HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 5► fixeten t%te OSTAlll" $I 00 it raid in a fi tai. e, 51.60 a year .f .,ot w paid. f�.To !ratted States SubicrIbersel SO a Year Strictly 1s advance - SANDERS S l•REE''i(, I'u,,li,hers PIANOS ORGANS THE BEST • We have ever carried. Our Pianos are up to city goods in every way only price, its lower. Organs and Sewing Machines at prices that snake them sell. Stationery A most beautiful line of Station- ery, Bibles. Hymn Books, etc., at Awad Down Prices. Call and see them. S. MARTIN & SON Cook's Cotton Root Compound. Tho gieat Uterine Tonic, and only sato effectual Monthly Regulator on which women can depend. Sold in three degrees of strength -No. 1, 81: .o. 2. 10 degrees stronger $3; No. 3, for special cases, per box. Sold by all dru sta, or sent prepaid on repo pt of price. Fro pamphlet. Address: an COt1KMEDICINE CO..TOROST°.CNT. (formerlyWindaa) LEARN DRESS -MAKING BY MAIL in your spare pinto at home. or Take a Personal Course at School. To enable all to learn we teach an cash or instalment plan. We also term a personal class at school once a month. Class commencing last Tuesday of each month. These lessons teaches bow to cut, fit and put together any garment from the plainest •hirt waist suit, to the most eL•altor- ate.1. es. The n hole family can learn from •one course. .Ve have taught over s.•vro the t:s:tn.I dress -making, and guarantee t.' give lira hundred dollars to any one cannot baro between the age of a 1 au, 1 40. Vr. u camea learn dress-rnakia. :.. thoreutli as this course teaches if you woo is i,. • '.rp- f .!years, Beware ..f imit,- ti.•s :. . we employ no one outside the school. This is the only experienced Dress Cutting School in Canada and excelled by none in any ether country. Write at once for particulars, as we have cut our rate one- third for a short time. Address : - SAI(DERS' DRESS -CUTTING SCHOOL, 31 Erie ^t , Stratford, Ont , Canada. WANTED AT ONCE -We have decided to in• stnuct and employ a number of smart young ladie to tea • our course in dressmaking, having one teae thesis nearest towns where they live - age Yt Those who have worked at dresamak• ing, or' tikes drawing preferred. Please do not apply unless you can devote your whole time. Address Toa Sellout Wanted. 2 reliable Wren as agents for Exeter and surrounding country to sell our specialties. MAY NARD PLUM, F iT'Z- GEI{ALI) i'EACIH, ARCHDI'KE CHERRY, R1TMON PEAR, CUM- BERLAND RASPBERRY and a gen- eral line of fruit and ornamental trees. You can tn- ke money nut of our stock where you would fei) with common stock. \Ve ply cash weekly, supply truant free and give exclusive territory Write to PELHA M NURSERY CO., Growers of high grade nursery stock. Toronto, Ont. N.B.-Special terms to suit agents working part time. I1)tu• management trains more 4 Bookkeeper/., Stenographers and Telegraphers then any other in 1Vestern Ontario. No extra Charge tor two courses. Most eminently qualified in- structors, (iradilatPs assisted to good remit ions. Other colleges engage our grad uatesa+teachers. Individual instruction. MAIL COURSES in Maliicie Iatinn, Civil Service. Penman- ship, Shorthand. Bookkeeping. etc, Mend a postal for 1nforrna►h atom Canada's Greatest Chain ii of High tirade Huvinees Col Icon. 0 Clinton Business College 4 George Spotton, Principal. 4 Daniel E, Irby, Vice -Principal. liAUat A:aaIsarseaatmatt3taii NEI TELEPHONE DIRECTORY Toe Bell Te1eRoQe OopaO 01 Canada F iyr 'Wr Air lirAFIIP1 Enter Any Day Tumors Conquered Without Operations Unqualified Success of Compound in Cases ie atatut 10 publish n new issue of the Official Telephone 01. rectory for the District of 1Ves• tern tint►rio. including the Town of Exeter. Chenges of firm nnlne•, changes of street nddreeses, or orders for dupla cats. upli- catte entries should be handed iu nt once to Al MARCHAND, iA)('AL MANAGER Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable of Mrs. Fox and Miss Adams. One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is the conquering of woman's dread enemy, Tumor. So-called " wandering pains" inay come from its early stages, or the presence of danger may be made teeniest by ex- cessive monthly periods ar. •mlpauied by_ unusual pain extendin_e from the abdomen through the groin and thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if there are inductions of inflammation, ulceration or displacement, don't wait for time to confirm your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital operation ; secure Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corn - pound at oncce and begin its nee and write Mre. Pinkl►aiu of Lynn, Mase., for advice. Read these strong letters from grateful women who have been cured: Dear Mrs. PinkIiam:- (First Letter.) "In looking over your book I sec that your medicine cures Tumor's. 1 have been to a doctor and he tells mo 1 have a tumor. 1 will be more than grateful if you can help me as I do so dread an operation."-- Fannie h. Fox, Bradford, Pa. Dear Mrs. Pinkhani:- (Second Letter.) "I take the liberty to congratulate you on the success I have bad with your wonderful medicine. Eighteen months ago my periods stopped. Shortly after 1 felt so badly I sub- mitted to a thcrough examination by a phy- sician, and was told that 1 bad n tumor and would have to undergo an operation. " I soon after read one of your advertise- ments and decided to give Lydia E. Pink - ham' • Vegetable Compound a trial. After taking five bottles as directed, the tumor is entirely gone. I have again been examined Ly the physician and he says I have no signs of a tumor now. It has also brought my periods around once more; and I am entirely well. I shall never be without a bottle of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in the house." -Fannie D. Fox, Ilradforl, Pa. Another Case of Tumor Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Come pound. Dear Mrs. 1'inkhant :- "Abot:t three years ago I had intense pain in my stomach, with cramps and raging headaches. The doctor prescribed for me but findin" that I did not get any better he examined me and, to my surprise, declared I hail a tumor. "1 felt sure that it meant my death warrant, and was very disheartened. I spent hundred of dollars in doctoring, but the tumor kept growing, till the doctor said that nothing but an operation would save me. Fortunately I corresponded with my aunt in the New )•.n^land States, who advised me to try Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound before subntittinee to an oper- ation, and 1 at once started taking a re"alar treatment, finding to my great relief that my general health began to improve, and after three months I noticed that the tumor had reduced in size. I kept on taking the Compound, and in ten mouths it had entire- ly disappeared without an operation, and using no medicine but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and words fail to express how grateful I am for the good it has done inc.' Miss Luella Adams, Colon- nade Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Such unquestionable testimony proves the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound, and should give confi- dence and hope to every sick woman. Mrs. Pinkham invites all ailing women to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for advice. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ; a Woman's Remedy for Woman's Rise Usborne Council. The Council for 1908 met at Town- ship Ball January l3tb, uccurding to statute, and after subscribing to the required declarations ,,f efllce and qualification, proceeded to business. The following salaries were fixed for 1908 : Clerk, $100; Treasurer, $80; Assessor, $65; Collector, $60; Care- taker, $7: Auditors, $0 each; Medical Health Officer. $3 eel' day, Other members of Board of Health and Sani- tary Inspector $1.50 per day when on duty. The followingofficers were ap- pointed: Clerk, F. orley; Treasurer. Paul Coates; Assessor. R. Hunter; Col- lector, Wm. Brock; Caretaker. Thos, Veal; Auditors. E. N. Shier and Henry Strang. James Handford was reap- pointed to the Board of Ifealth for three years. W. 11. Passmore and P. McTaggart being the other mem bets of the Board. the Reeve and Clerk be- ing members ex -officio. 11. K. 11 end - 111411, M.D., was reappointed Medical Health Officer and T. Suede Sanitary Inspector. Fence Reviewers same as last year. Pounilkeepers, Fred Lux- ton. 8. Hunter, R. Keddyy, ino. West- lake. !lector Taylor, %Vtitter Hazel- wood, Thos. Cameron, John Shute. A hy•law was ordered to be drafted con- firming the above appoint merits and salaries. A grant of $5 was given to the Sick Children's ifospital. The Collector's Roll was ordered to be filed and the Collector was paid his salary. The Clerk was paid $11.211 fur registra- tion of births, marriages and deaths for 1907. Council then adj lied to meet Saturday, Feb. 1st. at 1 o'clock. F. Morley, Clerk. Clinton: Mrs. John Plewes died Tuesday at the home of her son Mr. Sharp of Watford. with whom she had been t-isiting for a few weeks. The remains were brought here for bnt•ial Thursday. She was for 1t► years n resident of thio district. Mitchell: There died at his hotne on Sunday Charters W. F. Wessman in bis 51th year. Deceased was in his usual health tip to Friday, when he complained of a pain in his head,which developed into brain fever. with the shoe tv•stilt. Ile leaves his wife, two sons and t wit daughters. Canadian Hair Restorer Before 4.46,Ater will restore gray hair to its natural color. stops falling hair. causes to grow on bald heads. ('uresdandroR Itching, scalp dlFtasoer By its We thin hair grows luxuriantly. Contains no oily or greasy Ingredients. Is entirely unlike any other hair prepara- tion ever offered for sale. A good, reliable Uanadlan preparation. I ntotlrttt•sl Testimonial.. Edith A. Burke, Missionary U. M. Church, Akhintim, Egypt, and friends, greatly pleased with results after leo years' using. 1.. A. hopes. 1Vllner, Montana. My hair end whisker+ restored to natural color. nark brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer M. °nim. Purge -swine. Ont. Cana.lien Hair Restorer is the let 1 have iter tae, .1. John O. ilalh New Abenleen. (-ape Breton. Canadian Hair Restorer ha• worked wonders. My head is nearly all covered with thick growth black hair, original color. Sold by all wholeale and retail druggist". Mailed to any address In the civilized world on receipt of price, . lc. Manufactured by Twit w►swtf CC, Windsor Ont, Canada. Chlsellt a rst Gro. Eyre is busy preparing to en- lerge his barn. -Everybody around here is talking election these day. -I1, lirintnell has closed a very successful threshing Beason. -Mrs. Harry Hor- ton is teaching Its Miss A. McGr•egor's place. The latter recently underwent a successful operation at Clinton hos-1 pital and her many friends will be pleased to learn that she is getting along nicely.- James Couch is spend- ing the winter at his home here but will return to the west in the spring. - 5. Swan who inet with an accident a few days ago by his team running away at liensall and who received a bruise on his head, is alright again. - Wood cutting is the order of the day. Kirkton John Sleamon and wife were guests of Jno. Shute and wife on Sunday. - Mt'. Cornish still continues ill. -Miss, Lizzie Switzer's many friends are, pleased to see her looking so well after her continued illness. The annual meeting of the Kirktou Agricultural Society was held in Aber- deen Hall on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The Treasurer's report showed a balance on band of $3'20. The Directcrs have under considera- tion the erection of a grand stand on their grounds before next fair day. The following officers were appointed for 1908: Pres., Samuel Doupe; 1st Vice, John Hazlewood; 2nd, Robert Berry; Directors, Geo. I3ently, Rich. Paynter, Jas. Routley. Hugh Berry, Janes Beatty, John A. Robinson, E. N. Shire, Wm. Atkinson, Augustus Brethour; Secy-Treas., Amos Doupe; Auditors, William Moore, Arthur 1i. Doupe. The fall fair will be held on Oct. 1st and 2nd. McGillivray Council Council met pursuant to statutes the following members subscribed to their declarations and qualifications of of- fice: John Robinson, Reeve: W. T. Clens, Deputy Reeve; Elmer Mut•dy, Joshua Morgan and J. J. Poore, Coun- cillors. Minutes of previous meeting read and signed. Murdy-Poore-that the following officers be appointed for the current year with salaries as set forth: J. D. Drummond, Clerk, $150; Dan. Dorman, Assessor, $90; A. F. Smith Treasurer, $100; Geo. Sanders, janitor, $15; Geo. Weidman and J. F. Laughlin, Auditors $10 each. -Carried. Several accounts were ordered to be paid. -Carried. Council adjourned to meet in the Town Hall on Tuesday. Feb. 4th at 1 p.m. J. D. Drummond. Clerk ibiP AROUND ABOUT US diudi- lg-ylk aRad alfte ilk aflk a Hullett: Jos. Vodden, son of W. Vodden while helping to cut wood the other day severely cut bis hand. Bayfield: The death occurred Mon- day at her home on the Bayfield road of Mrs. Hugh Davidson, after a long confinement through rheumatism. Her husband died about twenty years ago. She is survived by eight children. Mitchell: Monday while Mrs. 1tVtn. Coston, was doing some fixing to the clothesline, she slipped and fell and broke her left wrist. Mr. Coston has been laid up the past two months. He was caught in a cave-in and was near- ly crushed to death. Hibbert "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord." The above passage comes to mind on being apprised of the fact that Jennette Bell, dearly beloved wife of Win. Towers, of the 1•lth con., had become, through death, promoted to the higher service of the King, the change taking place on Tuesday. De- ceased was born in Scotland 80 years ago. At an early age she was united in marriage to Mr. Towers and about sixty years ago they emigrated to Can- ada, settling on the 14th concession where they have resided ever since. She was always blessed with the best'. of health and ambition and did her share of work in the pioneer days and in every time of need her hand and heart were extended to aid the less fortunate ones. About a year ago Mrs. Towers fell and broke her thigh joint, and a few days ago she suffered a stroke and since that time her life- blood has ebbed away. Besides her grief-stricken husband. a family of eleven children are left to mourn the loss of a true wife and ideal mother, who have the sympathy of the entire community, l'he funeral took place Friday to the Staffa cemetery and was well attended. Zurich Mrs. James Laidlaw, who has been visiting in this vicinity, has returned to Croswell. -E. W. Stoskopf and wife have returned to town and are now oc- cupying their neat. little home in the east end. -Mrs. D. Millar has returned to Walkerton, -Rev. F. Meyer of Mil- verton was here last week attending the funeral of the late Rev. Hatich.- Mrs. Allan and Robt. N. Douglass of Blake, who have been under the doe - toes care for the past few days, are getting along nicely. -Wes. Kibler of Listowel visited bis aunt Mrs. Charles Fritz (luring the week. -Miss Rose Sutton of Exeter visited friends here last week. -John Lancia overseer of Public Works is busy with a gang of sten building the approach to the.dock at St. Joseph. -Miss Marie !Meson of Stratford was visiting in this vicinity during the week. --11'. Jarrott and Inside ou their art ivatl at lbigden .were given a warns t eceptiou and during the evening were pretented with a beautiful Morris chair and a carving set. -Louis Durand who has been en- gaged with 1'. Lamont for the past year. has returned to his home at Drysdale. --I{, Turner of Drysdale who has been quite ill, is convalescing. -- Miss Josie Mreenan of London is visit- ing in this vicinity. --A pretty wedding took place rt few days ago when Max. Masse, son of Mrs. August. Masse of St. Joseph claimed Miss Mary, dough• ter of Charles Sereenan of Drysdale nes his bride. The knot was tied by Rev. l.oiselle. The young couple will reside at St. Joseph and to them we extend our heat tiest congratulations. -John Consitt, Sr., Hillsgreen, still continues very ill. Few Here Know This When an etninent authority an- nounced in the Scranton Pa. Times that he had found a new way to trent that dread American disease Rheuma- tism with just common every -day drugs found in any drug store,thephy- sicians were slow indeed to attach much importance to his claims. This was only is few months ago. To -day nearly every newspaper in the coun- try, even the metropolitan dailies, is announcing it and the splendid results achieved. it is s0 simple that Any one can prepare it aft home at a small cost, it is !nada' up its:follows. Get from any good preseription ltha ring cy: Fluid Extract (dandelion onv•hnlf ounce; Compound Katgon, one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla three 011 r1C0S. Mix by shaking in a bottle and take in teaspoonful doses, after each meal and at bedtin►e. These are all supple ingredients making an absolutely harmless home remedy aft little cost. Rheumatism, RA every one knows. is at symptom of deranged kidneys. It ►t 114y5.-1iiss Jeannette Scott has re - it rendition produced by the (adore of turned from at few seats' sojourn at the kidneys to properly filter or strain )tockfot I. 111. She intends spending from the blond the uric acid and other the winter here with her parents. - matter which if not eradicated either Merrill Vollaard, leacher in our school, in the urine or through the skin pores who has herr► confined to the house remains in the laurel, decomposes aid with an attack •.f chicken pox. has re- ^41110 - STATS OP Outo, CITY Or TOLeno, L.CAs COt•sTT Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the Jinn of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing bust - nese in the City of Toledo, County and State afore• said, and that said son will fay the sunt of ONE HUNDRED DOLt.AItS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my pres ence, this lith day of December, A.D. 1SSO. (S,AL) A. W.OLEASON, NOTRAT PCBL!; Ilall•s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials tree. F. J. CIIENEY &CO., Toledo, 0. sold by an Druggists, 71c. I 'a 'amid y •Pipe McGillivray Mt. Carmel and McGillivray parish- es are making arrangements to build a new Presbytery for tho priest, Father Forster, at Mt. Carmel. -Root. Hardy is quite ill, the news of which will be learned with deep regret by bis many friends. -C. Hayter is now comfort- ably settled in his now home on the 2nn con. -Miss Alberta Sherritt has gone to London where she has ac- cepted at good position in a shoe store. -The concert in connection with the McGillivray Home Circle was a grand success on Monday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Humble, who haveibeeu visiting here for some time. have returned to Edmonton. -Dr. C. M. Stewart has returned from i.ondon. Eng., where he has been during the past five and a half yenta, taking a special course in the Golden Squate Hospital on the eye, ear, nose and throat. -The annu- al meeting of the McGillivray Agri- cultural Society ass held in the Town Hall Tuesday. -Jos. Ritchie has put - chased the GO acres on the 7th con., ad- ijnnaing his own farm from Jos. Mc - Nails. of Woodbridge. Ile is having the barn on the new farm moved onto the old place. He has sold all the elm, about 311,(100, to Gillis az Son, Ailsa Craig.- -A pretty wedding took place Wednesday when A. Moore of the townline claimed Miss Martha Sellers of the 8th concession, as his bride. The young people air, well and favor- ably known in this locality and the best wishes of all are theirs for a long, happy and prosperous married life. for Hall's t constipation. Not a Miracle But Medical Science Mitchell: A sad and very unexpect- ed death took place Friday in the per- son of 1Vm. Seebach, son of Mrs. Con- ist. Mrs. McNaughton made a suit- able Seebach at the age of 18 years. j able reply. He had been ill for one week with ap- pendicitis. Stephen: at Besides his mother, two p sisters and two brothers survive. The 1 hill last week in which J. J. Hawkey funeral was held Monday and was very largely attended The numerous floral tributes were beautiful. consist- ing of anchors, crosses, pillows and wreaths. 1):. T. A. Slocum. Limited, Toronto, Out. Geutletuen:- • • Some time ago I began to lose flesh and failed every day until I had to quit work. My physicians and all tuy friends said i had coutracted consump- tion. 1 faile4 from 165 pounds down to 119. 1 was advised to go to tho Rockies or to the coast. I went to both places under heavy expense. I con• tiuued to fail, and was advised by the doctors to come home as nothing more could be done for ate. I{ope seemed to have left ire. "I tried Psychiuo and since starting its use l have gained from 119 to 141 pounds. I have used $10.00 worth of the medicine. 1 aut a well man and t zaunot say too much in praise of Psy- :bine. The strongest reeon►n►endatiou tvcuuld be weak in view of the fact that I believe it has saved my life. It is without doubt the best remedy for run-down conditions and weak lungs. "I sincerely hope and trust that you will continuo your good work of saving run down people and consumptive from the grave. Wishing you and Psychiuo zontinued success, I remain, one of Psychine's best friends." ALEX. McRAE, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. Almost every mail brings us letters like the above. Psychine will repeat this record in every ease. It is rho greatest medicine known. At all drug- gists. 50e and $1.00, or Dr. T. A. Slo- cum. Limited, Toronto. Parkhill: While taking part in a skating race on Friday evening at the rink John Buchanan had his wrist bad- ly sprained by a fall. McKillop: Mrs. Thos. Grieve. sr.• died at her home, 2nd con., on Friday. She retired that evening as usual and shortly after her daughter heard per cry but ere ebe reached her side life was nearly extinct. She lived a few hours but never gained coosciousness. She was 79 years of age. Varna: A number of friends met at the home of John McNaughton the other evening and as a token of recog- nition presented Mrs. McNaughton with a Clattering address and a hand- some mahogany music cabinet. The gift was from the congregation of St. Johns' church of which she is organ - Moray Moses Roeder has returned from a visit to Crediton.- --Andrew Moyer's many friends in this vicinity, will be Mpleased to (earn of his marriage to Miss argaret Elizabeth Tindle, the event taking place at Winnipeg. Andrew is now residing at Otterinirne, Man. -- Miss Eunice Durr is spending a few day with her aunt Mrs. James A. Ellis of the town line, who is suffering from an attack of jaundice. -Rev. Jonathan Turner, formerly of the 18th con. of McGillivray, but now pastor of the Congregational church at Almada. Mich., was recently made the recipient of it fine new cutter and a beautiful gold watch by bis congregation. --The many friends of Mrs. R. S. Alexander, (nee Miss Elizabeth Hedge') of ;Nth con. of McGillivray, will regret to learn of her death, which occurred re- cently at Stratheena, Alta. She was highly esteemed in this vicinity where her childhood days and by her death we lose a goad friend. -Mrs. Walter Hill, accompanied by her daughter. Miss Beatrice, was called to St. JO 'eph owing to the :serious illness of her niece Mies Stella Campbell.- Mrs. T. Durr atn.l children have returned to Columhiaville, Mich. --13. Sheppard, jr. is busy buying up horses. farm imple- ments. a tc., which he will take hack to his fern] at Guru, S.i-k.. in ,► few Hay Council The first meeting of Council was held Jan. 14. All were present. The following officers were appointed for 1908: Fred Hess, Sr., Clerk, salary $150; Thos. Johnson, Treas. $115; Hy. Lipphardt, Assessor, $85; Jno.Schnell, Collector, $70; Jacob Habererand Hy. Neeh, Auditors: Mrs. Ooetz.Ceretaker; A. Munn and C. Either Manitory In- spectors: Dr. Wilson, M.H.O.; P. La- mont, F. Baker, A. Case. S. Spencer, F. Hess, Sr., Board of Health. Ten- ders for the construction of B.C.B. North Drain will be received on March 4, by the Council. Council will meet again at call of Reeve. -F. Hess,Clerk. Lucan Miss Lima Abbott has been appoint- ed on the teaching stair of St. Marys public school in place of Miss 13or,who resigned through illness. Miss Abbott started on her duties last week. -The ladies of the Methodist church have every reason to feel proud of their en- tertainment last week. The proceeds amounted to $1'2•i. -Miss Mamie Wil- son is visiting her sister Mrs. John Clugston at Buffalo. --J. Hogan of Winnipeg is ienewiig acquaintances here after all absence of twelve years. Ile bits a position on the C.P.1{.-Rev. H. D. Tyler of Bryanston preached two interesting and very instructive sermons on Sunday. Itev. Holmes preached missionary sermons at Bry- anston. forma about the joints and musc•L-s. covered and hats tesntltcd his duties, causing the untold suffer ing and de. The disease has been quite prevalent for unity of Ith•vtina+tient. around hete but all seem to be improv - This prescription is said to he a splen- ing quite nicely. did healing, rle-snaing and invigorating tonin to the kidneys and gives almost St. Marys: The death nceerred at immediate relief in all forms of bladder, (iravenhurst Thursday of Miss Lizzie ate! lithoary troubles and backache. More, a former resident of town after Meld a Exeter r.y J. W. Kroening, Ile also warns people in a leading New it lengthy illness. She Is stir%aved by %V. S. Howey and 1V. S. Cole, Drug-' York paper against the discriminate one brother and a sister. The remains gists. I use of many p afoot rnedicinens were brought here for burial. seed Daniel Morrison, 11th con,. for the price of a pair of sleighs bought by the latter in the winter of 1900. The sleigh was to be paid for in wood and the defendant claimed that Mt'. Hawkey refused to accept the wood at the price originally agreed upon. Judgment was reserved. St. Marys: Mrs. W. H. Stevens died on Wednesday. She was aappauently in the best of health during the morn- ing but after dinner was taken quite ill and ere the doctor arrived she was dead. The bursting of a blood vessel is supposed to be the cause. Only five months ago site was married. and her health then was of the best. She was formerly Mrs. Harry Aisthorpe. her husband dying in 1905. She is sur- vived by her husband and a seven-year old daughter. SPRING SHOW AT CLINTON At a recent meeting of the directors of the Huron County Spring Show held at Clinton all the old officer:{ and several new ones were elected. It was decided to hold the Spring Show in Clinton, the first Thursday in April. The prize list will be huge! and bigger prizes for each class was decided upon. Judges who are experts in their class- es were chosen. :r. 11 , 99.90% Puce -That's what teak. _. St. George's Baking Powder so satisfactory. It is the purest Cream of Tartar (taking Powder that Science can niake. Send for our free Cook -Book - full of choice new recipes. National Gill Et Chemical Co. it of Canada, Limited, Montreal. Seeds of this splendid new Tomato are siren away free SEEDS FREE We want everybody interested in garden- ing to write for our Now 1908 Catalogue, which is one of the most complete seed catalogues published. To cacti inquirer we will include al'solutely free a package of seed of our splendid new tomato, "Canada's Pride," or if preferred a package of our wonderful " Canadian Gem " Turnip or " Santa Roca" Poppies. pies. Write to -day and name your choice. Darch & Hunter Seed Co., Ltd. London, Ont. 1nyl.rely who has the "determina- tion" can become a good penman if he or she will intelligct'tly follow our instructions and It -a. liar an hour or 50 a day for a flew veinths. Penmanship is . f far 1:neater im- portance than most young people realize We know ;t0 ,1 iati::rtto r,• rluaint- ance w;tl Iauai:le,S wen that there - isn't an: t' eie, that . n ,r. -r favorable impression on an employer than the neatness and legibility of nn applicant's: handwriting. Write forottr large, illustrated free catalogue. 11 explains our Business and Shorthand Courses in detail. Shoes the value of an education in a school rt ie h is a member of the Businers'r'ucators' Association. 'i he d. ..and 1.'r graduates is r ,:t r t!1 : e• . an s•11.ialy. FORE';T CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE Mew►,rs of i:.:c ne s EJ,cawrs' J. W. WESTI.RVEI.T, Associn...n Prncipal, 1,4 06.06.