HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-30, Page 4OiiiJER a SUIT
Wby not snake yourself .► present
One That Will
Look Well
Wear Well
and Last Well
A suit of ('i•'tiles or an Overcoat
would be just the thing and some-
thing that would afford the
wearer comfort as well as
the pleasut r of know-
ing that he is well
We Have the Verg Latest
Clothes an;:`Patterns.
J. H. Holtzmann
i xetex Aduo.cate,
Sanders & Creech, Props.
THURSDAY, Jan. 30, 1908
Election Reform
Mr. Alcorn, conservative member
for Prince Edward, Ontario, has intro-
duced in the Dominion House a ineas-
urc wh:cb embodies :area of the elec-
tion refortn features of his party plat-
form. The bill limits closely the leg-
itimate expenditure of a candidate
and prohibits ruore strictly the free
transport of electors, punishing all
concerned in it. It provides that
where possible sheriffs shall be return-
ing officers with the registrar for next
choice, and that thedeputies and outer
poll officers shall be resident in the
parish, township or municipality
where they act. Ballot boxes must be
examined at the opening of the poll to
prevent fraud. Heavy penalties ate
Imposed on all who practice or know-
ingly permit fraud. Officers who vio-
late the secrecy of the poll get a year
in prison. Corporations are forbidden
under penalty of $5,000 to contribute
to campaign funds, while officers, dir-
ectors or shareholders concerned in
the transaction are liable to a year's
imprisonment and a heavy tine. The
penalty of a briber is imposed upon all
who by public speaking or through
the press or in any other way try to
influence electors by promise of public
expenditure in their district. There
are other equally stringent clauses
snaking the treasure a great step in
election reform. Such a measure
should meet with the approyaal of both
sides of the House. The people areal!
in f.►vor of clean elections. and upon
-this rests the great principle of respon-
sible government.
Senate Reform has been a live ques-
tion at Ottawa in the Commons and
`senate this week. Certain Common-
-ors are for abolishing the L'pper house,
othors for reforming it and nue par-
ticularly bright ides is to have it de-
cided by a referendum. The senator's
retaliate by saying that there are far
too re- any members iu the House of foundry and machine shop combined
Command and that if the number sold (leo. Finkbeiner, the deputy -re- )' 1
were re:luted by one-half, more busi- turning officers of the two village tolls, employed about twelve sten. 1t corn -
ewes would be done with nine's less were in Seattorth on Saturday deliver- IttPnced business over a year :not and
•time waisted in useless talk. There is ing their ballot box.•s to reteuningnfll- been a growing industry ever since. -
fou I for thought in both arguments and 1 cer, D. D. \Vinson. --%Nell, the election A"0" cur' s occurrence has befallen
perhaps the adoption of both ideas , ti over. Soule are glad, others sire, Miss Mabel Sparks. a young Indy of
would be of benefit to the e emu y. and it lot quite unconcerned. The this village, who has been teaching
`fir Richard Cartwright used es 4.a)•10 •j wits Mr. liortnn got in this town.
school Hent ('etnr,alia for same time.
that the Senate k "rt mill stone h ing
••hi►' wax a complete sr , pi i=e. Sonne One evening about two weeks ago she
ing to the neck of the people," but en, "1 'h.' '1r1 "rile Liberal:' think 801110- retinal to bed feeling in her usual
opinion has changed since has view. 1 bane lists gone wrong with Stephen, health, but on awakening during the
point is now from a Senator's ch eie. I but true true facts of tttecase are -there night found to her surprise that she
the Toronto News re ardin the re- rare mete independent men here now, had lost the power to speech. She
eans of
distribution measure to be brought be- I and irk niers
theirlo b;ailot an ludo well
adiner the blackhcontinued m►rdtut►ii) a supply school by rcould be
fore the Ontario f.egislature at true ap- obtained. after which she returned
home. Up to the present she has been
onahle to converse except in the faint-
est whisper. In every other respect
eke enjoys normal health. The doe
tors Northern Ontario. Four, or possi- tars are unable to account for her i ih"taa,erson. youngcter was her
I orP 0141, were recn t%
des Wes au old tuner•. The roads are sudden IoBs of voice. -- i P. ll,nthron t [ p
liP flue, new constitnenrPs are likely 1adl • drified•in Il.wes and u•avellin h.ss been apn eI':ted clerk of the villsge `0015 of her industry and by her depth
to be created throughout the older ) i g in place of .I. ('. St •ratan.-- After a man)• henries are sad and aching. her
portions of the Province, but at least is st'Iw.- \\',• si' pleaw•d to learn that [tleasaut visit here to ith her mother, lowing disposition winning her than
two of the smaller existingcon.,situ the l 411"""" It ink of ('onunerce Ilet4 `Les. (i. S. Thompson, Mee. Barrett p
friends. The funeral took lace Mon-
has returned to Chatham. -11. Catch- dot•. May the sorrowing ones find re -
pole has purchased Mrs. Houghten's lief in Hint who doeth all things well.
house on the west side of the railroad -- ems -
%Veno ;-1'he 141)41 tolls t•eelde•nce
over some papers that the letter wish-
ed brought down for efts tnination rel•
ative to some tiu,ber deals in the de-
partment of lieu. Fr...k 01itet. At
first the Premier refused to have them
shown, but finally he receded from his
decision, at the saute time stating that
the Government had ttieright to with-
hold eel lain papc►s under certain con-
Now that the Exeter Agricultural
Society has the new utticer's and direc-
tors elected for ILIUS it is time they
were considering the erection of a
grand stand on the Agricultural
grounds. For the past few years the
stand hes been ensafe for the smallest
boy to venture upon it. And to look
at—well it is a disgrace to au other-
wise good ground. The stand never
was any good from the titet day it was
built. On a wet day it was simply int -
possible, on a cool day it was colder
than comfortable and on .e w: t'm day
it was positively bot. An absolutely
new covered stand is necessary and
this summer is the tune to build it.
Of course we hear the old, old story
from some of the old-time directors:
"The cost is too great and we haven't
the cash." \Vhat matters it: The
stoney can be borrowed and the
grouud mortgaged, if necessary. A
few good days and the thing is paid
for and after that it will he a money
maker for the society. In order to se
cure the crowds it is necessary that
they be supplied with a stand. Over
and over again we have heard people
say they did not care to go to the
grounds because of the lack of n stand
from which to watch the sports.
Miss Verde Shortt entertained a
number of her Crediton and Ebenezer
friends on \Vednesday evening in hon-
or of her cousin Miss Mable Parker of
Port Elgin. Geo. Hepburn and sisters
of Centralia were among the guests.
While a lood was corning from Ebe•
nezer to attend the party they met
with an accident with disabled some
of them for the evening. -Root. Clark
our new butcher, moved here from
Sebringville last week. We welcome
hire to our midst and wish him every
success. -Mrs. Daniel Cestreicher bas
returned horse, after a few weeks visit
with her mother, Mrs. Manz of Tavi-
stock. -Sant') Brown was in Hatnilton
the beginning of the week on business.
-San►') Knbn and wife are now com-
fortably settled in their home on Main
street. -Dr. McCue had a long-distance
phone placed in his office last Friday.
-Eli I.•►wson left here on Sattttday
for the West. He accompanied a car
load of horses from Exeter for Thomas
Handford and will go with them as fat
as Winnipeg. -Nelson Hicks of Cent-
ralia was in town Monday instructing
the singers wise wilt take part in the
choruses. It is his intention to give a
concert in Centralia some time next
month and here the night following.
More particulars will follow. The pro-
gram will be an excellent one and
none should amiss the treat in store for
them. -Mrs. Siebert and family. who
are moving from Plattsville to Dash-
woesi, are spegding a few days here
with Mr. and- Mrs. Sara Brown. In
the meantime Mr. Siebert is having
his goads and household effects ship-
ped to the neighboring burg, where
he intend- starting a mercantil a busi-
ness. Mr. Siebert lived bete some
years ago and has many warm friends
here. who all wish hinu every success
in business. -The remains of the late
Elizabeth Smith. daughter of Williani
Smith, of Shipka, who died in Victoria
Hospital, London, on Sunday, were
Interred in the Evangelical cemetery
here on Wednesday, Rev. StittclifTe of
Corbett ofltciating at the burial ser-
vice. O sr sympathy is extended to
the bereaved family. -Daniel Sweitze•r
The little daughter of John Jackson
of Rodgert•ille. who was severely
scalded a few days ago is getting along
nicely. She was in the act of remov-
ing a teakettle (tom the stove when
the handle broke off and the contents
of the teakettle were spilled over tier
feet and legs, scalding tar quite ser-
iously.- Miss Ethel Troyer has retain-
ed to Seaforth after a pleasant visit in
town. -The sanies of town are giving
a leap year dance to -morrow, Friday
night. -Harry Taylor of London, \ViII
Geiger, Jack McEwen and Frank
Blatchford of Toronto were home' last
week on a taint. -Mrs. Sellars and
children of Saskatoon are guests of
Mrs. Thos. Pepper, London Road. --11.
J. D. Cooke and Dave Coitelon who
have been ill are convalescent. -James
Morrison has returned from it few
vexes' sojourn in the \\'est. --A new
Palmer piano has been placed in the
basement of Carmel (:hunch. -Miss Os-
borne of Toronto is a visitor with the
Misses McArthtii.- Mrs. Baw•der. of
Clinton spent a few days here during
the week. -Art King who suet with an
accident at the rink is recovering from
its effects. Ile was playing hockey
when he got in a head-on collision.
Ile was taken otT the ice its an uncon-
scious condition and medical aid was
summoned. -Wilson Wood and wife
have returned to London. -Willison
\Vhitesides is recovering from his late
illness. -Mrs. Nelson Blatchford has
been in Toronto attending the funeral
of a relative. -Mrs. McLaren of Tusco-
la county, Mich., is visiting her sister
Mrs. J. lVeismiller.-Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher Eacrettrecently celebrat-
ed their golden wedding. A large num-
ber of relatives were in attendance.
Besides some valuable presents they
were presented with a purse of gold. -
Ed. Shaffer was in Toronto last week
attending the funeral of his daughter,
Miss Jennie Shaffer. -Ben Holtewan
of Berlin visit friends in town during
the week. -The tnany friends of Mr.
Murray will indeed he sorry to learn
of his contnued illness.-Mrs.T.Welsh
recently entertained a few friends.
A pleasant titne is reported by all. -
A team of Exeter junior hockey play-
ers carne up Saturday to play our jun-
iors. The visitors were defeated by a
score of 5 -1. -Carmel church will be
illuminated with electric lights short-
ly. --Arnold McArthur, who bas been
employed on the Sovereign Bank staff
at Ottawa, is home on a visit. -Dr.
and Mrs. Sellery were in Kincardine
this week. Mrs. Sellery will remain
for a time. -G. (louse has engaged Jas.
Bruce of Lindsay. -The plate glass
window in J. McArthur's store was ac-
cidentally broken the other day by a
stick of wood falling against it. -Fred
Manns and bride have returned bone.
-The death occurred on Saturday of
Miss Jean Sheffer, who since July has
been performing with the Keller Bi-
cycle Troupe. The deceased will be
remembered by Hensall people among
whore she lived till about flee years
ago when she left with her mother for
Toronto. At Galesburg, ill., she was
taken ill a week agc and her mother
sent for and arrived just before she
died. From a child she exhibited dar-
ing qualities and though only a short
time on the stage had made a reputa-
tion as a trick bicyclist. She was 17
years of age. -Mr. Berks who has been
working in the bat her shop for Jantes
Logan, has gone to Brussels.-t''red
Demuth, after a pleasant visit here
and at Zurich. has returned to Detroit.
-The Hensel' foundry and machine
shop. which in spite of the stringency
of the money market has been running
full time up to the present, was ob-
liged to close its doors Saturday night
for an indefinite period. The manag-
ers state that they have plenty of
orders ahead. but cannot get any
money when the orders are filled. The
strictly to party lines. -The railway
surveyors are expected through here
this week. The recent storm delayed
them considerably. - Where ere our
open winter weather prophets? 'Ttte
storm on Sundae and the following
roaching session. says: -"At present
the general impression is that at least
ten more Ine'inlsers will he added to
the Legislature by the bill. Of these
four will be given to Toronto,,us.1 four
5 or 500
--they are all
Each biscuit
as light as if
made by fairy
Baked to a
guff?en russet
So fresh,
and crisp, and
tempting, that
just opening the
box is teasing
the appetite.
And you
fund a new
delight in every
one you eat.
Yon get perfection
when you get
Wood's Pho
The Gre-;l Enoli.'4 Remedy.
Tunes ut:sl -...!urate: the whole
nervous 1, makes now
In old Veins. Cures Nerv-
ous Debilityy,� Mental and Brain Worry, Ika-
tondency, .Stserti 'Weakness, Emissions. Epee-
,:errhaa, and /Mlle of 4 h use or I•-r•eesses.
ir•o tl per box, nix for $S. One wilt please six
tin cute. 801.1 by all demists or mailed in
ebbs pkg. on receipt of precis. New pamphlet
mailed free. The wood Meadlolnts Co.
(formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont.
Grand Bend
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fritz were in
London Monday consulting a doctor
in regard Mr. Fritz's health. it is
with genuine regret that we learn of
his continued illness, but we trust he
may soon be enjoying good health. -
Miss E. Ziler, 14th concession of Step -
ben, is visiting Mrs. E. Gill, sr. -Bruce
Bossenberry and wife of Brucefleld
were visitors at 11. Bossenberry's on
Sunday. -Nelson Ravelle moved into
L Itavelle's house last week. -Mrs.
Zapfe who has been in Pt. Edward the
past two weeks returned horse Satur-
day. -Mrs. Jos. Ravelle who has been
visiting in Sebringville returned here
The anniversary of the Methodist
church here will be observed on Sun-
day and Monday, Feb, !) and 10. An
oyster supper is to be served Monday
evening. Particulars later. ---Edgar
Buswell of Toronto was borne Wed-
nesday casting in bis vote in the elec-
tion. --Miss Anderson of Donley is vis-
ingat John Thotopson's.-Mrs.. t,'a-
cott and son of Calgary visited at Mrs -
Frank Coates a fete (11l)•s last week. -
A sleigh load from Rich. Coates drove
to the home of Ed. Shapton, Stephen,
on Friday evening nncl spent a social
time. -Toms. Breaks and wife spent
Monday at Will Ford's, Elimville.-
\Vm. Coates and wife visited at Relit.
F:ssery's. Crediton, one day last week.
DIED --It is indeed a painful task for
us to record the untimely death of
Hiss Rebecca Dixon, whose spirit took
flight early Saturday morning at the
horse of her brother, l%'nl. Dixon. at
Maguire, where she has been residing
since spring. On ,tan. 13th, Miss Dix-
on was taken ill with a severe attack
of grip. Medical aid was at once sum -
atoned and with careful and kind
nursing she rallied somewhat but it
was not of long duration for her illness
assumed a serious aspect and pneu-
monia setting in she gradually sank
until death relieved here. Deceased
was a thorough Christian, and never
for a moment during her illness did
she nttera complaint but rather grew
patient and awaited the Master's call.
A conspicuous trait in Miss Dixon's
encies will probably he merged into
others. For instance, it is generally
accepted that. Monck, now represent-
ed by Iron. itichard Ilnrcoutt. will be
no store after the redist Weibel), while,
now Chit Hon. (leu. P. (lnahaant has
vacated it, it is not unlikely that the
constituency of Brockville will he re-
A lively tilt bus been on in the Do-
minion Hence during the week be-
tween the (loverr.ment and Opposition
For Luny
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer-
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
\ our own doctor will say so.
The hest kind of a testimonial -
Bold to over sixty years."
.. asatestee e
aisle 8y I.C. Ayer Cn.. t.eas%Yaws.
.1.'., r-.:. :u: cr• of
s.,z krklatu.
tS n elf Mol.
"'.:• t a, • e • , --ct.' w'• r any,
52,• f,rm ., or a,. our ereedlola•a.
Pills and thus hasten recovery. pnenrn.•ural.
decided to open up a branch here ---
probably this week. This will be wel-
come news to a large number.
Corbet t
WRniso--Wm. Shaddock betook
himself to Pat khill on Tuesday on a
Most interesting mission. l\ ill cer-
tainly believes in the old adage that it
is not good for man to lice "lone as
his action on the above day would in-
dicete. We refs r to his us at iag.• to
Miss Margaret E. Thompson, which
1 pleas:•nt event took place at the house
of the bride. the ceremony being per-
formed by Rev. ('omens. After the
'ce e
rem nt a a sty dainty • ren acn., par-
• taken of. Mr. and Mrs. Shaddoek have
settled dawn to the stet:w t.'entities at
e e
their hetm
arid :1 t'
r l I bits
he spat ed to enjoy the corn fo1rts of
married life together.
Puxes:el-Arms-The other evening
rtt,,,nt thirty nt,•mt;els of Jlis. Sut-
tliffr's dee, from the B,ston church
in response to an ill vital. gathered
,t the puson age. The evening teas
• [tent ill girlies and music and then
drib •i•t Itat Icon was chosen ehairman
to conduct the prngtnnn given by the
young people. One fealulP of till* ev-
ening etNS 7. di..logne by Misses Millie
Faster ars. Fina Sh••,ritt. which to
Mi'.. `lntrtitf•'• e0tire surprise w•+as n train for is honeymoon trip to Toronto
pte.eotalion r.I' .1 benefit tilly worded ;end other eastern points. The popu-
Receipt Mixed Often
of Mr. and ,\its. John Sheppard was --
on %Vedne•sdey the scene of a pretty Some ientarkable stories are being
and charming wedding, when their told about town -end among the cisme
estimable daughter Christina pledg- try people coming in on this simple
ed herself as the bride of Fred Manns horse-rnnd.• mixture curing Mosinee -
the highly esteemed tonsorial artist, tism and Kidney Trouble. Here is the
who t•er•ently bought out Jos. Derstein receipt And directions for taking. Mix
at Zurich. At the hour of t wo the by !disking we•il in a bottle one•hml(
guests Assembled in the parlor to await ounce Fluid Extract Dandelion; one
the coating of the bridal party. Dor. ('once ('ompound Kargon;tbret ounces
ing the inter% ening time miss Annie Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla. Take
dost Wren, coos• o a. ► one tests tone- ul after e
m f the bride, rendered i fmeals
the wadding starch and to thetnviting And at bedtime.
10IISIC the w•in.nm bride, WAS Zell to the No change need he made in your ns -
U 1 1 A test u( a t 1 diet tt drink plenty, t
pallor r i ening on the atm of her fath• c f good
er. Her wedding rube was of beauty. , writer.
en111hi►ted with tare' simplicit y, it being • This iosxtme writes one authority
of cream vrill.• .ter silk. The groom [n a leading l'hiladrlphia newspalwr
awaited hie under• nn nrch of green has a pecnlhtr tonic effect upon the
and it was here that Ne.. ilr. Medd of kidneys: cleansing the clogged up
Forest tied the matrimonial knot. At pares of the elintinatiye tissues forcing
the conclusion of the congratulations the kidneys to sift and strain from the
the guests mated to the dining room isle sit 1 h ue it :44141 and other waste
end enjoyed ,e (11o.t excellent and , met ter oc.'rr•eming itheurn atistn 1-31 ,.I.
tenupt Ing supper. (I owned in a hand• Iter 411.1 1'1 in.0 y troubles in it short
sour end neet•Htting travelling soft w bite.
of brown "bit o1 bre eicloth ills bride A New York druggist w'ho has had
left with her husband on the evening huode.d4of cells for these Mgr, then! P
since the first announcement in the
newspapers lest Ortniter staled that
the people who once try it "swear by
it" esis'eu*lly those who hive Urinary
and Kidney trouble and suffer with
The druggists in this neighlrnthrttel
say they can supply the ingredients,
which are easily mixed at hetne. There
is said to be no better blood cleansing
agent oc system tonic known, and ce>,-
tainly none more harmless or simple
to use.
adds.'., and :a hrr,.I-orae eight-day
ma We clock. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sut-
cliffe peon -:I, Amer a little longer time
911'. in enjoyment all reptired to
1,: it 1e.portIvo homers..
Clubbing Rates
Laity of the bride was evinced by the
numerous gifts which she received.
Mr. and Mt.,. \i inns will tike up their
residence in Zurich and we are only
voicing the sentiments of the entire
comm+utity when we wish them every
happiness and prosper its.
--- -awe
Perk hill: Peter Stewertpissed away
We can equal any club- early Wednesday owartg, at his
bing rate offered. Call home en the Centre road, West Wil-
esep the bowels regular with Ayer's
8I1 gee. (kiln., after only is few der.' illness of
The Toronto Council has decided to
cut off IU licenses in that city.
Undoubtedly the best . 'ewed on
the continent. Proved to be .o by
anal„i' of four chemists, and
award, of the ttarsd''. great Exffilk
bitions, •especially Cau. A(:o 11393,
where it received ninety-six points
out of a possible hundred, much
higher than any other I'orter in the
United States or Canada.
AT -
In\•estigate intii the Merits of the
itis the most eucceadul businesa training school
III Western Ontario. Our Commercial, Shorthand
snd Telegraphy Departments are in charge of able
Highest i r� rice paid for Grain instructors of experience. All our courses are thou
a ough up•to-date and practical. We have become
one of the largest business training schools in the
I'rovihce. Ott our free catalogue and learn what
- __ _ we are doing Commercial scnools as well as busi-
ness men employ our graduates. Students are en•
tering each week. Enter now.
(Successor to Joseph Cobbledick) ELLIOTT & MCLACPrincipLiAN,als
(Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1515)
Head Office, Montreal
Capital .Paid Up
Reserve Fund
Assets Over
OFFICE HOURS 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. SATURDAYS, 10a. m. to 1 pp. •.
DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
acing Bank Departments Lrtil further erly I interest on Saeen ,, accounts ly. be
credited quarterly instead of half yearly as formerly.
Deposits of 91 and upwards received.
Agents at Exeter for the Dominion Government.
DICKSON & CARLING, Solicitors. N. D. HURDON, Manager,
Ot-i( NI•:1\• STO('K OF41111
Watches, Jewellerd, Silverware, Toilet
Sets, Etc., Etc.,
has just been opened up and we may
safely say that this is the finest stock
that has ever been shown in Exeter.
Our Coods are at Prices
The Will Suit You
Call and Examine Earid
Exeter, Ont.
Zurich Hensall, in account of which appears
F. 'V. Hes., jeweller, h+ts recoveredtinter HPns"11 news. --Miss Josephine
from his itlnesa. -Miss Emma Heide -
Frank Brenner are visiting in this
man of Detroit is home on n vial.- vicinity from llirhigan. -WeddingItec. A. D. (iischler is assenting Kev, bells are ringing. ---Miss Maggie MAhat•
fy of School S
L. K. Eidt ofiDashwood is the Evan-
gelistic meetings. The two ministers and daughter of Jas. Mahaffy of Stan-
exchanged pulpits on Sunday. -Mrs. recently wen a handsome copy of
McCormick's manyfriend., will kap The Empire auk the Century," as a
pleased to learn that she is recoveringg reward far an essay on "Thr Empire."
her late illness. Mee. Allen is nl- This was one of the prizes Offered by
PO recovering from the effects of her the i)anghters of the Empire of (rode-
lateaccident. -IA rge.luftnt.it 148 1)1min wood rich for essays"" this t•nhjeet by Pu -
are teeing her tight to town. - John pi
in the school+ in West Huron.
who underwent opera-
- —
Trettuuter and r ent se- Aera-
tion at. Dr. Gems 4 hospital, Clinton,
is getting along a. well 1414 can be ex-
pected. -Arthur Stephensonof London
was in town last work in the interest
of the C.O.F. lodge.- Dan. Kaercher
of Superior. Wi•., was here list week.
-Miss Matjor•ie Broderick has retern-
ed from a visit to her sister Mrs. Wm.
Nannie. -Henry Gellman has taken it
position with C. Schrag. biker.--Jnbn
Consitt whose ilness WAs recorded last
week, passed away at his borne on the
Peri. Line, on Thur•(laq. Ile bad re-
covered somewhat and mi the morn•
Ing of his (lends- bad sat down to
bre Mast And while in the act of par-
laking of some food suddenly passed
.away. Ile Ilea Krell ill fur sense time
And his death tea., nut unexpected.
Deceased was one of the oldest Nod
most highly teeperted residents of (hie
vicinityy and he knees behind to en
regime de family the ashes itemise of a the rorld r,ver as the best prescription
gond name and a useful and worthy ever use J by the medical penfravi,.s for
career. The funeral took place Saba- Coughs, ('olds, Croup, ittonehit;, and
dny to the 11:aj}•fiel.l cemetery end tea. Tightness of the ('hest. ('hihln-n tike
largely atten,le.l. To the hrtenved it. To introduce it into every home we
fancily w -P extend our genuine eympn- will sen•) a free sample to every person
thy. -Fred Menne who recently Bur- sending their name and address to Dr.
rinsed the bat bering business of Jos. T. A. Slocum, Limited, Toronto. Sold
Derstein here was married onWed nes- by all u -to -date druggists at We.
day to Miss Christina Sheppard of for Fres Sample Today.
Ailsa ('►Nig: James ilorthwick of
Thedf•'rd has p,(rchdse(1 the
ttnnr�hl.in,s. nf Mrs. T. \1 • tecu
and will take possession shot Ily.
Permanent Rests
"I i1:e1 101 e u su1T•-ring fur ut(r two
months with an obstinate cough, as had
also my little girl. We tried several
remedies common to any drug store
without obtaining any apparent re lief,
in fart we were growing worse. 1 got a
bottle of Coltsfoote Expectorant from
my druggist an 1 inside of two days the
cough was stopped, and the 115011s so
permanent turd rapid that we decided
to keep it in oar home continually.
C. A. R. :jtat ase:: Ottawa.
Coltsfoote E::pectoi..:lt is r•t•.egaized