HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 7;FINK PILLS
is\Ent) FOILV OF hl.l: el.: IIE1.Uti
1'0 '11l1ti 111.00() BUILDING
It is easy to make 1'.+ statement that
a medicine will cur., rheumo1i.in. but
the ilei untie sufferer matt hat is more
'than n • rt' .latemen4-lie need have
loth re:tsens and .ineteI. Ur. Williams'
Pink Pills cure till forms of rl:cuutatsln.
!fere i, the reason: preanal:,rn is u
'disease of lhtr blood. Every dose of
1):•. Williams' Pink Tilt; actually make
new", rich. red blood. This new blood
drives out the (oleomas acid, L,osetls
the aching joints, and rheumatism is
banished. 'Thousands have testified to
the truth of these statements. and here
es further fresh proof. MI. Ittoel \ton-
t;gny, of St. Jerome, Que., says: "For
many years I was a victim of rheuma-
tism and Was almost u cripple. My
work made it necessary for inc to be
c•n my feet a good bit of the day, but
my !initis l'came so swollen and lite
pain so agonizing that 1 was forced. to
hlou work. I tried remedy after retn-
edy, but nothing gave ale relief and 1
began to think 1 wouki never get bet.
ter. At last 1 was persuaded to try
•1)r. Williams' Pink Pills. In less than
a month 1 noted a slight change in
nt; ''.,ndilion. I continued lite fills
for three months and at the end of this
tirno the swelling had disa.ppearel;
every pail) and ache had left me and
1 felt better in every way. 1 was
completely cured and once more nblc
L. go about my work with ease. Dr.
Williams' fink Pills are. certainly
worthy of all the praise I can give
Thousands write giving just as strong
prod of the value of Dr. Williams'
Fink Pills -not only tis a cure for
rheumatism, but as a cure for all the
ailments finding their root in bad blood
Mich as anaemia, heart palpitation, iIl-
digesl'oii, kidney trouble, headache and
t'acknche, disordered nerves, etc. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are sold by meth -
rine dealer, or by mail at 50 cents a
box or six loxes for 82.50 from The
Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville,
One g.o;l thing politicians do Ls to
Lelp out the manufacturers of poor
The less a roan needs a thing the
more absolutely certain he is to want
It 13 as hard to stop a scandal as it
Is easy to get the Idling started on its
A hypocrite is a person too ooward-
1, to be perfectly candid with his fel-
low -sten.
It is strange so few other people know
e t the gmet points u man boasts of pos-
CEMENT rum! \'O('.\Nous.
Japaue'e 1►ia•oer a Use lei the esties
\\hick ltuin Tannin)! Land.
The saw ing J.I,pencee, writ, tee ferced
to play a close game with life i .,,,use
of the narrowness of their islands and
the tremendous yearly increase in the
i, t•ulat:on, have learned to lake cun-
n.ng advantage of every byproduct of
They retie the. sea beaches for sea-
weed to use a$ fertilizer and grub the
nluuntains for le ige to burn into char-
coal. Nov they are turning the nano
and tuvntblesernu volcanoes Ib ereod ; ',:
pose by manufacturing the 5ob:anic ie
Into cement. To them belorlgts the cre-
dit of discovering that the scoria that
sweeps dawn from vokmiu tents tune
scars the neighboring ceunlryside Hee
tet keel be tolerated, if it has to c. 1:;•
as an economic asset.
G. 11. Scidmore, American Consul at
Nagasaki, has reported to the Depart-
ment of Commerce anal I.abor at Wasn-
ington that u Japanese company organ-
ized to work volcanic ash into cement
had already paid a dividend of 9 per
cent. for the first half year on a capi-
tal of 201100 yen and that it had more
orders in sight than it could till. The
Mitsu Ilishi and Kawasaki dockyards,
the Iwo great privately owned dock-
yards of the empire; the Government
naval yards at Sasebo and Inc Wakn-
inatsu Iron Foundry Co,npany were all
being supplied with the new ash ce-
The Government had recently grant-
ed a contract for 60,000 bags of the
stiff !o to used in the new harbor works
al Keelung. Quantities have already
been extorted to north China, Formosa
end Corea.
Tho ash, which is obtained from two
of the great craters in the so-called Ja-
panese Alps, running through the main
island of Rondo. near the west coast,
is ground and screened at the new conl-
pany's factory. and hecauso of the na-
ture of the coinp' sit:on it needs nothing
tut water to become very good cement.
One asset the new company can count
upon -the supply of the crude mnteri-
at Ls inexhaustible, and the more That
is carted away the more Innd will be.
uncover<xI for the struggling farmer. ,
The discovery of. the now cement'
strikes one more Amcrt:an moduct from
the list of their exports tviiicll had
been nee4-ssares for Japan. The Port-
land cement manufactured in Oregon
and Washington was the only cement
in use in Japan before the keen Japs
turned the scoria into a paying pro-
iH:\ND AND Alt\1 I'ND.\NGi nED
Neglect a cut or a scratch and it may
turn to blood poisoning. Mr. Joie -ph
tolibertie et 31 Artillerie S reel, Quebec,
says: I cut one of my lingers on a
rusty piece of tin and had no idea it
would become so serious, but in two
:lays blood poison had set in and my
lingers became terribly discolored, and
my hand and arm swollen. i was
alarmed and began teeing one ointment
after another, but none relieved mc. I
tsexcing was atloid to consult a doctor when a
Truth��,*,hal to earth never rises friend advise, ale to try %am-Ruk. This
again unfit too !ate to catch the train 1 did. %am-Buk began by drawing out
the lie west out on. the inflammation and in one week the
Parented objection is what (:upld uses wound was nicely healed. 1 feel so grate-
rata0p his „teems when he wants thele fit for my speedy cure that unhestatt-
to be most effective.ingly give my testimonial to the merits
When a wonuul suggcsls something i of %nen-Ruk.
to a elan It is mighty mean in him Ul • %am•Ruk cures Cuts, Ruins. Chapped
env 110 had thought of il. ton. I (lands, Chnflngs, ('-old Sores. Itch. Clul-
'I'he genius a shut detok's to making blains, Enema. Bunning Sores, Sore tic+i
ex. -lees would, properly applied. put
kiln heyond the necessity of exeusee.
Very few men seem able to tell th.'
train when you ask them if They ha
retie •tad some certain thing to happen.
\ellen n matt achieves success every -
t► ay. else realizes hew much better they
Iheni-• Iv.'- could 0 eve done.
IlIi'1 \NI) 111All Plitt \'1'IIIN.
and Schools
Jot oar Ceiling le ideal foe cl+urch.s
Gad admit. for i
economy for its sanitary perlectwa (no
wet.. w cath digt)- for iu 6rc-prop( qualities
Above 2.0')0 modern designs is eery .tyle of
..nit art -sae -walla to twitch fa harm -'ay w,.h
interior echeoes-aJapted w any color -scheme or
uctitectural mons.. Allow us to seal you
illi haled details sad quote price*. Abdrets tag
The PEDLAR People tit]
Oshawa M�.trW Ottawa Toronto L doa Winnipeg
Twelve Countries
For progr.uorno write
F. Withrow, B.A.,
Every Woman
la Wtereatod and should know
&oust aha wond.•r•ol
The Iwo i'.st■.1 yr .&..
Beat -Yost conven-
ient. It e1.arKs
oar-. flig,l st for tl.
ZI M c.. o5 sappy the-
♦ &scoot no
stamp for
nlnsvw book -peeled. It gins
lull ata oat dlrecuooa in•
tin l M I* 1
TYL D� G.oi rayl Ago is or Windsor. a out.
D.H. B
77 King St., East - Toronto
All Ladles' and Men's Furs at Cost
orae 1• r ('41ain4.
RA w g'UIS:3
t cauda. '.1 o -.y i'f,h- t \.�,• t" vk price,. \10
pay express N•. mew., •n.
To s4'LI.
!SIRES Qui ACCid°ol Iusuroure
i Active Agents can Fern n Substan
Hal weekly Income.
write at sacs f .r p.t-ticulars.
Sant:nental Llfa YulldIrsr, -
"You admire the weather out here?"
interrogated the. old settler.
"1 admire Os nerve," whispered the
hen-pecked mutt with it quick glance over
le shoulder.
"Itis nerve/
"Yes; it disagreed with my wife."
\lother Graves' Worm Esler•Ininttor
is pleasant to take; sure iuul effectual
in destroying worms. Many have tried
d with blest results.
''o prowl•.• a restful environuunt
without snnnt• t-estt•ictiene, to en-
uble tired humanity to recuperate na.
turnlly, to secure to the average man
or woman Inc nee k i change from wor-
ry rind care, and to do these nt mo.1-
crale co•t. is the ulis.-ion of "The Wel-
land." the Milne of °Ili St. Catharines
Apply the manager. St. Cn111ari"'•-.
0.• any :\gent of Grad Trunk I; •
tray System.
A conn was recently being tried for
murder, but the evidence against him
seas so weak that the judge directed the
jury le find n verdict of "Not guilty."
and '••tiled Re court of his intention
lc slop the case.
But the yetilht:l counsel for the d''-
frn,•,' wanted the opportunity of le-
teming; fume in-:. Iii asked perutitsion
1. address, the court. Wily pi limping and whining rtout
"I r' lith \Ir ('nnlsgl..ut " remar'ie 1 ye ur estrus when n ;a cent butt's -of
Meth. Give it a trial end you will lot
telt ct it.
1 hroat, Bad Chasse Ringworm, files talc nll.)ut gin mg exp lnnn'ons tin-
or lIeerlingt), Bad Legs. Inflamed ' o you are asked for them. Apologies
Patches. l'theummotism. Neuralgia. Seta-
• .'n alb mistaken for confessions of
l„•a. Abs'essses and all Diseased, in -
lee I and irritated conditions of Inc
t' .n. (+! a!! druggists and stems. 50c..
t ..-1 i . •1 upon receipt of price. from
Tam Bu co., Toronto, 50c. a Lox, 6
Loxes F2.50.
It's easy I i be a philosopher if y ee
have a gtM,t1 ine.,nlc,
'There is Only One Eclectric Oil. -
\\"h. n 1:n article. he it nledirine or any-
thenbr else, beeoine popular, inlilat:e.'ns
invariably spring up to derive advant-
ages faun the original, which they
them -('Ives conal never win on their
own merits. Imitations of hr. Thomas'
I:•'!M•trie Oil hive been numerous. but
• r sue'essful. 'Phase who know
!unto are hot put off with a sub -
but demand Inc -eat Thing.
'I: • wart.! Le Ilial with lovers of the
stlf-:ote brand.
The Effects Produced by Witch [faro! whew
rombine•t wit:, Meath .1 a• found in "Th. It & I."
Menthol l'ia•ter are trui magical, it being a
rewire for rheumatism aur neuralgia.
''hc larger a man feels the smaller he
appetite to other linin.
� lc., ,•\\ell he:n• you with plc'- Itele wav'< Corn (:urs will remove
1 i,1 tire. fee safely: sake. we'll
e ,i . ' 11, - preene•r."
•I e. learned e• tinsel blushed.
A tvonaae never It iiI.es Ihnt it is :e• nt.
1, eel fee lean le unaet•,land wily
e. i
1 e court cer n- tot* tier to understand
elly she l.•ok Hint.
No s:Inv ln•,!her mint., vi •: ! !
tnvkd under tin, condition, of n:•
4 'rte for sifr !, v e1 hall a scents .
\\ hy. t, •, - . 1 .stir• give 1i.-
i.,.4Ano It, !
a con!,.• . ape e 1 t. : . . (1 ••i
n•.1 eui. the ,hind. 1 •1 ..I.1....•
', 'my in- . 1
(. , . 'f • - ie a in. • : , -
i I a0 all the ...are ..• , r
::t .1 '1 uP Ileal evens-. .e.: • el, 1
1' . ;' . . • es this n,e,lt • re 14, 11 r
e glint atntre of n teeter•) -
1 tent it (toes net :'.111 i-1
(41.iale (er II4 ire. 1141110
.1. F1,-4 rue titin, cure• ail
Pali ills
l I,y„ t1lTe.
tire 41•ntbly charged when
give them eket,ical treat-
the Greatest Tonic Is ••Pe►rovtns." tt is
ple.•ant In taste and e•,nt tin just IM nourish -
he'd and •trru.th sew,/ guatihe• that aro need -
tad b) tb..e who are •Ick anti weakly
1.1 ITIN'i it MI" \e\\1'f.Y.
\ 1r '. to s- 1.•c1u1•iIi
• • • . n. The yeast;
t' 1•• t end apparently
• , t u ••.I tai eh, se
t! I •
t• a
ti 1 .1.
•• 1 roe -teal to
1. \\'dit a
t' r s(' fr An
I ! li 1.-.-
• ,- .: r
tett 111' It I • •.I .,e
\ f►tl'1'I:IlENT '1'ltl'ti.
a'i,ne nls e.1 hill•• a tae4. 1.11 1 I r , .. \I:. ►;. t., t '1'.•111.1 ►rNlyg'
t ••
.• - t•nll. a tacslthy. Inngdl'tfe.tlnr,t'v t , ct.',uis:' ,;rd It.e
Gold ht• all met eiee t cn.t• Ts e r
' /t _'' . r,f- 1 r._ r.. 1b,, .
\t t - !. ...1'.0 (,,.. t \.!;^, \ 1•'161'. 1 II a In hi.ler. "Illt'rciy
1.i:.1g4 1) h.s ulcatir►c.�li.'
'.t 1 unit.
No Reasoont le new ozrect. to care neglect -
td ec•141 iu a d.y. Itut tune and Allen', Lung
balsam will overcome the cold and stave
oR cnnnumption. cough will cease and lungs W
is sound as a new dollar.
Some wives get comfort out of the
thought that their hnslsuulc are just as
pod as other men -when they are
ililiousness Burdens Life. -'The tel Gua
man is never 0 cottemnionable man
(because his ailment renders him nmo-
le,se and gk•e toy. The me plaint ly
not so dnngenous as it is d. : ,:reenhle.
Yet no one nerd suffer f1, ,1 tore
can prncule Parmele'e's Veg.' e • I
By regutnling the liver alt ••t.,:rte;
the effects of hire in tee st, ch They
restore men to cheerfulness and lull
vigor of action.
A good way for a non to make a coetn-
fortable thing is to Base n rich father.
ITCII, Mange Prairie Scratches and
every form of contagious Itch on human
La animals cured in 30 minutes by Wel-
fords Sanitary legion. It never fails.
Scid by all druggists.
7110 PUBLIC.
"Ilene Volk,!' exclaimed Perry.
Ihneugh the tele,.hene. "Is that Miss
"AL last! Tide Le Percy Plum. Do
you knew, Mir. 1'eacluetn. 1 have horn
flying for nearly an hour to get you.'
"i.a, me!!" Ilultetr:l the \lice at the
ether end of the wire. "Yeti shouldn't
Icr to .!.. alt It t ter Hi., t4!r.t-hone, Mr.
IssI E No. 4-0S.
Ilubbaads Who Complain of \2.it0.,
l:arektis Attire are 'rhemseltie
There is a great deal of fault found
with the wife who Utile to take omit~
welt her appt•aranee anti .-• , , ' • :::
of married life; and, r. i,.:. it Ls :ex
That sash u course, ►m?t• u111void,.::.c,
le highly 111iletcuus, 11 is mot ulw:tis
the wiles fault.
She does not wear unbecoming wrap-
pers because she lilies them; neither
dces sI'e don broken-down shoes leo
cnuso they are Leauliful; Were is no
delirious rapture for ler in the fact
that her hair no longer looks we'd, and
that her face is wan and huge::reelook-
The truth of the matter is that in a
great majority of eases she Ls acutely
conscious of all these defects; she re-
gards her unlovely image in the glass
and the reflection makes her most mis-
cral:c: but what is a woman to do
when there is inu••h work, little money
and hvo or three small children to take
care of?
Housework plays havoc tvittl dainty
i•.,bees; the care of a baby and be -
up several linit.s in the night ttith
at causes a woman to look hngg,u•d
and older quicker than anything else;
and one cannot rep..,r these damage:
when money is n'ne t. If plenty, and
expenses each year nuautt to a higher
end higher notch.
Many a young wife looks back to
when she was young and fair and be-
comingly attired as to some faraway
dream; but now cure and responsibil-
ity and unbending effort has beaten
down her pride, humbled her vanity•
and made her almost hopeleee of bet-
ter tittles to come.
Then. too. very ellen, if you will ob-
serve the husband who has so much
lo say about tate careless appearance
of hie wife. you will see that he is in
TIC p•silion to throw stores. Whereas,
in the days of their engagement he
was most careful of his linen, Ids shoes,
clothes nnu neckwear, when she was
tet see hien. Hort• eea'cs 10 worry about
them at all; when he gels home he
thinks it no more than right that he
should be comfortable; anything is
good enough for the wife. which is all
very \veil, as far as he gees. but he re-
sents the same attitude in her.
Anything is good enough for her, but
she should never forget that she is
tired and worn and half-dead for sleep
and that her good clothes are so few
that she must save them for church and
funerals and visiting. She should never
(ace hisi without waves in her hair,
powder on her nose and a costume ab-
solutely spick and span.
Which is all foolishness. as every
one knows; if it is up to tate wife to
hike care of her appearance around the
house it is just os much up to the hus-
band. What is sauce for the goose is
sauce for the gander.
In England, as a whole. the average
size: of hat required by corn is a 7, or
nearly 22 inches in ('ircurnfa•rence; in
Wales 6% is the average; the he "hman
overages a 7 full; while the scot's av-
erage is 7X. Tile King. for ninny years,
vivre n size 7 brat, but his size al pre-
sent is 7'X.
Useful nt ,\ '1 t.- • . 1 .n
srlfnrlirl' Pnt':u,•.,. \ • tat; 1 ,.i
tx pe with and • 1, • enc any ire .
'larilies of the die. elite organs wh;•.1,
change of diet, change of residence. 44
variation of tori: • r:•''ire may bring •
abut. They sle ...•I 1,' always kept at
ihlnth. and once the r L4 neflcint action
tx•cumes known. no one wed be with -
cut Them. ''here is nothing nauseating
in their structtM'c, and the most deli-
cate can use them confidently.
Many a elan has discovered that the
Moder of fame is very much on the order
of a greased pole.
Just a Word of mutton: Where the skin 1,1
de,tr'yed by burn or feM1.14 -, ply W
terata immediately : the sewuer rho better.
A man mutt not expect to live in
clover simply bemuse he marries a
grass widow.
Tune tries all things, and as Ri'kItee
Anti-(eonsumplive Syrup has stood the
test of years it now ranke ns a lead-
ing specific in tate treatment of all ail-
ment. of IL'e thrt•a1 nrld lungs. I1 %t'ill
soften and subdue the most ettibloti
e.,tigtl by trusting the irritation, au•1
restore the nffe:tee ergnlrs to heeltli,
Mndit. ne. Use will stow ifs value.
Try it and 1•o convinced of its efficacy.
eves; 1c n sad ease; said Use asylum
attendant, pausing before n padded cell.
'et here is no hope for the patient sshni-
etcr .,
"\\'tint's the trouble with him?" asked
the S 1siter.
"Ile thigee he understaude a ratlieatl
eine' :
Black Remark:
able for
Watch r i c h td s s
i1 -Ivor. The big black
plug chewing tobacco.
Q s �
J. C. Versus Pelletier, Dept de l':\grleulture, Ottawa, Ont., writes:
"The Rer..na is particularly eificacious in.the cure of catarrhal affections
of the lungs and bronchial tubes, and 11 is in consequence tate remedy mast
appreciated here fn Ottawa. Six bottles cured me this winter of bronchitis.
1 ani completely restored and 1 owe thanks to the Peruna. 1 have remits
mended this remedy to a large number of my friends afflicted ttlUs the same
trouble, and they have verified my good opinion of thls valuable remedy.'
CATARRII of the bronchial tubes
often very quickly becomes catarrh
of the lungs. Catarrh of the Iungs
makes the patient an easy victim to the
germs that cause tuberculosis. Sound
lungs protect themselves against (Re-
ivcase gernts.
Peruna has acquired a lasting reputa-
tion in relieving catarrh of the throat,
bronchial tubes and lungs. This should
prevent the tubercular bacilli from gain-
ing any foothold in the lungs, and: saves
the patient from Ile inevitable re- tit.
Mr. Wickliffe R. Smith, Editor of The
i'otlatch Herald. formerly Principal of
the. Schools at Cameron, Idaho, writes:
"For some time 1 suffered with ca-
tarrh of the throat and bronchial tubas.
1 tried many remedies. but could (inti
nothing that would give me relief.
"Finally 1 toed Peruna. Three bottles
cured me, male' ma sound and well. I
believe it will do as much for others
us it did for ane. 1 shall be glad to
reeomnlend it to those suffering with
Where all else falls
Kend-1Ii's Spavin Cure
(lone Spavin, Ringbone! Splint, Blood and flog Spavin, Thoroughpin,
Curb, Capped flock, especially if of long standing and obstinate -will
not yield to ordinary liniments or blisters.
KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE is an extraordinary rsensdythat gives
extraordinary results. It cures old, stubborn cares that many times
veterinaries have given up -takes away every slgu of lameness -does not
scar or kill the hair -and leaves the horse sound and smooth.
BZN►ro, Man, Sept. '06
"1 have need Kendall's Spavin Cure for ao years-.
lead it never /ailed ms own." JoUN McpcuNN&.
Write for noted book "Treat'se On The ltorse"-.c ething worth kw:eere nil
every pegs. Seat Lee. Ren.lell'a Spnrut Curt is seid by ddale,s everywh-re st
11. a bottle -6 for 15. 31
DR. B. J. KC WALL CO.. • • CNoseuno FAU.S, VE11M0)4T. U S A.
7th Ave. snit 38'h St.
• Maziwumu of Luxury at \tinfmu u Cost
A4'esslhle. Qnlet and recant Within rive
Minute,' Walk of 1hestree. Sh..ps and club,
Yew hutch (trill Rooms Largest In City.
Cable ears Pass Dote! to all ttailroade.
Eurmra.an flan. 11.50 per day without bath,
11.0 per day with 1,15. 'mites $3.50
upwards Heud for itook:ot.
NTI'.AI1't'; & Dal It, Preps
NO \IONKr1 ''Irl'
An 0 ishman 0114 flay tt,•nt ink
t'urret's she'p to get staved, AUNT '
v as scam.'d and the Iathe'r about h
npt+rd IL- earls ttas tilled to an 1. 1_
j•r,rdng{ 1 • m. Mi.:rc he was detained
1•.., s me i:rlrc.
The hailer had in the :shop a pet
tic nk••y. v. tech 5t 04 continually iml•
telesis h ' master.
ee set] ;ie 11,0 latter ket the room
lhr ro nkey se.z•.l the brush rind pro-
cetelcd to finish the son of Erin's face.
\ "• .. doing Iles he look a razor from
00 and stropped 11. and then turn-
-.,{ t.. I'd t'i %have, him.
"$htnp That." said the Inlle'r flrmly.
'Ve can tuck the towel to me nee'. i•
Nit 11,r 54•ap 4 n tele face. but. heel
rah. Jcr Latices got Ism save
Gives Perfect
I\•.' is I I 51'.\\11 this.
f . ;.i,:,t,t , :• a:tlical.• n'.:>
been ex-
• d to commercial use's by the I'•es•
Saving. flank cd the Philippines at
Manila. This batik has re•'nutiy belted
,1 .erica of .stamp deposit cards on W11 ch
ere spaces for slumps of different 5111!4-5
to 1'e affixed. When the del,.,.sidmr has
Stumps to the value of on' le•e, on the
card it is 4-\chnnged al the bank f••r n
.levo;if-liee,k showing the amount M
his credit, Opposite the lines for Hid
owner's signature and address is it
:stoner metal off for the rec4'pli•-11 of rig
thinnleprint: see that. ('54-11 if :1111, eon,
•.,s't.,ra t• • :,lily be
,d• n'tlicl.
.,.�a..t♦es.a�� w's'
ss s Use Shiloh's Curs
�� 1� st' •,r the worst cold,
the sharpest cough
-try it on a gu:u-
antee of your
money back if it
tl.lesn't act(tnlly
CURE !picket
than anything you
ever tried Safe t0
take. -nothing in
it to hurt even a
baby. 34 years 01
suc.e_1 commend
Shilol:'s Cure -
2:c., WQe.. 61. ill
and Colas