HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate, 1908-01-23, Page 4OR -ER A SUIT /e( H(nU,ill Mr. and Urs. J. cMartiu'e little sou ICharlie i3 very ill at London. Mrs. Robt. Dalrymple pas tetorued to her berate in eloosejatt• owing to the illness of tier hash:Lute —Albert 1Vhiteeides has disposed of his trotting mare.-- We tare.-1Ve have ten enjoying excellent sleighing during the roe few days. but the mild weather of Tuesday took tw.ty; •onsider.thle of the show,—Po• litical meetings and the election is the order of the day in this community. - 11. Pfaff of this village has disposed of his dwelling at the west end to Miss Lizzie McAllister of Hillsgreen. 1Ve welcome her to our motet.—Miss Ella McPherson is at Falkirk visiting her sister Mrs. itobertson.—\Non. McKay and wife after a very pleasent stay in and around Ilensall have returned to their house in the .vest.---Jno Drysdale has accepted it position in London.—K. McArthur :and little daughter have re- turned to Ailsa Craig.—Iter. S. Toll has returned f.on► Essex where he was attending the funeral of his uncle the bate David Toll, who was killed in as crossing accident.—Amos \\'ildfong of Sexsinith has purchased '2.i acres on the 5th concession of Hay front Geo. McEwan of town. alt. and JIa-. \\'na. �net•ritt< visited ,I. \\ il,un term,.,• Why not stake yourself a present One That Will Look Well Wear Well and Last Well A suit of Clothes or an Overcoat would be just the thing and sntne- thing that would afford the wearer comfort as well as the pleasure of know- ing that he is well dressed. We Have the Vera Latest Clothes and Patterns. J. —Mies Peal' elitom spent the past week visiting her aunt. elle. J. (fill, at the Bend. ---\lies Jlitiy Foster vented friends at \\•.•.t McGillivray recently, —Mrs. Roete t English is confined to the house with an attack of lit grippe. —J. It. Wilson and D. M. Edwards were in Pat khill Monday. Mr. W. T. !'tens is attending County Council in 1; ,udun. CIandel)uy'e, Mims Nettie ee'alters has returned to her home in Exetet.—Miss Maggie Brown has gone to Merton to visit friends. -- \I►. Martin spent Sunday with his parents in Parkhill. -- The W. 31. S. held their regular monthly tweeting in the Methodist church Sun- day evening, which was well attended. —We are sorry to hear the child of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Neil is under the doctor's care at present, --The Rev. Mr. Holmes and Rev. Tyler exchang- ed pulpits on Sunday. Rev. Tyler preached a very pi actical sermon to a large congregation here. Rev. Volutes •^�`nm „„ ' preached anniversary sermons in Bey- " a r anston.—Mr. Frederick of Belleville has been here the past week helping CREDIT( IN S. C. Chown take stock of goods.— Miss Maggie Kennentan is the gnest 03zeter Abtiocat Sanders & Creech. Prop3. of Mrs. Cunningham at present.—Mrs. Hudgins has returned to her home e, here, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Connas of Cleveland.—Mr. and Mts. McAlpine of Ailsa Craig were the guests of Mrs. Ben Scale Tuesday.— Miss Etta Carter has returned to De- troit after spending a time with her parents here. THURSDAY, Jan. 23, 1908 NOTA' AND COMM h'lr7'S Mr, E. N. Lewis. the able member for %Vest Huron, is one of the most active mewl) es in the House of Com- mons to -day. Tho many laws 'and amendments introduced by Mr. Lewis during his parliamentary careerareof a most excellent order. His methods of thinking are good, his proposals timely and his record for the many live ques- tions he has hronght before the House marks him a most creditable represent- ative. He has now a bill before the House to amend the Immigration Act whieh is intended to check the tend- ency among foreigners to carry deadly weapons for the settlement of their differences of opinion. The bill calls for the searching of all immigrants coming into the country—to be search- ed on 1 tndiing —and the cases of any found with weapons referred to the Minister of the Interior with a view to having the armed immlgratntdeported if he he not shown to be a elan of good moral character. Mr. Lewis has also given notice of a hill to amend the provisions of the Criniin:r! Code re- specting assaults on women and child- ren. it not only provides for more adegM ire punishment of assailants of women, hot proposes for the senten- cing to death of any man who crimin- ally assaults a girl under fourteen years of age. Ile also proposes to put an export duty on pulpwood, and to refer the reforms of the Senate to the people. The ,attempt of the original promot- ers of the Sovereign Bank to revolu- tionize the whole banking system, fol. lowed by the stringency in the stoney market, has now showed the public that of all the institutions of acountry the banking institution should be probably the most conservative. The result i.i shown in the fact that this bank has been forced out of business, and has been absorbed by a number of other bloke. The branches in this vicinity have Gallen into gond hands. the Canstlian Bank of Commerce, which is one of the strongest of the Canadian hanks. It is a question whether the branches in Crediton, Dashwood and Zerich will he contin- lied as it is a matter of doubt et pres- ent in the minds of the Com:nerve in- spectors whether those hranch••- ;tit• paying. The result will be kni. a ii :.f ter the inspection is over. A poi a ,f great interest to many in this Ine •li• v is : •• 1Vtuat will the result he to the stockholders?" That question •fan only he answered after the aff the institution have been thoroeahly investigated, but present appeat.utces would indic•tte that there will be no further loss to the stockholders: rather the Indict' s are that they will re• ceive as little more than dollar for del - ler. Far(Illllilr. 13,4t (;.u.dinei, son of tVnt. (1 .' di- ner. formerly of this glare, is ti'itintr friends here. --The home of Ti.=. Al i•. t, brightened t tt t k t .' len was 1 is the arrival of at young son.—John !Rankin, sr., is suffering from rheumatism in his neck. at the 1 • of Semite.' Patss• more.—Gurdon Brown, one of the young lade who suddenly disappeared from here two or three weer'k'. ago. turned up as suddenly one d.ty last week. it ie said that he reports hav- ing been in St. Nirrys end (inelph dor• ing his eh-sentP.—Thi. tnrg was enliv- ened by two political meeting(.+ last week one for each candidates. Fait numbers were pre— •et. For that Dczndrull There is one thing that will cure it-:tycr's flair Vigor. it is a regular scalp -medicine. 1t quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears, had to disappear. A healthy scalp means a great deal 1) you --healthy hair, n.) tlan- 4 ruff,no pimples, no eruptions. The best kind of a to;ttaloned - " Sol 1 for over six q leers " la[a,f. o, : (' Ayer r', - t ...won. 7r.... /tee eseentot.rere or P S asseeanee hersCURRY PECTORAL. Ureditou Miss Mable Parker, of Port Elgin, is spending a few weeks at the home of her uncle. Ed. Short.—Large quan- tities of brick and tile have been drawn from our yards this week.—Jos. Heist sold 120,000 brick to the trustees of the Lutheran church, who -tate erecting a new church. Just now the members of the congregation are busy drawing the brick, which are of first class qu il- ity.—Fred Kerr attended the shooting tournament at Hamilton last week and as usual good luck attended him. Rev. Bean occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church in Guelph on Sun- day. In the evening 1Vtn. Lewis oc- cupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church. His discourse was listened to with great interest. --J. H. Holtzman and wife entertained the choir of the Evangelical church tit their glome on Tuesday evening,—Mrs. Geo. Hirtzel left for Detroit to consult a specialist in regard to her illness. 11 c trust that she will be successful in regaining bet• good health.—Ira Brown and Miss Elia Beaver spent Sunday in Centralia as guests of Dr. and Mrs. Orme.—We are pleased to learn from \Nilson An- derson that his brother William. who is at present confined in St. Josephs Hospital, Loudon, is doing nicely and as well as can be expected tinder the circumstances.—Ur. and Mrs. George efotz, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Motz, jr., left for their home in Nepinka. Man., TMesday after a leng- thy visit here with relatives. John JI•)tz accompanied them and will stake his future home in the West.—The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church intend giving the play "Dot, the Min- er's Daughter" in the near future. This was rendered several years ago and was a great success. it bears rep. etttion and we can promise a large audience when it is given.—J. Lewis Thomas, C.E., of London was in the village Tuesday.—Our baker Ezra Feist was uuatle to take his route west on Tuesday owing to an attack of grippe. Geo. Either delivered the staff of life and was sold out on his re- turn house. —A large number from here attended the anniversary services on Sunday and also the teat on Mon. day evening at Centralia.—The (Aber - els held a political meeting hi the Town Hall Thursday evening. The Liberal candidate M. V. elele•atn. V. IC oz. U.P., and Hon. Win. Patterson, ifar,a.-,rl ttdtle+sell the meeting. There was no opposition speawet• in attend:ince. Our people have heti topica of all kinds to interest theta the past week—railroad, politics and now the Bank. There was great sus prise among us Slatnrdey, when it was learned that the Sovereign Bank hied gone ant of existence an 1 that he Canadian Batik of Commerce had taken over the business in this neigh- borhord. At the time of writing it is still unknown if we will have at branch of the batik here. Our citiz•'tis should stand logo htt• as one stain and insist for the general welfate and busirae•ss convenience of the town, that we have a back here. If the Bank of Com- merce decides not to open up. then some other chartered batik should he induced to locate here, The change coming so quickly and unexpectedly has witted great inconvenience to our business men who have neensinn to make daily use of the bank. Our tesi- dent stock holder+) are uneasy its to .beer stocks. The depositors need hive no fear tis they are protected against all loss. W1•:pDien. —The residence of Mr. and Mr.. George Fathner was the scene of as pretty aria happy event on Thurs• (ley afternonts, Jan. 111, when their eld- est daughter, Miss Agnes, was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Sannit•1 Kuhn, one of nor prominent young sten. To the sweet strains of ie)heringrin'. wedding match, render - b, Miss 011'1. •loltzntnn, the brid- ' al pa/ t• . mere') the patlot•. The bride looked indeed the Wet nue of lovline,es in a ha10401 to wedding robe. She w.ts attended tit her enusiti Diss ida It of of London, while August E Kuhn did the duties of hest ratan. lira. E. 11. Bean pronounced the mystic and see ! emn worde that made the-ctwo hearts heat as one. When the knot was se. surety tied the bride and groom wile !nest heartily cnngrattileted after which the entire company, which only included the most intimate friends and relatives of the contracting patties. Adjourned to the upacinuedining room ire' there pat took of a most sumptu• - sort tlelieinns tee. At the cnnclns- ef thie ati inspection of the gifts . then in order which occupied its, ch time and if these tokens testify ' to the g'opngarityp of the bride she is eetreinlr most highly esteemed and beloved. Mr. and Mrs. Kuhn will re- side in town and as they embark on the mslse atrim'nta may they Snag it re :weand prnapernee t hit h.'irag 1he l yin.e i.h of the entire conineinity. Wine!lelsea Frank Durdle and wife left Thurs' day to visit the forwei's cousin in Eckford.—John Fletcher spent last week in (ioderich on the jury.—David Miller returned Sunday after a pleas- ant visit witlt his daughter in Han- somville, N. \'„ and his brother, of Rochester. N. V.—Several from here attended the tea at Centralia Monday evening and report a pleasant time.— Miss Ettie Fletcher of Kirkton was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. D. Gould- ing,partof last week.—Miss ('ora Straf- ford of Crosswell, Mich., left Monday for her home after a week's visit with Mrs. D. Goulding.—The homes of Thos. Bell and 0. Medd were brightened by the arrival of young daughters on the 18th.—The boys of the Thames Road school carne here and played our school boys a friendly game of foot- ball, resulting in a victory for the vis- itors by a score of 3-2.—Weeley Hey- wood has the material on the ground for remodelling his barn in the spring. Centralia \? ELSON E. HICKS—Voice Production and Sing- ing—Pupil of London Conservatory of Music, IL Ruthven McDonald. Charles white, London, Eng. Ernest Fardley, London, Eng. A limited number of pupils will be accepted The anniveasary of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church was held on Sunday and Monday last. Rev. W. H. Butt conducted the services on Sun- day. The song sermon in the evening was something new and novel, and yet withal interesting and impressive. l'he church was packed to the doors and the singing of the choir except- ionally tine. An old-fashioned ten meeting was held on Monday evening and was largely attended, the weather being ideal. The provisions were very abundant and the very best that the culinary art could afford. The pro• grunt was one of the finest ever given. The home talent, which is of the best, consisted of Messrs. Nelson and An- drew Ificks, Andrew Butt, Mrs. Nel- son Hicks, Misses Lilly Elliott, Laura Butt and Fleda Baker. The principal attraction of the evening was Miss L. \Vhite. tt pop. lar violinist, and a mem- ber of Dr. Torrington's Orchestra. 'To- tmnto. Her selections were simply superb and the audience went wild with enthusiasm over the thrilling music that floated out from that beau- tiful instrument, tnanipulated by a master hand. efiss 1V bite is an artist of rare mueicael ability, and she will always be welcomed back. Mr. Brown of Exeter proved himself to le a clever accompanist on the piano. Shot t, spicy, practical speeches were deliver- ed by Itevs. J. E. Holmes, A. 11. Going end J. W. Andrew. The pastor, Rev. W. 11. Butt. occupied the chair and the hest of order prevailed. The pro- ceeds are somewhere in the neighbor- hood of $70.—Mr. le. Lewis of London is visiting his daughter. Mrs. T. Neil. —Miss Katie Elliott. our popular elo• cntionist, is Tying ill itt Victoria ilos- pitaal. 1.ondon. - Edgar Butt of Kippers 'petit M t Snday with his cousin, Andrew !inti. --Urs. Stewart and Nits. Heitman of Exeter were guests of Mrs. D. L. O'Brien on Thursday last. DiSeliWOMit Miss Allen of .'rotuxrty is at pt teen! visiting at the twine of Mt. and Mr:. Jog. Routledge, -Several of the fait h• fill bele attended it political meeting in Exeter on elonday evening, n•hieh WWI he'll in the interest of Mr. M. Y. Mclean. --The leo heron people here r .•'fornew �• c• brick the n hu. drawing I k s are ) !` church which will to !milt the corning summer.—Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Fits - sold were in Zurich on'I'uesday. Rev. A. D. (liechter of Zerich is this week assisting Rev. L. K. Eidt with the le• viva! meetings here.— 31r. A. i'. Shelt- ler and his brother Jacobs who hate been visiting here for some time, left on Toesd'►y for their western home.— Miss Calle-title t i,tkhiner, who has been ill for some time, it, we acre glad to nate. much itepr•red and we hope soon to see her around again /IS before. DReett.—This week we rerotel the dearth of Urs. Hang. Sr., which gad event o,clirred on leiestley morning last after is short illness of pneuiut tris. She had trached it gust age. toeing nearly 80. A Targe. grown up family of three song and seven daught"i5 are It ft to mourn the loss of at kind end Affect {ntlai!e. rant het . Het• remains were lapid to rest on Friday efternonn iu the Goshen i.irn' reneger y, Rev.. Valuable I. K. Eult officiating. We extend to the sorrowing lines the sympathy 01 "i have used yo:lr colt/docile Expec- this entire community• torant and find it satisfactory in mixes - . of croup. coLIS of cough". i have use•1 8, Huron Agricultural Meeting. it ever since 1 gat n trial bottle, and g , have recommended it to e-eryaerte in The annual meeting of the !:Huth' neer! of it. Von may use my name and wag held address for testimonials if you wish. Huron Agricultural Society in Btucefleld on Monday afternoon !loping it will benefit others as it has Last. The purpose of the tneeting wax done my children, i remain, to elect nitt.•ers and traneact other' M1*4 A(iYFS COMBER." business which was ref lint slight int. 1069 Frances St., London, Ont. portance, The following will consti• ('nitsfonte Expectorant is the great - Otte the Board of Dite,•tnrs for the Pet cough and throat cure in the world. coming year: President, Thos. Frazer; It is the preaerig+tion of a renowned 1"t Vice-Pies.,.T a". P.attertan: 2nd specialist. In order that every family Vice•L'req., W. D. Sanders: Director", may prove its unparalleled merits we Ed. ('htiatie, Wm. Bert v, 11'ni. Dick• , will send a sample bottle free to every - sen. John Murdock, W. Munl1ek, one who sends WI their name and ad - Thug. Rnggell, Henry Smith. David 'dress and mentions this paper. Can bo �tr1ntogh, i'et.'r Ma Leger; Vonto ary had at all druggists at 25c. Send your directors. John Ketchen, It. Charter++, name today to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., It. Mt('Artney: Auditors. John Melte Toronto. tush, A. T. Scott. Bend for Free Sample To -day. X00 C) n.ffTI PERFErTI.ON .R ,i. me=