: cus to the explosion had disconnected the pipes in order to remove water from them, and in doing so quite a quanta, of gas was al:owed to escape. Wesel the lire was lighted in the kitchen range it was fol:owed by a terrific explosion. which blew out (wo of the outside walls et the kitchen trod caved in the reef. Al' three of the injured perserts were ie. the kitchen at the time of lie ex- plosion. Fire in Portland. Maine, Does $1.000,000 Damage. A despnlch it m Portland, Me., says: •4 flie which caused a property damage cf $1.000.000 early on Friday deslroyecl the (:ity Rail and police buildings and endnngered the lives of more than 700 per -ons. The fire was the worst In the Stole .inrr, the great conflagration in Portland in 1866. Death was absent from the lire, a fact considered very re- markable, as there were more than 700 members of the Western Maine Knights • 1 Py thins' Jubilee gathered in the audi- Virtunt of the City Dalt when the flames were discovered. Only n few persons were hurt. The finaneinl foss is esti- mated nt 81,00(1.((0(1, bol this sum will not rover the loos et the papers and documents to the registry of decile. where evcrsthing was drs'royed. Other city departments were swept clear of everything by the flames. with the ex- reptinn of the city clerk's and the city treasurers offices. W1TRELESS TO \NI\T111:11.. Marron, Sterticc In Open to the (hrhlie in nrary A despatch fivFeb,nt is�nd.on says: Clic- yeller Marconi slates that the wirelese service; between iondon rind Montreal wilt be opened to the public on Fchru- ary 1 or 2 at sixpence per word. Ile has chosen Monlrent instead of New Yerk because of the Canadian subsidy of £16,0(0. 1t is understood that no land wires to the wireless terminate will be laid yet or sending wireless mesenges duplexwill be ntlempkd. ROBBERY AT (:OR \i.T. Hundreds of Pounds of Nuggets and Sitter Stolen. A despatch from Cobalt says: On Tuesday several hundred pounds of nug+ttets and native silver was stolen from the King F,dwnrd mine. • The management are said to be offering a thousand dollars' reward ler infer. oration In the mntter. It appears the management kept tie silver In a box, from which it Is supposed to have been stein. A LIViNG PENSION. Canaditut Pacific liaises efinimunt Gr - tiring Allowance. A despatch Them Montreal says: The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has rased the minimum retiring allowance to employees entitled by length of ser- vice to a I:ension so that no one shall have kss than twenty dollars per month on leaving the company's ser- vice to participate in lite pensto►t fund. President Sir Thomas Shaughnessy has just issued a circular to the employees in>!in►ataig that the regulations govern- ing pensions have been revised, as it had teen found that in some cases the amount of pension was not sufficient to support the recipient in his declining years. TWO MEN BITINED TO DEATII. 5. Stevenson, Sheetnnker, and lames McKinnon. Tailor, of Fort Frances. A despatch from Fort Frances says: Fire was discovered on Sunday morn - 'ng at 2 o'clock in n small building us'd as a shoemaker's shop on Church street, opposite the postooMee. Inside half an hour the fire was subdued, and the firemen were horrified 10 find on the floor the remains of two men. They were J. Stevenson. owner of the shop, and a honor by the name of James McKinnon, wiK, was employed by W. A. Baker. McKinnon hal evi- dently tried to reach the rear door, but f^II, overeorno by the smoke, with his head within n fc><d of n window. Roth legs were burned off, and he was other- wise badly burned. Stevenson had trial to gel out by the front part. % S1: 5111ti:s ON 1'.\(:K \GI:'+. Trutt In'perhu)rs Ordered to Keep a Close Watch. A despatch from Ottawa says: The fruit division of the Department of Ag- riculture has Issued instructions to the Dominion tent inspectors to be on the ktolcout for false (narks en repacked fruit packages. The order anticipates e condition in trade brought shout by market conditions. Last 1x11 the apple market was high, and a good future was anticipated. As a consequence, whole orchnnts were bought up, and fruit good, had and Indifferent, stored away for future morketing. There will be a pent temptation ler work this off to the hest ndvnninge. and the or- der has been issued to guar! the pub - 1c against being misled by fel-e mark.'. REVENUE'S STILL INCREASE. 1 lentistantint Railway a Moneymaekce for Province of Ontario. A despatch from Toronto says: For sensation was caused on Thursday Mg and Northern Ontario Railway ametmle: to $65.436 and the disburse- ments to $54,326. The province thus obtainel from its own railway a net revenue of $11,170, as against $i0,519- la i0,519In the sante month of 1906. For rho e:even months ending November 30 the receipts of the '1'e►niskiuning and North- ern Ontario Railway were $778,478, and the: expenditures were $586,098, leaving n balance of $192,360. In addition to this, the commission in charge of the mad collected $128,005 in royalties on ore pmducel on properties !cased to different concerns. The total net res- enue of the road was, therefore, $220e- 355 for eleven months. MUST BE TEETOTALERS. No More Drinking by .Employees of Gallimore & Oltio Railroad. A despatch from Baltimore, Md.,. says: !1 is officially announced that here- after employees of the Ballimere & Ohio Railroad having anything to do. with the direction or running of (rains will not be permitted to use intoxicants o' any time. either when on or oft duty, and no person using such beverage will le employed. This action has been taken by the officials of the railroad ire an effort to reduce the number of acci- dents. SEED GRAIN FOR SE"19LERS. Arrangements for Advancing Loans to Those Who are In Need. A despatch from Ottawa says: The arrangements for advancing money by way of khan to settlers In the North- West whose crops failed last season, for the purpose of enabling them to purchase scot grain, will to completed this week. It is snit] that the sunt re- quired may run as high as three tnillkin dollars. Seed oats will likely be pur- chased in Britain, an:l probably in Nor- way and Sween, so s In introduce diversified cereal crops` tee Western provinces. 4_- TIII: l'NEMPIAYED FLED. Were Chased by the Police TI►ro..gh Chicago Streets. A despatch from Chicago saes: An at- tempt of the Socialists to tiring alotit a "march of the unemployed" through the downtown streets en Thursday • to the City 11a11 resulted in two sharp tights will the police, in which Iho would -he marchers were routed after a number of men had been clubbed. Dr. Itenjainin Reiman, the originator of the plan to march through the "erects, and Iwo of his fulle:wers were arrest- ed STRIKE ON TIIE TYNE. Four Thousand Entptoyes Itetu;c to Accept Reduction. A despatch from Newcchstteen-Tyne anys: The threatened strike in the ship- leslil ng industry in the Tyne district M came n fact on 'Wednesday wlie,) NUM. 1.(J)0 men who had refused the pmpo-ed reduction in f►eir wages, did not re hjrn to work. The employers de- clare this reduction tri neeessnry owing to the depre,ston in lite industry. Some torts on the north-east coast also ere effected. THE WORLD'S SIIIPBMLBINFI' Statistics for 1907 Show That Britain Builds Half. A despatch from London says: The slat'slics of the world's shipbuilding.' in 1007, just issued by Lloyds register, shows a total output of mercantile len- bagel by the Unilel Kingdom of 1,742,- 365, ,742;365, being ode -cm -ascot 220.200 tons, ns compared with 1906, which woe the highest on record. Tho foreign out- put in 1907 Increased by nearly 80,000 tens. Great Britain. hewever, still builds more than one-half Ilse mercantile ship- ping of the akbe, which last year show- ed a net increase of 1.981.800 tone, as osmpared with an increase, of 2.151(.- 600 In 1906. The world's fleet of Anil. ing ships was reduced during the year bt 180,000 tons end the Acorn tonnage Was increased by 2,161,800. The United Stale, built, in 1907. 47.3.0110 tens. which was n slight increase. Germany shows rather n xeric:is eline. Last year rite built 27:,.000 tons, e: compared with 30.000 in (906. while at the same time sic purchased less from Great ilriloin. Great Rrilain is still n Targe purchas- e• of vessels built abroad. Another ratter of great disc intent in this coun- try is the largest percentage of foreign- ers employed as seamen on the Brit- ish mere/intik marine, nurnhering a te. to of 4u040, will, an annuol sings. 1.st of $10.00301n. \While they qu eelion of the unernld(yed is pressing heavily ashore, this la ce,nsidered mike imelte, r.n1 the 'Mesh Naval League i< laking active steps 10 agitate the ulflizntem ef, the unemployed lo take the place of siting on the chose.